This page contains 1,197 written comments by the public on the Queens Bus Network Redesign that were submitted to the MTA between March 29 and June 22, 2022. These comments were made available by the MTA under New York's Freedom of Information Law.
Please note that these comments were for the 2nd draft plan; the MTA released a new plan in December 2023. Nonetheless, these comments are useful for understanding the needs of the ridership.
Please note that these comments were for the 2nd draft plan; the MTA released a new plan in December 2023. Nonetheless, these comments are useful for understanding the needs of the ridership.
3/29/2022, 12:12 AM — where can I see the 2022 queens bus line revised draft
3/29/2022, 1:16 AM — I appreciate the increased frequency on the Q54 bus although 15 minute service would be better on weekends, especially during the day. That route could be improved by keeping it on Metropolitan Ave through St. John's cemetery instead of turning down 80th St. and Cooper Ave which tends to add a lot of delays (turning a bus always seems to take a long time).
For the Q59 service, while it does make sense to have it start at the Williamsburg Bridge bus plaza and would quicken trips on that route it does reduce the service available along the Williamsburg waterfront which is chronically undeserved by the bus network. It's mentioned that would be mitigated by the Brooklyn Bus redesign. The Brooklyn bus redesign should be shared in the meantime and the western routing of the Q54 service should not change until the Brooklyn redesign is implemented as well.
3/29/2022, 2:50 AM — Overall this is a much better plan than the previous version. I still am disappointed that I won't be able to get to Kaufman Astoria Theater and the Museum of the Moving Image on the Q66 (Northern Blvd West). In Jackson Heights too many bus stops are being removed - particularly on the Q33 and Q49 - these are operating on neighborhood streets where people are using these routes for neighborhood movements so wholesale removal of stops will cause problems - it may make more sense to re-balance bus stops by going to every 3 blocks even instead. On north/south streets removal of bus stops won't save much time and cause excessive walking distances due to passenger volumes and signal timings. Two of the stops eliminated on the Q49 will greatly reduce utility of the route and from observed passenger usage makes no sense (89 Street/90 Street at 34 Avenue and 74 Street/75 Street at 37 Avenue). Often times during the peak period I see leave-behinds on the Q72 (Junction Blvd) so I am a little bit shocked and disappointed that more frequent service is not proposed.
3/29/2022, 3:32 AM — Hello! The new plans as they pertain to my neighborhood (Jackson Heights) look like a great step in the right direction, especially the redesign of the Q49 route. Thanks!
3/29/2022, 4:40 AM — Do not reroute any of the QM2, QM20, or QM32 to the Long Island Expressway during the PM rush hour, it will just make the runtimes longer due to significant traffic, I'm sure the point of this redesign is also to save money by cutting down runs with low ridership.
3/29/2022, 5:24 AM — As a rider of the QM2 on the weekends, the wait time would be a lot longer than now and an inconvenience for weekend commuters. I also feel that sending express buses over the Queensboro Bridge still not as fast as sending vehicles through the Midtown Tunnel as well. There is always a lot of traffic and congestion on Borden Avenue while on the approach to the Long Island Expressway.
3/29/2022, 6:19 AM — we need add more bus routes.. to reach every corner of NYC... w early times.. cause subway couldn t reach anymore... sample from queens elmhurst to sheephead bay or connect island. etc...
and better pass by train station's... ...
it will raise business back to normal... public back to use MTA..
there is location couldn't reach by train only...
3/29/2022, 6:21 AM — Hi. Much better! Thank You so much for finding a way to get me and others on the Q65 a little further north up 162nd St to transfer to/from the Q12/13/28 at Sanford and Northern while still getting others to Main St. Also, thank you so very much for keeping the 164 St/Highland Av stop on the Q65 and Homelawn St/Highland Av stop on the Q31 in both directions. They were very much needed as there are many residents like myself who live in houses and apartment buildings along [REDACTED] the steep hill who benefit from those stops daily. Thank You for keeping 24/7 service and keeping both the Parsons Blvd (F) and Jamaica Center (E)(J)(Z) stations served on the Q65. Thank You for straightening the Q31 up Utopia Pkwy the full length and adding frequently and extended service hours on it as well. Only one issue, the Q65 should remain and terminate at the Jamaica LIRR station at Sutphin Bl/94 Av as it does now. Without it, commuters like myself wouldn't be able to get to/from the many lines serviced by LIRR at Jamaica Station as well as the AirTrain to JFK Airport as we do now. Thank You!
3/29/2022, 6:34 AM — I used to think the q30 to/from Little Neck was the most unreliable and infrequiently run bus (especially for the afternoon commute home). Little did I know things were about to get so much worse. Apparently I took for granted taking one bus to the F in Jamaica and getting on an express train that will take me directly to my office's stop. Under your proposed removal of the ONLY bus route that stops within one mile of my home, I now have to take a new route Q88, nearly twice as long distance on the road to Rego Park, where I will have to take a local train then change to the F, the train I need to get to my office. My usual 1 1/2 hour( which is ridiciulous to begin with) commute is undoubtably INCREASED in time. Not only will I spend longer on the bus itself (longer route also means more crowded bus!), I have to take two subway lines, transfering at Roosevelt Ave, one of the busiest stops. I cannot fathom how I would be able to survive this if I had to return to the office 5 days a week. I really hope this takes YEARS to implement so I have time to MOVE because I cannot rely on this new bus route. This change has 100% made my future commute worse, which is pretty incrdible you managed to do considering it currently clocks in at 1 1/2 hours on a GOOD day. The MTA is already one of the biggest sucks on my quality of life and this has just made things incredibly worse. Your redesign should focus on areas that are a subway desert and focus on improving those communites commutes. We have no other options than taking the bus. Focus on improving our lives, not people who don't need to take the bus when they have better and more reliable options.
3/29/2022, 6:40 AM — Hi. Thank you so very much for keeping the current Q43 routing the way it is from Jamaica LIRR Station to 268th St. Love the extension to LIJ Hospital too! Thank you also for adding a second route (new Q45) along w/ the Q43 as well on Hillside west of Merrick Blvd to the Jamaica LIRR Station. I also like the rush portion from 169 St to Springfield Blvd as the local can be serviced by the Q1. One problem is the elimination of some stops on Hillside west of 169th St (example: 163/164 Sts, 165/166 Sts). Please have the Q43 and new Q45 service those stops as the 163rd St eastbound and 164th St westbound stops are used by multiple people like myself as 164th St is a major street north of Hillside, and people also transfer from the Q43 to the Q65 at that stop instead of having to go to Parsons. The QM68 (former X68) should also serve the 163/164 St stops as well because as I said before, 164th is a major street and there is no (F) stop there that would duplicate service with the QM68. Thank You.
3/29/2022, 7:15 AM — Please, please either DO NOT end the QM3 or have another Express bus travel to/from Northern Boulevard in Flushing.
In this time of Covid, I am sure others besides me are not comfortable taking rush hour 7 trains.
We met and discussed this preCovid--I thought we made some headway convincing those in power that the QM3 is important to us.
As of now, there are NO QM3 midday buses or weekend buses. Why can't you continue the limited run (3 to Manhattan and 3 back home)?
Thank you----by the way, please let me know when the meeting/s will be and I will try to attend.
3/29/2022, 7:49 AM — This is a step in the right direction. Bus routes close to me is Q43 and Q46. Along with Q27 and Q1.
I believe reducing peak and off peak frequency is not the way to go. Maintaining a 6-8min frequency during peak and 10 min headways during off peak is crucial. According to the new plan off peak frequency will be maintained throughout the night and early morning hours. I don't know if I read that right. But that should be the way.
Proposed Q45 headways will not be sufficient. It's a direct route to LIRR and that should mean a minimum of 10 minute headways during peak and 15 min during off peak.
Proposed Q26 is excellent. Great headways throughout the week.
Are there any buses stopping at Queens Village LIRR?
I would also hope that priority corridors get Bus lane ( preferably center running bus lane) with enforcement and concrete protection along with bus shelters at all stops.
3/29/2022, 8:16 AM — I'm sad that the Q19 will no longer go from Astoria Blvd onto Northern Blvd and instead will dip down to Roosevelt and then continue to Main St. This will unfortunately change my commute. The Q19 is the only bus we have that goes from Astoria to Flushing directly and serves many people in East Elmhurst (a subway desert). The detour in the route will delay a lot of people's arrival times. Many, many people get off at the Northern Blvd + Main St stop, which will no longer exist.
I work at [REDACTED], on [REDACTED], and a number of students who live in [REDACTED] commute every day via the Q19 to [REDACTED]. Their commute is arduous enough as it is, and changing the route will make it even longer.
I hope you consider keeping the Q19 as it is!
3/29/2022, 8:20 AM — Q18 Bus Route - As many elderly and people with mobility issues ride the Q18, I feel that there should be a stop on both sides of 65th Place and Queens Blvd. Requiring someone especially the elderly and those with mobility issues to cross Queens Blvd to be able to board the bus could be dangerous. The only other option you provide is having them walk to 50th Avenue and 65th Place which isn’t a feasible option.
3/29/2022, 8:42 AM — Please consider adding an SBS bus service linking the Hunter's Point neighborhood of Long Island City to Midtown Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel. This rapidly growing neighborhood is served by one subway stop (Vernon/Jackson) on the #7 subway line, which has no elevator or escalator. It's inaccessible to those with mobility issues & difficult to navigate for parents with strollers.
Other more established neighborhoods, such as Jackson Heights, have had bus service into Manhattan for years. Long Island City desperately needs bus service.
Thank you.
3/29/2022, 8:59 AM — I like some of the proposals, however the Q78 should be combined with the Q61 to provide a subway connection to Flushing an return via Willets Point Blvd, Bell Blvd, Springfield Blvd to Springfield Gardens.
I am however opposed to combining the Q10 and Q64. I would rather see the Q10 combined with the Q72 to provide a JFK-LGA route.
3/29/2022, 9:07 AM — I get the idea of less bunching of buses which is a daily problem of many lines .I feel skipped stops is a mistake because people will be bunched up at the next available stop. Why not put more bus lanes on the roadways? Add traffic agent’s to give tickets for double parking that slow down the buses.
3/29/2022, 9:52 AM — This is pure stupidity. Nothing about this makes sense. These routes ha e worked this way since their inception why change it? Now because of some genius idea instead of taking one bus from the train to my home and maybe a 25 minute trip now will take upwards of an hour and I will have to transfer to two buses ? Does that make sense to you? Does that seem logical ? Does that seem more efficient ? What is wrong with you people. ? If it ain’t broke don’t fix it leave my bud alone. I already live in a transit desert where service sucks I’m referring specifically to the Q16 to Main Street. And also the QM 20 and QM2 Express buses you are gutting the MTA is a disgrace
3/29/2022, 10:14 AM — Please have either the Q25 or Q65 continue to serve Jamaica LIRR. Maybe have one or both take Hillside Av, then Sutphin Blvd, and Archer Ave maintain that connection.
3/29/2022, 10:18 AM — Hi,
As a Long Island City resident, I was disappointed to review the new Bus Redesign proposal. I am all for making the buses move faster, and a dedicated bus line is a great idea. But taking away both the Q69 and the Q66 will leave my neighborhood devoid of much of its bus service. Many senior citizens live in my building, and they rely on these two lines to connect them with the F, N, W and 7 Trains. I hope you reconsider this decision.
Thank you
3/29/2022, 10:29 AM — I would like to comment that speeding travel time is very important, as the report mentions. I would suggest that fare collection be made as fast as possible. Possible steps could include off-bus collection (like Select Service), and faster fareboxes that would allow a quick tap or coin deposit.
Also, buses should have traffic signal pre-emption. Bus stops should be near side so that passengers could board at the red light. At present, a bus stops for a red light, crosses the intersection, and stops again for passengers; this is wasteful.
3/29/2022, 10:44 AM — Hello! I really appreciate the changes proposed, especially the Q44 extension to Fordham Plaza. I feel there is a bit of a missed opportunity in having potential bus routes between Queens and the Bronx, particularly via the RFK bridges. I feel there could be a significant benefit in having an easier connection between, for example, the South Bronx and Astoria that didn't require going through Manhattan.
3/29/2022, 10:45 AM — I've been a Kew Gardens Hills resident all my life, I remember back in June 2010, when the Q74 along with many other bus routes were discontinued. After seeing the draft plan released in 2019, I was thrilled that they finally are bringing back the Q74 route, (QT86) with a new routing, that will probably serve more purpose than before. The buses in the AM and PM rushes are probably some of the most crowded in eastern Queens. After reading this new plan, I was hoping to see the Q74 come back, but as I go through it, there's nothing about it in the new draft. I'm appalled by it, especially since a lot of people in this area get on the current Q46 bus. I like the plan that was happening for Kew Gardens Hills, but would've wished for the return of a major part in most Kew Garden Hills residents commutes.
Thank you.
3/29/2022, 10:46 AM — I love many of the changes in the new draft plan. I support the retention of the Q53 to the Rockaways, and Q49 in Jackson Heights.
Additionally, the proposal to route the Q66 straight down Northern Blvd would likely encourage me to take the Q66 instead of walking to the 7 when traveling to LIC. Maybe more competitive option. This is an improvement over the previous plan. I hope these changes go through!
3/29/2022, 11:11 AM — Hi, I live in Whitestone between Francis Lewis Blvd and Utopia Pkwy, and am currently served by both branches of the current Q16 bus. I am happy to see that the new draft of the bus network redesign maintains service between this area and Flushing Main St, whereas the original draft proposed complete replacement with a north/south route to Jamaica which would not have reflected actual commuting patterns. Overall I see a lot of systemwide improvements between the original and current drafts and appreciate all of you actually taking into account the public's feedback from the first round. (As someone who works on public transportation routing myself I know this is no easy task!)
In the latest draft, the Q16 will be cut back to no longer serve my neighborhood and will be replaced by the Q61 and Q62 rush services. I think these proposed routes are quite interesting and have some merit to them, including the express segments closer to Flushing, however I am very concerned by the overall reduction in frequency from the current Q16 service especially on the weekends when the Q61 would not operate and the Q62 would operate only hourly on Sundays. For the residents of my neighborhood, service frequency is much more important than speed of service - if you can catch a bus to Flushing 4 times an hour, or only twice an hour but save three minutes each time, there is a reduction in accessibility and convenience for riders. As proposed right now, the efficiency gained from the improved routings are not returned to riders in the form of improved service as promised - instead we would be getting a disguised service cut.
Service frequency and efficiency are the main drivers of public transportation use. The current Q16 route has very solid ridership throughout day, all week long, and I fear the new changes will discourage riders from using public transportation in favor of private cars especially on the weekend when hourly bus service is a completely inadequate way to get home from the subway. Take a ride on the Q16 and you'll notice that ridership consists largely of the elderly, schoolkids, and other underserved populations that don't have access to private vehicles and depend on the Q16 as a lifeline.
When performing your final review of the bus network redesign, please reconsider the reduction of service to Whitestone and see if the current, full-length simplified Q16 can make the cut.
Sincere thanks for responding to feedback and for the impressive work that has gone into this so far!
3/29/2022, 11:23 AM — Please send me updates regarding the QM10 Lefrak city express line. I have been a rider for 30 plus years. It is crucial it remains running on 57th avenue /junction BLVD stop
3/29/2022, 11:39 AM — Also, please reinstate the QM2 downtown plan from the previous draft plan. Trying to get to 2 Broadway in one shot.
3/29/2022, 11:48 AM — I'm interested in the #104 Queens route bus.
When will the Q102 be replaced by the Q104.
3/29/2022, 12:05 PM — Please please do not take away the route on the Q10 that goes to 130th. These bus stops serve so many people in the community and you would be doing a disservice to this area by removing that route. You would essentially be turning it into a 2 fare route (for people who are already struggling to make ends meet) to get into work in many places by doing this. Please reconsider this change.
3/29/2022, 12:15 PM — Firstly, the new route proposals such as the buses replacing the Q29 does not make any sense regarding how another route would just take its place but extended what should have been done is extend the Q29 further not by discontinuing the route, the route itself is useful and has a lot of ridership.
3/29/2022, 12:53 PM — I have to sit down and read this proposal more throughly but my 1st impression is that the MTA did NOT listen to any of us from NE Queens!!! I was very vocal at the meeting that was held a few years ago on the 1st proposal & I have responded to all MTA surveys sent to me. This plan will bring about less reliable service, not better service!!!
Gov Hochul and Mayor Adams keep pushing for companies to reopen and want less of us to continue to regularly WFH. With all the violent crime in the city and on subways and with this poorly thought out bus design more and more people will move out of NYC!
The wait times between buses is increasing during weekday commutes!! How can we get to work on time?? Right now I get mta texts about weekday buses being cancelled on a regular basis! QM7 which is part of NE Queens making stops in Forest Hills too with the proposal! Who came up with that idea? We want better commutes and not worse!!!
Even Longer wait times for buses on weekends!!!
No more super express buses?!? Why don’t I see them?
All of this is unacceptable. The express buses are how we get in and out of the city for work, doctor appointments, theatre, etc…. We are in a transportation desert!
3/29/2022, 2:43 PM — Dear MTA!
I live in Hungary, I have been a bus driver for almost 20 years. I have received a diploma for accident-free traffic several times. I want to live in New York City. I would like to work as a bus driver at the [REDACTED]. Please help me with this matter where I can apply. Thanks for the help! Sincerely! [REDACTED]
3/29/2022, 2:48 PM — Dear Metropolitan Transportation Authority!
I live in Hungary, I have been a bus driver for almost 20 years. I have received a diploma for accident-free traffic several times. I want to live in New York City. I would like to work as a bus driver at the. Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Please help me with this matter where I can apply. Thanks for the help!
Sincerely! [REDACTED]
3/29/2022, 8:29 PM — I think it’s needed since the traffic is so bad often times I can beat the bus into Flushing by walking.
3/29/2022, 9:26 PM — Can the Q78 extend to the Bronx via Throgs Neck Bridge and terminate at Westchester Square?
Can the Q40 LTD extend to Flushing via Q65 and let Q65 service Beechurst like the prior Queens Bus Redesign?
Can the Q115 extend to Flushing with the Q25 so Kissena and Parsons has 4 minute headways during Off Peak Hours?
Can the Q20 extend with the Q60 to 40 Projects?
Can the Q24 and Q42 consolidate so that the Q24 doesn't duplicate the Q56?
Can the Q55 extend to USB Arena helping out the Q57, and the Q82 terminate at Queens Village LIRR (route like current Q36)?
Can we speed up the Q46 LTD and Q48 LTD by extending the Q8 via the Q75 and Q46/Q48 to 260th Street and Union Tpke?
Can the B54 from Brooklyn extend to Forest Hills?
Can the Q7 get 2 branches with the Green Acres via Rochdale Branch labeled Q6 and the Laurelton Branch (replacing the former Q5AS or Q5ALS along 225th Street) labeled Q7A? This means the Q85 is cut back to Springfield and 145th Road.
Can the Q28 LTD extend to Queens Center via Q58 restoring the Corona Ave LTD?
Can the Q75 extend with the Q88 to Little Neck?
We also need Bronx routes via RFK Bridge including Bx41 SBS to LaGuardia Airport, so that the IBX is connected.
Can we extend the B48 from Brooklyn to Northern Blvd and Broadway via the prior QT2 and QT75 proposed routes?
Can the Q49 extend to Woodside LIRR?
Can the Proposed Q68 merge into the Q33 as Williamsburg to East Elmhurst?
3/29/2022, 9:54 PM — I agree with the Q16 opinions, they should repurpose the buses from Q62 to other needed areas in NE Queens - just let Q16 continue serving Ft Totten up Utopia. Q62 seems oddly redundant...
Q19 is a strange line... I feel like it should be more limited service like instead of local. That cross town route connects two major neighborhoods.
Q44 going to Fordham is nice but that area is always congested with double parking and traffic - probably going to cause the whole service to suffer with delays. That area needs a busway or center running bus lanes. It is still an important artery for car traffic, unfortunately.
Q50 Co-op loopy seem so inefficient but I understand bus service should have priority for one seat rides for elderly and limited mobility folks. Thinking a circulator type route for the Co-op area seems like a better idea.
Having Q16, 61, 62, and 28 turning into Union St is always problematic - it needs some transit priority. The buses gets bogged down with traffic significantly and the police station there think they can park their cars anywhere and everywhere.
Having the Q31 straightened out as N/S service is nice.
Possibly unpopular opinion? Bus service should be free on weekends or at least Sunday. They should try a one month pilot and see if economic activity picks up in local businesses and downtowns.
3/29/2022, 10:29 PM — First of what will likely be many comments. Generally speaking - what's still missing from this plan is a really new way of thinking. Circulating smaller buses to deal with distances to central lines in residential areas would make a lot more sense than full size buses in many cases.
And, you cannot expect any reasonable comments from neighborhoods that have buses out of Brooklyn left out of this discussion. For instance, the B13 and B20 spend a fair amount of time in Queens - without knowing what's happening with them, any comments on buses in those parts of Queens are meaningless. Brooklyn and Queens MUST be done together.
3/29/2022, 10:40 PM — Please keep the Westbound HILLSIDE AV/243 ST Q43 bus stop. The next stop is across a Gas Station which is highly used by cars coming off the Cross Island Parkway and by having this stop it will prevent unnecessary danger to teenagers and senior citizens that live in the area.
3/29/2022, 10:43 PM — Second general comment. Although pitched as a ground up rethinking of the bus system, it appears that existing bus stops were either retained or eliminated. In some cases, maybe it makes sense to relocate one stop, while eliminating another. But, the rethinking didn't seem to go to that level. Would likely eliminate some of those excessively long walks for riders.
3/29/2022, 11:02 PM — I have looked at the new Draft plan. It is better than the previous plan but there are still some things that need to be addressed. The Q39 is now ending and starting at 69 Street and Grand Avenue with the Q18. There is barely enough of room in that area for the Q18 now in terms of parking and layover space for buses. A lot of school kids in the Ridgewood area take the Q39 to get to schools in the Sunnyside, Maspeth and Long Island City area plus there a number of people in that area that take the Q39 to get to LaGuardia Community College. The Q67 is now covering the Ridgewood area that the Q39 use to cover but the Q67 is still taking the same route to Queens Plaza without covering those schools and the college. People/students going to those schools and the college would now need to transfer at Laurel Hill Blvd to the Q39. Laurel Hill Blvd is not a good place for this amount of people just to transfer to one bus. Also, the Q67 is now going to be a "rush" route what stops will it skip exactly? It is not listed in the route description. The frequencies for the new Q67 do not look good for the rush hour. A lot of school kids and people take the Q39 now to get to the schools and the subway trains in the Long Island City area. With a 5 minute interval on the Q39 now in the morning the buses are still packed. Also, people in the 69 Street and Grand Avenue area do not really need a bus like the new Q39 since they can simply take the Q18 to get to the subway stations (and LIRR) in Woodside. Also, the Q39 is going to be combined with the Q103. This will probably not work since the ridership on Vernon Blvd (even though it has increased) is not enough for a route like the Q39 to cover this area. Keep in mind the traffic on Van Dam Street is a nightmare and the Q39 will always be very late covering Vernon Blvd. A route like the Q103 should still remain separate or possibly be combined with a route going to Williamsburg/Greenpoint Brooklyn. I noticed the Q69 is no longer covering Queens Plaza. There are still quite of bit of people in the Q69 area in Astoria that take this route to the Queens Plaza area. I noticed the B57 has been shortened in Brooklyn, however, it has been lengthen in Queens to cover 69 Street and end near the 74 Street terminal. The B57 is too long as it is. There is a lot of traffic on that route throughout Flushing Avenue and Downtown Brooklyn. There is limited room near the 74 Street terminal area to have the route terminal there. The Q52/Q53 SBS is not covering the LIRR terminal at Woodside anymore. This route(s) should continue covering this since there are a number of people in that area that rely on Q52/Q53 SBS. I'm concerned about the Q14. The Q14 is going to be plagued with delays due to traffic traveling up the old Q23 route in Corona and on top of that the traffic in the Queens Blvd area near 57 Street. The Q104 going to Roosevelt Island might be challenging since there is so much traffic on Broadway. The Q104 should have been left alone. For the new B53 and Q68 there is limited amount of room for layover and parking near the Queens terminal stop near 48 Street. The Q10 and the Q64 should not be combined. Those are two different routes with two different purposes. A busy Airport route should not be combined with a small but very busy route that connects to an important subway line, also the demographics differ from those two routes. Extending the new Q23 to 188 Street is going to be problematic because it will be a long route plus the traffic 108 Street is not going to keep the route on-time. The new Q73 looks good, that might work. The Q68 (the old Q101) should still go to Manhattan since there are still people in Astoria that prefer a bus over a train going into the city. The Q63 is questionable because there is a limited amount of room to terminate a route in the Broadway/Queens Blvd/Grand Ave area plus there is already a local train that goes to Queens Plaza and a rout
3/29/2022, 11:05 PM — Some poor choices on stops to be eliminated:
Q10: Remaining stops along a portion of Lefferts are Metropolitan Ave and 85th Avenue, which means a long block south of the current stop at 84th Avenue, which has a K-12 Yeshiva school and Atria retirement, a tall apartment building, 2 short blocks west at 117th Street. So they would have to walk double the distance to use the Q10.
Q56: Removing 2 consecutive stops at Woodhaven Blvd East AND 94th Street making one walk to 96th Street or
go west and cross Woodhaven Blvd, which is not very safe to do. 94th/95th Street is also where there are stairs to the el's Wodhaven Blvd station east entrance.
3/29/2022, 11:05 PM — Queens bus service is horrendous. It is slow and unreliable. The Q34 needs to run on weekends. It makes absolutely no sense that it only runs during the week. Weekend service also needs to be increased.
3/29/2022, 11:18 PM — In regards to the Q61 proposal westbound. Please don’t add bus stops so close together. Specifically the proposed WILLETS PT BL/17 AV & WILLETS PT BL/146 ST bus stations. These two are not necessary.
The Francis Lewis stop is effective enough and should be considered as the center point of this surrounding neighborhood.
In regards to 146 proposal. That’s barely a block apart. The proposal on Parsons is effective enough as well.
The point is that the Westbound rush should have a more ”rushed” approach. In order for the commuter to save time to connect to the 7 train.
3/29/2022, 11:26 PM — For the QM65 why not run it through Springfield Gardens to serve new customers.
3/30/2022, 12:03 AM — I think the plan is very good and could use some minor changes. The roadway under the M elevated tracks from Fresh Pond Rd to Myrtle/Wyckoff Avs should be made into a busway for the Q55, Q98, and Q58 to speed up travel times and these routes should de moved from the road to under the El. The Q105 should run to Manhattan over the Queensborough bridge and end at the same terminal as the Q60 for increased interborough service as to serve as a backup in case there are issues with the N/W trains. There should still be continuous service along Vernon Blvd. from the Hunters Point Ferry Terminal to the Astoria Ferry Terminal similar to the current Q103 to support the growing neighborhoods in this area. This would link all the ferry terminals along the Queens Waterfront.
3/30/2022, 12:15 AM — There is a fundamental problem with the plan - specifically the bus stop rebalancing plan. This fundamental issue is that you are classifying local neighborhood routes as limited routes therefore justifying the removal of bus stops. I would like to know the criteria that you used to classify Routes Q33 and Q49 as limited. I would also like to know specific criteria used to justify the removal of bus stops along Q33, Q49, and Q72 along with data behind the removal of bus stops. On all routes I am seeing the removal of bus stops at 34 Avenue, a street that has become a neighborhood amenity and are stops that I have observed to have a lot of usage, which makes no sense. There is not a lot of opportunity for travel time savings from these specific stops is small as some of them are near side stops and the bus is already stopping most of the time due to traffic signals. The philosophy seems to be to inconvenience the residents of 34 Avenue for very little benefit. Walking distances from 34 Avenue to Northern Boulevard or 35 Avenue are in the range of 600 to 700 feet and for many users of the 34 Avenue bus stop that will be in addition to the distance they are already walking to/from a bus stop.
3/30/2022, 12:22 AM — The lack of an option on 21st street in Astoria to 27th street Queens plaza South is very inconvenient. We would now have a B route to Brooklyn on 21st street and the Q69 continuing along 21st street. I don't see how it makes sense to have a Q105 along 31st street to Q Plaza S/27th street when the N and W lines run in that same direction. With the Q100 likely to stop once Rikers closes, we are left with no options to Q Plaza S from 21st street. We have new dedicated bus lanes and we should not be losing an option but rather adding one.
3/30/2022, 12:38 AM — We need a bus line that goes downtown other than the ones on 188th and union turnpike, the express times usually do not overlap and it usually means waiting for them and if the hours are after 9am, It is nearly impossible. The new proposed changes are great for skipping stops after 188 but only if a new lines can be started for a downtown bus on Union Turnpike from Northshore and also on Hillside. This will further ensure efficiency on the streets and wait times. Wifi on the express buses can also use an upgrade. Thank you for your time.
3/30/2022, 12:42 AM — If you look at a transit map, you see a gap in the area north of Northern, West of Steinway, South of Astoria Blvd. The only available means of public transport is the Q18. The Q18 also serves other "gap" areas such as Maspeth and connects with major transit hubs. Yet you still have it at "30 min or better" in off peak hours which start at 9AM????? and end at 7PM???? You ridership data is all wonky as so many 10-6 shift office workers, as well as bartenders, actors, nurses and doctors who need to go in at times outside of that ridiculous 1950s-era window end up taking an taking their cars. Who can wait 25 minutes when you are not even sure if the bus will arrive? If it is cold or windy? If you are just plain exhausted? What good are the express buses, ferries, limited bus options, etc. if we can't get to them? I dare you to try an experiment and extend the "rush" hours to 11 in the AM and 9in the PM on weekdays, market that info, hold the bus drivers to the actual schedules and see what happens. I bet you get ridership.
3/30/2022, 12:43 AM — The Q47 Route should not remove the bus stop at 31st avenue and 74th street for the Northbound route.
A lot of bus users west of the bus route rely on that stop.
3/30/2022, 1:06 AM — Stop consolidation is good and important. Currently, many stops are spaced more closely than they need to be, which slows down buses. Eliminating closely-spaced stops is good for bus speed.
3/30/2022, 1:33 AM — This would be a great opportunity to retire triple-digit designations from Queens local buses. The Q104 could become the Q94, and likewise:
Q105 -> Q95
Q109 -> Q99
Q111 -> Q91
Q114 -> Q92
Q115 -> Q90
Also, when will Manhattan have its bus network similarly re-evaluated?
3/30/2022, 1:45 AM — Original draft plan had QT65 running on 160th street from Whitestone to LIRR Broadway station. It is perfect for people in that area if we want to take LIRR on Broadway Station. The new draft plan totally changed this. People in the area between have difficulty to go to LIRR Broadway Station now. The new Q62 is overlapping with Q31 and Q76 on Francis Lewis Blvd. It will be better if Q62 can go on 160th or 163rd street then go down to LIRR Broadway Station.
3/30/2022, 2:08 AM — Hi, in previous draft, there was new express bus route from Bay Terrace to downtown mahattan. Even it still had room to discuss the schedule, but we love to have that route! However, I dont see it in the new draft! There is a lot people who live in this area are working in downtown! Please also consider to have express bus route from Bay Terrace to downtown mahattan!
Thank you!
3/30/2022, 2:40 AM — The proposed changes to the Q60 and Q46 are unacceptable and detract from quality of life, especially for seniors and workers. Sacrificing these stops would be detrimental to seniors who rely on the bus service to do their grocery shopping, On the Eastbound Q60: Removing the Ascan Avenue and Queens Boulevard stop is totally unacceptable as that is right outside Orchard fine Foods Supermarket where a lot of people grocery shop and they take the bus go get home. Discontinuing the 77th And Queens boulevard Stop services Forest Hills South apartment complex as well as other buildings. Seniors would have difficulty in negotiating the extra blocks to get to a bus stop from the supermarket with a cart full of groceries. This does not make any sense.
Q46: Eliminating the Eastbound Union TP/Queens Boulevard stop would cause a lot of problems for people who run out of the train at that end of Union Turnpke. They would then have to cross Union Tpke to catch the bus at 78th Avenue. Also there is a shelter at the Union Tpke stop. A lot of people take that bus and eliminating either of those stops is unacceptable.
Sacrificing and removing stops for the benefit of a speedier commute does not address the needs of the people who use it. Please keep these stops as is.
3/30/2022, 3:09 AM — Will you be providing print copies of the Queens Bus Redesign to each branch of the Queens Library system? Is the full route map available in print? Is there a full size map of the proposed system on line? Preferably an interactive version? The thumb nail map in the online "brochure" is hard to read. It is hard to see how the individual lines relate to each other without seeing the full map. While there is a lot of good information for each route you have to scroll through all 50+ of them to see how the over-all system works.
3/30/2022, 4:36 AM — Please make the Q67 and Q68 bus routes more direct. The new Q67 is going to take more of a detour than the existing Q39 in Ridgewood (same route). Currently Q39 buses take Eliot Av as a shortcut between Metropolitan Av and Fresh Pond Rd, but the new route would have buses travel an additional distance to the corner of Fresh Pond Rd and Metropolitan Av. To improve the existing Q39 route (proposed Q67 route) between 61 St and 58 St, I recommend having buses take Maspeth Av instead of Grand Av and Rust St. I would suggest having the southbound proposed Q68 take 46 St instead of 48 St in Sunnyside. Any street past 43 St is going to waste time for many riders since the entrance to the Kosciuszko Bridge is at 43 St. There's nothing you could really do for the northbound Q68 because of how the roads are laid out.
3/30/2022, 4:43 AM — I am in support of the Queens Bus Network Redesign overall, but have a comment regarding the elimination of the twice daily Q111 runs down Peninsula Blvd in Nassau County. These two daily runs provide connectivity to people who work just over the border in Nassau where no alternate means of public transportation is available. The only other options would be to walk back to LIRR and pay a much more expensive fare to travel to Jamaica and then connect to and pay a second fare to connect to other buses or the subway. The Bus Network Redesign no longer needs to be cost neutral and I hope the MTA can take a second look at the elimination of these extended runs of the Q111. The people who do use this bus are those who can least afford to have it eliminated.
3/30/2022, 5:11 AM — Q77: Should be extended to Laurelton LIRR station via current routing...
Q111/113/114: Q111 designation should remain for Guy R Brewer service instead of Q115. Q114 designation for the Rosedale service. Q113 designation should be retained for the Far Rockaway service...
3/30/2022, 5:21 AM — I wish for more bus service near east New York, specifically liberty avenue/city line. Like the old B12 routing the q8 or 6 can cover as it goes to new lord
3/30/2022, 5:22 AM — For the Q47 northbound, a stop at 74th street and 31 Ave should be considered because it has many people getting off and walking west as far as 69th street and north as far as 25th Ave. It would be unusual to have the bus stop at 76th street, just for people to walk back those blocks. Especially if the bus is going to turn, there should be a stop.
3/30/2022, 5:55 AM — The Q84 should not be having express stops after Springfield BLVD going to laurelton and from Laurelton to Springfield Blvd. The Cambria Heights neighborhood is full of seniors and older people. You expect people to walk to another stop if they have arthritis?
3/30/2022, 6:01 AM — There are some errors on the Queens Bus Network Redesign Report, final 3-28pd: 1.) All of the bus route diagrams/maps that are located within Southwest Queens (such as pages 62, 74, 79, 86, 90, 131, 145,150, 186, 237, 240, 243, 255, 328, 367 and possibly a few others) that show the Aqueduct Racetrack Subway Station incorrectly indicate this station with a white circle as this station is handicapped accessible so this subway station should be indicated with a grey shaded circle. 2.) All of the bus route diagrams/maps that are located within Southwest Queens (such as pages 62, 74, 79, 86, 90, 131, 145,150, 186, 237,240, 243, 328, 367 and possibly a few others) that show the Aqueduct- North Conduit Station also incorrectly indicate this station with a grey shaded circle as this station is not ADA handicapped accessible so this station should be indicated with a white circle. 3.) The Q55 diagram on page 251 of the Queens Bus Network Redesign Report is incorrect showing the name of Juniper Bl S instead of Myrtle Avenue and Jamaica Avenue along the route corridor. One more issue is on the Queens Network Bus Diagram (Document 79621). Along Hillside Avenue on this map between Springfield Blvd. and Little Neck Parkway indicates routes 45 & 46 instead of routes 43 and 45. Hopefully the next revision these corrections will be made and updated.
3/30/2022, 6:05 AM — Q16 route, will be completely cut off from Fort Totten and it's one of the few public pools in Queens. There are over 3k kids in ps21, jhs 185 and 6k in Flushing High that live along Q16 route that will not have a way to cool in hot summer. Or take two buses for what use to be short route.
3/30/2022, 6:28 AM — Keep the QM11 as you have redesigned it on the map, but try to increase eastbound service back to Queens.
3/30/2022, 6:29 AM — This is about the current Q65 and the Q27 taking over once this redesign goes in effect:
I am fine with a new route serving me because it doesn't matter to me, but what does is my bus stop being removed, COLLEGE PT BL/25 RD. Everytime I get off that stop, at least 5 people get off this stop.
I understand bus stop spacing and all that, but this is a popular stop. People depend on buses being convenient. Walking to 26 Av or 23 Av requires more walking, and a lot of elderlies live in the neighborhood, including my grandparents. Traffic conditions aren't a big problem here so there's no point in even faster speeds.
Please reconsider this decision.
3/30/2022, 6:33 AM — Most students at JHS 185 depend on the Q34 route. Yes, there's a Q20 and a Q61. But this means students who live in the Mitchell Gardens area have to walk to their homes, or transfer buses, and the fact that the 2:25pm trip is packed of students, with up to 30-40 kids.
Bring back the Q34, and have Q20 continue on Union St. Q61 could do good for fast service to Flushing though.
3/30/2022, 8:51 AM — Re: changing the Q67/route to Q39 in the Maspeth area
You are improving service by cutting 1600 stops? By making my trip to the nearest subway longer and rerouting to a busier congested station in LIC? (Instead of Hunters Point train station - now Court Square)
As taxpayers who live in a transportation desert, we asked for expanded, easier to use transportation - not to mention Express Buses. We are not getting that by creating routes that increase our travel time.
3/30/2022, 8:57 AM — Thank you for the vastly improved draft redesign proposal. The q14 & q80 lines are great. One issue though remains on the proposed q38 route along Juniper blvd south. There are only 2 stops proposed between a very large stretch of approximately 15 blocks. One stop is at Juniper blvd south and 69th lane. And the next proposed stop is at Juniper blvd south and 80th street. Since this is the only access point for many Middle Village residents who live below Juniper Blvd south, which is already causing somewhat of a hike to access the q38 route, it simply doesn't make sense not to have additional stops along the large length of Juniper Blvd south. I realize that on the residential side of the route, there may be limitations due to home owners' driveways, but there are definitely a few options midway, which would shorten the distance between the proposed 2 stops. On the Juniper Park side of Juniper blvd south, there is nothing hindering adding stops which can be easily done. Please consider the senior residents in that area who are already losing more convenient q38 access in comparison to its current route via Juniper valley road/ Furmanville. Adding additional stops along the newly proposed Juniper Blvd south leg would be much more feasible for the riders who rely on the q38.
3/30/2022, 9:25 AM — Really liked the removal of stops in the new draft plan. But strongly oppose the “Q26” to run via 73rd Avenue. I live by Horace Harding Expressway/Springfield Blvd in Oakland Gardens and commute to Flushing everyday. This draft removed all the service to Flushing in my neighbourhood. Although I really liked the idea of non stop direct service to Flushing, but I would suggest adding a sub-route to the Q26 via Horace Harding Expressway. Just like the current Q20A/B method. Other than this problem, I really liked this plan. Please do the best to stick to the idea of stops removal, nonstop direct route, and going onto new roads that never have bus service.
3/30/2022, 9:38 AM — I am extremely concerned by the cuts proposed to the QM1/5/6 express bus lines on Union Turnpike as part of the Queens Bus Network Redesign
Under the plan, express bus service on Union Turnpike between 188th Street and Main Street in both directions would be significantly cut, with service ending by 7 pm every night, and buses only running every 90 minutes off-peak and on weekends. As a frontline worker in a hospital, I take the express bus 5 days per week, and the buses are packed at all hours of the day and night. This service reduction, along with the proposed reductions in service on the Q46, would severely hurt the economic recovery and return to in-person work that Mayor Adams wants.
These cuts make even less sense with the plan for congestion pricing on the horizon, as this plan will require MORE options for public transportation, not fewer options! The E and F trains are already packed, so it is not realistic to expect so many passengers to use the subway in place of the express bus. Moreover, many people (especially women) tell me they feel unsafe taking the subway and prefer the safe environment of the express bus.
3/30/2022, 10:15 AM — The bus redesign is disproportionately eliminating transit options for people who reside in and near Rochdale Village which is home to thousands of New Yorkers. I urge you to reconsider and re-establish stops on Guy Brewer and 137th Avenue, Baisley Boulevard and Foch Boulevard. This plan is not functional nor will it allow thousands who utilize the bus lines to get to and from their destinations especially those who have no choice but to use the two fare zone transport options.
3/30/2022, 10:25 AM — Please keep the current Q39 the way it is, or please add a fork somewhere near Van Dam/Thompson. There are A LOT OF STUDENTS like me who rely on the Q39 that go to Ridgewood/Maspeth to/from their commutes. So if these plans get implemented, students will now have to walk all the way from Borden Ave to Thompson Ave, where there are A LOT of high school/college students. I urge you guys to please keep the current Q39, or add a fork to the new Q67 to Van Dam and Thompson, because many students from the surrounding schools will be benefited. Some of these schools include LaGuardia, Bard Early College, Middle College, Robert F. Wagner and more schools.
3/30/2022, 10:27 AM — I would like for the Q9 present route remain the same.
With your new proposal of the route it will be quite rough for commuters to walk 3 to 5 blocks to get the Q9 bus.
Eg. By MTA eliminating 115th avenue and Forch bus stops and for linden and 133st stop to remain is a real hassel.
That Linden stop is a dangerous stop for commuters.
The side walk is not even 6ft from the roadway.the stop lights there its a 4 way stop.
What will happen when traffic is heavy and busy on rush hours.
This needs to addressed.
3/30/2022, 10:40 AM — A bus stop is proposed to be removed on the Q38 northbound (Rego Park - Middle Village) direction. The bus stop proposed to be removed is at 63 Drive and Queens Blvd. This bus stop is by a subway station, the 63 Drive station of the M and R trains. As proposed people coming from Manhattan would have to walk to Booth Street, a distance of about 500 feet (about a tenth of a mile, about two minutes of walking at a three mile per hour pace) from the current bus stop,
In the southbound direction there is currently, and in the proposal, a bus stop at 63 Drive and Queens Blvd. from which people can get the M and R train at the 63 Drive station.
3/30/2022, 11:08 AM — This is very inconvenient for me as I don’t drive and depend heavily on public transport,I go to cosco ,LA fitness (Bay Harbor)regularly also the shopping area in five towns ,so with these arranged stops it’s very hard for me to get by .
3/30/2022, 11:09 AM — The redesign for the Q111, Q114, QM21 and QM63 does not take into consideration the needs of the residents in Rochdale Village, Jamaica, New York. You have eliminated MAJOR CONNECTING stops at Guy Brewer/137th Ave, Guy Brewer/Baisley Blvd, Guy Brewer/Foch, and Guy Brewer/Linden Blvd on the Q111 and Q114. These eliminated stops means that those traveling to Manhattan will not be able to connect to an express bus. Even the new Q115 does not stop at Guy Brewer/Linden. This means increased travel time and the creation of DOUBLE FARE ZONES. This is unacceptable for a low income neighborhood.
The QM21 is a lifeline for those working in midtown Manhattan and having it running every 45 minutes for the morning commute ridiculous. You have taken away stops that would have given us alternate connections and decreasing the service in the one express we actually need to get to work on time. You have also eliminated stops on 2nd Ave in Manhattan on the QM21 that are a lifeline for our essential workers who are employed at NYU Medical Center, Bellevue Hospitals and surrounding medical facilities which threat cancer patients among others. Again, creating double fare zones.
This is unacceptable and needs to be reevaluated.
3/30/2022, 11:50 AM — I completely disagree with the removal of service for major stops for the 111 147 Ave bus route. Specifically the removal of Baisley Blvd, Foch Blvd and any of the Rochdale stops (130,134,137). This bus route services the people of Rochdale and the surrounding neighborhoods and removing such stops makes it more difficult for commuters.
3/30/2022, 12:03 PM — I submit a request to extend the Q85 and Q86 route to include the Valley Stream LIRR bus stop. This will improve connectivity to LIRR and also serve the eastern part of the Green Acres mall - to the shops on Mill Road/Sidney Place and Roosevelt Avenue and Valley Stream LIRR.
This proposal extension will only add 1 mile east of the eastern end of the Green Acres Mall loop and will add new stops where there are more shopping and transit options along the route.
3/30/2022, 12:20 PM — I understand that the goal here is to speed up bus services but in not only my case, but my neighborhood’s, we’ll be losing service and being suffering on crowded buses more than usual. There are a lot of seniors and people with disabilities that rely on the Q85, Q111, and Q114 that have trouble simply getting to the current bus stops proposed for removal within the perimeter of Rochdale Village. With those stops removed, that practically leaves the neighborhood with no bus service at all, except for the QM21 and the newly proposed QM65, especially if you’re someone with limited mobility.
3/30/2022, 12:45 PM — Thank you very much for this updated plan, it’s a big improvement over the last bus network redesign. I really appreciate you listening thoroughly to public comments. I live in Astoria and use the M60 SBS frequently to access metro north to travel upstate and visit family in the Bronx and Westchester. My partner and I feel it’s a very important link between Astoria and northern Manhattan and the region north. Also, it’s unpleasant and environmental injustice to begin with that we have a major highway running through Astoria, the SBS line via the highway at least gives us some hyper local benefit of having this major work polluting auto infrastructure. Is the M60 being eliminated from the SBS network or is it just not shown because it’s an “M” bus? Could you please retain the M60 bus line? Also, it is possible to make a commitment in this plan the have the Queens bus network as 100% electric within the next 8 years to meet our state’s climate goals via the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act? This will also help our local air quality and reduce noise pollution. Thank you for considering this feedback.
3/30/2022, 1:13 PM — Please make a stop for us to transfer at Linden and Guy Brewer!!!!
3/30/2022, 1:22 PM — There should be a bus between Flushing and JFK Airport, as well as a bus between Jamaica and LaGuardia Airport.
The Q1 and Q9 should be extended to the Airtrain or one of the passenger terminals at the airport.
Love the Q4 extension into Elmont, the Q51 should go there as well.
The Q7 should go to Crescent Street subway station on the western end and Green Acres Mall or even a place in Valley Stream to connect with Nice Bus' n4 on the eastern end.
There should be a branch of the Q10 to Queens College on school days since the (E) and (F) express trains stop at Forest Hills for the college students.
Love the new Q12 and Q13, much more streamlined and linear.
Going back to what I said earlier, maybe this new Q17 could be extended to JFK via Farmers Boulevard?
Going back to what I said earlier, maybe this new Q20 could have a branch to Forest Hills via Jewel Avenue?
Love the new Q21.
Love the new Q22, missed opportunity to bring service back to Bayswater though.
Going back to what I said earlier, maybe the Q23 can be restructured into a LaGuardia Airport-Jamaica route somehow?
Love cutting the Q24 back to Broadway Junction.
I like the new Q25, but feel like it should at least go to that shopping center on 20th Avenue at the northern end, no?
Love the new Q27, wish the route was a little more linear on the northern end and swapped terminals with the Q17, but why fix what isn't broken you know?
The Q31 doesn't really do too well ridership-wise, so I'm pleasantly surprised by its improvements, hopefully they'll attract some ridership to it.
Disappointed by the lack of changes along Roosevelt Avenue. Missed opportunity to finally provide bus service on Roosevelt Avenue between 108th Street and 82nd Street. Also a missed opportunity to at least shift the Q32 to 83rd Street, or Q33 to 81st Street to provide some streamlining in the area.
Love the Q35 extension, missed opportunity to connect the Rockaways with the (B) and (Q) trains though.
Love the new Q37.
Love splitting the Q38, it should continue down Fresh Pond Road towards Ridgewood Terminal though, Fresh Pond Road and Metropolitan Avenue is kind of in the middle of nowhere.
Love the extension of the Q39, but not a big fan of the cuts it's going to get, especially when it's busier and more useful than the Q67 in every area both routes service, except for around Calvary Cemetery where the Q67 is more useful due to serving Amazon, UPS, etc.
The Q40 change down 143rd Street is good, missed opportunity to connect that route with the commercial Jamaica Center area though.
Love the extension and added service on the Q42.
Love the Q43 extension, I guess Nassau County/NICE Bus didn't like the other route to North Shore University Hopsital huh? lol
LOVE the Q44 extension to Fordham long overdue. I figured it would parallel the Bx9's routing, but I'll take it!
The Q45 should definitely have a branch to North Shore University Hospital.
Love the Q46/Q48 changes, great ideas!
The Q47 should continue down Fresh Pond Road towards Ridgewood Terminal, Fresh Pond Road and Metropolitan Avenue is kind of in the middle of nowhere.
I like that there's finally going to be a bus between The Bronx and LaGuardia Airport, the only problem is that it's the wrong one! It should have been the Bx41 getting the LaGuardia treatment first, that being said I still like the idea of extending it to LaGuardia, but I don't like the huge cut in service to Co-op City. It should instead follow a similar path as the BxM7 to Dreiser Loop or even the Dyre Avenue subway station.
Like I said before, that Q51 should most definitely go to Elmont with the Q4.
Love the Q52 extension to Jackson Heights.
Love the Q55 extension to Jamaica, long overdue.
Love the new Q57, this route is going to do some serious numbers ridership-wise.
Love the new Q58 with added service up 111th Street, excellent idea!
Love the Q59 changes, I thought that U-Turn at 63rd Drive was banned, but if it isn't anymore then awes
3/30/2022, 2:22 PM — On the Q43 extension to/from LIJ Hospital, why is there ONLY an EASTBOUND stop on North 7th Street and Hillside Ave, but no stop in the WESTBOUND direction? It makes no sense for people who get off at that stop to go to work or shop, how are they supposed to return? I live close to that intersection and currently use the NICE bus to get to businesses in Queens as well as make connections to other Queens bus routes, however, I would much prefer an MTA bus as they run 24/7, while the NICE buses do not. Since the Q43 terminates at Sutphin Blvd, it's very useful for people in northern areas of New Hyde Park to get to JFK airport. Also keep in mind that a stop there would extremely be useful for Queens residents because one of the largest supermarkets (Stop & Shop) and mini-mall is located just walking distance from that stop and there are no other options for Queens residents on Hillside Ave for several miles. Please seriously consider placement of a WESTBOUND stop at or near North 7th Street. I am sure it will be popular and well served.
3/30/2022, 4:20 PM — I hope the 137th Avenue and Guy R Brewer bus stop does NOT get eliminated. Rochdale Village is a large residential complex and the bus stop is needed for residents to get to their destination.
3/30/2022, 7:12 PM — Blah blah blah blah blah. Nothing ever gets better. I've stopped taking the bus and just park as close to the subway and walk. My kids too. You're never on time, your drivers will see someone running when they are early and keep going. You still bus bunch or worse you don't even show up. The subway has become a joke too. 2 hour commutes. Same old broken conversations on paper. We switched to the LIRR and we live in Queens bc we need our jobs. Even the LIRR is a hot mess since MTA took over. My kids are leaving NY as are many others, I get it. Go to Japan, see what they do. That's my answer. Because you guys couldn't get a bus system to run on time of your life depended on it. All we hear at this point is blah blah blah. 52 years and nothing changes but words on paper.
3/30/2022, 7:56 PM — This redesign is not supporting citizens living in Rochdale Village who need to commute to Manhattan. I need the old route back. Bus Redesign Q111, Q114, Q115 (new line). Q113 Eliminated.
Major stops eliminated: Guy Brewer & 137th Ave (connects to QM21), Baisley Blvd, Foch, Linden Blvd (connects to QM63).
3/30/2022, 7:59 PM — This new draft plan is not conducive to a lot of people, myself being one of them. You’re taking away main stops along guy r brewer that people use to catch these limited buses. You’re taking away most of the stops that are accessible for the people of Rochdale Community. Also this new plan will make people have to use double fare to now get where they are going on guy r brewer alone, let alone more money if they have to get on another bus or train afterwards. This new draft plan is not a good plan and I feel it should not happen
3/30/2022, 10:26 PM — This new bus route would be an awesome idea. I work in [REDACTED] and the drive is horrible. I would definitely utilize this new bus route. Please let's make it happen
3/30/2022, 10:28 PM — I'm living in Oakland Gardens and nearby the purposed Q27 bus terminal (230th St / 69th Av).
Below are my suggestion, 2 of 3 QM8 (To Glen Oak, Eastbound only) via Oakland Gardens, it has two advantages, first of all, QM8 can be serve Oakland Gardens residents, another advantage is SPRINGFIELD BL/HORACE HARDING EXP always traffic jam, if QM8 via 69 Av, it saves a lot of traffic time.
Below is the route suggestion:
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/69 AV Keep
Eastbound 69 AV/CLOVERDALE BL New
Eastbound 230 ST/69 AV New
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/67 AV Remove
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/64 AV Remove
Eastbound HORACE HARDING EXP/224 ST Remove
Eastbound HORACE HARDING EXP/231 ST Remove
Eastbound DOUGLASTON PKY/65 AV Keep
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/69 AV Keep
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/67 AV Remove
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/64 AV Remove
Eastbound HORACE HARDING EXP/224 ST Remove
Eastbound 69 AV/CLOVERDALE BL New
Eastbound HORACE HARDING EXP/231 ST Keep
Eastbound DOUGLASTON PKY/65 AV Keep
3/30/2022, 10:34 PM — I really like the draft plan. It is connecting a lot of neighborhoods together. I am all for the reduced stops. I have seen a lot of complaints about the reduced spots for the elderly but I don't think the reduction will be so drastic. I have heard people say it would extend it by a quarter mile and that seems more than fine to me.
I understand people are complaining but so many more people rely on it to get to work and school so I am all for the reduced stops.
3/31/2022, 12:29 AM — My CAR commute Tuesday:
From East Elmhurst:
1/2 hour round trip to drive my son to the subway in Woodside.
One hour round trip to drive my girls to school in Astoria.
1 hour to pick up my girls from school in Astoria.
1/2 hour to pick up my son from Woodside
1 hour round trip to drive my girls to and from the Boys and Girls club in Astoria.
1 hour round trip to drive my son to basketball in Astoria.
That's 5 hours driving in one day because there is no public transportation from East Elmhurst to Astoria for teens. Home
1 hour round trip to drive my girls to and from the Boys and Girls club.
1 hour round trip to drive my son to basketball in Astoria.
That's 5 hours driving in one day because there is no public transportation from East Elmhurst to Astoria for teens.
We need a new bus route down 31st Ave from East Elmhurst to Astoria (from at least the 90s to 21st St).
Also, we need an express bus down Northern Blvd. from at least the 90s in Queens to Manhattan (over the Queensboro bridge). Please get rid of the bike lanes on Northern and replace with dedicated bus lanes.
The bike lanes are not being used and causing too much traffic and car congestion on Northern Blvd. An express bus and dedicated bus lanes would also reduce overcrowding on the 7. Do not have a bus end at the subway in Woodside. Make sure the bus lane and new bus route goes all the way to Manhattan! I won't use it if I have to transfer to the subway in Woodside. If the bus stops at Woodside, I'll continue to drive my son to the subway. But my son and I would use it if it goes to Manhattan. Make sure the bus goes to Manhattan! That's really important. Please.
3/31/2022, 12:44 AM — Strongly urge the MTA to establish an express bus route from southern Brooklyn (Brighton Beach, Coney Island, Sheepshead Bay) to JFK Airport. Either directly to the airport or at least to the Howard Beach IND/Airtrain stop. Currently, the only way to get to JFK from southern Brooklyn by public transportation is via the Atlantic Terminal LIRR to Jamaica to the Airtrain - a two hour trip at best.
3/31/2022, 12:45 AM — We have been petitioning for the Q77 bus in Springfield Gardens to extend the ridership to a few blocks to 147th Avenue to make connections to the Q111 and Q113 to have passengers make connections instead of going all the way to Jamaica Avenue to make connections to Q77 as well as Q5, Q85, N4. This has been a prolong proposal to our elected officials and it has been on the backburning for years. When will the residents of Springfield Gardens, Rosedale & Far Rockaway get into fruitition.
3/31/2022, 12:46 AM — I am requesting that you keep the Baisley Blvd and Guy R. Brewer Blvd/137ave bus stops.
3/31/2022, 1:44 AM — I was very happy to see that the Q49 has been put back in the plan, and that the frequency will get better?? (it's been pretty bad lately).
I'm not delighted about losing our own stop (78th) but am working on acceptance -- i.e., it is a tradeoff for making the buses run faster.
HOWEVER -- the stop at 37th Ave and 74th St. (northbound) is really important! Many people go shopping at the Indian grocery stores on their way home from the subway. They tend to have really heavy bags because of stocking up on staple items that are not sold in regular grocery stores. (i.e., rice in 10-20 lb bags)
So every bus has a few people with heavy groceries who get on the bus at 37th Ave. For the mobile (like me), a walk with the extra load is annoying but good exercise, but I do see quite a few elderly folks, parents with children, etc., for whom the extra walk would probably make it impossible.
3/31/2022, 1:53 AM — Thank you!!! This is great. Especially the Q23 changes, it will save time on my wife's commute and enable us to reach some other places we go for shopping more easily
An Express bus stop to downtown Manhattan at Kew Gardens subway station would be great, especially if those routes are using Queens blvd anyway
3/31/2022, 2:22 AM — I would like to know why the bus stops going west from Marathon Pky to Douglaston Pky where changed.....There are no stops between these two points except for a stop on the same block of the Douglaston Pky why is there two stops on the same block and nothing in suggestion would be to put back the stop at 245th Street....
3/31/2022, 3:22 AM — The QM22 bus needs to be restored. The QM22 had so much potential as a bus route but MTA never cared to add more service. Since it was discontinued in 2010, there has been more real estate development and gentrification of Astoria. Astoria is losing direct Midtown service with the loss of the Q101 and introduction of the new Q68, restoring the QM22 would be a great way to make up for that. Especially since the Q69 is supposed to provide non-stop express service to the subway, where many people transfer to overcrowded subways to Manhattan anyways. The QM22 would also provide system resiliency in the event of a disruption of N and W service as you would have people who will be willing try a relatively cheaper express bus rather than take a relatively more expensive Uber or Lyft. I would The new residents moving into Astoria don't generally like using local buses and this has already been established with the failure of the B91 and B92 during the L train shutdown in gentrified Williamsburg, but the new residents would consider taking the bus if it had amenities, peace and quiet, which is what the express bus has. That is why the QM22 being restored is important.
3/31/2022, 3:23 AM — Hi i don t see the qm3 express bus mentioned
3/31/2022, 3:31 AM — The QM22 bus needs to be restored. There will be no direct midtown service from Astoria since the Q101 to Manhattan will now be the Q68 to Brooklyn. Much of the ridership to Manhattan on the Q101 originates from north of the Grand Central Parkway. As much as MTA wants to establish better Queens-Brooklyn connections, many of the transplants moving into Astoria will not use local buses. This is very clear and has precedent with the low ridership of the B91, B91A, B92 established during the L train shutdown. However given many transplants willingness to use Uber/Lyft as an alternative to the subway, an express bus in Astoria would be appropriate as MTA would be smart to encourage customers to stay on MTA services by providing an upmarket alternative to the subway rather than lose them to Uber/Lyft. Since many of the midtown riders on the Q101 board north of the Grand Central Parkway, providing QM22 service along Ditmars Boulevard and 21st Street would be an appropriate alternate. To save resources on the new QM22, MTA could operate a single variant via Madison Avenue instead of separate 3rd and 6th Avenue services which was the case with the original QM22.
3/31/2022, 3:36 AM — Absolutely horrible redesign . The Q1 on Springfield Blvd eliminated is stupid many including myself ride that bus to the subway now I have to take two buses . The Q88 bus is heavily used why are you cutting the line . Leave them the way they are
3/31/2022, 3:39 AM — Bring back the QM22 bus. Demographics have significantly changed in Astoria since the discontinuation of this bus in 2010 and there are riders who would use an express bus as an upmarket alternative to the subway. Many people in Astoria use Uber/Lyft as an upmarket alternative to the subway, an express bus would help keep these people on MTA services. MTA already runs lower ridership express buses in neighborhoods like Forest Hills and Rego Park which are designed to draw people off of the overcrowded Queens Boulevard Line, since the Queens Boulevard Line, Flushing Line, Astoria Line and 60th Street Tunnels are at maximum subway capacity and ridership has dropped on the QM10/QM11/QM12/QM40/QM42, an express bus from Astoria/Jackson Heights that performs the same function as the QM10/QM11/QM12/QM40/QM42 is appropriate. Another thing is that there's an N/W subway extension to LaGuardia Airport that is being discussed, restoring the QM22 now would help provide resiliency in the event that there is need for greater subway capacity on the 60th Street tunnel and the Astoria line due to the subway extension to LaGuardia Airport. Other gentrifying neighborhoods like Inwood already have express bus service, now is the time to restore the QM22.
3/31/2022, 3:44 AM — Please bring back the QM22 bus. There is no longer any direct bus service to Midtown from Astoria because you're turning the Q101 into the Q68 to Brooklyn. Most Q101 riders to Midtown board north of the Grand Central Parkway. An express bus is appropriate for these people. Also there is new development in Astoria along 21st Street and you are already proposing an express Q69 to the subway where many people will be transferring to Manhattan anyway. There are more people coming back to work and uncomfortable using the subway in Astoria. These are all good reasons to bring back the QM22.
3/31/2022, 4:11 AM — Hi! After looking at this bus network redesign, I've got to say that I'm quite pleased. Increasing spacing on routes, and adding new SBS, limited, and rush services is bound to increase ridership, and replacing some routes will make certain one seat rides, subway transfers, and other accessibility concerns easier. Furthermore, increased headways and new interborough will be also likely induce more ridership demand in North Brooklyn and Queens.
However, to ensure that the MTA bus service remains accessible to everyone, I'd like to remind the MTA that increasing stop spacing should also come with increased paratransit options for the elderly and disabled. This way people who are both elderly and disabled and may not be able to walk to the new bus stops can continue to get around with ease.
Lastly, and this is more of a local issue, would it be possible to allow an easier B62 transfer to Court Square? I am aware that part of this plan is to reduce the amount of side tracking that routes currently do, but Court Square remains a crucial transfer point for the B62 to the Queens Boulevard Line for Williamsburg residents who live further away from the G train, and, bar an extension of the G back to Forest Hills which would allow riders to transfer to the QBL at 21 st, a connection to Court Sq should probably remain for the time being. This connection would also benefit new riders from the eastern part of Astoria who may want to transfer to the QBL, and limited stop spacing will increase operating speeds and headways more than enough to counter this slight detour.
Thank you for taking your time to read my comments, questions, and concerns. I wish you a fine day.
Student of Chemistry and Urban Studies at [REDACTED]; and long-time Brooklynite.
3/31/2022, 4:17 AM — hi
3/31/2022, 4:26 AM — One important issue with the proposed Q57 route is that the route doesn't serve the 179th Street Subway Station for former Q110 (rush hour) and former Q36 passengers along Jamaica Avenue from Floral Park, Bellerose, Queens Village and Hollis. Although the Q57 does serve the Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue Subway Station this station is about ten to twelve minutes further west of the 179th Street Subway Station which would increase a passenger's commute into Manhattan via the subway. In order to rectify this situation, I have the following suggested route revisions to the proposed Q57, the Q55 and Q56 routes. In the westbound direction the Q57 bus could make a right turn at 179th Place/Jamaica Avenue and travel toward Hillside Avenue stopping at the corner of 179th Place/Hillside Avenue where the former rush hour Q110 used to terminate at. After this point the westbound Q57 bus could make a left turn and travel non-stop to Merrick Blvd. making a left turn at Merrick Blvd. and traveling along Merrick Blvd. to Jamaica Avenue continue westbound on its normal route. One bus stop could be added along Merrick Blvd. near 90th Avenue close to the 165th Street Bus Terminal. In the eastbound direction the Q57 bus could make a left turn at 168th Street and travel toward Hillside Avenue with one stop added at 168th Street/89th Avenue and then the bus would continue along 168th Street and then make a right turn at Hillside Avenue and travel non-stop to the 179th Street subway Station. After stopping at the 179th Street Subway Station the westbound Q57 bus could then and then make a right turn at either 179th Street or at 180th Street and then travel toward Jamaica Avenue. At Jamaica Avenue the eastbound Q57 would then make a left turn and continue on its normal route toward Little Neck.In order to provide local bus service along Jamaica Avenue between 168th Street and 179th Street the Q55 and Q56 routes due to the suggested additional changes to the Q57 route the Q55 and Q56 routes could also be extended east along Jamaica Avenue to serve former Q57 points along Jamaica Avenue plus to also serve the 179th Street Subway Station. In the eastbound direction both the Q55 and Q56 buses would first be extended east to 178th Street/Jamaica Avenue making all local stops such as at 170th Street, 173rd Street, 175th Street (added back - School P.S./I.S. 268Ql). At Jamaica Avenue/178th Street both the Q55 and Q56buses would make a left turn (with a stop added along 178th Street near Jamaica Avenue) and then these two buses would continue along 178th Street to Hillside Avenue. The Q55 and Q56 routes could then layover either along the east side of 178th Street at the southeast corner of Hillside Avenue or the Q55 and/or the Q56 could make a right turn at Hillside Avenue and another right turn at 179th Street and layover along the west side of 179th Street or make another right turn at 180th Street and layover along the west side of 180th Street at the southwest corner of Hillside Avenue. This would depend upon the MTA and where NYCDOT could place additional bus stops at. for these two routes to terminate at. Returning back in the westbound direction the Q55 and Q56 could travel south along 179th Street or 180th Street back to Jamaica Avenue. At Jamaica Avenue the westbound Q55 and Q56 buses would then make a right turn and stop along Jamaica Avenue at 179th Street,175th Street (added School P.S./ I.S. 268Q), 173rd Street and then continue on their normal westbound route.
Another separate option in lieu of making changes to the Q57, Q56 and Q55 routes would be to provide a separate Rush route (Purple bus route) could operate along Jamaica Avenue from Little Neck Parkway or 257th Street to the 179th Street Subway Station but that would terminate at 165th Street Terminal similar to that of the Q2 route and Q82 routes. The Q9 route could also be revised and extended up to travel
3/31/2022, 4:29 AM — Has Braunstein taken a Bus in FH or Rego Park, Queens, namely Q60, Q23, Q38, QM11,10, 40? about a year ago some Bus Shelters removed. Heavy residential and shopping malls here, and Seniors unable to take Subways.
3/31/2022, 4:52 AM — The proposed new redesigned Q16 route is excellent - Good Job!! I can get to Downtown Flushing using only one bus. Great Job!
3/31/2022, 5:45 AM — The proposed Q10 route solves the problems created years ago when the Q74 route was eliminated.
3/31/2022, 5:48 AM — Here are comments / suggestions... from a senior
I'm happy to speak with someone if they want... this is a landline and my answering machine time to call is usually noon
1) Take seniors and people with disabilities seriously. FOR EXAMPLE: Even while wearing my reading glasses(which gives me 20-20 vision), and ENLARGING view to 500%... I still can't read the numbers on the routes on the proposed map. Too small too blurry...
2) The proposed bus STOPS are not shown... that would, in my case, make a huge difference. When can I expect to see the proposed stops?
2) Thank you for restoring the #38 route... I made as much noise as I could, when it was left out of the last proposal. Apparently someone (maybe my councilman) helped get the word to you... because the public meeting for feedback was a total waste of my time. When I left in disgust because NO ONE was taking feedback from anyone.. there were 3 other people who left with me. We were all... to put it politely... VERY unhappy. We all paid to get to the meeting (by bus!), we were all seniors who didn't love going out at night for this, and then (for me) having to walk home on dark deserted streets. That won't be a problem if its on zoom... but I am very wary and suspicious that when someone from the MTA says that they want my opinion, what they really want is for me to think the MTA wants my opinion... it's more pr than reality.
3) For routes that typically get most of their riders during rush hours, has the MTA considered using vans? Smaller vehicles = less gas.
4) When I read that the reason the MTA wants to make changes is to better serve the public... that's great. But when another huge reason is NOT mentioned... $$$$... I tend to question everything I am told. Being transparent means being honest.
5) PLEASE REMEMBER: Seniors, Disabled! Not everyone can run for a bus, or walk more than a couple of blocks. Or afford a cab.
5) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I know that I tend to get grumpy. I feel the way you feel when I am ignored. I APPRECIATE YOU too... it's not all doom & gloom... and I know that probably most people at the MTA are working their butts off and have been / continue to be, asked to do more than humanly reasonable. So thanks!
3/31/2022, 6:07 AM — Why have you left the B20 and the B13 out of your study? These are key routes that connect key arts of Brooklyn and Queens, like other Brooklyn routes discussed in this plan, yet they are left out. Please don't forget to include these routes in your consideration and don't just address them in a Brooklyn specific plan that forgets to consider their importance to Interborough Connectivity.
3/31/2022, 7:07 AM — Two comments:
1) the distance in the proposed first stop after leaving the 74 st Roosevelt terminal, the Q49 spans Roosevelt Ave, 37th Rd, 37th Ave before the draft proposed stop at 35th Ave 74 st. Those avenues are equivalent to 3 East-west blocks each. The span is equivalent to walking several football fields. I suggest that the Avenue stops be retained as is. I am a senior with mobility issues and the proposed distance is a major challenge. Many seniors by necessity use buses.
.I respectfully ask that the Avenue length be reconsidered and have 37 ave 74 street remain a stop eastbound. It presently has a shelter enclosure and bench. Thanks so much.
2) Eliminated Q29 bus will negatively impact Newtown HS students, hospital workers, shoppers both going to QC mall as well as shoppers coming into our Jackson Hts neighborhood supporting our small businesses. The 7 train 82 st stop connecting to the Q29 helps commuters heading to and from Elmhurst. The Q29 is utilized and important to the neighborhood. Listed on the chart of eliminated Q29 are Q14, 80 and Q38 routes which don’t service anywhere near the Q29 route.
3/31/2022, 7:48 AM — The 3/30/22 revised Queens bus design draft is much improved from the 2020 version. Thank you for listening to your customers. I appreciate all the hard work being done.
Several comments regarding the current draft:
1) Please take into account when assessing bus speed that allowable street speeds have been lowered.
2) Having back door entry will speed up boarding time. Even though omny isn’t up to speed now, we are planning for years to come so “build it and they will come.”
3) Garbage trucks, delivery and food trucks, double parked cars are the real time wasters. Install cameras on the bus dashboards that take a photo and automatically generate a traffic ticket. People will learn when it has a financial consequence. Just do it. As a matter of fact, start with the camera/ticket option now and measure the improvement. Same with rear entry. Can be done more quickly than waiting to finalize routing changes.
4) If stops are removed, be mindful of some things. Removing a stop running east-west is better than removing an Avenue block stop which represents at least the equivalent of three east /west sized blocks. Much further and a bigger challenge to seniors.
There needs to be sheltered stops with benches to accommodate the longer walks to the next bus stop.
Please retain the eastern direction stop of 37 ave 74 st on the Q49. The distance from the 74 st Roosevelt terminal until the first proposed stop at 35 ave 74 st is quite a distance. It spans across Roosevelt Ave , 37 Rd, 37 Ave til it reaches 35 ave 74 st. For a senior it is like walking several football fields. Seniors rely on buses as many of us cannot climb the subway stairs.
5) Northern Blvd needs an express bus that runs from Flushing into Manhattan. I don’t expect the MTA to take on another such redesign project for another hundred years so thinking of our current and future needs will serve us better now.
Lastly, can you provide an email address for Andy Byford? I know he is in London but it is important that I reach him. I didn’t believe him that our comments would be taken into consideration in redraft. I would like to apologize for yelling at him and thank him.
3/31/2022, 9:10 AM — I am an essential worker, who depended solely on the Qm21 to get me to work. You cannot eliminate the stop on 34th and 2nd Ave. this stop is what helps me to get to work to care for sick people. This is not ok. In affluent neighborhoods this would not happen, actually in affluent neighborhoods the bus stop is directly in front on the hospital. By removing this stop you are causing hundreds of healthcare heros who ride the bus to be delayed in their commute which affect the patients we care for every day and depend on us
3/31/2022, 9:13 AM — I do not agree with the plan to remover the stop at 34th and 2nd Ave. i am a health care worker and this will cause a huge inconvenience for me. To get to most hospitals in the city we need this stop. The Qm21 was my only dependable source of transport during the pandemic especially on very long days. Removing this stop wil cause a huge delay in my commute and. On a bigger note affect the patients I care for every day. Please do not remove this stop
3/31/2022, 9:39 AM — Proposal for bus stop location for the Q38 northbound and southbound directions at Juniper Blvd. South and 80 Street.
The Q38 southbound direction (Middle Village - Rego Park) bus stop sequence number 8 on the New Draft Plan Brochure, a new bus stop due to rerouting, shows it on the website to be located on the southeast corner of Juniper Blvd. South and 80 Street. I propose that it be moved to the southwest corner. This location is by PS 049 Dorothy Bonawit Kole school. Parents with their kids would be let off the bus at the school and not have to cross 80th Street. Also, with the new routing most people would be coming from the area on the side of the school and would not have to cross 80th Street to get to the bus stop.
In the northbound direction (Rego Park - Middle Village) the bus stop should be located on the northwest corner of Juniper Blvd. South and 80th Street (new bus stop sequence number 11 on the New Draft Plan Brochure). Because of the proposed rerouting of the Q38 most people live in the area on the west side of 80th Street and south of Juniper Blvd. South, thus they would not have to cross 80th Street. This proposed bus stop location is located directly across from PS 049 Dorothy Bonawit Kole school. With this location parents and their children would only have to cross one street, Juniper Blvd. South, to get to the school, whereas if the bus stop was located on the northeast corner of Juniper Blvd. South and 80th Street they would have to cross two streets: Juniper Blvd. South and 80th Street. Most people going to Juniper Valley Park go to large area of the park which is at the northwest corner of Juniper Blvd. South and 80th Street where I propose the bus stop be located.
3/31/2022, 10:06 AM — Taking away the 2nd Ave stop on the Qm21 after all these yrs would hurt so many. I’ve been taking it for 25 & 1/2 yrs. That stop is so beneficial to so many. Why take it away?
3/31/2022, 10:21 AM — Keep my Q29 Bus
Is my kids transportation
3/31/2022, 11:05 AM — You should swap the northern terminals for the Q33 and Q47, giving the Marine Air Terminal a 24/7 to the subway at Jackson Heights and making the Q33 a more linear route.
3/31/2022, 11:06 AM — I am in my 60’s, do not drive, and often have mobility issues. I cannot afford to take Uber or Lyft every time I need to go to the doctor or physical therapy or to a grocery store. Losing any bus lines (especially the Q29) would be devastating for me. I welcome the opportunity to speak to the individuals crafting the redesign. Feel free to contact me.
3/31/2022, 11:12 AM — I like the new Q80 route being the new Q29. I like that it goes up 80th Street (putting it physically closer to Maspeth), still reaches the M and R subways, and still reaches Queens Center Mall. It also distributes coverage more evenly than having it go up Dry Harbor Road.
What I would like to see with the Q80 is an extension at the southern end into Glendale, specifically Central Avenue westbound. Many people take the Q55 just to transfer to the Q29, so this would be beneficial. Also many students walk from 80/Cooper to IS 119.
I also like the Q14 routing, more than the QT83. Anecdotally, many people travel between Corona and Ridgewood, so I like that the Q14 goes through Corona Plaza, definitely a local hotspot. Glendale could also be helped out with an extension onto at least near Cypress Hills Street and Myrtle Ave, perhaps further east towards the 70s.
Only thing I dislike about the Q14 is that it avoids the Metropolitan Ave subway station. There's also a mall and a high school there.
3/31/2022, 11:25 AM — Good evening,
Please do not remove the Q29 bus line. This line is essential for students, parents and community members to transport to schools, shopping mall and homes. Thank you.
3/31/2022, 11:35 AM — This is ridiculous! Q29 is major route from Roosevelt to queens center mall . Seriously ? You are be that so low, cut the services from major queens section to save your money and given to all your shareholder? This line has been serving in queens more decades.
3/31/2022, 11:43 AM — Please keep Q29 stop on Hoffman Drive. My child goes to Ps .119. Q 29 is the bus he takes to 80st and then walk about 10 blocks to school. With the new bus plan Q80, we will either walk to Grand Ave or 57th Ave and 92 street(crossing the Blvd if death). It is such a long hike before he gets on the bus, then another long hike to walk to school. His usual commute is about 13 mins on the bus then 8 mins walk. With this updated route, and bus frequency of every 12 mins, he will need to be prepared for one hour commute. I can’t imagine walking and waiting for the bus during winter months.
Please keep Q29 bus
3/31/2022, 11:45 AM — Please keep Q29 bus that’s the only bus that goes to my son school at PS IS 119 Glendale that school is g$t school that probably 8 school buses from our area for kids schooled there. Almost all kids enrol in GAnd T and siblings gs with G n T go to that school my son be 7th grade next year and need to get to q29 bus only bus go there from Elmhurst thank upu
3/31/2022, 12:01 PM — For buses (and train riders) to make better connections, they need to utilize their info screens to provide transfer connection data like Bustime/Google does. That way riders can make informed decisions on transfers.
There are apps available but having real time data on those screens is more convenient.
3/31/2022, 12:08 PM — Free weekend bus service should be studied to see if it can improve local economic activity.
During the height of the pandemic when buses were free for a time, I took the bus to places I normally would not have other times and visited businesses that remained open. It was a new experience for me and I wish to see it again when ridership is back and businesses are all open. Perhaps free buses will increase foot traffic through local downtowns and bring more tax revenue to the city.
You could even swap free parking Sunday for free bus service.
I would love to see this as a test pilot for a month or two just to test the waters with fanfare.
3/31/2022, 12:25 PM — I am writing to express my concern regarding the redesign on the Queens bus routes. Since my location is in Elmhurst, I can't imagine what I would do if you eliminate Q29. I take that route almost to move to and from the 7 train. I use it to go to my daughter's after school activities. It has been very helpful and I think it would be very difficult for people in my neighborhood to find new routes to move around.
Please reconsider keeping our Q29 buses for the Elmhurst people.
3/31/2022, 12:26 PM — The area in Union St/Flushing between Northern Blvd and Roosevelt is a choke point for car traffic and buses. The 109th Precinct uses Union St as their parking lot and travel through there is exceedingly difficult when cars and buses are making their turns into 37th Ave. This area requires significant transit priority and scrutiny in the upcoming redesign.
I would propose no parking during AM and PM rush and working with 109th Precinct to park their vehicles elsewhere, like repurposing the parking structure nearby. Having bus lanes would be a major plus.
3/31/2022, 12:38 PM — Bus Q29 needs to remain!!! Lots of students, seniors, health workers and all rely on this line that has served the community for over 50 years!!! Madness to even consider eliminating it. Our community cannot afford to loose it.
3/31/2022, 12:55 PM — Please don’t cut the q29 bus line it’s my only way home to a father of 7 kids please I beg you.
3/31/2022, 12:56 PM — Please do not take the q29 bus away we have lived in the Hampton stop for many years ! That’s the only safe way to get home now a days because the train is not even safe ! Please don’t get rid of this bus Corina area and elmhurst really needs it
3/31/2022, 3:24 PM — Keep Q29 Bus Route. It’s essential for most of us as it is the closest transportation compared to the trains at night! It’s scary to walk from the train station and the buses help us get home safely!
3/31/2022, 4:01 PM — Please don’t eliminate the Q29! My family uses it all the time. Don’t cut up the Q29 route. PLEASE
3/31/2022, 4:22 PM — DOT eliminated 23 bus stops along the Q66 route along Northen Boulevard which affects seniors, the disabled and hundreds and hundreds of children from IS145. DOT has put our children’s lives in danger without any community input for the sake of pleasing politicians financial donors. DOT is destroying a neighborhood and nobody seems to care.
3/31/2022, 4:45 PM — There should be a bus route between Jackson Heights and The Bronx.
3/31/2022, 6:28 PM — Extend the Q1 up Jericho Turnpike to 257th Street.
There should be a bus connecting Floral Park LIRR with Little Neck Parkway.
3/31/2022, 6:42 PM — Apparently the MTA has nothing better to do than make it even harder for working and elderly people to get to their destinations. Stop messing around with the Q32 route and just add more buses!! Ticket and tow the people that park in the bus stops on Roosevelt ave and service would run faster. You removed bus stops on the Q66 route and the wait for a bus is the same......too long.
3/31/2022, 8:00 PM — Keep the Q29!!!!!! This is the only way many families has of getting to the mall and grocery stores that are near it.
3/31/2022, 10:30 PM — You need to correct your chart, you left out the Q21 replacing the Q29 in Elmhurst/Jackson Heights portion of it's old route. It lists 3 lines replacing the Q29 but none of them goes near Elmhurst/Jackson Heights.
On the Q53 SBS I think its a mistake to terminate it at Broadway/75th Street in Jackson Heights. That area already has a number of bus lines terminating there serving commuters. Adding two more lines will increase congestion/traffic not to mention you'll be inconveniencing all the people who use it from 61st Street. The Q53 has be terminating in Woodside for over 50 years. Now suddenly it's a problem? You're moving it out of Woodside because of the Q70 Airport bus. Your inconveniencing commuters for tourists and travelers. That's wrong.
3/31/2022, 11:41 PM — How is it possible you made things worse for people of Middle Village. NO service on Eliot Ave or 69 st. No service to the queens mall or LIRR or 80 st. without transfer to two or three buses. All you did was divert traffic from Eliot Ave to Juniper Park. Rethink the the Q38 service. Q18 and Q67/
3/31/2022, 11:45 PM — Moving the Q38 from Penelope Ave, Furmanville Ave, and Juniper Valley Road removes it from very many residents of Middle Village. Rerouting it to Juniper Bouldvard South (along the park) is bad enough; but when there are only two local bus stops at 80th Street (New Stop Sequence 11) and 69th Lane (New Stop Sequence 12) ; it removes bus service from a sizeable portion of our population. Residents should not be expected to walk such a great distance to the nearest stop.
Furthermore, removal of the Eliot Ave section in North Middle Village can be a significant loss. Frequency and transfer times to the New Q14 route may never make up the loss you are doing by severly limiting the Q38.
4/1/2022, 12:11 AM — Premier HealthCare & YAI Center for Specialty Therapy bus stop on northern and 211 st can not remove that stop because that place for disability medical cinc and therapy place . That stop for disability service. Please not remove that stop.please save that bus stop This is for q12/13 bus route
4/1/2022, 12:18 AM — PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE Q29 BUS LINE!!!
This line is essential to Elmhurst residents like myself who rely on it as transportation especially when I go to parts of Elmhurst (further away from the subway lines) and Jackson Heights especially in the evenings to visit family or patron local Queens restaurants. As a woman who is alarmed of high/rising crime rates such as sexual assault, I rely on this bus line to safely mobilize in my neighborhood. Traveling from 82nd and Roosevelt Ave for example takes about 45 mins - 1 hour to take the 7 train and then the R/M (which many times goes express to Forrest Hills because of construction causing me to then take the train back for the local stops ) to my stop (Woodhaven Blvd). By comparison the q29 is a 10 minute bus ride only a few blocks from my house. Please do not remove this essential line for Elmhurst/Rego Park residents. As the subway feels increasingly dangerous, I would not feel comfortable in leaving my house during the evenings.
4/1/2022, 12:22 AM — Thank you for restoring the Jackson Heights routes, particularly the Q49, the western portion of the Q66, and the Q53. I also do actually appreciate the stop consolidation on the Q49 and Q66, but want to emphasize that the frequency is really important. The Q49 has a ton of people going to East Elmhurst at rush hour so the increased frequency is great. Also love the extensions of the B57 and B62!
4/1/2022, 1:03 AM — In the Bayswater section of the Rockaway community (CB14) a population of 19,000 residents there is no Queens bus service. To remedy this hardship, I am requesting an extension of the Q22 bus line route to include and extend the route down Mott Ave beyond Beach Channel Drive.
Thank you very much.
4/1/2022, 1:09 AM — It is crucial to Elmhurst residents that the Q29 bus route stay. As elderly residents of Elmhurst who live along the route will need to walk longer distance to and from subway stations to reach places like Queens Center Mall and Jackson Hts and 82nd street . Elderly or handicapped persons would need to walk the elevated crest on Hampton St. to get to Corona Ave.
it is of utmost importance to keep this bus route !
4/1/2022, 1:26 AM — Keep the q29, people who can’t wake up the stairs on the subway will have no way to get to the mall from Jackson heights… it would be a different story if the train stations had elevators but this would cut off a lot of people in Elmhurst who rely on the q29. The first stop always has a huge line of people waiting , it’s a necessity to keep the q29 going!
4/1/2022, 1:49 AM — I am the director of a senior-serving program in Jackson Heights. The Q66 runs through the neighborhood we serve. We need to have the bus stops on 92nd street returned/replaced, in order for the hundreds of older adults living in the area to have access to bus service. The elimination of this east/west stop means that older adults not only have to walk additional blocks, but cross another very busy intersection (Junction) in order to wait for a bus.
Thank you!
4/1/2022, 2:14 AM — I take the QM11 (QMT102) from Forest Hills to Downtown. The inbound stop and leaving time is great!
But on the outbound it cut down a lot of services which is not good.
I see the bus is leaving at 4p, 5p, 5:30pm...but I think most of the people leave work at the same time the bus leaving the first stop.
If I need to catch the 5pm bus, I pretty much have to leave at 4:45p and I think the managers will not be happy.
So I think it makes more sense to change the outbound time to 4:10, 5:10, 5:40, so that people have about 10 min to walk to the bus stop.
Also the bus is not running on Trinity and Vesey, which mean those passengers will have to walk all the way to water street and I think it's a bit far.
Maybe the first stop on the outbound could start on Broadway and Thames, so that it could accommodate the passengers currently working near world trade center?
Thank you.
4/1/2022, 2:29 AM — Extend the Q9 to Lefferts Blvd. Airtrain Station.
4/1/2022, 2:29 AM — I have reviewed the entire Queens Bus Network Redesign, and I have a few comments. I am basing my opinion on my experience of living in Queens my entire life in several different neighborhoods.
1) First I will start with the good: I think the added routes between Queens and Brooklyn are a great start. They are a real necessity.
2) There are not enough non-express buses going to Manhattan. You are eliminating an entire route so there are only 2 left! And the Q32 isn't even 24 hours a day. The subways often shutdown for maintenance in the middle of the night so if we don't have buses, we have to drive (which we know the City doesn't want) and pay a ton on parking or we have to pay a ton on a cab. And most of the buses that go to Manhattan are express buses, which are a lot more money. We need more routes that go to Manhattan and they need to be 24 hours a day.
3) You should be expanding bus routes to go all the way to East River ferry lines in Astoria, Long Island City, and Brooklyn. This will give people another way to travel besides getting on the subway. For instance, you stop several routes (like the Q54) in Williamsburg, but you can bring those all the way down to one of the ferry stops in Brooklyn so people can hop on the ferry to Manhattan. You should be striving to connect more methods of transportation.
4) It is a bad idea to remove the bus stop on Metropolitan Avenue and the east side of Woodhaven Blvd on the Q54 line. People transfer from that stop to buses that go down Woodhaven Blvd to Queens Blvd. You may think it seems redundant because there is another bus stop on the west side of Woodhaven Blvd, but it is not. Woodhaven Blvd has 9 lanes of traffic! So people would have to get off the bus and then cross a very large, very dangerous street to transfer to their bus. I can imagine people running across the traffic when they see their bus coming in an attempt not to miss it and then getting hit by a car. For the same reason it would be a bad idea to remove the bus on the west side of Woodhaven since people often transfer to buses heading towards the Jamaica and Atlantic Avenue train stations on that side of the street.
5) It is also a bad idea to remove the bus stop at Metropolitan Avenue and Selfridge on the Q54 line. That bus is directly in front of the Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School, which is a 6-12 grade school. As you probably know, the City does not provide school buses for children in 7th grade and above, so almost all the children who go to school there rely on public transportation. It is wonderful that they can get off the bus and head directly into the school instead of having to walk several blocks. The next closest stop would be Metropolitan and Woodhaven Blvd., but that would require them to cross a very busy, dangerous street by the Trader Joe's parking lot. If you know the area, you know that is a dangerous crossing. In fact, there was just a you tube video circulating about how it is the most dangerous parking lot in New York City, and that danger stretches into the cross street with all the cars trying to get into the parking lot.
6) I understand that you are trying to make bus routes more efficient, but I think that your redesign is going to require many people to take several buses now instead of just one. They may even have to take 2 or 3 buses or 2 buses and the subway. For that reason, I think that riders should get unlimited transfers within a certain period of time (2 hours? ) It is unfair to ask riders to pay twice if they need to take 2 or 3 buses or 2 buses and a subway.
4/1/2022, 4:22 AM — The Q45 route is a great idea but weekend service is needed due to activity along Little Neck Parkway such as the Queens Farm Museum, however this might still not bring in enough ridership on the route. In order to improve ridership on the Q45 I believe a small route revision is needed on the western end of the route. Instead of the Q45 terminating at Sutphin Blvd./Archer Avenue on its western end the Q45 route should instead be extended at Sutphin Blvd./Jamaica Avenue further east to Jamaica Hospital via similar routing and stops as the proposed Q42 route. This additional route extension would provide faster access to and from Jamaica Hospital for passengers from many Northeastern Queens communities.
4/1/2022, 5:51 AM — Hi! I use the Q59 to commute to and from work a few times a week, and I propose that you keep its current routing at its eastern terminus (EB - left on Hor Harding, right on Junction, right on 62nd, right on Queens Blvd.) This current routing permits for a much easier turnaround with the left turn coming at a less busy, and better (for the Q59) signaled intersection. Also, many riders go to the last stop because it's a lot closer to Corona and the Rego Centre than the new proposed routing. This also provides better network coverage for Queens Blvd riders, and others on the Q60/Q59 corridor because more destinations are more readily accessed. The proposed change will not make service faster and may actually make it slower.
Personally, it leaves me a block from my destination whereas the new routing would leave me 4 longs blocks and 1 super crazy intersection to cross.
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my comment.
4/1/2022, 5:53 AM — Several suggestions that would be beneficial for commuters like me, who reside in Queens Village:
-A route that goes through Braddock Avenue, Spencer Avenue and the ENTIRETY of Bell Boulevard (Queens Village LIRR Station - Bay Terrace Via Bell Blvd)
-A route that connects Winchester Boulevard & Douglaston Parkway
-A route that serves the whole of Little Neck Parkway
-Extend one of the lines that run along Francis Lewis or Springfield to Green Acres. It would be MUCH easier to get there.
-Think about the routes you are making/changing more carefully. Consider how it would impact people from each neighborhood.
4/1/2022, 6:27 AM — The proposed Q38 route could be revised on its eastern end at 108th Street to instead travel along 108th Street to the Horace Harding Expressway then to College Point Blvd. The Q38 could then travel north along College Point Blvd. and merge with the Q16 route to Bayside. Since both these routes are listed as (Green) local routes a new combined route this shouldn't be that difficult. The new combined route could have a service frequency similar to that of the Q16 route which would be better than the proposed Q38 service frequency, but I believe by combining these two routes together would vastly increase ridership as it would connect many Northeastern Queens neighborhoods to both Rego Park and Middle Village reducing reliance on other routes such as the Q58 and Q98 which then may require additional transfers to access these points.
4/1/2022, 6:55 AM — Please keep the Q29 it is needed for many riders who connect from the 7 train to their homes. It also connects many students to get to schools.
4/1/2022, 7:11 AM — Q29 is a route used by students primarily & workers; can the MTA explain what will happen with all of the Q29 bus riders?
4/1/2022, 7:37 AM — Please do not eliminate the Q29, we already have a poor oublic transportation system in Queens.
4/1/2022, 8:08 AM — Hello MTA. I am a BMCC college student. I am concerned about the Q100 being discontinued from the new Queens Bus Network Redesign. The Q100 Limited service to Rikers Island is a great way to get to Rikers Island, but without any local stops (which will take a while longer to get to Rikers). In my opinion, you should leave the Q100 Limited, and instead keep the Q105 as an local service option to cover the Q102 service.
4/1/2022, 8:54 AM — I'm a resident in queens and I take the q29 daily to work. The q29 cuts through all the woodhaven traffic and gets me home sooner rather than any bus on Woodhaven. Taking it away will create a horrible traffic jam and leave 100s of customers without transportation through woodhaven/ middle village . If you don't live in the area you don't know what trouble you can cause when you take away a bus that is being taken consistently daily with thousands of commuters. It's hard as it is. Please don't take this line away!!
4/1/2022, 10:17 PM — Distance between bus stops on the Q38, both directions, on Juniper Blvd. South between 69th Lane and 80th Street, is about 3,177 feet. A bus stop mid-way between these two bus stops is warranted.
4/1/2022, 11:33 PM — Please don’t consider cutting out times or days on the QM2 or QM 32.I’m constantly going into the city either alone or groups of friends and I need these modes of transportation to get me there. I’m retired but am a regular theater and museum goer, I belong to an organization and I’m on the board ergo meetings always. Some of my doctors are in the city as well.
Since it’s a hassle to take the RR meaning several connections and I won’t use the subways now what are my choices?
Do I need to sit locked in my house or drive into the city and create further stress?
This would be a travesty!
4/1/2022, 11:57 PM — The bus 29 even is the route is not too long is important to us who lives in Elmhurst and Jackson heights I can’t take so many busses to get middle village so please think about it we really appreciate it
4/2/2022, 3:11 AM — Removing 40 percent of the bus stops from the Q49 is not the right way to address bus speeds on the route. All it will do is reduce access to the route. There is a major bottleneck on many times of day on this route that this plan does nothing to address - 74th Street between Roosevelt Avenue and 37 Avenue. The bus stops I use on either end of my trip are being removed. This will increase my total walking distance (total of each end of my trip) from 1,150 feet to 2,050, a net increase of 900 feet. And while I will be seeing 24 hour service I am not seeing any improvement to service frequency - nor will I see much travel time since buses don't actually stop at bus stops that no one is using at the time anyway. So I will see my trip time actually increase by 4 minutes.
4/2/2022, 4:50 AM — The new Q67 - instead of having it go down the narrow 61st Street in Maspeth, what about Fresh Pond to Flushing; left on Flushing; right on Rust Street to pick up the rest of the route? 61st Street for buses is tough, it's narrow, probably somewhat dangerous for the buses, as well as cars and pedestrians. I know it creates a long walk for those between Grand and the LIE in some portions of the area, but others can walk to Rust and 57th Drive; maybe adding a stop just past Maspeth Avenue as well. There is only one stop on Grand under the current draft.
4/2/2022, 4:54 AM — This draft is pretty much is good in my opinion. It provides more crosstown availability and cut down services where it essentially doesn't need buses. Ex. The Q102 being replace by Q104(service in Roosevelt Island) and Q105 (service in 31st street and Q100 service to Rikers). The B53 is providing more service along Broadway and also help with B46 and B47 service from Gates Ave to Marcy Ave and replace the Q24 along Broadway. But one thing I'm disappointed about is the Q101service taken out but in all honestly I'm up for as I can take to B60 to Williamsburg Bus Terminal and I can Transfer to the Q68 and go to Astoria more quickly and not having a 2 hour commute to get to Astoria.
4/2/2022, 5:02 AM — The revised B57 going to Jackson Heights (but no longer to Red Hook). Not sure I understand why the elimination of a big part of the Brooklyn leg. But, wouldn't a bus be better served traveling from 69th Street to 82nd Street using 37th Avenue instead of Roosevelt Avenue? Roosevelt is not an easy street to travel - single lane in each direction; lots of existing traffic. 37th Avenue much less busy, wider street. Anyone who needs the train can change at 69th/Roosevelt. If the issue is 74th Street train station, then maybe turning on 75th to get it off of Roosevelt?
4/2/2022, 5:33 AM — This is a comment about Q4 stop spacing.
I like that stops between Farmers and Francis Lewis are consolidated to 193, 197, and 201. This is better than the first proposal (195, 201). I'd like to suggest making stops more legible and easy to find by actually moving the stops in both directions to the same intersection, instead of having staggered stops as is the case today. For example, 192 St is proposed to be kept in the eastbound direction; move it to 193 St.
Please do not remove Newburg St as that is a connection to the LIRR.
Regarding stops between 179 St and Merrick, I'd like to suggest just two stops specifically at 177th Place/114th Road, and 175th Street, in both directions (to also remove staggered stop locations). At the former, there is an existing traffic light and a crosswalk, keeping it safe for passengers. That allows the latter to be a perfect location for a bus stop by balancing out the stop spacing to four blocks to the next stop in both directions, as well as maximizing reachability within this peculiar street grid (helpful not just for people going to Jamaica but going towards Cambria Heights as well).
4/2/2022, 6:23 AM — Keep the Q29 bus route
4/2/2022, 7:00 AM — I understand the logic for the new routes however, seniors who are capable, seniors who walk with a cane, people who get around in wheelchairs and rely on the buses to commute, people with children and carriages are not being considered.
NYC has made all the bike lanes and bike racks, these people don't need the buses.
People are riding their mopeds, scooters, etc.
Today, as an example in the morning a handicap person on a wheelchair on Steinway Street and 30 Avenue took the q101 bus and got off at the last stop in Manhattan. Tell me how will he commute with your new plan. How will he transfer to the q 32 or q 60 to Manhattan from Steinway Street.
Removing stops so the bus route can go faster. Seniors rely on the bus for example to go to the market, go to church. Can you picture the senior with a cane having to walk on a rainy day further for the bus stop.
I am a grandmother who babysits her grandchildren.
Two days a week I take the q 19 to the last stop and then take the q 12 to Douglaston Parkway and 243 Street and then return with the q12 to the last stop and transfer to the q 19 back to Astoria.
Three days a week I take the q19 to the last stop then take the q27 to Springfield Blvd and Jamaica Ave and transfer to the q 36 or N24 to Jericho turnpike and 246 Street. I return with the q36 or N24 to the q27 and finally the q 19 back to Astoria.
Weekends I take the q101 on Steinway Street and 23 Ave to the last stop in Manhattan.
Your website says your are going to eliminate the q101 to Manhattan because I can transfer to the q32 or q60. Are you kidding me. Your suggestion passengers can transfer from Steinway Street to the q32 or q60 bus.
Everyday I see high school students and college students just getting on the buses and not paying. It does not matter what bus line in Queens, they take advantage of the system.
Another issue I forgot to mention, was in the winter, a blind man with a cane was trying to find the bus stop, but the bus stop pole was filled with snow and who could not tap the pole to realize he was at the stop until I guided him.
My sons that I help babysit and rely on my commute don't want their mother on the subway system and I too don't want to take the subway.
Like I said in the beginning, I understand why you are doing the changes but the MTA is for all the people no matter age or capabilities.
Don't cut off our wings.
4/2/2022, 8:47 AM — The Q29 is a very convenient and essential bus route. Removing it from the MTA would be a hassle for many commuters.
4/2/2022, 9:37 AM — I like the idea. I find that the new proposals will make the system efficient. Even though spacing out the stops further out can lead to the buses idling at the stops longer, it will still make the buses faster.
4/2/2022, 10:29 AM — The elimination of the Q10 bus going directly into the JFK Terminal will very NEGATIVELY impact the airport workers who rely on this vital connection to get to work. The bus is full of workers at all hours of the day using Q10 to go into JFK, as they cannot afford a commute that involves Airtrain. If any of you actually rode on the Q10, you will see all the working class people that absolutely need this route. By removing the JFK Terminal stop you are making the very people who depend on the MTA bus system pay more while also segmenting their commute.
4/2/2022, 11:37 AM — The Q29 should NOT be eliminated, it is a bus that take you to the Queens Mall.
On 82nd Street by Roosevelt, I see long lines for the bus.
I PERSONALLY, have taken that bus many times.
What you MTA needs to do with MANY routes including the trains is be organized..
Some trains come just a few people, same is with some bus routes.
For example, you wait and wait for a bus and none come. Suddenly, two or three come at once from the same route.
Bottom line, some buses and trains needs to spread out a little to financially benefit MTA and passengers.
4/2/2022, 5:54 PM — Hi good day to you.
Here is my comments on the express bus changes for Queens.
I highly agree with the QM5, 8, & 35 Running Express to/from 188 Street & 64 Avenue. The QM8 should run from 530 AM to 930 AM Manhattan Bound and 230 PM to 730 PM Glen Oaks Bound. The QM35 should also run from 545 AM to 945 AM Manhattan Bound and 3 PM to 8 PM Glen Oaks Bound. QM5 should have a earlier trip at 440 AM to Manhattan.
I don't really agree with the Union Turnpike changes. The QM6 should serve stops west of 188 during times the QM1 is not running as the proposed ending time for the 1 is too early and will leave folks having to back track from 188 to get to the bypassed stops on Union as the service span will still be the same on the 5 and 6 but not the 1. Also look into adding a 7 AM trip from Manhattan to Lake Success as I had come across many people who work in the medical facilities around Lakeville Road and Marcus Avenue that want to use the express bus but don't because the first QM6 to Lake Success at 805 AM is too late for them.
The Queens Blvd stops for QM7 is also something I disagree with. The best idea was the first draft where there was a Queens Blvd wall street route that started in Briarwood at Queens Blvd and Main Street and that was much better. Ideally the QM7 should add a 520 AM and 950 AM inbound trip and a 745 PM outbound trip.
I do agree with having all wall street buses stop at 34th and 1st and it's a move I feel like that can be implemented even before the redesign starts.
I don't really see much of a need for a Southeast Queens to Wall Street bus when you got other areas like in Northeast Queens that is asking for Wall Street service.
I do feel like the QM3 should be kept in some kind of way even if it becomes the Northeast Queens- Wall Street bus.
I do feel like the QM21, QM63, and QM64 should no longer serve the stops on Queens Blvd as a way to give Southeast Queens riders a faster and more direct trip to Manhattan. The QM68 can service the stops on Queens Blvd at Main Street, 83rd/Hoover Avenues, and 78th Avenue even if the 21, 63, and 64 continue to serve Queens Blvd stops. The simplication for the QM63, 64, and 68 in Manhattan is a great move however maybe a possibility of creating a 3rd Avenue variant for the 63, 64, and 68 should be looked at in the future when things gets more better.
The Queens Blvd and 67 Avenue and 63rd Drive stops should be made by the QM4 instead of the QM18 and have QM18 run express after 71st Avenue. QM18 should run from 530 AM to 10 AM Manhattan Bound and 230 PM to 7 PM Ozone Park Bound.
Service on the QM4 at minimum should run weekdays to Manhattan from 530 AM to Noon and from Manhattan from 230 PM to Midnight.
Weekday QM15 service to Manhattan should start at 5 AM.
QM15 service on Saturday should continue to run until 11 PM and Sunday service should be added using the existing Saturday schedule.
QM16 and QM17 should run from 430 AM to 1030 AM Manhattan Bound and from 230 PM to 830 PM Rockaway Bound.
QM2 should have the former Midnight trip from Manhattan come back and have service to Manhattan start at 5 AM.
QM20 should run to Manhattan from 515 AM to Noon and from Manhattan from 230 PM to 1130 PM
I highly disagree with all off peak service becoming every 90 minutes it should just stay every hour as it is.
Thanks and have a great day!
4/2/2022, 9:12 PM — My suggestion here is for the Q61 to make an extra added stop at Union St/26th Avenue to make a direct transfer to the Q44 which is an Interborough Route so say if someone on Willets Point Blvd needed to go to the Bronx, they wouldn't have to walk from Willets Pt Blvd and Parsons to Union St and 26th Avenue. I understand that the Q61 is a peak "rush" route/subway feeder but it's the only route along Willets Pt Blvd to begin with so you're not exactly giving them alternatives. Other rush routes also make stops at direct transfer points so this would help improve the connectivity of the system. Thanks for hearing me out!
4/2/2022, 9:17 PM — The proposed Q63 route should be extended from Broadway/Queens Blvd. to terminate instead at 57th Avenue/92nd Street (where the Q80 terminates at) to provide Q63 passengers easy access to the Queens Center Mall. The proposed Q51 route should also be extended east and terminate at Elmont Road/Linden Blvd. for transfer with the N1 route providing transit access between Brooklyn, Queens and Nassau County.
4/2/2022, 11:34 PM — I read on the Facebook "Express Bus Advocacy Group" a few posts regarding the elimination of the QM3 express bus route as part of the Queens Bus Network Redesign Pan. For passengers that utilized the QM3 express route from eastern Northern Blvd. and Little Neck Parkway there may be a way for these passengers to have access to other nearby express routes which would be for the MTA to revise and extend the proposed Q12 Northern Blvd. bus from Little Neck Parkway to 260th Street/Union Turnpike, Glen Oaks via Little Neck Parkway and 260th Street to Union Turnpike. This would allow Q12 passengers to easily transfer to the QM5, QM8 and QM35 express routes at some joint bus stops along Little Neck Parkway or for these Q12 passengers to instead transfer to the QM6 and QM36 express routes at 260th Street/Union Turnpike. Additionally, under this plan Q12 passengers would also be able to transfer to the Q46 local route at 260th Street/Union Turnpike as well. Another additional option that would then become available would be to have the Q12 extended further east from 260th Street/Union Turnpike to the Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Hospital via Union Turnpike and Lakeville Road. Although this would then have three bus routes terminating at LIJ Hospital in which there might be some space limitations at that parking facility but then the Q46 route could then be revised to serve LIJ hospital from outside of the hospital along Lakeville Road. At this point consideration should be given to extend the Q46 route further north from Lakeville Road to the North Shore Towers via Lakeville Road and Marcus Avenue. Especially with new ninety-minute wait times on the QM6 express bus middays on weekdays and also all day long on weekends therefore the revised Q46 service would now be needed for the North Shore Towers residents.
4/3/2022, 4:47 AM — How about creating a NEW Q90 SBS from Kew Gardens to Yankee Stadium. It is to begin at Union Tpke and Queens Blvd, and travel Queens Blvd and Broadway to 31st Street, then North via 31st Street to Astoria Blvd, then via RFK Bridge to The Bronx (Bronx bound exit at East 138th Street near Port Morris, Queens Bound enter via St. Ann's Avenue) and then a route to Yankee Stadium via Hub - East 149th Street.
This NEW route is to accomplish the following:
1. Bring a LTD or SBS to the Q60 route
2. Create a Broadway Crosstown SBS line.
3. Links The Bronx with Jackson Heights Subway Station for the IBX and Queens Blvd LINE and connects with the Q52 and Q53 SBS.
4. Reduces travel time between Western Queens and The Bronx by up to 35 minutes.
4/3/2022, 4:47 AM — A special thanks goes out the MTA and NYCDOT for implementing changes that would improve Queens Borough and other Borough (in the future) Bus Network. As bus rider throughout my entire life since the 90s and uses various routes throughout all 5 borough. I want to share some of my thoughts on this proposed upcoming new redesign bus network for Queens. After reviewing each bus routes profile, MTA fufilled its commitment in provide better and efficient bus service. Over the years, I understood the current service performances wasn't just based from continues city population growth, its also reflect from numbers of passenger vehicles flow from major road arteries that connected with our city bridges and tunnels that serve transportation within NY NJ CT Tri-state. These traffics often contributed to delays on bus service. From passenger vehicle double parking to unloading trucks to uber or lift limo that drop off passenger causing buses at standstill. MTA may did their parts to improve bus service. NYCDOT should also considering in making significant improvement by either adding more traffic lanes or restrict passenger or commercial vehicle from lanes that are used by MTA buses.
As this new redesign bus network that not just only improve service quality for Queens, but also for 4 other boroughs in years to come. Only few suggestions to this all new future bus network are.
1. MTA bus operator follows accordin departure schedule.
2. Installed Fareboxes that except cash dollars allow returning riders or new riders to pay their fare appropriately, (especially those whom don't use card cards for omni or short amount from metro cards)
3. Hand copy of paper bus schedules should be replenished and made available in all bus for rider like myself uses it to navigate travel time and connecting to appropriate transfer points. These material are useful to tourists who uses the bus for first time and to riders whom just don't have patient scroll and search for their bus route timetable on the mobile device.
4/3/2022, 8:19 AM — You say the draft was driven by customer feedback. CB 14 in Queens told you in 2017 and 2019 they want to retain service on Newport Avenue, but you propose to eliminate it for a third time. Q24 service was eliminated in Brooklyn in 2010. They fought to bring it back only for you to propose removing it again.
Over 2100 have signed the petition against massive bus stop removal. Yet you co tune to propose eliminating one third of the bus stops. Why don't you read the comments from these 2100 people?
Are you really listening or just doing what you want? You should have proposed a new bus route from Rockaway to Sheepshead Bay Station via the Belt Parkway with a bus lane on the shoulder. There is real demand for it. There is zero demand for a direct bus route from East NY to Sunnyside. Yet that is what you proposed. I would live to see your data to support that route.
4/3/2022, 11:33 AM — 1. In the new bus proposal, I hope you are not planning to eliminate the Q53 stop by Elmhurst Avenue & Bdwy. We in the community urgently need this stop which didn't exist originally. Keep in mind, important for seniors/mobility limited (no other option as cannot access subway) plus, with your constant changes of the especially weekend R train (no service at least one way and no shuttle bus like you offer in "better" communities already well served by the subways and buses like LIC, etc.) we need te Q53 and, in fact, more service as it often then bypasses the Elmhurst stop unless someone needs to exit. I have no limited mobility and the loss of this stop would be very injurious plus you now also want to stop the only other bus here, the Q29. We are so very ill-served. And sorry, the #7 is not an alternative 1. stairs upstairs are impossible and 2. area now becoming dangerous, walking from either #7 to my home especially one the sun goes down. Please stop doing harm to us in this area. We are already ill-served in so many other ways as Covid showed.
4/3/2022, 3:18 PM — There should be a bus from JFK Airport up Brewer Blvd and one up Springfield Blvd. There should be a north-south route down Francis Lewis between College Point and Green Acres.
4/3/2022, 11:04 PM — It would be easier to keep as many bus route #'s as possible even if the route is changing. Don't assign new route #s where it's absolutely not needed.
4/4/2022, 1:54 AM — Hello, I am writing to point out a problem with your redesign. By moving the b32 south in Brooklyn, to Greenpoint avenue from Freeman Street, and by moving the b62 east to McGuinness, you will be eliminating the only mode of transportation available to residents of Greenpoint north of Greenpoint Avenue. I live at [REDACTED] (10-15 walk from the new b32 stop at Greenpoint, 10-15 to the new b62 stop at McGuinness) and use both buses to travel to Queens and to connect to the 7 or E train to Manhattan. This is unacceptable for people who rely on the buses for disability or safety reasons. You would be cutting off a corner of Greenpoint that is only increasing in population density with the construction of several 40-60 story towers. Please reconsider, or include a new route that connects our part of Greenpoint to the 7 & E trains, as well as the L train farther south. Thank you.
4/4/2022, 6:34 AM — Q10 - The redesign for this route will offer Queens College Students better and faster direct access to the campus via a one seat ride from the neighborhoods of Kew Gardens, Richmond HIll and South Ozone Park. In addition residents of the Pomonock Houses and the Electchester Co -op apartments will have direct access via a one seat bus ride to JFK airport. This will provide people who live in these areas with affordable access to possible new employment opportunities at JFK Airport. The community should be informed that the JFK Air Train at the Lefferts Blvd Station is free to use - no fare is required to ride. This new routing is a great idea provided that the frequent level of service now offered by the Q64 to the subway at Forest Hills station is maintained under this new route structure. It should be noted that this is a heavily used route that serves Multi Family Housing Units and the Queens College Campus so it is imperative that existing frequencies on the Q64 portion of the route be maintained.
4/4/2022, 6:48 AM — Q11 - The redesign of this route which eliminates direct service to Queens Blvd. by having the bus terminate at Rockaway Blvd. is not acceptable and will result in people who ride this route having to take two buses to reach their final destination. Having to take two buses to reach Queens Blvd. and the Queens Center Mall will actually lengthen the traveling time instead of shortening it. In addition there is no mention of the MTA providing a two bus transfer plus a transfer to the subway being allowed for a fare of $2.75. Moreover, the elimination of many of the stops on this route will require senior citizens to have to walk further to each stop and the ridership numbers will definitely decline further. The only acceptable alternative to this redesign proposal is to maintain the existing routing of this route to a final terminal at Queens Blvd. with a 30 minute headway. Any level of service less than this represents a drastic reduction of accessibility for residents who reside in Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach and will result in more use of cars by these individuals to reach their destinations.
4/4/2022, 6:58 AM — Thank you for keeping the original Q route bus numbers in the redraft plan recently released. The using of new QT route numbers in the first draft plan required the use of a conversion chart and created much added confusion when people tried to analyze what route changes had actually been proposed. The maps and graphics used also appear to be much clearer and should allow residents of Queens County to understand what will remain the same and what could possibly change in their local bus routes.
4/4/2022, 6:59 AM — I'm not ok with the redesign of the Q46 bus line being split into two and becoming a two separate bus lines that run strictly on rush hour and that the Q65 bus line will no longer serve Jamaica LIRR Station.
4/4/2022, 7:32 AM — Very good proposal on the new mta bus routes changes. Too many stops on the Q49. This new plan should make bus travel much faster to the 74th street hub. Thank you.
4/4/2022, 9:40 PM — I am advocating to keep and increase the level of service on the QM3 express bus line. I have diagnosed disability and cannot take the subway. Removing this line would remove the means that I can get to my employment location. This is ignoring the rights of your ridership and the needs of your clients. We are your clients and are paying for a service. I will be sharing this with my local legislators as well.
4/4/2022, 10:28 PM — Please bring back the Q30. Do not name it as the Q75 and discontinue Q16 and Q31 service please!!!
4/5/2022, 12:14 AM — Q13 - The dividing of this route into two parts - local and limited in order to provide a faster ride to the number 7 train at Main Street from Bell Blvd and Northern Blvd. is an excellent idea. The current local route of the Q13 can take as long as 45 minutes to an hour just to reach the Flushing Main Street Station. This new routing will greatly reduce the traveling time from Downtown Bayside to Flushing Main Street by at least 15 minutes and maybe even 20 minutes when traffic conditions are light. As a former resident of Bay Terrace in Bayside for over 10 years before moving to a different area of Queens, this is something that I always hoped would someday happen. Another associated benefit of this proposal will be a more reliable turn around time and service on the northern end of this route from the Bayside LIRR station to the Bay Terrace area. Many people from Bay Terrace commute to NYC on the LIRR and use the Q13 from Bay Terrace to get to the Bell Blvd. Bayside LIRR station as part of the Uni-Ticket program with the LIRR . Parking in this area is at a premium so the Q13 provides a shuttle service between these two points and a discounted fare program as part of the LIRR Uni Ticket program. However, there are sometimes large gaps in service on this portion of the route due to traffic delays in the Main Street area of Flushing. I remember that many times people gave up waiting for the Q13 to arrive and instead took their cars or at the time there was a commuter van service that began to offer rides to the station for a set amount. Hopefully, this idea will result in more reliable service over the Northern portion of this route and may even encourage more people to visit the Bay Terrace Mall which is a wonderful shopping center containing a wide array of stores.
4/5/2022, 12:37 AM — When will the Queens Bus redesign Remix interactive map be updated with runtimes so we can examine the bus headways more easily. Thank you.
4/5/2022, 1:00 AM — Q21 - The proposed new routing of this line on the southern end of the route in Howard Beach down 84th Street and along 164th Avenue is an improvement over the current confusing zig- zag route of this line through this area. Also, the extension of the route north to the number 7 train at 82nd street in Jackson Heights will offer commuters an additional subway transfer option. Furthermore, the addition of 24 hour service on this route is also to be applauded. The only potential drawbacks are the elimination of some of the stops in the Lindenwood area which may discourage senior citizens from walking the extra blocks to get to the new bus stop. The Lindenwood area of Howard Beach has many apartment buildings and a significant number of senior citizens who may not have an automobile. Everything should be done to make the riding of the bus convenient for this segment of the population so the elimination of any stops in this area should be reconsidered.
4/5/2022, 1:35 AM — Re the Q49 bus route redesign the northbound bus should still stop on the corner of 74th St and 37th Ave. This is very important because eliminating this stop will impact the businesses on that strip. People go shopping on that block and buy heavy things that they then bring home via bus. This will decrease the business' sales and encourage our neighbors to buy from national big box stores instead of buying local.
4/5/2022, 1:56 AM — Hello ibwould like to have limited service on every line, an express line that goes through every neighborhood and an average of a bus stop every 2 blocks.
4/5/2022, 3:39 AM — Hello...still no South Bronx to Astoria/LGA bus? How is that route still being ignored?
4/5/2022, 5:18 AM — There's an error on the system map along the Q51 route as it says 100 AV instead of 109 AV between 111th Street and Lefferts Blvd. Also within the Downtown, Jamaica area the Q115 route is incorrectly shown in the grey shaded box for Jamaica Av instead of Archer Av. Your office should also take a look at extending the Q17 route to the 179th Street Subway Station via non-stop along 188th Street and Midland Parkway which is a great speedy path to the 179th Street Subway Station subway from Union Turnpike. (This would eliminate passengers needing a three legged transfer to get to the Kew Gardens Subway Station via a transfer to the Q46 or Q48 or to the 179th Street Subway station via a transfer to the Q75 route.). After stopping at the 179th Street Subway Station your office could either extend the Q17 route to the 165th Street Terminal or have the Q17 route travel east non-stop along Hillside Avenue to possibly provide supplementary Rush service to some eastern segment of Jamaica Avenue and/or Springfield Blvd.
4/5/2022, 5:55 AM — Q73 feedback:
This is going to be extremely helpful for me to commute between Forest Hills and QCC, where I work, but I actually feel like this is a regression from the original QT87 proposal.
My biggest concern is the proposed routing along Austin Street. Austin Street is a disaster, traffic wise, and the Q23 that currently runs along there is often bunched up, and never reliable. Combine that with proposed headways of 12 min (peak) or 20 min (off-peak), and I can foresee major service gaps as multiple Q73s are bunched together in traffic on Austin Street.
Please just avoid Austin Street, and have the bus turn north on Yellowstone/Burns, but continue along Yellowstone until it gets to 108th/Jewel.
Also, I think the QT87's original routing further east to Little Neck, as part of the "Connecting the Neighborhoods" category would be helpful. I can't complain if the bus stops directly at QCC, and ends there, but I just think it would serve more people and generally be more useful if it continued east to Little Neck like the QT87 plan. It would avoid QCC directly in that case, and go along Horace Harding.
Thank you for your time.
4/5/2022, 7:08 AM — Q22 - I am opposed to the proposed rerouting of this bus route due to the fact that the western end of the route would be dropped entirely from Beach 116th Street - Beach 169th Street and would force riders to switch to the Q35 and pay another fare to ride the entire length of the Rockaway Peninsula. Is it too much to expect that at least one bus route without a transfer be provided to residents of this peninsula to ride from one end to the other? If there ever was a "transit desert" it is surely the Rockaway Peninsula. The residents of this area are entitled to at least one bus route that they can take from one end of the peninsula to the other. This shortsighted proposal ignores the steadily growing population in this area and the need especially in the summer months for more transportation options not less. The only hospital on the Rockaway Peninsula is St. John's Hospital in Far Rockaway and the Neponsit Health Center may be renovated sometime in the future for medical use. The Q22 would easily connect these two medical facilities with a one seat ride. Thirty minute headway service should be maintained on this route despite currently low ridership on the western end. The proposal to lengthen the route on the eastern end is a good one and may actually stimulate more ridership on this route on the western end in the future. Please reconsider this rerouting to keep the existing Q22 route in its entirety with the new proposed eastern extension.
4/5/2022, 7:23 AM — I have reviewed your latest plan, and will focus on one issue of major concern, which is that after all the meet ups, etc, back in late 2019/early 2020, you still wosh to eliminate the Q29, which is an abominable bizarre decision. The Q29 is a major line that serves people in Queens to attend shopping/restuarants, or connect with the #7 in Jackson Heights to get to work, to Newtown High School, and places of employment in Elmhurst, and of course, the Queens Center, and Queens Place Mall, then onward to Juniper Valley Park, St. Johns Cemetery, and the Atlas Park Mall. For many, the elderly, the disabled, etc, this is their only mode of transport, and severely changing this line would dreadfully impact their lives. For me, its hard to imagine., as well as the stats, since the bus does appear crowded and busy, and needs to remain to serve our community. Changing and waiting for two new bus lines that are proposed, would cause a loss in quality of life for people, extra stress, and time. PLease continue to review your plan, as is it really for the people, or just to create additional parking spaces?
4/5/2022, 7:33 AM — Q53 - SBS The new rerouting proposal is acceptable and represents a great improvement over the prior plan which dropped the Q53 SBS route entirely. This is a major cross boro route that is necessary to maintain in its entirety due to the fact that it offers relatively fast travel time from the Rockaway Peninsula and Howard Beach areas to the Queens Blvd. subway line, the Queens Mall and the number 7 train at Roosevelt Avenue. I am happy that the community's voices were heard and recognized that it was totally unacceptable to eliminate this route entirely in the prior draft plan. Also, it would have been a travesty to eliminate this route after the NYC DOT spent years designing bus lanes on Woodhave Blvd and the MTA created an SBS service to move riders faster along this major route. The Rockaway Peninsula needs access to the rest of the boro of Queens especially in the summer months when this route is heavily utilized. I am glad that the existing Q53 SBS Route is being maintained almost in its entirety in this new draft proposal.
4/5/2022, 7:41 AM — Without the Q29 many elementary and middle schoolers will be unable to get to school. This bus provides service to IS73, PS/IS 49, PS/IS 119, PS 13 and PS 89. This bus also provides service to Atlas Park, and 82nd street, two major hubs. Please consider keeping this route so that hundreds of children and seniors are not stranded.
4/5/2022, 7:50 AM — Q52 - SBS The route as proposed with an extension on the northern end represents an improvement in that the route currently ends at Queens Blvd at the Queens Mall and the extension to Roosevelt Avenue and the number 7 train adds more connections and options for riders on this route. I am glad that this route will continue to exist in its entirety and will have additional connection options on the northern end. Please consider perhaps extending this route eastward on the Rockaway Peninsula to St. John's Hospital which is the only medical facility that still exists in this area. However, the routing proposal in its current form is acceptable and utilizes the bus lanes on Woodhaven Blvd. and will provide access to the beaches during the summer months.
4/5/2022, 8:07 AM — I love my buses, I use most of the lines in Queens and Manhattan. Most of all in Queens - Q23, Q29, Q32, Q38, Q47, Q54, Q58, Q59, Q60, Q72. Please increase and/or enhance services, NOT decrease. I beg of you.
4/5/2022, 6:12 PM — The Q10 extension should not be implemented, as an everyday rider of the Q10, it is not a good idea to send it further north because of the risk of delays that can occur from Kew Gardens going south. The boarding times will increase and buses will bunch up and even be more late.
There's a lot of untapped potential as to what the Q64 could be, but merging with the Q10 is definitely not the right'll screw over both ridership bases.
With the Q25 solely serving Kissena as a limited with the Q17 running non-stop, those riders would want an alternative service along Kissena, the Q64 could compensate for that to/from Flushing, and it'll also directly serve Queens College students looking to go to Kew Gardens or Forest Hills instead of Jamaica. A route such as that would eliminate the backtracking a lot of people already have to do with the subway, and open up a lot more options for riders all around. Have it run from Flushing-Main Street to Kew Gardens-Union Turnpike via Kissena Blvd, Jewel Avenue, and then to Queens Blvd to the 80th Road stop where the local Q10s currently board.
A better idea could've been drawn up for the Q64, especially now for some unknown reason, Jewel Avenue will have two local routes under this first draft, but merging it with the Q10 is not the right idea. It will cause more problems than it would produce solutions.
4/5/2022, 9:27 PM — We do not want the Q103 bus to go away. Spoke with numerous neighbors who take the bus. This would be a HUGE mistake. Over 1,000 units are coming to market shortly in a two to three block radius with even double this coming in the next 2 years. The NW is already too crammed and too far for the waterfront community. This better not be a play to get the Brooklyn-Queens connector because we don’t want that. If anything the Q103 needs to stay and be expanded with more hours of operation.
4/5/2022, 10:07 PM — I really think passengers in Ridgewood are going to need a local component of the Q58 route as part of the Queens Bus Network Redesign Plan removed numerous local stops within Ridgewood when converting the Q58 route from a local route to a limited route. To restore this local service please take a look at revising the Q59 local route on its western end to travel to the Ridgewood Terminal instead of traveling to and from the Williamsburg Bridge Plaza. The Q59 routing in Ridgewood could be identical to Q58 routing but with most Q58 bus stops restored to provide increased local bus service to that community. As part of this plan the Q59 route could also be revised on its eastern end to serve the shopping areas in Elmhurst and Rego Park but via a revised routing which could be along Grand Avenue to/from Justice Avenue and then Justice Avenue into 56th Avenue(e/b) 57th Avenue(w/b) to/from Junction Blvd. The Q59 route could then travel along Junction Blvd. to/from the Horace Harding Expressway (HHE) and HHE to/from College Point Blvd. to/from Sanford Avenue/41st Road to/from Main Street in Downtown, Flushing. This would then provide full local component of the Q58 route except for Corona Avenue segment but I believe that is less needed. If this was done the frequency of the Q59 local route would then need to be increased, however the frequency of the Q58 limited route could be reduced so these two changes would be cost neutral. As part of this plan the Q18 local route would also need to be extended from 69th Street/Grand Avenue to the Williamsburg Bridge Plaza via Grand Avenue/Grand Street to replace the former Q59 bus service to the Williamsburg Bridge Plaza. Another related idea would then be to revise the path of the Q98 route to travel along Eliot Avenue instead of Grand Avenue to reduce some operations costs and further speed up that related crosstown route. If funding is available, the Q98 route should also be extended to Westchester Square or some other point in the Bronx.
4/6/2022, 2:36 AM — The q101 is necessary to continue to go to Manhattan as it does now.
Transfer to Q32 or Q60 makes no sense for seniors, handicap people or people with carriages.
4/6/2022, 4:07 AM — Still looking through the proposal, but I really like the changes for Whitestone. It was smart to drop the previous proposal to run a bus across 14th Ave due to congestion. I also love the new 31 and wish it existed when I was a student at Francis Lewis High School.
4/6/2022, 4:26 AM — These are my personal comments about the "Queens Bus Network Redesign":
Routes Q1 and Q6 should remain as separate routes. The Q1 would remain unchanged while the Q6 would terminate at Hillside Av covering the length of Sutphin Blvd. The Q40 would be re-routed to 165 Street Terminal.
Route Q4 despite its proposed extension should remain at Jamaica Depot. In addition, route Q83 should be based at Jamaica Depot.
New routes Q31 and Q75 should be based at Jamaica Depot.
Route Q10 should not be combined with the Q64. Instead the Q10 should continue along Queens Blvd making limited stops until Junction Blvd where the Q10 would be combined with Route Q72 to create a JFK-LGA route.
The proposed. Q78 Route does not have a subway connection. This route should be combined with proposed rush hour only Q61 which operates from Main St Subway via Willets Point Blvd to Fort Totten. Instead of going into Fort Totten, let the Q61 continue onto Bell Blvd absorbing the Q78 providing a Subway connection and redesignate the route as Q29.
Base the Q26 at Casey Stengel Depot despite the present Q27 at Queens Village Depot.
Redesignate Q80 as Q30.
If Q48 and Q50 are combined, base the Q50 at Laguardia Depot.
Base Q51 at Queens Village Depot.
Extend 52 SBS to Far Rockaway.
Extend Q53 SBS to either Riis Park or Roxbury.
Provide 7 day service on the proposed Q45 to provide weekend North-South service along Little Neck Pkwy
Extend Q76 to Parsons-Archer Subway to provide Hillside Av corridor service to Jamaica Center station.
Extend Q77 to Green Acres Mall to provide Hillside Av corridor service to the mall in addition to the Q85 and proposed Q86.
The proposed Q73 route should be changed. After leaving Queensbrough Community College, the Q73 would operate along Springfield Blvd, right onto 73 Av, right onto 164 St, left onto Jewel Av absorbing the present Q64 route the absorb the southern end of route Q23 to Crescent Apartments.
Here are some three digit route numbers that should be changed:
Q104 would become Q34
Q105 would become Q36
Q109 would become Q64
Q111 would become Q71
Q114 would become Q74
Q115 would become Q15
Thank you for letting me express my views!
Best Wishes
4/6/2022, 7:59 AM — I forgot to mention in recent suggestions that the Q82 route should be redesigned as Q79 to avoid confusion with the Q2 route at Belmont Park.
Please provide Hillside Avenue corridor passengers with access to Jamaica Center-Parsons Blvd station.
4/6/2022, 8:45 AM — The changes to the QM7 are a terrible idea. The bus does not run on schedule, and is extremely crowded. It will be impossible to add all of these additional stops without extreme overcrowding. You need more QM7 buses on the existing route, not less.
4/6/2022, 9:29 AM — This plan is not doing enough for the people of laurelton or rosedale. It is the same crap going to jamaica. I see there is a new q25 terminating at Springfield blvd, why not extending to 225 and running down 225 st to 147 ave. Also the q22 extension to 5 towns, why not extend that route via brookvile blvd, sunrise hwy to green acres mall...this connection would give residents away to mall and outta their cars. Now i live in laurelton 232 st and Francis Lewis. I have doctors appointments at long island jewish. How do i get there. Oh i would have to travel west to jamaica then transfer to your new q43 to go east...this is too time consuming and their is a new q26 which uyou have terminating as the q27 did in cambria heights . why not extend it down the whole extent of francis lewis blvd and 147 ave.
4/6/2022, 9:44 AM — Good evening,
Here are my comments regarding the Draft New Plan for the Queens bus redesign.
I like the Q4 extension to Elmont, which provides a connection to the n1 bus. I also like the Q5 extension down to the portion of Rosedale currently served only by the X63. It gives people the option of catching the LIRR at Rosedale (especially with the Atlantic Ticket and expanded CityTicket).
The Q7 extension to the (J) makes sense. The extension to Cedarhurst also makes sense, and provides additional connectivity to Far Rockaway. The only issue is that there should be at least one stop where an easy transfer is available between the Q7, Q22, and Q114, which there doesn't appear to be. (Perhaps it has to do with the naming. For the Q7, it is called Reyem Drive, but for the Q22 & Q114, it is called Costco. Hopefully they will all share the stop to enable easy transfers for Q7 riders seeking to reach Far Rockaway.
A Q8 extension to Livonia Avenue makes sense to connect those areas of Central Brooklyn with Jamaica. (I doubt the B6 & B15 will remain in their current forms after the Brooklyn redesign, but whatever bus connections are available after the redesign is implemented might be useful)
I definitely think the proposed QT47 via Lakewood Avenue & 130th Street was a better route than the New Draft Plan version of the Q9. The QT47 centralized within the neighborhood, and down a more suitable street (130th Street is wider than Lincoln Street, and the Van Wyck Expressway divides the neighborhood in that area). Especially considering that it's being extended down 130th Street on the southern end anyway. If the planners are worried about reliability of service along Liberty Avenue, they can just add some "Q57" short-turns between Jamaica & Lefferts Blvd and call it a day.
Likewise, I think the QT46 was a better route than the present-day Q40. The proposed Q40 is going to be bypassing all of the stops along Lakewood Avenue anyway (except for 142nd/143rd Street), and riders along Lakewood Avenue have the Q109 available. I think buses should run down 143rd Street to Linden Blvd, as proposed in the original plan.
I believe the Q10 should be combined with the Union Turnpike/Fresh Meadows portion of the proposed Q23 (So the resulting route would run from the AirTrain station to Fresh Meadows). Northbound buses can take 80th Road to cross Queens Blvd and then make an immediate right turn to Union Turnpike, and southbound buses can take Union Turnpike to Queens Blvd westbound to 77th Avenue to Queens Blvd eastbound to Kew Gardens Road.
The Q11 should still be tied in with Woodhaven Blvd. I think leaving it as a standalone shuttle (especially at those frequencies) will just have people staying on the (A) train all the way to Howard Beach, since the Q11 runs at an even lower frequency than the Rockaway branches of the (A) train. The Q21 should have three branches south of 157th Avenue (One to Howard Beach, one to Old Howard Beach, and one to Hamilton Beach). This would actually provide a quicker connection out of the neighborhood for anybody who transfers to the Q52/53 (Since the connection could be made at 157th Avenue instead of at Rockaway Blvd). The 1-2 buses intended to be used for the Q11 shuttle route could instead be incorporated into the Q21 route, increasing frequency for Woodhaven Blvd local riders, as well as those in Lindenwood. The slight downside is that riders in Howard Beach south of 157th Avenue would see a decrease in service, but that is a lower-ridership portion of the Q21 anyway.
I believe the Q12 should still run down Marathon Parkway as proposed with the QT17 in the original proposal. Little Neck Parkway and Glenwood Street can be covered by having the n20G serve those stops with open-door service. (Similar to the current n31/32/33 arrangement in Far Rockaway).
For the Q13, I think the QT51 routing (as a Crocheron/35th Avenue route) was fine. It just needed to run full-time.
The Q14 is an excellent idea, and wi
4/6/2022, 10:25 AM — Good evening,
I would like to offer a slight revision to my comment regarding the proposed Q109. While I am not necessarily opposed to the idea of having the Q109 continue to the Euclid Avenue (A)(C) station (though I do find it a bit redundant to the subway), I believe that that portion of Sutter Avenue should definitely be served by a rerouted/extended B14 when it comes time for the Brooklyn redesign plan. As such, I would hope that a Q109 extension to Euclid Avenue would not preclude a B14 extension heading eastward. The B14 extension would allow residents of Crown Heights, Brownsville, and East New York to access points along Woodhaven Blvd, as well as points in Southeast Queens along the Q7 and Q51. This is especially important because the B15 currently has no connection to the Woodhaven Blvd routes.
As a matter of fact, I believe the B14 could be further extended to the Lefferts Blvd AirTrain station via the Aqueduct Racino. This would allow Brooklyn residents to reach jobs at the Racino, and also maintain the connection from the Racino to the subway (thus allowing the Q37 to resume its former route bypassing the Racino). Furthermore, extending it to the Lefferts Blvd AirTrain station would provide a connection from Woodhaven Blvd to the airport property, which is currently not possible, since the B15 does not have a connection with the Woodhaven Blvd routes.
Also, while we are on the topic of the Q37, I believe it is better to have the route remaining along 135th Avenue and 114th Street, rather than along Lefferts Blvd. The Q10 already runs along Lefferts Blvd and provides connections to the same subway lines as the Q37, and the Q37 wouldn't cover any additional stops along Lefferts Blvd. Thus, it is better to have the Q37 maintaining coverage along 114th Street).
Finally, regarding the Q9, in addition to running on 130th Street all the way up to 109th Avenue, I believe that the route should be extended to Federal Circle to maintain access from that section of South Ozone Park to JFK Airport.
Yours truly,
4/6/2022, 11:00 AM — I would also like to suggest that if some more new bus routes are being created, use the Q41,
Q72 (if combined with Q10), Q61, Q78 (if combined with Q61 to form my proposed Q29 bus
4/6/2022, 12:04 PM — I'm disappointed to see that the Q53 was taken out of Woodside and away from the 61st Street stop. It was always a great way for friends from Manhattan or Astoria/LIC to meet up with me so that we could all travel to the beach together. I'm not sure why it's being moved but I would like to see the stops staying in Woodside!
4/6/2022, 12:46 PM — Removing the bus stop at 35th ave and 103rd street will create a hardship for people that have difficulty in walking. The proposed change will require your customer to walk an extra two blocks.
4/6/2022, 10:25 PM — Concerning the following: The Q114 line would mostly maintain its existing route under the proposed new plan, but it would no longer run from Mott Ave to Rockaway Turnpike. Proposed Q22 changes would replace that route segment.
This is going to be a hardship for the many disabled passengers including myself that travel from Seagirt Blvd to Rockaway Turnpike for doctor appointments etc. My own doctors are located along this route between Mott Ave and Rockaway Turnpike. I am a disabled rider and changing buses to get to doctor appointments during the cold weather months and the long wait times between buses will put unnecessary hardship to myself and fellow travelers. Unless you will be having the Q22 run along Seagirt Blvd and up to Beach 9th Street then on to Mott Ave this change will be detrimental to the elderly disabled passengers.
4/6/2022, 11:51 PM — Here is a suggestion regarding proposed Q45 route:
The Jamaica bound Q45 should terminate at Parsons-Archer providing Hillside Avenue corridor passengers access to th, t,e "E" and "J" trains. The Jamaica bound Q45 would operate via Little Neck Parkway, right onto Hillside Avenue, left onto Parsons Boulevard with last stop on Archer Avenue where the Q20A/B presently pick up. After the bus uses the teardrop to turn around., the Q45 will share a pick up stop with the Q31 or use the present Q25/Q34/Q65 pick up stop. On the return trip, Q45 buses will turn left on Parsons Boulevard,, right onto Hillside Avenue, left onto Little Neck Parkway to Little Neck LIRR Station. There should also be weekend service on the Q45 to improve North-South service in Eastern Queens.
4/7/2022, 5:04 AM — A bus stop is needed on the Q50 route at 14th Avenue/Whitestone Expressway for transfer with the Q31 bus. The proposed Q10 route extension from Kew Gardens to Electchester is a good start but what is needed is a bus connection between JFK Airport and Main Street - Roosevelt Avenue, Downtown, Flushing which is a major transit hub in Queens. The MTA could extend the Q10 route further north along 164th Street first from Jewel Avenue to the Horace Harding Expressway for transfer to the Q17 and Q88 routes. From that point the Q10 route could be further extended to Downtown, Flushing via the Horace Harding Expressway, Kissena Blvd. & Main Street to Roosevelt Avenue or via 164th Street, Booth Memorial Avenue, Kissena Blvd. & Main Street to Roosevelt Avenue.
4/7/2022, 7:46 AM — Combine Q22 with the Q35 to give Rockaway residents access to Kings Plaza, Flatbush Junction shopping and other Brooklyn bus routes.
One important subway suggestion: Extend the "R" train to 179 Street-Jamaica 24/7. Also replace "Z" train service with a new "K" train which would operate between Parsons-Archer and Ninth Avenue Brooklyn to provide all day Nassau Street service through Dekalb Avenue.
4/7/2022, 8:39 AM — Please do not remove the Q49 bus stops at 35th Ave & 78th street as well as the Northbound stop on 74th Street & 37th Ave. These are main stops for many elderly in the neighborhood who need to access the bus to get to the commercial stores on 74th Ave. Also the stop at 35th Ave & 78th leads to Travers Park which is the only park in the neighborhood.
4/7/2022, 9:22 AM — Q65 - The proposed changes to the Q65 routing are for the most part acceptable in that service is maintained on the 164th Street corridor in a North South direction. However, the rerouting of this bus off of the 45th Avenue corridor in Flushing should be reconsidered due to the fact that this route would no longer serve Flushing Hospital directly which is a major drawback. I agree that the bus should no longer travel on Bowne Street or 45th Avenue west of Flushing Hospital due to the fact that these streets are too narrow to accommodate two way car traffic let alone bus traffic in both directions. The rest of 45th Avenue between Flushing Hospital and 162nd Street is a wide enough roadway to accommodate bus traffic adequately as it has for many decades without any problems. At Flushing Hospital the Q65 should then be routed over Parsons Blvd. and Sanford Avenue to reach downtown Flushing. It is important that as many bus routes as possible serve our remaining medical centers for obvious reasons. Also, many of the residents along the 45th Avenue segment to be discontinued are immigrants who do not drive or own cars and rely on the bus for their primary means of transportation.
4/7/2022, 9:37 AM — Q37- Thank you for leaving this route largely unchanged. It is important to maintain service on the 111th Street corridor from North to South due to the fact that there are only a few major North to South arteries in SW Queens: Woodhaven Blvd., 111th Street, and Lefferts Blvd. This route may become more heavily utilized in the future due to the continued expansion of the Resorts World Casino. Additional service can be added to this route as necessary if needed.
4/7/2022, 9:43 AM — Good evening,
I have heard about possible plans to get rid of the Q25. I have been taking the Q25 for many years, and it is very often apart of the routes I take to get to places. Other bus routes are a bit further away from my home, and other people could feel the same way. I feel as though getting rid of the Q25 could make it more difficult for those of us who live closest to the Q25 bus route to go places, and the Q25 also stops right in front of Queens College, which is very helpful. Overall, I feel as though the Q25 is very helpful, and getting rid of it could make it more difficult for many of us who take the MTA on a daily basis.
4/7/2022, 10:08 AM — Q45 - Thank you for maintaining bus service along the Little Neck Parkway corridor from North to South. Little Neck Parkway represents the eastern most major corridor in Queens County and ends at the Little Neck LIRR station where parking is only available for a small number of cars. It is very important to maintain connections between LIRR stations and MTA bus routes and this route preserves this needed connection and offers riders an option to using their cars to get to the LIRR. In addition, this route preserves service to Glen Oaks Village which is a large highly populated Co Op development in NYC. There are also a number of new employers that have been established along this route from the Long Island Expressway to the Grand Central Parkway and this route gives employees at these facilities an option to take the bus to work. There is also a significant elderly population in this area who would utilize this route to go shopping or to get to medical appointments. The UNI Ticket option which combines a LIRR Ticket with a discounted weekly or monthly bus fare should be brought back to stimulate ridership. This UNI Ticket option was available years ago when this route was served by the Q79 but was discontinued when this route was dropped. For some reason it was not offered when the Q36 began service on this route but should be brought back to encourage ridership to the Little Neck LIRR station.
4/8/2022, 1:50 AM — I am a NYC employee who travels and PAYS for my bus ride from Rockaway into Brooklyn everyday to work. Changing the Q35 bus route for summer people is unfair to me as a tax paying, employee of this city. Please do not change the route!
4/8/2022, 3:06 AM — Please keep the Express Bus stop at 108th St and 62nd Drive. Your plan proposes running the QM12 and QM42 routes along 108th St to make up for the loss of the QM10 and QM40 routes. However, it also eliminates the stop at 108th St. and 6nd Drive, which means everyone who previously boarded at that stop must walk several extra minutes to the nearest stop. There is significant construction currently underway within a block of that stop. Between the time you developed this draft plan and the time it takes effect, three new high-rise apartment buildings will have been built within one block of this stop, which means there will be several thousand additional residents there who are potential riders boarding at 108th St. and 62nd Dr. That is not true of the other stops nearby. Removing the most convenient stop to that neighborhood just as the neighborhood itself is about to experience significant population growth is the wrong decision. Thank you for your consideration.
4/8/2022, 6:24 AM — Q60 - Thank you for keeping the Q60 route intact with service still being provided to the East Side of Manhattan from Queens. Queens Blvd. is a major East West corridor in Queens and it passes through many diverse neighborhoods. Many residents in these neighborhoods cannot use the subway due to disability or because they are elderly and cannot negotiate the steps to get down to the subway platform. Also, the bus makes many stops that are not adjacent to the subway station and also makes connections to other bus routes and offers riders an all bus routing to their destination. This route has also served to help subway riders when the QNS Blvd. service is delayed or not running at all. It offers a good alternative to those who choose not to ride the subway and I am glad that the service and route will be maintained in its entirety in this proposal.
4/8/2022, 7:04 AM — Q78 - This new bus route proposed in this redesigned effort needs to be entirely rethought in that in its proposed form it attempts to serve two disparate markets at the same time. It should be noted that the Springfield Blvd. corridor of Queens travels mostly through low density neighborhoods and also car rich areas where most people own at least one car per family. In addition, many QCC students travel by car to the campus due to the fact that free parking is readily available in the neighborhoods adjacent to the campus and many use their cars to travel to their part time jobs after attending classes at QCC. There is little to no demand for anyone to travel the entire route from Laurelton to Bay Terrace or vice versa. However, the southern portion of the route from QCC to Laurelton would be used by QCC students who do not have access to a car. The northern portion of this proposed route is already well served by the Q13 and the QCC campus is also easily accessible by the Q12 bus. If any service is provided on the northern portion of this route what is needed is a shuttle service between the Bayside LIRR Station and the Bay Terrace area in order to accomodate growing LIRR ridership trends and the lack of parking at the Bayside LIRR station. This route could be split into two separate services each beginning and ending at QCC but service along the whole corridor needs to be rethought due to a lack of customer demand and due to the fact that people will not wait for the bus in Bay Terrace and instead just use their cars to get to QCC or the LIRR Bayside station. Please rethink this route design before final implementation.
4/8/2022, 9:24 AM — Q70 - Thank you for maintaining this route as it currently exists. Regardless of other improvements to LGA access by mass transit that eventually may be made by the PA of NY, this route should remain as well to bring LIRR riders from the Woodside Station to LGA. It should be noted that whatever other routes either subway or bus may be added as a result of the new LGA initiatives, they will take many years to implement if they ever happen at all. In the meantime, this route already provides one fare access to LGA via a free transfer from the subway and may actually represent the best and most practicable route to LGA.
4/8/2022, 9:44 AM — Leave the Q47 route as it currently is. The changed route to the Q80 terribly inconveniences so many people. Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Avenue Station provides so many essential connections (local and express). The Q80 only going to Grand Ave-Newton provides limited subway options. Many workers depend on the express subway lines at Roosevelt Ave to get to work. Many McClancey students get on near Elliot Ave and 80th and would definitely have a difficult time to get to school without the current bus route. In addition, the local subway lines often do not run on the weekends so it would be difficult to get to and from where you need to go without having the bus from Roosevelt Ave. Simply eliminate stops that are nearby to each other (i.e. two blocks away from each other) and eliminate stops that few people get on and off. You can still connect to the Metropolitan Avenue subway lines while still leaving the Q47 current route as it currently is.
4/8/2022, 10:06 AM — I would like to suggest that the Q88 be redesigned Q41. Since the present Q41 is being discontinued, that number would be perfect for the route that traverses Horace Harding Expressway.
After all, Hillside Avenue has the Q43 and Union Turnpike has the Q46 and in the future the Q48.
4/9/2022, 1:47 AM — The Q44SBS route should be rerouted from the Cross Bronx Expressway over to the Bruckner Boulevard between Brush Avenue and Castle Hill Avenue in the Bronx to create a transfer between the Q44SBS route and the BX5 route at Bruckner Boulevard/Castle Hill Avenue. The Q44SBS route would have to travel along Castle Hill Avenue between the Bruckner Boulevard and the Cross Bronx Expressway to maintain most of its current route structure to and from Fordham Plaza. (In the future when the BX6SBS route is extended further east to Story Avenue/Pugsley Avenue possibly at that time the MTA could extend the BX6SBS a little further east to another point to create an additional transfer between the BX6SBS and the Q44SBS at Castle Hill Avenue/Bruckner Boulevard.).
The BX20 should also be extended from Parsons Blvd./14th Avenue to Westchester Square or some other point further in the Bronx instead of terminating in Whitestone, Queens. The route should also be extended to 165th Street, Jamaica for more transfer connections to other Queens routes if the route is also extended to new areas of The Bronx that are currently unserved by the Q44SBS route such as Westchester Square.
4/9/2022, 2:48 AM — For the purposes of this feedback, I am going to focus on speaking to the parts of the network that I use the most: the Q10, Q37, Q41 (parts of which will become the Q109), Q53, Q55, and Q60. I use the Q10 and Q41 on a daily basis though, so those are the bus lines I know the best.
I actually have no problems with the routes themselves, speaking for the ones that I use. In fact, I actually like what you've done to the Q10 and the new Q109 route. With the Q10, by extending that line onto Jewel Avenue, you have given my dad, who has knee problems, a one-seat ride to work at Queens College, which I really appreciate. And by making sure that the new Q109 doesn't go along narrow side streets (unlike the old Q41), you are keeping the buses from simultaneously unpredictable yet annoying delays, like the times the Q41 buses have gotten stuck behind Sanitation trucks on 127th Street for as much as 10-15 minutes.
There is one major concern I have, which is the number of stops you all are eliminating. I suspect the MTA wants to eliminate stops in an effort to make the buses faster, but the trade-off is that eliminating too many bus stops will result in longer walks to the stops for people with mobility limitations. I am able-bodied myself so I'm not the best person to commentate on how much these eliminations affect people with mobility limitations, but I urge you all to get lots of feedback on your plan from the disability community before eliminating as many stops as you all plan to eliminate.
4/9/2022, 2:34 PM — There should be a bus between Rockaway Park and Jamaica
4/9/2022, 2:38 PM — Extend the Q22 to Green Acres
4/9/2022, 11:42 PM — why did the union Cloverdale blvd and union tpke west bound and grand central union tpke eastbound Q46 bus stops remain ? How many people use those stops not many at all? I leave there and very few people use it. both should be removed.
QM5 needs a needs a transfer point there is only Qm1 for west of188 street what if they need a transfer point what if Qm1 is out of service then what subway with all the crime elder person should use that mode of transportation come on. we need a transfer point west of 188 street besides QM1.
4/10/2022, 1:34 AM — Do not muck up the Q32 and the Q60. I moved to 41st street in Sunnyside because I live a block and a half from these bus stops. I use them to get to Manhattan. I'm 75 and there are over 55 steps to get to the 7 train at 40th street and i will die if I have to climb them.
The Q104 runs like the N and R trains - never and rarely. Today April 10 I had to wait 50 minutes for that bus. How will this new plan improve Q104 service?
4/10/2022, 2:18 AM — QM-15, QM-16, QM-17 - Thank you for keeping the existing route structure for these three express routes largely intact and for maintaining QM-15 service on Saturdays. These express bus routes are needed to serve geographically isolated areas of the city (Rockaways and Howard Beach) that have a very long existing bus/subway commute time to Mid-Town Manhattan of well over an hour and in many cases one and a half hours to two hours of traveling time via the A train. The A train is the longest subway route in the system and is very unreliable. The A train follows a very circuitous and time consuming routing on its journey to Mid-Town Manhattan via Queens, Central Brooklyn and Downtown Manhattan. Delays are frequently encountered due to train congestion and the opening of the swing bridge over Jamaica Bay which often gets stuck in the open position. Another significant factor that affects subway service to the Rockaway Peninsula is the fact that many A trains only go to Lefferts Blvd. and a rider has to transfer at the Rockaway Blvd. station to a Far Rockaway bound A train. In addition many riders are forced to transfer a second time at the Broad Channel station to the Shuttle train to Rockaway Park. The express bus service from these areas offers for a premium fare direct one seat service to Mid-Town Manhattan in about an hour. This is why it is important to maintain this service as is because the end result will be more auto traffic on the roads due to the fact that people who live in these areas will use their cars to get to work rather than mass transit.
4/10/2022, 4:22 AM — Please Keep The Q25 And Q65 Stops On College Point Boulevard As My Husband And I Use These Routes All The Time. Please Have Them Go To Jamaica RailRoad Station. My Husband Works For [REDACTED]. We Both Travel On The LIRR Also To Go To Long Island. Please Note That I Have Level Two Autism Spectrum Disorder. We Both Have Learning Differences So Changes Can Be Challenging For The Both Of Us. I Hope That You Can Understand And Work On A Balance That Helps Everyone Here In College Point. Thank You From The Bottom Of Our Hearts.
4/10/2022, 6:23 AM — Hello MTA,
Regarding the proposed Q19 consider the following comments about the proposal below.
Retaining the following stops:
-150th Street and 7th Avenue (Westbound)
-150th Street and 8th Avenue (Eastbound)
These two stops are vital to those who live north of 7th avenue. The bus makes it's way north and makes the turn down 7th avenue. Removing these stops is a disservice to those who would be forced to get off at 10th avenue and walk north when the bus is going in the eastbound direction anyway. For those taking the bus into Flushing the walk to access the bus has increased greatly as well. The proposal creates a large gap between stops (i.e.)150th street and 10th avenue and the terminal stop at 151st street and 7th avenue. This would also cause people to walk up and down the hill of 7th avenue which lacks sidewalks for the majority of the block and creates unsafe walking conditions - especially in bad weather. The reduction of accessibility to this bus line for residents should be reconsidered.
-150th Street and 12th Avenue (Eastbound)
-150th Street and 11th Avenue (Westbound)
These stops are located near the heart of the Whitestone village. Again, this is a reduction in accessibility for the service to and from Flushing.
-150th Street and 23rd Avenue (Eastbound)
-150th Street and 22nd Avenue (Westbound)
Removing these two stops creates a large 4 block gap between stops between Willets Point Blvd and 20th Avenue. Also reducing the accessibility for the bus service.
In general this bus route makes no sense to go to Astoria from Flushing. This local route has existed to provide service from Whitestone - Flushing since the 1930's to provide access to the subway for Whitestone residents. The proposed changes are a disservice to the community. Removing multiple stops from ridership for the sake of extending the bus to another section of Queens diminishes the quality of local service. Connections to Astoria could easily be made in Flushing by transferring to another bus or subway - having one bus (the proposed Q19) go directly between the two neighborhoods is not necessary. Astoria has access to multiple busses and the subway (N,W and transfers at Queens Boro Plaza), Whitestone does not. Establishing a longer bus route reduces the convenience of people who wish to access the Main St hub, the subway and Manhattan from Whitestone.
Terminating the Q19 bus at 151st and 7th avenue is also a regression back to the old Q14 bus. The current Q15A bus provides access to Beechurst and the Northshore Farms Shopping center and the new proposal would be removing this extended access to residents. Consider this point in the design as well. One good change in the Q19 proposal is the proposed re-route on to Roosevelt Ave from 150th street. This is definitely an improvement as opposed to the current route from 41st avenue to Bowne street to Roosevelt Avenue. This change creates a more direct route to Flushing Main Street from 150th street.
Thank you for your time and please take these comments into careful consideration.
Respectfully submitted,
4/10/2022, 7:13 AM — If my suggestion to combine the Q10 with the Q72 is approved, the route should be extended to serve Marine Air Terminal at LGA.
Before you provide bus service on 73 Avenue West of 188 Street please have DOT install a traffic light at the intersection of 73 Avenue-182 Street. It is a dangerous intersection.
Please install a traffic light on 164 Street-72 Avenue.
These are some more suggestions.
You may be hearing from me soon!
4/10/2022, 8:24 PM — The new bus redesign still negatively impacts my household. Along with other issues, the primary impact is it eliminates the Q88. I use this bus to travel to work, going from Union Tpke. and Springfield Blvd. to Junction Blvd. The new plan requires me to take 2 buses, transferring a distance from home. Transferring closer to home entails 3 buses!
Additionally, I have an elderly mother and aunt who use the Q88 to go to Fresh Meadows for shopping. The new routes require more transferring. My mother takes the Q27 to shopping by Springfield Blvd. and the L.I.E. The new map requires a transfer for this under 2 mile trip.
MTA, the elderly won't do this. Rightfully, they won't wait for 2 buses for what had been a 5-minute single bus ride. They simply won't go where they had been able to, reducing their quality of life and negatively affecting local businesses.
I will most likely now start driving to work. Anyone riding the Q88 during a typical business AND school day, will find the bus absolutely packed during morning and afternoon rush hours, as I do daily. Counting ridership in the summer, and/or after a holiday, is not a realistic snapshot of use. My Q88 commute already takes just about an hour going home. Waiting for 2 packed buses now? No thanks.
We don't need routes eliminated. People choose neighborhoods and jobs with commuting in mind. Add more buses to existing routes, remove stops that are too close together, and add new routes that make new connections. Removing buses is not the answer.
4/10/2022, 8:47 PM — Don't muck with the Q53SBS. I can get to Rockaway via the Q32 (and don't muck with that route) and change for the Q63SBS. An excellent way for me to get to the beach from Sunnyside.
4/10/2022, 11:10 PM — Hello. The proposed changes to the Q60 and Q46 are unacceptable and detract from quality of life, especially for seniors and workers. On the Eastbound Q60: Removing the Ascan Avenue and Queens Boulevard stop is right in front of Orchard Fine Foods Supermarket where a lot of people grocery shop and they take the bus go get home. Discontinuing the 77th And Queens boulevard Stop services Forest Hills South apartment complex as well as other buildings. Seniors would have difficulty in negotiating the extra blocks to get to a bus stop from the supermarket with bags of groceries. This does not make any sense. I have actually spoken to people who were waiting for the Q60 on Queens Blvd and Ascan, outside the supermarket. I even spoke to an MTA employee whow uses a cane and regularly takes bus at this stop after church service right across the street. They were all totally unaware of the proposed removal of this stop and very concerned how this would affect them and that it would create a hardship for them. The purpose of the buses is for convenience not speed. Now with respect to the Q46: Eliminating the Eastbound Union TP/Queens Boulevard stop also does not make any sense. This is a major transfer point and having the 2 stops (one at 78th Avenue and Queens Boulevard) addresses the many transfer points (other buses as well as exiting the subway at either end). Eliminating this stop would mean people who have to cross 2 sections of a very busy Union Turnpike and imagine people running for the bus and getting hit by a car. As I said, buses are about convenience and removing this would negatively affect the people who depend on these stops. I hope that these 2 issues will be resolved satisfactorily. Most people have no idea these are possibilities. I hope that even though I am unable to attend the meetings, due to being out of town, my issues will be addressed. Thank you for your time.
Q46: Eliminating the Eastbound Union TP/Queens Boulevard stop would cause a lot of problems for people who run out of the train at that end of Union Turnpke. They would then have to cross Union Tpke to catch the bus at 78th Avenue. Also there is a shelter at the Union Tpke stop. A lot of people take that bus and eliminating either of those stops is unacceptable.
Sacrificing and removing stops for the benefit of a speedier commute does not address the needs of the people who use it. Please keep these stops as is.
4/10/2022, 11:57 PM — I take the QM42 to and from Manhattan. I understand that several current stops on Yellowstone Boulevard are going to be removed and stops on 108th Street will be added. 108th Street is a very well-travelled street with the Q63 running in both directions, double-parked cars, trucks and school buses. Yellowstone Boulevard is less congested and those stops should remain. If you want to improve travel time, you should consider making an express bus lane on the LIE from Manhattan to Queens.
4/11/2022, 12:19 AM — We would LOVE a bus from LIC/Hunters Point area through the Tunnel to Midtown! Especially with all of the weekend repair work on the 7, this would be an important bus route for me and my LIC neighbors. Thanks so much!
4/11/2022, 12:44 AM — Please consider adding a bus route connecting Long Island city to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel.
4/11/2022, 12:59 AM — I would love to see a bus connecting LIC with Manhattan via Midtown tunnel. This route has been needed a long time a go, but specially now with the new 4-6 high-rise buildings coming to the area plus the small ones.
Thanks for taking this in consideration.
4/11/2022, 1:13 AM — It would be great to have an LIC-midtown bus route, especially as 7 train often has service disruption during weekends and overnight. When the subway doesn't run on weekends, it takes significantly longer time to get into the city.
4/11/2022, 1:16 AM — a bus is needed as 7 trains often don't run on weekends
4/11/2022, 1:22 AM — We need a Long Island City to Midtown bus! Please make this happen. I have lived here for 23 years and when the 7 goes down there is no way to get there.
4/11/2022, 1:28 AM — For several reasons, I think it would be very helpful for a bus to go from Long Island City through the Midtown Tunnel. First, because of all the new construction, the #7 line is quite crowded during rush hours. Second, the #7 is often unavailable weekends because of repair; this has gone on for years. Third, for senior citizens or the disabled, subway steps can be daunting; a bus has fewer steps and a lift for wheelchairs, walkers, etc. if needed. Fourth, these days subways seem less safe than buses because of expanses that are deserted, even during daytime hours. Recently, there have been a number of subway crimes reported, but I haven't heard of a similar amount reported on buses. Fifth, the upgraded ferry system is nice but isn't near everyone, is more expensive than the subway, and doesn't have free transfer to a Manhattan bus near the ferry. For these five reasons, expanding Queens bus service to go through the Midtown Tunnel would be ideal. Thank you for addressing this!
4/11/2022, 1:46 AM — I am a member of the LIC community. Many of us would like for the MTA to create a new bus route connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel. Please consider this request. Thank you!
4/11/2022, 2:13 AM — Please consider adding a bus from Long Island City to Midtown Manhattan. As we all know, the LIC community has added several new high-rises in just the past few years with no additional mode of transportation. The trains are crowded and most days we have to wait for the 3rd or 4th or 5th train to just be able to squeeze in.
Thank you for your consideration.
4/11/2022, 3:06 AM — I work at [REDACTED] in Sunnyside. There is a proposed change to the bus plan to remove the bus stop at 39th Street which is around the corner from our Older Adult Center (senior center). Members rely on this stop to attend our center to prevent social isolation, get assistance with resources and benefits, and to receive a hot nutritious meal. Removing this stop would create a hardship for our older adults and create a barrier to receiving much-needed services. As the city has fully opened up, more older adults will be using the bus as their only mode of transportation. I would ask that the redesign not remove this stop.
4/11/2022, 3:10 AM — What do you plan to do about the fact that the LONGER one waits for a bus, MORE show up at the SAME TIME?
4/11/2022, 4:09 AM — I use the bus in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and queens regularly. A route between Long Island city and Manhattan thru the midtown tunnel is desperately needed. Especially when the 7 train is down.
4/11/2022, 4:29 AM — I think the Queens bus network could use a bus route connecting Long Island City to Manhattan via the Queens Midtown tunnel. The population in the area has grown a lot since the bus map was last redesigned, and the 7 train gets overcrowded often. It would be especially since the 7 train is down for servicing so often, it would be great to have a bus route going directly to Manhattan when the train is down.
4/11/2022, 8:54 AM — Hi. We would love a bus via the midtown tunnel to be in LIC and to Manhattan in less than 10 min!! Would be amazing!
4/11/2022, 9:16 AM — Please have an LIC to midtown via midtown tunnel route!
4/11/2022, 9:35 AM — To whom it may concern,
I’m writing it to express my opinion about adding a bus route from Long Island City Waterfront( Hunter’s Point,11109) to Midtown Manhattan via Queens Midtown Tunnel from Monday to Sunday. I believe all of the residents from the neighborhood would benefit from it as many of us need to commute between Long Island City to Manhattan frequently. Thank you for your consideration.
4/11/2022, 10:09 AM — The new bus line would be of great benefits to the LIC community, and I fully support this initiative.
4/11/2022, 10:37 AM — As one of many mothers in the LIC community, we need options for mothers with strollers beyond just a ferry. We need a bus to connect LIC to Manhattan through the Midtown tunnel. Mothers in the community with young children feel forgotten and isolated and unable to connect to Manhattan.
4/11/2022, 10:45 AM — I live in LIC near hunters point and the public transit options to get to Manhattan are very limited on the weekends when the 7 train is intermittently under construction. I’m a physician and work 7 days a week, so this leads me to have to take expensive car service to the hospital. It would greatly help to have a bus route from LIC to Manhattan via the midtown tunnel. Please consider this to meet an important need for Queens residents!
4/11/2022, 10:46 AM — I live in LIC and work at Bellevue Hospital- there are limited options for how to get to work and so I have had to take a car service many time. Please consider establishing a bus route from LIC to Manhattan through the midtown tunnel!
4/11/2022, 10:59 AM — Subway 7 train is now the only way we can commute to Manhattan. When 7 train is not available (under construction/maintenance) we will have to do shuttle/train /bus transfers. We really need a bus that can go directly pass the east river.
4/11/2022, 11:18 AM — This route would help me get to Manhattan when the #7 train isn't working
4/11/2022, 11:22 AM — Regarding the Q53 Route in Rockaway. Please consider the following route change. The Southbound Q53 from the Cross Bay Bridge should follow it's current stops until it reaches Rockaway Beach Blvd. and Beach 108th St. At that intersection it should turn right onto Beach 108th St. and then make a left on Beach Channel Drive to stop in front of the Rockaway Ferry (B108th St. and Beach Channel Drive). It should then continue on Beach Channel Drive and make a left onto Beach 116th St. Continue on Beach 116th St. with a new stop at the end of the block in front of the Flight 587 memorial (currently a no parking zone, so no parking is lost). The bus would then loop back up Beach 116th St to stop in front of the A/S Subway station (existing last stop). On the way back, a new stop on the corner of Beach 108th St. and Beach Channel Dr. should be added, which would allow for an easier connection from the Ferry to the Bus.
This creates better ferry to bus connections. It also eliminates a difficult turn on Rockaway Beach Blvd. to Beach 116th St. It also adds a stop close to the Beach for summer travelers.
4/11/2022, 11:33 AM — Regarding the Bus Stops on Noel Road/Cross Bay Blvd and West 17th Road and Cross Bay Blvd. These stops are the only stops in Broad Channel. Neither one of them benefits from a countdown clock/information kiosk. Nor do either of them have bus shelter. Please consider adding both an info kiosk (like the rest of the Q52/53 route) and at least one bus shelter, so there is a place to wait for the bus out of the rain.
4/11/2022, 11:40 AM — Please create a new bus route connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel. This would be so helpful when the 7 train is not operating!
4/11/2022, 1:10 PM — Would be amazing and much need a bus from lic to Manhattan.
4/11/2022, 8:06 PM — Please link long island city with manhattan via the midtown tunnel
4/11/2022, 8:54 PM — Any chance for a new bus line from Long Island City to Midtown East? The Midtown Tunnel is conveniently located next to the neighborhood, it seems like a missed opportunity, especially since the 7 train can be overcrowded during rush hour.
4/11/2022, 9:39 PM — It would be great to have an alternative way to reach Manhattan from LIC! We really need it.
4/12/2022, 1:25 AM — As a senior, that definitely rides the trains from LIC, given how often the 7 train has been down, one would wonder why you have not established a bus route through the mid-town tunnel, just to alleviate the shut-downs, but also to transport people so quickly and easily back and forth between LIC and Manhattan. Many individuals continue to be seriously concerned about the trains, with these shootings and other violent acts, it seems prudent and wise to set up a bus route to encourage folks back on the system in general. And the route could be geared to go back and forth from say the 6 train stop on 33rd or from there to Grand Central and back. Please, please seriously consider adding a bus route through the mid-town tunnel - I think it would surprise you how many people would take it immediately. Thank you!
4/12/2022, 2:18 AM — Q101 needs to continue to go into Manhattan as it does now.
You can't be serious about transferring to the Q32 or Q60 for seniors living in Astoria with wheelchairs or canes that need to go to Manhattan for doctor appointments.
The way things are now with the subways, the bus is what we seniors rely on for transportation and safety.
In general your redesign of the Queens buses does not consider the seniors.
I have been taking the Q101 for over 60 years as a child to now as a senior. I rely on the Q101 to Manhattan for my hospital appointments. Transferring to the Q32 or Q60 is not an option.
Don't shut us seniors out .
4/12/2022, 5:46 AM — While I appreciate the attempt to connect Queens to Brooklyn, I am dismayed to see that a Queens-to-Brookyln bus is slated to replace the Q101. The Q101 is a VITAL connector between Astoria and Manhattan; it is the only accessible option for Astoria residents with mobility issues, parents with children, and the elderly, and it is the only reliable 24/7 connection between Astoria and Manhattan when the subways are so often out of service. Any attempt to connect Astoria with Brooklyn must be via an ADDITIONAL bus line or by extending the route of a bus that already terminates in Queens (like the Q104), not by eliminating the most crucial bus artery that Astoria has with the city. I note the Q32 and Q60 buses have both been reinstated from the 2019 plan with their connections between Manhattan and Queens, because residents made it clear that they rely on DIRECT connection with the city. Astorians deserve the same; they should not lose that access and have to tackle the physically taxing, inaccessible, and time-consuming hassle of making connections around Queens Plaza when there is already a well-used bus line in place. Please retain the Q101 and its 24/7 service. It is a community necessity.
4/12/2022, 9:38 AM — Extend the Q48 to North Shore Towers via Union Turnpike, 260 Street and Grand Central Parkway. Provide 7 day service!
Please base Q50 at LaGuardia Depot if combined with the present Q48 route.
Extend Q72 route to serve Marine Air Terminal.
Take care for now!
4/12/2022, 7:41 PM — I as well as many others ride the QM10 and I see that it is being eliminated. This really upsets me as well as many other riders on this line. In lieu or recent subway events and shootings, many people do not want to ride the subway fearing for their own safety. I ask you to please consider reinstating this rout that is such an important mode of transportation to so many people. Thank you.
4/12/2022, 8:54 PM — merging the qm10 and qm40 buses is an optimal for my specific area in the neighborhood. when I miss those buses that are easily accessed from where I live I have to walk a significant distance to get to an Express bus that services the areas that I am intending to go to usually for doctor's appointments and by the time those buses get to the stop closest to me which is not that close all the time they are packed. it is bad enough that these particular lines that directly service my area often don't run regularly due to the shortage of drivers so if you're condensing this based on ridership how do you know how many people can ride these particular lines at the times that they are to be of service when those times are not running. it's not fair to us, as a compromise it should be considered to leave at least one of those lines running from 98th Street and 63rd Road. some of us with mobility issues that is the easiest option for us. focus on getting drivers to service these lines instead of omitting them for low ridership when we don't even have the full spectrum view of the service.
4/12/2022, 9:32 PM — Please don’t take away q47 and q38 from middle village. This will be very inconvenient for the whole neighborhood, the adults, the kids abs elderly.
Thank you so much.
4/12/2022, 9:35 PM — There should be a bus connecting courts square area to the LIC water front. Thanks.
4/13/2022, 8:03 AM — The old proposal of Changing Bus #39 and merging with 19 in going in the center of Astoria, was much more better than the new idea I saw at your website.
Also giving us #67 with the limitation of frequency in the busses, you are going to make us suffer going to Astoria.
A lot of people living in Ridgewood, are going every day in Astoria, that's why you need to unite bus #19 with # 19 NOT TO GIVE US A USELESS BAUS LINE THAT WORKS ONLY WEEK DAYS AND IS EVERY HALPH AN HOUR EACH. SHAME...
4/13/2022, 11:46 AM — The Q30 bus to Little Neck now goes directly to the express E/F train. The replacement bus Q88 for people in Douglaston and Little Neck only goes to Woodhaven Blvd., a local M/R train stop. To reach an E/F train, an extra transfer to another bus is needed. Even in the first draft, we were given two buses to the E/F trains. Instead of routing four buses to Queensborough Community College, which would cause excessive congestion, the Q73 should be routed through Douglaston Parkway and terminate at Nassau Blvd./Little Neck Pkwy. The Q73 would allow us to reach the E/F trains at Forest Hills-71st Ave. with just one ride. We commend the MTA for giving us the Q88, but it's really the Q73 that we need.
Also, please consider moving the bus stop at Springfield Blvd. in front of Starbucks for the Q88 to the west side of Springfield Blvd. in front of the Fukuoka Shabu Shabu restaurant. Trucks and cars are constantly double parked in front of Starbucks for drop-offs and food. Often times the Q30 to Little Neck cannot pull up to the curb to unload or board passengers. This has been a frustrating problem for many years, and it needs to be addressed.
4/14/2022, 12:38 AM — I am quite upset on the suggested changes to the QM20 route. Not all workers are commuting on rush hours due to changes in many companies to offset schedules for distancing and shared workspaces with alternating days. Buses are becoming fuller and with some buses not running, the buses are getting closer to capacity. Cutting runs during peak will create overcrowding on the buses that are running. There is no weekend QM20 runs as is, so discontinuing the QM2 which is the closest route that runs on weekends would be a disservice to those in NE Queens that need access to midtown on weekends. These suggested plans are a horrible idea
4/14/2022, 2:30 AM — Your proposal to limit Express Bus service to Northeast Queens is shortsighted and unfair. I take the QM20, QM2 and QM3 regularly, and my ride without express bus service would be DOUBLE the time. I can't believe that this is the MTA's proposal, given the recent danger on subways. The express buses run quickly and safely. Your agency should be incentivizing people to take the express buses, not cutting service while the city is simultaneously cutting parking spots and there are repeated physical attacks on subways.
Your agency is out of touch and irresponsible.
You should all be ashamed of this proposal and yourselves.
4/14/2022, 2:51 AM — Need a bus connecting LIC new development areas in Hunter point to midtown Manhattan via the midtown tunnel.
4/14/2022, 4:12 AM — I strongly support the idea of LIC - Midtown bus service
4/14/2022, 4:22 AM — Do not discontinue Q1 on Springfield Boulevard.
4/14/2022, 4:30 AM — Please create a bus route from long Island City to Midtown Manhattan through the Midtown tunnel. It will help alleviate congestion on the 7 train and provide an accessible travel alternative to the 7 train for patrons with disabilities.
4/14/2022, 4:30 AM — The QM11 redesign would negatively impact myself and other riders that live along the stops to be eliminated. The bus is full everyday, why do things need to be changed?
4/14/2022, 4:50 AM — The proposed Q69 route still makes it difficult for riders to transfer to the 7 and G trains at Court Square. It will be a long walk either above ground or through the E/M platform. As Court Square is one of only 2 stops in Queens for the G train it is important to make transferring easier for riders heading to Brooklyn. Maybe continuing the Q69 on 21st Street and allowing riders to transfer to the G at the 21st Street stop.
4/14/2022, 5:18 AM — The Q60 needs to be split in two. First, no one rides the bus from Jamaica to Manhattan. You had an opportunity to here to make 2 routes. The q60 from south Jamaica terminal to Woodhaven Blvd and then another route from Woodhaven blvd to South Jamaica. Taking away stops in the end will save 1-2 mins at most but buses will still be slow and stuck in unecessary traffic.
The Q65 picks up a lot of people from the LIRR terminal especially in the morning, now these people will have to transfer, I may see there is maybe a greater demand of people coming from the Eastern end of Queens so I want to see how this plays out. The bus being completely local will slow this bus dramatically. I know by map the distance doesn’t seem far but it’s a bit of a drive. None of which these planners know anything about. This bus needs a limited option. The amount of customers coming to and from the hospital warrant 5 or better rush hour service, 7 or better off peak service and 12 min evening service. 10 mins or better weekend service Saturday and Sunday. This is clear.
4/14/2022, 6:54 AM — We need a bus route that takes us directly into midtown or even downtown from LIC/Queensboro area. Once the 7 train is down, it is impossible to get into Manhattan. We need alternative routes to get into the city, and even into Brooklyn. So many parts of the city and so many neighborhoods are growing rapidly - we need a bus route that will connect different, growing parts of the city with LIC. Bus routes need to serve where the subways don't.
4/14/2022, 8:04 AM — We need a bus from LIC to midtown. Especially with the 7 being down so often, a 10 minute commute easily becomes an hour. A direct line to midtown would ease congestion and help passengers with mobility issues
4/14/2022, 8:37 AM — Yes please…
4/14/2022, 9:09 AM — Does the mta plan to eliminate the number of transfers allowed? Based on the changes here multiple buses and trains will be needed to maintain the same commute door to door. This is putting a cost burden on those already at the edge of the city due to affordability.
4/14/2022, 9:12 AM — Has this plan been integrated with the train regarding capacity and timing
There are already extensive delays due to overcrowding and these changes will make those delays work hurting the customers.
4/14/2022, 9:34 AM — As a resident of Laurelton who uses a cane to walk at least 3 long city blocks and often waits for than 10 minutes for a bus because no dispatcher or supervisor managers this route on a regular basis. The drivers are delayed and often two or three buses are following directly behind each other. And now you wait to increase the wait from 7 minutes to 15 minutes insane. Both the length and time between buses should be the same. Let's see this changed in midtown, wherein you have M20, M7 and M5 sharing the same route for about three miles, providing almost empty buses in the city waste fuel and personnel, and buses to service the outer boroughs that don't have access to trains because we reside in areas that require a bus to the train and returning the same. MTA continues to treat areas of color with less services than others. It is through we are paying more property taxes than others, while the receive services.
MTA you have the records look at them and change the disparity, now it 2022, when will this discrimination stop.
My vote is NO to your proposed changes. You are disenfranchise with the express bus services, where it's only available for a morning and evening rush hours. While all other areas outside of SouthEast Queens, receive service much more frequently.
4/14/2022, 10:27 AM — This proposal is quite absurd. People are not taking A train from Howard Beach therefore buses are already crowded. Great injustice to community.
4/14/2022, 10:38 AM — This is a terrible idea! Why should I be inconvenienced by discontinuing service on the QM15 on 102 and 157 streets. I don’t drive and work in the city 5 days a week. I really don’t like this idea! Really unfair to us in Howard Beach!
4/14/2022, 11:27 AM — I am a senior citizen with mobility issues from an injury. I would greatly appreciate bus service into Manhattan. When I lived in Battery Park City, I always rode the M20 bus and miss it. Thank you.
4/14/2022, 12:11 PM — College Point is already painfully underserved by public transportation and the new draft plan completely cuts the neighborhood off from rail service or any other form of public transit. This plan will force me to always drive or use a cab/ride sharing service.
4/14/2022, 12:57 PM — A bud via the midtown tunnel from hunters point would solve so many issues when you constantly shut the 7 train down
4/14/2022, 1:27 PM — I would like to support having a bus that goes from Hunters Point to midtown. The many new high rise developments in Hunters Point will surely put stress on the 7 train service which is very spotty as is. We need another transit option to midtown.
4/14/2022, 6:23 PM — Please give some serious thought about revising the proposed Q51 route path from traveling along the Belt Parkway to instead traveling along the North Conduit Avenue(w/b)/South Conduit Avenue (e/b), Linden Boulevard and Fountain Avenue between Cross Bay Boulevard and the Gateway Center Mall. The Linden Boulevard routing should be considered because it would vastly increase ridership because the route would serve the new (LA Fitness) Linden Center Shopping Mall located on the north side of Linden Boulevard at 79th Street and the Walgreens - Linden Star Shopping Center on the south side of Linden Boulevard at 79th Street as well as the many new large housing developments such as at 2858 Linden Boulevard and at Eldert Lane the Linden Plaza Apartments and the NYCDA, Pink Houses plus the Linden Boulevard Multiplex Cinemas at Eldert Lane. If this route revision is adopted bus stops along the Q51 route could be placed at 79th Street/Linden Boulevard and Eldert Lane/Linden Boulevard but Emerald Street/Linden Boulevard and Drew Street/Linden Boulevard would be optional. West of Eldert Lane in the westbound direction there would be no bus stops as the Q51 bus would need to be merging into the center and left lanes of Linden Boulevard to travel into the left turning lane at Fountain Avenue. After turning on to Fountain Avenue the Q51 bus would travel via current Q8 routing and stop at all current Q8 bus stops to the Gateway Center Mall Terminal along Gateway Drive including one additional eastbound stop along Linden Boulevard at 2518 Linden Boulevard (just east of Fountain Avenue) plus possibly an additional eastbound and westbound bus stop along Fountain Avenue near Vandalia Avenue due to additional new housing developments located there as well. Although this routing and stops might add about an additional ten minutes to the Q51 route it would increase overall ridership on the route then the now proposed Belt Parkway routing. The MTA shouldn't just be interested in speeding up the bus by having unnecessary excessive nonstop and non-revenue segments of an SBS/Crosstown route but needs to be more conscience in serving more passengers from more communities even if it's at the expense of a couple of minutes in running time.
4/14/2022, 8:09 PM — You are taking away my bus stop on 127 and 23rd Avenue. Not everyone takes the bus to flushing. I work on 76 and Parsons. Instead of an easy commute you now want me to walk to a bus stop blocks from my house and transfer to another bus. My commute will be longer. How does the benefit me or the elderly and school children of college point? This is absurd!!!! You need to do better. How do you think this works? DO BETTER. stop with this absurd plan
4/14/2022, 9:17 PM — Hello. I’m very concerned about the proposed Q101 redesign. The proposed Q105 and Q68 do not offer a proper alternative. I heavily rely on the Q101 for access to Manhattan. And do not see a solution for Queens/Manhattan service. Steinway should have a local and express bus service. With at least one of these lines servicing Manhattan from the Astoria Ditmars/Steinway/Astoria Heights areas.
Furthermore I disagree with the proposal to have a bus line run understand the subway line. When subway service is suspended and a shuttle bus offered, this route can take over 45 minutes from Astoria-Ditmars to Queensboro Plaza. The bus lanes should coordinate to allow subway transfer. Not to mimic the route of a subway line.
4/14/2022, 9:36 PM — I'd like to join Community Board 14 on 6/2/2022 because I live in Far Rockaway.
4/14/2022, 9:51 PM — Q22 needs to merge With Q35
4/14/2022, 9:52 PM — For the Q60, the proposal to remove the Qns blvd/86th Av stop, east & westbound. That stop is directly in front of the only supermarket along that end of the route, and many seniors and bus riders shop and then use that stop. The next stop, Qns blvd/87th Av is in front of a car wash, gets very low usage, and the cars pulling out of the car wash makes that stop less safe to walk to. A better choice would be to remove that stop and keep Qns blvd/86th Av.
4/14/2022, 10:07 PM — A bus through the Midtown Tunnel will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators.
With the construction of thousands of new housing units in LIC, bus service is needed to alleviate overcrowding on the #7 line.
Bus service would also serve as a transit alternative during the #7 train’s frequent shutdowns.
LIC’s bus routes were established when the area was mostly industrial. Existing bus routes no longer serve its residential population. Other residential neighborhoods have had bus service to Manhattan for years - for example the Q32 from Jackson Heights & the Q60 from Jamaica.
4/14/2022, 10:25 PM — A bus to Midtown from LIC would be amazing to have. The 7 train often has delays and/or shutdowns. Having to take a cab gets expensive and isn't fair if so many other boroughs have buses.
4/14/2022, 10:35 PM — I understand that this is still a work in progress. However, I do have some concerns that I wanted to bring to your attention.
I live on the border of Whitestone and Bayside and I rely on the QM20 express bus to and from Midtown Manhattan.
I've been working remotely for the past 2 years, but I expect to return to my office in the city very soon. My company (and I'm sure many others) are offering a much more flexible work schedule. In fact, I expect that I'll travel more during the day than during the traditional "rush hours" time frames.
Unfortunately, the initial redesign plan eliminates all daytime service on the QM20. That's an extreme cut in service for this line. I'm writing to ask for you to support the retention of weekday DAYTIME service on the QM20. We need availability every 30 minutes like we have now. In this new "normal" that we're heading towards, express bus service needs to continue to be available all day.
Thank you for your consideration.
4/15/2022, 12:08 AM — As a life long resident of Hunter Point Long Island City I have seen the many changes to this community. When the rest of the world discovered our small town in the early ninety’s and began building these large residential buildings, one of the many things brought to the attention of the community council, developers and NYC politicians representing us is that transportation would not be sufficient to support these large buildings. Here we are in 2022 and transportation is still a big problem, the 7 train at Vernon and Jackson is over crowded on a good day…forget about when there are problems along the line and we have to take other lines which are 5 blocks away. Those lines then become very congested also. At times I have had to wait for 3 or 4 trains before I could even get on.
I have also noticed that buses coming from Greenpoint Brooklyn are crowded with people that get off in LIC and take the number 7 at Vernon and Jackson, so we are being inundated with commuters from Brooklyn.
MTA should definitely consider busses going into Manhattan from Hunters Point LIC.
Thank you
4/15/2022, 12:44 AM — Hi - there should be a bus route from the LIC waterfront that connects to midtown Manhattan. There is a growing waterfront population (including several buildings coming online now/within the next year) and there is limited immediately nearby transportation. I am often pushed to the ferry and I would much rather support the MTA instead.
4/15/2022, 12:50 AM — please add a bus from Long Island City waterfront at Hunters Point South (say Vernon and 50th) to Manhattan via midtown tunnel (connect to M34 bus at 1st avenue)... this will be extremely valuable, will reduce strain on #7 line and serve the disabled who can't use subway at Vernon-Jackson
4/15/2022, 12:53 AM — As a partially disabled senior, I would very much appreciate a bus route to Manhattan via the tunnel. Access would be less physically challenging and I would have the assurance of having access to Manhattan when the 7 train isn’t running or is overcrowded, especially in that both problems with the 7 train occur frequently. Thank you. K. Gallo
4/15/2022, 12:59 AM — I looked at the proposed plan for Q46, there are some stops I agree that should be removed, however making the gap longer between Queens blvd and Main Street by eliminated all stops in between is not helping anyone who lives in between, you are telling people to walk 15-20 minutes if they live in between those stops. Also Union Turnpike and 150 Street is a major stop between Union Turnpike/Main St and Union Turnpike/Parson. I agree in removing Union Turnpike/147 Street.
Also I saw your new proposed Q48, the files shows the same exact stops and the new proposed Q46?? What's the point of adding this bus line to the route if it's not running the local stops that were removed on the original Q46?
4/15/2022, 1:24 AM — Hunters Point in LIC really needs a bus into into Manhattan. It would be crowded day and night. We also need more Q 103 bus service on Vernon Blvd also..
4/15/2022, 1:39 AM — Why a LIC-Midtown Bus is Needed:
- A bus through the Midtown Tunnel will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators.
- With the construction of thousands of new housing units in LIC, bus service is needed to alleviate overcrowding on the #7 line.
- Bus service would also serve as a transit alternative during the #7 train’s frequent shutdowns.
- LIC’s bus routes were established when the area was mostly industrial. Existing bus routes no longer serve its residential population. Other residential neighborhoods have had bus service to Manhattan for years - for example the Q32 from Jackson Heights & the Q60 from Jamaica.
4/15/2022, 3:02 AM — 923
4/15/2022, 3:04 AM — Q22 should be extended to green acres mall via brookville blvd and s conduit ave into sunrise highway. It gives the residents of far rockaway access to the shopping area also giving the residents of rosedale and laurelton access to the beaches as well, the ferry
4/15/2022, 3:21 AM — Queens is the most multicultural borough in NYC. So very many languages are spoken. If you genuinely want feedback from real bus riders, the MTA's multilingual brochures should be mailed out to all Queens homes. As a Civic Organization on Social Media. we can help somewhat but there are so very many people who will have no clue about this and will only find out about it when it happens and it is just not right. The onus should be on the MTA to share this information.
4/15/2022, 4:02 AM — With the elimination of bus stops on the Q32 route, you are not taking into consideration that mostly elderly people take this bus because there are no elevators from 61st Street to Queensborough Plaza leading to the number 7 train. This is an EXTREMELY crowded route with only 3 places to sit at each stop. Removal of any stops between 61st Street and Queensborough Plaza would severely impact elderly riders. There would also be the added expense of removing the bus stop shelters. Removing stops would slow down the crowds attempting to board the buses at each stop and create a more dangerous situation for elderly riders attempting to board.
4/15/2022, 4:35 AM — Please please give us another bus to Manhattan! I have lived in LIC for over 30 years and witnessed the huge influx of residents moving into my neighborhood. We need an alternate transit route into midtown desperately. This is a no brainer!
4/15/2022, 6:01 AM — Hi ,
Yes we do need a bus and though i am temporarily mobility challenged and have been a lifelong resident of queens and also a 20 year resident of lic/hunterspoint. The express bus will cut down commute ease congestion on the 7 and the 7 doesn’t always work and is actually extremely overcrowded during morning rush. Pre pandemic cannot even get on and multiple full trains pass. Also this bus needs to be wheelchair friendly. After being immobile i have noticed how not accessible the subway is.
4/15/2022, 7:19 AM — In reference to the QM15, QM24, QM34 andQM25 express buses, please note these are very important lines and the schedule should not be shortened of longer times between pick-ups. These buses are used by many people and especially older people because they use these buses to go to Doctor Appointments and Hospitals on the East Side has 1st and 34th and Midtown and also uptown hospitals. Taking away any service or longer intervals between buses is not right and not good for the people. Older people don’t want to ride the trains underground. They want the express buses.
4/15/2022, 7:58 AM — A bus running from LIC to Midtown would be hugely beneficial for so many LIC residents. Please consider helping us out!
4/15/2022, 8:34 AM — As Look Bus Need to be transfer to the ADA Train station and some bus reoute need to go to Gateway Mall to Train station
4/15/2022, 9:34 AM — Please design a bus route between Manhattan and LIC to alleviate the pressure on the #7 line. Let it have a stop by the Socrates Sculpture Park which is so difficult to get to.
4/15/2022, 9:54 AM — Are you crazy? The frequency in midday is bad enough and you want to make it longer? Maybe the ridership is low because people have been telecommuting and construction projects are slow due to covid. Congestion pricing is coming and you want to decrease mass transportation. You need to add earlier starts like 5:30. Get with the program, people want to get to work early and leave early. The buses are safer than the subways!!! Do you have any common sense?
4/15/2022, 10:43 AM — Why would you change the Q21 Route and leave out stops on 161 Ave and 157 Ave? People need to get from Crossbay to Lindenwood and some of us cannot walk from 157 & Crossbay to 157 & 84 Street. Also, what happened to the Q41? Why is Howard Beach constantly overlooked and punished?
4/15/2022, 11:00 AM — Many school kids take this bus. Given how dangerous everything is why would you are them walk further????
4/15/2022, 12:16 PM — There should be a bus from Long Island City direct to midtown Manhattan and back. The 7 train has too many closures and interruptions to service and there are not enough alternatives to travel to midtown Manhattan.
4/15/2022, 12:37 PM — You list all the connections made by this bus then have it staying at 30 or better after "peak" which ends at 9am and 7pm? Either extend "peak" or make it 20 or better. The rest of the time. Who will wait 30 min for a bus if they need to catch a ferry or a train? Or if they then need to wait for another bus on Steinway?
4/15/2022, 12:48 PM — LOVE this!
4/15/2022, 2:57 PM — Absolutely!!! We need a bus option to midtown!!
Trains are overcrowded and when out of service this causes huge disruptions!!
Please, please, please, give Lic a bus route to midtown!!
4/15/2022, 7:22 PM — I feel that the Q54 line needs to have a local and a limited bus. In the mornings we wait for the bus (metropolitan and park lane) when the bus comes it doesn’t stop, as the bus is already full, and one has to wait for the next bus, and the next bus. The children get to school late, and the adults get to work late. It is really frustrating for all.
The same goes for the Q60 line. The Q60 is a heavily used line with a long route. The Q60 line would really benefit from having local and limited service.
The key is to improve what is already existing.
Thank you.
4/15/2022, 9:43 PM — I'm a big fan of the new plan. The first one was terrible. Living in Western astoria, the focus on service along 21st street is very good. Most importantly, having busses (39, 69, b62) go straight down past Queens plaza to 44th drive & 21st to connect wroth subways there in both directions is a game changer. It's great for all the new development happening in vernon waterfront and improves the existing Q103. The previous plan eliminated the 103 which would be a disaster given the density happening along vernon waterfront.
The reduction and spacing out of stops is a no brainer. Please stick to your guns on that. Times must decrease to get real increased ridership and more stop spacing is mandatory.
Lastly, reliable departure time at origin is essential. That is my biggest frustration today and reason that I cannot fully rely on busses as part of my daily commute. Bus location tracking is turned off before a bus begins its route. This is a terrible practice! It should be on so that people along the route know it is actually there and will depart on time. Then, of course, busses need to actually depart their origin on time when they are sitting there. Not 2 or 4 mins after the scheduled time. Incentive drivers to begin routes exactly on time and delight your riders.
4/15/2022, 10:16 PM — We need more transportation to the city because there are hundreds more residents moving into the neighborhood with no change in train service.
4/16/2022, 12:10 AM — Please add a bus between LIC and Manhattan !!!!
4/16/2022, 12:18 AM — Please create a bus route from LIC to Midtown Manhattan. My husband is disabled and the stairs down and up to the 7 train are so difficult we often have to take a cab or Uber. ????????
4/16/2022, 12:22 AM — I’m a 21 year old girl who would prefer to take a bus rather than the subway to Midtown Manhattan.
4/16/2022, 1:27 AM — LIC needs bus service to Manhattan! Too much construction on the 7 train, shutting it down often without shuttle bus service replacement?
4/16/2022, 4:23 AM — Please keep in mind as you eliminate services that public buses are the life force of most Queens residents.
It’s is unclear how the many complicated Byzantine changes to the Queens bus routes could possibly enhance transit travel.
4/16/2022, 5:08 AM — For the q25 and 65, why is service removed from Jamaica LIRR station? That station needs a bus to be there. Maybe keep the Q34 as the bus to that station.
4/16/2022, 5:13 AM — Also, Flushing Main Street only connects to one LIRR Line, while Jamaica connects to the rest. Therefore, a bus that provides direct access to this station is needed.
4/16/2022, 5:19 AM — LIC is growing at record speed and the Vernon Jackson station is last stop on the 7 line in Queens before Manhattan. During rush hour, the train is packed. Bus routes (even an express bus during rush hour ) from LIC to various points in Manhattan would help with reducing the riders on the 7.
4/16/2022, 7:35 AM — Please consider adding a bus line that connects LIC (including waterfront) with Manhattan, for example through the midtown tunnel AND the Queensboro bridge. In general the LIC waterfront neighbourhood is badly connected to anything east or west by bus. With insecurity in the subway system and trains that don't run half the time it would be good to have options.
4/16/2022, 9:02 AM — The bus route would be great addition to the neighborhood and is urgently needed in the quickly expanding neighborhood. It will help with overcrowded subways and especially when the subway is down for repair or other situations. The only other way right now is to pay for an Uber at a surge fare or walk 15 minutes to the next subway line.
4/16/2022, 10:46 AM — Please do not alter the QM20 in any way. We already rely on 1 bus during the weekend. It would isolate Whitestone further than it is already.
4/16/2022, 10:07 PM — We desperately need bus route from Long Island City (around vernon station area and beyond) to midtown manhattan. With recent crime rising in the subways, the residents in the community needs alternative routes to get to midtown. Many residents here work in midtown so it is critical that this happens. Thank you!
4/16/2022, 10:34 PM — We would like to have a route which could connect between queens center and flushing
4/16/2022, 11:02 PM — I was disappointed to learn that the QM3 service is going to be discontinued. At a time people are starting to head back to the office and crime and violence has increased on the subways, I take the QM3 express bus. This commuting option was one of the reasons I moved to North Flushing. With its removal we're left with nothing that will get us into midtown that would get us there safely, within a reasonable amount of time and reasonable cost. Please do not leave us without an express bus option.
4/16/2022, 11:11 PM — Please get a bus from court square LIC to midtown and uptown Manhattan!
4/16/2022, 11:47 PM — Q50 - I like the fact that this route will serve the Bronx directly and will replace the existing slow moving Q48 route which makes many local stops between Main Street and LGA. This new proposed routing will offer Bronx residents a way to get to LGA without having to change buses at Main Street which is currently the case. In addition, there are convenient connections to the number 6 and 7 trains as well. Faster service between Main Street and LGA will also be an added benefit due to the elimination of local stops in Corona and East Elmhurst.
4/16/2022, 11:58 PM — Q51 - This newly proposed route seems to have resulted as an exercise in just drawing lines on a map. It basically goes from nowhere to nowhere and will have few to no riders on this route. The Gateway Mall in Brooklyn was designed as an auto dependent suburban shopping mall and would never have been built without a direct access route from the Belt Parkway. The Q8 bus currently serves this mall from Jamaica and Ozone Park Queens. It is absolutely absurd to think anyone will spend hours on this bus from Cambria Heights to the Gateway Mall when the car trip between these two places can be made in minutes. Cambria Heights is a low density single family home neighborhood in which most people have access to a car and will never use this bus. Most people from this neighborhood shop at other malls in Long Island due to the fact that Cambria Heights sits on the border with Nassau County. The few riders that need to make this trip from Queens already use the Q8 bus. I strongly recommend that this idea be scrapped entirely in favor of the Q8 bus continuing to serve this route.
4/17/2022, 12:19 AM — There's an error on the Q11 list of stops in the southbound direction for both Pattern A (page 92) & Pattern B (page 93). The southbound stop you have listed Centreville St/149 Av is still part of the revised route path of the newly formed route, therefore it cannot be "removed due to new routing". The stop should be moved on the list to between the Hawtree St/Pitkin Av stop and the Eckford Av/Raleigh St stop. It could then be corrected to state "Removed to improve speed and reliability".
4/17/2022, 12:30 AM — Q46 and Q48 - I support the idea of having the existing Q46 service that currently serves Glen Oaks now being called the Q48. This will eliminate customer confusion that currently exists on this route as to the eastern terminus of each bus. Also, the idea to have both of these routes operate as limited service west of 188th Street is a good idea in that it will reduce overall travelling time between Glen Oaks and LIJ Hospital and the Kew Gardens Subway Station. The reduction in traveling time between these two points may actually help to build ridership by people leaving their cars at home to ride the bus. It is also very important that the Q46 continue to serve LIJ Hospital and this route proposal maintains this existing service.
4/17/2022, 12:43 AM — Q43 - This is a great idea to extend the final existing eastern terminus of this route to LIJ Hospital. The Q43 currently ends at the city line on Hillside Avenue because that is where Nassau County begins. It is a great idea to extend this route into Nassau County slightly and provide a meaningful ending at LIJ Hospital. This new Q43 routing will provide more service and rider options to Queens residents to LIJ Hospital which is a major destination point for patients and visitors. Riders will now be able to ride directly to downtown Jamaica from LIJ which represents an improvement over the existing Q46 service only to Kew Gardens.
4/17/2022, 1:05 AM — To ease overcrowding on 7 trains, direct buses into midtown manhattan and to brooklyn would be helpful.
4/17/2022, 1:23 AM — Hello, I’m writing to express my interest for a bus route from Long Island City to Midtown NY. The Long Island city neighborhood has grown exponentially and the 7 train alone can no longer support all the commuters So a bus would be extremely helpful. Thank you.
4/17/2022, 2:07 AM — Q65 proposed plan: new plan will disinclude Flushing Hospital Medical Center of which, I, a resident doctor, will not be able to use the Q65 to commute to work.
Many hospital staff, nurses, doctors, take the public transportation system to get to work. Please reconsider the exclusion of stops that would allow this important stop for the 1000+ employees and visitors of Flushing Hospital located on Parson Blvd / 147 St.
Thank you.
4/17/2022, 2:22 AM — Please combine routes Q10 and Q72 into a single route to provide a combined JFK-LGA connection. This would be a split depot operation.
Also combine routes Q61 and Q78 into a single route because the Q78 has no subway connection and that could be the new Q41 since that number was eliminated. I originally suggested that that combo be the new Q29 but I like the number 41 instead.
The proposed new Q45 should terminate at Parsons-Archer. Going Westbound on Hillside Avenue the Q45 would turn left on Parsons Boulevard then make a right turn on Archer Avenue and dropp off where the Q20A/B drop off. On the return trip, the Q45 will make a pick up where the Q25/Q34 and Q65 presently pick up after turning around at the "teardrop" then turn left on Parsons Boulevard, right on Hillside Avenue, then regular Q45 route to Little Neck. The Q45 should operate 7 days a week to provide improved "North-South" servce on Little Neck Parkway.
Hope you like these suggestions.
4/17/2022, 5:35 AM — Hello,
Long Island city, specifically Hunters point, needs a bus that connects into the city and connects across town to popular uptown/downtown bus stops. The 7 train is frequently shut down and there is no efficient alternative into the city.
4/17/2022, 6:39 AM — I am writing to ask for a bus route from Long Island city to midtown. Thanks
4/17/2022, 7:02 AM — Hello, I sent in feedback earlier and I wanted to amend my comments. If I am correct, I see now that there is a bus that covers a similar route as the Q27 (it is a new line running along Springfield Blvd.). This means that from Union Turnpike and Springfield Blvd. it is still possible to go to the Harding Expwy shopping area via one bus.
The colors of the routes overlap in places on the map and I did not see this route. I mentioned the loss of the Q27 in my previous feedback. I am pleased to see now that this new route was factored into the plan and I wanted to acknowledge this positive addition. In Oakland Gardens, we need routes to get to local shopping that do not require a transfer and this helps since the Q27 was cut here. Thank you.
4/17/2022, 9:24 AM — Extend the Q1 to Floral Park LIRR please
4/17/2022, 9:44 AM — The proposed elimination of the QM10 and the rerouting of the QM11 would greatly impact me and my family. We're on the north side of the LIE, near LeFrak City (99th St and 60th Ave) and the current QM10 and QM11 service smoothly and quickly works for me (to midtown) and my spouse (to downtown). By removing these services, our commute times would increase by 10-25% and be significantly less pleasant and more dangerous in poor weather. We would have to regularly cross the busy Horace Harding Expressway and the loud LIE.
Removing LeFrak City from these loops in particular will greatly impact not just us, but our entire community, as this express bus service is a very smooth and well-used link into Manhattan which we would surely miss. I appreciate and agree that there is some simplification that the network could use, and there are good ideas in the plan, but this is not one of them.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
4/17/2022, 9:50 AM — Please do not eliminate any of the bus lines or the express buses to/ from midtown- if anything you should be adding express bus routes to/from lower manhattan and midtown now that more people are returning to work.
4/17/2022, 10:55 AM — Good evening,
I'd like to add an additional comment regarding the QM5/8/35. Since the entrance/exit point to/from the Long Island Expressway is actually at 169th Street instead of 188th Street, you can add a stop at Utopia Parkway, which would offer a connection to the Q31, and expand the coverage footprint of the QM5/8/35. If you wanted to take a step further, you could have those routes enter/exit the Long Island Expressway at Main Street, with additional stops added at 164th Street, and Kissena Blvd. Access to this area is relatively difficult by local bus/subway (You have to either take the Q88 to a local subway stop, or take the Q17 to Flushing, but the <7> express only runs during rush hour).
You can even extend the pickup segment to College Point Blvd, or add stops at some of the streets with pedestrian overpasses, but that might slow down those routes too much, considering they're coming all the way from Glen Oaks. But I think adding a few stops and entering/exiting I-495 at Main Street would be a good compromise, and somewhat provide an alternative for former X51 riders in South Flushing (the X51 was eliminated as part of the 2010 service reductions).
Off-peak, it might actually make sense to have the QM5 take the Horace Harding Expressway as far down as Queens Blvd. It would provide off-peak express bus service to LeFrak City and Rego Park, and also provide a ridership base that would allow the route to continue operating every 60 minutes instead of 90 minutes. The QM6 can also operate every 60 minutes (and serve stops west of 188th Street), thus eliminating the need to operate the QM1 off-peak. That would also provide somewhat of an alternative to QM4 riders during off-peak periods (they would be able to take a local bus to either the QM5 or QM6, depending on their exact destination).
4/17/2022, 11:33 AM — this proposal is way better than the first one. however, the following proposal should be added or modifed.
1.the Q40 southbound to 135 av should be via 142 st instead of remington,109 av and 143 st due to the wide sharp left turn from lakewood av into 143 st. and the northbound to hillside ave should be via 142 pl, 119 rd , 143 st, 111 av then back to 142 st here is a map from google (,-73.8200542,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s1__Iazdt4ajlqU7yQOJuqfplD-Pei47I3?hl=en)
2. there should be a Northern Bl SBS since there will be no QM3 here is the map (,-73.8889062,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s1n3skql5XGSRNXVfrE9nhcAPLs14?hl=en)
3.Jamaica Avenue SBS since there is busway in jamaica avenue (,-73.8522697,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s10zIEJfs6ZFqdUXClhsAVrMmM5l0?hl=en)
4 Q49 via 34 av instead of 89,90, and astoria blvd (
5. !69 st/ utopia pky thru route (
6. linden blvd SBS route is fine but no aquaduct
7.q64 should not merged with the Q10 but instead should be extended to Queensboro via 73 ave, springfield blvd (
8. liberty ave thru route (sbs or limited) (
9.myrtle ave thru route (limited or sbs) (,-73.9401602,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s1D6C3CgMgdjyVnmeIjkDV4ecRvpw?hl=en)
10.franics lewis blvd route thru (limited or sbs) (,-73.8406405,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s1z2v2tj8r9jg0R2-hv4McEJoag4g?hl=en)
11. Springfield/ bell blvds (limited) (,-73.8138494,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s1WL2oR_G_f2qyA4H8oUKJWhs-CIs?hl=en)
other than that its good
4/17/2022, 2:13 PM — Please consider a West Bronx - Western Queens Bus Route via the RFK Triborough Bridge. There are many people who travel by transit to The Bronx or Queens via the Triborough Bridge using the M60-SBS, but this adds additional time since you would have to go through Manhattan and transfer. A direct route of a Bx-Qn route would benefit travelers for those who want to connect with places such as LGA, The Hub and Astoria. While you have plans to extend the Q44-SBS to Fordham Plaza which would go into the North-West Bronx and extension of the Q50-LTD to LGA combined with the soon to be old Q48, it still doesn't aid those in the south-western portion of The Bronx needing Western Queens access. There was a study years ago you propose to make that happen apart of improving access to LGA, and it never become a reality. The redesigns are here, and you did not include such proposal in The Bronx Bus Redesign, and now not even in the Queens Bus Redesign and this may never become a reality. Lets make this happen, for a better commute and connectivity for The Bronx and Queens. Thank You!
4/17/2022, 7:31 PM — As a lidenwood resident I wished to have seen the q41 still be a thing as it let people that live here get access to the air train,LIRR at jamaica and the E,J,Z, and buses that go to Nassau county but now according to the new plan I would need to THREE or more bus transfers and looking at the frequency of the q21 having it 60 min or more during peak is crazy , though I like the idea of the q21 going to the 7 train I wished that it would of served more lidenwood ( like for example heading west on 155th Ave not turing on 84th but instead 81st then on 156th which would of allowed to to head south with out making three 90 turns and just two and it would bring the bus to more potential customers = more money)
4/17/2022, 7:46 PM — Please do not eliminate the Ascan and Queens Blvd stop on the QM11. It's convenient for the residents if Forest Hills trying to get downtown.
4/17/2022, 7:53 PM — I do not understand the need to eliminate the QM11 bustop on Horace Harding expressway and Westside Ave. This would put a tremendous inconvenience to the residents and the physical/mental residents surrounding that bustop as well as congest the busted after on 99th Street and 60th Ave. I ask that you reconsider the dismissal of this bustop.
4/17/2022, 8:03 PM — I depend on the QM11 on a daily basis during the workweek. Please reconsider eliminating the 67th Avenue stop. Perhaps you can take away a few of the bus times but this stop is necessary as the ones nearest are a 15 minute walk away.
4/17/2022, 8:10 PM — I don't have the ability to walk very far so the 57th Ave/99th Street stop is extremely important for me to be able to get to and from work. I am one of the few employees on my job that go in 5 days a week. Eliminating this stop could and would be devastating to my commute. I ask that the MTA seriously reconsider eliminating this stop.
4/17/2022, 8:15 PM — Please do not eliminate the Xenia and Horace Harding Expressway stop. I use this stop 2x’s a day 5 days a week. Having to walk to a near by stop at my age is becoming difficult especially with bad weather. Thank you for taking the time to hear my concern. Thank you.
4/17/2022, 8:18 PM — A bus route from LIC to midtown is much needed. The 7 train is not accessible to all, shuts down frequently, and is always overcrowded due to the increase in population in the last 10 years.
4/17/2022, 8:18 PM — Due to the rapid rising covid cases, unvaccinated individuals that have to be seated near each other in the trained, and crimes occurring in thr Subway; the express bus is the only way I am able to get to work.
4/17/2022, 8:38 PM — Don’t close the stop ? you are messing up my time my precious time !
4/17/2022, 8:42 PM — I tried taking the subways since post -COVID-19 return to work , but it is unsafe and unsanitary. I exclusively use the Express Bus now after an incident that I still have anxiety about during my last subway ride last month. Additionally, 67th Avenue is not an accessible subway stop and I was recently diagnosed with a knee injury that impacts my ability to use the stairs. For the people who live near this stop, it is our only viable option for our work commute. I know that This bus is my only option to get to work now and because the published schedule has not been updated since 2020 and doesn’t reflect the actual departure times, and because buses are frequently pulled off the route without warning, tge MTA has artificially made it unreliable to suit an agenda. Mayor Adams will not permit City employees to continue working remotely so if you eliminate this stop, you will eliminate my ability for me and many other people to get to work. Rather than eliminating the stop, fix the schedule and make service reliable. Ridership will automatically increase if you do. After the incident in Brooklyn last week, the busses are much more crowded. Please don’t exacerbate the Great Retirement by creating yet another obstacle to getting to work.
4/17/2022, 8:43 PM — The QM11 must stay in place. As a lifelong queens resident I have been able to get safely to work downtown from my neighborhood. Many riders find this as a great alternative to taking the train which has more stops underground. Taking this essential line away from forest hills would defeat the selling point that this neighborhood is a major commuter hub. KEEP THE QM11
4/17/2022, 9:22 PM — The 70th Avenue/Queens Boulevard QM11 is INTEGRAL to this neighborhood and downtown commuters. I moved to this neighborhood to have access to this bus.
Also, as a commuter with physical issues, this bus is the difference between trains and the railroad that over burden my extremities.
The QM11 at this stop is VITAL to my daily work life and health.
4/17/2022, 9:28 PM — STOP the redesign in my neighborhood!!!
Qm40, QM11 & QM10
4/17/2022, 10:00 PM — I have been riding the QM11 for a 4 years now from 99th St./60th Ave. These changes are extremely in considerate of people with physical activity issues, and I see that an entire ridership has been removed. How can the MTA just remove every stop from Horceharding Expressway to Woodhaven Blvd. Westbound. What happens to us, we need to get to work just like NYU staff. This draft plan needs to include all not just one group. Blacks and Asian population are dismissed again with this plan. I traveled through the pandemic on the QM11 from April 2020 to present and I was very thankful that the express bus was an option for me . Why I am I forgotten about now?
4/17/2022, 10:44 PM — This new draft plan for the Queens Bus Redesign is a bad idea. The reasons why this is a horrific idea is because of what you are planning to do with a bus I ride to and from work and to nightlife activities. Why are you going to replace the Q12 with the Q65 which is only going to run up to 162nd and Sanford Ave. I hope you realize that you are going to be taking away crucial essential service to Flushing Hospital on 45th Ave in Flushing. You have Nurses and Doctors who work overnight, morning, afternoon and evening shifts who rely on that bus to get them to their destination.
Also Why are you going to put the Q12 on Northern Blvd when Northern has two good reliable buses in the Q13 and Q28. Why are you planning on making the Q12 a Limited Bus and why are you planning on making the Q13 a Rush Bus. Two very bad ideas. Flushing has a good reliable bus service and I don't see the need for a redesign in this area. This redesign takes away crucial bus service to many including me who go to work. I strongly urge you to reconsider this in a major way.
4/17/2022, 11:07 PM — Hi
I think the new section of Q76 along 20th Ave. might not be possible because 20th Ave is quite narrow and if a truck or a big vehicle park or breakdown on the street the bus might not be able to pass.
4/17/2022, 11:12 PM — I would like a vote on NOT getting rid of the gateway terminal stop entirely because It would be very inconvenient to people who can’t afford a car to get to the mall. A lot of people that I know rely on the q8 and don’t want to have to travel out of their way to come even a tiny bit closer to the mall, just for it to be cut off the route. Please take this into Major consideration.
4/17/2022, 11:44 PM — This is absolutely disgraceful that you would cut service to Queens. I am a qm15 rider and they need MORE service not less. People are not all back to work yet. Why would you even make any changes until people are back ? Always disrespected in Southern Queens ! It takes 2 hours to get to work now !
4/17/2022, 11:59 PM — I would like to receive information
4/18/2022, 1:51 AM — Please let the Q101 continue to go directly to Manhattan. Although it is great a new bus to Brooklyn from Astoria is planned, it is important to also maintain a direct link into Astoria from Manhattan. For older or disabled people( like me), the direct line to Manhattan, where many hospitals & Dr's offices are, is critical. Even though the new draft plan explains that you can take the bus in Astoria to Queens Plaza, say, & then change for a Manhattan- bound bus, the problem is that once you get to Manhattan-even with the Q101 as it is now- you ALREADY have to transfer to get to most locations. Eliminating the Q101 terminating in Manhattan would mean taking THREE buses to get around. With canes, walkers, or wheelchairs, it's just too much. Last summer, with a lack of cabs & AccessARide vehicles available in Manhattan,, the Q101 saved the day! I hope there is a way to maintain it, without sacrificing other helpful new options. Hundreds of new apartments are to be built near the Q101 line; having a bus line to Manhattan will be more important than ever. Thank you.
4/18/2022, 2:32 AM — Please do NOT remove the stop at Queen Boulevard and 67th avenue in either direction! As a senior citizen with arthritic knees and feet, the subway is an agonizing thought, and I cannot afford taxis for all of my errands. Add to that the crime wave in the subways, and a little old lady is a serious target. LEAVE THIESE STOPS IN USE111
4/18/2022, 2:48 AM — I rely on QM11 stop on 63rd Drive as I need to travel to World Trade Center. Why is this stop being removed? Not correct as I’m sure I’m not the only patron who uses this stop. Which will be the next stop, if this falls on deaf ears?
Thank you
4/18/2022, 2:57 AM — The B53 needs to be cut 1/2 way point at the Williamsburg bridge bus hub. The traffic congestion at the bridge during rush hours morning and evening are going to affect the lines going to Broadway Junction. Maybe B53A for the Queens side and B53B for the Brooklyn side.
4/18/2022, 3:23 AM — Please do not eliminate any of the bus stops around 62nd dr and 108th Street. These are heavily residential areas with coops and lots of commuters including the Q23 stops and Expresses busses QM11 and QM10.
4/18/2022, 4:17 AM — Please add a data layer to the Remix map where two proposed routes can be viewed at the same time in order to locate transfer points more easily. Thank you.
4/18/2022, 4:24 AM — Please let the QM63, QM64 and QM68 operate along along Sixth Avenue.
Madison Avenue should be used for inbound Express bus routes from Brooklyn and outbound Express bus routes to The Bronx
4/18/2022, 5:47 AM — I live in Astoria & work in Manhattan. I chose to live where I do in Astoria because the Q101 is right near my apartment & the bus is routed directly to Manhattan. I'm upset that the new plan is to bypass Manhattan and connect to Brooklyn, where I would need to transfer lines. I am an essential hospital employee. People who live in this area of Queens don't need or want this bus to connect to Brooklyn. We need the route to continue directly to and from Manhattan.
4/18/2022, 7:10 AM — Don’t touch QM11
4/18/2022, 7:47 AM — I am new to the area. I work at [REDACTED] in Manhattan and the QM 11 bus is the route I take to and from work. The bus and train will b take me waynove an hour to get to and from work. I have a Multiple Sclerosis and has suffered from 2 pulmonary embolism. This route is much easier and safer for me. The step in the Train stations is a bit too much and the trains are truly not that safe. The shooting the recently occurred on the train happened on a train I would have taken to work. I do not feel safe getting on the train.
4/18/2022, 8:55 AM — Here is a suggestion regarding destination signs: Eliminate neighborhood signs and give complete location of ending point for example: the new Q57 destination signs would say "Q57 Hillside Av-Little Neck Pkwy"and in the opposite direction the sign would say "Q57 Rockaway Blvd-Liberty Av station". Please look into this suggestion
4/18/2022, 9:25 AM — 1 We need bus meet a Train station that is ADA
2 we need bus run during day includ weekend summer time
3 need bus 21st Queensbridge to Queen plaza
4/18/2022, 10:07 AM — Dear MTA, please provide a bus route from Long Island City into Midtown Manhattan. A bus through the Midtown Tunnel will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators. Bus service would also serve as a transit alternative during the #7 train’s frequent shutdowns. Adding a bus route will undoubtedly improve the quality of life of Queens residents. Thank you.
4/18/2022, 11:14 AM — Do not change the Q101 bus from Astoria into Manhattan. Elderly people and handicapped rely on that bus to get into Manhattan for doctors appointments. My patents live near Steinway street abs we do not have an elevator at the station. The bus is their only means into Manhattan. Transferring to another bus would extend there time even more and make traveling difficult. We do not need a bus that going into Williamsburg. We need a direct bus into Manhattan from Astoria.
4/18/2022, 2:59 PM — A bus going through midtown tunnel across 34th street to the west side would be very convenient. Now with what is going on in the train system and the mental health issues many are afraid of taking the train. Hunters point south is growing at a rapid pace, we need more options of transportation to alleviate the crowds.
4/18/2022, 7:37 PM — I would rather see one of the bus times cut before the Ascan stop is eliminated.
4/18/2022, 7:40 PM — Please do not eliminate the QM11 stop on Ascan Ave
4/18/2022, 7:55 PM — Please do not eliminate the bus stop for QM11 on 102 Street and 63 rd. It would be a huge inconvenience as I live right by the stop .
4/18/2022, 9:00 PM — The proposed Q104 eliminates convenient connections at Queens Plaza for subway and bus routes.
The Q102 is used by many elderly and disabled. Making passengers change buses for other routes to get to Queens Plaza is discomforting to those who use the buses most.
Broadway is a bottleneck and always congested. Not a good choice for rapid transit. Major construction projects and temporary restaurant structures make this a one lane route in each direction.
Do not eliminated direct service to Queens Plaza from Vernon Blvd and Roosevelt Island.
4/18/2022, 9:18 PM — Good morning ladies and gentleman:
I ride the QM11 bus in both the morning and evening for my commute to and from home in Forest Hills and my job in lower Manhattan. It has been brought to my attention that the MTA is planning to eliminate the stop at Queens Boulevard and 72nd Drive, which is my pick-up stop in the morning and my drop-off stop in the evening. This would create a terrible inconvenience to all of us who use this stop. As more and more people are returning to in-office work, ridership on the QM11 will steadily increase, as will the number of people who use the stop that is located at Queens Boulevard and 72nd Drive. So, eliminating this stop and looping it onto the QM7 route, which provides service to a section of Queens where the bus is the only form of public transportation to and from Manhattan would lead to severe and potentially dangerous crowding.
Thank you for your time and attention.
4/18/2022, 10:59 PM — When considering rerouting bus routes, there should be a route that goes through the Midtown tunnel in and out of the city to Long Island City. With all the over abundance of development the trains and ferries are overburdened and 5his would provide more. Access to Manhattan from LIC without driving in and adding to,the traffic situation which has become unbearable. Now hat the 59 th street Upper Level Bridge is under massive construction travel to and from NYC has become even more difficult. It would seem that infrastructure would be considered and implemented before more development of an area is greenlighted. We are completely overburdened here in Long Island City and these questions have consistently been asked of those who are okaying this building and “ gentrification of a formerly industrial area.
4/18/2022, 11:12 PM — As senior citizens without the Q23 we’d have to walk up to Austin, cross Queens Bl to get the Q23. That would be quite difficult. We need it to get to and from train station and Forest Hills doctors. It’s just too far without bus service.
4/19/2022, 4:10 AM — A notice was place at the 57thAve and 97th Street in Lefrak City this stop will be eliminated. PLEASE DO NOT STOP SERVICE at this location. I depend on this bus service daily to and from work. Due to all the crime on subway I do not feel safe.
Thank You
A MTA rider
4/19/2022, 4:20 AM — Many years ago, I took the X51 to and from work. It was discontinued. I switched to the QM3 even though it's a 20 minute walk from my home to the closest stop. Now it's being discontinued. How is that an improvement for me?
In addition, the stop where I once caught the X51 and the Q12 was eliminated. I don't understand why eliminating bus stops is even being considered. What about people with mobility issues? What about the elderly? Is it a good idea to force those people to travel further just to get to or from a bus stop? Evidently, the MTA isn't concerned with passenger safety or convenience. If I take the Q12 home late at night, I have to walk further to get home and I've been told the old stop is "unsafe" although other buses (including school buses) still stop there.
4/19/2022, 4:37 AM — Q27 - The proposed new routing of the Q27 is a good idea in that it will provide faster and more reliable service to QCC and also offer new bus service to the eastern part of Oakland Gardens which currently has no bus service at all. The rerouting of this line onto Parsons Blvd. and off of Holly Avenue and Kissena Blvd. is a plus due to the fact that Holly Avenue is too narrow to adequately accommodate bus service. In addition this route will now directly serve Flushing Hospital Center as well. Many students who attend QCC do not have cars and rely on the Q27 bus to bring them from the number 7 train to the campus and then on the return trip to jobs at retail stores in other parts of Queens. The addition of the College Point service to this route will allow QCC students from this neighborhood to have a one seat ride to the campus for the first time.
4/19/2022, 4:39 AM — Like many NYC residents, I use QM express busses to commute to work. I use QM7 mostly but also QM8 and QM11. Today I reviewed proposed changes and I am concerned. Increasing waiting time for QM11 - EB from 18 to 23 min and WB from 26 to 37 min is terrible. After working all day, people would have to stay longer at the bus stops waiting for the bus to come and then have a hard time finding a seat when the bus finally arrives due to overcrowding. Then the route changes, also concerning. You shouldn't eliminate large sections from the route altogether. This will make it impossible for many to get on the express bus without taking a local bus back in the opposite/undesired-sideways direction, making commute tedious and stressful. The whole point of taking the express bus is to pay extra so that stress can be eliminated as much as possible and shorten the commute. Removing sections of the route will definitely do the opposite. I also saw that there was a proposition to add bus stops for QM7 on Queens Boulevard and in Midtown. Again, this will make an already long commute longer for many of us. Please don't significantly change the routes and don't make busses less frequent. With subway system being unsafe and overcrowded many NYC residents rely on express bus service to get to work and back home.
4/19/2022, 5:00 AM — Q88 - The new route proposal for the Q88 is a great idea that will eliminate the current confusing route that this bus follows after 188th Street where it currently leaves the LIE service road and goes to the 73rd Avenue corridor and then to Springfield Blvd. The new routing will allow direct one seat service from the Queens Mall to all of the important destinations on the LIE corridor: Queens College; Francis Lewis HS; Fresh Meadows Shopping District; St. Francis Prep HS; QCC; Cardozo HS; Douglaston Plaza Shopping Center and the Little Neck Shopping Center and other employers located on Little Neck Parkway. It will also serve numerous other elementary and junior high schools along its route as well as a few private and parochial schools. Many students at QCC have jobs at the Queens Center Mall and this rerouting will allow them to go directly to the mall without having to change buses. With each change of a bus that is required there is less of a chance that someone will take the bus in the first place. The Queens Center Mall and the surrounding area are constantly expanding their shopping and entertainment facilities and this route will provide a one seat ride from eastern Queens directly to the mall.
4/19/2022, 5:12 AM — I ride the q32 from Penn Station to 38th street. This bus starts and ends in queens. The redesign ends this bus at 42nd Street. Will there be a Manhattan bus to Penn Station that runs along 5th avenue?
4/19/2022, 5:14 AM — Keep the QM11 stop on Queens Blvd and 72nd Drive
4/19/2022, 5:15 AM — Q109 - This new bus route appears to provide a satisfactory level of service to a crosstown route across many different neighborhoods of Queens that are previously served by the Q7 and the Q41. The current route of the Q41 is perhaps one of the most confusing and poorly laid out routes in Queens in that it zig zags down numerous narrow streets and never travels consistently on any one avenue for any long period of time. This new routing provides a more consistent and logical path for the rider to follow and remember and the two proposed terminals at either end make more sense than the current terminal of the Q7 in the Cargo area of JFK and the Q41 in Howard Beach. In fact I have personally observed practically no one using the Q7 in the Cargo area of JFK and very few riders ever travel on the Q41 from one end to the other. This new route proposal represents a good combination of the existing terminals of the Q7 - Euclid Avenue and the Q41 - Jamaica.
4/19/2022, 5:27 AM — A bus route that services the area of LIC near the water would be helpful to alleviate some of the overcrowding on the 7. Although overall subway ridership is down, the 7 still becomes very crowded at rush hour if there is even a small delay, and since ferry schedules are not as frequent as busses or trains, using the ferry to commute is not a viable alternative.
4/19/2022, 5:41 AM — Q28 - The new route proposal for this bus represents an improvement over the existing slow ride from 162nd Street to Main Street - Flushing subway station. The route still maintains its existing structure and offers a faster ride to the eastern destinations from the number 7 train station. A faster ride will prevent the loss of more riders on this route and perhaps even attract a few new riders back to the bus. It is important that the eastern terminus of this route be maintained at the Bay Terrace Mall due to the fact that this represents a major shopping and entertainment center as well as many medical facilities and doctors offices are located around the perimeter of the mall. If the bus comes more frequently and reliably on the eastern end of the route more people will consider taking the bus to one of the many intermediate destinations along the route.
4/19/2022, 6:42 AM — The new Eastbound bus is scheduled for Fresh Pond Rd/Linden Street. The westbound service should be scheduled for Fresh Pond Rd/Grove Street. However, it is scheduled for Gates Avenue. There is NO bus stop at Gates Avenue. It makes sense to KEEP THE BUS at Fresh Pond Road/GROVE STREET. Please review this request and update your Proposal for the Westbound service to Fresh Pond Rd/Grove Street. Thank you.
4/19/2022, 6:47 AM — I am almost 73 years of age and have lived in New York City and taken the subways/public transportation all my life. I now live in Forest Hills, and regularly visit my 4 year old grandson who lives in Long Island City at [REDACTED]. My favorite way to get there is to take the F train to Roosevelt Island, and then take the NYC Ferry to Long Island City. Unfortunately, this isn't very efficient. These days I prefer to take the Q60 bus to Queens Plaza, get a bus, and then walk. IF you extend the Q69 and have it stop at 21st and 44th Drive, I can take the E train the Court Square and get the Q69 there. BUT I will not be able to get the Q69 at Queens Plaza, so I will not be able to take the Q60 bus, because it does not go to Court Street. Queens Plaza/Queensboro Plaza is a major transfer point. Please make sure it is included as a stop in your bus redesign. Thank you.
4/19/2022, 9:58 AM — Please do not eliminate. the QM 15 cohancy Street stop. If you remove the 102nd St. stop Cohancy street is the only stop in old Howard Beach. There is also very limited times that are there so getting rid of it all together would really hurt Howard Beach residents
4/19/2022, 2:49 PM — When the
terminal at 74th was being renovated the Q33 travelled along Broadway instead of the traffic nightmare that is Roosevelt Ave., resulting a much quicker trip. It also offered better access to Elmhurst, particularly the Hospital, and wasn't doubling the Q32 route. I was disappointed when it reverted to the regular route after the renovation.
The Q29 is often too crowded and adding more busses to that line would be a relief.
Similarly the Q66 would be better served with additional busses but all too often there are two, and sometimes even 4 busses grouped in two minutes and not another for twenty or more.
4/19/2022, 3:01 PM — For the Q32 two busses a an hour on Sundays is not enough!
Even the five an hour proposed during peak seems under what would be necessary.
Are we still trying to put people in a position to choose public transportation over driving? If so, please make it more pleasant and easy to do so.
4/19/2022, 8:10 PM — I have been thinking about a bus running down 65th street in Brooklyn from Costco to the Kings Highway B and Q subway station, as well as a bus running along Ocean Parkway. Another thought is to run the B4 bus straight down Stillwell Avenue into the stillwell terminal.
4/19/2022, 9:11 PM — Eliminating an entire area (QM40 & QM10) but keeping 2 buses with the same route (QM12 & QM42) makes absolutely no sense. Why not keep one of each so that an entire neighborhood can have access to the bus without walking a mile? Keep either the QM10 or QM40 & keep either the QM12 or QM42 as is if you’re going to make changes that don’t serve anyone better in Queens. This draft makes buses inaccessible.
4/19/2022, 9:32 PM — I am outraged at the planned bus cuts for the QM15 bus. Everyone is just starting to come back to work and you cut service ? We have been needing more buses since before the pandemic ! And the new buses I might add are horrible ! Is this social distancing ? The inside seat is so tiny that people don't fit. We can't get down the steps out of the bus because you narrowed the entrance. There is no air and the drivers claim they can't control the air flow or wherever to lower the temperature. BRING BACK THE OLD BUSES! and we need more buses in the morning hours between 730 and 8 am
4/19/2022, 10:23 PM — Please do NOT discontinue the Q103 route. It is a much needed lifeline for people who are not close to the routes that run along 21st Street. The Q103 buses are always filled to capacity at peak hours, and all of these people would be forced to use the Q100 and Q69 buses which would result in more overcrowding. With large new residential buildings recently opened or preparing to open, there will be the need for MORE service along the Vernon Blvd corridor, not less. PLEASE KEEP THE Q103!
4/19/2022, 10:32 PM — Please do NOT eliminate the Q103 route. It provides much-needed service for working people who are not close to the routes that run along 21st Street and this would be very unfair. The Q103 buses are always very full at peak hours, and all of these people would be shifted to the Q100 and Q69 buses which would result in even more overcrowding. There are many large new residential buildings that recently opened or are preparing to open, so there will be the need for MORE service along the Vernon Blvd corridor, not the elimination of it. PLEASE KEEP THE Q103!
4/19/2022, 10:45 PM — Currently I am taking Q47 at 80st St/Eliot, transfer to 7 subway train at 69/Roosevelt in the morning. with the draft plan provided, I am not able to figure out the new route for me, can you please provide more info about how to get to 7 subway train in the morning with same/better time duration from this draft?
Thanks in advance!
4/19/2022, 10:48 PM — Obviously MTA has not been paying attention to the increase QM4 Express Bus ridership especially on the weekends. I need the QM4 on the weekends. Why not combine QM1 and the QM4? The subways are scary and violent so obviously people are looking for an alternative and every Saturday morning on the 8:10 and the 9:10 buses into the city the last stop Forest Hills (Queens Blvd.)has at least 6 passengers. The Forest Hills passengers can take the subway, but because of the violence on the subway no one wants to ride it anymore. Without the QM4 on the weekends I am forced to move out of the city.
4/19/2022, 11:32 PM — The proposed changes to the current X63 are HERRENDOUS!! None of you ride the express bus?? By changing the route so that the bus heads downtown to 23rd St. first, you have now added 30-50 minutes to most of the ridership's commute time. Even if the bus is full to capacity going into the city, most of the ridership gets off the bus on 3rd Avenue or before Madison. By altering the express bus route, you leave those of us who work on the Eastside and depend on this mode of transportation, no alternatives. I take the express bus (have for over 20 years) and I pay so much money for the safety, comfort, and convenience of travel. I do not want to take a train when I get off of the express bus. I don't want to take a train AT ALL! This plan is HORRIBLE and in no way does it mitigate traffic. All it does, is make our morning commute a nightmare! I completely and wholeheartedly oppose this plan!
4/20/2022, 12:06 AM — Please tell me the proposed schedule for the QM4
It's very important to me that there are late hours leaving the city.
The passed few weeks I've been taking the 11:50pm bus home.
Taking the subway and a local Q64 will not be an option for me.
Thank you
4/20/2022, 12:14 AM — Come out and face the public like all the other great people that work for the MTA
4/20/2022, 1:00 AM — Please add Queens Boulevard stops on the QM1 and QM31 between Woodhaven Boulevard and Union Turnpike.
Please add Union Turnpike stops on the QM6 and QM36 between Main Street and 188 Street.
Please have the Q17 Rush run between Flushing and Jamaica.
Please have the Q52 Crosstown/SBS run between Jackson Heights and Far Rockaway.
4/20/2022, 2:14 AM — Q46/Q48: far too many bus stops have been removed and takes service away from those who cannot walk such long distances (asking anyone with mobility issues to walk over half a mile is onerous). Even a visual look of the route shows how some sections are far less served than others - why?? E.g., no stops between Utopia Pkwy and 164th street is unacceptable. Also, during rush hours, many stops get so crowded that passengers have to wait for up to 3 buses to board. Taking stops away makes this worse. Additionally, reducing frequency is a big mistake.
4/20/2022, 4:33 AM — I am fed up with the MTA's continued refusal to listen to their customers. Regardless of leadership, your responses to any complaint are canned lip service and not an actual consideration of solving the problems brought to their attention. You also, either negligently or deliberately, do not deliver accurate data on the status of individual bus and subway lines; "no problems" are often listed when there are clear delays. The ongoing bus redesign project is a perfect example of this. At the beginning of the pandemic due to public outcry against bus stop removal under the plan they were then championing, you said they would not remove any stops. They lied. You removed a number of stops on the Q66 line and rather than improving service this has resulted in buses bunching together. The amount of time saved for any individual bus on the route is meaningless if customers are left behind waiting for 20 minutes because 3 buses that should be well spaced apart have just passed the stop you had to walk an extra 4 blocks to get to after the removal of your stop. This is aside from the fact that eliminating stops directly affects the elderly and disabled, and in some cases children where safety is an issue.
The current bus redesign continues to ignore community feedback. Cutting bus stops is a non-starter and should only be considered in extreme cases, such as where two stops around a corner overlap. The ideas of Limited, SBS, and Express buses are good, but only if they are in addition to existing routes and stops and not as replacements to them.
The Queens communities do not support cutting bus stops. Full stop. We've already told you this. We reject any proposal that does this.
4/20/2022, 4:49 AM — I love this stop and everyone I know uses it everyday do not eliminate it.
4/20/2022, 5:55 AM — You have completely REMOVED express bus service to and from Saint Albans. I rely on the QM21 early mornings and late evenings to get to where I need to go. It is a safe clean ride for me and others. Why have you eliminated my entire community the options of taking express buses. Also the Q83 , Q3, and Q4 bus stops are too far apart. It's safer to get off the bus close to where you need to go instead of walking the streets to get to where you need to go. You have a high percentage of seniors who can't walk long distances to get to the bus, get off then walk a longer distance home. What are you thinking about? Get off the computers and think of people instead of numbers please.
4/20/2022, 6:02 AM — Hi I like the idea about the Q50 Limited bus route but I don't really like the idea that it will terminate at Pelham Bay Park midday instead of Co-op City because I am already losing the Bx29 service to Co-op City and I only travel midday so that means I will have less Bus routes that I could take to get to Earhart Lane and other parts of Co-op City. Otherwise i think that the extension of the Q44 Sbs to Fordham Plaza is a good Idea and the Q50's extension is a good idea. Thank you for listening to my comment.
4/20/2022, 6:23 AM — Your bus changes on the whole are impressive but they seem to expect the residents of Rockaway to have to take at least two to get anywhere. If visiting Howard Beach it is now necessary to take the Q53 and or the Q52 then change for the Q21 to get to the back of Howard beach. Also, taking either the Q53 or Q52 and wanting to get the #7 express or the LIRR from 61st St would require a transfer at the 74th street station. Also the 61st Street stop had an escalator/elevator for anyone with physical limitations.
The distance from stop to stop has increase which also is problematic for anyone that has physical limitation, carrying heave items home from work/school, The old stops especially by the apartment buildings were convenient for the various entrances to the buildings.
I am hoping that there will be a designated area for the buses that are not in use to wait. Now the buses are parking in very inconvenient location. They park on th corner of Beach 105h street on the west bound side making a left hand turn very difficult since there is an extended yellow striped area for walkers to stand when crossing the street which causes drivers to make a extra wide turn while avoiding the bus parked on the same corner. The other area buses are parked are on 116th street near the corner of Newport avenue . The buses park in the left hand turn lane for Newport avenue. Forcing driver who are making the left hand turn to be in the right hand lane blocking traffic, The other day I counted three buses on 116th street at the same time
4/20/2022, 8:31 AM — It appears to me that, in formulating these new plans, very limited consideration was given to the needs of people with handicaps, the elderly, et al.
Relative to the Q66, Northern Blvd., I reviewed the stops and found that, for the most part, the distance between stops is approximately 4-5 blocks. Unfortunately, knowing the length of some of these blocks personally, it is apparent that not much thought was given to the length of each block. To top this off, it appears that there is no stop between 70th to 60th Streets at all. Additionally, the next stop after 60th Street is Broadway which is approx. 9 blocks.
Relative to the Q49, 35th Avenue, again the distancing between stops is not giving any credence to the lives of people with handicaps, the elderly et al. This city has made it increasingly difficult to retain one's car. Between parking lanes that have been eliminated to put rental bicycles in place, lanes that have been removed to provide bike lanes, removal of car parking to allow for trucks only, etc. many people who had cars have given them up and must now rely on public transportation. These people are now left with no choice but to use public transportation, however, if they have issues walking, these new routes are making it very difficult. On the Q49 route, removal of the stop on 75th Street & 37th Avenue, leaves very long blocks (between 32nd & 37th Aves. or Roosevelt Ave. back to 37th Ave.) for a person who shops the many stores on 37th Avenue.
I do not understand the plans that are being forged for these bus routes but I do feel that not enough thought is being given to the people who actually need the lines for their very existence.
4/20/2022, 12:25 PM — It appears that the Q30 is going to be eliminated and only the Q31 will run from Jamaica to Fresh Meadows.
The wait for the Q31 and the Q30 has always been quite long, particularly off hours so extending the Q31
will result in even longer waiting for that bus - this plan is not an improvement, unless the plan is to run these
buses much more frequently.
4/20/2022, 12:35 PM — This is a terrible plan in that because the QM1 runs infrequently we rely on the Q5 and Q6 particularly at Utopia Parkway and onward - service will be much less frequent More people would utilize the Q1,5 and 6 more often in the buses ran more frequently during the day but after 12 noon going west it is really difficult to predict if the buses
will make all the stops.
As a rider of these buses - I will probably rely more on the LIRR particularly with these changes.
It may save money but it decreases services I think this is a terrible plan
4/20/2022, 12:42 PM — I submitted comments on the change in the QM5 and QM6 schedules which eliminate stops after 188th Street and forces people to rely on the QM1 which is very infrequent and not much improved under the new plan.
As it is the buses are pretty infrequent when it is not rush hour - particularly using to go into Manhattan -
it is really a terrible plan As it is on weekends, very often the QM5 is late or does not show up so I cannot imagine
what this new plan will be like.
I think this plan will result in my less frequently using the bus and more often using the LIRR which is generally on time and efficent.
If the goal in NYC is to reduce dependency on cars to Manhattan,this plan does not support this as the part of Queens
needs more not less service.
4/20/2022, 12:44 PM — This plan makes more sense the proposals for the QM 1, 5 and 6 As written it appears to improve service
not make it more difficult for riders.
4/20/2022, 1:22 PM — This plan might be very helpful - although it may not run as frequently, particularly on weekends
4/20/2022, 1:42 PM — Q53-SBS service to Woodside would be discontinued due to congestion and difficulty with buses laying over in that area.
Q53-SBS service to Woodside is the alternative route when there are Subway delays, service changes for track construction and emergency shutdown.
This Queens Bus Network Redesign is designing real hassle and stress for the everyday Commuters and Riders.
4/20/2022, 1:50 PM — 90 minutes between buses on weekends is a really long time. Many elderly people rely on this bus
Also, it looks like many of the local and express busses all cross 188th Street and Union - fine for me - but isn't
that creating a local traffic potential nightmare. - couldn't some of these buses stop on Union and Utopia?
or somewhere in between
I am making a lot of comments because I think this plan really needs to be thought through. There are some improvements that are welcome w added routes but i think less stops and longer routes are going to be painful!
4/20/2022, 2:44 PM — This plan is detrimental to our community (particularly the most vulnerable members of our community, including small children, the elderly and disabled) for the reasons outlined below.
On the bus lines I use most frequently, q18 and q102 from 30th avenue to 12th street, "balancing" bus stops means there's almost .4 miles between the stop on 8th street and Astoria Blvd and the next stop (21st street and 30th avenue). This makes the bus all but unusable for my elderly mother and father. Moreover, the bus stops on 12th street and 14th street are being cut 1) because doing so is claimed to speed up bus service by 20 seconds per stop and 2) because they are claimed to be "underutilized." I'm sure you can understand why these explanations cannot both be true - eliminating a "rarely used" bus stop cannot possibly speed bus service because the bus rarely stops there anyway. Thus eliminating the stop will not speed up the bus line, it will merely eliminate access for small children (there's an elementary school right across the stop on 14th street), the disabled and elderly.
Furthermore, by eliminating route q102, service on this corridor will be cut in half.
Moreover, elimination of the q103 further limits access (Does it really need to be explained that a substitute route over a quarter mile away is laughable?) And q103 is right by the ferry too!
Once again, it appears the MTA has not listened to riders, who prioritize overall shorter TRIP time (Does MTA understand that walking to the bus is part of a rider's trip? Because it seems like maybe MTA forgot in its zeal to eliminate over 1000 bus stops) and bus frequency, not improbable claims of trivially shorter travel time on routes that will no longer be accessible. In sum, should this utterly irresponsible redesign go into effect, the MTA will have succeeded in making public transit worse in every meaningful way for me, my family and my neighbors. MTA will make travel by car more attractive and likely. Please, please do not do this.
4/20/2022, 8:01 PM — Please do not eliminate this as Bus stop for the QM11. I will not take the subway and this is my only alternative to getting to work.
4/20/2022, 8:09 PM — This is a travesty of epic proportions! Not only will you make it harder for most of us residents that use the Q102 but difficult for folks that come to visit patients at Coler Hospital! I am opposed to this new redesign!
4/20/2022, 8:50 PM — QM20 / QM2 > the latest redesign did not take into account comments provided two years ago. No QM20 service during non-peak hours will leave riders stranded. Additionally, the QM2 redesign does not provide for current coverage along the QM20 line during weekend hours. You are removing service for North Flushing riders on both express bus and local routes. On Q20 routes, there will be NO service along portions of Union St, and Q44 with limited stops underserves the community. There are many elderly residents unable to walk to bus stopsfurther away. I am dismayed at the proposed changes that has no regard for its residents in the community.
4/20/2022, 9:48 PM — It is not completely clear to me, but is the QM3 line being abolished? If so you are alienating a large part of Queens. A route through Little Neck, Bayside, and Flushing is necessary for a lot of us trekking into midtown daily.
4/20/2022, 9:54 PM — A bus route from LIC to Manhattan is much needed to help with the overcrowded 7 train and frequent train disruptions. I would support this route.
4/20/2022, 10:14 PM — I love the new bus route. It will enable me, Being disabled and in a Wheelchair, to Shop at Costco Whenever I Want to and to Also Visit the Many Stores on Broadway. I thank you for the new route and I hope it really comes to fruition. It will be a real plus for the disabled community and our many seniors here on Roosevelt Island. It is very well appreciated by all of us.
4/20/2022, 10:31 PM — As a 40-year Roosevelt Island resident, and as a senior citizen, the proposed route changes from Q102 to Q104 that eliminate a direct route to Queens Plaza are simply ridiculous.
Direct access to & from Queens Plaza by Roosevelt Islanders, especially when the Tram is not running or there are serious interruptions to F Train service just further complicate any commute for a wide range of adults of all ages, any many children who commute to schools.
The current Q102 route to Queens Plaza guarantees residents and workers on RI direct access to several other Important bus routes to Manhattan as well as parts of Queens & Brooklyn. The current route also permits connections to several subway lines to parts of Queens, Brooklyn & Manhattan, including the disability-accessible by elevator QP station.
This is a bad idea, and despite some occasionally low ridership data, will hurt folks who live &/or work on RI very much.
Please reconsider a route for us that takes us to Queens Plaza.
4/20/2022, 11:24 PM — Hello. The draft plan for the Queens Bus Redesign makes my commute longer and more dangerous by breaking my one-seat ride into two-seats and requiring the change in an underdeveloped area. I am a Q39 rider from Ridgewood (67th and Forest Ave) to LaGuardia Community College (Thomson Ave & Skillman). I do not approve the proposed change to service Ridgewood with the Q67. The Q67 will take riders to Queens Plaza, which is still a 10-15 minute walk to LaGuardia Community College. This seems to prioritize the needs of business over the needs of community college students, staff, and faculty. I would like to see my one-seat ride from the heart of Ridgewood to LaGuardia Community College maintained.
4/21/2022, 12:23 AM — I would like to suggest that the six three digit route designations should be changed:
Q104 would become Q34
Q105 would become Q36
Q109 would become Q64
Q111 would become Q71
Q114 would become Q74
Q115 would become Q15
Also, a change should be made to the proposed Q73 route: when traveling Westbound on 73 Avenue, turn right onto 164 Street, turn left onto Jewel Avenue and absorb the Q64 route. The Q10 should be combined with the Q72 route to provide a JFK-LGA connection.
Those are my suggestions for now!
4/21/2022, 7:34 AM — I joined the public workshop on 4/18 for CD1. I want to re-emphasize that the Q18 bus stop at 54th Ave/32nd St really stresses at least 3 house owners by the corner. The biggest problem is garbage throwing by the riders, including masks, napkins, soda cans, whole bag of food trash when they are handout and waiting for the bus. Our household received garbage tickets from sanitation 2 times so far this year and our neighbors right by the bus stop received another 2 tickets due to the garbage throwing from the riders. They throw garbage before we woke up. We appealed to ticket with video recordings but the judges said regardless of the source. We are very frustrating and angry at the same time. We also saw people putting food and drink on our fence and accidentally dropped their soda into our front yard and they just left the sugary mess. Some riders sit on the stairs in front of our entryway/back of our garage doors, then eat and throw garbage. We can't and there is no use to confront with them. I wonder why there is no facility such as waiting shelter/chairs, trash can (with cleaning schedule) nor street cleaning for public bus lane and communication of the sanitation people that at least they understand the rapid accumulation of garbage were from riders of the bus. I really hope that the bus stop can be removed from 54th Ave/32nd St sine there are already two stops one street away on 54th Ave/Northern Blvd and 54th Ave/31st St with some bus stop facilities and I see street cleaning sign. Thank you for reading this long comment. I really appreciate.
4/21/2022, 12:42 PM — Like the proposed route plan for Q43. Thanks
4/21/2022, 7:24 PM — The Q49 redesigned route will make it harder for my family to access public transportation; we usually catch the bus at the 92nd St./32nd Ave stop which is only a half a block from us when we walk through the alley. Specifically this is helpful for my mother in law who lives with us as she has a mobility issue; the Q49 helps her easily access the Jackson Heights/Roosevelt Ave stop and from there she is able to make it to her doctor and physical therapy appointments. Removing this will double the amount of walking she needs to do and I worry about her health. Furthermore, the stop is always packed. It is not reasonable walking distance to move a stop that has been there for years; I fail to see how changing the route will lead to better speed and reliability.
4/21/2022, 10:59 PM —
Why don't you respond to these comments other than an auto response? We deserve answers to our questions and to actually have a discussion, not just you telling us why your plans are so great which they aren't.
This will be my second comment without a response.
4/22/2022, 1:01 AM — Why are you not considering the thousand comments from riders who do not want you to eliminate one third of the bus stops?
4/22/2022, 1:12 AM — Never received e mail confirmation for this comment. So I am sending it again.
4/22/2022, 4:41 AM — As LIC continues to grow at break neck speed there are many more people in need of going back and forth to Manhattan. A bus route from LIC into Manhattan through the Midtown Tunnel is greatly needed now and into the future.
4/22/2022, 10:40 PM — A bus route from near the Midtown Tunnel in Long Island City to Manhattan is absolutely necessary. LIC Residents are constantly inconvenienced by the #7 subway service outages. PLEASE add a bus stop on one/some of the many bus routes from Queens to Manhattan. Thank you.
4/23/2022, 3:11 AM — I currently take the east river ferry from Hunters Point/LIC whenever I need to get to the east side. Regrettably, take the 7 subway all the other times. As a senior, the subway is difficult to manage. Bus service thru the Midtown Tunnel would be a life saver. A route from Hunters Point/LIC going crosstown on 34 or 36/37 street would be most convenient.
4/23/2022, 4:43 AM — I know I would benefit if an MTA bus would go directly from LIC into Manhattan through the midtown tunnel. I have mobility issues and am also concerned about the present crime in the subways.
4/23/2022, 6:21 AM — I live in College Point.
I notice that Q20A will not be servicing within the Town in College Point, and norounte is planned for running across within College point.
People lives in College just go across town on Q20A to Target and Shop Rite Mall on 20th Ave to get there essentials and groceries and head home.
Q20A also connect people to essential Postal Service in College Point.
How to people in town get access to essential establishment with Q20A discontinued and no replacement route is planned? Please address this issue immediately thanks
4/23/2022, 6:35 AM — Please bring back the Q30. A lot of customers including myself need this route.
4/23/2022, 6:36 AM — Please bring back the Q30. A lot of customers including myself need this route.
4/23/2022, 9:56 AM — Hi, I have various comments regarding on bus routes operating through the Middle Village & Maspeth areas. Although there are some proposals that are fine and are actual positive, some of the proposed routes and service levels in the area are quite frankly unacceptable. Please read this carefully because I am going to list a lot of information and suggestions which would helpful and/or fairly easy to change.
QM15 - The MTA is planning to cut service on this route to every 90 minutes on weekday evenings and weekends. This is against MTA guidelines, and those buses actually carry riders, as I have used those buses for years. People are not going to bother waiting for a bus every 90 minutes, it's already long enough with a bus every 60 minutes?
If anything, there should be more bus service on this route. I suggest for the MTA to look into the following service improvements, some of which can be implemented at no cost:
1. NO 90 MINUTE FREQUENCIES AT ALL!!!!!! What are you people thinking?!?!?
2. Add Sunday service, every 60 minutes, at the same hours as the existing Saturday service
3. Extend Saturday service 3 hours into the night, with the last bus depart Midtown at 10:40 PM (last bus into Midtown departs Lindenwood at 9 PM).
4. Add a 7:45 PM weekday trip from Midtown
5. Extend off-peak buses to Howard Beach, Broad Channel and the Rockaways on trips from Lindenwood which come from or go back to its depot (which is located in the Rockaways), as well as trips before or after a driver's designated lunch break. This could be done in a cost-neutral fashion, provide QM16 & QM17 riders with off-peak service, and grow ridership even more on the QM15.
Q80 - This route partially replaces the Q29 and Q47 along 80th Street, but does not operate to Jackson Heights like both routes do. This is a detriment for those who go to Jackson Heights for the (7) , (E) , and (F) trains, who work and shop in the area, and those who go to Elmhurst Hospital or other medical clinics. The bus leaves people at Grand Avenue - Newtown station, which is not an ADA station, and does not provide direct access to the other subway and bus lines like the Jackson Heights - Roosevelt Avenue station does. For the elderly, this makes the trip especially difficult. There is no need for another bus to the (M) and (R) trains when every bus going east-west in this proposal does that already (Q14, Q38, Q58, Q59, Q98). The (R) train is also very unreliable, especially on weekends, where 20-30 minute waits (or even more) are not uncommon. Existing Q47 bus service is more frequent during the week, and had its service increased on Saturdays a few years ago, because of that. We take the bus to/from Jackson Heights for the subway connections and for more frequent service.
My suggestion is to run this Jackson Heights - Roosevelt Avenue instead of Elmhurst (Queens Center Mall), operating via Broadway north of Queens Boulevard. This would preserve direct access to Jackson Heights, reduce transfers, and also directly serve Elmhurst Hospital, which neither existing Q47 or Q29 route currently does, making it easier for users to get to and from medical visits. It would also bring elderly and disabled riders to an ADA accessible station, and provide Middle Village and Glendale residents with access to the same subway lines we all depend on. Another suggestion which I could get behind is to merge the Q80 with the proposed Q63 route in the draft proposal, which would also achieve the same result.
Q47 - The MTA is modifying the Q47 so that it operates and stays along 69th Street, providing no service along Calamus Avenue where the existing Q47 currently operates. This creates a coverage gap, since the street grid is broken in the area, and it would affect many people who use the buses in this area. The existing Q47 gets a considerable chunk of riders on Calamus Avenue.
I urge the MTA to reconsider this, and make the segmen
4/23/2022, 9:37 PM — A bus route through the tunnel is long overdue! The crowding and irregularity of the 7 train make an an alternate route imperative.
4/23/2022, 11:13 PM — the new q105 is a bus route to nowhere. The n already services 31st and now the bus will go nowhere but queens plaza. why? dutch kills is left with no bus service.
extend the bus to hunters point or better into manhattan.
also please keep the Q53 leaving from woodside.
4/24/2022, 12:55 AM — I am not pleased with what I see. From what I see I will have to pay 2 fares just to get to Rego Park, that makes no sense. I also need to get to the 58 Bus to get to Brooklyn to work, that will take 3 buses, I am not at all pleased. To get to the train it will take 3 buses. This is ridiculous. What are you people thinking, whose idiotic idea is this. Then you wonder why you loose ridership.
4/24/2022, 4:31 AM — Hi: I still do not like your queens bus network redesign this is because it is complicated to people. For example, I would like to see you get rid of the Q73 route in forest hills queens and replace it with the current Q23 route, this is because a lot of people demand on it on the weekdays like to school and commuting. Also Q73 planned route in Forest Hills can be replaced with the Q23 route to union turnpike then to flushing or fresh meadows. I am used to this current one and going to be a bit hard to adapt to the new one. Also that Q23 has serviced the forest hills area to for many years.
4/24/2022, 5:06 AM — Please don’t eliminate the express bus to downtown Manhattan I cannot take the Subways as it causes anxiety from recent attacks. I need the QM11 to remain in place.
4/24/2022, 6:27 PM — Addressing the areas of South Jamaica. There is service running north and south. The Q6, Q7, Q111, Q112, Q113 but again no one seems to realize that there needs service traveling from east/west and west/east in the southeast section.
There needs to be a way to connect from any of the above busses without having to travel north to the Jamaica Center and then travel south again. Basically going completely out of the way and wasting time just to catch any of the southbound buses Q5, Q85, Q4, Q42, Q3.
The only option people have now; young, old, elderly, disabled (day, night, rain, heat or snow) is to walk from Rockaway Blvd or Sutphin Blvd through Baisley Pond Park to catch the bus going south to Rosedale or Far Rockaway or Green Acres. Residents can't even get to Rochdale Mall. They either have to that the Q6 or Q40 north to Sutphin Blvd, walk across Archer Ave to the Bus Terminal to catch the Q111, Q113, Q114 that run down Guy R Brewer Blvd and then street shopping so it in reverse.
Having 2 lines running across southeastern Queens would alleviate all that unnecessary travel time and reduce some of the crowding by people who just want to go shopping locally. These lines can continue to run into other areas of southeastern Queens connecting to other routes, so it's not just a 15 minute shuttle.
4/24/2022, 11:34 PM — I do not believe that the Q22 bus stop at Gateway and 19th street should be eliminated because it is the where patients enter St. Johns Hospital. The Plainview stop can be eliminated to save on time because if you remove the gateway stop it could mean life or death for someone.
4/25/2022, 1:50 AM — To Whom it may concern,
I am writing you today to protest the new Queens Bus Redesign Draft plan proposed by the MTA. As a resident of Whitestone, Northeast Queens, we would be even more isolated than we re now, especially on the weekend.
We already have no QM20 on the weekend and only rely on the Q15-Q15A, which is not frequent on the weekend.
People are going back to work and we need more buses, especially the Express Buses, not less.
Thank you for taking my concerns into consideration.
Best Regards,
4/25/2022, 3:17 AM — To whom it may concern:
I looked over the proposed new bus routes. I’m a little concerned that my route it being rerouted and removed! My stop is Union Turnpike and 153rd street. I usually take the QM5 and or QM6 at 6:00 am or 6:10 am. Sometimes I take the QM5 even earlier.
I am a hospital employee and I start my shift at 7 am and these are the only buses I can take in-order to get work on time!! I see that the QM5 will no longer run on Union Turnpike, and the QM6 will no longer stop on Union Turnpike between 188 street and Main Street both ways.
I understand I have an option to take the QM1, but the earliest one that stops by me is at 6:22am and that will get me to work at 7:20am the earliest, which does not work out for me.
The buses that I currently take in the morning are full, where almost every seat is taken. Instead of removing stops on Union Turnpike, the MTA should add more QM1 service. Especially earlier runs for people who start work early!
This is unacceptable to the people who depend on these buses to get to work ON-TIME.
Thank you,
4/25/2022, 5:24 AM — To whom it may concern:
I looked over the proposed new bus routes. I’m very UPSET that my route it being rerouted and removed! My stop is Union Turnpike and Chevy Chase. I usually take the first QM5 and or QM6, depending on my work schedule.
I am a hospital employee and I start my shift at 6:30-7am and these are the only buses I can take in-order to get work on time!! I see that the QM5 will no longer run on Union Turnpike, and the QM6 will no longer stop on Union Turnpike between 188 street and Main Street both ways.
I DO NOT have the option to take the QM1, since it does NOT run at the appropriate time that I need!!
The buses that I currently take in the morning are full, where almost every seat is taken. Instead of removing stops on Union Turnpike, the MTA should add more, and earlier QM1 service. Especially earlier runs for people who start work early!
This is unacceptable to the people who depend on these buses to get to work ON-TIME.
Thank you,
4/25/2022, 8:44 AM — Here are some modified suggestions regarding the "Queens Bus Network Redesign:
The Q1 and Q6 should remain as separate routes. The present Q1 would remain unchanged even with the elimination of the Queens Village branch. The Q6 should terminate at Sutphin Blvd-Hillside Avenue and the Q40 should be rerouted to 165 St.Terminal.
The Q10 should remain as a separate route.
The present Q64 would be part of a modified Q73 route. Forest Hills bound, operate along Sprifielf Blvd, right onto 73 Av, rionto 164 St, left onto Jewel Av absorbing the present Q64 route then turning right onto Queens Blvd center strip the left onto Yellowstone Blvd then absorb the Suthern end of the Q23 to Crest Apartments. There is no demand for bus service on 73 Avenue Bern 164 St and Main St.
Base the Q83 at Jamaica Depot.
Extend Q52 to Far Rockaway.
Extend Q53 to Riis Park or Roxbury.
Combine Q61 and Q78 onto a single route because the Q78 has no subway connection. Make this combined route the new Q41.
Redesigned the following three digit routes into two digit routes:
Q104 would become Q34.
Q105 would become Q36.
Q109 would become Q64
Q111 would become Q71.
Q114 would become Q74
Q115 would become Q15.
4/25/2022, 2:44 PM — No late night service on Q75 means you'd have to walk from Jamaica-179 subway station, which is far and potentially unsafe. This also eliminates the possibility of the generally safer, more crowded, late-night option of taking the 7 train to Flushing-Main St and transferring to the Q17 because now the Q17 terminates at Union Turnpike (And during the day, that would become a two fare route if you have to go from 7 to Q17 to Q75). This will also have the effect of cutting off the Chinese community in Hollis/Jamaica Estates from the Chinatown in Flushing by shortening the Q17 line.
4/25/2022, 8:05 PM — With the rise in crimes throughout nyc subways living in bayside I rely on the QM3 express bus to get me to and from work. Please do not cut that line!
4/25/2022, 8:41 PM — I have been riding the Q66 to work for several years. It's a one and a half block walk through Travers Park in Jackson Heights to Northern, and less than a half a block to my school when I get off the bus. I am 65 years old who walks with a slight limp from a hip reconstruction operation several years ago.
Your redesign on the Queens buses will force me to either change buses at Northern Boulevard and Broadway, or go to the Jackson Heights/Roosevelt avenue via the Q49 in order to get the bus that will bring me to the school I work in. The Q49 is even less reliable than the Q66, plus the bus stops on that line that you plan to eliminate mean a 3 block walk to the nearest stop. Not the best thing for a senior citizen with a disability.
Additionally, I worry that this will put me in a two fare zone, because nothing has been said about allowing transfers between the Q66 and the planned Q63. This is a terrible plan that completely disregards the senior citizens and disabled people of Queens.
4/25/2022, 10:24 PM — The Q41 is the only way to get from Howard Beach and linden wood to Jamaica station. I depend on that bus especially since there is very limited service in Howard Beach off of Cross Bay. Please consider keeping this line, there are so many buses all over queens and this is one of the very few in this area!
4/25/2022, 11:57 PM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
4/26/2022, 12:19 AM — No late night service on Q75 means you'd have to walk from Jamaica-179 subway station, which is far and potentially unsafe. This also eliminates the possibility of the generally safer, more crowded, late-night option of taking the 7 train to Flushing-Main St and transferring to the Q17 because now the Q17 terminates at Union Turnpike (And during the day, that would become a two fare route if you have to go from 7 to Q17 to Q75). This will also have the effect of cutting off the Chinese community in Hollis/Jamaica Estates from the Chinatown in Flushing by shortening the Q17 line. This plan you say is simpler, but not safer. Safety is very important especially with the added violence in our city.
4/26/2022, 12:25 AM — I would like to also add that this new plan will make it especially difficult for the elderly, disabled, and school kids that rely on this bus line. Seems shortsighted and not inclusive for all people that use this bus line.
4/26/2022, 12:44 AM — While I don't live in NYC, I do visit multiple times per year and often ride buses in Queens. As an "outsider" I can tell you the only agency that can improve bus service is the NYPD, and NOT the MTA. As long as cars and delivery vehicles are allowed to double park, park in bus stops, park in "no standing" areas near corners which buses need to turn, etc. the MTA cannot run a reliable service. I have been on many buses where "bunching" was the direct result of the abject lack of parking enforcement in residential and commercial neighborhoods. I'm sure you're already aware of this, but I thought I would share my observations, nonetheless. Thanks.
4/26/2022, 1:28 AM — I am really impressed by the changes in the network for my neighborhood (East Elmhurst/Jackson heights). The reduction in stops on the Q33 should help make the trip time to the subway much faster and I am happy that the connection with the Jackson Hts-Roosevelt Av Station is being retained because of the connections with other bus routes and the accessible station.
4/26/2022, 1:29 AM — I take the Q25 on 127th and 23rd to go to Parsons and 76th to work. I leave my house at 5:41 for a 5:42 bus. It is always crowded even that early in the morning. You are proposing to take that bus stop away which would mean I would have to walk blocks to another bus and then transfer in Flushing to get to work. How does this benefit us? How will the elderly or school children benefit with this when the bus stops are being taken away? This is absurd that you would stop my one bus commute, take away my bus stop and make it ridiculous to get to work. I have a few disabilities that this will affect. Please listen to College Point when we tell you this is not in our best interest. Keep our busses the way they are. It's a hardship for a lot of people. Have you even polled us to see if this would work? No but you expect us to be okay with this. We are not okay with this. We are outraged as a community
4/26/2022, 3:49 AM — A notice was place at my bus stop at 97th street and 57th ave. in Lefrak City, to eliminate this stop. I rely on the QM11 on a daily basis to and from work. Due to crime in our subway systems I do not feel safe. PLEASE DO NOT ELIMINATE THIS STOP.
Thank you
MTA rider
4/26/2022, 4:08 AM — With all of the buildings going up in Flushing along College Point Blvd, it would make sense to have a bus that travels along that Blvd. Main Street is so congested that you could take one of those buses and reroute them to travel along College Point Blvd. Maybe the Q25 or Q65. It will give people who live in those buildings a mass transit option and it will good for business as well that develops on College Point Blvd, such as the Tangram movie theater. You could take the Q25, have it go from Kissena to College Point Blvd, maybe along Franklin and Blossome Aves, and have it travel along the Blvd from Flushing to College Point. It winds up there anyway. And you keep the Q65 on Main Street (or Q25).
4/26/2022, 5:49 AM — This is in regard to the Q39. I noticed that you are eliminating the stops going to Maspeth at Thompson and 30th Place and in reverse you are eliminating the stop at Thompson and Skillman Avenues. These stops are directly by La Guardia Community College and are both heavily used. It may seem like you are saving time but you are making longer walks for students and faculty with walking difficulties. I urge you to keep both those stops for La Guardia Community College.
4/26/2022, 6:16 AM — I grew up in Jackson Heights/East Elmhurst. I have lived on 85th Street and 30th Avenue for more than 25 years. I regularly use the Q33 bus. I need to use the Q33 bus to get to the subway, especially when it is raining or snowing. So, I appreciate the MTA keeping the Q33 and hopefully making it a faster service while still connecting to the 82nd Street subway stop and the Roosevelt Avenue - Jackson Heights terminal.
I read over the Queens Bus Network Redesign. I saw which stops would be removed to improve speed & reliability; with the proposed stop changes, I believe the Q33 route will be better and faster (which it really needs to be). I get change is hard and that change scares people - I myself initially had a knee-jerk reaction. But after reading the draft, I feel like this will help the Q33. -[REDACTED]
4/26/2022, 6:30 AM — Q49, Q66, Q72, Q33: You are proud that buses are accessible to disabled. But by extending the distance between stops, especially between avenues, skipping an avenue, you are making it more difficult for the elderly, disabled, and not so elderly to get to the bus. In some cases, you're skipping four street blocks instead of two.
Q33: Service into LGA was discontinued after instituting the Q70. But we in the neighborhood are not adequately served to LGA.
Q49: a huge walk from the terminal to 76 St and 35 Ave.
Q72: This is the only bus from Junction to 74 St serving the neighborhood with local service to main terminal and terminals C and D at LGA. Weekend service of only every 30 to 60 min is inadequate. How can one make a flight reliably. The express buses, which don't serve the neighborhood, run much more frequently. As a matter of fact, I waited at LGA at around 5 pm on a Monday for 30 min.
4/26/2022, 9:13 AM — The disastrous decision was made several years ago to change the direction of 75th St and route buses down 75th to the Roosevelt Ave subway station. This made the intersection of 37th Ave and 75th St now a 3-light intersection, rather than a 2-light intersection, each direction having less time to move traffic through. Because of the SEVERAL grocery stores within a 2-block radius of that intersection (with their delivery trucks double parking), and Roosevelt Ave being an express stop, there is a HUGE amount of pedestrian traffic moving through that intersection, further slowing the flow of traffic. The result is busses CONSTANTLY getting backed-up on 75th St, and cars getting backed up in both directions on 37th Ave, both due to double-parked cars blocking them or simply backed-up from the all too short light at the intersection. I implore you to ask the bus drivers on the Q47 and Q49 routes--they will corroborate this.
Right now there are no plans to address this -- both the Q47 and Q49 are routed down 75th St through that intersection. And again, the biggest problem is it now being a 3-light intersection rather than a 2-light intersection, coupled with pedestrian foot traffic. (1 light for east/west traffic on 37th Ave, 1 light for southbound 75th St, and 1 light for northbound 75th St.) Why cannot buses be routed instead down a street with a 2-light intersection, or better yet, down Broadway, which is is a much wider street where double-parking does not stop the flow of traffic?
I sincerely hope you can address this difficult and potentially dangerous situation.
4/26/2022, 9:17 AM — Thank you sharing the information.
Though I like the extension of the Q49 and Q 66 lines which I regularly take. I have a few concerns.
Q49 route has many passengers. Please consider a select Q49 like the Q70 with select stops. Also due to elderly population consider distance of stops on the Q49 and Q66.
From 94 Street to 108 there is no bus between Astoria Boulevard and Ditmars Boulevard. This is not just 94 to 108, there are various streets like buell, butler, curtis, ericsson, humphrey, gilmore, mcintosh streets, 25 avenue, 24 avenue, 27 avenue, 29 avenue embedded. There are children who go to school, parents who go to work, elderly who go to appointments - what will be their mode of transportation?
People living in East Elmhurst have no direct route to LaGuardia Airport. A great number of people living in Corona and East Elmhurst work at the airport and often take the Q 48. There is no replacement. We cannot go into flushing to take the Q50 to the airport
4/26/2022, 11:52 AM — The Q17 redesign is stated to provide faster service to the subway but actually does the opposite. Removing access to the 179 St F train station would increase travel times for many as they would now need to transfer to the Q75. Please reconsider as this change would make a lengthy journey even more cumbersome. A direct route from Flushing to the 179 St F train station is imperative to providing subway access for the citizens of Queens. An alternative suggestion could be to use the proposed Q25 redesign and have a Limited option that stops at 179 St instead of Jamaica Center.
4/26/2022, 12:16 PM — Ever since the direction of traffic was changed and the Q49 and the Q47 were routed on 75th st the block has gotten exceedingly dangerous. Drivers still forget and try to drive the wrong way. The traffic back up has resulted in busses letting off angry passengers in the middle of the block who yell profanities while all of the trapped cars honk incessantly. Please route the busses down a different street that can better accommodate these bus routes.
4/26/2022, 7:14 PM — Please increase service on the Q49 bus at peak times on week day mornings. This is especially starting with buses terminating at 74 -Roosevelt at 6AM -7AM
4/26/2022, 9:30 PM — hello i take the Q101 Steinway bus now > everything i do is on east side whether downtown or uptown . I always transfer to 1st 2nd or 3rd ave buses. from what i can see i will have to pay a take the Steinway bus to Queens Plaza then switch to the Q32 then take my uptown or downtown bus. That means 3 buses and paying two fares . I am a senior and on the bus is my only mode of transport i use. This is very concerning. There is only 1 bus showing now that goes over the Ed Koch Bridge now.
Thanks for listening but i think this is now viable particularly having to pay two fares.
4/27/2022, 1:25 AM — I disagree with some of the “improvements” being made to the q10. I believe that the q10 should run the way it has been because it is one of the only buses that runs through that area. There is a school PS124 where students are able to take the q10 after school. Due due to the close proximity of this bus, both teachers and a majiority of students are relying on this bus to continue the way it has been for years. Having both the airport and school to take into account I believed that this new change will not be for the best.
4/27/2022, 2:32 AM — I am appalled at the fact that you removed some or most of the bus stops on the Northern Boulevard Bus, the Q#66. There was nothing wrong with it the way it was for years and years and years. For the sake of saving time, how much did it actually save you, so that you put hundreds of regular riders to be inconvenienced.
4/27/2022, 5:03 AM — We will see the buses are horrible in foch work in rockkaway the 111 113 114 the worst
4/27/2022, 5:46 AM — I live in Jackson Hts and there is a problem with the intersection of 37 Av and 75 St. It got screwed up when they changed the direction of 75 St, so that intersection is now a shit show. Buses and cars get backed up on 75 St and 37th Ave. It is especially bad at evening rush hour. Honking goes on all night. Cars have to wait to turn for people crossing, so that makes it worse. People double parking makes it worse. It is just WAY too busy of an intersection to have buses coming though there. PLEASE CHANGE THAT!!! It is a nightmare for people who live here!
4/27/2022, 9:50 AM — As I have submitted recently a proposal to change the six three digit route designations:
Q104 would become Q34
Q105 would become Q36,
Q109 would become Q64
Q111 would become Q71
Q114 would become Q74
Q115 would become Q15
I also would like to suggest that the proposed Q80 route should be redesigned Q30.
Please keep the Q1 and Q6 asate separate routes. Please combine the Q10 and Q72 onto a single route to provide access between JFK and LGA airports. As far as the Q64 is concerned, the proposed Q73 should operate along 73 Avenue, right onto 164 Street, left onto Jewel Avenue absorbing the present Q64 route and then absorbing the Southern half of the Q23 route.
The proposed Q78 route has no subway connection. The proposed rush hour only Q61 should operate full time and combine the route with the Q78 to provide a connection with the #7 train. This weroute would operate along Union Street and Willets Point Boulevard bypassing Fort Totten then absorbing the Q78 route.
This new route could be designated as the new Q41.
4/27/2022, 11:07 AM — Many aspects of the Queens Bus Network Redesign are positive!
Stop consolidation is essential to improve trip time and reliability. I appreciate that the MTA is moving us away from legacy streetcar stop spacing towards more modern spacing that properly balances walk time and total trip time. I ask that the MTA not fall prey to loss aversion, and instead stick with their current planned stop spacing of about one-quarter mile.
While many planned routes have good peak frequency, the MTA should greatly increase off-peak and weekend frequencies to at least 10 minutes—and preferably #6MinuteService—on all lines. This is important because off-peak and weekend ridership has recovered from pandemic lows better than weekday peak ridership, and because people deserve mobility at all times of the day. Wait time is a large part of total trip time on many bus routes; greater bus frequency will finally unlock bus-bus transfers across the borough.
Working closely with NYC DOT will be essential for the success of this plan. Bus speeds have slowed dramatically over the last few decades as car ownership has soared. It will take an expansive network of dedicated bus lanes to reverse this trend. NYC Transit should encourage NYC DOT to take advantage of the wide arterials in Queens and build center-running bus lanes for as many routes as possible. New enter-running lanes on Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco recently sped up trips by 35%, which is more than any side-running or offset bus lane. All new bus lanes should be 24/7 for maximal equity benefits, since lower-income residents are more likely to take bus trips outside traditional rush hours.
Please consider my suggestions to help make this good plan truly transformational.
4/27/2022, 11:46 AM — Good evening,
I believe that there is an opportunity to provide better interborough service between The Bronx and western Queens in a corridor not covered by the proposed Q44 & Q50. I believe that there is potential ridership between Jackson Heights and "The Hub" in The Bronx, traveling along the I-278 corridor This (general) corridor was part of the original TriBoro RX plan (which would use the NYAR/CSX freight line from Sunset Park to the South Bronx), which was truncated to the "Interborough Express" between Sunset Park & Jackson Heights. I believe that the northern portion of the corridor still has enough latent demand to fill up a bus route.
The route should start at the Victor Moore Bus Terminal at Broadway & Roosevelt Avenue (or some nearby area if there is insufficient space at the terminal), and then proceed along Broadway to enter I-278 heading towards The Bronx. It should then take Exit 44 to Astoria Blvd, making stops at Steinway Street & 31st Street, before continuing onto the RFK Bridge, taking I-87 to Exit 2, and then continuing up Willis Avenue, 138th Street, and Third Avenue, to terminate at 149th Street. For the return trip, buses should essentially do the same route in reverse, taking Third Avenue to 138th Street to St. Ann's Avenue, entering the RFK Bridge, and then making stops along Astoria Blvd at 31st Street & Steinway Street, before getting back onto I-278 and heading back to Broadway & Roosevelt Avenue.
As you know, the Q70 has been an extremely successful route, traveling up the east leg of I-278 towards LaGuardia Airport, and I believe you would see similar success in a route taking the west leg of I-278 heading towards The Bronx. As mentioned, it would tap into the latent demand between Jackson Heights and the South Bronx until such a time (possibly generations from now, though hopefully much sooner) when passenger rail can be built in this corridor.
Yours truly,
4/27/2022, 1:57 PM — The bus should stop on Northern Boulevard at 56 Street, 58 Street, 62 Street, 64 Street, 66 Street, 110 Street, 112 Street, 116 Street, 118 Street, 120 Street, 122 Street and 124 Street instead of the proposed new stops, which is ridiculous especially for the elderly, which is why they take the bus in the first place..
4/27/2022, 8:04 PM — I just read of the cuts you are making including the QM3 bus service as well as cuts on QM2 and QM20. I really wish you would reconsider, this has been such a great mode of transportation for me and makes it so much easier to get to school.
4/27/2022, 8:08 PM — The NEW Queens Bus Redesign Draft Plan does not include the QM3 Bus. What are the other options or the closest express bus? Thank you for your time.
4/27/2022, 9:40 PM — Cutting Services on the QM2 and QM20 is not acceptable for Northern Queens. Our taxes have only gone up and our services have dimished since the MTA has taken over the private busses in 2005. I have been a long standing commuter and this downhill cycle of unreliability and cuts is not acceptable for a working person. Northeast Queens is not a retirement community. People have to go to work every day and it should not take 2 hours each way when its 11 miles from NYC.
4/27/2022, 10:30 PM — I depend on the QM2 to get into Manhattan. Otherwise I am basically in a transportation desert. Using the local Q15 or Q15A bus to get to the 7 subway at Main Street takes far too long.
You are proposing to reduce the frequency of service, including on the weekends, which means that when a bus simply doesn't show up at all, which happens far too often—it happened to me just LAST WEEK—people will have to wait TWICE AS LONG as they do now the next one. On the weekends, that means waiting for AN HOUR AND A HALF. That is RIDICULOUS. And for the NYC transit system, it is UNACCEPTABLE.
The buses are starting to fill up again. On the buses that I took into Manhattan just last Saturday, nearly EVERY SEAT was filled.
Please reconsider.
4/27/2022, 10:53 PM — I was at one of the open house Zoom meetings - the one for comments was that one of the reasons for getting rid of variations, particularly local and limited stop versions of the route is because of nomenclature confusion - passengers having to look at headsigns to figure out if it is the correct bus to take. I have two responses to that. First, this same issue exists on the subway and is not seen as a problem (the 7 local and diamond express). Second, instead of getting rid of the limited stop variations and mutating local services into services that poorly access communities - do what you do on Staten Island - have a different route number for the local and limited such as along Victory Blvd S62 local and S92 limited stop.
4/27/2022, 10:54 PM — I would like to voice my support for a LIC to midtown bus connection.
4/27/2022, 10:55 PM — Please establish a bus route connecting LIC with Manhattan via midtown tunnel.
4/27/2022, 11:20 PM — Your draft with the shortened Q17 line is VERY shortsighted. You are basically making it extremely difficult for the elderly, disabled and the children who needs to take the Q17 to school on the route that you are eliminating. You are ENDANGERING their lives and creating a 2 fair zone. You are basically isolating all the residents along 188th Street between Union Turnpike and Hillside who depends on these stops to transfer to the trains and who needs stops to go grocery shopping, school, work, etc.... You must not eliminate and limit the Q17 stops!
4/28/2022, 12:39 AM — LIC needs a direct bus to midtown.
There is often work on the 7 train and random issue with trains between Manhattan and Queens via the 7 line.
With the increase in residents would help overcrowding on the train.
4/28/2022, 2:01 AM — Long Island City needs a bus to Midtown Manhattan.
4/28/2022, 3:59 AM — An alternative transportation option from LIC to Manhattan would be extremely beneficial / essential to the neighborhood. The area has seen a drastic increase in residents, and another commuting option into Manhattan besides the heavy (and mainly) sole reliance on the 7 train would be helpful (especially given that there has been neverending construction shutdowns that impact weekend / late night commuting), and the fact that the Midtown Tunnel is right in the vicinity.
4/28/2022, 4:13 AM — We need a bus from LIC to midtown via the midtown tunnel.
4/28/2022, 4:13 AM — Please provide bus services from LIC to midtown
4/28/2022, 4:28 AM — You need to do better outreach to the community. I suggest mailing a flyer with a simple URL and a QR code to every household in Queens referring residents to this website. It should be in multiple languages including English, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Greek, and Russian, among others.
4/28/2022, 5:20 AM — Please do not cut service on the QM35, QM5 and QM8. It is hard as it is waiting for buses that are canceled (like this morning) or that come infrequently. In fact, we need more buses. It takes me almost 2 hours to get home to Queens! A half hour in between buses on 3rd Avenue is very burdensome especially when one is canceled. And cutting buses in the morning will cost me because if I'm late like this morning i am docked pay. We need more buses and more buses that run more frequently.
4/28/2022, 7:17 AM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
4/28/2022, 8:34 AM — Q58 please stop at New york hall of science
111 st 49ave or 47ave so passenger get on or off as well park as well
4/28/2022, 9:16 AM — Hey MTA! i would like to let you guys know that the Q73, replacing the Q23 south of Queens Blvd is having the stop "Metropolitan Avenue & Selfridge Street" Removed in the new plan, which is used daily my students at Queens Metropolitan High School. if we could keep that stop there maybe only during school hours it would be very handy, as the nearest stops are now 2 blocks away.
4/28/2022, 10:49 AM — I am opposed to the removal of the Queens Boulevard/63 Drive bus stop on the Q60 route in both directions. That intersection serves the community as a transit hub (the train station is located there, as well as the Q38, QM11, and QM18) and a business hub (shopping, dining, etc.). I'm also opposed to the relocation of the Q72 southern terminal from Junction Boulevard to Woodhaven Boulevard. Queens Center Mall is already served by numerous bus lines, and it adds an unnecessary hardship to those who live/work in the area and use that route to navigate their way around.
4/28/2022, 11:58 AM — We desperately need a bus and/or shuttle option from LIC (Vernon Blvd area) to Manhattan.
4/28/2022, 12:05 PM — We need a bus from LIC to Manhattan through the midtown tunnel
4/28/2022, 2:09 PM — This is regarding the X64 Express Bus and the supposed draft plan to re-route morning buses away from running along Third Avenue. Your claim of “hearing us” and our concerns are pure LIES. Now you’re starting this BULLS**T again and causing further distress for commuters. It will be an INCONVENIENCE to have to get off and transfer to yet another bus to reach our work place. Most express bus commuters already dealt with having to “transfer” between buses and/or trains (both in my case) to reach their jobs before utilizing the express for a less stressful commute. Why don’t use put another bus on the route you “propose”. The X64 Express bus riders would appreciate leaving our current route AS IS. Thank you.
4/28/2022, 7:36 PM — It will be very inconvenient for you to remove the stop of Q9 on 115th Avenue and Lincoln st.
That means i will have to walk 5 blocks more.
4/28/2022, 8:30 PM — Hi!
I’ve been taking the QM3 for over 10 years and I didn’t see it on the new redesigned plan. Please help us with this route- IT CANNOT BE CUT! If anything, it should be expanded with more buses as more and more people have been taking this line into the city and back home.
4/28/2022, 9:54 PM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
4/28/2022, 11:10 PM — Good Morning,
After attending the zoom meeting of last night (4/28/22), I was left dismayed. Having taken the QM10 and QM11 for over 30 years as a resident of Lefrak City feel as if we have been dumped on again in which I must take the train home due to the timing of the Express Bus schedule. How is it that by the time this plan goes into place I will be a senior citizen working harder and not wiser in order to transport into the city for work. Am I to be penalized by having to walk almost 3-4 blocks in order to reach the new bus designation? With the world as it is, I do not wish to ride on the subways nightly, however, after returning back to the office despite the pandemic, I have no choice. Every evening I'm very aware of the homeless people, panhandlers and individuals with mental problems which causes anxiety. With additional stress, our local Q38 is changing into two different routes. How is that helping individuals in the neighborhood? I have a daughter with a cognitive disability and this will cause much discomfort.
4/28/2022, 11:31 PM — Are you really considering removing all the Q39 stops in Ridgewood? How is this possible? This is our neighborhood lifeline. My son uses it to get to middle school. My neighbors use it to get to church. My niece uses it to get to LAGCC. I use it to come home from work. Sunnyside and LIC families use it to get to PS 290Q. What about the kids who attend Robert Wagner middle school or Aviation HS. I'm all for updating the archaic system but please do not take this away completely!!!
4/28/2022, 11:59 PM — This is an absolutely absurd plan. The Q39 route is a MAJOR artery for the Ridgewood community. Taking it out of Ridgewood will be a burden on so many, myself included, as I ride from Long Island City every day. The current inconsistent wait for a bus is bad enough as it is, and now you expect us to wait for TWO buses coupled with the increased traffic issue since COVID, especially at that Grand Avenue intersection where the expressway is?! Getting home and/or picking up our children ON TIME will now be more taxing, and likely impossible, with all of the transportation issues, traffic and random on-going construction. Not to mention the danger of having the younger children riding alone having to switch in a high-traffic area! Nothing good can come of changing it to your proposed plan. How about you make positive changes like splitting the route - an express version strait to LIC and a student version for the MANY schools along the route - that would assist with the over crowding, not further inconvenience your riders. I am highly disappointed and quite angry with the lack of understanding of how important this bus route in Ridgewood is. Please reconsider your proposal.
4/29/2022, 12:00 AM — Please do not remove the bus stop on Queens Blvd at 39th St. This stop has high usage by the older adult population that attend the Older Adult Center, or are seeking services from Sunnyside Community Services at 43-31 39th St, 11104
4/29/2022, 12:28 AM — Long Island City really needs a bus line connection to midtown Manhattan through the Midtown tunnel. It has been very complicated to get to midtown from LIC for years, mostly due to lack of elevator service at the 7 train subway stop in LIC. For mother’s with young children, carrying strollers up and down the subway stairs is very hard and also unsafe. A direct bus line through the tunnel would bring more convenient, safer and more accessible way to commute to Manhattan. Thank you!
4/29/2022, 2:23 AM — The proposed elimination of Q39 stops in Ridgewood will be very damaging, restricting access between Ridgewood and Sunnyside/LIC. Many students use the line to access LaGuardia Community College, Aviation HS, Wagner Middle School (LIC) and my own daughter used the line to reach PS 290Q. This change will further disconnect Sunnyside from the rest of school District 24, making the existing disconnection even worse. Please do not eliminate these stops.
4/29/2022, 3:38 AM — submitting comment on behalf of Ms Helen Hirst who does not have computer access.
She wants to keep the q38 as she and her senior friends use it to get to other areas of the district. She has used the same bus for over 40 years. She and her neighbors rely on it, as she can no longer drive. She says the new design is not senior citizen friendly as it requires much more walking to a bus stop. She does not believe she would be able to walk to the new q38 bus stop, as it is too far.
4/29/2022, 3:58 AM — submitting on behalf of Phyllis who does not have a computer.
keep the q39. She has problems with her legs so she needs to use the bus. The new redesign puts her bus stop longer distance to her home. She also has to walk further when she reach her destination. The new redesign is not taking into consideration people seniors and riders with disabilities.
4/29/2022, 6:14 AM — Add/extend bus service from Long Island City into Manhattan via midtown tunnel please
4/29/2022, 8:20 AM — I'm concerned about the elimination of the Sutphin Boulevard/94th Avenue stop as that is the stop nearest the LIRR and the JFK Airtrain, two major Queens transportation hubs.
4/29/2022, 8:22 AM — I'm concerned about the elimination of the Sutphin Boulevard/94th Avenue stop on both the Q25 and Q65 routes as that is the stop nearest the LIRR and the JFK Airtrain, two major Queens transportation hubs.
4/29/2022, 8:54 AM — Please consider running a bus from along Island City to midtown, as it’s needed with the 7 train becoming more and more congested.
Thank you for your consideration!
4/29/2022, 9:21 AM — LIC desperately needs a bus to midtown. My husband works in hospitality and is constantly stranded after midnight at Grand Central because the 7 train is ALWAYS closed for repairs. $30 cabs every night from midtown to LIC is not sustainable for anyone that works after midnight in NYC. Hospitality workers and healthcare workers that work night shifts cannot afford this! Thank you.
4/29/2022, 9:42 AM — Man, today was ridiculous on 75th Street in Jackson Heights. 4 busses sitting in the ONE BLOCK between 37th/35th, plus 8 cars. Why? Because the light is too short, there's too many people crossing the street, and that intersection is a joke. Nothing in your proposal is gonna fix that.
75th St needs to be changed back to one-way northbound, and buses need to go down a different street. I know you did it to streamline buses, but you actually made it worse. You gotta change it!
4/29/2022, 10:40 AM — It will be very helpful to have a bus that goes from LIC to Midtown via the Queens Tunnel. It's such a fast route and great alternative to subways, especially for those with mobility challenges and parents with strollers. It can be a great alternative to the 7 as it is becoming overcrowded with the increasing size of the population in LIC.
4/29/2022, 12:32 PM — We need a bus from LIC to Midtown!
4/29/2022, 12:39 PM — I live in Court Square, Long Island City. We need a direct bus between midtown Manhattan and LIC. Currently the only choice, Q32, is very slow and through the jammed Queensborough Bridge.
4/29/2022, 12:40 PM — It is essential to have a bus to midtown because 7 trains occasionally stop at LIC during the weekends and we need alternative ways to go to Manhattan
4/29/2022, 1:26 PM — There’s been a lot of delays as some Q37 routes travel via the Resorts World Casino. The Q37b bypasses the Resorts World Casino which means that branch of the route should be providing better on time performance better that the other branch. The other branch called the Q37 route should be renamed Q37A and run limited stop plus terminate at the Resorts World Casino which would speed up service on those buses not having to travel further south 135th Avenue/130th Street in South Ozone Park.
I would also recommend that the Q109 route be rerouted to serve the Resorts World Casino since the route would be running nonstop between Centreville Street/109 Avenue and 111 Street/109 Avenue. Instead in the e/b direction the Q109 route should remain on Rockaway Boulevard (passing 109th Avenue) then loop inside the casino via Aqueduct Road and then travel to 109th Avenue via 108 Street back toward 109th Avenue make a right turn and head toward Jamaica. In the w/b direction the Q109 could make a left turn at 109th Street travel south toward Rockaway Boulevard and then enter the re-enter the casino via Aqueduct Road. Departing the Resorts World Casino, the w/b Q109 could just travel along Aqueduct Road back to Rockaway Boulevard make a left and head back toward Cross Bay Blvd etc. Since Resorts World Casino doesn’t have the Shuttle bus anymore to and from Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica the Q109 route would be a great alternative to provide bus service to and from Downtown, Jamaica to the Resorts World Casino.
The MTA should add an additional stop to the proposed Q51 route at 109th Street/Rockaway Boulevard in both directions so that this route could serve the Resorts World Casino.
4/29/2022, 11:04 PM — I would like to mention that the proposed Q109 route would be serving three stations of the same "A" IND subway line. The first station served is the Rockaway Boulevard Subway Station which is scheduled for future ADA handicapped accessibility. It should be noted that most passengers needing access to the "A" Subway line from the proposed Q109 route (as well as the current Q7 route) would be passengers east of Cross Bay Boulevard. West of Cross Bay Boulevard along Sutter Avenue and Pitkin Avenue where the proposed Q109 route would be traveling is in walking distance to a few other "A" Subway Line stations along Liberty Avenue such as the Rockaway Boulevard Station, the 88 Street Station, the 80 Street Station and also along Pitkin Avenue at the Grant Avenue Station thereby very few Q109 passenger would be utilizing the Q109 route to connect to the "A" Subway Line at the Euclid Avenue Subway Station especially after ADA handicapped accessibility is added to the Rockaway Boulevard Subway Station scheduled in the very near future. With that being said I'm not sure how much ridership is drawn to and from South Queens to the proposed western end of the Q109 route being located at the Euclid Avenue Subway Station. On the western end of the Q109 route I believe bus service is more needed to the USPS Brooklyn General Mail Facility (GMF) located at Stanley Avenue/Postal Facility Road for Postal employees that reside in Queens but work at that facility plus this location plus this would also major transfer point to other Brooklyn routes for Q109 riders. The only issue is if the bus should be extended from the Euclid Avenue Subway Station or possibly the Q109 routing be changed at Grant Avenue/Pitkin Avenue to access the USPS Brooklyn GMF via Drew Street and/or Eldert Lane to Stanley Avenue & Postal Facility Road. Also another connection is needed for western Ozone Park passengers to access the Linden Center Mall at 79th Street/Linden Boulevard and don't know if another route (such as the Q57 being further extended) would be needed that could travel either from Grant Avenue/Pitkin Avenue or could operate in a similar path to the Q109 between Cross Bay Blvd. and 84th Street but continue along Sutter Avenue (instead of Pitkin Avenue) over the North & South Conduit avenues and then travel along the South Conduit Avenue into the side road of the South Conduit Avenue directly to the Linden Center Mall or instead travel along Drew Street then a left turn into the center lane of Linden Boulevard and traveling to the 79th Street left turning lane to access the Linden Center Mall with that routing where the bus could then make a wide U turn at 79th Street to the westbound service road of Linden Boulevard. Under either routing option the bus could then terminate between 79th Street and 78th Street (a/k/a Sapphire Street) where there is some space in front of the BM5/B15 bus stop for an additional bus stop to be placed at for this purpose. When this bus departs the bus could then return back via Linden Boulevard to Drew Street to Blake Avenue then Forbell Street to Sutter Avenue or Eldert Lane to Sutter Avenue. The bus could then make a right turn at Sutter Avenue and continue over the North & South Conduit avenues on its way back toward Cross Bay Boulevard.
4/30/2022, 1:33 AM — Base routes Q31, Q75 and. Q83 at Jamaica Depot.
Base routes Q51 and Q57 at Queens Village Depot
Base the Q73 at Queens Village Depot
Base the Q50 at Laguardia Depot
Make College Point an all "QM" routes Depot
Including QM15, 16, 17, 18, 21 63 64 65 and 68.
4/30/2022, 1:37 AM — Dear sir please keep bus stops for the q22 as is especially best that stop is the hospital getting ti and frim hospital is very hard especially for disabled people. And regular people need access to care as well the clinic is at this stop. Please keep 73rs st as well om on a wheel chair and this stop is right by my building the next stop I would not vevae to board the bus as its in grass area on addition please keep all stops from 117st to Jacob ris Park. We have no transportation as it wellease dont change ant stops going to mott Ave b20.
Please don't change the q53vnorvtge q52 stops more than half the time Subway is not working and no wheel chair access to the train for disabled. Also please consider putting back the 122st rockaway beach blvd stop as that is directly in front of social security office. Your taking away stops that have access to care
4/30/2022, 1:37 AM — I work in the restaurant industry. We get off after midnight and the 7 train is never running. We need reliable public transit to LIC! I can’t take a $30 Uber every night.
4/30/2022, 2:32 AM — Customer is Reporting that she was given the wrong Information for a hearing Date about the Queens Redesign buses. Customer given a phone # 929-436-2866 then press star and then dail 6256615911 then hit pound before the schedule meeting. From a MTA Employee the meeting was a dial in and no one answer the phone. Customer don't have no information. Customer want MTA to have a meeting with Citizen Senior at Catherine Sheridan Senior Citizen at 83rd st, jackson heights ny 11372 Customer want to speak to someone she has no Internet, no computers or smart phone. customer is upset, Customer would like to voice her opinion.
4/30/2022, 4:27 AM — Concerning the Q-18 bus route, you should keep the Laurel Blvd bus stop in both directions since it is a transfer point to the east bound Q60 bus. It is difficult for senior citizens and others for that matter to cross Queens Blvd at 65th place. The boulevard is 14 lanes wide at this point and a lot of cars and trucks are turning from 65th place because of the entrance to the Brooklyn Queens Expressway in both directions at this intersection. Appreciate anything that can be done to keep the Laurel Blvd bus stop.
4/30/2022, 6:58 AM — On March 31, 2022 I read a post on Facebook Queens Bus Redesign - Discussion Group regarding someone complaining about the loss of bus service along the Q29 bus route. I also remember being at a Queens Community Board #5 Transporation Committee meeting many years ago where someone there mentioned that they need a bus to LaGuardia Airport from Ridgewood. The revised Q47 route partially does this but this route only serves Terminal A in La Guardia Airport plus only serves Middle Village and not all of Ridgewood. Possibly you should consider having the Q72 route extended from the Queens Center Mall area to operate along Woodhaven Boulevard to Eliot Avenue and Eliot Avenue to the Fresh Pond Road Station instead of the Q14 route traveling to the Fresh Pond Road Station. This would provide Ridgewood passengers direct access to Terminals B & C in LaGuardia Airport which neither the Q14 or Q47 routes now provide. The Q14 route could then be revised to serve Dry Harbor Road up to Furmanville Avenue and then your office could determine if the Q14 route should go any further from that point. Another point is that both of the Q14 & Q72 routes have similar time frequencies, operate at similar time spans of the day and are both considered local routes under your design plan.
4/30/2022, 7:53 AM — I would say that they should be a bus route that goes from the West Bronx to Northern Queens via Triboro Bridge. It can alleviate the overcrowding of the M60 bus.
4/30/2022, 7:57 AM — Please make the line assessible for LIC below Queensborough plaza and midtown
4/30/2022, 2:42 PM — Bus connecting lic (waterfront) and midtown/Central Park would be much needed addition to our LIC
5/1/2022, 1:04 AM — Needs a bus from LIC to midtown!
5/1/2022, 7:24 AM — Here are some more depot basing suggestions:
Routes Q25, Q65 and Q66 should be based at Casey Stengel depot.
Routes Q32 and Q50 should be based at Laguardia depot.
Routes Q31, Q75 and Q76 should be based at Jamaica depot.
That's all for now!
5/1/2022, 8:43 AM — Please do not discontinue the Q39 stops in Ridgewood! This bus is a lifeline for kids in our Ridgewood/Glendale community to get to/from school in LIC/Sunnyside, Queens. As it is, it takes out kids over 60 mins to get home from VanDam/Hunter Point Blvd to the last stop in Ridgewood on the Q39, and having to transfer and take 2 buses/subways would exacerbate the travel time! We need access to better schools, which for many of us means sending our kids to the LIC neighborhood. This change could mean 2+ hours each way for commute to school, which takes 20-30 mins driving via car. Subway travel includes 40 mins of walking and nearly 1.5 hrs of travel each way, so the Q39 is a lifeline. Bus inefficiency stems from issues with excessive traffic throughout the area the Q39 travels, which just keeps worsening. Keeping bus lanes clear would help with efficiency, as buses often have to cut back into traffic to go around illegally parked cars during peak hours. Also, excessive traffic through industrial areas without designated bus lanes, slows buses down. In addition, the Q39 helps to keep Forest Ave a thriving business community, as it's the only bus line traveling down that corridor, linking different areas of Ridgewood and Glendale that other bus lines miss. Please don't punish our neighborhood by eliminating the Q39 from our neighborhood, but look for other solutions!
5/1/2022, 9:42 AM — LIC resident need a bus line to midtown
5/1/2022, 11:12 AM — Q86, new bus route to replace the Q5 to Green Acres from Jamaica .Eastbound- Merrick Bl/243 St add new stop Need to keep the old stop , Merrick Bl /241 st. Much more convenience to us Seniors, who attend the SNAP Senior Center at the Cross Island business building , also it is a building where many people have doctor appointments. If the stop changes to 243 street, which passes the senior center , we now have to walk back a long block and half. PLEASE KEEP OLD STOP 241 STREET.
Sunrise Hwy/Sunrise Cinema , since the Sunrise Cinema no longer exists, Hoping this new stop is closer to the Green Acres Commons, We need a bus stop closer to the new shopping area .
5/1/2022, 10:12 PM — Make Baisley Park depot another"QM" depot.
Base routes QM15, QM16, QM17, QM18, QM21, QM63, QM64, QM65 & QM68.
Base routes Q32 and Q50 at Laguardia depot.
Base routes Q109, Q111 and Q115 at JFK Depot and Base Q52, Q53 and Q114 at Far Rockaway depot.
Base routes Q25, Q65 and Q66 at Casey Stengel depot.
Base routes Q31, Q75, Q76 and Q83 at Jamaica Depot.
5/2/2022, 1:24 AM — These comments are about the Q60 bus.
*To eliminate the Q60 bus by Rite Aid on 63rd Drive & Queens Blvd makes no sense since it connects to the subway on the same block.
*To eliminate the Q60 bus on 67th Ave & Queens Blvd makes no sense since it connects to the subway on the same block.
5/2/2022, 1:39 AM — Good Morning,
I am a lifelong Queens resident. Myself and my family rely heavily on the public transportation system and more specifically the buses. I have to voice my concerns about the MTA proposal for rerouting of buses.
This proposed change greatly negatively impacts the many students and consumers who rely on the Q47.
The proposed rerouting of the Q47 will gravely impact the commutability of my neighborhood, for the working people, for the Substantial number of high school students it services, and for our community’s economic maintenance.
The proposed plan from the MTA, particularly the Q47 bus, does not make any sense. It is neither more efficient, or direct, in fact it shows the opposite on the proposed plan. The proposed MTA plan offers an alternative of multiple buses and transfers. I do not see how that is more efficient or direct. It is increasing the transit time significantly.
The Q11 proposed route is also shocking as it is cutting out a major portion of the area it has served for at least 30 years.
Residents are adjusting to post pandemic routines. Students are finally returning to a way of normalcy. I do not see the benefit of further adding to the commute time, reducing accessibility of mass transit to a community, and negatively impacting the jobs and revenue to a community.
I am asking for the guidance of this MTA office, and the support his constituents need to sustain in these already trying times.
I have signed up for the forum in May 4 designated for CB5.
Please feel free to reach out to me in this email or [REDACTED]
I thank you and your office for your time and attention in this pressing matter.
Best regards,
5/2/2022, 1:51 AM — I am a Glendale resident and parent of a child who attends [REDACTED]. With the new bus routes there is a huge disruption in the Q47 that allows the Glendale children to take the bus on 80th and Cooper to school and get dropped off at Atlas park everyday. If this bus no longer takes this route then our Glendale children will struggle to get to and from school. This always affects the Middle Village children who pick this bus up on 80th by Juniper and by Walgreens.
Something needs to be done for these children. This is not fair for them to have to struggle to find a way to and from school everyday. What can we do???
5/2/2022, 2:04 AM — Good Morning,
I am a lifelong Queens resident. I have to voice my concerns about the MTA proposal for rerouting of buses.
The proposed rerouting of the Q47 will gravely impact the commutability of my neighborhood, for the working people, for the substantial number of high school students it services, and for our community’s economic maintenance.
The proposed plan from the MTA, particularly the Q47 bus, does not make any sense. It is neither more efficient, or direct, in fact it shows the opposite on the proposed plan. The proposed MTA plan offers an alternative of multiple buses and transfers. I do not see how that is more efficient or direct. It is increasing the transit time significantly.
The Q11 proposed route is also shocking as it is cutting out a major portion of the area it has served for at least 30 years.
Residents are adjusting to post pandemic routines. Students are finally returning to a way of normalcy. I do not see the benefit of further adding to the commute time, reducing accessibility of mass transit to a community, and negatively impacting the jobs and revenue to a community.
Please feel free to reach out to me in this email or [REDACTED]
I thank you and your office for your time and attention in this pressing matter.
Best regards,
5/2/2022, 4:45 AM — Thank you in advance for your time. It seems that 75th Street (between 35th and 37th Avenues) presently has a large allocation of the bus traffic in the immediate area. For example (going south) we have the Q47 & Q49 plus various buses that are out of service. Going away from the commercial section of 74th street for several blocks I don't see any other street (eg 76/77/78 etc.) that has 2 active buses going down their street constantly throughout the day (and night).
Like everyone, we should accept our "fair share" but right now we seem to have more than other streets. The new plan should reflect this.
Thank you in advance for your time.
5/2/2022, 4:56 AM — Please re-route the Q47 and Q49 buses away from 75th Street in Jackson Heights. The road is too narrow and cars double-park frequently. This means that the bus is stuck and can't move. This then means there's unending honking of cars throughout the day. 75th Street is not built for huge MTA buses. It can barely handle small cars.
5/2/2022, 5:05 AM — Please do not discontinue the QM3 bus service. I rely on this bus everyday to get to work in midtown especially because other modes of transportation are not as safe anymore due to an increased rate of crimes. There are many people in my neighborhood who take this bus with me as well as an increase in number of passengers more recently due to these concerns. So please do not discontinue the QM3 express bus service because it is the safest and most reliable way for us to get to midtown.
5/2/2022, 7:42 AM — The proposal to eliminate the Q88 from running on 73rd Ave & rerouting it to Horace Harding Blvd is a terrible idea. The Q73 & Q26 are a poor replacement & will not be going to the Queens Mall & this change will be a major burden especially on senior citizens & the disabled. The proposals to lengthen the frequency of the QM5 & QM6 on Weekdays & Weekends at Peak hours & Midday are also very misguided. 90 minutes is much too long for intervals between buses. Please reconsider these awful proposals as the most important feature of the Queens Bus Routes is not the speed that they run or how straight the route is but how it accommodates the customers.
5/2/2022, 8:41 AM — The new version of the Queens Bus Redesign is a BIG improvement. My bus, Q1, has been restored which is critically important for me and my neighbors. The new stop spacing is doable for me now; I'm not sure how I'll feel 5 years from now--I'm 72. It's great that frequency will be increased. I like that the new Q1 has a route that continues further west into Queens.
The stop that will now be closest to me (one block further away) is on the Cross Island highway overpass. I have some concern that the location will be colder and windier in cold months and hotter, with no shade, in hot months. I think that it would be difficult to place a bus shelter there IF there is ever budget for shelters system-wise which there should be.
I look forward to attending a meeting later this month.
5/2/2022, 9:30 AM — The Q60 bus should be a select service bus. It is a long route
5/2/2022, 10:11 PM — In your report it appears that the Q21 route has an increase in frequency however, when looking at the current Q11 service of every ten minutes during the Peak frequency (which now operates to Elmhurst) it's actually a cut in overall service. Based upon this it might make sense to add another branch of the Q21 local line along Woodhaven Boulevard. This branch should come from another new service from Brooklyn which would bring in more local ridership to the Woodhaven Boulevard corridor. One option is to have this other local branch to travel between 82nd Street - Jackson Heights and the North Conduit Avenue/Cross Bay Boulevard but then this branch could follow the current route path of BM5 route to Pennsylvania Avenue/Seaview Avenue or this branch could just travel to the USPS Brooklyn GMF located near Stanley Avenue & Postal Facility Road. This additional branch could provide the necessary increase in local bus service along the Woodhaven Boulevard local line.
Another issue is that I don't see the point of not extending the Q60 bus to Columbus Circle to transfer with more Manhattan bus routes especially with the service cuts to so many express bus routes. With regard to the Q60 serving South Jamaica some passengers that don't take subways into Manhattan and prefer bus may like to transfer to this route (with the proposed cuts to the express bus routes) so the Q60 route should serve instead Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue instead. To replace bus service to 157th Street/109th Avenue Jamaica the Q23 route should be extended to this point instead of traveling to Fresh Meadows. The Q10 should then serve Union Turnpike to 188th Street in Fresh Meadows instead of serving Jewel Avenue. The Q64 Jewel Avenue route should be reestablished and then extended on its eastern end to 164th Street/Horace Harding Expressway and on its western end to The Shops at Atlas Park Mall via Yellowstone Boulevard and Cooper Avenue. These changes should also help eliminate many of the concerns I read on Facebook Queens Bus Redesign Discussion Group.
There also seems to be a lot of people very upset about the reduction in express bus services especially in the Off-Peak hours and on weekends with up to ninety-minute waits on many express bus routes. What might be needed here is a (combined) express bus during the off-peak periods that would possibly operate during these periods serving express bus passengers from several branches rather than just from one branch or maybe some more Interborough SBS/Crosstown routes which I'll give examples of each. For example, during off peak periods a special express bus route could be established that could operate limited stop along Queens Boulevard between Kew Gardens and Elmhurst and then travel into Manhattan via the LIE and serve Sixth Avenue and exit via the 59th Street Bridge and Queens Boulevard back to Kew Gardens. Passengers from routes such as QM24, QM12, QM4, QM5, QM1, QM6, QM15, QM16, QM17 & QM18 (all Sixth Avenue routes for Central & Southwestern Queens) would be required to transfer to other routes at the limited stops along Queens Boulevard to access most local Queens areas covered by their express route. It may not cover every single area with two buses, but some minor changes could be made to those connecting local routes so that passengers during off-peak using these types of Crosstown routes would only require one transfer to arrive at an express bus point such as for example the Q10 (former Q64) extended to the Horace Harding Expressway/164th Street. Another possible option is a new Crosstown SBS bus (with a local fare) along Queens Boulevard to compliment the Q60 route. This SBS/Crosstown route could operate limited stop between Downtown, Jamaica and Manhattan bus with limited stops along major transfer points along Queens Boulevard but also travel to Columbus Circle in Manhattan so that it would provide enough transfer connectivity in Manhattan as well. Additionally, the transfer po
5/2/2022, 10:16 PM — I am working in NYU cancer center and I am taking QM 12 on Yellowstone and 64. my work shift is 7:30- 3:30 and iam taking the first bus at 6:50 AM . I know a lot of cancer patients coming for chemotherapy from Rego Park and forest hills area and most of them is elderly and disable patients who is not be able to use the subway and their stears to clime up and down. To use the express buss was so easy to all of us , to workers and to patients and the one that running earlier morning . Before you do any changes , please think about sick and disable people who using this busses to take a treatment and surgery.
5/2/2022, 11:19 PM — I am very upset about the proposed changes to the QM11. What is proposed is not rerouting, it’s a new route all together. Removing the stops near LeFrak makes means the bus is no longer accessible to its residents and others in the area. The replacement stops are 10-15 walk away across a literal highway. I suffer from severe anxiety and the Express Bus is the way I am able to commute to work, if you take away my bus I don’t know if I can keep my job. Similarly at my stop are several people with mobility issues, saying just walk 15 minutes away or take the subway instead is not an appropriate substitute for the Express Bus. I don’t know if you need every stop near LeFrak, but to take them all away is a mistake.
5/3/2022, 12:43 AM — While there are many good steps to speed up buses in the plan, there are some major issues in western-central Queens where one seat rides are now looking to be broken into multi-bus trips to get to major destinations. Examples are:
The current Q47 that runs a very useful north south route from Glendale to East Elmhurst, connecting students to a variety of High Schools, will be a noticed loss.
The current Q39 being replaced by the Q67 for a trip from Ridgewood to LIC misses a major connection to Laguardia College/Laguardia High School and will turn a one seat ride into a commute requiring a trip slowing transfer.
5/3/2022, 12:57 AM — I am glad to see the untampered route of the Q38 going from 108 St through Middle Village, so students can get to their high schools (either Forest Hills H.S. & Christ the King HS.). Only on searching at what should the normal intersecting bus routes:
Where is the bus that goes from Queens Center Mall that goes down Dry Harbor/ 80th St towards Atlas mall into Glendale? That route seems to be totally eliminated.
5/3/2022, 2:18 AM — Bravo! You listened to our comments and revised the plan to address convenience and public safety. Thank you for not touching the Q49 and love the Q66 ends in LIC by the water. While I understand removing stops is an inconvenience to some, I strongly believe the faster ride that will result off-sets the negatives. Buses are the lifeline for Queens and we need increased bus service -- would love to see fares based on zones as many of us use the bus to get to local stores (weekends) and during the week to Manhattan. Should not cost the same.
5/3/2022, 4:27 AM — Dear Sir or Madam,
While I applaud many of the changes you have made to the Queens Bus Redesign, I wish to point out a few things:
I sincerely object to the change removing Q53 SBS service from Woodside. The removal of service deprives Woodside residents of a one-seat bus option to Elmhurst, which is home to two major shopping centers, a variety of local businesses (markets and restaurants along Broadway, for example), and places of worship. This is also a useful link for those coming from the LIRR who wish to access the malls or the Woodhaven area. The other alternative would be to take the IRT 7 train to Roosevelt Avenue and switch to the IND trains. This is not simple for those who use assisted mobility devices or trying to do shopping. The surface option would be for one to take the Q32 and switch to the Q63 or the combined Q52/53. Forcing a bus transfer at Jackson Heights would only add to travel time. What is needed is more service, not less. Lower ridership in the Woodside segment is in part due to the traffic conditions along Roosevelt Avenue, which should be addressed and ameliorated, and should not be an excuse to remove service entirely. In a time where the goals are to reduce congestion and auto emissions, there should be more buses.
On that note, terminating both the Q52/53 in around Jackson Heights may in fact exacerbate traffic conditions in the area, as the area is already a terminus for several bus lines. It would be more sensible to through run at least one of the bus routes, particularly to Woodside and terminate around 48th Street to give riders access to routes servicing Manhattan and Brooklyn to form a more cohesive network. (This can be accomplished by turning one of the routes onto 48th Street and then on 43rd Avenue going EB to Roosevelt Avenue, giving connections to the B53, 68, and 104.)
I would also recommend extending some local bus lines into Lower Manhattan for additional connections. This should be warranted if the premise is to provide more options for riders and to lure them away from private automobile vehicle use. For example, the Q59 or 68 could be extended across the Williamsburg Bridge, accomplishing the goal of providing ADA options to travellers with limited mobility, but create a valuable alternative to the subway especially on weekends. Similarly, you should seriously look into extending one of the bus routes that end in Astoria into Bronx, which would save riders considerable time and avoiding a roundabout route on either the M60 or the N to the IRT East Side lines.
5/3/2022, 4:59 AM — Hi there, I am frequent user of the Q23 and I was happy to see that my route will now be covered by Q73 ( Burns/Yellowstone - 71st / Qns Blvd). Also, as I reviewed westbound service I noticed that Metropolitan/Woodhaven stop is only available for the east bound service. I often connect to SBS Q53 at Metropolitan and Woodhaven, and with this new plan that would now be terribly inconvenient. I believe this stop should be added for both east and westbound service, especially for folks needing to head to the rockaways in the summer from Forest Hills via public bus. Thanks for sharing these draft plans. I hope this change can be made given the many connection points at Metropolitan/Woodhaven.
5/3/2022, 5:06 AM — What is going to happen to Q34, i didn't see it on the plan.
Thank you
5/3/2022, 5:18 AM — Please leave my QM3 bus alone, we only have 3 buses and you are planning to discontinue service, as well as reduce service on QM20, QM2 and QM32. In spite of your studies, ridership has increased because many riders are avoiding taking the subway into Manhattan. Years ago you eliminated the QM50, what are you thinking, we are not entitled to express bus service?
I think it should be mandatory for all of MTA employees to use public transportation, maybe so you would be more considerate once you have to experience the inconveniences. Instead of wasting money in rezoning studies, please use that money to give the stations proper maintenance, it would be money well spent.
5/3/2022, 5:19 AM — Hi,
I just wanted to tell you that I, as a lot of my colleagues take the bus stop at the 39 Place and Queens Blvd. I have seen Seniors from the Senior Center that take the bus there as well, and it would be terrible if you take that stop out of our way. Some of us, take a long time to get to the bus stop, and taking it out would mean that we have to walk to the other stop that it is up on the hill, about 2 or 3 blocks away.
Please do not take our stops in Queens away because we need them.
5/3/2022, 5:38 AM — Where is the Express Bus from Whitestone to LOWER MANHATTAN that was promised ?????
5/3/2022, 5:50 AM — It seems to be that there are enough houses going through Western Maspeth (which is more industrial) than eastern Maspeth. Regarding the Q67 route, People living near Maurice Park or Ridgewood Gardens (a huge apartment complex) will have a fairly difficult time getting to LIC now, the Q39 and Q47 bus are quite far. Also there is no easy way to get from Maspeth to Middle Village that doesn't require at least 15min of walking. The Old Q67 bus route that went Maurice Ave and then up 53rd Drive and the 69th St into Middle Village would much better serve as a direct link between 2 communities (Maspeth and Middle Village) which have such a big distance to any subway. Please put the Q67 bus route back on the northern side of the LIE as it has been, and then taking 69th St south towards Metropolitan Ave
5/3/2022, 7:44 AM — To eliminate the local stop non lefferts Boulevard like the one near Austin Street will be a big hardship for lot of elderly riders who use the bus to get the subway. They are not able to walk uphill to the station. This would be very bad for a lot of residents in this neighborhood
5/3/2022, 10:08 AM — On the Q18 and Q102 line, the 30ave/29st station should not be removed. That station has 3 schools and a lot of students use this station
5/3/2022, 11:19 AM — We Need an SBS bus New Rochelle LGA to JFK or at least Jamaica to connect the airports and region. It Takes 90+ minutes to Midtown GCT/42nd street now and 3 hours to CT on public transit. so many times I just drive to the airport since rideshare is over $150 from NYC to CT. An SBS bus from would be great New Rochelle to over the Whitestone bridge going to LGA & continuing to Jamaica/JFK. This suggestion would connect the region on one bus line. Currently I am forced to make several transfers from JFK to get to Connecticut AirTran e train to 7 train to metro north and is very costly. LGA is a bit easier to Harlem 125 with 60SBS bus. I feel a regional bus to new Rochelle connecting to the new Haven line would cut down on 1’000s of Uber,Lyft & taxis that have to utilize the Whitestone bridge which I do and in order to cut travel Time down. It also doesn’t help having all the out of area Uber/Lyft divers go offline which are allowed to go to the airports but cannot pick up creating 1’000s more of unessary cars on the road having to come from ct over the Whitestone bridge every day. the CT/Westchester county Uber Lyft drivers have to come back empty because they cannot pick up and are forced to drive back empty causing twice as many rideshare cars on the road which is completely unnecessary.
5/3/2022, 12:33 PM — Please extend the peak hours schedule until 9pm. The schools give us metro cards good until 8:30 pm because a lot of us travel far for school and then have afterschool activities. The q18 connects to a lot of neighnofhoods and subways as you show, so going down to every 30 minutes by 7 is a drag. There is goimg to be a large new school on Northern by 54th and there are new apartment buildings going up on 31st ave and 28th ave. People would ride a bus that ran more often.
5/3/2022, 1:56 PM — I bought my apartment because of the public transport, the bus stop ( 34th avenue 90th street)is in front of the apartment to go to the train station and also the return stop is just a street away at 34th avenue 89th street . I got difficulty to walk too long and if you remove the 34th avenue stop for Q49 is not helping me at all , especially have to walk long way from Northern Blvd at late night is not safe and very big inconvenience to me.
Please do reconsider if you can.
Thank you so much
5/3/2022, 5:44 PM — Q3 bus can work as a express for main stops
5/3/2022, 7:42 PM — Hello, Im a senior Citizen Could you Please Mail me this map you posted, I, not very computer savy, Nor do I own a printer to print it out .... If you can I would be very happy .... Thank You If it costs more tha a dollar Please Dont send for I live ss check to ss check ... so I have to watch where each dollar runs off to, God Bless You all
5/3/2022, 8:59 PM — Under this new plan residents of fresh meadows will lose their access to the F train which was previously serviced by the Q17!
How will we reach the train station now?
5/3/2022, 9:26 PM — There's been a lot of issues in South Ozone Park including delays on the Q37 route due to its cumbersome loop routing within the Resorts Casino plus the loss in the Queens Bus Network Redesign of the Rockaway Boulevard Branch of the Q10 route in which a replacement bus service is absolutely needed. The Q37 should be revised to no longer serve the Resorts World Casino and the Q37 should be spilt into two branches strictly serving South Ozone Park and not the Resorts World Casino. One Branch of the Q37 would operate along the proposed route serving both Rockway Boulevard & 135 Avenue in South Ozone Park but would no longer be serving the casino anymore and a second branch could operate straight along Rockway Boulevard from 111 Street to 130 Street or131 Street/Lincoln Street or even up to the Van Wyck Expressway or 142 Street to provide replacement bus service for the former Q10 Rockway Boulevard Branch passengers needing access to the "A" subway line or other subway and bus lines north of that point. Regarding the casino it would be a lot easier for the Q109 route to loop in and out of the casino via 109th Street (westbound direction) and 108th Street (eastbound direction) plus slightly revise the Q109 path to operate on to Rockway Boulevard between Cross Bay Boulevard and Aqueduct Road (near 108 Street). Under this plan the eastbound Q109 would be accessing the casino by traveling along Rockway Boulevard directly to Aqueduct Road and once departing the casino could then travel north along 108th Street and make a right turn at 109 Avenue to continue on its normal route to Jamaica. The westbound Q109 could travel to the casino by making a left turn at 109th Street /109th Avenue and travel to Rockway Boulevard making a right turn and travel directly into the left turning lane into the casino and departing the casino the westbound Q109 would just make a left turn at Rockway Boulevard and travel along Rockway Boulevard toward Cross Bay Boulevard. For additional bus service to the Casino Resorts World should operate a free shuttle bus service between the Lefferts Boulevard AIRTRAIN Station and the Resorts World Casino via Aqueduct Road. This would provide connections to three major bus lines Q10, B15 and Q3 routes plus also now provide free bus service to the casino for airport and airline passengers as well.
5/3/2022, 9:43 PM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
5/3/2022, 10:58 PM — The stops for the express buses on Fresh Pond Road on the QM24, QM34 & QM25 do not need to be eliminated. There is already enough distance between stops.
On the Q55 the elimination of the Centre & Seneca stops leaves too much distance between Cornelia stop and Forest Ave stop. I suggest just eliminating the Centre ave stop.
The eliminations of routes and rerouting of others will actually leave people waiting to transfer instead of a direct route. Most people in Queens are using the buses to get from one place to another within the boro which is not a train station to Manhattan.
5/4/2022, 12:08 AM — I understand that the scheduled times are not under review, but I have a comment about the description of the current service hours for the Q37 which is listed as starting at 5AM. The first bus leaving Kew Gardens-Union Turnpike in the morning is at approximately 5:50 AM. I would not consider that to be “5 AM.” Ultimately, I would hope that at least one more bus time is added to make that description more accurate. Thank you.
5/4/2022, 12:20 AM — I want to also make a comment on the logos of "MTA Bus Company". Instead of saying "MTA Bus" on the bottom it should say "Queens Division" for College Point, Baisley Park, Far Rockaway, JFK & Laguardia Depots.
Spring Creek Depot should belong to the "Brooklyn Division" and Eastchester and Yonkers Depots should belong to the "Bronx Division".
Please look into reprinting the logos.
Please reroute the proposed Q73 to Jewel Avenue West of 164 Street and absorb the Q64 route then after dropping off passengers by the 71 Avenue subway, make a right turn into the Queens Boulevard center strip and then turn left onto Yellowstone Boulevard to absorb the Southern half of the existing Q23 route ro Crescent Apartments.
Please redesignate the Q82 as Q79 to avoid confusion with the Q2 at Belmont Park. Also ,redesignate Q80 as the new Q30
Also three digit routes should be:
Q104 to Q34
Q105 to Q36
Q109 to Q64
Q111 to Q71
Q114 to Q74
Q115 to Q15
5/4/2022, 12:44 AM — The #65 bus is needed on this side of town we are 8-10 blocks away from the college point Blvd. There has been construction going on here for the last 3 years making it difficult for the bus to come down 14 th. Road and 14 th. Ave. . People have to walk up 8 blocks with cranes and other heavy equipment on the sidewalks. There are also many seniors on this side of town me included. Please don’t remove the #65 route. Very concerned.
5/4/2022, 1:00 AM — Q60 between Union Tpk and 71st Avenue: TOO MANY STOPS ARE BEING REMOVED!! There are numerous doctor's offices on this stretch of Queens Blvd (not to mention Our Lady Queen of Martyrs RC), and seniors/disabled rely on the Q60 to get to them. The proposal removes 43% of Eastbound stops, and 38% of Westbound stops on this stretch of Queens Blvd. Some of the proposed stops for removal are back-to-back, resulting in a walk of close to a mile between remaining stops. This is WAY too much for seniors or people with disabilities. And all this for, according to your own info, NO improvement between existing and proposed frequency.
The City has already forced residents to increase their reliance on bus service with their sub-optimal implementation of bike lanes. People are taking the bus more and driving less because they can no longer park near vital services. Please don't compound this mistake by reducing bus service, too!
5/4/2022, 3:06 AM — Keeping routes along Liberty Ave needs to be revised; since the ridership on those stops are low or no one takes the bus at those stops.
Also, creating droop off location will create a lot on congestion. How about creating pick up on 34th instead.
5/4/2022, 3:22 AM — Please add my name to those who are requesting an LIC Midtown Bus route.
This route would fulfill an important role extending critical transit options for older and disabled residents.
5/4/2022, 4:22 AM — The 65 bus is my commute to work for many years, changing this bus will be a inconvenience and a disaster to all of us in the area
5/4/2022, 5:57 AM — it is hard to get much of a clear picture when the area which is my eye's focus to in this city ideal is 3 separate meeting.
The bus travel which means the most to me is the "Rego Park", "Middle Village", "Elmhurst" area.
How come that is the very corner of the world that is not part of any day's topic? A bus that takes no person anywhere will impede travel.
So far, only the Q38 seemed to be still as useful. I am glad to it is, as well as the new bus line that will be the other half of what was formerly the Q38 line. Finding more has been more complicated then it should be.
5/4/2022, 7:10 AM — Hi, to whom it may concern,
Hope everything is doing well with you.
Please keep Q29 bus and its schedule, this is a very important bus route for my daily basis because I live in Middle Village and work in Glendale. The cancellation of Q29 would cause countless troubles to me, and I would need to spend more hours on commute every day. It would be greatly appreciate that if Q29 bus can be kept. Thank you for your time reading me massage.
Warmest regards
5/4/2022, 10:42 AM — To straighten the Q58 route (and the new Q98 route) in Ridgewood have southbound buses on Fresh Pond Rd turn right onto Woodbine St instead of Putnam Av. Once Woodbine St reaches St Nicolas Av, the buses can turn right onto St Nicolas Av and left on Palmetto St. Once they reach Myrtle Av, the buses can turn left and terminate on the corner of Myrtle Av and Wyckoff Av, where there is an entrance to the Myrtle-Wyckoff Av subway station. Eastbound buses can start their trips from there and turn left onto Madison Av. They could continue along Madison Av to Fresh Pond Rd, where they would join the existing route. There is no need for the buses to follow the path of the M train exactly. This new alignment would shift the buses over two short blocks, bringing them farther from where I currently live. However, with the shorter route, I'm sure the buses will run more reliably and faster.
5/4/2022, 11:27 AM — Our Cooperative, Residents, Immediate neighbors will be negatively affected by proposed cutting of Express Bus Service Stop at 108th St/62nd Drive. With addition of three new buildings, scheduled to open in 2022 the potential to increase ridership at this location exponentially increases.
Thank you for the consideration.
5/4/2022, 9:01 PM — Please do not change the route for the q 101. I use this bus to commute to Manhattan every week . I have used this bus for commuting to work for over 20 years . The subway into Manhattan does not work well for me because of knee arthritis .
Thank you for your time .
5/4/2022, 9:51 PM — The Q24 should still terminate at Archer Av-Merrick Blvd via Jamaics Av, right onto Merrick Blvd, left onto Archer Av then left onto 168 St
5/4/2022, 10:28 PM — Changing the first stop on the QM42 (and QM12) to be on Yellowstone and Juno is a not well thought out idea. There is no easy access to that area for people to get to the bus stop except by walking. You cannot take the Q54 or Q23 or any local bus to the stop. It would make much more sense for it to either start on Woodhaven and Metropolitan or even better would be 71st Avenue and Metropolitan and go down metropolitan to Woodhaven up to Yellowstone. I take the 7:20am QM42 everyday at 71st avenue and Metropolitan, and I am disabled. I cannot easily walk to where the new stop would be, and there are too many stairs for me to take the subway, not to mention all the violence and germs. There are also 8 other people I know between my stop and Juno that would be cut out of the route. Several people either take the Q23 or the Q54 and get off to take the express bus at the current first stop. Changing the first stop cuts about 3 minutes off the route while causing immense difficulty for myself and several other people including a woman with cancer and an elderly woman who intends to work til the day she dies. It also makes very little sense as the bus will still have to travel down metropolitan to get to the location of the new first stop, so it would just be going right past paying customers and not stopping for any logically thought out reason. I hope you would be able to give it some more thought and at least add the first stop at Metropolitan and 71st, then down to Metropolitan and Woodhaven, followed by the turn on to Yellowstone. It's a much more cohesive route and does the loyal passengers justice.
5/4/2022, 10:37 PM — This new plan eliminates a lot of the stops that locals and especially the elderly rely on. It makes them walk farther and have to transfer more than once in some cases. Please dont implemement this new plan.
5/4/2022, 11:30 PM — Hi, I live in rego park and forest hills area for over 21 years, but there is never a direct bus line going from this area to flushing. I believe with the growing population of Asian community in Queens, there should be a few bus lines set up or rerouted between these two areas.
The benefits will be tremendous:
1. it will decrease the traffic congestion in these two areas especially Flushing where the main street just banned all the private cars
2. beneficial to the environment, where more people will start to take buses going to flushing instead of driving their own cars
3. increase the revenue to the MTA
4. convenient to the elderly who doesn't drive
please consider this route to create a direct connection between two populous areas and this will be beneficial to all parties and the environment.
5/4/2022, 11:46 PM — I reside in the Rockaways in which it is very difficult to Travel off and on the Island by way of Public Transportation. I would like to see Express buses running all day Monday thru Friday and also on the weekends. The limited time frames for Express Bus service in the Rockaways is an inconvenience. Other areas of Queens have Express Bus Service running all day Monday - Friday and weekends as well. Why are we so short changed, and unremembered. The Q52 Limited Bus doesn't come frequently enough and the Busses are always crowded. When it was first implemented the Bus left from Beach 67th street Station as a first stop. Once it expanded as far back as Beach 59th Street ridership increased, but not the Bus Service. The Q22 has way to many people with Disabilities whom are in Wheelchairs, are bringing Large size Shopping Karts, and Strollers on a already crowded Bus. This situation is an accident waiting to happen. During Hurricane Sandy the MTA provided us with unclean Buses that dated back from the 50's. We were in a horrible situation and the Bus Service provided wasn't enough. Bottom line the Rockaways has far to long been neglected.
5/5/2022, 1:08 AM — re: the MTA’s Proposed Removal of Q23’s 68th Ave bus stop on 108th St ‘to improve speed & reliability’.
In the Spring or Fall, the extra 3-block walk to the 67th or 69th Ave bus stops would not be a hardship, due to the mild weather.
However, carrying packages in the hot, humid months of the Summer or the cold, snowy days of the Winter, might make the extra walking an undue burden, especially for senior citizens.
I strongly urge you to eliminate this bus stop removal from your proposed re-design of the Queens Bus Network.
5/5/2022, 4:36 AM — Please do not eliminate stops along queens blvd for the Q60. These are essential for many people in the neighborhood who rely on the local bus. Please keep the route as is (ie. Don't remove queens blvd/ascan ave stop).
5/5/2022, 6:35 AM — 1. It would be nice if there were a bus that ran between the 71 Ave station in Forest Hills to somewhere near Yellowstone Blvd and Alderton Street or Woodhaven Blvd. The proposed Q73 won't be too helpful. Like the current Q23, it seems to end on Union Tpke, where riders would have to get off and wait for the next bus before returning to Metropolitan Ave. There are many Rego Park residents who prefer to take express trains at 71 Ave instead of local trains at Woodhaven Blvd. We live about a mile from the 71 Ave station, which should be a short bus ride, but it's a longish walk. Some of us end up catching cabs from the station if it's late. Commuters who catch the LIRR at the Forest Hills station would also appreciate a bus that takes them from Rego Park to Forest Hills.
2. It seems like the Q53 Express bus will no longer connect with the LIRR stop in Woodside, which seems like a shame.
3. Can the restaurant shacks that were put on Austin Street, Forest Hills be take down now? They severely block traffic and slow down buses.
5/5/2022, 7:04 AM — Qns blvd and Queens Plaza E has a dangerous bus stop when heading into Manhattan. It is for the Q32 and Q 60. Alot of oeolle transfer for the E train there. There are about 3 feet to stand between the bridge traffic and the bike lane, which has a ton of users, many of them motorized. (Are motorized bikes allowed?)I feel so unsafe standing there, but if I move back away from the stop, i cannot see if the bus is coming. Something should be reconfigured.
5/5/2022, 7:45 AM — We really could use a bus that takes us from Forest Hills to Flushing, thank you for your consideration!
5/5/2022, 12:06 PM — Please reconsider Q27 end/begin stop at Union Turnpike or Hillside Ave instead of 69th Ave for easier transfer point. Thank you.
5/5/2022, 3:22 PM — The proposed route changes for the Q60 and the Q72 eliminate connections to the 63rd Drive station in Rego Park. Many elderly people in Rego Park use the Q60 to travel from 63rd Drive to the Queens Center Mall. They will no longer be able to do by bus.
The Q72 also serves as a means for many elderly people to travel to government offices in Lefark City. This access is being removed from them. In addition, the route provides easy access for residents of Rego Park to the airport. Under your proposal people would have to transfer to a subway and take it one stop to a nonADA compliant station to complete the trip or cross a major thoroughfare to take a second bus, the Q60, to a stop that is several blocks away from 63rd Drive, or take a cab. Many people also use the bus to go to the Rego Center Mall which is no longer on the bus’ route.
Your proposal is making public transit less accessible to people rather than more accessible.
5/5/2022, 7:32 PM — Please don not remove Q88 for my job and Q30 for my daughter’s school please please
Thank you so much
5/5/2022, 9:41 PM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
5/5/2022, 10:58 PM — I think the redesigning of the buses here in college point are ridiculous.
How are we supposed to get around?
And now your taking my only way to get to the supermarket away
I live om the q65 route .
I'm asking you to reconsider
5/5/2022, 11:00 PM — Removing the local bus stops on 72nd Drive west and Ascan Avenue east will make public transportation for seniors less accessible. It does not make it easy for a person with a walker or cane to lose bus stops. The 72nd Drive bus stop is a covered stop. The subway stop on 75th is inaccessible. You are taking away transportation from seniors in a large senior community.
5/5/2022, 11:31 PM — I frequently take the Q10 to go into the city. I sometimes wait up to 10-20 minutes for a bus to head towards Kew Gardens during off-peak hours. I don't agree with the removal of bus stops which makes it hard for those who can't walk far and combining the Q64 & Q10. I am worried having the bus go to onto Queens Blvd to go to Pomonok will make me wait longer to get home as Kew Gardens always has long lines for the bus. Please keep our bus line as it is and listen to us customers!
5/5/2022, 11:39 PM — MTA said they would make the Jamaica Avenue a priority corridor to reduce traffic. I think you should have the Q55 go down Hillside Avenue to make it's last stop 179 street to connect with the F line instead of the proposed route. The bus has a long way to go back to Brooklyn and this bus and the Q54 needs to have a schedule that compliment each other. Having the bus go further into Jamaica will add to longer wait times.
5/6/2022, 12:06 AM — I’m hoping to change your minds on the redesigning of the buses in college point .
This is my only way to the dr and shopping.
I relied on the buses .
5/6/2022, 12:44 AM — Concerning the q73 redesign. On it's western route the bus should turn on Nansen St instead of Loubet st. This would give the many passengers who live on the south side of Metropolitan Ave a much shorter walk to their residences. Thanks for the consideration of the change.
5/6/2022, 5:30 AM — This draft is a significant improvement on the first, and I am generally happy with it. While my connection to the Steinway Street shopping district (via the Q101) will unfortunately be removed, the newly extended Q50 will provide actually reliable service to Flushing, and the Q69 will finally reach the parts of Long Island City I enjoy going to. I am a bit confused by the unusual stop spacing proposed on this map, especially for the Q19 and Q69, but hopefully stops can be evened-out long-term so that riders aren't concentrated at one stop or another. I also hope that the MTA addresses the problem of "disappearing buses," or scheduled bus runs that do not happen for no reason at all. This has long been an issue in Astoria, and especially on the Q69 and M60, even during off-peak hours.
5/6/2022, 5:45 AM — Extend Q77 to Green Acres Mall. The Hillside Avenue corridor deserves direct access to the mall. We have direct access to Roosevelt Field so why can't we have access to Green Acres?
Please keep the Q10 between JFK Airport and Union Turnpike station.
Reroute the Q73: when operating Westbound along 73 Avenue, turn right onto 164 Street, left onto Jewel Avenue absorbing the Q64.
Please keep the Q1 and Q6 as separate routes. The Q1 should remain unchanged and the Q6 should operate from Sutphin--Hillside station to JFK Cargo Plaza. The Q40 should be rerouted to 165 St.Terminal.
New routes Q45 Q51, Q57 and Q73 should be based at Queens Village Depot.
Q17, Q26, Q27, should be based at Casey Stengel Depot. Also base the Q66 at Casey Stengel Depot.
5/6/2022, 8:03 AM — The new redesign of the Q23 does a grave disservice to Forest Hills residents. Many students and older residents take the Q23 from Forest Hills (south of Queens blvd) to Halsey Middle School, to the Commonpoint Y, to doctor's offices, to the hospital north of Queens Blvd. According to this redesign, residents this area now have to take 2 separate buses, with two separate schedules, just to go 2 miles to school/doctor/Y? Ridiculous. Please amend this. This is so ill-considered and unpopular among residents it will receive nothing but pushback.
5/6/2022, 8:25 AM — As someone who was raised in College Point and whose whole family lives in College Point, I think it is extremely important to not make totally confusing and unnecessary changes to a bus system that needs improvement. I do not believe that the bus service will improve by changing the numbers of 25 and 65 to 17 and 27, respectively. It is only confusing for those of us who have lived here for more than twenty years. It would not be hyperbolic to say that those numbers are iconic, they are numbers that are part of our history and that of NYC.
5/6/2022, 11:27 PM — What about the rest of us frop Union Turnpike to Jamaica through 188th Street and Hillside avenue ?
5/7/2022, 12:08 AM — The new Q48 should be extended to North Shore Towers via Union Turnpike, left onto 260 Street, right onto Little Neck Parkway, right onto Grand Central Parkway to North Shore Towers.
This will provide North Shore Towers and Glen Oaks Village residents.24/7 service.
5/7/2022, 12:10 AM — The changes you suggest would be very advantageous to me, as it would allow me a single bus almost door-to-door ride from my home to my job in College Point. Instead of taking the Q16 to the Q20, I could take the Q31 from bayside straight to College Point. The extended hours would be very helpful when taking the Jamaica Air Train. We prefer to take the Q31 to Sutphin Blvd in Jamaica to catch the air train to JFK. But the Q31 currently doesn't run in the early and late hours. Extending the hours would save us a lot of money in cab fare.
I like the plan for the Q31.
Thank you.
5/7/2022, 4:52 AM — As part of the Queens Bus Network Redesign Plan in Downtown, Jamaica a passenger still won't be able to transfer between the Q4, Q5, Q83, Q84, Q85, Q86 (Southeastern Queens) routes and the Q2, Q3, Q76, Q77, Q82 routes as the second set of routes come from the east and terminate at the 165th Street Terminal before connecting with the other routes, however it should be noted that the Q77 and Q3 already transfer to those other routes as those two routes also come from Southeastern Queens as well leaving just the Q82, Q2 and Q76 routes to actually be mostly concerned about. To correct this some thought should be given to extending the Q82 route to Lefferts Blvd./Liberty Avenue via Parsons Blvd., Archer Avenue, Sutphin Blvd., Atlantic Avenue, 121st Street(w/b) or Lefferts Blvd.(w/b)/Lefferts Blvd.(e/b). Only four additional stops would be needed to provide super limited Q82 service which would provide speedy bus service between the Lefferts Blvd. "A" Line Station and Downtown, Jamaica as well as between the Lefferts Blvd. "A line Station and the UBS arena. Additional bus stops would only be needed at Parsons Blvd./Hillside Avenue, Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue, Sutphin Blvd./Archer Avenue and Liberty Avenue/Lefferts Blvd. Depending upon available terminal space at Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue the Q2, Q76 route and possibly even the Q77 routes should terminate at Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue rather than 165th Street Terminal.
With all of the open space then available at 165th Street Terminal (if some or all of the above route changes are implemented) other bus routes coming from the west such as the Q24, Q109, Q54, and Q44SBS routes including possibly the Q20 & Q60 routes as well (See other suggested changes later) could all instead terminate at 165th Street Terminal. The Q109 would just travel east from Hillside Avenue/Parsons Blvd. to Merrick Blvd. and making a right turn to access the 165th Street Terminal. The Q109 could also provide (via a three-legged transfer) access between the Q111, Q114 & Q115 routes and the NICE routes N6, N6X, N22, N24 or the routes from the west such as the Q8, Q9, Q24, Q54, Q44SBS, Q20 & Q60 if some of those routes are also modified. Please note most bus routes coming from the west (such as the Q24, Q109, Q54, Q44SBS, Q20 & Q60 routes) need accessibility to 165th Street Terminal in order for those routes to transfer with the NICE buses N6, N6X, N22, N24 routes, however please note NYCT routes coming from the east usually could transfer to and from Nice buses along various points along Hillside Avenue (N1, N6, N6X,N22 N24 routes) or at 165th Street Terminal or at various points along Merrick Blvd. or at Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue (N4, N4X) routes. Please also note passengers coming from routes from the south along Merrick Blvd. could use the Q25 route to transfer near Jamaica Avenue/165th Street(s/b) 165th Street/Archer Avenue(n/b) to NICE buses at the 165th Street Terminal. Also the Q55 &Q56 routes (which also come from the west) may still be able to transfer with the NICE bus routes (N6,N6X,N22 N24) at 179th Street/Hillside Avenue if those two routes are also extended further east to that point via Jamaica Avenue, 179th Place(e/b) or 178th Street (e/b) to Hillside Avenue as suggested in a previous e-mail (concerning compatible changes to the Q57 route) so these two routes may not be needed to terminate at 165th Street Terminal even though they are coming from the west.
As mentioned briefly earlier consideration should also be given to revise the path of the Q60 route to operate further east along Jamaica Avenue to 165th Street Terminal for more transfer accessibility to this Manhattan route for those that cannot take subways to Manhattan plus in Manhattan the Q60 route should be extended to 59th Street Columbus Circle as well for increased transfer accessibility. To provide bus service to 157th Street/109th Avenue South Jamaica the Q31 route and/or the Q43 routes should be extended f
5/7/2022, 7:20 AM — Thank you for considering and revising several of the original 2020 proposals. That said, we want to use our cars less often but, instead of providing better service, there is still inadequate transportation for our area in NE Queens. It shouldn’t only be about local bus routes & connections to subways. Express buses are the best means of transportation for many, especially seniors & handicapped. We go to Manhattan to work, see shows, attend concerts, have lunch/dinner, tour museums, to medical appointments, and even to sightsee. We want to enjoy our city, but this proposal for some Express buses makes us feel not welcome in our own city. We can come to terms with certain revisions, but there are several that would make it that much more difficult for too many of us. For example,
~ Without a dedicated Express bus lane on the LIE, travel time could become untenable. Provisions are needed for dedicated lanes in both directions, at the very least during peak morning & evening hours.
~ QM2. Weekday mid-day service intervals proposed at 60 minute instead of 30 is unacceptable. It is already stressful waiting for off-peak express buses. You never know when there will be a no-show - and this happens OFTEN. With this proposal, if one bus doesn’t show, your wait is 2 hours. Weekend service intervals every 90 minutes instead of 60 IS ENTIRELY UNACCEPTABLE. I have lived in other cities in the US and abroad, and none have longer than 60-minute waits for any means of public transportation. This is NYC – capital of the world!
~ QM20. Mid-day service on Weekdays and all Weekend service eliminated. What are the options? How many times have we relied on the QM20 when the QM2 was missing, and vice versa?
Many of these proposals are based on supposed low ridership - but when was that calculated? I've only experienced that during the pandemic. After 2 years of Covid we're trying to get back to some type of normalcy, but some of these proposals will keep us home or in our cars.
The subject continues to be upsetting. I hope our feedback will be used to reconsider some of the current draft proposals.
Thank you.
5/7/2022, 7:37 AM — DON'T CHAMGE ROUTES!!!
5/7/2022, 8:15 AM — As a bus operator home college point I could more happy,I been pray that a long time;but those changes are very good for a bus operator point of views .This is the first time that NYCT is doing something that making so happy; specially Qm5 ,Qm6 and Qm1
5/7/2022, 10:19 AM — Please do not change the q64 bus route/line.
Too many people already utilize this route in the morning. Picking up people along the proposed route would not allow those of us who live near 141st street to even get on the bus in the morning. The buses would be arriving here packed to capacity. Let alone people near park drive east.
Please consider the amount of people who get on the bus from Main Street to park drive east in the morning.
5/7/2022, 2:52 PM — Pls keep the stops on the Q64. Many people work at the Joint Industry Board which is at the Parsons Blvd stop and many live along the current route.
5/7/2022, 8:20 PM — Please don't eliminate all of the Q23 stops from Metropolitan Ave in Forest Hills to Queens Blvd. You're making it hard for Senior Citizens to get around.
5/8/2022, 2:31 AM — When the MTA announced its intention to route buses down our block several years ago, the community comment meeting was packed with people complaining that it would adversely affect everything from congestion, to noise, to air pollution. Our worst fears were soon realized and still persist. From 7 to 9 or later in the morning and 4 to 7 or later in the evening, the block is bumper-to-bumper with buses and cars. There are frequently 5 or 6 buses in a row, many in poor states of repair, with noisy brakes and electric starters and a lot of exhaust. Both the current and proposed plan show 2 bus lines on our street (75th St. bet. 35th and 37th): the Q47 and Q49. But "out of service" or deadhead buses are also routed here and often comprise a significant amount of the traffic.
The larger problem is the traffic on 37th Ave. and connecting streets with their many markets and double-parking delivery trucks and cars. For years there's been talk of a traffic plan that was going to make 37th a one-way street, to help with the congestion, but this was never enacted. As it exists now, traffic rules are not enforced, and are probably unenforceable, despite the number of ticketing agents deployed. Delivery trucks, including 18 wheel tractor-trailers, regularly block one lane of 37th to make their deliveries.
The intersection of 37th and 75th, in spite of the addition of an additional traffic light and multiple adjustments, is still a quagmire during rush hours. One of the main problems for our block, where the traffic is constantly clogged during these periods, with angry drivers and incessant honking, is that there is a bus stop on the corner of 75th, just across 37th (as buses head south). Many times during the day, including morning and evening rush hours, trucks and cars park in the bus stop, forcing the buses to stop in the middle of the street, which halts southbound traffic completely. When this happens it's not unusual for no more than 2 or 3 vehicles to be able to cross the intersection on each light. I've talked with traffic enforcement agents about this, who say there is nothing more they can do than ticket the offending vehicles, usually delivery trucks, which they admit has no effect on the problem. The cost of traffic tickets has long been part of the cost of doing business in NYC, and the city has apparently decided that actually enforcing critical parking rules with readily available tow trucks, which is the only thing, in my opinion, that will change behavior, is not politically viable.
In the meantime everyone suffers, and our block, which used to be quite lovely and livable, has been turned into traffic hell for large parts of the day. Last year the city installed a new type of No Parking zone in front of our building (at 3535 75th St.) and elsewhere, meant to alleviate traffic congestion by providing a space for the ever increasing delivery services and car services. This is an excellent idea and has been very helpful, but it's very poorly enforced. I regularly file 311 complaints about the cars that park here for hours or days, especially handicap permits, which are not allowed in such zones. More often than not, traffic agents are misinformed about handicap permits and refuse to ticket such vehicles until I contact their superiors. Between lack of enforcement and the ignorance or unwillingness to enforce the rules, it feels like a losing battle.
As long as an overall, more intelligent plan for this neighborhood (with additional one-way corridors, etc.) is not enacted, traffic regulations must be better enforced, with even more agents. Other streets, namely 76th St. between 35th and 37th, should share the burden of bus lines, and no residential street should have more than 1.
5/8/2022, 5:20 AM — I am very dissatisfied that the Q23 will no longer travel to Union Typk. near the Crescent Apts. nor will it travel to Woodhaven Blvd/Metropolitan Avenues. For years I have relied on this bus route for shopping and to get to Forest Park. This will now necessitate transferring to an additional bus. I will be forced to consider buying a car-- adding to traffic congestion and air pollution. This is not acceptable!!
5/8/2022, 5:25 AM — I have relied on the Q88 to travel to Cunningham and Alley Pond Parks. Unfortunately, this proposed route change will necessitate taking two buses to get to those destinations.
I am against the proposed change to this bus route. Traveling by car (which would mean buying one first), would only add to traffic congestion and air pollution- that would be an unsatisfactory solution.
5/8/2022, 7:36 AM — To whom it may concern
I have been living and using the Queens bus lines since I was 15 years old. I looked over the proposed Queens Bus lines, and there is a lot of feedback I would like to give in regards to some of the particular lines that directly affect me and other commuters. I am unable to make any of the zoom meetings with the community boards, so I am leaving my feedback here.
General Bus Plan Concern
The Overall concern that I have noticed about most of the new proposed lines have wait times of 8 minutes or more. Realistically, that translates to a 10-20 minute extra wait time meaning that most bus passengers will have to leave even earlier in order to make it to work in time, or will be late to appointments or child care pickup because the bus was delayed. That is unacceptable considering the makeup of the Queens population using buses exceeds ridership in the other boroughs because we do not have subway transit that spreads out throughout the borough. All I see with the new bus plans is that the stops will be filled with more riders, which will delay the busses being on time, and delay commuters to their destinations.
Proposed Q10 Concern.
I am concerned about the removal of the Jewel Avenue and 136th Street bus stop, but keeping Jewel Avenue and 138th street stop. The design doesn't make sense. Typically, there is more pedestrian traffic at Jewel Avenue and 136th street compared to Jewel/138th street. More passengers wait at 136th Street for the bus than at 138th, AND most importantly, there is a traffic light and crosswalk at Jewel Ave and 136th street where there is not a crosswalk at Jewel and 138th Street. By removing the Jewel and 136th street bus stop, you are forcing pedestrians to cross Jewel Avenue in the middle of rush hour traffic to the Southbound side in the morning, and to cross from the northbound side of the avenue in the evening, leaving a dangerous situation for bus passengers trying to catch and exit the buses and drivers using Jewel Ave in both directions.
Proposed Q73 Concern.
I am concerned about the route in general. The bus travelling on 73rd avenue in both directions, turning onto Jewel Avenue from Main street as well as turning onto Austin Street will cause endless traffic that will make it impossible for pedestrians and drivers alike to maneuver around central Queens. I happened to have witnessed an out of service Q64vbus make the turn from Main Street onto Jewel Avenue during a practice run at 1:30 pm. When the bus stopped, there were at least 4-5 cars trapped in the intersection southbound, eastbound and westbound. The cars couldn't move until the bus cleared the Jewel Avenue Main Street bus stop, and this was during off peak hours. During rush hour, the backlog of traffic will double or triple.
5/8/2022, 8:37 AM — I am very upset to see that the Q50 bus is planned to be discontinued on weekends. I have depended on that bus for over 50 years and now that bus is vital for me to visit my elderly parents. I take that bus every sunday midafternoon with a lot of other people Even if would go midweek, the Q50 is not running during the middle of the day. This is the only bus going into Co-op City. To eliminate this bus is a real deservice to those of us that depend on this bus. Alternate buses are not practical , as they would take me more than 2 hours to travel . I already transfer buses to get to Co-p City frm my address in Queens. Please save this bus for those of us that are not commuters for work, but deend on this bus for visiting our families and other reasons.
5/8/2022, 9:01 AM — I wrote in the past about QM8, QM7 and QM5 buses. Here are my additional comments.
It feels like we are starting from scratch. All of the heads of the MTA I spoke to directly at the meetings precovid have now left the agency— including Andy Byford?, Patrick Foye and Mark Holmes. I told them my concerns in email and in person.
These virtual meetings I am told are not as effective for getting our concerns across! And not well publicized either!! Many seniors who I spoke to didn’t understand the implications of these proposals or realize that they will be changing bus routes and frequency.
?Glen Oaks and Fresh Meadows bus routes have always gone hand in hand to have more options for NE commuters. The new plan will make that all go away because transfer points are being eliminated and stops removed!! Will make it really difficult for Express bus commuters! And weirdly combining forest hills (which is congested to begin with) with Glen Oaks!
The increased times between buses is outrageous. Currently we get notifications about less buses running on a daily basis. And the notification system tells us at last minute or sometimes we don’t even get notifications! How can anyone reliably get to work and appointments? And the city wants private businesses to bring back their staff to NYC offices?!?!
I was recently told by the mta customer service via twitter to use the subway and transfer to a midtown QM5 bus when a QM8 didn’t show at night! The subways are unsafe right now.
There will no longer be the Chevy Chase transfer point under this plan. So for example, in AM I should be able to take the QM5 (Glen oaks) and transfer to QM7 (fresh meadows) or take QM7 and transfer to QM5 in PM. With this plan this would be impossible and an unacceptable to all commuters. The MTA says this is due to redundancy. But if a bus doesn’t show up we need options between Fresh meadows & Glen oaks to still get to where we need to on time!!
1000 % Awful- right now there are super express QM8 buses in the evening. I do not see anywhere on the proposal where these three super popular buses are listed!! They were always packed every night and commuters would get in line early to get these buses! So if this is not part of the plan our evening commutes would INCREASE! We would have to go through the congested downtown loop!
This is another bus that eliminates union turnpike stops & Chevy chase transfer point.
This is a long commute already and the proposal INCREASES times between buses!
And adds an NYU stop!
All the QM5 union turnpike stops are being eliminated. For rerouting!
Like I said above: The increased times between buses is outrageous!! Currently we get notifications about less buses running on a daily basis. How can anyone reliably get to work and appointments?
And unbelievably the Sat and Sun service of the QM5 will be increased from 60 min frequency to 90min!!! Imagine if a bus doesn’t show?!?!
On QM7 the frequency is increasing from 11 minutes to 26! Again unacceptable!
Why are they taking away ability to transfer between the Fresh Mesdows to Glen oaks line but adding 6 stops in Forest Hills which is congested and in an entirely different area of Queens which has much, much more access to transportation ( local & express buses, subways and LIRR) !? And then adding a Stop at NYU too?
5/8/2022, 8:48 PM — Hi,
I am a senior citizen who lives on [REDACTED] in one of the many apartment buildings behind the Queens courthouse. I do not want to see the Q46 stop removed at 135th Street. I use this stop very frequently to go to my part time job east on Union Turnpike past Utopia to supplement my Social Security to pay for the high cost of Medicare and just to try to make ends meet. For me, and I’m sure others in the area, this would cause a major inconvenience.
If I’m understanding the proposal correctly, this stop, the one before it, and the one after it would be eliminated leaving the only place to get the Q46 is at Queens Blvd. and 78th and Union Tpke. just east of Main Street; that’s a far walk. Why is it that the people who need these stops the most are being forgotten and inconvenienced? Also, by removing the westbound stops at Union Tpke. at 185th, 183rd, and 179th (I use this stop often and which is conveniently located by many stores and restaurants) you are creating so much overcrowding. It’s frustrating enough as an older person to have to try to maintain balance while standing and to do it on a packed bus. As it is, you frequently state that you run as many buses/trains as possible with “the staff you have” and there’s overcrowding now. What will happen to the overcrowding when you cut stops? As a matter of fact, just recently, I got on the westbound bus at 179th around 6:00 PM after waiting quite a while during rush hour and it was extremely crowded, no seats. We went a few stops when a wheelchair person wanted to get on. The driver asked if they would wait for the next bus which was empty but they would not. This would have been okay except for the fact that this man was unfortunately maybe homeless, had many dirty bags, and smelled absolutely disgusting, putting everyone at risk for maybe COVID, bed bugs, or who knows what else and the driver wouldn’t let us out the back door while he helped the wheelchair person because he said the empty bus already passed.
I implore you, please leave these stops alone. The Q46 is the only option to navigate Union Turnpike from Queens Blvd. to LIJ hospital (from which I just recently took the bus back from the emergency room there). I really don’t understand why the route is being split with a Q48 – let’s make it even more inconvenient by taking away stops and, I think, having people switch buses to get to, essentially, the same place as now and to add something we don’t really need….!?
Thank you for your consideration.
5/8/2022, 9:17 PM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
5/8/2022, 11:41 PM — Today I took the QM10 at 630 and it was full. We are also going to get a giant complex with thousands of people moving in right on 108 Street and 62nd Dr. the building is complete and people are set to move in with in the next two months. People are going back to work in the office every day at least 20 people are on the bus and the Qm 12 is full as well why are we deleting the QM10? Please do not get rid of the QM10. I am a nyc teacher and do not drive.
5/9/2022, 5:01 AM — Hi sir / madam I’m concerning about bus stop infront of our business which peoples blocking our entrance throwing garage also some peoples were very violence ! Pls help
5/9/2022, 5:40 AM — Please leave stops at Springfield Blvd and 75th Ave, and 73rd Ave and 220th St, I don't see any buses stop there.
5/9/2022, 7:04 AM — There is a correction needed on page 41 and 42 of the Queens Bus Network Redesign Plan the Report regarding the Proposed Local Route Frequency & Plan Changes (weekdays only*) listing. Bus route Q62 and its information was not listed. Also, on the Queens Bus Network Redesign Plan System Map there is an error on a street name which now lists Union Street instead of Ulmer Street. This error is located where the Q17 operates within the College Point neighborhood.
5/9/2022, 8:24 AM — Why are there no posters about the Queens Bus Redesign on buses in my community. Those lines are QM21, Q111, Q113, Q114, Q85. Our community needs to know about the changes coming their way and how it will affect them. You are neglecting a mostly minority community. Our communities need to be involved in the conversations that will affect their commute and livelihoods.
5/9/2022, 8:51 AM — We need sheltered Bus Stops along Sixth Ave. With the new proposal it seems buses are going to take longer to come especially weekends and it will be very helpful to have a bench to sit down and wait for the bus, especially at night. Thank you!
5/9/2022, 11:12 AM — The buses MTA should be more patience with the people because the people needs time to go down from the bus every body needs time to go down or to board and take a sit, for me I am feeling that I am going to fall, every time I that I board the bus is same for me, and I see happen also women and men. Please do something about to get aware the driver they have people on board no chickens.
Specially Q49 line they full the bus even if we still have COVID in the country
Thank you so much for this space to share our very worries.
5/9/2022, 7:24 PM — Eliminating the QM10 would send many of us no choice but to take the QM18 which will make that bus severely crowded as it would be the only bus from 6ave mid town that would go to Rego Park Queens Blvd at 63rd drive.
5/9/2022, 8:58 PM — It looks like the QM10 Express Bus Line will be discontinued? How will the working people of Lefrak City and the surrounding area get to Mid-town? The express bus is a good commute for people who are too scared to ride the trains now with all of the crime happening! How far will we have to walk to find an express bus. Please do not eliminate the the QM10 Express Bus it is a much needed line!!
5/9/2022, 9:03 PM — Is very important to keep Q29,is a convenience transportation for our Community, is time to raise our voice and tell MTA,must be consult with our Community before changes that can affect ,specially the places that can have acces by bus only,
5/9/2022, 10:20 PM — Hoping to keep same stops! Without much
Qm2 is my bus, wish l use frequently within the week, as well on weekends!
5/9/2022, 10:55 PM — hello
i take the QM10 every day, please do not get rid of it, when i take the QM12, there are no seats, so the 12 is not an option for me. Please keep the QM10. also, so many new buildings have gone up on 108 street, they will also take the QM10.
5/10/2022, 12:57 AM — The proposed redesign of the Q31 bus cuts out an entire community in Bayside and as far as I can see there are no buses that will serve that area. I take the Q31 to and from the Bayside LIRR Station on Bell Blvd to get to work. I also use it to get to Bell Blvd to access the stores between 35th Avenue and Northern Blvd. (Neptune Diner, Doctors office, Citibank, Artistique Hair Salon, The French Workshop, CVS etc.) It is too far to walk, especially with packages.
I gave up trying to drive and park anywhere near Bell Blvd. There is no reliable parking anywhere especially when you are trying to catch a train. The last time I tried (10 years ago) I had to park so far away from the station, I was almost back home. And what about all the kids going to Bayside High School or to Raymond O'connor Park?
There are a lot more people in their 60's and 70's having to keep on working to pay bills. This change will make it impossible for them to get around. In the redesign it says that the discontinued segment will be served by the Q 27, 78, 13 and 28. No it won't. There are no buses that travel west of Bell Blvd or east of Utopia Pkwy. I would have to take the Q13 all the way to Bay Terrace and then the Q28 back around to where I live (even that stop is being removed.) which would take me the better part of an hour, rather than taking the Q31 for ten minutes. And not to mention a lot more walking and stairs.
Traveling in the other direction, the Q31 takes you to other stores like Marino's on Utopia Pkwy, St. Mary's Cemetery, Union Tpke to transfer to the Q46 to the Kew Gardens Court (jury duty) or to Sutphin Blvd for the Queens County Courts or going east to LIJ Hospital. There is no parking anywhere around the courts, so you would really be out in the cold. Also it's the only way to get to the LIRR in Jamaica to travel east without having to go all the way west to Woodside and come back east again. That makes no sense.
There would be no other way to get there without walking all the way to Utopia Parkway to the new route for the Q31 (at least 10 - 12 blocks) or again, taking several buses and waiting for transfers. Taking the Q31 out of an entire area leave us in the lurch and makes it so much more difficult. Please rethink this move and keep some kind of service in that area. Please...
5/10/2022, 2:05 AM — I would suggest that that the MTA Queens 69 bus be extended to pass Vaughn College (86-01 23rd Avenue, East Elmhurst). The suggested route below would assist students who use mass transit to access the campus.
The q69 extends to and from long Island city and ends at 82 street and Astoria Blvd.
My suggestion is that the eastbound Q69 route from LIC along Ditmars Blvd. turn left onto 23rd Avenue and pass the FEDEX, King's Inn Family Center, Korean Church, Budget car rental and Vaughn College and then turn right on 94th Street permitting easy transfer to the Q72 which goes to Corona and Queen's Blvd .
At Astoria Blvd. the q69 route would then turn right onto Astoria Blvd, passing the Buccaneer, Walgreens, McDonald's and 7-11 returning to continue its current route on Astoria Blvd.
Modifying the 82 street transfer from the Q69 to the M60 to the King's Inn would be eased thereby assisting the disabled. None of the other existing transfers would be lost. Another advantage of the modification would permit a transfer between the Q69 and the F train at 21st street, thereby letting students from Manhattan and Brooklyn avoid Jackson Heights.
I believe our neighbors listed above would support the route modification.
5/10/2022, 3:28 AM — My understanding is that the Q10 will replace the Q64 route. According to the Q10 redesign plans it seems that the 136th street and Jewel Avenue stop on the Q64 will be removed, both northbound and southbound. Please do not remove the current Southbound Q64 stop at 136th street and Jewel Avenue. I understand that there is a stop on Jewel Avenue and Park Drive East (which is still on the same block of Jewel Avenue), but that is a steep hill and we have a lot of elderly people and people with kids/strollers that would make it difficult to get to. From what I have witnessed in the past 7 years living here, there are many more people getting on the bus at the 136th and Jewel stop over the Park Drive East stop. Also, please do not remove the Northbound stop at 136th street and Jewel Avenue. Similarly, elderly people will find it very difficult to get up that steep hill from Park Drive East to get to 136th street. I know that 138th is not that far, but there is no crosswalk and no lights at 138th and Jewel. The cars do not stop for people to cross the road to the west side of Jewel Avenue. I know many people that live closer to the 138th street and Jewel Avenue northbound stop, that get off at 136th street because it is impossible to safely cross the street to get to the west side of Jewel avenue, since there is no crosswalk for pedestrians and no lights at the 138th street and Jewel stop.
5/10/2022, 3:55 AM — Please don’t remove the stop on jewel ave and 136th street more than a 100 people will be affected by these. Kids who go to school and old people in our community who ride the bus every day .and residents who work at the city taking the express bus. This will be so hard for us
Hope you will consider my request
Thank you
5/10/2022, 4:01 AM — The proposed northbound Q68 will have lots of problems when leaving the stop at Queens-Midtown Exp at 48 St. The bus is supposed to turn left after this stop, meaning it will have to cross paths with right turning and through vehicles. To avoid this dangerous driving maneuver, this stop should be moved to the far side along 48 St, just passed this intersection. Alternatively, the stop at the T-intersection of 48 St and 47 St could be utilized. The proposed Q67 is also supposed to use this stop. While routing the bus this way is not a big problem, in order to improve speed and reliability, the eastbound Q67 should instead stay on 54 Av.
5/10/2022, 6:49 AM — Along the eastbound Q67 route a bus stop is being eliminated along Borden Av at Greenpoint Av. However, the next stop after this is over half a mile away. The corresponding stop in the westbound direction will be at Borden Av and 39 Pl (since the one at 38 St will be removed). Going in the opposite direction, the stop at Greenpoint Av will be closest to 39 Pl. You could instead remove the westbound stop on the Q12 route at Northern Blvd and 227 St. It is in the middle of a swamp and is placed in a two-way bike path. This stop should be removed to improve speed, reliability, and safety. I'm sure this stop is not popular since there is only one building nearby.
5/10/2022, 7:16 AM — As a board member of the College Point Civic and Taxpayers Association, I have heard many complaints about the Queens Bus Redesign. It is the opinion of many that the Q65, Q25, and Q20A routes shouldn't be modified. I live near the Q65 route and I am fortunate enough to not have my stop removed. But people who live near the 123 Street and 25th Road stops shouldn't be removed. With the increasing crime in this city, an increase of average stop spacing shouldn't be prioritized over the safety of riders walking longer distances to bus stops. Another point is that many people that use the Q65 from College Point go to Jamaica. The Q27 in the Bus Redesign shouldn't go to Oakland Gardens as it will make those people have to transfer in Main Street, further congesting those stops.
5/10/2022, 7:37 AM — It is extremely inconsiderate to eliminate express bus services on 63rd Road. It may save time for bus drivers, however, this proposed change will be an inconvenience to several commuters on 63rd Road.
5/10/2022, 8:10 AM — Dear team,
Reg: Q44 Northbound
Why Northbound MAIN ST/KISSENA BL Stop is being removed while this is the most used stop for offloading northbound commuters transferring to 7 Subway line. It will add delay to their commute by adding 3 additional unnecessary Red lights.
Northbound MAIN ST/KISSENA BL Remove Removed to improve speed & reliability
5/10/2022, 9:03 AM — The Q73 is a good idea, but it should not run on Main Street or Jewel Avenue. It should take Vleigh Place to the subway at Queens Boulevard.
In Forest hills, it should not run on Austin Street. It should take Queens Boulevard, then turn south on Yellowstone Boulevard.
5/10/2022, 11:29 AM — Strongly recommend Extending the rout to the Bronx High School of Science and added express line between 6:30to 8:30 and in the afternoon between 2:30 to 6:30 during the school days.
5/10/2022, 12:59 PM — I paid three years of private school bus from Whitestone to Bronx high school of science. I chose private school bus, because the transit time, the safety and on time. I rather cut down unnecessary expenses for the private bus fees. Then my son didn’t needed take the bus to Main Street, then transfer to trains to school; didn’t needed walk in darkness to bus stop to make sure arrived school on time.Thanks to pandemic, we saved one year of bus fares. I strongly recommend extending the route of Q44SB to Bronx High School of Science. We have hundreds Queens students are taking private school buses each day that needs this route. Also please consider running express services from 6 to 8am and 2:30 to 6:30pm for our students. Appreciated for your attentions
5/10/2022, 7:48 PM — Please do not remove the QM10 bus line. Our community needs it. We rely on this bus to get to work everyday.
5/10/2022, 7:48 PM — I am a NYC nurse and use the qm10 to get to my hospital for work everyday. I am happy to see the MTA trying to redesign a better plan for queens, however, please keep the QM10 bus route as is- this bus is vital for me arriving to work on time and others riders as well.
5/10/2022, 9:37 PM — I take QM40 at 98pl and 63rd to work. I drop off my son at school at 8am, and walk over in time to catch the 8.15am bus, so I can be in the office by 9. If you remove the stop, it's much longer walk to the new stop. I won't be able to take the bus. I cant afford car service. Pls don't change the route. I am a cancer patient, and my immune is low. I don't want to take the subway and expose myself to health hazard in the midst of covid.
5/10/2022, 10:28 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/10/2022, 10:34 PM — Strongly recommend extending the route to the Bronx high school of science and add the express line between 6:30-8:30 in the morning and 2:30-6:30 in the afternoon.
5/10/2022, 10:59 PM — Proposed Q10 Concern.
I am concerned about the removal of the Jewel Avenue and 136th Street bus stop, but keeping Jewel Avenue and 138th street stop. The design doesn't make sense. Typically, there is more pedestrian traffic at Jewel Avenue and 136th street compared to Jewel/138th street. More passengers wait at 136th Street for the bus than at 138th, AND most importantly, there is a traffic light and crosswalk at Jewel Ave and 136th street where there is not a crosswalk at Jewel and 138th Street. By removing the Jewel and 136th street bus stop, you are forcing pedestrians to cross Jewel Avenue in the middle of rush hour traffic to the Southbound side in the morning, and to cross from the northbound side of the avenue in the evening, leaving a dangerous situation for bus passengers trying to catch and exit the buses and drivers using Jewel Ave in both directions.
5/10/2022, 11:08 PM — The Q32 needs to continue to begin and end its route on 32nd Street, across from Penn Station. There are a lot of commuters who use this bus to get to and from work. I have mobility issues, which are not enough to require Access-A-Ride, but make it difficult to walk more than 1/4 mile. The Q32 is perfect now, but the current redesign plan has the Q32 begin and end on 42nd Street, which is useless for people coming from Penn Station. There is currently no bus stop on 34th Street and Madison Avenue, which means that if people have to change to an uptown bus, they must walk from the bus stop at 34th Street and 5th Avenue or 34th and Park Avenue to catch a bus on Madison Avenue. If a rider is in a wheelchair or has mobility issues, that is impossible. Please rethink the plan for the Q32.
5/10/2022, 11:36 PM — QM17 bus stop redesign - having the bus stop at 54th street is not serving the community in that area. All the other bus stops along beach channel drive is in proximity to the train station. The train station is on 59th street so to get to the bus everyone who lives in the homes and apartments by the beach 57th - 62nd have to walk back or even have someone drop them off to catch the bus. Before 51st there's no homes in the area so everyone have to walk back to Housing which is were the bus stop is to catch the bus. We need the stop accessible to the greater community.
5/11/2022, 12:30 AM — QM17 and QM16 should have Saturday service added, many people would like to travel to Manhattan on the weekend without traveling to Howard Beach to catch the QM15. The bus depot is in Far Rockaway and it is ridiculous that we don't have express bus service on the weekends. Also after the last stop in Cross Bay we should go straight express. The people in Howard Beach have the QM15 that runs more often than the QM16 & QM17. Give the people of Rockaway true Express Bus Service.
5/11/2022, 12:38 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 2:46 AM — The removal of the Q13 Northern bvld/ Corporal Kennedy stop would affect kids getting to and from MS 158. It would be very inconvenient. I hope the bus stop remains for the kids safety.
5/11/2022, 4:53 AM — Good afternoon, there are many people who are upset with the changes specifically in Middle Village. Many people are requesting that the Q67 remain a direct line from Middle village to Long Island City. A lot of the smaller stops are being removed and it is a major inconvenience to take two buses to LIC. Please reconsider this line.
5/11/2022, 6:22 AM — Hello this proposed bus re-design leaves people living in Bayswater with very little option and it’s very unfair to them. Driving to Beach 9th or Seagirt and Crest Road is not an option unless you have a car or a guaranteed space to park a vehicle to catch the QM17 bus. Why would you remove the stop at Mott Ave? As it is, it take 20-25 mins to walk to Mott Ave then you’e proposal is that we get a bus to the nearest QM17 stop? That adds another 15 min to our commute plus 1.5 hours to the city. This makes no sense and I vehemently oppose this redesign. Why not take off stops at 163rd and 159th Streets in Howard Beach. They already have access to the QM17. How are they serving the Rockaway Peninsula by removing one of the MOST important stops on Mott Ave? is the redesign aim to make life difficult for us? How are you expecting people to walk for 20 mins to wait for 15 mins for a local bus to ride 1.5 hours to Manhattan and call is an upgrade? Please do not remove Mott Ave. That is Avery important location. Take out Beach 9th and all the stops already proposed BUT KEEP MOTT AVE!
Thank you
5/11/2022, 9:06 AM — My major concern is improved service on the QM2. We need an earlier start time 5:30 am. Construction workers start extremely early. They can use a break from driving. We need to add service on off peak not cut. Congestion pricing is coming, people need more public transportation and to be able to flex their time without taking 2 hours to get home. What happened to the proposal to get an express bus to go to downtown Manhattan. Taking a bus and train is a ridiculously long ride from NE Queens. The only express bus downtown is in Fresh Meadows. We need a downtown bus in College Pt, Whitestone, Bayside area.
5/11/2022, 9:08 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Right now hundreds of Bronx Science student families in Queens have to pay $4000/yr to private school bus company, which is almost many new immigrants family 10% of income, otherwise the kids need to commute 3 hours or more to the Bronx for school. This is really a kind of punishment on our new hardworking immigrants family or diligent students.
5/11/2022, 9:44 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:45 AM — We really appreciated if Q44 can be extended it’s route to Bronx Science School.
It is much safe and effective if students can have direct bus from Queens to Bronx
5/11/2022, 9:46 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:47 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:51 AM — We need Q44 to bronx science high school! Because my son study in that school!
5/11/2022, 9:52 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:52 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:52 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:54 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:55 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:56 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:59 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:01 AM — I think Q44 extension is very good idea. It is convenient for the students in Queens and Bronx to go to Bronx High school of Science.
5/11/2022, 10:03 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:07 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School. Right now hundreds of Bronx Science student families in Queens have to pay $4000/yr to private school bus company, which is almost many new immigrants families 10% of income, otherwise the kids need to commute 3 hours or more to the School.
5/11/2022, 10:10 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:11 AM — I would like to have the Q44 bus have a stop near or in front of the Bronx High School of Science
5/11/2022, 10:16 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:16 AM — To whom it may concern,
Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
Thank you for your concern !
5/11/2022, 10:22 AM — pls extend the Q44 route to the Bronx High school of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00am to 8:30am and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 to 6:30 PM, Rightnow hundreds of Bronx Science student families in Queens have to pay $4000/yr to private school bus company, wich is almost many new immigrants family 10% of income, otherwise the kids need to commute 3 hours or more to the Bronx for school. This is really a kind of punishment on our new hardworking immigrants family or diligent students.
5/11/2022, 10:24 AM — Strongly recommend to extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute more than 3 hours (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:25 AM — Please add stop at bronx science high school for bus q44
5/11/2022, 10:35 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:46 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:47 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:48 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to the Bronx high school of science on school day.
5/11/2022, 11:02 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to the Bronx High School of Science on school days. It will be so helpful for my family moving to and fro the Bronx area.
5/11/2022, 11:05 AM — ????(???? @Cecilia-26B-Q):Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:12 AM — We like Q44 bus stop by Bronx science hight school
5/11/2022, 11:13 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:17 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:26 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:37 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:41 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:47 AM — Please add a bus stop at Bronx High School of Science.
5/11/2022, 11:48 AM — ????(???? @Cecilia-26B-Q):Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:52 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:59 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Scienceand on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 12:00 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 12:03 PM — Please leave/keep the Southbound, Q3 Route, Farmers Blvd/Henderson Ave. It helps many people coming from work to walk towards home inside or Henderson Ave. please consider this request
5/11/2022, 12:03 PM — I hope the bus can be extended to Bronx High School of Science and Technology so that children can go to school in the morning without having to get up so early to take the subway and transfer to the bus. I hope this decision can be approved
5/11/2022, 12:29 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 12:42 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting studentsfrom private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 7:16 PM — Please extend the line to the Bronx Science
5/11/2022, 7:30 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:01 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to the Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00am to 8:30am and Queens-bound express service from 2:30pm to 6:30pm. Right now hundreds of Bronx Science student families in Queens have to pay $4000/yr to private school bus company which is almost many new immigrants family’s 10% of income. Otherwise the kids need to commute 3 hours or more to the Bronx for school. This is really a kind of punishment on our new hardworking immigrants family or diligent students.
5/11/2022, 9:19 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:20 PM — Dear Sir or Madam, Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:36 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:11 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:28 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:08 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:30 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and High School of American Studies at Lehman College and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for schools. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford. This is a significant lack of service between these 2 boroughs.
5/12/2022, 12:53 AM — Please extend the Q44 bus line to bronx science high school.
5/12/2022, 1:10 AM — RE THE QM15 -- I see you want to change the time between buses during Peak times from 9 minutes to 13 minutes. As it is, the buses were crowded BEFORE THE PANDEMIC and we were requesting MORE BUSES. Now that everyone will be going back to work, this is going to cause an INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF OVERCROWDING!! That is a LOT OF TIME to wait for the next bus during rush hour !! PLEASE LEAVE IT AT 9 MINUTES.
5/12/2022, 1:33 AM — ??????queens ? Brooklyn ???bus
5/12/2022, 2:00 AM — I'm curious if anyone on your planning commission actually DROVE your new 'time saving' redesign of the Q16 Utopia that is now proposed to go straight up Utopia Pkwy and turn onto Crocheron Ave?
If anyone had actually taken the time to do this you would have seen that Utopia is so narrow between Chrocheron and 33rd Ave there it's sometimes impossible for 2 cars to pass each other so how will a bus fit? Or what happens when the returning bus is also there? It can take several lights for a car to get through the intersection of Utopia/Chrocheron if a CAR wants to make a left turn. Not to mention a BUS trying to make a turn onto Chrocheron- another narrow street...all to get to the madness known as Northern Blvd. And let's not forget that area is undergoing a years long sewer upgrade, causing cars to be detoured.
Or how about the fact that your new wait time is 10 minutes LONGER? Exactly how is this supposed to make life easier in an area that is already a transit desert?
I hope you will address my concerns. You have my email so I'm looking forward to your timely response.
5/12/2022, 2:25 AM — I am concerned and upset about the removal of off-peak express bus service in my area, Jewel Ave & Main Street, as well as other areas. There has been increased crime on the subways, people are packed close together (a covid concern), and the city is trying encourage people to take public transportation into the city vs. drive to reduce congestion. By removing the option of the off-peak express bus to/from the city, it will increase the use of cars/taxis driving in to the city. I know a number of people, including elderly, those with difficulty walking/stairs, parents with kids, those concerned about covid, those scared of the subway crime, who take the express bus to doctors appointments, business appointments, shopping, etc. Removing the off-peak hours will do a great disservice to our community.
5/12/2022, 2:33 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/12/2022, 2:37 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/12/2022, 2:37 AM — Our communities have been in a transportation dessert for many years. Any redesign to meet our travel more easy and not long of a commute. Our residents in Springfield Gardens have put a proposal for the Q77 to be extended to 147th Ave for commuter from Far Rockaway, Rosedale to make easy transfers instead of traveling to Jamaica to transfer to the Q77 (for another 20 minutes).
5/12/2022, 2:39 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/12/2022, 2:45 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford. thanks .
5/12/2022, 4:16 AM — Bus route on 20 ave between parsons blvd and 154 street has no space for bus stops, very narrow, safety concerns
5/12/2022, 4:46 AM — I would be grateful if you can consider extending the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford. Thank you !
5/12/2022, 5:35 AM — I strongly object to the removal of the bus stop on Union Turnpike and 226th street for the Q46 and the proposed Q48. Prior to the pandemic that stop was (and proportionately still is) heavily used. If you would look at pictures instead of a map, you would see by the housing configuration that the majority of residents who use the bus service live congregated around the 22th street stop. On the south side of Union Turnpike there is literally no Apartment buildings east of the 226th street bus stop. The stop is in front of the entrance to the final building on that side of the street. Rather than walk east and stand on a dark unsafe service road of the GCP (which is the next stop) everyone will walk west to Springfield Blvd and add to the congestion of the North/South--East/West passenger exchange. Instead of occasionally having to stop for the red light--your bus may have to stop for two in order to get everyone on because you have added to the density of the stop. I could go on but I hope you get the point.
5/12/2022, 6:20 AM — Please send the MTA bus redesign for northern queens
5/12/2022, 7:02 AM — Is there plans for west side access from queens, (Forest Hills) specifically around 57th street and 11th avenue in Manhattan, thank you
5/12/2022, 7:06 AM — PLEASE do NOT get rid of off-peak express bus hours! Tonight my uncle, a man in his early 70s, was coming home from work on the subway. He was minding his own business. Someone came up to him with a baseball bat and smashed him in the face. He is on his way to the hospital right now. Many, including myself, no longer feel safe in the NYC subways. We need an alternative public transportation option into/out of the city throughout the day. The express bus is that option. I take the express bus along Jewel Avenue (QM4/QM44).
5/12/2022, 8:23 AM — Here are some more suggestions, they may be repetitive but here they are:
If the Q50 absorbs the Q48, please base the new Q50 at LaGuardia Depot.
Keep the Q1 and Q6 as two separate routes. The Q6 should operate to Hillside-Sutphin Station and the Q40 should be rerouted to 165 St. Terminal.
Combine the proposed Q61 with the proposed Q78. The Q78 proposal has no subway connection.
The Q10 and Q64 should remain as two separate routes, the Q64 should be absorbed by a modified Q73. Forest Hills bound, the Q73 would operate along 73 Avenue, right onto 164 Street, left onto Jewel Avenue absorbing the present Q64 route to 71 Avenue Station. The Q73 would be based at Queens Village Depot.
The Q10 should be combined with the Q72 to create a JFK-LGA route.
Base the Q31, Q75 and Q83 at Jamaica Depot.
Base the new Q17 and Q66 at Casey Stengel Depot.
Base the Q32 at LaGuardia Depot.
Extend Q77 to Green Acres Mall.
Redesigned the six three digit route designations:
Q104 to become Q34
Q105 to become Q36
Q109 to become Q64
Q111 to become Q71
Q114 to become Q74
Q115 to become Q15
Extend Q52 SBS to Far Rockaway
Extend Q53 SBS to Riis Park
If the Q61 and Q78 are combined, make that route the new Q41.
That's It!
5/12/2022, 8:50 AM — What would be useful is a stop at Cloverdale Boulevard and Kenilworth Avenue or close to that, the northeast corner of the Queensborough Community College campus, and a way to get to that from the Long Island Railroad Bayside stop. The Q27 stop is on the opposite side of the campus, away from most of the academic buildings.
5/12/2022, 9:44 AM — The Q23 stops on 43rd Ave & 104,
101 St & Roosevelt Ave shouldn’t be removed. The #7 train stop at 103rd has a huge ridership that get off and connect to the 23 towards E Elmhurst & Forest Hills.
Specifically you are forcing ppl to walk a long distance to 108St to catch the bus towards FH.
In addition you are creating a bus desert in an unsafe area of Corona. The stops along 104 St are crucial, there is a school a block away. Parents rely on these stops.
Also there a places of worship whose parishioners use the bus particularly seniors and families with children.
Walking from National St to 108 St is a long stretch again in an unsafe area.
I urge you to please keep those stops.
Also the Q58 - if you remove the stop at Corona Ave & 102 creates a long stretch from the previous stop on National
There’s a park , school and shopping area.
This area is undeserved already , brown communities should not have to suffer.
5/12/2022, 12:01 PM — Please extend q44 line to Bronx scienxe
5/12/2022, 12:14 PM — Eastern Queens which includes Bayside is beyond the subway services. Also, a good part of the population is made up of seniors. Thus, bus service is essential for getting around Queens and NYC including frequent local buses. Express buses are necessary for Eastern Queens as well to connect with Manhattan. More express service to the Bronx, Brooklyn could be accomplished by establishing a hub for express buses. Now express buses in Queens do not make local stops that would enable transfers to Bronx-bound buses, for instance.
5/12/2022, 10:01 PM — Please keep local bus service on the ENTIRE length of Jewel Avenue instead of moving parts of it to 73rd avenue in Kew Gardens Hills. The proposed plan will make it more difficult for the Pomonoc community, a low income community, from accessing the subway.
5/13/2022, 1:58 AM — Please consider keeping the Queens Boulevard/44th street stop on the Q60 line. This stop is used by many riders and is in the middle of a residential area. Removing the stop would mean current users would need to walk at the very minimum four additional blocks, a barrier for many disabled or mobility limited people that live in the area.
5/13/2022, 2:24 AM — The proposed q66 route deliberately avoids public housing on 21st street that serves a significant elderly population dependent upon buses . It’s not only inconvenient for me ; it’s racist and discriminatory . Shame on mta for even considering this!!
5/13/2022, 2:29 AM — System works great leave well enough alone!!!!
NY City Transportation is the best in the worls!!!
5/13/2022, 2:59 AM — Extend q77 to green acres
5/13/2022, 4:06 AM — The following feedback concerns routes that come into Queens Community District 6
In general the headways are considerable
The northbound route table is a bit confusing it has the Queens B/59 Ave stop removed and then not removed
There is a Woodhaven/Hoffman stop Soutbound and a Hoffman/Woodhaven stop Northbound - is there a reason for the different names - appears to be the same stop.
There is too much space between the 69 Ave & 67 Ave stops - about 8 blocks
The removal of the 108/62 stop could be problematic
Northbound - the headway between Queens B/63 Avenue & 63 Drive/Booth are too large
Confused - the Queens B/78 Ave stop - is it on the eastbound side - i would presume so.
Eastbound - The stop removal at 72 Dr/Park Lane South is problematic and will put evening passengers at risk as they must travel further to board
Westbound - Removal of stops like Metro/Forest P Dr, Metro/72 create rather large headways.
Eastbound - Is Queens B/62 Drive a stop or not - grid is not clear
Westbound - Removal of the Horace Harding could make access to those on the other side of LIE a challenge
Westbound - Headway between Queens B/75 Ave and Queens B/108 is too much.
Wish it did not have to be on Austin
As the QM7 local is replacing the QM11 local leg one stop that does not appear replicated is the Queens B/78 - this needs rectified
Nice to have service added to Yellowstone
After reviewing all the other express bus routes I am concerned about congestion on Yellowstone which is already a mess. I am also concerned about buses Idling on Yellow/Juno at the start of the route.
As 63rd Ave stop is eliminated, do we know which Midtown Express Bus will cover that?
The headways between 66/71st and 108/67 are too big
Removal of the Metro/Union loop based on ridership could be a problem. When were those ridership numbers considered. Were they pre-pandemic or post? If pre- we are seeing more people on buses now bc of the fear of the subway. If Post- many businesses still have not resumed any type of return either full in person or hybrid. Are there projections they might have considered.
5/13/2022, 6:52 AM — we strongly oppose the 73 ave bus line in hillcrest queens .the ave is already congested. bus lines on union trpk ,utopia pkwy, and 164 st are quite sufficient.all the neighbors are in agreement about will reduce our quality of life and is quite unnecessary we must reconsider this part of the proposal.all the existing bus lines are comfortably accessible in our neighborhood.....please reconsider this part of the proposal
5/13/2022, 7:07 AM — I am strongly against this idea of continuing
The bus line on 73rd ave. It’s very unsafe having a bus line here. There are many kids on these safe streets, and putting a bus line down these streets will put many of these childrens lives in danger, whether it’s the constant traffic or the many random people walking the streets. Please don’t allow this to happen.
5/14/2022, 2:06 AM — I take this bus home from school and it needs to keep connecting to the Q27 so I can get home. Thank you
5/14/2022, 7:04 AM — I've heard that that current Q1 passengers along Springfield Boulevard in Queens Village still want a one seat ride to the 179th Street Subway in Jamaica without transferring to other bus lines. Additionally, I believe the MTA should consider eliminating the Q78 route so that some of those resources could be shifted to the Q26 route so that the Q26 route could then be extended further south from Francis Lewis Boulevard/120th Avenue to Farmers Boulevard/Rockaway Boulevard thus increasing the frequency of bus service along Springfield Boulevard south of 120th Avenue as the Q26 has better frequencies than the Q78 route plus direct transfer connection to the IRT #7 subway Line for more passengers from Southeastern Queens. Also, with the additional resources of eliminating the Q78 route the MTA should also revise the Q75 route to instead operate from Fort Totten in Bayside to Sutphin Boulevard/Archer Avenue, Jamaica via Bell Boulevard to 48th Avenue, 216th Street, Luke Place, 56th Avenue, and then Springfield Boulevard between Queensborough Community College and Jamaica Avenue. At Jamaica Avenue the Q75 would travel between Springfield Boulevard and 188th Street(w/b)/187th Place(e/b) the Q75 would travel to Hillside Avenue and then on its proposed route to Sutphin Boulevard/Archer Avenue Jamaica. The Q75 route should also operate (express) limited stops between the Horace Harding Expressway and Hillside Avenue thus stopping along Springfield Boulevard only at the Horace Harding Expressway, 73rd Avenue, Union Turnpike and Hillside Avenue as the Q27 route would be serving interim stops between the Horace Harding Expressway and 73rd Avenue and the Q26 route would serve interim stops between 73rd Avenue and Hillside Avenue. Along Springfield Boulevard between Hillside Avenue and Jamaica Avenue the Q75 would then make more interim local stops which would serve former Q1 Springfield Boulevard passengers by then providing a one seat ride to the 179th Street Subway Station in Jamaica. At Springfield Boulevard/Jamaica Avenue the Q75 would also operate (express) limited stops only stopping at 212th Street, Francis Lewis Boulevard and 188th Street(w/b)/187th Place(e/b) and then travel to Hillside Avenue and then continue its normal proposed route to Sutphin Boulevard/Archer Avenue. Under this plan the Q75 route would also provide a one seat ride to Jamaica for Bayside passengers as the Q31 route once did. I also checked the bus stops along Springfield Boulevard on both the Q26 and Q75 routes where they now parallel each other and found that all stops were identical in the southbound direction but in the northbound direction there were two more stops at 107th Avenue and 94th Avenue that were removed from the Q26 route but for some reason were added to the Q78 route perhaps this was an error as there are only 52 stops proposed in the northbound direction and 55 stops proposed in the Southbound direction on the Q78 so perhaps there is still one more stop on that route in the Southbound direction that might have been also added by error. There was also a minor difference in stops at one nearby location as the Q26 stops at 119th Avenue and the Q78 at 120th Avenue.
5/14/2022, 7:12 AM — On one of the past virtual meetings some were complaining about splitting the Q23 over to Fresh Meadows and wanted the route to serve the Forest View Crescent Co-op/Stop & Shop at Union Turnpike and one person mentioned how difficult it is to access the Forest Hills Subway Station from the Alderton Street and Yellowstone Blvd. area as well and that there's already an express bus there and why can't a local bus operate along Yellowstone Blvd. as well. If it is determined that the Q23 will no longer travel to Fresh Meadows and instead travel toward the Forest View Crescent Co-op/Stop & Shop at Union Turnpike to terminate at or some other similar remedy. If this is the situation, I hope the MTA would then consider revising/extending the Q10 route to serve Union Turnpike between Kew Gardens and 188th Street in Fresh Meadows but instead of having the Q10 terminate at 188th Street/64th Avenue as the Q23 route was proposed to do please consider having the Q10 route travel further north to the Horace Harding Expressway and then further east to Queensborough Community College to terminate at instead. This would provide Northeastern Queens passengers easier access to JFK Airport as well as access to the Kew Gardens Subway Station of the "E" & "F" subway lines or to the Lefferts Boulevard Station of the "A" subway line. This would also provide Southwestern Queens passengers faster access to St. John's University, St. Francis Prep High School, Queensborough Community College plus transfers to and from many other routes Northeastern Queens routes.
5/14/2022, 1:41 PM — As a Kew Gardens Hills resident, I can only say that some of this would be a disaster for our community.
1. There are times of the day and year that we do not have enough parking in our shopping district as it is. Taking away more to put in a dedicated bus lane (which was already determined to be unnecessary in the immediate local area), would destroy our local businesses which are already hurting do to decreased pedestrian traffic coupled with 2 years of covid protocols.
2. Having a bus turn off of Jewel Ave on to Main Street and then go up 73rd Ave, takes it off of Jewel where it is already heavily used, and adds too much traffic to 73rd Ave. Best would be to leave what works alone, or at least turn the bus at 150th Street rather than Main Street, which would keep it away from 2 residential blocks that include 3 synagogues and a preschool.
5/14/2022, 10:30 PM — Put a bus route between Hunter’s Point South in LIC and Midtown Manhattan using the Midtown Tunnel.
5/14/2022, 10:30 PM — Bus route from hunters point LIC to midtown Manhattan
5/15/2022, 2:59 AM — If the Q27 terminated at 230 St-69 Av, NYCDOT should install traffic lights at Springfield Blvd-69 Av and at 69 An-Cloverdale Blvd.
Please extend the Q77 to Green Acres Mall. The Hillside Avenue corridor deserves access.
Make Roosevelt Avenue between Prince Street and Main Street the new Starting Point for the new Q12 Northern Blvd East route.
Please keep the Q24s Jamaica Terminal on 168 Street not 89 Avenue-Parsons Blvd. The Broadway Junction bound Q24 should operate along Jamaica Av, left on Sutphin Blvd, right on 94 An which becomes Atlantic Avenue after crossing Van Wyck Expwy then regular route to Broadway Junction. On the return trip along Atlantic Avenue continue on 94 Av, left on Sutphin Blvd, right on Jamaica Av, right on Herrick Blvd, left on Archer Avenue then left to end of route on 168 St.
Please redesigned Q82 as Q79 to avoid confusion with the Q2 at Belmont Park.
5/15/2022, 4:21 AM — Please extend Q77 to green acres mall for our community of Hollis and Queens Village.
5/15/2022, 4:34 AM — Hi,
Given the opportunity, why not adding a new/extended route between Forest Hills and Flushing (near Main street)?
At the moment the quickest way between the two points is to take the R/M/E/F subway line between Forest Hills and Jackson Heights, followed by the (usually local) 7 train.
5/15/2022, 9:40 AM — I live on 73rd Avenue. During evening rush hour starting at 3 pm when school let's out, LIE & Grand Central Parkway are at a stand still, all the traffic backs up on 73rd Ave from Main Street thru past 187th Street. What are you all thinking?????
5/15/2022, 10:40 AM — 1-real estate values on our homes are sure to go down with all of the ensuing issues a bus route will cause
2-parking would either be curtailed or eliminated to accommodate bus stops in front of peoples homes in this residential area
3-passengers waiting for buses tend to liter at bus stops
4- evening and night buses will cause additional and excessive noise that all ready exists from passenger cars and emergency vehicles (not to mention airplane noise from LaGuardia) only to become magnified by adding the buses
Very much oppose this!!!.
5/16/2022, 12:55 AM — I live in the highest paying tax neighborhood in Queens and we had one bus line that provides transportation for all of our high school children to the several high schools located along the route and now you want to take that bus route away from us? The Q76 queens line needs to remain as is to service all of the highschool and middle schools on its current Francis Lewis route (holy cross high school, WJPS, St. Francis Prep, TMlA, Bayside highschool, and many others). By removing all of the stops in whitestone for our kids to pick up the bus in the morning and then not traveling down francis Lewis blvd, you are inconveniencing multiple neighborhood children (Malba, whitestone, north flushing, bayside etc) and they reside in the neighborhoods that have the highest property taxes so who are you making this change for?? Why do those of us that pay the most taxes in this city now have to make our kids reroute for school and take two buses that are not in their neighborhood to get to the schools we pay for?? The Q76 queens new route does not fit the needs of the neighborhood it is in and needs to remain as is. Go and disorganize another neighborhoods bus route, one that doesn’t pay in average $15k or more in taxes. We don’t have a subway system near us, the Q76 queens line is our kids life line for high school and it’s not fair that person in the MtA that hasn’t bothered to ask those of us in the neighborhood that rely on that bus for approval of a new route. Everyone in Malba, whitestone, flushing and bayside would all agree we do not need or want any changes to that line!!
5/16/2022, 9:48 AM — I just attended one of the virtual meetings for my district's bus routes redesign and appreciated my voice and concerns being heard. I'm looking forward to adding my comments to the Remix map and sharing this resource with friends and neighbors. My one concern is what outreach is being done to make this map resource more known and accessible to the public. I only learned about this through attending the meeting, but I was one of only two attendees for my district. What is MTAs plan for making the Remix map more known to the general public or bus riders in general? More signage, posters in public spaces, materials in community centers/places of gathering, communicating with Community Boards, etc? I appreciate hearing your feedback. Thank you!
5/16/2022, 10:54 AM — I am writing to you about one of the proposed new bus routes under MTA's Queens Bus Network Redesign. The bus route is from Forest Hills to Queensborough Community College and the bus would go down 73rd Avenue, as well as Jewel Avenue. The bus would be Q73.
I am strongly opposed to this bus route for a number of reasons. First, there already is a bus that goes along Jewel Avenue (Q64) and with this proposed bus route there will be 2 buses going along Jewel Avenue (Q64 and Q73). Jewel Avenue already has a lot of traffic and adding an additional bus would make the traffic along Jewel Avenue nearly impossible. Also, 73rd Avenue also has traffic congestion and adding buses along 73rd Avenue would only add more traffic congestion on 73rd Avenue. Another reason why I am opposed to this route is that the bus stops would take up valuable parking spots. I live in Hillcrest and I am close to 73rd Avenue and I already sometimes find it difficult to find a parking spot and adding bus stops would only make it more difficult. Also, the bus would add noise polution to the neighborhood. It would be very difficult at night and early in the morning when people are sleeping, especially the people that live right on 73rd Avenue and very close to 73rd Avenue. Not only will it disturb people when they are sleeping but it would change the character of the neighborhood. Hillcrest is a very quiet residential neighborhood. Most people, including myself, live here because of that reason. Finally, this bus route is really not necessary. There are many buses that either go right to Queensborough Community College or very close to it (Q75, Q78, Q88) and there is a bus that already goes to Forest Hills (Q64). Also, there are many buses that you can take that connect to those buses. As you see, this bus route will cause a myriad of problems and it really is not really needed. Please do not put this bus route into place. Thank you.
5/16/2022, 11:20 AM — The 168th St stop on Union Tpke in Queens is a very important, vital, busy stop for the q46 and all the qm express lines. 164th St to Utopia Pkwy is too far for most of the residents. Please do not take away or reduce the 168th St stop when redesigning the routes
5/16/2022, 12:38 PM — Why are you cutting out our whole neighborhood from local and express busses. All the new changes cut of every bus. The closest express bus will not be .7 miles from our home. (The old qm10) yet you only moved the bus 1 block for the people in Forest hills. And thre closest local bus is now .5 miles from our home. You have cut off the busses that take our children to their zoned schools. The only local bus that serves our area was the q38 and that will no longer turn into our area it will now go left?
You have removed all bus that stopped on
99th street and 60th Ave , 99 st and 58 Ave. The bus will no long go this way at all. Also you have removed the q58 from picking up 108 and Horace harding expy. The kids will have to walk .5 miles to 108st and corna Ave to get a bus to school. But your re routing the bus to 111 Street? That street has Flushing meadow park on one side of the street and private houses on the other. It does not service 1/2 as many people. Also they just reduced the road from 2 lanes to 1 line by Flushing meadow so how are you going to put a bus on that street. There are bike lanes and kids running to and from the park.
5/17/2022, 1:54 AM — Express bus from LIC to midtown, please!
5/17/2022, 3:05 AM — A bus from LIC to midtown would be so convenient. It would also relieve subway congestion.
5/17/2022, 7:11 AM — On the Q39 newly proposed route were a large segment will be discontinued and served by Q67. I strongly disagree with the proposed plan. A lot of students live in Ridgewood that go to High Schools in Long Island City. Parents like the fact their child does not need to switch buses. Also many people live in Ridgewood and work in the Sunnyside; Long Island City area.
I was one of those students that went to Aviation High School and for a time period I worked in Long Island City by Queens Plaza. It nice to only have to get on one bus and not switch to another one.
I hope this proposed change does not happen.
5/17/2022, 11:04 AM — I am writing to you about one of the proposed new bus routes under MTA's Queens Bus Network Redesign. The bus route is from Forest Hills to Queensborough Community College and the bus would go down 73rd Avenue, as well as Jewel Avenue. The bus would be Q73.
I am strongly opposed to this bus route for a number of reasons. First, there already is a bus that goes along Jewel Avenue (Q64) and with this proposed bus route there will be 2 buses going along Jewel Avenue (Q64 and Q73). Jewel Avenue already has a lot of traffic and adding an additional bus would make the traffic along Jewel Avenue nearly impossible. Also, 73rd Avenue also has traffic congestion and adding buses along 73rd Avenue would only add more traffic congestion on 73rd Avenue. Another reason why I am opposed to this route is that the bus stops would take up valuable parking spots. I live in Hillcrest and I am close to 73rd Avenue and I already sometimes find it difficult to find a parking spot and adding bus stops would only make it more difficult. Also, the bus would add noise polution to the neighborhood. It would be very difficult at night and early in the morning when people are sleeping, especially the people that live right on 73rd Avenue and very close to 73rd Avenue. Not only will it disturb people when they are sleeping but it would change the character of the neighborhood. Hillcrest is a very quiet residential neigborhood. Most people, including myself, live here because of that reason. Another reason why I oppose this bus route is litter. When there are bus stops and people, the amount of litter increases. Hillcrest as well other neigborhoods, along 73rd Avenue, would have more litter. Finally, this bus route is really not necessary. There are many buses that either go right to Queensborough Community College or very close to it (Q75, Q78, Q88) and there is a bus that already goes to Forest Hills (Q64). Also, there are many buses that you can take that connect to those buses.
I hope that you see, as I do, that this proposed bus route is not a sound idea for a number of reasons. Thank you.
5/17/2022, 10:36 PM — I don’t see the need for a bus route on 73 Ave. 73 Ave runs through a residential area, no malls, shopping centers The area is well served by buses on 188th St, utopia parkway, 164th street.
What 73 Ave needs is more traffic lights to stop people speeding
5/17/2022, 10:41 PM — No to buses on 73 Ave, what makes you think that a bus is needed. It is a residential area. No businesses attracting people outside the neighborhood. Don’t think too many people would use it. Area served by 164 st, utopia parkway, union turnpike and 188 st
5/17/2022, 11:07 PM — The proposed bus route Q73 will be going through the middle of quite, tree lined, residential neighborhoods, full of children, baby carriages and elderly residents with walkers. There have already been several traffic lights added to this route which have increased congestion and dangerous maneuvering by drivers to avoid the lights. adding the noise, foot traffic, and loss of residential parking spaces the route will bring will be detrimental to the community.
Please reconsider this route.
5/18/2022, 1:08 AM — Please keep the 168th Street &Union Tpke stop for ALL buses. Please do NOT create a bus line along 73rd Avenue between 164th Street & Utopia Parkway. The streets and homes in this area are not set up to accommodate buses or the people who would wait for them. If you need a bus along 73rd Ave, please have the bus turn off 73rd Avenue before 164th St (or even Parsons Blvd) and go onto a wider more commercial street like Union Tpke until Utopia Parkway.
5/18/2022, 4:48 AM — This proposal to have the Q10 merge with the q64 is foolish.
The Q10 should remain where it is OR cross Union Tpke and merge with the Q46 at main street.
The route is long enough as is and it takes the buses long enough to get from terminal to terminal as is.
What would be better is have the Q10 continue past KG road, turning onto Union Tpke then terminating at main street where it would then turn around again and come through briarwood back to Queens Blvd and then down lefferts to JFK.
That would make a lot more sense overall
5/18/2022, 4:51 AM — The Q19 and Q15A merger is spectacular. Thank you for this, only one bus to go to work is a lifesaver!
5/18/2022, 5:21 AM — Extend the Q14 to Metropolitan Ave/Middle Village because so many individuals transfer from the Q38 to the M train service and vice versa.
5/18/2022, 8:10 AM — Re: the proposed Q60 eastbound route: Please do not eliminate the Queens Blvd. / 77th Ave. and Queens Blvd. / 83rd Ave. Commuters like myself get off at these stops. Plus Queens Blvd. / 80 Rd. The 77th Ave. stop is close to stores & a bank. The 83rd Ave. stop, which is near the District Attorney’s office, has a lot of people who live in apartments around the corner towards Kew Gardens Rd.
5/18/2022, 9:45 AM — I'm an earlier testimony I suggted that College Point and Baisley Park depots become "QM" depots. I would like to suggest that the QM68 be based at College Point. Anything South of Hillside Avenue be based at Baisley Park.
I am still requesting that the six three digit routes be changed to two digit routes:
Q104 would be Q34
Q105 would be Q36
Q109 would be Q64
Q111 would be Q71
Q114 would be Q74
Q115 would be Q15
If you combine the proposed Q61 with the Q78 make that the new Q41.
Redesignate the proposed Q80 as the new Q30.
Redesigned the proposed Q82 as Q79 to avoid confusion with the existing Q2 at Belmont Park
That's All For Now!
5/18/2022, 10:05 AM — Q73 should continue down Yellowstone to Kessell to avoid Burns Street and 69th Ave. this is a difficult intersection with three roads converging and a driveway, leading to difficulty for pedestrian crossing. Also buses speed down 69th Ave which is a residential street. Keeping busses along the wider Yellowstone Blvd which is only two avenues away is a short walk and safer for pedestrians and the community.
5/18/2022, 10:36 AM — Removing so many stops from each bus line is going to increase the number of pedestrian accidents as riders are being forced to walk further and further and to rush through busy intersections to get to the nearest stop. Since there is less service overall and missing just one bus would be a big problem for getting to work on time, riders will also feel obliged to run to catch the bus, perhaps even through traffic. The decrease in the frequency of the buses is also a problem during this ongoing pandemic because it means that if another covid surge occurs and multiple bus drivers become sick, there will be huge delays in the system and a complete lack of service for hours, which also endangers livelihoods and lives. These changes are also incredibly burdensome for the disabled and elderly, perhaps even to a discriminatory extent. There should be no decrease in the frequencies of these buses, service should be extended and expanded rather than cut down and reduced, especially now that the MTA has billions of dollars of funding from the government. There is no other city in the entire country where the lives of the inhabitants depend so much on public transportation, and making sure public transportation is easy, cheap, and accessible is also now more important than ever in the face of extreme climate change.
I can also say from personal experience that removing the NORTHERN BL/196 ST stop from the Q12 and Q13 lines is unwise and very dangerous because there are a lot of schoolchildren who depend on that stop. Forcing them to cross at the next nearest stops NORTHERN BL/194 ST, where there is no crosswalk or at NORTHERN BL/FRANCIS LEWIS BL or NORTHERN BL/UTOPIA PY, which are both huge busy intersections with multiple lanes and turning lanes, would put these children in a great deal of danger and will almost certainly cause an increase in the number of accidents along Northern Blvd, which is already one of the most dangerous roads in New York City. You cannot in good conscience remove this stop from both of these routes, or else you will be putting all of these children at risk.
5/18/2022, 10:47 AM — Please be advised that there is a mistake on the new oropsed bus route map.
On Hillside Ave. route in the Eastern part of Queens it shows Q46 instead of Q43.
Q46 runs on Union Turnpike.
Q43 runs on Hillside Ave.
5/18/2022, 12:27 PM — I take the Q39 bus on 60th street and Saint Felix every single day to work. With no other options without more transfers making my commute even longer. Removing the stop will hurt local businesses at a time when there's a explosion of possbly thousands of new residents moving into the area. Overcrowding any other public transportation alternatives.
This bus is also a life line to many elderly in the area as well as students.
Environmentally more people with cars will be out on the road considering this is a hard ro reach area. More cars at a time when congestion is a problem getting grin one side of Queen's to another.
5/18/2022, 2:07 PM — It would be really appreciated if the QM17 would provide services on the weekends especially from Far Rockaway to Manhattan.
5/19/2022, 12:13 AM — Please do not remove the Q8 Bus Stop for Pitkin Avenue - Logan Street. Logan St and Sutter Av isn’t barely used the stoped I mentioned is used by many students in the morning and in the evening. This stop should remain. Please and thank you.
5/19/2022, 1:16 AM — Why can’t you run some down Springfield Blvd . Many depend on this bus to go to the subway at 179 . Makes no sense . Very unhappy as many are here that you want to discontinue the Q1 Queens Village route
5/19/2022, 1:17 AM — Your killing the Queens Village end how stupid a heavily used route
5/19/2022, 1:24 AM — Why do you guys discontinue heavily used routes makes no sense . Keep the 27 the way it is . College point extension would be nice .
5/19/2022, 1:58 AM — Please, don’t remove the both of my stops of Q83 at liberty avenue at 177street and liberty avenue 180street. Keep one. Thank you
5/19/2022, 2:02 AM — It is stated that if a current bus line is not listed, then it may have been renamed and that the route may still be in the system. Well, I can't find anything for the existing Q41, the most heavily used line in Howard Beach. Is that route then gone? It would appear so. I really don't get this city and the geniuses that make these decisions. The city wants less people in cars, but are taking away their bus-lines away. Genious....not.
5/19/2022, 2:11 AM — The proposed Q73 bus raises several significant concerns:
Jewel Avenue and Main Street are already extremely congested. The 64 crawls especially during the morning rush, between Main and Queens Blvd. Another bus will create bottleneck traffic along Jewel and 73rd Avenues, one-lane streets that already have major traffic congestion.
Limited line of sight from cross streets - a car went into mine several years ago on 73 Avenue due to blocked sight from large cars parked near the intersection; busses will only make this dangerous road even worse
Litter and safety due to increased volume of people coming in and out of the neighborhood
Impossible parking, on top of the already existing parking issues; we don't have a driveway and find that parking is a challenge. A bus will make this worse.
Thank you for taking these issues into consideration.
5/19/2022, 3:16 AM — I want to see the Q77 extended to Green Acres Mall.
5/19/2022, 3:51 AM — The historic Ridgewood Reservoir is a 50-acre natural oasis that serves diverse communities on the border of Brooklyn and Queens. Despite its beauty, ecological importance, and open access, the Ridgewood Reservoir, which is proximate to some of the poorest areas in New York City, is impossible to reach by public transportation. I am calling on the MTA and New York City to provide direct bus access for New Yorkers looking to reach our greenspace and enjoy its benefits.
The Ridgewood Reservoir, one of the very few greenspaces in this part of the Brooklyn / Queens border, is ill-served by current public transportation options. The closest subway station is the J train at Norwood Avenue, a mile away. The closest bus stop is the Q56 at Jamaica and Shepherd Avenues, a half-mile downhill from the Reservoir. This greenspace currently best serves as a cultural and ecological treasure for New Yorkers who can drive to it. For neighborhood residents and visitors, this is a travesty. Quality greenspace should be available to all, most especially when the surrounding areas are underserved and their residents are primarily people of color.
With more transportation options, this reservoir will be accessible to all New Yorkers to enjoy its many health benefits. This includes a multi-use path for walking, biking and running, scenic birds and flowers, quiet respite from the city, and more! The MTA should be in the business of helping people take public transportation rather than excluding them from neighborhood parkland based on its car-oriented location.
5/19/2022, 3:59 AM — My current stop on Groton & Yellowstone on the QM42 would be eliminated. I have health issues and can't walk to another stop. This would be severely inconvenient for me as I have no other options on how to commute to and from work.
5/19/2022, 4:07 AM — Good afternoon, More B77 is needed. Always have to wait 20 minutes for a bus to come. You should have the same service like the B17. Need improvement on this. Thank you.
5/19/2022, 4:08 AM — Bus drivers must be more accomadative to passengers whenever they see passengers running to meet the stop some of them are unreasonable and just drive away we are all human beings and it's expected we would behave in that manner put the shoes on some of the drivers foot and I'm certain they too will complain about courtesy thanks
5/19/2022, 5:12 AM — One should reconsider removing the eastbound Q54 bus stop on Metropolitan Ave and Grandview Ave. There is currently a bus shelter at this location. There are no bus shelters at any of the other nearby bus stops.
It would be a waste of money having to removing the bus shelter. This bus stop is also a nice location to get off the Q54 and catch the B38 which has a stop on Grandview Ave right by Metropolitan Ave.
5/19/2022, 5:44 AM — On the q33 removing a couple stops on roosevelt ave is fine and along 23rd ave also will make the route quicker but i dont think the removal of stops along 83rd and 82nd st is a good idea since those streets are all long.
5/19/2022, 5:47 AM — I am not satisfied with the removal of service along my bus route (currently qm40). I don’t have the accessibility to walk far to catch an express bus and eliminating this line and neighboring ones does not help me. Please reconsider this bus redesign carefully and thoughtfully.
5/19/2022, 6:00 AM — The q18 redesign is good. Taking away the loop on jay ave,50th ave and 53ave will make the route better
5/19/2022, 6:33 AM — Removing the two stops on the Q60 between Continental and 75th Avenue will be an enormous hardship for the large senior wheelchair/walker dependent population in the area. If you survey the population you will see how many dependent people take this bus to Mount Sinai and NYU Langone Hospital Center.
5/19/2022, 6:36 AM — I was thinking about the removed stops on the Q60. Can't they run local and selected service intermittently so people who can't walk the six or seven blocks to the next bus stop have an option?
5/19/2022, 7:13 AM — When will the Redesign go into effect?
Which bus line will replace Q27 and Q77
In Cambria Heights and Springfield Gardens?
Thank you
5/19/2022, 10:05 AM — Where's the Q41 , did it run off the map
5/19/2022, 11:34 AM — This will be the closest stop where I can get an express bus into Manhattan. I will have to walk an additional 6 blocks to get here or take the new Q14 bus in morning rush hour. Will you be providing more buses on the QM12 line? Even if I do get on the bus I might have to stand. Not good. I have 2 types of arthritis in both knees and walk with a cane. This change will add an additional 30-45 minutes to my commute. This does not help me at all.
5/19/2022, 11:35 AM — The elimination of the QM3 would be very detrimental to those who use it. In the past couple of weeks, ridership on this bus route has increased. One of the reasons being a public distrust in the current measure of safety on the subways. The other being that for those who use this bus line, it is the safest and most direct route to midtown Manhattan.
The proposed Q12 as an alternative would not be feasible, as we would still have to rely on the subways, which the public at the moment, do not consider safe AT ALL.
5/19/2022, 11:47 AM — The new plan for the Q69 is great, skipping stops down 21st street between northern Astoria and the F train. I applaud this idea.
However, the new 101 routing causes a transit desert at 21st Avenue and 21st Street, where the Q100 would stop. The marine terrace apartments and associated veterans housing would be left far away from any bus access. The 101 should run down 21st and not 31st to address this.
5/19/2022, 8:02 PM — Don't you DARE cancel the QM10 route! My neighbors, some of whom are handicapped, and I need this bus to get to work every day!!!
5/20/2022, 12:24 AM — How can visually impaired people like me get info on bus route changes?
5/20/2022, 3:56 AM — I have two important comments on the current bus redesign for Queens.
First, there is a proposal for the Q73. This route would send buses directly through a residential neighborhood on 73rd Avenue. There are busses that travel close enough, and therefore it does not warrant to have a bus route. It would add unwelcome congestion and noise to a quiet residential and suburban neighborhood. It would also make already tight parking in the neighborhood more difficult.
Second, the redesign removes QM buses stops on Union Turnpike west of 188 (QM5, QM6, QM35, QM36), as well as reduces the frequency of buses for the remaining lines servicing on Union Turnpike west of 188 (QM1 and QM31). This would result is a SIGNIFICANT drop in available buses for riders on Union Turnpike west of 188. If the other routes (QM5, QM6, QM35, QM36) are to bypass these stops, the frequency of the remaining buses (QM1 and QM31) should be increased threefold, rather than being reduced.
Thank you,
5/20/2022, 4:03 AM — Q73: Having a bus that goes through a quiet, residential neighborhood on 73rd Avenue is a terrible mistake and would lower the quality of life for the residents. The bus route is not needed as there are suitable alternatives. It would increase congestion and noise pollution to a residential neighborhood. Houses are along the route very close to the street, and it would be disturbing to all those who live there.
QM1, QM5, QM6, QM31, QM35, and QM36: Riders using the buses stops on Union Turnpike west of 188 will be greatly harmed by the current proposal. Four of the six routes will be removed from this stretch. In addition, the two remaining buses will have reduced frequency. Even if the number of buses for the remaining buses remain the same, the buses would be too infrequent to be practical to rely on it for cummutting.
Please do not implement the proposed changes to these routes.
Thank you,
5/20/2022, 6:46 AM — I represent DO & CO New York Catering, Inc., a employer with approx. eight hundred employees at a commercial kitchen 149-32 132nd Street, Jamaica, NY 11430.
The majority of our employees uses bus line Q10 to commute to and from work. Based on the draft proposal, Q10 would be rerouted so as to create at least 3000ft of walking distance between their workplace and the bus stop (more depending on where exactly the new bus stop is placed). The Q9 line, which is touted as a replacement, would put them at almost the same distance, and also put them on the other side of the I-678 freeway, incentivizing unsafe crossings of the freeway.
On behalf of our workforce, I thus respectfully submit that the Q10 stop near 149-32 132nd Street should remain in its existing location.
5/20/2022, 7:23 AM — On the new Q57, if the ending point is Little Neck Pkwy-Hillside Av, where will buses turn around?
Please keep the Q1 and Q6 as separate routes. The Q1 will operate between Bellerose and 165 St. Terminal. The Q6 will operate between JFK Cargo Plaza and Hillside-Sutphin station.
Reroute the Q73 after 73 Av-164 St turn right onto 164 St, left onto Jewel Av right onto Queens Blvd center strip, left onto Yellowstone Blvd absorbing the Southern end of the Q23.
Combine Q61 with Q78 to provide a subway connection.
Combine the Q10 with the Q72 to provide a JFK-LGA connection
Replace the six three digit route designations by the following:
Q104 would be Q34
Q105 would be Q36
Q109 would be Q64
Q111 would be Q71
Q114 would be Q74
Q115 would be Q15
You will be hearing more from me soon!
5/20/2022, 11:23 AM — Why are you removing so many routes from 109th Ave/Merrick where there are 4 high-volume routes now being reduced to just 1? It may seem on paper that the intersection was over-served- but it was not. Commuters from Long Island & southern Queens will drive to 109/Merrick- park their cars and take the bus to the subway- because of available & free parking- frequent bus service. A 1/2 mile between stops (104 ave to Linden) is too long considering Allen Senior Center is on 107th. Is there a route connecting Merrick Blvd to 169th St F train? Folks south of Hillside are only being steered to Archer/Parsons. Prior to 1990 when Jam. Center opened Merrick busses went all the way to Hillside Ave. What happened to the plan to bring Q42 route up to Horace Harding- it should also be extended to ST Albans LIRR/ Veteran's Hospital -just add 1 stop to the existing plan terminating at Sayers/180th. Why separate between south queens and north of Hillside Ave? The Q60 should be extended to Merrick/109th instead of terminating at Sutphin/109th- doing this may mitigate route loss for this intersection and is also adding only 1 stop.
5/20/2022, 1:46 PM — Re:Q47 route. The proposed elimination of the stop at 72nd St 31st Ave (and southbound thereafter) is a terrible inconvenience to those residents who live west of 72nd Street. You propose they walk 3 more blocks to 75th St. This was brought up at hearings and yet is still being proposed. There is no other close bus in this part of Jackson Heights. Very unfair. Please do not do this.
5/20/2022, 10:14 PM — Please modify the Queens bound Q101 bus, that goes down Steinway to & from Manhattan. The bus s/make its 1st stop, @ The same place the Q66/Q69 stop, just before the turn up QBP, so passengers can make their connection. Q66, Q69, & Q101 should all stop before the turn, raster then making the connection, @ 29th Street, which is under heavy construction.
5/20/2022, 11:43 PM — Please fix the bus routes going down 75th street in Jackson Heights. There is so much congestion.
5/21/2022, 4:54 AM — Removing all stops on the Q5 and q85 lines between merrick and baisley and merrick and linden Blvd is a stretch. I’m not even a senior citizen and I’m quite concerned because that’s more than 6 long blocks. And if you’re unfamiliar with Merrick Blvd in Queens NY those blocks are extremely long. I understand the needs for improvement but that’s way too much. I think 2 or 3 stops in between would be more reasonable. Thanks for giving us Queens residents the opportunity to be heard.
5/21/2022, 11:15 PM — Hi,
We should not remove the existing line. On juniper valley road.
5/22/2022, 1:40 AM — Hi - Re: Q17 Rush plan. I am concerned that the end point in Fresh Meadows would have the bus travel on a small residential street. Please consider re-routing that to run on (1) 73rd Ave to 193rd Street to Union Turnpike and then back on 188 Street OR (2) Union Turnpike to 193rd Street to Avon Road and then back on 188 Street. Option 2 (Avon Road) would also have the advantage of offering Q17 service to students who attend PS/IS178 without them having to take the new Q75 and then transfer to the Q17.
5/22/2022, 1:50 AM — Hello - I have a comment on the proposed new Q17 line. The current end point in Fresh Meadows will have the bus run on 81st Ave, which is a small residential street that is not suitable for buses. I propose a slight change. Re-route the Q17 so that it runs on Union Turnpike, take a right on 193rd Street, right on Avon Road, and then back right on 188 Street. These streets are larger and can better accommodate a bus. In addition, re-routing the line to run on Avon Road would allow students attending PS/IS178 to take the Q17 directly home north, rather than having to take the Q75 and then transfer. Thank you for your consideration.
5/22/2022, 2:12 AM — Hello - I have a comment on the proposed Q17 line. The new terminal point of the Q17 (188 Street/Union Turnpike) means that the Q17 will be traveling on 81st Avenue. This is a small residential street and not good to have a bus travel on it. I suggest you re-route the bus so that it travels on Union Turnpike, take a right on 193rd Street, right on AVON ROAD, and then right on 188 Street. 193rd Street and Avon Road are both bigger roads. Also, by going down to Avon Road and 188 Street, students who attend PS/IS178 who currently take the Q17 home can continue to keep their regular commutes. They wouldn't have to transfer from the Q75 to the Q17. Thank you for your consideration.
5/22/2022, 4:48 AM — Please give us a bus line from Long Island city to Manhattan.
5/22/2022, 9:28 AM — first off, full disclosure (as will be clear later on), i am an mta employee (dept of subways). my comments here are as an objective passenger regarding a few of the routes i normally take from flushing but sometimes with a different perspective mixed in, some of which online (cd7 breakup room 3, 630pm session) would not have been the proper forum. that said, i would appreciate if you (operations planning) read my comments until the end (despite my scathing criticism of the q20 right off the bat).
q20: in the redesign, this route has been made essentially obsolete. from main/39th through main/63rd inclusive (the highest ridership volume segment of the route), the amount of stops were reduced to 7. in that same span, the q44 sbs/crosstown makes 6. what is the point of having a 'local' if the spacing of stops is the same as the select bus? unless you want specifics, i will not go into detail as i am sure that you already have to read 1000+ comments about stops being removed on 'local' service throughout queens, especially when you now have a faster service rush/crosstown (which is a big positive for many in the redesign) for those who need to get to the subway quicker. that said, count me amongst the masses that is frustrated (despite me not losing a stop) with the logic that says you can not have both rush/crosstown and local for those who desire it (do not want to spend a few more minutes walking to their stop to save a few minutes on the bus or are not as able). i can not imagine closing local subway stops to make the trip 'faster' and using 'peer systems' to justify it. i digress. the second part of the q20 reduction to uselessness is the short lining it to briarwood. that is a dead end. almost nobody transfers to the subway there. on weekdays, during rush hours and middays, only the f train stops there (not the e). the majority of the passengers riding southbound are either going to the lirr, airtrain, e/j/z trains, or transferring to another bus in jamaica. as was suggested by someone in breakup room 3, at least let it go to the lirr/airtrain jamaica station and find a place to turn it around there if you want to reduce the amount of bus lines on jamaica and archer avenues. it can be an obscure new terminal if not at lirr/airtrain itself. back to the q20, on the other end of the route, there will be no direct bus service from the 7 train to the college point center mall for workers/shoppers. that one was just a bonus gripe to complete the whole route. i understand sacrifices have to be made whenever there is change but the flushing (stop reductions) and the non jamaica (short lining to briarwood) are huge issues that could reduce q20 ridership significantly to the point where it could be eliminated and replaced in the future by a few more q44 intervals (unless that is the plan). thank you for indulging my vent on my home line. moving on.
q44: extending it in the bronx to connect with metro north (erroneously referred to as lirr in the proposed q44 route summary and in the breakup rooms by the moderators) is a big positive. ironically, despite saying in the route summary that there are no q44 stops removed, there are stops removed at 2 different lirr connections. in jamaica, it seems as if the southbound archer/sutphin (jamaica lirr) stop is removed but it is hard to tell as it is not listed as a current stop (which it is). of a more surprising note is the northbound main/kissena stop being removed. as was stated by someone in breakup room 3, that is the heaviest offload point on the entire route as passengers get off there to transfer to the 7 train, lirr, and other buses. it is understood that the next stop main/38th is only 4 blocks away but it is also 4 traffic lights away and then a walk back of 2 blocks for the 7 train which adds a significant amount of time for the majority. the q44 mostly empties out at main/kissena and reloads at main/38 with those going north, transferring from the 7 train or buses. as an aside,
5/22/2022, 11:04 AM — I am thrilled at the Queens Bus Network Redesign. Especially the Q43 extension eastward to LIJ hospital. I am also happy with the fact that there will be new stops (in both directions) located at or near the intersection of Hillside Avenue and Lakeville Road. I have 1 suggestion. The current redesign places an eastward stop for the Q43 at the intersection of Hillside Avenue and North 7th Street. In my opinion this exact spot is a problem for bus drivers. First of all, right after this proposed stop, the driver will need to make it to the left most lane of Hillside Avenue in order to turn left onto Lakeville Road; this is very difficult to do because it's a very short distance from the currently proposed spot to the left lane and it can be a stressful maneuver, especially during heavy traffic periods. There is also a very busy gas station located on Hillside Ave and North 7th Street and cars are constantly pulling into and out of it, again adding stress for the bus driver. I suggest the MTA consider placement of the new bus stop 1 block west (at the intersection of Hillside Ave and North 6th Street.) There is only one business (Mavis Tire) that traverses the block on the south side of Hillside Avenue between N 5th and N 6th Streets, and it closes at 6PM (while the gas station operates 24/7.) In addition, a stop at N 6th provides much more room for the bus driver to go from the right most lane of the bus stop to the left most lane where they need to be to turn left onto Lakeville Road. I would like to add that about 15 years ago, when the MTA used to operate the Long Island Bus (which is now operated by NICE), there was a stop at Hillside Ave and North 6th Street. I believe this was done for the same reasons I have mentioned here (that it made it easier for the bus driver to traverse the intersection.) I hope my suggestion provides some insight and can help in finalizing the bus stop.
5/22/2022, 9:32 PM — LIC needs a bus to midtown via the Midtown tunnel.
Also, buses between Vernon Blv and Greenpoint should run more frequently.
5/23/2022, 3:26 AM — Eastbound BEACH 19 ST/SEAGIRT BL Remove Removed due to new routing
Eastbound BEACH 19 ST/GATEWAY BL Remove Removed due to new routing
Eastbound CORNAGA AV/BEACH 20 ST Remove Removed due to new routing
Eastbound BEACH 21 ST TERMINAL/BEACH 21 ST Remove Removed due to new routing
Westbound BEACH 21 ST/MOTT AV Remove Removed due to new routing
Westbound BEACH 20 ST/CORNAGA AV Remove Removed due to new routing
Westbound BEACH 20 ST/BROOKHAVEN AV Remove Removed due to new routing
I have written once before and did not realize how many stops are being removed. Why are you taking out all of these stop but keeping stops on Crossbay when you have the QM16 driving along the same route?
It is not fair to the people in Rockaway and especially to those who rely on the bus in the areas you're planning to remove. I am sure those responsible for the design have never really gotten on the bus or live in the area. The option of an A train is not an option unless you want to get mugged, harrassed by homeless and drunk people at that station. The Q22 is absolutely horrible as well to get on in order to connect to a QM17 10-15 mins away. Who is this redesign benefitting really? The MTA or the people riding the bus? You're not saving those of us coming from the bay or surrounding areas and along all those stops above that you're removing.
Please reconsider. Mott Avenue and possibly Seagirt and 19th should stay in place.
Thank you.
5/23/2022, 3:39 AM — I’m very upset by this redesign that affects the QM4 and the other express buses (QM5/6). I don’t have a car and I work in Midtown East 7 days a week, at 2 different jobs. I go into the city during peak M-F but I return off peak. And I work on weekends. How am I supposed to get in and out of Manhattan with no off-peak express buses? I cannot use the subway because I have panic attacks and the upsurge in violence and other things make me unable to use the subway. This isn’t right. The community - old and young - use the express buses to get into/out of the city on weekends and off peak to also see movies, theater, shopping and so forth. As well as work. This will affect the economy of the Manhattan as well as affect our lives. If there is reduced ridership it’s because most employers in Manhattan still have not opened their offices for in-person. The public should not be deprived of service because of this. And what about old people who depend on the express buses? What will happen to them?
5/23/2022, 4:23 AM — Good Afternoon,
Though I do not live in Queens at the moment, I used to live in Queens and I am always in Sunnyside. My particular comment is about the Q 50 service between the Bronx and Queens. In the Bronx redesign, which would in this case coincide with the Queens redesign, the Q50 service ends in Co-Op City after peak hours (6am-9am and 4pm-7pm). Personally, this doesn't inconvenience me because by the time I am able to leave Co-Op City it is outside of those peak hours, but even outside of myself, one thing I don't think that was taken into consideration was the Mall at Bay Plaza. It is the only major mall in the Bronx with direct access to Flushing, Queens. This mall closes at 9 PM, and with peak hours ending at 7 PM, it highly inconveniences our friends who live in Queens by adding additional travel time and bus fare. This will end up putting more money into the pockets of Uber and Lyft ultimately and discourage anyone in Queens from a job opportunity at the Mall at Bay Plaza.
My proposal would be to extend service to at least 10pm everyday for evening hours. That way folks who live in queens and just want to shop don't have to cut their time short, those who work here don't have an added inconvience, and it is a lot safer for our young women and teens who frequent these areas. And though I spoke specifically to the Mall at Bay Plaza, this also applies to the Mall in Flushing as well.
Thank you for your time, I would absolutely love to hear a response and have my feedback considered. As a young woman and frequent rider, I would like to confidently take my tax-payed public transit, not Uber and Lyft all the time.
5/23/2022, 4:46 AM — Even if I am not a resident of Queens, I really do like the express bus plan! All buses will use the Long Island Expressway in both directions instead of some routes using Queens or Northern Boulevards. However, some off-peak and weekend Queens express routes will be discontinued. Like the QM4 bus route, people would have to take the Q10, not Q64 to transfer to the Subway. I think that's a bit of a hassle to do. Plus, with the QM20, I would like to at least see service every 60 mins instead of no service at all during non-peak hours and weekends. People wanting to get to the city during off-peak hours would be in for a long, long walk in the Whitestone area of Queens. But, I think that this plan would be very useful and faster for people to get to Manhattan from Queens and vice versa.
5/23/2022, 5:38 AM — This redesign for the Q60 bus makes no sense. Leave the heavily used bus route on the heavily used Queens Boulevard. Unless your aim is to cut ridership by making access to the bus extremely inconvenient. Many consumers use the Q60 bus to shop at all the stores on Queens Boulevard. I suspect people like living along 108th Street because its quiet. Not much traffic there. Why bring more?
5/23/2022, 6:11 AM — I would like to voice my opposition to the proposed Q73 bus. There are many reasons for my opposition to this new route:
1. The new bus is unnecessary as the neighborhood is already served by other routes on Union Tpke., Horace Harding Expressway, and the Q64 on Jewel Avenue.
2. The new route will have a negative impact on the quality of life due to additional traffic and air and noise pollution. 73 Avenue between 164 St. and 188 St. primarily has single family homes that front on 73 Ave. (As opposed to the homes east of 188 St.). These homes, and their owners, did not purchase their homes to live along a crowded and noisy public transportation route.
3. The new route adds significant security concerns for these home owners.
4. The new route will have a negative impact on the value of these properties. These homeowners have invested a significant amount of money in their homes and they will inevitably see these investments decrease in value through no fault of their own.
In summary, the negative impact of adding the new Q73 route far outweigh and possible benefits. Therefore I implore you to reconsider and cancel plans for adding this new route in favor of expanding service on other existing routes.
5/23/2022, 10:31 AM — As a senior I have been filled with anxiety ever since the q10 bus stop making the stop at 150th ave and now leaves us 7 long blocks on 134 st. Which is next to homeless men shelter and hotels that attract problem ppl..My niece gets home at 10pm from her job and she has encountered masturbators and she is full of fear as the 7 blocks are deserted and not she walks alone filled with fear..I don't know why mta didn't think about the seniors who live by 130st and decided to do this terrible change...we do not want to become a victim please let's be proactive and put 150/130st. As a stop again..god forbid anything happens to the young ladies who have to walk by the drunk men hanging by the hotels..
Please be proactive vs reactive..
Let's not wait for something disastrous to happen to then make a change..
As a senior I walk slow and those 7 longggg deserted blocks can take me 25 min just to get home..
Please hear our cries...
5/23/2022, 12:59 PM — The Bay Terrace needs transportation for education, cultural and health needs and its quality of life. Our community is growing with new development.
THE NEW PLAN REDUCES or ELIMINATES BUS SERVICES WE NOW HAVE in Bay Terrace. We pay for this service though our taxes and high fares--$14 + for a round trip to downtown Manhattan with LIRR + off peak /peak/senior pricing ? x 5 days a week?
The new plan makes traveling a hardship on the Bay Terrace community. We rely on MTA bus service - no train or alternate services.
Advice: to save MTA money eliminate Q32 Jackson Heights bus line frequency - often underutilized and runs every 10-15 minutes day and night. New plan retains all this schedule.
Express Bus QM2—reduces weekend service to run every 1 ½ hours instead of every 1 hour. Unacceptable- leave at 6AM(no scheduled service) for a 9AM appointment ?
Reduces QM2 weekday off peak service drastically and peak service (peak- 6AM-9AM 4PM-7PM rush hour). Reduces 3 per hour to 2 per hour off peak Eastbound. Often off peak is often crowded and necessary to the community.
Reduces West Bound:QM2 Off Peak to 1 per hour (60minutes) 9AM-4PM – 7PM-10PM or later. Now 3 per hour @20 minutes or every 30 minutes to 5 PM- then 1 per hour )
2.New plan: Q 13 Pick up Eastbound is on Main Street not 39th Ave. but runs on Sanford Ave. then merges with Northern Blvd. at Utopia Blvd. (dangerous to stand on Main St.) Second stop- concern: it will be full before #7 subway passengers board it? Q28 Main Street stop now is an alternate route for overcrowding and stop should be near the Q13 at Main Street.
Dropoff needs to be retained on Q13 stop between 23 Ave. and 24Ave. – plan removes it.
5.New Plan: Q28 removes stops (express)east and west along lower Flushing union St. and Northern needed and Northern Blvd.
6. New Plan Q12 goes up/down Northern Blvd. only. Bayside passengers would have to cross dangerous intersection of Northern Blvd. and Bell Blvd. to board Q13 bus to go north on Bell. Pick up is second stop on Main St. and 39th Ave. –plan doesn’t indicate the exact place for the stop.
7.Baysiders wait too long for unreliable service- late, busses pulled from the route before our very eyes and we wait an extra hour, ½
Hour etc. for service.
Immediate Bus replacement needed for out of service buses. We’re left stranded with no information often for an hour in the cold or heat at night.
Change of route/service change notice now pasted on a pole and windblown.
We need electronic signage on poles with emergency and out of service notices.
Also noticed new routes seem to be posted on poles already. no time tables available why? is this a done deal?
5/23/2022, 11:56 PM — To whom it may concern:
I am writing regarding a new proposed Bus route "Q73". I moved to the fresh meadows location a couple of years ago, I moved here because it is a quiet and peaceful neighborhood which was close to both bus routes and subway systems. I got the feel of the city with suburb type of living. The q46 which is exactly three blocks from my house, takes me both towards the subway (E/F) train as well as towards Springfield Blvd. I can also take it to Parsons blvd, and transfer to go to Queens College if need be. Adding this new line Q73, in my opinion would be over kill, there is no reason to ruin a quiet neighborhood which already has public transportation at their front door step with more public transportation. I drive to get my groceries, I use 73rd avenue as a means of getting to most close supermarkets, It is convenient and not congested, adding a bus route on it would only cause more traffic, more potential accidents, add to more pollution and more so add to potential crime as well as taking away from the charm of the suburb privacy feel of this neighborhood. I could understand if there weren't a good portion of bus routes in the neighborhood, but this area is literally surrounded by bus routes which take can take us in all directions desired: Q46, Q30, Q31, Q65, Q88, Q17 to list a few, all of these are within a three block walking distance in the surrounding area and they all lead to one another giving you access to each no matter your desired direction. Please take this into consideration and invest the funds into something more useful and needed (functional working subway cameras, possible ways of keeping the subways more clean and less hazardous); I know it sounds easier said than done, just a few suggestions I thought of. Hope you are all well, and thank you for your time and consideration.
5/24/2022, 2:45 AM — I strongly object to the proposed plan to run a Q73 bus line through a quiet, residential neighborhood. We already have several buses in the area - including the Q64 on Jewel Avenue and Q46 on Union Turnpike, none of which go through residential areas, but are primarily confined to business districts. 73rd Avenue is a one lane road that has many traffic lights which will result in many stops and starts creating additional traffic congestion, noise, and pollution. Valuable parking spots will be eliminated, the grass on the strips near the streets will be paved over, and all our lawns will be destroyed. In addition, people waiting for buses will litter our streets and sidewalks. We have lived in our house, which is along 73rd Avenue, for almost 40 years. One of our bedrooms lies along 73rd Avenue, while the other two are very close. All three bedrooms will be effected by the noise and will make life unbearable. We did not buy a house along a bus route and should not be forced to live in one now. Please abandon this proposed route. Please consider the welfare of the families living along 73rd Avenue, a quiet, beautiful, residential area.
5/24/2022, 3:39 AM — I have been taking the Qm3 for many years, and ridership has increased tremendously since the pandemic. There is no other express bus option north of the expressway to serve the communities from bayside east. There are the qm5 and 6, both south of the expressway, and the 2 and 20 in the flushing/bayside area. Ours is the only route serving the neighborhoods from bayside east, including Douglaston, Little Neck and Great Neck. As it is, it is already limited service, with only three buses in each direction during rush hour on weekdays. Please reconsider removal of this route, as there is no alternative for us.
5/24/2022, 4:56 AM — Honestly, I don’t believe that changing the bus routes is going to lessen the time that it takes to get from the edge of the city to Manhattan or Brooklyn. Traffic is only getting worse, and as anyone that lives out here know, Queens is a car borough. Our best bet for making nyc more connected, less polluted and lessening traffic is with the extensions of the subways to the edge of the borough or creating routes from each neighborhood that link to the LIRR fast and giving a discounted rate for those that live in the city. We deserve it.
5/24/2022, 8:40 AM — I am very concerned about the plan to split off the Wall Street area bus QM8 to Northern Blvd leaving QM7 as the only Wall Street bus going along Union Turnpike. Plus you are planning to add QM11 stops to the QM7. First the ridership is not equal. This plan has too many buses for the Northern Blvd route and not enough servicing Union Turnpike. In addition the addition of the QM11 stops along Queens Blvd will make the ride home so painfully long. I take either the 7 or 8 home in the evening and by 188th Street, there are few "Glen Oaks" people left. Meanwhile, that route gets the last bus, not the Union Turnpike bus (QM7) Only a portion of the Wall Street buses should be routed to Northern and you should add more QM7s and make it the last bus.
5/24/2022, 8:55 AM — Bus stop at Grandview Ave and Metropolitan Ave - Q54 going East bound has a bus shelter.
All bus stops that have a shelter or seating should be kept.
You should redesign bus stops according to what is at the stop for passengers.
5/24/2022, 9:47 AM — Hello - I have a comment on the new QM7 and QM8 bus routes. The new QM7 route severely disadvantages current bus riders west of 188 Street. Frequency of service will decrease with the elimination of the QM8 option. Commute times will increase due to the addition of six new stops on Queens Boulevard. The current commute time is already very long. For example, today is Tuesday, a relatively light traffic day of the week and it took 1 hour 15 minutes to travel eastbound from Park Row/Ann Street to Union Tpke/Chevy Chase Street. So the QM7 proposal has the net effect of decreasing service and increasing commute times. Please consider keeping the existing QM7 and QM8 bus routes. To address concerns about long commute times of QM8 riders that live further out east in Queens, you can add a few super express QM8 routes that has the current one-stop pick-up in Manhattan and then start the drop-off at 188 Street/64 Ave. Thank you.
5/24/2022, 11:54 AM — Please consider keeping the q41 or at least a route that continues to serve Jamaica. With the elimination of that route, all 3 buses in Howard beach would only end up by queens center mall. We don’t need 3 buses that go to the same place!!! A direct route to a major central hub has been amazing for this area!
5/24/2022, 12:00 PM — Based upon comments under Queens Bus Redesign - Discussion Group on Facebook plus some comments I heard at the past virtual meetings of Queens Community boards # 9 &10 I think the proposed Q109 route should be revised to serve Lindenwood and along 84th Street in central Howard Beach from Cross Bay Boulevard/Liberty Avenue instead of the Q109 serving Sutter Avenue and Pitkin Avenue in Ozone Park which should then be transferred as an extension to the Q57 route. Under this plan the Q109 would provide a greater frequency of bus service between the Lindenwood/Howard Beach area and the Rockaway Boulevard Subway Station than the proposed Q21 route plus it would also provide direct bus service to Downtown, Jamaica as the Q41 route once provided so many passengers wouldn't complain. Regarding the revised Q57 route could then further be extended to the USPS Brooklyn GMF at Postal Facility Road to transfer with more Brooklyn routes plus provide access for Postal employees from Queens that work at that Brooklyn facility. This could be done by either extending the Q57 route from Euclid Avenue/Pitkin Avenue or revising the route path of the Q57 route from Grant Avenue/Pitkin Avenue. By also having the Q109 serve Lindenwood and along 84th Street in Central Howard beach would also provide more resources to restore Q11 bus service between Elmhurst and/or Jackson Heights and Old Howard Beach/Hamilton beach by eliminating or reducing the need for the Q21 route to service the Lindenwood and Central Howard beach area.
5/24/2022, 11:42 PM — Yes,please!
5/24/2022, 11:42 PM — Such a bus service would be a game changer for our family!
5/24/2022, 11:44 PM — We are such a large community of residents in LIC and Hunters Point, most of us with childrens, we need an accesible way of transport to Midtown. Please provide a bus or elevators in the metro station of Vernon Boulevard.
5/24/2022, 11:44 PM — Please connect LIC to Manhattan with a direct bus that is handicap accessible. The neighborhood should have that connection.
5/24/2022, 11:44 PM — Hi - I would like to petition for a bus service from Long Island City to midtown manhattan. Thanks.
5/24/2022, 11:46 PM — I live in LIC on Center Blvd.
Having a bus in LIC (I suppose on Vernon or Jackson ave near the 7 or G trains) to connect to Manhattan would be very much appreciated.
Right now the only direct bus I know of to get into Manhattan is by Queensboro Plaza which is very far from Center Blvd.
The bus would be crucial especially when the Manhattan bound 7 train is out of service (which happens a few times every few months). When this happens, the only option is to take E from Court Square which also is a little far. Furthermore, there are often many delays on E during these times, causing an exorbitant amount of waiting for a commute that should be very quick.
5/24/2022, 11:46 PM — A bus would be helpful for all community members, especially those with children who have difficulty with the train because of strollers and shut downs on the weekend.
5/24/2022, 11:47 PM — A bus service from LIC to Manhattan would be a great asset for the LIC community and would relax the overcrowded subways from LIC.
5/24/2022, 11:50 PM — Please add a LIC Midtown buss connector. I have mobility issues and would really appreciate an alternative to the subway, which is too dangerous to ride anyway. The increase in residents in LIC is creating crowding at the Vernon 7 stop
5/24/2022, 11:50 PM — In support of LIC bus to midtown
5/24/2022, 11:52 PM — Please add a bus connecting LIC to Manhattan via the midtown tunnel!
5/24/2022, 11:54 PM — Would love to have a connection to midtown Manhattan.this would be very convenient
5/24/2022, 11:55 PM — Accessibility to 7 train is limited to LIC residents
The trains are crowded and not safe during the nights.
There is limited weekend train service making a significant impact on city accessibility.
5/24/2022, 11:55 PM — Hello, I am writing in support of an LIC - Midtown bus connection for Long Island City. Thank you!
5/24/2022, 11:57 PM — Having a bus route from LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown tunnel is a great and necessary addition to transit in this area. There is currently no bus route that works for me (in Hunter's point next to the East River) to get to Manhattan, and it would be awesome if there were. Thanks! -Ashley
5/24/2022, 11:57 PM — A bus option from LIC to Manhattan would give me an incredible option to commute into the city! I've been wanting this ever since I moved here!
5/24/2022, 11:57 PM — Hi,
A bus to support the LIC community into Manhattan via QMT is needed. It will be important for my abilities, needs, and continued presence in NY.
5/24/2022, 11:58 PM — A bus route from LIC to midtown would greatly help with going into Manhattan and commuting. Hope you will make this a consideration, Thanks!
5/24/2022, 11:58 PM — I wholly support a bus route to NYC. The 7 train often doesn’t run and a taxi costs $25 just to cross into NYC which is too expensive for many of us families.
5/24/2022, 11:58 PM — i judge a bus route connecting long island city to manhattan via the midtown tunnel would be of tremendous value to my community.
5/24/2022, 11:58 PM — This would be fabulous. A relatively easy answer for a big problem. I recently declined a job because it was a difficult commute. Will encourage more riders and ability to work in expanded locations
5/24/2022, 11:59 PM — Add bus
Add buses
Add bicycle lanes
Limit cars in the 5 boroughs
5/24/2022, 11:59 PM — Hi MTA,
As a member of LIC community, I am submitting this comment to urge you please consider extending your current planned bus route. An LIC-Midtown bus connection could be accomplished by extending existing bus routes through the Midtown Tunnel. For example, the initial draft plan calls for extending the Q66 & Q69 routes to end at the Hunters Point waterfront, for connections to the ferries & LIRR. A more sensible approach would be to stop at the Hunters Point waterfront, then continue through the Midtown Tunnel to Manhattan.
5/24/2022, 11:59 PM — Please extend the bus line to stop at the Hunters Point Waterfront !
5/25/2022, 12:00 AM — The LIC and especially the waterfront area has hugely developed in the last decade. More and more buildings are opened and the only way / option for Manhattan is the 7th train. The distance to the subway becomes very difficult to handle especially during the cold seasons when we actually have to drag the children in the cold wind. A bus service that will serve the waterfront would be highly appreciated. Thank you
5/25/2022, 12:02 AM — Having a bus from LIC to Manhattan via the midtown tunnel would be extremely helpful. Oftentimes, the 7 line is under maintenance and there are no other subway lines within a 15 minute walk from me. This makes it very inconvenient to get to Manhattan. A bus would definitely fix this issue.
5/25/2022, 12:02 AM — Hello, I live in LIC and commute to midtown Manhattan. It is very inconvenient for me to commute through bus because there's bo direct bus route from midtown Manhattan to LIC. Considering it's proximity, I hope we can have one either thru cross-midtown tunnel line or extension of current bus route to Boden avenue.
5/25/2022, 12:02 AM — I would like to request that a LIC-Midtown bus connection is considered and included in the Queens bus network redesign, it would immensely benefit all Long Island City residents, including myself and my family.
5/25/2022, 12:03 AM — A bus from LIC to midtown would be great, making stops along Jackson and Vernon!
5/25/2022, 12:03 AM — LIC needs a bus to midtown Manhattan via the midtown tunnel asap.
5/25/2022, 12:04 AM — I always thought it was ludicrous not to have a bus here. There are seniors that live in LIC that do not take the subway. Please put this program through.
5/25/2022, 12:08 AM — It would be great to have a bus that goes closer to the water - nearer to Center Blvd, 5th street, etc. Even Vernon to midtown Manhattan would be helpful.
5/25/2022, 12:08 AM — Thank you so much for this great, very much-needed travel option...for many of us who live in the LIC but work in Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 12:09 AM — The Long Island City neighborhood needs an LIC-Midtown bus connection. The growth of the neighborhood over the last few years has been an amazing revitalization of the area, but it is currently underserved by public transportation. There is large number of affluent white collar workers in LIC and an LIC-Manhattan bus connection would be a great investment by the MTA and would strengthen the NYC economy.
5/25/2022, 12:11 AM — A bus route connecting LIC to Midtown through the Midtown Tunnel would be very valuable, especially for commuters who live in the rapidly expanding LIC neighborhood. Something that passes through and serves both the Center Blvd and Jackson Ave population centers would be ideal.
5/25/2022, 12:17 AM — As a senior a bus is needed to give us access to midtown. Trains are dangerous & ppl with disability need a better way of transportation for our area.
5/25/2022, 12:18 AM — Please strongly consider bus service from LIC to Manhattan. Also an increase of any service of transportation into Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 12:21 AM — I am a health care worker and a bus route from LIC to midtown, particularly outside of ferry hours, would be a godsend for me and my family. Please create this and save thousands of LIC residents time and money wasted on excessively long commutes
5/25/2022, 12:22 AM — Hi! An LIC bus in queens would greatly alleviate the overcrowded 7 train situation, especially if we have a bus from Long Island City via the midtown the midtown tunnel that would directly make drop offs in midtown. This community will only have growth in the next few months and years with the construction of new buildings and there are limited trains that run into LIC particularly on the Hunters Point side of LIC which solely relies on 7 train access into Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 12:23 AM — Please connect LIC to midtown by bus!
5/25/2022, 12:26 AM — Please revise the plan so that the bus extension continues into Manhattan via the tunnel, allowing physically disabled passengers to go into Manhattan without switching modes of transport to the ferry.
5/25/2022, 12:28 AM — We need a bus to midtown Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 12:29 AM — I’m a fairly new resident in LIC originally from Manhattan and would love bus service into Manhattan. Curious if this is a possibility for convenience in this rapidly growing community. Thank you, Mary Ann
5/25/2022, 12:31 AM — I require ADA accessible transportation from Hunters Point to Manhattan. A bus service through midtown tunnel would be a perfect solution. Please consider this for the population that needs and ADA accessible solution.
5/25/2022, 12:36 AM — Having an LIC bus would be life changing. It’s very difficult getting to places in midtown especially when the 7 train is down, and walking to central LIC where the NQR lines are takes 30 minutes to walk to from my apartment. Having this alternative route would definitely be much more convenient and I would use it more than I use the 7 train.
5/25/2022, 12:37 AM — Please add a bus route from Long Island city to midtown. Thanks.
5/25/2022, 12:38 AM — Hi, this is a brilliant idea. Rush hour in the morning is hard taking the train to Manhattan as it’s always full now. Also, as a victim of a lot of Asian hate, this will make us feel safer from attacks. Thank you for this initiative.
5/25/2022, 12:41 AM — A bus service via midtown tunnel would be extremely valuable giving additional transit options.
5/25/2022, 12:44 AM — We need community shuttle bus to pick up residents from surrounding neighborhoods and send us to closest the subway stations. Many residents in LIC need walk more than 10-15 mins to get to subway station, which is very inconvenient, especially for elders and commuters. Some residents management company, such as TF cornerstone, is offering similar services, but it only limits to their residents. They operates in very limited time and cannot provide professional bus service. This type of community shuttle bus is very popular in other metropolitan cities, such as Seoul and Shanghai. This kind bus can also send riders to different subway stations when one line is shut down. Here is more formal definition of this type of bus: The community bus is a small bus line that connects subway stations or long distance bus transit stations, residential areas, apartment complexes, etc., and connects other modes of transportation.
5/25/2022, 12:45 AM — This is 100% needed. Thank you
5/25/2022, 12:45 AM — This plan is making things much worse. How can you possibly justify cutting the express bus service? There are no subways in Fresh Meadows, I along with thousands of other residents rely on the express bus to get to work in Manhattan. Not only are you removing my bus stop on the QM4 and QM44, you are increasing the time between busses during peak hours and eliminating off peak and weekend service. So now if I work late I have to take the 7 and the Q65 which has 9 more stops added to the route before my stop or the E and the Q10 which has 17 stops before it gets to the subway station meaning it will be PACKED by the time it comes and it will drop me 1/2 mile away from home. Please explain how this redesign helps me? This plan is going to negatively impact a large working population in Electchester that rely on the bus network to commute to Manhattan. Please leave the express busses and the Q64 route the way that they are, nobody in this community asked for this.
5/25/2022, 12:46 AM — Absolutely need this bus service
5/25/2022, 12:50 AM — Please provide bus service from midtown to LIC. The 7 is frequently shutdown and overcrowded. The bus would provide an important means of transportation to connect Queens and LIC working families.
5/25/2022, 12:51 AM — As a member of the Hispanic community and representing my household, I urge you to open a bus service connecting LIC to Manhattan as our jobs, schools and loved ones are in the island. Thank you for serving your tax-payers!
5/25/2022, 12:51 AM — the MTA’s initial draft plan calls for extending the Q66 & Q69 routes to end at the Hunters Point waterfront, for connections to the ferries & LIRR. A more sensible approach would be to stop at the Hunters Point waterfront, then continue through the Midtown Tunnel to Manhattan. As an older person, it has been challenging to deal with the long walk from the waterfront to the 7 and then more so, the stairs to the 7 train. A bus would be the perfect solution and should easily connect across town. Currently I am limited to the ferry and the rush hour only schedule of the M34. Rush hour is a terrible time to travel to doctors appointments as an older person. Thanks for your attention to my request.
5/25/2022, 12:52 AM — A bus from Long Island city to Manahttan would be extremely warranted and helpful. There is consistent shutdowns on the 7 line and an alternate regular option would is necessary. Thank you for your time.
5/25/2022, 12:54 AM — a bus serving Hunterspoint and LIC, esp the waterfront would be amazing. There are weekends that it is hard to get to Manhattan due to 7 train service being shut down which is inconvenient. Having a bus that would pick up near the 7 train entrances on Vernon and dropping off at Grand Central or other local sites would be ideal and very helpful to local residents.
5/25/2022, 12:58 AM — A direct bus route from LIC to manhattan would be amazing for LIC residents and those looking for alternative transportation between manhattan and queens. Unexpected work or delays often make the subways unreliable and a bus route would fill a much needed role when the train isn't an option.
5/25/2022, 1:00 AM — A bus route from LIC to Manhattan would be beneficial to my work commute and leisurely activities. It would be a great alternative when the trains or ferries are out of service
5/25/2022, 1:00 AM — Dear Team,
It would be essential to hav a bus service to Manhatten from LIC as currently there is only 7 line subway to Hudson yards with no possibility to travel with kids to Central Park (in particular with a stroller) or for medical or work purposes in Manhatten.
thank you for considering
5/25/2022, 1:01 AM — We need more ways to get to manhattan from the lic waterfront. When the 7 is shut down for maintenance, it really creates issues for commuters. Especially elderly or disabled riders.
5/25/2022, 1:14 AM — Requesting bus to/from LIC - Manhattan. Need something in addition to 7 train in case it isn’t working. 7 train isn’t very accessible (no elevators at many stations) and overcrowding.
5/25/2022, 1:15 AM — A bus through the Midtown Tunnel will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges who need to get to the center of Manhattan, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators.
5/25/2022, 1:15 AM — Please create this bus route from LIC to Manhattan via the midtown tunnel! It would be a huge gift not only to adults, but also to students heading to middle and high schools! Thank you!
5/25/2022, 1:16 AM — We would love a bus going through the midtown tunnel. Travel between Manhattan and queens when the 7 is down becomes almost impossible. Would be a great alternative to subway travel
5/25/2022, 1:18 AM — A bus line from LIC to midtown would be incredibly important and helpful for those who commute to midtown. Right now, our only options is to us E, 7, or ferry. The 7 train only travels cross town, the ferry will only bring you to 34th street. The E while does bring you to midtown and across town is almost a mile from Hunters Point and very inconvenient to get to.
5/25/2022, 1:27 AM — Dear MTA,
Please consider in adding a bus to connect LIC residents to Midtown. This will support many individuals and families who struggle to get to Manhattan via train for various reasons. Uber/Lyft has also been exponentially more costly over the last few months. A LIC bus will certainly serve the community. Thank you for your attention to this important matter!
5/25/2022, 1:27 AM — We Long Island City, Hunter’s Point residents would love a bus into Manhattan!
5/25/2022, 1:34 AM — We need new bus line in LIC to serve the new residential neighborhoods and to alleviate reliance on the 7 train.
5/25/2022, 1:40 AM — A Bus from LIC to Manhattan is absolutely critical. In the case of track maintenance or stalls in one or two lines, we have quite literally no other mode of transportation. This is a transportation epidemic for queens.
5/25/2022, 1:49 AM — A bus line would provide a great alternative to the overcrowded 7 train as the neighborhood continues to grow
5/25/2022, 1:50 AM — LIC-Midtown Bus is Needed
5/25/2022, 1:53 AM — Would love alternate public transportation access into Manhattan. Please extend down to center Blvd.
5/25/2022, 2:00 AM — YESSS PLEASE WE NEED MORE TRANSPORTATION IN LIC!!! the walk in the winter is brutal and there are so many residents here that need to commute
5/25/2022, 2:03 AM — As a resident of Long Island City, I encourage the MTA to open a direct and ADA-accessible bus line from Long Island City to Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 2:14 AM — A bus from LIC to midtown would be a tremendous asset to the community, especially given the frequency at which weekend service is suspended for parts of the line.
5/25/2022, 2:19 AM — A bus would be sweet. I'm disabled and Court Square s a wee bit too far.
5/25/2022, 2:37 AM — I’d like an LIC-midtown connection
5/25/2022, 2:38 AM — Long Island City is experiencing incredible growth. Initially along the waterfront on Center Blvd and now on streets up on Vernon -Jackson. over 80% of us who reside in LIC work in Manhattan. In addition to the Ferry and Subway system, we need to have an express bus route that can access the city via the midtown tunnel.
If the MTA is seeking feedback for a final draft of the Queens Bus Network Redesign. please add a bus, an ADA-accessible bus that can get us into to the center of Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 2:46 AM — Please provide a bus that takes us directly into midtown as an alternative to the train. There is only one 7 train line for most of Long Island City residents and it is always overly crowded.
5/25/2022, 3:07 AM — This bus link would be incredibly helpful for Queens residents.
5/25/2022, 3:09 AM — Bus service connecting LIC to manhattan via midtown tunnel would be very helpful
5/25/2022, 3:10 AM — We need this bus!!! Lic to midtown please
5/25/2022, 3:30 AM — Long Island city has exploded as a desirable place to live. Weekend subway service is unreliable and frankly dangerous.
Please start bus routes to manhattan.
5/25/2022, 3:44 AM — Please! We need a bus! And earlier ferry times!
5/25/2022, 3:46 AM — In the queens bus redesign it says that you are retiring the QM3, will a new route/bus be taking its place for people in Auburndale, Bayside and Little Neck? It does not say in the redesign what people should take once the bus stops running. Please let me know
5/25/2022, 4:01 AM — As a resident who is quadriplegic and uses a power wheelchair, the subway is not an option for me. An accessible public bus and accessible bus stops would be a most welcome addition to my life for work and pleasure, not to mention more flexibility and ease in accessing different parts of Manhattan, especially during inclement weather or when the ferry stops running. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you like more insight to the needs of passengers with disabilities.
5/25/2022, 4:04 AM — It would help with commuting to have an easy way to travel to work especially when the ferry is closed pretty early and only comes every hour or so, and the bus makes me feel safer than the subway which is also a long walk (15 mins for me) and often under construction
5/25/2022, 4:08 AM — As a LIC resident I would like to see bus from Long Island City and Hunters Point areas that goes into midtown. This would help alleviate the over-crowed situation on the 7 train and on the ferrys. Thank you for considering.
5/25/2022, 4:11 AM — A bus connecting Hunters Point to Midtown Manhattan would be incredibly helpful for the LIC community. While there are other transportation options like the 7 train or the ferry, both have drawbacks. The 7 train is the only subway line servicing the Hunters Point area and can get extremely crowded by the time it reaches the Hunters Point stop. Further, any delays or closures leave commuters with little options. The ferry is great but it doesn’t run often enough and has more limited capacity, not to mention that the Manhattan stop by 34th St is no where near a transportation hub where commuters can easily connect to other destinations. Another transportation option into Midtown Manhattan would be highly valuable in my view so I am in full support of creating or extending a bus line that connects Hunters Point to Midtown Manhattan. Thank you!
5/25/2022, 4:37 AM — Our community in LIC would greatly benefit from a LIC-Midtown bus. The population has exploded here yet we only have one subway line to much of LIC. Please consider the addition of an express bus.
5/25/2022, 4:42 AM — I think that the LIC Bus is critical for ensuring that people with disabilities have ADA accessible transit and can easily travel to Manhattan. Just this morning I was travelling to Greenpoint and the only options on Google maps were CITI bike and walking across Pulaski bridge, neither of which would be accessible options-- obviously that specific trip wouldn't be addressed by a bus to Manhattan, but it just highlighted for me the critical importance of having multiple transit options, especially with the increase in subway violence. Thank you!
5/25/2022, 4:45 AM — As senior citizens living in long Island city, my husband and I would benefit from an additional way to get into Manhattan. We currently take either the 7 or the ferry, but would be unable to take the subway if we develop mobility issues- an unfortunate likelihood at our age. We strongly urge the MTA to implement a bus connection.
5/25/2022, 4:46 AM — I support the plans to have ADA-enabled buses from LIC to Midtown Manhattan. This would help greatly especially in the event of 7 train shut downs. Thank you
5/25/2022, 4:57 AM — An LIC-Midtown Bus is Needed as it will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges who need to get to the center of Manhattan, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators. With the construction of thousands of new housing units in LIC, bus service is needed to alleviate overcrowding on the #7 line. Bus service would also serve as a transit alternative during the #7 train’s frequent shutdowns. LIC’s bus routes were established when the area was mostly industrial, and existing bus routes no longer serve its residential population, whereas other residential neighborhoods have had bus service to Manhattan for years
5/25/2022, 5:29 AM — Please, a lot of old people is living in LIC too and they need help with the public transport. A bus to Midtown is very necessary for us. Thank you
5/25/2022, 5:43 AM — Hello! Long Island City is in great need of a bus that connect us to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel.
The bus would provide LIC residents with direct, ADA-accessible transit to the center of Manhattan. This is very much needed! Thank you!
5/25/2022, 6:57 AM — The 7 frequently does maintenance on the weekends. I live in Hunters Point South and there’s no good transportation option when the 7 is out.
5/25/2022, 7:08 AM — I am a new resident of Long Island City, having been selected in New York City's affordable housing lottery, "Housing Connect". I am also a disabled resident. Unfortunately, the nearest subway station, Jackson-Vernon, is not accessible to me. A bus from this area into Manhattan would be a real help for someone like me and would make all the wonderful cultural amenities of Manhattan possible. Please think of people like me when you are making your plans for the Queens Bus Network Redesign. I have seen and met several other residents who were selected for apartments in the "disabled" category of other buildings in Hunter's Point. So there is definitely a need here.
Thank you.
5/25/2022, 7:28 AM — Greetings! A bus line linking Long Island city to manhattan (over queensboro bridge or midtown tunnel) would be so appreciated - especially with the lack of elevators/escalators on the 7 line.
5/25/2022, 8:51 AM — I m disable
please this is a must!
5/25/2022, 9:16 AM — Please make this a reality. The inaccessibility of the 7 train for disabled or elderly passengers is a problem that needs to be fixed with this bus route.
5/25/2022, 10:04 AM — LIC-Midtown bus connection will provide essential transportation for my family as I have a baby and my wife and I find it very difficult to travel by train with the baby stroller
5/25/2022, 10:50 AM — Yes please create a bus line to Midtown from Long Island city… It is important to have easy access for those who are physically challenged. While I am not, I have many visitors who cannot climb up and down through the subway when visiting. This would make it safe and convenient
5/25/2022, 11:16 AM — We urgently need the support of the MTA to provide us with LIC Bus service to Manhattan. We are far from the 7 train and also there is no lift accessibility. Frequent closures on weekends and nights. Please support us! Grateful heart.
5/25/2022, 11:34 AM — A bus between LIC and Manhattan, particularly with hours outside the usual ferry hours, would be a huge help. I work at NYU Langone Health and this would be a game changer for me - particularly with the recent concerns with the subway system safety.
5/25/2022, 12:18 PM — Hello MTA team, I would like to request that the Queens bus route redesign offer a bus link between Long Island City and Midtown Manhattan via the Queens-Midtown tunnel. It would alleviate congestion on the 7, and offer accessible transportation to destinations across the East-West stretch of Midtown. Thank you.
5/25/2022, 12:18 PM — I oppose this plain as I would not want a bus stop next to my house on 73rd ave, where my children live and play. We have purchased the house to have a suburban quite life. We have plenty of busses running on Union Turnpike and Utopia Pkwy, just few blocks away from 73 Ave.
5/25/2022, 12:41 PM — When is this going to be implemented? 2032?
5/25/2022, 12:46 PM — It would be a great to have a bus service connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel.
5/25/2022, 12:50 PM — I kindly ask you to provide LIC residents with direct, ADA-accessible transit to the center of Manhattan. Subway trains connecting LIC to Manhattan are usually packed, especially during rush hours. A bus service connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel is a long overdue.
5/25/2022, 8:46 PM — we need a bus to go through the midtown tunnel, at least when the 7 is down.
5/25/2022, 10:41 PM — Given the recent happenings on the subway especially the two attack on women in lic stations this would be a great alternative which is cost efficient for riders and more environmentally friendly than Ubers…
5/25/2022, 10:52 PM — Hello,
As a resident of Long Island City who works in Manhattan, I fully encourage the development of a bus line that allows LIC residents a direct route to Manhattan. During the past year there have been countless weekends and late nights when the 7 train access to the city has been halted because of construction or some other disruption. If you live in Hunters Point, this is the only simple access point into the city as the E train is quite a distance walk away and the free transportation between stops is often unreliable. A bus option into the city would allow another solution during these times of construction. Thank you for your time.
5/25/2022, 10:52 PM — Hello, as a LIC resident, I would love to have bus going from LIC to midtown through the midtown tunnel. And to see more electric buses in general.
Thank you,
5/25/2022, 10:53 PM — LIC is a growing community, and this additional bus line is very much needed.
5/25/2022, 11:48 PM — It is in the best interests of the people of Long Island City to establish a bus route that connects Long Island City to Midtown Manhattan via the Queens Midtown Tunnel. The current bus lines were created when the area was largely industrial, and with so many housing units having been built over the past 20 years, it is imperative to provide essential transit options that meet the needs of these New Yorkers. With the ferry leaving residents off at 1st Avenue, and the nearest 7 train being a half mile away, and with minimal elevators and working escalators, it makes it very difficult for those that are mobility challenged to get into Manhattan. Many times, they must order taxis and ride sharing services which becomes a significant financial toll on these residents. Better mobility challenged transit options at affordable prices is what Long Island City needs to continue thriving.
5/26/2022, 12:47 AM — A bus through the Midtown Tunnel will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges who need to get to the center of Manhattan, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators.
With the construction of thousands of new housing units in LIC, bus service is needed to alleviate overcrowding on the #7 line.
Bus service would also serve as a transit alternative during the #7 train’s frequent shutdowns.
LIC’s bus routes were established when the area was mostly industrial. Existing bus routes no longer serve its residential population. Other residential neighborhoods have had bus service to Manhattan for years - for example the Q32 from Jackson Heights & the Q60 from Jamaica.
5/26/2022, 3:11 AM — We need that bus! I don’t feel safe taking my new born on the train and the ferry can only get me so far. I think that bud would be a great idea.
5/26/2022, 3:52 AM — I'd like to address in particular the proposed changes to the Q60, especially as it runs through Rego Park and Forest Hills.
I have over 54 years of living in Rego Park/Forest Hills. I can no longer take the subway as I cannot maneuver steps safely with a walker or rollator. The same grandmas I used to make fun of back in 1971 with my friends, who were older and feeble, I have joined in my abilities. On a limited income I can no longer grab a taxi with ease to go places in the area if Access a Ride is not an option. Stops are going to be removed on the Q60 which is going to affect our neighbors.
The average NYC block is 200 ft. For me, on a good day, I can walk about 3 blocks without the need to rest. On a bad day which are
becoming more and more, 50-100ft is the standard where I need to take a break. For me, to exit my building to walk to Queens Blvd
on 64rd, my basement is approx 400 ft to the corner of 98 St. Then about 175 ft to 65th Ave, then another 50 ft to the Q60 bus stop
on 65th Ave and QB at the LeFrak tower where the Langone medical center is located at the flagpole. That is the equivalent of 4 blocks
to walk to get the bus which means on a good day, I am tired and achy when I finally reach the bus stop.
This bus stop is important as it is a stop for people coming from the school public school on Yellowstone and 65 Ave to the
opposite side of Queens Blvd on the South Side. Also, the patients who use the medical center daily including staff. This stop according to
the bus plan is remaining which is fortunate if you are going westbound towards Manhattan. Coming from Manhattan, the 65th Road is being
kept. This is good for me, but for others, important stops are being removed from main shopping districts in this community.
Let me show you. Looking at the proposed Q60 stops coming from Manhattan, note that the stop for the main shopping district here in Rego Park is 63rd Dr. This stop here is at the center of the subway platform right next to Pizza Hut, and across from the Rego Shopping Center (Ikea, Marshalls, Old Navy, etc.). This is the main stop for the neighborhood which is the safest bus stop in this community even at 11pm. It is safe because Rite Aid is open late as is Pizza Hut. Also, the subway stop has people coming to and fro many hours of the evening into late night. Lastly, due to the number of cars making turns on 63rd, over there and the 24 hour Mobil station across the street, the area has a good number of people present most hours of the late night.
Removing the 63rd Dr subway stop dramatically increases the distance between stops.
The distance from 65rd to 63Ave is 1920 ft which is the equivalent of approx 10 blocks.. Whereas to 63 Dr, it is 1153 Ft, this walk makes this distance quite horrid for people. It also makes it harder for people who are getting off the bus to go to the subway. This stop literally serves the shoppers in the area who use Marshals, Ikea and the stores associated with it. They also serve the people who directly shop on both sides of 63rd Road and 63rd Dr on each side of the Blvd. Removing this stop is just plain wrong.
Another example is the distance from 71st Continental to 75th Ave is over a half mile. Removing the two stops in between is shameful.
Think of the population who mainly uses buses, people who might be going short distances or people who cannot or choose not to take the
train. This precedence of removing pickup spots will be a burden on the community. Please look at the distances for walking along the hills
of Queens Blvd, this is shameful what is going to be done.
Thank you
5/26/2022, 4:23 AM — Re: Q38 local bus.
As an initial issue, the "Northbound" / "Southbound" designations on the list of bus stops is backwards. E.g. proceeding from 62nd/108th to Metropolitan is a generally southwards movement, yet this list of stops is identified as "Northbound"
Secondly, have any of the planners ridden this bus? I ask not to be facetious, but because I think it is essential to do this before making such significant changes, and one particular set of stop deletions strongly suggests this has not happened. Namely, the deletion of the 63rd Dr stop in the "Northbound" (actually southbound) direction makes absolutely no sense. This stop provides a transfer between the R & M subway trains and sits squarely in the middle of the area's busiest shopping district. Within a block of that stop there are 2 groceries, 2 greengrocers, more than a dozen restaurants. And it sits across Queens Blvd from the Rego Park Mall, which includes a new urban-style IKEA, which was placed in that location specifically due to the very good transit connections found at the intersection of 63rd Dr/Rd & Queens Blvd. Likewise, the deletion of the 63rd Rd stop in the "Southbound" (actually northbound) direction provides another transfer point with the subway and is located across the street from the Rego Park Mall.
Re: Q60 local bus.
It is good to see that the Q60's connection to Manhattan will be maintained. However, again, some of the stop deletions simply do not make sense. And again, it is the deletion of the 63rd Drive stops that is most bewildering. For the reasons detailed above, these stops are essential due to the subway connection and the high number of shops and restaurants located in close proximity to these intersections. Also, the removal of the Elliot/Queens Blvd stop should be reconsidered as this is next to the area's local post office
Moreover, DOT has identified much of the stretch of Queens Blvd in Rego Park and Forest Hills - from 63rd Avenue to 73rd Road as Senior Pedestrian Focus Areas due to the fairly high percentage of Senior Citizens living in this area. Increasing distances between stops in this area would dramatically, and negatively, impact Seniors and others with mobility issues in this area, and I urge reconsideration of the deletion of any stops in these Focus Areas.
Thank you.
5/26/2022, 4:46 AM — Hi, I live in Rochdale Village, and have been living in Rochdale since it was built in 1964. It is devastating that some bus routes will be taken away from Rochdale and other propose changes will be an inconvenience. Rochdale Village is a large community being like its own city. Seniors depend on the buses, but at the same token, bus response time must be stepped up. I understand it goes by ridership. It may not be too busy during the day, but there are periods in the day that Rochdale residents depend on bus service. Even at Rush Hour, the Q85 can take long to come, in fact 2 hours. We need improvements to bus service and that is the response time, but not delete certain bus routes altogether. We only have express bus service at rush hour. Other communities have it around the whole day. Why didn't Rochdale get that service? I know it is ridership. People depend on the LIRR because it is faster going into the City and Brooklyn. If you walk people to come and take the bus, there are things that MTA must do in providing the service. If ridership is the problem, look no further than how the bus service is being given to the community. When the Jews were living in Rochdale, we got service, but now since Rochdale has changed Minorities Ethnics. Now the MTA wants to pull bus service away from Rochdale without cause other than saying ridership.
5/26/2022, 4:48 AM — We need bus service connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel since we have all our medical doctors & hospital are in midtown Manhattan.
5/26/2022, 10:02 AM — We don't need a bus line on 73rd Avenue. We have bus lines on Utopia Parkway, 164th Street and on Union Turnpike, within minutes from everyone in Hillcrest and Fresh Meadows. If anyone feels more is needed, make the existing lines more frequent. There is no major artery involved, 73rd Avenue does not lead to any public transportation centers, train stations etc. and therefore very few people would ride such a bus.
Traffic on 73rd Avenue is becoming too busy already, changing the character of the neighborhood, causing too much noise and air pollution, not to mention parking which is already difficult on many blocks. If bus stops are carved out of the existing space, it will be even more difficult, especially in snow. The speed of traffic is also getting very slow and is certain to become slower if buses block the way and stop at every few blocks.
In addition, a bus line would certainly reduce the value of the houses along its route, further compromising the atmosphere of the neighborhood. As for the city, less valuable houses will mean lower property taxes collected, so this bus line would reduce the income of city government also.
Please spare us this new burden.
5/26/2022, 10:47 AM — I moved to Queens from Brooklyn in December 2021 and a noteable difference here is a lack of efficient public transportation options. While there is a plethora of express bus lines in my area, the schedules are limited and inconvenient. For example, I can take a bus (QM10/12) into the city in the morning, but have to rush to Midtown in order to catch the last bus home because they don't run past 7p. I also see that there's a plan to absorb the QM10 into the QM12 but don't see any major improvement in frequency of service and no plans to expand the schedule. The buses will be overcrowded. The Brooklyn express buses ran frequently, late into the night and on weekends. Queens' public transportation options are atrocious. I love 20 minutes from Brooklyn but have to take a subway for 1 hour through Manhattan to get to Brooklyn. None of this makes sense.
5/26/2022, 11:17 AM — Having the option to take a bus into midtown from LIC would be useful to many residents. There are often delays or no service due to track work on weekends on the 7 train, which is the only close subway into Manhattan from LIC. Having the option to take a bus instead would be ideal. Further, with rising crime on the subways, it would be beneficial to have another option for riders to use where they may feel safer. Thank you.
5/26/2022, 6:48 PM — The q23 redesign is good but i think it should continue to service the 103rd st 7 train station on roosevelt ave since there is no train stop on 108th st. The rest of the route is fine
5/26/2022, 6:54 PM — The q39 redesign should be extended to the m train station at metropolitan ave which is now serviced by q67
5/26/2022, 7:01 PM — The q67 redesign is good the only thing would be to take away the right turn from fresh pond rd to metropolitan going toward ridgewood as that intersection is very complicated with short space and instead make the right turn from fresh pond rd to elliot then right turn onto metropolitan as the q39 does actively as those streets are more spacious and less complicated.
5/26/2022, 9:04 PM — You are suppressing my stop 63rd / Queens Blvd. I walk already 15 minutes every morning to catch that bus and now you are pushing the stop to 63rd and 108 which is four (4) stops farther approximately ten (10) more minutes walk. Based on your new route redesign, there is no point for me to rely on the express bus anymore, I will not walk 25 minutes and pay $62 for that bus.
5/26/2022, 10:49 PM — Hi, I would like to propose a service change/availability for customers who are coming from Q4, Q5, Q84, Q85 from Merrick Blvd and wanting to go directly to the LIRR Jamaica station. Currently, all four of these buses end around the Jamaica center terminal and a connection directly to the LIRR station would be a great addition! Another issue this could alleviate is for customers coming in after 109th/Merrick Blvd stop. Many times, due to buses being packed and over capacity, buses skip the subsequent stops to Jamaica station and customers get frustrated.
5/27/2022, 3:13 AM — This would be an amazing resource to have! Please, I would use it all the time.
5/27/2022, 8:11 AM — We need the xtra rout to the city
5/27/2022, 8:33 AM — As a resident of LIC, I find that a bus route linking LIC to Manhattan via the midtown tunnel would be a very valuable addition to the public transit options in LIC.
5/27/2022, 9:30 AM — On behalf of my family and my Linden Hill community including Mitchell Gardens #3, #2 and #1 as well as Linden Hill I wish to voice our displeasure with the redesign of the Queens Bus Network. It will provide a major inconvenience to our community with regard to access to Manhattan and elsewhere during the week and on the weekends. For example the QM2 bus will no longer stop on weekends in our neighborhood which is 26 avenue and Union street and all stops south of it. This will affect more than 10,000 residents in our area who rely on these services for work as well as transport to the city for shows, dining and appointments. This will constitute a great economic loss to our community as well as to the City as a whole. In addition, the plan to change the discontinuation of routes associated with the QM20 bus which will be removing stops and service during the off peak periods will also greatly inconvenience our community and the City as well. Furthermore, we do not understand the necessity of replacing the Q16 bus with the new Q61 bus. While the Q61 bus will travel south and north on Union Street it will not pick up passengers on Union Street. It will bypass the bus stops previously used by the Q16 bus. Please consider the hardship you are creating for our neighbors and friends. Thank you.
5/27/2022, 10:59 AM — 7 train blows. Do something please. This bus will be a major help. Thank you.
5/27/2022, 3:30 PM — This route should run all day: weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 5:30 am to 1 am with a frequency at all times of 15 minutes or less.
5/27/2022, 3:37 PM — The frequency at ALL times: weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays should be 15 minutes or less. Your proposed frequencies of 45 and 60 minutes or less on Saturdays and Sundays is absurd.
5/27/2022, 11:48 PM — Q1 - proposed peak/off-peak weekday frequency is good. But weekends need to be atleast at 10 min frequency
Q43 - should maintain existing peak/off-peak weeekday frequency. Weekends should be atleast 10 min. Stop spacing is excellent
Q45 - peak/off peak frequency should be atleast 15 minutes on weekdays and 15 on weekends. Beucase people would take it to the LIRR LIttle neck station
On top of increasing frequency peak/off peak, I would like to see some improvements to customer experience while waiting for the bus.
1. Bus shelters/seats at all stops with bus arrival time on screen.
2. Improvements to nearby intersection such as bulb out, curb extensions, tactile tiles at the bus stop connecting to the intersections and audible helper for people who are visually impaired ( also Braille at the bus stop signs)
3. Subway stations should have bus arrival times show on screen towards the exits. Guideway tactile tiles pointing in the direction of the bus(east/west) after exiting the station entrance.
5/28/2022, 4:43 AM — The bad thing i see is that the redesign will be by passing LaGuardia community college, a couple of highschools and a tech school all on thompson ave where major ridership of students attend coming from ridgewood. I believe the existing q39 route is a route thats able to cover areas where there are no trains. I believe its a route that doesn't need adjusting. The only adjustment would be duration once the college opens up fully after pandemic
5/28/2022, 4:49 AM — The q47 route redesign looks very efficient and it will save time and still make all connections
5/28/2022, 4:57 AM — The q49 redesign is perfect as it will extend to the end of astoria blvd and 110st. The new right turn on 31st ave instead of 32nd ave should not be added as 32nd ave and 92nd st is a wider street. Other than that it is a good redesign
5/28/2022, 5:02 AM — The q53 redesign is good to terminate at 74th st and roosevelt ave since that is the main hub. It would lose the transfer at 61st to the long island railroad but the 7train is still right there to take 2 stops to the long island railroad
5/28/2022, 5:10 AM — The q69 redesign is will take away the transfer for the E,M,R train but if they take the 7train at vernon jackson ave it will be a few stops from queens plaza to transfer and pick up those trains
5/28/2022, 5:16 AM — The q72 redesign is good and adding the queens center mall stop is efficient. Most riders on the current q72 usually walk to the mall from junction blvd and 57th ave so in this case it would make it more efficient
5/28/2022, 5:17 AM — I commute from LIC to Manhattan and would love to be able to take a bus that ran through the midtown tunnel to Manhattan.
5/28/2022, 5:20 AM — The q38 redesign looks very efficient since it takes away the loops on the route to make it better.
5/28/2022, 5:23 AM — The q104 redesign is good since the extension to roosevelt island would give roosevelt island customers and extra option to get around
5/28/2022, 5:34 AM — The q105 redesign is good it makes the route nice and straight.
5/28/2022, 6:47 AM — Dear MTA redesign team,
Please consider following adjustments to the proposed project:
QM20 express bus. It should not be eliminated off peak hours, at least on weekends. Nobody takes QM2 bus on the non-populated Whitestone Express Way, west bound - in contrary there are many of us on the residential area on other side of the Expwy.
Q61 bus. Given the proposed, it does not make stops on Union Street, can you consider changing its route along of Parsons Boulevard rather than of the extremely busy Union Street. It will make it really speedy.
Q20 bus. Eliminating Q20a to/from College Point deprives our community of a convenient way of reaching the College Point shopping mall.
Thank you.
5/28/2022, 8:03 AM — Hello,
I am submitting some comments regarding some express bus service in this redesign, particularly in Northeast (NE) Queens. I made some of these comments in the previous zoom meetings, but I figured it would be easier to have some depictions and some additional commentary regarding some of my suggestions.
First off, there are some decent proposals (the QM5's new route is an improvement over the old one, for example). There are others which I believe could use some tweaking in areas where there are missed opportunities to increase ridership easily for little to no cost.
Let me also preface, that under no circumstances should express bus routes operate any less frequent than every 60 minutes. The proposed 90 minute headways are unacceptable. It is not convenient to time nor is it easy to remember, especially given the long wait times. This will hurt ridership, and instead of cutting service, the MTA should look at relatively cheap ways to make route adjustments which would increase ridership.
Here are my suggestions for express buses in NE Queens:
----------QM1 & QM6----------
I do not have a problem with either of these two routes during peak hours. However, I do not find the QM1 necessary during off peak hours, nor do I find having the QM6 skipping everything west of 188th Street during off-peak hours necessary. The QM1 previously operated during off-peak hours and service was cut because of low ridership. What should be done, is to have the proposed QM6 make all proposed QM1 stops along Union Turnpike during off-peak hours. Service should operate no less than every 60 minutes, and perhaps it should operate every 30 minutes during certain periods of the day. There should be no 90 minute headways.
The QM1 should also start/end at 188th Street & 73rd Avenue instead of 64th Avenue, because the QM5 covers 188th Street north of 73rd Avenue, and I would also have the QM4 serve the Fresh Meadows apartment complex instead of the QM1 (see my QM4 comments for more information). Additionally, if the QM1 is the only express bus stopping on Union Turnpike west of 188th Street, it should operate no less frequent than every 10 minutes in the AM, not every 23 minutes. It would have to pick-up riders who get on the existing QM5 and QM6 as well, which operate much more frequent than the existing QM1 (the existing QM5 alone operates every 7-10 minutes). Same thing in the PM, it should operate no less frequent than every 12 minutes. The headways being proposed could potentially lead to overcrowding.
The resources used for the proposed off-peak QM1 service would go towards operating the suggest QM4 off-peak service instead (see below)
----------QM4 (Map Depicting Suggestions Included)----------
I understand that this route does not carry very heavy during off-peak hours, although I think that there are ways to counteract that without having to eliminate service. There is a missed opportunity to have QM4 buses make stops along Queens Boulevard, where ridership potential exists. Subway service is very bad on weekends along the Queens Boulevard Line, especially at the local stops with just the (R) train. It is very unreliable (trains often take 15 or 20+ minutes to arrive, regardless of what its headways actually are), and the slow service turns people off. An express bus option would be gladly welcomed. QM4 buses can make stops at 67th Avenue & 63rd Drive along Queens Boulevard, and at Woodhaven Boulevard & Hoffman Drive (the corresponding pick-up can be at Queens Boulevard & Woodhaven Boulevard or Woodhaven Boulevard & Booth Street). This is something that could technically be done today. Please strongly consider this suggestion.
The other change suggested, is on the eastern end. QM4 buses should serve the Fresh Meadows apartment complex, which is a high-density development, which is far away from the subway or the LIRR. The proposed QM5 would serve it, but the QM4 would help provide similar service levels on weekdays, and more s
5/28/2022, 11:45 PM — Q17 - This redesign proposal contains a new much needed express segment between Queens College and the number 7 train station at Flushing Main Street. It will still serve the Fresh Meadows 188th Street shopping area as well. The express service between Queens College and downtown Flushing is a much needed improvement over the slow local service now provided by the existing Q17 and the Q25/34 bus routes. This express segment may actually encourage more students attending Queens College to take the bus rather than a car to get to the campus. In any case it provides another convenient option for riders to get quickly to Queens College and the Fresh Meadows shopping district.
5/29/2022, 12:08 AM — Q7- I like the idea that the Q7 will now serve the Rockaway Blvd. Corridor instead of the confusing and winding route that it now travels. It will provide a new connection to the J Train on the western end as well as offer bus service on the western end of Rockaway Blvd. where no bus service now exists. On the eastern end it will provide service to the five towns area instead of ending in the JFK Cargo area in the middle of nowhere. As a daily traveler by car through the JFK cargo area I can attest to the fact that I have never seen anyone use this bus in the cargo area let alone that I myself have no idea where this route actually ends now. I also like the idea that this route will provide service to the US Post Office - Building Number 250 on North Boundary Road in JFK Airport. However, the proposal seems to call for this bus route to rejoin Rockaway Blvd. after serving the post office stop. You should be aware that there is currently no existing road that goes through that area to rejoin Rockaway Blvd. without the bus having to turn around somewhere at the end of N. Boundary Road. It would be great if a new road was built to connect these two roads but your proposal should be coordinated with the NYC Department of Transportation to examine the feasibility of your proposed routing. Otherwise, your new routing would have to terminate where the existing Q6 now ends and turns around to return to Jamaica. Anytime a bus needs to turn around adds many minutes to the traveling time and creates additional confusion as to the routing for the rider.
5/29/2022, 4:27 AM — Please do not remove the Hollis ave/ 190th st stop or the Hollis ave/ 205th and 204th st stops
5/29/2022, 6:30 AM — Hi I think having a bus directly from Queens to Midtown via tunnel is really going to help people going back to work especially considering the crime rate happening in the subway system.
5/29/2022, 7:39 AM — Please consider adding a LIC-Midtown bus route to allow additional options to get to Manhattan when the 7 train is not running.
5/29/2022, 7:12 PM — Someone mentioned at one of the Queens Bus Network Redesign virtual workshops a suggestion to revise and extend the Q51 on its eastern end to travel north along Springfield Boulevard to Jamaica Avenue and terminate at the Queens Village LIRR Station which is a great idea, but I believe the Q51 route could even travel further north to terminate at Union Turnpike/Springfield Boulevard to provide important transfers to the Q43, Q45, N22, N22X, Q46 and Q48 routes. This would provide even more transfer connections for many queens and Brooklyn passengers to be able to easily access more areas of Queens and Long Island.
5/29/2022, 8:47 PM — Please take a look at extending the Q82 route to Elmont Road as it would still serve the UBS arena from the outside plus connect with the N1 & N6 routes. On the western end the Q82 could also be extended further west from 168th Street/Merrick Boulevard via limited stops along Hillside Avenue, Parsons Blvd., Jamaica Avenue, Queens Boulevard & Broadway to 74th Street - Jackson Heights thus providing more access to the UBS Arena from Central Queens while providing a layer of limited stop service along Queens Boulevard. Access the Belmont Park from Southeastern Queens bus routes could be done by extending the Q2 route from 168th Street/Merrick Boulevard to Parsons Boulevard/Archer Avenue to terminate to easily transfer to the Q4, Q5, Q83, Q84, Q85, Q86 and nearby Q111, Q115 and Q114 bus routes.
5/29/2022, 9:36 PM — Hi,
I strongly disagree with the proposed changes to both the qm12 and42 in Forest Hills with both eliminating the stops near me. The proposed now stop is a very long walk away. I take the bus at 6.30am. Please assign a closer starting point along Metroplitan Ave. I am concerned about crime in the subway. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE ROUTES THIS DRASTICALLY.
5/29/2022, 10:24 PM — Please take a look at revising the Q57 route to serve the 179th Street Subway Station via 179th Place(w/b) 180th Street (e/b) then the route could make limited stops at Parsons Blvd./Hillside Avenue, Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue or Jamaica Avenue, Sutphin Blvd./Archer Avenue. Please also take a look at having the Q57 route extended on its western end to travel along the proposed path of Q109 route from Cross Bay Boulevard/Rockaway Boulevard to travel along Sutter Avenue and/or Pitkin Avenue to the Ozone Park - City Line area to the USPS Brooklyn GMF. The Q109 route could get rerouted to serve Lindenwood and Howard Beach to increase bus service to that area and replace the former Q41 bus service that most residents there are complaining about. Please note that most passengers along the current western end of the Q7 route (along Sutter Avenue and Pitkin Avenue in the City Line/Ozone Park) are not using the bus to connect to the Euclid Avenue Subway Station because these passengers are in walking distance of the "A" subway line along Liberty Avenue at the Rockaway Boulevard, 88th Street - Boyd Avenue, 80th Street-Hudson Street subway stations and at the Grant Avenue Subway station at Pitkin Avenue/Grant Avenue.
5/29/2022, 10:57 PM — Proposed Q19 bus stop removal at 27th av/8th street. Toward Astoria 27th av/2nd street. This stop SE corner is at top of the hill. Please reinstate, it will facilitate disabled persons going east on 27th ave. This corner good for q102, q18, q103 besides q19 to stop. There is very little traffic to warrant its elimination.
5/30/2022, 12:44 AM — The Q104 bus route may not be a high ridership route, but many students and local residents (including a fair amount of senior citizen riders) find that it conveniently serves key destinations in the Astoria, Long Island City, Sunnyside and Woodside area that are not easily accessible without multiple transfers on other bus and subway routes. There is a reason why the former Steinway Transit & Queens Surface Corporation retained this route and that the MTA faced pushbacks when this route was planned for elimination in the previously proposed Bus Network Redesign.
I have to question why the MTA is insistent on removing so many stops for this route. It is my judgment that removal of the stops on this route will not speed up service as the MTA claims it will and will most likely make this bus route more inaccessible for its riders (the loss of boarding/alighting opportunities at locations other than at major intersections). I believe that it is very likely any potential gains in the reduction of running time will be due to loss of ridership in certain neighborhoods attributable directly to the proposed changes.
I would like to take this time to register my objections to two specific proposed bus stop removals:
(1) On the proposed Q104 bus route, the removal of the 48 ST/NORTHERN BL on the Eastbound direction is an ABSOLUTELY STUPID idea.
This stop directly services two shopping centers that flanks 48th Street. A substantial number of passengers currently board and alight at that stop on virtually every bus run during business hours in the daytime. The two adjacent bus stops are located too far away or positioned very inconveniently from the majority of the stores of the shopping centers.
The MTA will face major backlash from businesses and politicians if this stop is not retained.
(2) On the proposed Q104 bus route, I am against the removal of the BROADWAY/46 ST stop on the Westbound direction.
After a recent route adjustment where the W/B Q104 was rerouted away from Newtown Road, it is now the closest bus stop to the Manhattan-bound entrance of the 46th Street (M/R) subway station.
This stop is the main reason why I would even consider riding the Q104 on my daily morning commute.
Due to the weird street grid of the neighborhood, the Manhattan-bound entrances of the 46th Street (M/R) subway station are spaced farther apart from the adjacent BROADWAY/48 ST bus stop than might be expected otherwise.
5/30/2022, 12:57 AM — Please take a look at extending the Q57 route on its eastern end from Little Neck Parkway/Hillside Avenue to Little Neck Parkway/260th Street Glen Oaks so that it would then make sense to then also extend the Q48 Glen Oaks bus further north to LIRR Little Neck Station via Little Neck Parkway north of 260th Street. These two changes would eliminate the need to operate the Q45 bus route along Little Neck Parkway as the Q48 bus route would provide access to the IND Kew Gardens Subway Station for Little Neck Parkway passengers north of 260th Street. If these two above changes were implemented, then the Q45 route could be rerouted to instead serve Winchester Boulevard and Douglaston Parkway into 235th Street and terminate at the Douglaston LIRR Station. Also, on the western end of the Q45 route could also be extended to terminate at Jamaica Hospital so that employees and hospital visitors from northeastern Queens would have direct bus service to Jamaica Hospital as well.
5/30/2022, 1:17 AM — The Q1 route could also be extended further east from the 243rd Street/Cross Island Parkway to 257th Street/Jamaica Avenue/Jericho Turnpike so that Braddock Avenue passengers wouldn't need to walk all the way from 243rd Street/Cross island Parkway/Braddock Avenue to Jericho Turnpike/Commonwealth Boulevard to transfer to an eastbound N24 bus. At least at 257th Street/Jericho Turnpike the N24 bus stops are closer walking distance with the eastbound N24 stop at Garfield Avenue which is located across from 257th Street and the westbound N24 bus stop which is located along Jericho Turnpike at Keene Avenue a/k/a 257th Street for transfers back between the westbound N24 route and the westbound Q1 route.
5/30/2022, 4:11 AM — Extend Q77 to green aches
5/30/2022, 10:42 PM — It is my hope that the bus network redesign will include a direct bus stop at the Ridgewood Reservoir, a green space that I live quite close to geographically but that is strangely inacessible via public transit (and not well served by safe bike paths, either!). While I have the ability to walk the half mile from the Jamaica Ave/Shepherd Ave stop on the Q56, that is not true of other New Yorkers who may be disabled or have young children, and who have just as much right to enjoy the reservoir. The chance to take the bus directly to the reservoir would open up that existing green space to a greater proportion of its neighbors, and that seems like an obvious good. Please consider the creation of a direct stop at Ridgewood Reservoir!
5/30/2022, 11:53 PM — LaGuardia Airport needs faster bus service. I recommend splitting the M60 into two routes: one that handles local Queens stops and one that travels non-stop from the RFK bridge to the airport. Also a direct bus from the Forest Hills LIRR/subway stations with limited stops to LGA would better service central Queens.
5/30/2022, 11:54 PM — The Ridgewood Reservoir has become one of MOST favorite spots in the City, but man is it hard to get to! I strongly recommend adding a nearby bus stop. It'll help thousands of New Yorkers, especially Queens and Brooklyn residents (but Manhattan too!) enjoy this amazing resource.
5/31/2022, 12:19 AM — The westbound Q32 and Q60 bus routes are hobbled by the extreme time delay in driving around the Dutch Kills Green plaza section of Queensboro Plaza. The westbound Q32+Q60 busses need a bus stop directly off of the single-occupant-vehicle-packed Queensboro Bridge lower Roadway.
I would like to meet up at this location and take a ride on the Q32 with the design team who came up with this portion of the bus route. Was the design team aware of how wasteful this circuitous re-routing of the bus around the Dutch Kills Green is? Does the design team know how it feels as a bus rider to watch cars efficiently approach the Queensboro bridge while you are moving at a snails pace in a bus as it snakes around the Dutch Kills Green which requires two sharp turns, an S shaped curve and 6 traffic lights at intervals sometimes as little as 200 feet apart?
Just ask the driver how they feel about the number of turns and complex maneuverings that are required here.
Ask the passengers if they notice how wasteful it is to have this giant bus full of riders finally getting ready to go over the bridge then to suddenly take a sharp right onto Qns Plaza East, drive about 200 feet to a traffic light stop, then begin another 200' journey to take a very sharp left across stop and go Northern Boulevard traffic onto a less than 75 foot wide Qns Plaza North. Then the bus is finally out of traffic but has a tight S-shaped skinny street curve to maneuver through before it hits its first bus stop since it took this gargantuan nightmare of a turn onto Qns Plaza East.
Of course the Q32+Q60 bus isn't done yet because it has 3 more stop lights to go through on this inefficient skinny street that feels like it was never intended to have a bus on it before it takes yet another sharp right turn onto Queensboro Bridge where the westbound Q32 and Q60 busses have no dedicated bus lane and have to slow down and deal with fast and furious single occupant vehicle drivers.
Why does NYC even bother trying to make Queens busses more efficient if the city can't see that this is a bad design for the busses?
A very obvious solution is at the north side / westbound intersection of 28th street and the Queensboro bridge lower roadway. This set of crosswalks and bike paths and planting areas should be opened up / recofigured to include a bus pullover detail. The bikes and pedestrians could easily be shifted toward Queens plaza north. .Right now cars and bikes are comfortably traveling here. Now it's time to give the busses a more direct route.
The westbound Q32+Q60 busses do not need to do a giant loop around the Dutch Kills Green.
The westbound Q32+Q60 busses need a bus stop directly off of the single-occupant-vehicle-packed Queensboro Bridge lower Roadway.
5/31/2022, 12:51 AM — Please add a direct bus stop at Ridgewood Reservoir. It needs to be made accessible by public transportation
5/31/2022, 1:00 AM — The MTA's proposed bus redesign would affect the Q33 which stops in front of Vaughn College located between 86th and 90th Streets on 23rd Avenue.
The design proposes picking up/dropping off at 83rd Street & Roosevelt instead of at the bus terminal at 74th & Roosevelt. This would make a tremendous impact on students and faculty when transferring to take the bus. The bus redesign would alleviate traffic on Roosevelt Avenue but would inconvenience commuters.
This means that when students, faculty and staff who take the E/F train to 74th & Roosevelt instead of just going upstairs to take the Q33, they would have to walk 9 blocks to get the bus or take an additional train (#7 one stop to 82nd Street). The commute would be even longer to get to Vaughn and the proposed bus stop means a very congested bus stop for pedestrians.
Is there anything that can be done to make sure the Vaughn community has the same access to the Q33 and not have it become more arduous?
5/31/2022, 1:20 AM — In redesigning the Queen's bus map please add a stop at the Ridgewood Reservoir. It's a public park that people would like to get to on public transportation.
5/31/2022, 3:33 AM — On Q2 westbound route, please keep HOLLIS AV/207 ST and remove HOLLIS AV/211 ST instead. The stop at 207th st. is quite busy and frequently used
5/31/2022, 5:11 AM — Please create a direct bus stop at the Ridgewood Reservoir.
Referrer: NYC H2O's and Transportation Alternatives's Petition for: A Bus Stop at Ridgewood Reservoir
5/31/2022, 5:31 AM — Ridgewood Reservoir needs a bus stop, the current closest stops are too far.
5/31/2022, 5:43 AM — Your combining of the Q11 and Q21 routes and extending it to meet the 7 subway is genius. Excellent idea. So is establishing the Q73. It would make getting to QCC so much easier. Makes good sense. Now, we need a dedicated bus stop near the Ridgewood Reservoir. It is a wonderful green space that has limited use because of lack of easy public transit. Please provide reliable public transit so that all New Yorkers can enjoy the great outdoors easily. Thank you.
5/31/2022, 5:48 AM — The Springfield/Rosedale Community Action Association, Inc., the civic association serving the Brookville Community (identified on your map as Springfield Gardens), requests the following:
1. That the express bus route QM63 start in Queens at 225th Street and 147th Avenue and then go to 258th and 149th Avenue. While the plan purports to add more express bus service in Springfield Gardens, it doesn't take into account that more than half of Springfield Gardens is below Conduit Ave/Belt Parkway. It has been our understanding that the "runoff" of the QM63 runs through Brookville. Why not have an official stop there to accommodate those living below the Conduit. Right now, there is no express bus service from that part of Springfield Gardens.
2. Add a shuttle bus between 147th Avenue and 225th Street to the Laurelton LIRR Station. There used to be one there years ago, but was removed. Those who connect with the LIRR from that part of Springfield Gardens and Brookville, have a very long walk to the railroad.
3. Consider adding some more crosstown bus routes connecting neighborhoods in Queens. Not everyone is going to a subway or railroad hub. Those who want to travel within the borough have to spend an inordinate amount of time traveling from one community to another if they must travel by bus.
5/31/2022, 6:23 AM — This bus would a great alternative to the unreliable 7 train, as well as provide a safer environment since there appear to be more and more subway incidents every day.
5/31/2022, 6:24 AM — This bus would be a safe alternative to the subway. I am a young female and taking the subway lately is very scary and I’m always on edge with all the recent incidents. This bus would be a great way to commute into the city.
5/31/2022, 8:37 AM — I would like to note my objection to the formation of the proposed Q73 bus that would go down 73rd Avenue. There are several reasons for this, including but not limited to the following:
1. 73rd Ave has only one lane and already has traffic congestion issues. Adding a bus on 73rd Ave would make the traffic even worse.
2. Also, bus stops along 73rd Ave will take up valuable parking spots in neighborhoods where it is already difficult to find parking.
3. I live on 73rd Ave and am very concerned about the noise pollution. The buses, along with the passengers who will be waiting at the bus stops, will create a ton of new noise pollution in areas that are quiet residential neighborhoods.
4. The proposed bus route would go through the quiet residential neighborhood of Fresh Meadows where I live and would disturb the character of the neighborhood.
5. I live right on 73rd Ave and if there is a bus stop placed in front of my house, I could have random people waiting for the bus in front of my house at all hours of the day, night and early morning.
6. The increase in traffic will also increase the litter and pollution to the area.
7. The increase in bus routes will increase carbon emissions when climate change is already a major issue.
8. Finally, this bus route is completely unnecessary. There are already plenty of bus routes that either go right to Queens Community College or very close to it (Q75, Q78, Q88) and there is a bus that already goes to Forest Hills (Q64). Also, there are many buses that you can take that connect to those buses.
I respectfully ask that the proposal be reconsidered and that the proposed Q73 bus route not be implemented.
Thank you
5/31/2022, 9:10 AM — Please reconsider reducing the frequency of the QM6 bus. Having to wait 90 minutes is too long especially if a bus gets pulled out of service or never comes. Please revisit to keep the buses more frequent at 60 mins or less. This is a problem especially during the cold and wintery months. If the frequency is 90 minutes I would be more likely to take the LIRR or drive in instead.
5/31/2022, 9:21 AM — Regarding the QM6, please do not decrease the frequency. If buses don't come and/or get cancelled, having to wait 90 minutes is completely unacceptable . Some people are handicapped & unable to wait the 90 minutes for a bus that may or may not come. Having to wait 90 minutes is extremely difficult, especially during the cold & rainy months!
If the frequency is decreased, I would rather drive or take the LIRR. Please reconsider this proposed plan!!
5/31/2022, 11:27 AM — Please do not remove the current section of the Q102 bus route that connects Roosevelt Island to Queens Plaza. The newly routed Q104 that is proposed to replace the Q102 will not stop at Queens Plaza. The bus connection between Roosevelt Island and Queens Plaza is vital for Roosevelt Island residents and people who work on Roosevelt Island.
5/31/2022, 9:38 PM — These comments are issued regarding the MTAs proposed QM64 (previously known as X64) Express Bus route change. I am extremely disappointed with this proposal. Over the past ten years, the service on this route has been subjected to unprecedented changes not experienced by any of the other express bus lines in Queens.
These changes have included, but not been limited to radical alterations in pick-up and drop-off times, reductions in the number of buses servicing the route, and poor maintenance and cleanliness of the buses. Additionally, the X64 has always been the last of the routes to obtain new buses. In many cases, the route received hand me down buses discarded by the other routes, as they had moved on to the new buses. Now, to have this debilitating proposal thrust upon us is an indiscretion that my fellow riders and I cannot acquiesce to without challenge.
The express bus routes were created to alleviate the burden of commuters forced to endure a long normal service bus ride just to arrive at the subway station even before the subsequent long train ride into Manhattan. Additionally, it also provided commuters with the added benefit of greatly reduced commute times, while also allowing for only one mode of transportation. This had been successfully achieved for many years for the residents of Cambria Heights, Queens, and its surrounding neighborhoods. The proposed re-routing of the X64 would thrust our communities back into a state of longer and more overcrowded commutes. I am born and raised in Southeast Queens, and still reside there. This community is composed of hard working blue collar and middle class residents, who deserve much better representation from the MTA. The change in route would cause the following devastating effects:
Re-routing the bus to travel west on 34th Street once arriving in Manhattan, would disenfranchise countless riders travelling as you know from 37th Street to 57th Street and Third Avenue; 57th Street and Third Avenue to 57th Street and Fifth Avenue; and Fifth Avenue down and over to 23rd Street and First Avenue. The proposed cutting of this pocket of service defeats the entire purpose of the Express Bus in the first place. Riders would be forced to disembark at the first stop on 34th Street, and then fend for themselves to travel on to their respective parts of the city. Any riders under the current route requiring service along 34th Street easily disembark at 37th Street and Third Avenue, walk three short blocks over to 34th Street, and then transfer to a local service crosstown bus. The proposed route change would essentially terminate service at 34th Street, and service only a handful of riders requiring service on 34th Street. Again, there is a local bus currently providing this service along 34th Street.
Commuters would be subjected to the added burden of increased travel time. In an effort to arrive at our destinations in a timely manner, we would be forced to leave our homes much earlier each morning. The implications of this would be less sleep, breakfast on the run, and for those parents with small children, drastic changes in their ability to get their children to school safely and timely, in their haste to arrive at their places of employment on time. This is a severe attack on our quality of life. For a city that prides itself on increasing and maintaining a high quality of life for its residents, this planned re-routing would achieve the exact opposite effect.
Commuters would be forced to search for alternate travel routes. This could mean the added cost of taking the Long Island Railroad, thereby placing an unexpected financial burden on residents. Additionally, many commuters could be forced to take the regular bus into Jamaica, and then the subway on to Manhattan. Again, commute times are increased, presenting some of the added inconveniences and quality of life attacks previously mentioned. Lastly, commuters could resort to driving to other parts of town
5/31/2022, 10:11 PM — Dear Madam/Sir,
I think there are enough buses' lines in this area, such as Q30/Q31, Q46, Q65, and Express buses, so there is no need to add more bus lines in 73rd Ave and in Jewel
Ave, Thank you very much for the considerations!
6/1/2022, 12:09 AM — New Q86 to Green Acres, please do not eliminated 241 Street bus stop , My grandma needs this stop to go to the Snap Senior Center at Cross Island PLAZA, 233 Too far away , take away 233 st
6/1/2022, 12:25 AM — new Q86 bus route , please add back 241 street bus stop , for Seniors using Snap Senior Center and patients using all the doctor offices in the Cross Island Plaza across the street
6/1/2022, 12:31 AM — Q86 TO GREEN ACRES, I am 88 yrs old , can not drive anymore, use the bus to go the the senior center in the Cross Island Plaza which is just across the street from the 241 ST BUS STOP , why are you moving the stop to 233 st , now I HAVE TO WALK BACK , 2 LONG BLOCKS
6/1/2022, 1:22 AM — Add a bus stop at the ridgewood resevior at highland park.
6/1/2022, 2:29 AM — it would be so helpful to have a bus stop and route that went through long island city / hunters point to midtown manhattan. right now the 7 is the only means nearby for public transportation, and it is a 12 minute walk from the apt buildings near the water. thank you in advance!
6/1/2022, 3:46 AM — I wait. For a long time in last stop Felix ave. When the bus is park at 61 street in Felix corner. We are all students (children. And teens)and working people. We wait in the rain hot cold weather for the bus to come. My question is why don’t let the bus stop at the 60 LA and St Felix and let the full and the passengers wait inside the bus. We have very hot temperatures an very cold winters our shoes are soak and wet please be reasonable all are citizens we all pay the exactly fare of 2.75 please.
6/1/2022, 5:32 AM — It is my understanding that you want to change the Q35 and Q22 bus line routes, to "improve services". In my view, the suggested changes are not improvements at all, but, instead, are detrimental to the communities of the Rockaways, and those who come into the Rockaways for work, or school.
Let me start with the Q35. This route comes from the Flatbush "Junction", comes off of Rockaway Beach Boulevard to Beach 147th Street, where it turns onto Newport Avenue. In the summertime, the Q35 also provides service to Riis Park Division, Gateway National Recreation Area.
I'm partially handicapped, and trying to get my Access-A-Ride clearance. In the interim, I'd have to cross Newport Avenue, walk the 200 block to the Boulevard.
On a historical note, when the traffic circle at the southern base of the Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge was in the process of being replaced by the current overpasses, the TBTA was totally surprised when the question was asked, "What about the bus stop?" Their answer was "Uh, what bus stop?". The Q35 bus had to do some serious maneuvering at the traffic light at what then was the entrance to Fort Tilden, including backing up with all the passengers aboard, before they created the still unsatisfsctory bus stop under the overpasses enroute to Beach 116th Street from the Junction. Someone in the design stage had totally forgotten that Q35 riders lived in the Roxbury, Rockaway Point, and Breezy Point communities, west of the bridge!
Then, there's the Q22. Passengers going eastbound change from the Q35 to the Q22 to go towards Far Rockaway, at the bus stop in front of the Neponsit Home For Adults, a bit west of Beach 149th Street, or walk the length of the 200 Block of Beach 116th Street to the Q22 stop.
Another historical note: Without prior notice, the stop between Beach 116th and 117th Street for the eastbound Q22 was removed, leaving stunned passengers at the now former stop, wondering why the bus was bypassing them, then run to the new stop at Beach 115th Street, to try for the bus.
I can understand the westbound Q22 alternating buses that go through to the terminus stop at Beach 168th Street, and going to a new stop set up by the Ferry, on Beach Channel Drive at Beach 108th Street, and terminating on Beach 116th Street just South of Newport Avenue. If I were riding westbound, I'd just have to keep watch to make sure I was getting the right bus.
But what about the passengers going eastbound? I'll specify those going towards The Beach Channel Educational Complex by Beach 100th Street, or to the Far Rockaway Educational Complex at Bay 25th Street? The students living up at Breezy Point, Rockaway Point, and Roxbury? It's a 2 mile walk for many of them now, to get to the Q22 terminus stop at Beach 168th Street. So now, instead of a one seat bus ride from Beach 168th Street to school on the Q22, they now would get on the Q35, using the inadequate bus stop under the bridge overpass, then have to change to the Q22 for the remainder of the ride by Beach 116th Street.
On a slight tangent, the Q22 going to the ferry has created a problem already. It's terminus, since implementation, took away at least 6 parking spots on Beach 116th Street, from Newport Avenue south to the FDNY Firehouse. That is in front of several businesses I no longer can access, as I can no longer find a parking spot where I used to legally be able to park.
Another historical note. Years ago the Q21 used to run from by the Boardwalk on Beach 116th Street to Cross Bay/Woodhaven Boulevards at Rockaway and Liberty Avenues, as a local, while the Q53 ran much the same route, and beyond, as an Express line. Nowadays the Q21 runs from Howard Beach to somewhere north of there. No local service in Broad Channel now, at all.
Yet another historical note. There was, at some time, a Q21A bus that covered much of the more than a mile from the transportation hub at Mott Avenue and Beach 20th Street/Central Avenue, to about Bay 30th Street and
6/1/2022, 5:50 AM — Please take a look at revising the Q43 route to travel along Parsons Blvd. between Hillside Avenue and Jamaica or Archer Avenue to stop at either Parsons Blvd./Jamaica Avenue or Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue before terminating at Sutphin Blvd/Archer Avenue which would then provide additional transfers with the Q4, Q5, Q83, Q84, Q85 and Q86 bus routes. To provide replacement bus service to Hillside Avenue between Sutphin Boulevard and Parsons Boulevard plus provide some more transfer connectivity the Q40 route could be extended west along Hillside Avenue from Sutphin Boulevard to Parsons Boulevard and then south along Parsons Boulevard to Archer Avenue to terminate. Some thought should also be given to extend the Q46 route on its western end from Kew Gardens to 71st Avenue - Forest Hills via limited stops along Queen Blvd., then 108th Street to Yellowstone Blvd and then Yellowstone Blvd. to Woodhaven Boulevard and Woodhaven Boulevard to Metropolitan Avenue to terminate along Metropolitan Avenue(w/b) between Woodhaven Boulevard and Cooper Avenue for transfer to the Q52 and Q53 to the Rockaways. The returning eastbound Q46 route could then make a right turn at Cooper Avenue and travel north along Cooper Avenue making a left turn on to Woodhaven Boulevard and then a right turn on to Yellowstone Boulevard to proceed back to Queens Boulevard making a right turn and then continue east toward Kew Gardens. Additionally, the MTA could also look into extending the Q53 route further west in the Rockaways to Jacob Riis Park and terminating at Beach 169th Street and extending the Q52 route further east to Beach 20th Street/Seagirt Boulevard to terminate. All of the above changes along with having some of the Q43 buses as well as some of the Q46 buses also being extended on their eastern end from Lakeville Road to Great Neck via N25 routing would then provide access to LIJ Hospital, Lake Success and Great Neck from virtually any point in Queens via two buses.
6/1/2022, 8:05 AM — I would like to designate the six 3 digit route designations:
Route Q104 would become route Q36
Route Q105 would become route Q15
Route Q109 would become route Q64
Route Q111 would become route Q71
Route Q114 would become route Q74
As far as route Q115 is concerned, after leaving Jamaica Center Station, turn right onto Parsons Blvd from Archer Avenue, continue on Parsons Blvd, left onto Hillside Avenue, right onto Queens Blvd and combine with Q20 to eliminate layover by Parsons-Hillside.
6/1/2022, 9:12 AM — I have difficulty understanding why the QM10 is being “retired”; ridership has increased since NYC reopened and people started returning to work. More and more people ride the express bus to avoid trains.
You want to remove a bus that runs through a predominately black and brown community with direct access to midtown Manhattan. Make it make sense, MTA
6/1/2022, 11:02 AM — For me, the biggest issue with the redesign is the lack of connections to the Jamaica LIRR station. Under the proposed plan, the Q34 would be eliminated and neither the Q25 nor Q65 would stop at the station. To get to the LIRR, I'd have to take the Q25 to Jamaica Center, then either walk or take the subway one station over to Sutphin-Archer-JFK (which really doesn't make sense). The walk is doable for me, but would be hard on someone with mobility issues, not to mention there are people further north on the Q25 line who are much further from the station. The only alternative would be the Q43, but I'd have to walk down to Hillside/Parsons and the bus terminates before the LIRR station, meaning I'd spend most of the trip walking and there would little point to taking the bus.
The result of these changes is be that I'll be less likely to take the bus at all, and much more likely to ride a car, which seems like something the MTA shouldn't be incentivizing. I myself don't drive, so I'd be dependent on for-hire vehicles or friends to connect me to the LIRR station.
I understand the desire to reduce bus congestion near Jamaica LIRR and provide better service options to people in South Jamaica, but the service changes would remove all options for people in our area to get to the LIRR by bus. Additionally, Jamaica LIRR is a major transfer point, the station is being renovated to add new tracks, and transit-oriented development is going up in the area. Factoring all of that in, it doesn't make any sense to cut bus service there. Surely there is a way to achieve the goals of the redesign without such drastic cuts.
6/1/2022, 12:06 PM — New Bus Q86 to Green ACRES. I do not drive anymore and walk with a cane , I GET OFF AT 241 ST, to go to the Senior Center at the Cross Island Plaza
Please do not remove 241 ST STOP
6/1/2022, 7:57 PM — On the Queens Bus Network Redesign virtual workshop for Queens Community Board #13 on May 31, 2022, someone mentioned an issue with the loss of a one seat ride to the 179th Street Subway Station Jamaica for Springfield Boulevard passengers currently served by one of the Q1 branches of the Q1 route. To address this issue the MTA could consider revising and extending the Q9 route to no longer turn around and terminate at 165th Street Terminal but instead to travel to Hillside Avenue and provide Rush Style bus service along Hillside Avenue to Springfield Boulevard and then the route would serve local stops along Springfield Boulevard up to Jamaica Avenue or at some other point further south along Springfield Boulevard up to Linden Boulevard.
6/2/2022, 2:43 AM — I am totally in shock at whoever came up with this plan that there is no bus in the maspeth area where it is mainly elderly people and young families with young kids who depend on this service to get their kids to school.Also it looks like you are accommodating the ups workers who many use this service and have no other way to get there.Now we have the park frank principle that is used by many teams and school for training has any thought how these young kids are going to get here or would you rather they be abducted by the expressway.Also I'm a health worker and sometimes my shift finishes at 11pm I would have to walk for a good 15 min at probably 12 at night by myself to get to my house which already at this moment in time it's long enough the 3 minute walk with all that is going on in our neighborhoods. I seriously hope this is reviewed as I speak for all the people in this neighborhood that travel daily it is a very bad plan .We need either the 18 to stay or the 67 you can't do both not acceptable.
6/2/2022, 2:59 AM — I’m writing in opposition to the newly proposed bus route changes that will adversely affect my community. Under the current proposal, both Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach Q-11 routes would be shortened, terminating at Rockaway Blvd and Liberty Ave, eliminating the current one-seat ride to Queens Center Mall. A greater issue is the proposed route would not connect to Cross Bay Blvd. until Rockaway Blvd this will adversely affect students attending JHS/HS 202. Students depend on both Q-11 buses, which currently stop at Pitkin Ave, to get to school but they will now add almost two miles and approximately 25 minutes to their bus ride by making them transfer at Rockaway Blvd to a south bound Q-21, Q-52 or Q-53.
To make matters worse, both the proposed Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach Q-11 peak hour frequencies would be decreased, and the route would no longer run 24 hours. Many in our community work in the service industry at Queens Center Mall as well as the shops and restaurants on Woodhaven Blvd. They rely on bus service to get to work, and their work schedules often has them working into the early morning hours. The elimination of overnight service will severely impact these residents, both young and old, by leaving a transportation desert for several hours during the overnight.
The New Hamilton Beach Civic Association strongly urges the MTA to look at a workable compromise. This would be to combine both Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach Q-11 service into one route. The Q-11 could serve both communities by means of a loop, thereby doubling bus service for both communities while adding about 6 minutes to the ride. The inbound Q-11, following its proposed route, would turn left onto 160 Ave. and then turn right onto 102 Street following the current Hamilton Beach route. Passengers could then be discharged at the current bus stops along 104 Street. Upon leaving Hamilton Beach the bus would make a left onto 160 Ave and follow the current Howard Beach Q-11 route to 165 Ave and 96 Street.
When the Q-11 leaves 165 Ave. & 96 Street on its outgoing route, it would follow its normal route to 160 Ave. and 102 Street. It would then make a right onto 102 Street and travel along the current Q- 11 route. It would then pick up passengers at the existing bus stops along the west side of 104th Street, proceed to the turn-around at 165 Ave. and follow the current Q-11 route. As the current rest break at 104th Street & Hamilton Beach Park will not be needed, the dangerous bus stops along the east side of 104 Street, where riders must stand in the roadway to wait for the bus, could be eliminated.
I hope that the MTA will work towards the best bus service for all riders and neighborhoods and will consider our recommendations.
Roger Gendron, President
6/2/2022, 3:37 AM — I’m writing regarding the Queens Bus Network Redesign Draft Plan. It is my understanding that the thought behind the redesign of the Queens bus routes is to make using the buses easier and faster. In my community of Howard Beach in order to access Crossbay Blvd, one of our two main commercial districts, a bus rider would have to take the Q-11 to Pitkin Ave in Ozone Park, cross to the southbound side of Crossbay Blvd and them access a southbound Q-52/Q-53 back to Howard Beach. The other main commercial district is located at the Lindenwood Shopping Center which is bordered between 83rd Street to the west, 84th Street to the east, 153 Ave to the south and 151 Ave to the north. The Lindenwood Shopping Center and Crossbay Blvd are home to a wide variety of services such as doctors, dentists, pharmacies, supermarkets, banking, restaurants, and so much more but currently
the only way to gain access to most of these services is to drive.
My suggestion would be to create a Crosstown Howard Beach route. The route could start in Old Howard Beach at 102 Street and 159 Ave, a short walk from the MTA Howard Beach Airtrain/ A train station. The bus would turn left onto 157 Avenue stopping at 99 Street. It would then proceed west across Crossbay Blvd into New Howard Beach stopping at 92 Street following the current Q-41 route into Lindenwood. The route would change slightly as the Crosstown route would continue straight on 84th Street then turning east onto 151 Avenue and travelling back to 84th Street where it would then retrace the route back to Old Howard Beach along 157 Ave. Turning right onto 101 street, stopping at the existing Q-11 stops as it proceeds to 160 Ave. Turning east onto 160 Ave and north onto 102 Street thus completing the route. It would the It would be approximately 4 miles long and would make all of the business areas accessible to those who cannot or do not want to drive. It would be yet another way to get more vehicles off the streets.
In addition to the Crosstown Howard Beach route, there is another recommendation regarding the Express Bus. Currently, while each having a different starting point, Howard Beach is service by three Express Buses (QM-15, QM-16 & QM-17) however all three routes terminate in Mid-town Manhattan. We would like to suggest that the QM-15 be rerouted to terminate in Downtown Manhattan. Both the QM-16 & QM-17 originate on the Rockaway Peninsula where commuters have the option of taking the Rockaway Ferry or the A train to lower Manhattan however in Howard Beach there is no such option with the A train serving as the only choice. With the current crime rate in the subway system a safer and more comfortable rider experience would be the Express Bus.
I hope that the MTA will work towards the best bus service for all riders and neighborhoods and will
consider our recommendations.
Roger Gendron, President
6/2/2022, 7:56 AM — Like I have done elsewhere, I would like to object to the idea of putting a bus line to 73rd Avenue where I live. First, there is no need for it, there is plenty of bus within 2-3 blocks everywhere. Second, it will slow traffic even more, the stops will take away already very scarce parking space. Third, it will cause air pollution, noise, and lots of garbage around the bus stops. Fourth, it will change the character of the neighborhood, instead of the relatively quiet residential atmosphere it will be much busier with lots of strangers coming through who don't live here. Finally, it will reduce the value of our homes as nobody wants to buy a house that is next to a bus stop.
I know I am speaking in the spirit that many of my neighbors agree on; even if not everyone writes a note. Please reject this idea!
6/2/2022, 8:39 AM — As a Senior Citizen, I use buses quite frequently to get to my doctor appointments. One of the buses I use is the Q41 which takes me into Jamaica where I switch to the Q65. I have lived in Ozone Park for more than 20 years and used the Q41 5 days a week to go to work in Jamaica. The Q41 has NEVER been reliable. So my questions are 1) Will the Q41 continue going from Howard Beach to the Jamaica Terminal? 2) Will there ever be an improvement of Q41 service - running more frequently during morning hours? If the Q41 will no longer go to Jamaica, what would my options be?
6/2/2022, 9:44 AM — I want to reiterate that there is no low ridership on the Q22 the issue is that there are many people riding the bus and not paying the fare. I take the Q22 at 5:30am weekdays and is packed. The same is true for the Q35. Please reevaluate the data.
The Q53/52 need to come more frequently, since so many people take these two buses.
Thanks you for having this information session.
6/2/2022, 10:04 AM — I'm extremely disappointed that the MTA has decided to overhaul the QM12 (and QM42) bus routes and completely remove the first bus stop that runs along Metropolitan Avenue, in the very southerly section of Forest Hills. As an NYC school teacher, I rely on the QM12 to get to work every morning, and I'm flabbergasted to find that I will have no direct options anymore.
Meanwhile, there are stops being maintained or added to QM12 + QM42 that are in locations very close to subway lines. Why are people who aren't within a few blocks of a subway system or alternate express bus options being deserted? Shouldn't express buses be prioritized for those areas where transit isn't immediately close by?
Additionally, don't the buses have to run along Metropolitan Avenue anyway, on their way to the newly proposed first stop on Yellowstone Blvd? Buses will likely be waiting on Metroplitan anyway to start their routes.
Revising the plan so that the first stop on the QM12 (+QM42) routes remains on Metroplitan Avenue (near 71st Avenue) would be a logical, considerate decision. I beg you to consider how an undue hardship could be rectified by simply maintaining the current routes' first stop.
6/2/2022, 10:20 AM — I am a bus operator out of Jamaica Depot. Many people riding the lines handled by this depot will be greatly affected by longer wait times and less service to their stops. For instance, normally riders at Merrick Blvd and 118 Ave could take a local 5, 84, or 85 to go to Jamaica Center but in this plan they will have to wait for a local Q25 bus coming from College Point to make it to Springfield Blvd and come back around. If anything between College Point and Jamaica should delay the bus from getting to Springfield, several buses doing “rush” service trips toward Jamaica Center will pass them by. Waiting for the local bus while watching possible near empty “rush” buses pass them will cause frustration for the rider and conflict for the operator when a bus finally does arrive.
The Q3 route which my family often uses needs Limited service which would reduce the ride time for many from JFK to Jamaica terminal.
MTA needs to sit down with a committee of people who actually live and work and drive buses in Queens to design a more effective plan to serve the communities of Queens instead of outsiders who know nothing about the unique issues of Queens public transportation.
This plan as it is addresses a few of the problems with Queens bus transportation but still needs work.
As an operator, I am also concerned about this affects my livelihood. I have worked in Jamaica depot for over 20+ years and may now have my ability to choose a route/schedule that works best for me severely limited or eliminated.
6/2/2022, 11:01 AM — Taking away the QM15 stops in Old Howard Beach means I would have to walk every morning to Cross Bay Blvd in the dark as I take the first express bus at 5:57 AM - as crime is going up this places all residents of Old Howard Beach without express bus service in the morning and the evenings.
6/2/2022, 11:38 AM — My husband and I are TOTALLY against having a bus on 73rd Avenue. Parking with be an issue ,Traffic will be an issue. There are plenty of alternate ways on buses that already exist to get from forest hill to Queens Community College. There is no need for a bus to go down 73rd Avenue. The noise pollution and well and air pollution will be an issue. We live right off of 73rd Avenue and the buses will keep us up at night. This is a suburban area and the reason we live here is because it is a quiet suburban neighborhood. People will move out of the neighborhood if there is a bus coming down 73rd Avenue
6/2/2022, 8:17 PM — Needs to have more frequent bus service on the q11 going into Hamilton Beach.
6/2/2022, 8:55 PM — Good morning, if someone with more knowledge about the Q47 bus route changes can reach out to me I would appreciate it greatly. I understand a new Q80 will take over part of the route that will be removed. I don’t understand the time frame or when this will take place. The Q47 takes my daughter right to her high school and I’m wondering if this will effect her. I’m a single parent and just bought a house in this area, after many years of saving. Part of the reason I picked here was because the bus wasn’t far and took her right to school, also I take care of my parents and it’s not far from them. As a single parent her safety is the most important so you understand my concern. Please give me a call back.
Thank you
6/3/2022, 12:33 AM — Here is an alternate plan regarding route Q115:
Instead of combining with route Q20, redesignate Q115 as Q34 and extend to Queens College via regular Q115 route, left onto Archer Avenue, right onto Parsons Blvd, left onto Kissena Blvd, left onto Horace Harding Expressway and terminate at Main Stret.
Return via left onto Main Street, left onto Horace Harding Expressway right onto Kissena Blvd serving Queens College and eliminating the need to terminate in Jamaica.
Don't forget to redesigned the other 5 three digit routes:
Q104 to become Q36
Q105 to become Q15
Q109 to become Q64
Q111 to become Q71
Q114 to become Q74
Please look into these suggestions.
6/3/2022, 4:56 AM — Please be more transparent with the transit unions and well the riding well public. Please provide more 24hrs bus service.
6/3/2022, 5:05 AM — Hello, I am a fellow commuter from my home to the city and I have concerns over the 2 bus routes that are convenient to me, which are the Q46 and the Q43. I have appreciated the fact that they are now being turned into a Rush type bus service between subway desert neighborhoods to subway stations.
- Stops between Little Neck Parkway to Commonwealth Boulevard.
On the Q46, normally I would have to jaywalk on 250th street just to get to the Union Tpk./251st St. bus stop to catch the Q46. I'm quite appalled regarding concerns for safety when travelling to the bus stop and also appalled that we are no longer able to wait at the 251st St. bus stop since it's removed, which can also leave concerns for those whose homes or places are convenient to that stop. I suggest that you put a bus stop at 249th. Street so that it can be easy for me and other residents to safely reach to the bus stop and catch the Q46.
The same goes for the Q43 bus, although it's more convenient due to the traffic lights and safe pedestrian crossing (which is known to be a hassle for residents to shop at Patel Bros & the recently opened Farmers Market grovery store at 249th Street). I'm quite appalled that the Little Neck Parkway bus stop on the Q43 has been removed. I would like to see that stop being added, along with the removal of 251st street & 248th street and the addition of the 249th Street bus stop on the Q43 for easier access and hoping to cut down travel times for this bus route.
- Little Neck Parkway corridor route (Q45)
Although this might not be my concern, I've noticed that the Q36 will no longer have that bus route, considering that there has been low ridership between Little Neck LIRR station to Floral Park (Jericho Tpke or Hillside Ave.). Perhaps a service between Floral Park to Flushing via Little Neck Parkway could be useful, or not (I'm not sure who would be on board with this), or maybe extend the Q88 to either Little Neck LIRR station or Floral Park via Little Neck Parkway (since I noticed that the Q88 is no longer going via 188th street, 73rd ave or Springfield and terminating at Queens Village LIRR station).
-Concerns for Q1's extension to JFK
The Q6's bus service discontinuation due to minimalism is perfectly fine for me, but although it may not be my concern due to Q3 bus convenience and AirTrain convenience at Jamaica station, perhaps an extension towards JFK Airport or Lefferts Blvd station (or whatever terminals are open after the JFK Redevelopment) would be much appreciated as well!
6/3/2022, 6:05 AM — I take the X68 bus from Queens to Manhattan. After sitting through the virtual workshop for my area (District 13), I am very concerned about the changes you want to make. Right now, we have morning uptown and downtown buses. The downtown buses are generally filled to about 1/3 capacity. The uptown buses are filled to at least 3/4 capacity. The vast majority of riders taking the uptown buses get off the bus at 42nd Street and Third Avenue, with at least 1/2 then walking up Third Avenue or down to Second Avenue after disembarking. Your proposal will add at least 20 - 30 minutes to the commute of those us who work in midtown and uptown. There is absolutely no reason for those of us getting off the bus at 42nd and Third, or 55th and Madison, to have to go all the way to 23rd Street first. Traffic along Second Avenue and Madison Avenue can be an absolute nightmare during the best of times, forget about during inclement weather. Right now, I take the 6:35am bus in order to get to my office in time to start work at 8:00am. If this proposal goes through, I will have to take the 6:05am bus in order to get to work on time. This will in no way shorten my commuting time, which the MTA claims it is trying to do. I do not understand the reason for making this change. I cannot think of a single rider who would benefit from this change were it to go through. Please keep both the uptown and downtown buses as they are. I am more than happy to talk to anyone at the MTA regarding my concerns. Thank you.
6/3/2022, 6:38 AM — Hi, I strongly suggest that the Q18 bus should go through 51st Street between Broadway Blvd and 31st Ave rather than through 54th st. 54th St. is a narrow one way street that there is always no space and the bus or cars honks the car parallel parked there. The bus honks for passing the street but it actually creates a lot of noise to the neighborhoods especially during early morning before 8am and evening after 10pm. I don't understand why Q18 not going to 51st St since it's very wide two-way street and also with another bus stop Q66 there with shops and more stories buildings. They did cleaning there but no on 54th st. I strongly advocate to more the path to 51st Street between Broadway Blvd and 31st Ave.
6/3/2022, 7:57 AM — Q12 - The plans for this route redesign are okay but please consider some of the following ideas for the eastern terminus of this route. For far too long most bus routes in Queens have ended on their eastern end at the Queens/Nassau border simply because this is where the City of NY ends. Most of these bus endings are less than ideal and offer no connectivity with other routes or the LIRR. One idea for this route would be for the Q12 to travel south down Little Neck Parkway and end at the LIE (Horace Harding Blvd). This would offer residents of eastern Queens access to the many stores at this location and connections to other bus routes in Queens. Another idea would be for this bus route to turn north on Little Neck Parkway and end at the Long Island Railroad Station in Little Neck. This would offer connectivity to the LIRR which will soon offer service to Grand Central Terminal as well as to Penn Station. Another idea would be to extend this route eastward along Northern Blvd to North Shore University Hospital. Many residents of eastern Queens use North Shore University Hospital and the surrounding medical facilities and would use this route if available in lieu of expensive cab rides. The NICE service currently available is inadequate and too infrequent to provide a much needed alternative for Queens residents. In the former iteration of the Queens Bus Redesign there was a proposal to extend a bus route from Queens to North Shore University Hospital but the idea had been abandoned. This eastern extension would be a good alternative to the prior proposal.
6/3/2022, 8:26 AM — Q35 - The eastern extension of this route to include 'Scholars Academy' and the Rockaway Ferry Terminal is a great idea which will help to attract additional riders to the ferry and also to the Q35. The Q35 will still provide a connection to the A Train at Beach 116th Street and the students who attend the Scholars Academy will be able to use this bus to get directly to the school. These modest changes will provide more connectivity and accessibility at the same time to residents of the Rockaway Peninsula. Many people are now using the Rockaway Ferry to commute to downtown Manhattan in addition to tourists and beach goers in the summer months who are riding in the off hours and on weekends. This route redesign proposal will provide an additional alternative for these riders.
6/3/2022, 11:35 PM — Please add a bus route connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel.
6/4/2022, 12:36 AM — We need LIC bus service
6/4/2022, 1:40 AM — I would like to make a suggestion of the proposed Q17, specifically of its northbound route in College Point. Instead of having it traveling on 130th Street and 20th Ave, I think it will help a lot for the northbound buses to travel on 25th Ave and 127th Street. I suggest this because there is a steep hill on the westward trek of 23rd Ave, where residents will find it difficult to walk after dropping off from the northbound buses. If the northbound buses travel on the alternative route, residents dropping off will not have to walk too much on the 23rd Ave hill. I think the routing is also feasible, as 25th Ave is a very wide street and a portion of 127th street is northbound only. The southbound proposed Q17 route can be left as is, especially since residents walking towards the southbound buses on 130th Street walk down the 23rd Ave hill instead of up.
Additionally, I would also like to mention about the naming of the bus routes. I think it would be great if the route numbers in College Point would retain the original Q25 and Q65 labels, instead of the new Q17 and Q27 labels. It would be confusing for residents to see these new labels, especially all of a sudden. Additionally, I believe the MTA needs to increase the broadcasting of the plans. A lot of my friends are unaware of the changes, and I fear a lot of residents will be taken by surprise when the changes are implemented.
6/4/2022, 3:17 AM — This will make my trip a double fare. I am currently a one fare zone. Why should we pay double for the same trip? Please leave the Q30 bus alone. Also, please keep the QM5 bus as it is. I am over 60 years old and I do not drive. You should just add more busses and more frequent service on the Q30 QM5. Thank you.
6/4/2022, 6:59 AM — I foresee a lot of problems.
1- Additional traffic congestion
2-Taking up valuable parking spots
3- Noise pollution
4- Random people waiting at bus stop in front through out day and night. This feels very unsafe.
5-Bus route litter
6/4/2022, 8:06 AM — Hello,
This is for the new bus route Q73.
I foresee a lot of problems.
1- Additional traffic congestion
2-Taking up valuable parking spots
3- Additional noise pollution at night and early in the morning, when you are sleeping.
4- Random people waiting at bus stop in front of houses through out day and night. This will feel very unsafe.
5- Increase of bus route litter.
Overall, this would change the character of the neighborhood. This area of Fresh Meadows is a quiet residential neighborhood and we would like it to stay that way.
6/4/2022, 4:36 PM — 1. Removing the QM10 & QM40 buses would force several disabled individuals to walk 3/4 of a mile to Junction Ave. to board the QM12.
2. During rush-hour the disabled will not be able to board the new Q14 to reach Junction, since the Q14 will be packed like sardines (as the Q38 is now) with people going to the subway
3. The QM12 is already fairly crowded. Combining these riders with those of the QM10 & QM40 will result in some riders standing throughout their trip.
6/5/2022, 12:43 AM — Hi,
As a resident who commutes daily to manhattan, I rely on using the Q25 on 119th street and 9th ave. Please do not remove the Q25 line.
6/5/2022, 12:44 AM — Hello ,
Please Do not take Q25 because I take the bus every day
6/5/2022, 11:04 PM — The Q115 should be redesignated Q34 and operate via Brewer Blvd, left on Archer Av, right on Parsons Blvd, left on Kissena Blvd and terminate at Main St-Roosevelt Av.
This will provide access along Brewer Blvd to Queens College and Downtown Flushing
6/6/2022, 12:41 AM — I am writing this because nobody in my community wouldn’t complain I don’t know why but I live in the Bronx river projects and for years even when I was a kid the q44 would stop on harrod avenue next to my building. Then with this SBS that stop was taken away and limited stops were added in the Bronx. I get it faster service but the problem removing that stop I and others who work in queens live next to the highway and it’s exits. I notice the wait for cars to pass by so I can cross the exit walking to the stop. Then be on the lookout for non responsible drivers not crashing and hitting pedestrians walking to the bus stop. I am asking please bring back this bus stop because it was very convenient and easy for me and others to take the 44 into queens without going to Manhattan
6/6/2022, 8:03 AM — Have Q73 operate on 73 Av between Springfield Blvd and 164 St then turn right on 164 St and left on Jewel Av to absorb the Q64 route. This is better than the proposed Q10/Q64 combination.
The Q10 should be combined with the Q72 to provide a JFK-LGA route. This would be a split depot operation.
The Q82 should be redesignated as Q79 to avoid confusion with the Q2 at Belmont Park.
The Q115 should be redesignated Q34 and operate via Brewer Blvd, left on Archer Av, right on Parsons Blvd cutting onto Kissena Blvd and terminate at Main St-Roosevelt Av.
I am so happy that there are no "A", "B" or any letter suffix route designations. As I mentioned earlier the Q115 should be redesignated as Q34 here is a big suggestion concerning the other three digit routes:
Q104 should become Q36
Q105 should become Q15
Q109 should become Q64
Q111 should become Q71
Q114 should become Q74
Q61 and Q78 should be combined because the proposed Q78 has no subway connection. This new route could be the new Q41.
Although this might be repetitive, please look into these suggestions
6/6/2022, 8:26 AM — Please don't remove the QM5, QM35 bus stop at 197 Street and 73rd Ave. There are enough riders boarding at this stop in the morning to get to work in the morning. Also cutting down the number of scheduled buses to every 20 minutes is not great as sometimes the buses arrive early and leave early or arrive late and riders have to wait 20 minutes for the next bus and will be late for work (probably because they missed the earlier bus that left early). Have the bus drivers stick to their schedules. And if there is a delay, please update notification to Google Maps quicker. Lastly, stagger the QM5 and the QM35 better so they don't arrive at the same time. Thanks.
6/6/2022, 9:42 AM — Re: Proposed new QM7 route - The proposed new QM7 route, with the addition of stops on Queens Boulevard, will make an already long trip much longer. As it is, going eastbound towards Queens, the QM7 has consistently arrived at least 15 minutes or more after the time shown on the MTA schedule between the hours of 3 - 7 pm. Adding stops on Queens Boulevard will make the route even longer given current traffic on Queens Boulevard. This does not improve service for Union Turnpike riders west of 188 Street, who will also feel the impact of a decrease in express bus service due to the re-routing of the QM8. Please do not add the new Queens Boulevard stops. The bus ride is well over an hour as it is already from the last stop in Manhattan to the first stop in Queens both eastbound and westbound. Instead, **please maintain the current level of service by keeping the existing QM7 and QM8 routes**. To address the long routes for some QM8 riders, you may want to explore adding more Super Express QM8 rides--for example, going eastbound, one pick-up in Manhattan and drop-offs starting on 188 Streets; going westbound, a few pick-up points and then to the LIE on 188 Street. Thank you.
6/6/2022, 7:57 PM — MTA is proposing to remove all uptown buses for the X68 bus in the morning. This is a very bad idea because I currently used the uptown buses and they are already crowded now trying to eliminate will cause severe overcrowding for the down buses. These uptown buses are needed as it may be the only means of transport for some riders. This will add more than 30 minutes to each riders commute. This should be reconsidered and if possible at more uptown buses.
6/6/2022, 7:59 PM — In lieu of the recent subway climate, many people are turning away from that of steel wheels to those of rubber. The New York City bus system, which is well loved and mostly reliable to those who have frequented it for years is not under appreciated. Which is why the strong ridership of my morning uptown bus route beg to ask the question, what in God’s name is this redesign plan and who is benefiting, because it certainly won’t be us. Despite the city’s use case for a decline in ridership and proposal to make a morning commute more efficient will like many flashy urban revamps prove to only hurt those who don’t see a problem with the current route.
6/6/2022, 8:54 PM — I am in favor of the redesigned Q18 route. I like how the route is straightened out on the southern end to remain on 65th Place between Queens Blvd. and Maspeth. Zigzagging on those side streets is a time-waster. I also like how the stops are spread out further to increase travel times, even though my own stop will be eliminated. The current design feels ridiculous stopping on every other block. Please implement ASAP.
6/6/2022, 9:00 PM — I am in favor of the redesigned Q47 route. I like how it is straightened out on the southern end to go straight on 69th Street and not zig-zag on side streets. I also like how stops are spaced further apart to speed up travel times. I also love how the southern terminus goes to the M train on Metropolitan Avenue. Now I have more options to travel between Queens and Brooklyn or Queens and Manhattan! Implement this plan!
6/6/2022, 10:32 PM — Please save the Q41. Howard Beach needs it! Taking it away would leave us crippled. It would cause extra bus trips and extra fares. It would prevent some students from getting to high school, prevent people from getting to the Queens Court houses, from getting to doctors appointment, I’m getting to Jamaica Hospital, the Long Island Rail Rd., the E train, etc. Please do not take it away. Howard Beach is so frequently ignored and it feels discriminatory.
6/6/2022, 10:41 PM — There are a lot of people who rely on the Q27, Q88, and Q1 in Queens Village. By eliminating the Q27 and Q88 stops and forcing people to make transfers, how is that making public transportation better? It's already difficult without having to add a transfer. These stops shouldn't be removed.
6/6/2022, 10:43 PM — The redesign is going to inconvenience many young kids going to school and adults going to work. It’s already rough waiting for the bus because early in morning because many bus drivers don’t stop even though the bus is fully packed. Please reconsider this. College Point is already a neglected neighborhood. We can’t afford for these stops to not exist.
6/6/2022, 11:00 PM — Hi
I see that you are replacing the Q39 with Q67
Because a lot of people here in Ridgewood are going to Astoria it should be better to connect the Q18 with today's Q39 , so we can go directly to Astoria
6/6/2022, 11:03 PM — I have been taking the X68 for almost 20 years. I am sincerely asking that Queens Bus Network Redesign STRONGLY be reconsidered. As ridership has increased due to violence on the subway and covid fears, causing more drivers to drive in, the commute going into Manhattan has become almost unbearable. As someone who does not have the option to work remotely, I must go into work extremely early to account for more traffic. Potentially adding 20 or more minutes to my already long commute, would simply be a nightmare. My commute home is 2 to 2 1/2 hours long EVERY evening. I cannot be possibly subjected to a longer commute into Manhattan or returning home. I respectfully and humbly ask that the redesign be reconsidered. Thank you.
6/6/2022, 11:43 PM — This is leaving the residents of Lindenwood stranded. In addition, this route will eliminate the connection to the LIRR and Nassau County buses that the Q41 now provides! This is awful!
6/7/2022, 12:27 AM — Please don’t change the Q39 design. Many riders use this route in order to access the subway and LaGuardia College.
The new design will leave them in the middle of no where.
6/7/2022, 4:41 AM — PLEASE DO NOT get rid of the Q41 bus! So many of us in Howard Beach and Lindenwood use this bus to get to work and school. Eliminating the route would be devastating to our communities!!
6/7/2022, 7:09 AM — Please keep the Q46 stops on Union Turnpike at 170 St (eastbound) and 171st (westbound) which service St. John's University. The stops at Union Turnpike and 164th streets are closer to the stadiums but far from the main body of classroom and administrative buildings.
Thank you for considering this request.
6/7/2022, 8:16 AM — Here are some more personal comments:
Q12 and Q66 buses should start out on Roosevelt Avenue between Prince and Main Sts.
If Fresh Meadows bound Q17 buses terminate at 188 St-Union Tpke, let the bus turn left from 188 St onto Union Tpke and make its final drop off in front of "Romeo's Pizza". Buses would then go along Union Tpke, right onto 193 St, right onto 81 Av, right onto 188 St and pick up at the present Flushing bound Q17 stop.
Keep Q1 and Q6 as separate routes.
Redesigned Q82 as Q79 to avoid confusion with the existing Q2 route at Belmont Park.
How will Q57 buses be able to orturn around at Little Neck Pkwy-Hillside Av ?
If the Q73 becomes reality, please have DOT install a traffic light at 73 Av-182 St.
That's All Dr now!
6/7/2022, 9:44 AM — Please consider keeping the QM68 (X68) Stop at Queens Boulevard and Main Street. Please keep at least one of the Express Busses (X68, X63 or X64) going uptown on Third Avenue in Manhattan. With all the Express Buses going up Madison Avenue instead, you are adding travel time for all commuters who work on the East Side (1st and 2nd Avenues) in Midtown (East 40th to 57th Streets). PLEASE!!!!!!
6/7/2022, 1:28 PM — The proposed Q1 line seems good on paper, but my concern is for he Q6 portion especially by the subway which is always crowded, adding the Q1 load will make it even more crowded. Also, why remove the 115 Ave stop on the Q6 (1) line. I find it highly inconvenient to have to walk to (from) Linden Blvd especially when coming home. The 116 Ave stop isn't a preferred stop.
6/7/2022, 11:32 PM — Here is another important bus suggestion:
Extend the Q20 past Briarwood-Van Wyck station via left on Queens Blvd, left on Hillside Av, right on Parsons Blvd and absorb the Q111 route. This will eliminate another Jamaica layover. The only route to have layover in the Parsons-Hillside area would be the Q114 route.
If the Q1 and Q6 remain as separate routes, the Q6 would be the only route to layover in the Sutphin Hillside area. I am still suggesting that the Q40 be rerouted to 165th Street Terminal.
The Q20 would operate between Beechhurst and Rosedale.
6/8/2022, 3:22 AM — For the Q77, keep all the stops on Francis Lewis Blvd, between 115th Ave to Hollis, for the students and elderly riders going shopping at the local shopping plaza at Francis Lewis and Hollis. All the stops for the Q84 before and after Merrick Blvd should remain, you have many students and elderly passengers on this portion of the route. Keep all the stops before and after Merrick on the Q4 route. Keep all the stops between Springfield Blvd/119 ave to Hillside Ave, for the students.
6/8/2022, 4:16 AM — I am writing regarding the Queens Bus Network Redesign Draft Plan. It is my understanding that the thought behind the redesign of the Queens bus routes is to make using the buses easier and faster. In my community of Howard Beach, in order to access Crossbay Blvd., on of our two main commercial districts, a bus rider would have to take the Q-11 to Pitkin Ave in Ozone Park, cross to the southbound side of Crossbay Blvd and then access a southbound Q-52/Q-53 back to Howard Beach. The other main commercial district is located at the Lindenwood Shopping Center which is bordered between 83rd Street to the west, 84th Street to the east, 153 Ave to the south and 151 Ave to the north. The Lindenwood Shopping Center and Crossbay Blvd are home to a wide variety of services such as doctors, dentists, pharmacies, supermarkets, banking, restaurants and so much more but currently the only way to gain access to most of these services it to drive.
My suggestion would be to create a Crosstown Howard Beach route. The route could start in Old Howard Beach at 102 Street and 152 Avenue, a short walk from the MTA Howard Beach Airtrain/A train station. the bus would turn left onto 157 Avenue stopping at 99 Street,. It would then proceed west across Crossbay Blvd into New Howard Beach stopping at 92 Street following the current Q-41 route into Lindenwood. The route would change slightly as the crosstown route would continue straight on 84th Street and then turning east onto 151 Avenue and traveling back to 84th Street where it would then retrace the route back to Old Howard Beach along 15 Ave. Turning right onto 101 street, stopping at the existing Q-11 stops as it proceeds to 160 Ave. Turning east onto 160 Ave and north onto 102 street, thus completing the route. It would be approximately 4 miles long and make all of the business areas accessible to those who cannot or do not want to drive. It would be yet another way to get more vehicles off the streets. In addition to the Crosstown Howard Beach route, there is another recommendation regarding the Express Bus. Currently while each having a different starting point, Howard Beach is serviced by three Express Buses (QM-15, QM-16 and QM-17) however, all three routes terminate in Mid-town Manhattan. We would like to suggest that the QM-15 be rerouted to terminate in Downtown Manhattan. Both the QM-16 and QM-17 originate on the Rockaway Peninsula where commuters have th eoption of taking the Rockaway Ferry or the A train to lower Manhattan however in Howard Beach, there is no such option with the A Train serving as the only choice. With the current crime rate in the subway system a safer and more comfortable rider experience would be the Express Bus.
6/8/2022, 4:24 AM — I'm writing in opposition to the newly proposed bus route changes that will adversely affect my community. Under the current proposal, both Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach Q-11 routes would be shortened, terminating at Rockaway Blvd. and Liberty Ave., eliminating the current one-sea ride to Queens Center Mall. A great issue to the proposed route would not connect to Crossbay Blvd., until Rockaway Blvd. This will adversely affect students attending JHS/HS 202. Students depend on both Q-11 buses, which currently stop at Pitkin Ave, to get to school but they will not add almost two miles and approximately 25 minutes to their bus ride by making them transfer to Rockaway Blvd. to a south bound Q-21, Q-52 or Q-53.
To make matters worse, both the proposed Hamilton Beach and Howard beach Q-11 peak hour frequencies would be decreased and the route would no longer run 24 hours. Many in our community work in the service industry at Queens Center Mall as well as the shops and restaurants on Woodhaven Blvd. They rely on bus service to get to work and their work schedules often has them working into the early morning hours. The elimination of overnight service will severely impact these residents, both your and old, by leaving a transportation desert for several hours during the overnight.
I ask that the MTA look at a workable compromise. This would be to combine both Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach Q-11 service into one route. The Q-11 could serve both communities by means of a loop, thereby doubling bus service for both communities whil adding about 6 minutes to the rite. Thank you.
6/8/2022, 6:28 AM — B53 bus to go to the Gateway Mall
It would be more accessible for people to go to the mall
6/8/2022, 6:39 AM — The Q8 bus should still go to the Gateway Mall after that Go to New Lots Avenue and Livonia and back Gateway mall and towards Queens
The service should be 24 hours
6/8/2022, 7:02 AM — Q51-SBS should I go to East New York
New Lots ave By 3 train and go back to the Gateway Mall after the go back to Queens
6/8/2022, 7:26 AM — Q109 bus should go crowns Heights Eastern Parkway Utica Avenue Brooklyn
By the 3 and 4 train
And Q109 should leave Euclid Avenue and go to the Gateway Mall after that go to Brookdale Hospital and then Eastern Parkway Utica Avenue Crowns Heights in both. directions
Should be 24-hour
6/8/2022, 8:13 AM — I am a healthcare worker needed to access immediate need to both Bellevue and nyu, switching the bus stop is going to cause a huge disruption in my commute and affecting how fast I can get to my patients. Please reconsider this bus design as it will be more hurtful that helpful
6/8/2022, 1:01 PM — From comments made at the last Queens Bus Network Redesign workshop on June 2, 2022, some riders expressed frustration regarding the MTA's proposal shifting the Q35 route from Newport Avenue to Rockaway Beach Boulevard. To make the Q35 route a more cost-effective route just leave the route on Newport Avenue in the Rockaway Peninsula but on the Brooklyn end of the route it might make sense to extend the Q35 route further north via limited stops along Flatbush Avenue up to either Atlantic Avenue/Flatbush Avenue - Barclays Center or up to Grand Army Plaza. This would basically combine the Q35 route with a large segment of the B41 Limited route thus eliminating overlapping segments of both routes between Avenue U and Avenue H/Glenwood Road. If the Q35 would incorporate a large segment to the B41 limited stop service as part of the Queens & Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign projects the MTA would need only to provide local bus service for Flatbush Avenue under the B41 route banner for the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign Plan. Additionally, what also would then need to be addressed in the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign as well is the operation of a few free shuttle bus routes that could connect various parts of Williamsburg, Dumbo, Downtown Brooklyn & Prospect Heights together so that some bus routes could be curtailed at various points such as at the Barclays Center or at Grand Army Plaza including the B41 local route. For example, the southern segment of the present B67/B69 route could just operate between Cortelyou Road and the Barclays Center. A new circular free shuttle bus operating in both directions along Vanderbilt Avenue, (Grand Army Plaza loop Plaza Street East one way Plaza Street West opposite way), Flatbush Avenue, Livingston Street, Smith Street, Jay Street, Sands Street, Gold Street, York Street, Navy Street, Flushing Avenue, back to Vanderbilt Avenue etc. Another free shuttle bus could operate between Jay Street - Metro Tech and Williamsburg Bridge Plaza via B67 routing and then along Division Havemeyer Street to Broadway which would address the lost segment of the B67 route. The B25 route could be cut back to Cadman Plaza while another free Shuttle bus operate between Jay Street to Water Street/Main Street Dumbo area as well. All of these free shuttle bus routes would be connecting a host of neighborhoods together thus sparking economic development in Brooklyn plus it would also reduce congestion in central Downtown, Brooklyn by reducing the amount of bus routes serving that central area.
6/8/2022, 1:09 PM — From comments made at the last Queens Bus Network Redesign workshop on June 2, 2022, the Rockaway community wants the Q22 route to be extended back to Beach 169th Street on its western end and cut back on its eastern end to Far Rockaway- Mott Avenue at Beach 20th Street but then extended east in a new routing to terminate at the LIRR Far Rockaway Station via Redfern Avenue returning back via Nameoke Avenue to Central Avenue to Mott Avenue. Regarding bus service to the former area of the Q113 route and Q114 route in the eastern Rockaway - Five Towns area plus the former Q22A route service to Bayswater a new route or a new free shuttle route called the Q22A or Q114A should be established which would travel from Dunbar Street - Mott Avenue Bayswater to the Rockaway Turnpike- Five Towns Shopping Center via Mott Avenue, Central Avenue, Doughty Boulevard, Mott Avenue(Nassau County), and Rockaway Turnpike to serve the former Q22A route and former Q113 and Q114 areas lost under the present redesign proposal. Please note Doughty Boulevard should be used in this new routing 9rather than the Nassau Expressway) in order for this new route to serve the Inwood LIRR Station plus to provide another transfer location between this route and the Q114 route at Bayview Avenue/Doughty Boulevard. Make sure the Q114 stop is maintained at Doughty Boulevard in the Northbound Direction as only shown being added in the southbound direction and says due to new routing which is also incorrect as this is a existing stop on the Q114 already (which shows someone on your staff was confused possibly because the Q114 Limited stops are not indicated in that area on the current Queens Bus Map like indicated for the Q113 route). Free additional transfers to and from the Q22 and Q114 routes should be provided at various locations such as at Beach Channel Drive/Mott Avenue, Doughty Boulevard/Bayview Avenue (Q114 only) & at the Five Towns Shopping Center/Meyer Avenue (Q114 only). Your office needs to then review the stops being kept removed etc. on the Q114 and Q22 routes as well. With the Q22 being shortened on its eastern end no point in removing so many stops to improve reliability. As part of the Brooklyn Bus Redesign Project your office may want to consider extending the Q22 route from Beach 169th Street to either the Sheepshead Bay Subway Station or merging the Q22 route with the B2 route. Your office should also consider extending the QM17 express route to Dunbar Street/Mott Avenue in Bayswater as well. The reclamation of bus service for the Bayswater community would help increase ridership on this new shuttle connecting route as well as increase ridership on the QM17 express route as well.
6/8/2022, 11:08 PM — Hello,
In regards to the QM68 new bus route, this propsal does is not beneficial for the people that work in the midtown/uptown area.
It seems this will add on additional time to our commute, at least 20 minutes. There is already such high traffic in Manattan and heading downtown first and then back to midtown would take even longer.
These routes have been working well for us for many years. I don't see how this will help us but make our commute even worse. I hope you would reconsider this change.
Thank you,
6/9/2022, 12:16 AM — Hello,
I strongly oppose the elimination of the QM10 express bus that services Rego Park, a part of Corona and Elmhurst. Commuters who live near Horace Harding Expwy/Westside Ave and Lefrak City will be forced to walk about one-half mile or take a local bus to connect to an express bus. Many people who ride the QM10 have disabilities and use a cane. Eliminating the QM10 will create a hardship and a commuting problem for many people. Forcing people to ride the QM12 will only exacerbate an already crowded bus line.
In closing, the MTA should be creating additional transportation alternatives in an effort to get people back into the office in Manhattan.
Thank you,
6/9/2022, 3:44 AM — Please don’t remove the metropolitan and 71st stop - consolidating along Yellowstone is fine but this is an important stop for anyone not lucky enough to be close to Yellowstone
6/9/2022, 4:41 AM — QM4- People are upset that the Bus will stop running on the weekends and that despite stops being removed, the proposed peak frequency is worse, going from 23 mins to 26 mins. Weekend service must stay and first trip times must not get worse.
Q65- many people who have called our office are upset with the changes to the Q65 and the fact that it will no longer go to the College Point area when it serves a very important purpose of connecting College point to the train system.
Q31- Many people in the neighborhood are very upset that the Q31 will no longer stop at Bayside Highschool meaning that kids who get off at where the q28 is intended to run will have to get on a already packed q28 or walk through the entire neighborhood just to get to school when before they would just get off at the front door steps of the school.
Q25- people are rather upset about the number of buses going to College point are being reduced or being implemented in way that require two or more bus transfers.
Q20- major issue with everyone that we speak with is the access to the shopping center
Thanks Marco Cruz - staff member for Daniel Rosenthal AD27
6/9/2022, 10:23 AM — Q73:
This is one of the projects that MTA & NYC considered to implement after long overdue. In the past the City gave up on two big Queens’ projects like Olympic Stadium and Amazon Warehouse. Now crime and homelessness have gone up. Unemployment is high. I believe the elected politicians & Officials may regret missing those projects, thus short of tax money to control crimes and & solve homelessness. MTA cannot be a loser but has to be a cash cow for the City by finding innovative projects with buses, as any expansion with Subways is not easy. Buses burn less gas, take extremely small space on the road and don't clog roads, and take no parking space on the street. It is good to see MTA in an expansion mood after two years of shirking because of Covid. The City's property tax is favorable to residents and Businesses. But people are leaving to other areas, seeking better greenery. One can explain this phenomenon only by pointing their fingers at poor Infrastructure and high crime. Time for us to be progressive and be positive attitude citizens so all of us can enjoy life in The City.
6/9/2022, 2:11 PM — Long Island City, and all of Queens need a bus through the Midtown Tunnel. Access to the East 30s by a method other than the ferry which drops one at the river could alleviate overcrowding on the non-accessible 7 train.
6/9/2022, 10:36 PM — I am a Rochdale Village, Inc. resident. Currently, I take the Q111, Q114, and Q113. I get on the bus at 137th Avenue and Guy R Brewer Blvd. to transfer at the Jamaica station. It will be an inconvenience to remove the bus stops at 137th Ave., 134th Ave., Baisley Blvd., etc. Rochdale Village is a large complex with 20 buildings. Why would the MTA remove those stops along that route when people must have those stops to get to their destination. Eliminating the Q113 and replacing it with the Q115 will lead to a longer wait time for the bus because the Q111 and Q114 will bypass my stop at 137th Ave. I must have the unlimited express bus to get to my destination faster. If the bus stops in Rochdale Village, Inc. is not broken then do not change those bus stops thinking you are fixing it; it will only be an inconvenience and lead to added frustrations. So please do not fix what is not broken and keep those aforementioned bus stops and not remove them. (Concerned Customer Passenger) Ms. Dolphin?
6/10/2022, 5:42 AM — What happened to the Q15/15A in this new redesign? Even though I’m retired, I regularly use this bus line to get to Main Street/Flushing and to do grocery shopping (153-01 10th Avenue/North Shore Farms & CVS; 153-01 Cross Island Parkway (Key Food) plus to my laundromat at 150th St/14th Avenue). I no longer own a car and the Q15/15A was perfect & convenient for my needs.
6/11/2022, 12:37 AM — Hi!
I am very concerned about the Queens bus route changes. I take the Q18 and Q67 buses in my area of Maspeth. I take the Q18 bus to the #7 express train in Woodside and the Q67 train to Long Island City for all other trains (the E, M, 7). I bought my apartment in Maspeth because of the proximity of these two buses. I understand the Q18 bus would be re-routed far away from where I currently get it on 53rd Avenue and 65th Place AND the Q67 would be eliminated from my area. I do not have a car and the buses are my lifeline to work, shopping and other errands. Do you know how many people in this area use the buses to go about their business? Do you know how many people in the co-op apartments use these buses?
Please do not change these buses.They are essential, crucial transportation routes in Maspeth and have been for a long time.
6/11/2022, 5:15 AM — In short , I do believe that adding this route to our neighborhood would be a great thing. Unfortunately there is some information in the neighborhood that is being circulated due to shortsightedness that I hope will not derail this effort to help alleviate what has been a transportation desert.
There has been information circulating in our neighborhood that is just misinformed - one of the neighbors wrote an opinion letter saying that the bus route would negatively effect housing prices, would increase pollution, would increase crime etc etc etc. All things which can easily be debunked with some research.
Unfortunately a lot of the aged population, like my mother who has lived in the neighborhood for the last 50 years do not have the ability to search the internet. I am hoping that the MTA can send out mailers to the local residents to combat this misinformation . People like my mother are more likely to see this information and believe it.
I do hope that this becomes a reality for our neighborhood. I can see commutes for some being cut and also being made much more pleasant with everyone not having to cram into the Q46 bus in the morning.
6/12/2022, 11:33 AM — As a resident of Long Island City and someone whose job is in Midtown Manhattan, this would be huge for our community. Thank you for your consideration to ease the lives of New Yorkers!
6/12/2022, 7:32 PM — There are only 1,2 express bus from forest Hills/ Kew Gardens going to downtown Manhattan. The bus is always packed too even at 6 am. If there are more stop added to QM 7(along Queens Blvd), will every passenger able to can get onto the bus. Meanwhile, I can always see the QM4 or QM44 have only a few passengers or even zero. Maybe we can extend the stop of QM4/QM44 to downtown or convert one of these to downtown loop?
6/13/2022, 1:56 AM — Regarding the proposed Q78, I think it would be better to extend the southern terminus to JFK and provide direct service to the terminals rather than having it end at Rockaway Turnpike. It would provide a better connection to the airport for everybody in Eastern Queens.
6/13/2022, 7:17 PM — Re-routing is only benefiting MTA not commuters. Whole communities were built with public transportation access and homebuyers attracted to move to these areas, now your cost benefitting approach is hurting strap-holders.
This move is disrespectful and discriminating.
6/13/2022, 9:50 PM — It feels like there are less rush hour buses. I take the bus instead of walking 15 minutes to the Parson station. Although there are three bus options, Q34, Q25 and Q25 limited, I find myself walking because it is faster than waiting for the bus. Thankfully, my walk is not too long and I don’t not have mobility needs. Regardless, there should be more buses during rush hour and the rush hour could be extended.
I get off work around 6pm from Manhattan so I commute to the Parsons to by around 6:45-7pm and there is rarely a bus.
If I could attach photos, I’d show my bus delay this morning. Thank you for considering these comments.
6/13/2022, 11:04 PM — On June 1, 2022 I submitted this part of comment below as cataloged as part of the :[220601-000903] response number to my submission in which I will now provide another option to this part of the previous suggestion copy and pasted below: "Some thought should also be given to extend the Q46 route on its western end from Kew Gardens to 71st Avenue - Forest Hills via limited stops along Queen Boulevard., then 108th Street to Yellowstone Boulevard and then Yellowstone Boulevard to Woodhaven Boulevard and Woodhaven Boulevard to Metropolitan Avenue to terminate along Metropolitan Avenue(w/b) between Woodhaven Boulevard and Cooper Avenue for transfer to the Q52 and Q53 to the Rockaways. The returning eastbound Q46 route could then make a right turn at Cooper Avenue and travel north along Cooper Avenue making a left turn on to Woodhaven Boulevard and then a right turn on to Yellowstone Boulevard to proceed back to Queens Boulevard making a right turn and then continue east toward Kew Gardens. Additionally, the MTA could also look into extending the Q53 route further west in the Rockaways to Jacob Riis Park and terminating at Beach 169th Street and extending the Q52 route further east to Beach 20th Street/Seagirt Boulevard to terminate. All of the above changes along with having some of the Q43 buses as well as some of the Q46 buses also being extended on their eastern end from Lakeville Road to Great Neck via N25 routing would then provide access to LIJ Hospital, Lake Success and Great Neck from virtually any point in Queens via two buses." Another second option to the previous submission number #[220601-000903] made on June 1, 2022 would be to have the Q46 extended only up to the 71st Avenue Forest Hills Subway Station along Queens Boulevard near 71st Avenue and returning back eastbound via Jewel Avenue and 108th Street back to Queens Boulevard(e/b) which is a great turnaround location then the current method of a wide U turn at 77th Avenue/Queens Boulevard in Kew Gardens. Also under this second option the Q52 route would also be revised to no longer serve points along Woodhaven Boulevard north of Yellowstone Boulevard but be rerouted to the Forest Hills Subway Station via Yellowstone Boulevard. At that point if warranted the Q52 could also be combined with the Q64 route and travel up to the Horace Harding Expressway at 164th Street and then extended to some point further east to Queensborough Community College via the Horace Harding Expressway or further north to Downtown, Flushing via 164th Street, 46th Avenue, Parsons Boulevard & Sanford Avenue. Additionally, under this second option the MTA should also look into extending the Q53 route further west in the Rockaways to Jacob Riis Park and terminating at Beach 169th Street and extending the Q52 route further east to Beach 20th Street/Seagirt Boulevard to terminate. One new issue under this second option is that passengers should be able to switch between the Q52 and Q53 routes without having an additional fare being deducted from their MetroCard or under OMNY so that Q53 riders would have one fare access to transfer to other routes at Forest Hills and Q52 riders would have access to transfer to other routes at Elmhurst and Jackson Heights. In summary, by having the Q52 &Q53 routes serve two different markets on the northern end of the route would provide access to more communities for most passengers boarding along the Cross Bay Boulevard/Woodhaven Boulevard sections of the route although it would cut off direct bus service to Elmhurst and Jackson Heights from the eastern Q52 Rockaway Peninsula areas plus not have direct service to Forest Hills for passengers from the western Q53 Rockaway Peninsula area unless each route was also to be further divided into two branches or instead converted into four separate routes rather than two routes.
6/14/2022, 1:33 AM — Here are some better suggestions:
First, please keep the Q1 and Q6 as separate routes. The Q6 should start at Hillside-Sutphin Station and travel its new route to JFK Cargo Plaza.
The Q115 proposal should be changed, instead of going to Flushing, let the Q115 make a right onto Hillside Av then after 165 St combine itself with the Q76 which is still underutilized during the non-rush hours. The new Q76 would operate between College Point and Springfield Gardens.
Next, the Q20 should be extended past Briarwood-Van Wyck station by turning left on Queens Blvd, left on Hillside Av then right on Parsons Blvd and absorb the Q111 route. The new Q20 would operate between Beechhurst and Rosedale.
The only route to layover at Hillside-Parsons would be the Q114.
Don't forget to redesignate the three digit routes:
Q104 would become Q36
Q105 would become Q15
Q109 would become Q64
Q111 absorbed onto Q20
Q114 would become Q74
Q115 absorbed onto Q76
6/14/2022, 5:18 AM — I rely on several buses to get me to and from work in the Bronx (Q5, Q84, and the Q3) for the past eight years. As a 2nd generation home owner living in a desirable two fare zone, I have experienced many years of frustrations with the existing Q5 bus service particularly when I have waited to catch this bus after 7:30 pm weekday evenings coming home from work. Many times, I did not have access to a car. Nor did I have someone to come pick me up at the train station. At this time in the evening I would wait up to 40 minutes or more for the Q5 to arrive. Finally, I resorted to deliberately taking the F train to the 179th Street station to catch the Q3 bus home. I would had to walk from Farmers and Merrick several blocks before arriving to my destination. I do not understand why daily the Q5 does not run as frequent as other buses in other neighborhoods particularly after 4PM.
I have observed this even when trying to catch the Q5 leaving Queens beginning at the corner of Selover Road and Merrick Boulevard at 4:00pm in the afternoon in route to an important meeting held in Manhattan. Recently, a bus driver had the nerve to inform me that I should not be upset because an operating bus passed me just 1 minute prior to his arrival. You see these Q5 buses were literally back to back. This driver was reacting to the expression of disappointment and disgust on my face. This driver expected me to be grateful I finally got on the bus. My question is: Why would two buses arrive so close together finally when five empty Q5 buses (with no passengers) rolled past as I stood in shock and disbelief at MTA's poor scheduling. This has been going on for years as far back as I can recall. I attend my graduate school’s alumni meetings in the city once a month and as I plan, I anticipate a one hour and 1/2 journey is guaranteed going to take me up to a span of 2 1/2 hours. If the plan is to eliminate stops to any of these bus routes it will certainly impact the quality of life for not just me but all of my community members. As a tax payer I have suffered from such neglect when it comes to the way MTA manages the bus routes and service to my neighborhood. Enough is enough! The MTA has to do better! There are many in my neighborhood who rely of these buses to get to work, school, church, the stores and other vital businesses who employ individuals who rely on the bus to get to work. The elimination of bus stops will surely inconvenience many. I would not doubt this redesign will impact this community's economy in the long term. Perhaps MTA is not aware of this? There has to be some other way to do this redesign plan.
6/14/2022, 7:15 AM — Here is a comment regarding the keeping of Q1 and Q6 as two separate routes: With the Q1 Queens Village branch being discontinued, the Q6 can operate the length of Sutphin Blvd, turn right onto Hillside Av, turn right on to Merrick Blvd onto the present Q1 Queens Village slot at 165 St. Terminal. This will eliminate the need for layover at Sutphin-Hillside.
I also suggested that Q40 terminate at 165 St. Terminal.
I also suggested that the Q40 terminate at 165 St. Terminal.
6/14/2022, 7:23 AM — First the q104 should only do the top/bottom part of the island and another route should to the other to avoid looping around the entire island trust me it’s slow limit is 15mph one bus can do one end and another bus can do the other. Then the 104 after serving the island should travel down bway to queens blvd then to 63 rd drive then follow current q38 until 108st. Or stop it at the malls at rego
Q18 should be rerouted after woodside 61 to travel thru woodside to 69st, then take 69st til end at middle village for a transfer to M train terming at metro mall
6/14/2022, 8:23 AM — 2years ago before Covid I attended one of these workshops with your new design it just is the same horrible update as last time taking the bus service away from the area I live in Maspeth 53 ave stop. Please tell me how this will be faster commute to the city for me
Or my neighbors ….we have to walk approx 30 mins in the morning to a bus stop & walking home that route in the evening is not safe. Why does the service have to cleaned out in our area so unfair. So many kids get that bus to school down to LIC . MTA should not be promoting this as a faster service for who I may ask??? Please advice when your planning to roll out this awful new service. I thought NYC wanted less cars on the road it’s a joke . Please give me some positive feedback on this issue?
6/14/2022, 8:23 AM — 2years ago before Covid I attended one of these workshops with your new design it just is the same horrible update as last time taking the bus service away from the area I live in Maspeth 53 ave stop. Please tell me how this will be faster commute to the city for me
Or my neighbors ….we have to walk approx 30 mins in the morning to a bus stop & walking home that route in the evening is not safe. Why does the service have to cleaned out in our area so unfair. So many kids get that bus to school down to LIC . MTA should not be promoting this as a faster service for who I may ask??? Please advice when your planning to roll out this awful new service. I thought NYC wanted less cars on the road it’s a joke . Please give me some positive feedback on this issue?
6/14/2022, 11:32 PM — For the most part, I do not have any qualms about the Queens Bus Redesign, especially Express Buses QM2, QM20 and QM32. However, for the QM20 westbound morning route, I would usually get on at 17th Avenue and Willets Point Boulevard as there is a bus shelter with benches to sit on which is advantageous to me as a person with chronic back issues. With the redesign plan for the QM20, the 17th Ave and Willets Point Blvd stop is eliminated and I would need to go to 19th Avenue and Willets Point Blvd. And there is no bus shelter with benches. Would the MTA please install at least benches as this stop. Thank you for your time and consideration.
6/15/2022, 4:43 AM — Your agency might want to take a look at adding a RUSH or CROSSTOWN/SBS bus route between the Green Acres Shopping Center and some major transfer point in Brooklyn. The route structure could parallel the Q85 route between the Green Acres Shopping Center and Springfield Boulevard/North & South Conduit avenues but this new route would then continue on the North Conduit Avenue(w/b)/South Conduit Avenue(e/b) to/from Rockaway Boulevard and then travel west to Cross Bay Boulevard/Rockaway Boulevard. Along Rockaway Boulevard the bus should only make limited stops to Cross Bay Boulevard/Rockaway Boulevard. At Cross Bay Boulevard the bus could then travel south to 149th Avenue(westbound)/North Conduit Avenue & South Conduit Avenue(eastbound) to/from Linden Boulevard or to/from Sutter Avenue in Brooklyn. As part of the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign Project your agency would then determine where this route should travel in Brooklyn if it is implemented.
6/15/2022, 5:05 AM — Marilyn is an elderly 83 year old bus rider who uses the Q18 and q47. She appreciates that the bus stops are close by her house. She feels seniors needs were not considered when the plans are drawn, as the stops are far from designation points. She's asking that the changes not be so drastic.
6/15/2022, 6:23 AM — LOCAL BUS PRIORITIES
Q11 - The MTA proposes to shorten the Q11 Howard Beach/Woodhaven Boulevard bus route by ending its services at Woodhaven and Rockaway Boulevards and Liberty Avenue, stating that services beyond this point are redundant (p. 89). From a customers perspective, the Q11s services are vitally needed beyond this point to enable us to reach Aqueduct Raceway, a mass vaccination site throughout the pandemic, and the JFK AirTrain-Howard Beach station, the gateway to JFK International Airport.
Q29 - The MTA plans to completely eliminate the vital cross-town route of the Q29, which runs on Dry Harbor Road and 80th Street connecting Glendale/Middle Village to Jackson Heights at the 82nd
Street Subway Station on the 7 line, and along the bus route, access to and from important institutions and resources: Elmhurst Hospital, Newton High School, Cathedral Preparatory Seminary, the Queens Center Mall, Resurrection Ascension Academy and Church, Madison York Assisted Living Facility, Dry Harbor Nursing Home, Juniper Valley Park, St. Margarets Academy and Church, St. John Cemetery, and the Atlas Mall.
In place of the Q29 bus route, the MTA proposes that bus riders mix and match four different bus routes, including a new one, the Q80, to get to their destinations (p. 50, p. 130, p. 300). The new Q80 is a 3.4 mile spur that allows Glendale/Middle Village bus riders to travel to and from the M and R local subway stop at Grand Avenue and Queens Boulevard (p. 300). The MTA plan does not explain why adding a bus service to the M and R train requires eliminating the Q 29 bus service to and from the 7 line in Jackson Heights. Customers seek a both/and solution retention of the existing Q29 bus route and the additional bus services the MTA has proposed for the Grand Avenue and Queens Boulevard local subway stop.
Q47 - The MTA carves out a core part of the Q47 cross-town bus route that runs through Maspeth and connects Glendale/Middle Village bus riders with Woodside, the Roosevelt Avenue Bus and Subway Hub in Jackson Heights, Monsignor Clancy Memorial High School, Lexington School for the Deaf, and LaGuardia Airport in East Elmhurst. Customers agree with the MTA that service along a very short part of the Q47 bus route a total of three bus stops on Calamus Avenue in Maspeth --- should be discontinued (p. 220). However, this problem can be remedied by removing the three bus stops from the Q47 route and allowing the bus to proceed on Grand Avenue, the main business thoroughfare in Maspeth. At the intersection of 69 Street and Grand Avenue, the Q47 can turn right onto 69 Street and proceed on its original route. The Q47 bus route also includes one left turn at the corner of 80 Street and Grand Avenue. However, there is no oncoming traffic at that corner and there is no basis for the MTA to bring an end to cross-town service Q47 based on its adoption of the UPS left turn policy.
Glendale/Middle Village bus riders have relied on the Q47 bus route for decades. Many of us bought homes in the area and decided where to send our children to school based on proximity to the Q47 bus route. It is our only cross-town connection to priority destinations in Maspeth, Woodside, Jackson Heights and East Elmhurst. Again we ask why must additional bus services proposed at one end of our community come at the expense of deleting a long established direct cross-town connections? Again, customers ask for a both/and solution -- retention of the existing Q47 bus route and the additional bus services the MTA has proposed for the Middle Village local subway stop on Metropolitan Avenue. .
On the eve of implementation of congestion pricing and a hoped for post-pandemic recovery, expanding the infrastructure for express bus services is paramount. The 2022 Draft Plan does the opposite. It projects the loss of two express bus lines in our community: the QM 10/40 and the BM 5 (p. 47). Moreover,
6/15/2022, 6:23 AM — adding copy of letter to Chairman on same issues/concerns -- for public record; no additional response required
6/15/2022, 6:44 AM — Please do not end the QM10 bus route. Many riders that live in the Lefrak City area use it to commute to and from work. The ridership has only increased and it is a vitally important transportation vehicle for of us who do not want to ride the subway trains. Please do not end the QM10 bus route.
6/15/2022, 9:21 AM — Can you create a better connection between the Q50, SBS Q44, and Bx5? Adding a Bx5 bus stop near the Home Depot on Bruckner Blvd close to the SBS Q44 stop would make for a more direct transfer.
6/16/2022, 8:04 AM — Here are some more comments:
Routes Q17, Q26 and Q27 should be based at Casey Stengel Depot.
Routes Q32 and Q50 should be based at LaGuardia Depot.
Route Q83 should be based at Jamaica Depot.
Route Q51 should be based at Queens Village depot.
Route Q52 AND should be extended to Far Rockaway
Route Q53 AND should be extended to Jacob Ri is Ok
Combine Q10 with Q72
6/16/2022, 7:19 PM — I want to discuss about q77 proposal. It looks as if it is to terminate at around merrick blvd. Why not the southbound make a left turn on 130 ave and run along 130 ave to hook creek and right turn on hook creek blvd and right turn on merrick blvd terminating on merrick...return trip continue on merrick right turn on brookville blvd left turn on 130 ave the right turn on Springfield blvd and regular...this can be a great thing because service is very limited in this area and it will make it feel a little more connected
6/16/2022, 7:19 PM — I want to discuss about q77 proposal. It looks as if it is to terminate at around merrick blvd. Why not the southbound make a left turn on 130 ave and run along 130 ave to hook creek and right turn on hook creek blvd and right turn on merrick blvd terminating on merrick...return trip continue on merrick right turn on brookville blvd left turn on 130 ave the right turn on Springfield blvd and regular...this can be a great thing because service is very limited in this area and it will make it feel a little more connected
6/17/2022, 1:02 AM — Please leave the Q53 terminal in Woodside. I love taking a one ride to the beach during the summer. Even if only some buses start there it would make such a difference than having to take another bus or subway to get to Jackson Heights to get this bus.
6/18/2022, 2:33 AM — Please don’t change the q101 form Steinway street manhattan. It’s would be a burden to the seniors and disability who can’t use the Steinway street subway station due to it is not a ADA accessible station it would be a burden to them by handing to pay twice just to transfer to m15 bus because they only would get one transfer to q60 or q32 bus witch ever get their first . Why not just add it theQ68 bus to increase service to Astoria .
6/18/2022, 11:34 PM — Don't understand running the Q105 on 31st street with nearly the same stops as the N/W subway line. Why would you take an express option away on 21st street that doesn't turn up to Queens plaza South. 31st street under the train for another bus does not seem logical. I was born and raised in Astoria and this is disheartening for those of us who live closer to 21st street and now have to walk up to 31st to get to Queens plaza without connecting. Awful choice. Also, eliminating the M60 bus? not sure if this is the case but again another awful choice for those of us that go into certain parts of Manhattan
6/19/2022, 11:46 PM — We use Q25 bus for local transportation. The new plan use Q17 to replace Q25 between College Point and Flushing main street. It removes many local stops in the name of improve efficiency. It does not concern if one want to get those location especially for senior citizen. It is a plan design reach subway station and totally forget about local transportation issues. I think this is the design issue from somebody never took the bus before. Please correct this problem.
6/20/2022, 9:03 AM — Base routes Q32 and Q50 at LaGuardia Depot.
Modify Q73 by operating along 73 Avenue between Springfield Boulevard and 164 Street, then go onto Jewel Avenue and absorb route Q64.
Combine Q10 and Q72 to a JFK-LGA route.
Route Q76 Jamaica bound should continue along Hillside Avenue then turn left on Parsons Boulevard and absorb the Q115 route.
Combine Q20 with Q111.
Redesignate Q82 as Q79 to avoid confusion with the existing Q2 at Belmont Park.
Redesigned the three digit routes:
Q104 to become Q36
Q105 to become Q15
Q109 to become Q64
Q111 combine with Q20
Q114 to become Q74
Q115 combine with Q76
That's All For Now!
6/20/2022, 11:34 AM — I think that for the most part, the second draft is better for us residents in Queens Village than the first one and it addressed some of the issues brought up from the first time. My concerns, along with my neighbors, now involve the existing Q1, Q27, and Q88 routes along Springfield Blvd. More specifically:
1) With this proposed removal of the Q1 along Springfield Blvd, this would creates a two-fare zone for those unable to make a lengthy walk to nearby bus lines and need to get to the subway station. This is rather unfair as we are already far from the city and there are no subways in eastern Queens past Jamaica so should be addressed.
2) The proposed frequencies along the Q73 line are rather weak and would not adequately serve school-day demands that the current Q27 does. This can be alleviated by rerouting the Q26 as in the first draft on the QT31 where it took the Horace Harding Expwy between Hollis Court Blvd and Springfield Blvd, instead of using 73rd Av.
3) The existing Q88 route allows eastern Queens riders along 73rd Av in Fresh Meadows, Windsor Oaks, Oakland Gardens and those along Springfield Blvd in Queens Village to get to western Queens areas like Elmhurst and Corona with just one bus. This is important for us to get to the shopping centers at Queens Center Mall and 188th St, the numerous schools along the expressway, and the many homecare workers seeking Corona and Elmhurst for their patients. Some of us use the Q88 first to connect with other buses as well. The line was also growing in ridership prior to the pandemic. With the proposed change in the second draft, there would be an additional transfer to be made for all riders and some of us would be charged again since we would be taking three buses in the plan instead of two buses. We would like to see the Q88 route left alone and improved upon with additional service as it starts too late (8am, 9am) on weekends.
6/20/2022, 8:07 PM — Elderly and handicapped people take the Q38 to Metropolitan Ave Station because it is ground level. If you change the bus routes so that they have to take the Q14 to Fresh Pond Road, how will they get around?
It's hard enough traveling around via above-ground public transportation during the winter and these changes will make everything more difficult.
6/21/2022, 2:49 AM — What BUS ROUTE will serve LINDENWOOD - Q41 ROUTE/Q21ROUTE?
6/21/2022, 3:58 AM — Regarding the service changes on 20th Avenue in college point. I don’t mind only the Q76 will operate but I wish you could extend the time of service to midnight. Partially thru flushing. 10pm is too early for those who rely on shopping for groceries at shop rite and BJ’s wholesale. Please consider some type of arrangement to extend bus service to midnight.
6/21/2022, 7:42 AM — Your plan is a horror show! Service to this area of Queens is unreliable and sporadic at best but your plan intends to reduce this service even further...and your public meetings are a sham at best. The public really has no say in the matter (although the MTA will argue otherwise) but for my money, your plan SUCKS! For once, just do the right thing for the customer...
6/21/2022, 6:59 PM — Hi when is the new draft planning starting in live in fich workrockaway 113-114 horrible buses
6/21/2022, 8:11 PM — I reviewed the bus redesign routes for both regular and express and found too much changes all at once. Feeling that whoever designed the changes did not know anything about the neighborhood and the traffic patterns and the congestion of those routes. Such extensive changes did not consider the confusion will cause to the rider of all ages. Once again, I see the agency lack of knowledge abt the community is making the decisions. Should definitely have extensive reviews and visits the routes (not drive by) on multiple times of days and ask the ACTUAL riders before claiming any knowledge and how the new route will benefits the riders.
6/22/2022, 4:12 AM — I am opposed to the proposal for a redesigned Queens bus system. The current proposal would limit my options in commuting between my home, on the border of East Elmhurst and Astoria, and my job in Manhattan. At this time, I have access to three bus routes, including one Limited bus option that is much swifter than the average bus. With this new plan I will only have access to two bus routes, neither of them a quick travel option. I will lose access to the bus route that operates on Steinway Street, which is a major thoroughfare in my area and the location of my doctor's office and preferred pharmacy. This redesign is more concerned with connecting Queens to other boroughs, but in my experience I find that buses that go across boroughs are often slower and have longer wait times than buses that remain more local. If I want to cross boroughs, I can take the subway; what is important to me is the access to subway stations and local areas of significance.
6/22/2022, 7:48 AM — Please extend the proposed Q48 route past 260 Street-Little Neck Parkway to North Shore Towers and operate 7 days a week.
Combine Q61 and Q78 to provide a subway connection at Main Street.
Please combine Q76 and Q115.
3/29/2022, 1:16 AM — I appreciate the increased frequency on the Q54 bus although 15 minute service would be better on weekends, especially during the day. That route could be improved by keeping it on Metropolitan Ave through St. John's cemetery instead of turning down 80th St. and Cooper Ave which tends to add a lot of delays (turning a bus always seems to take a long time).
For the Q59 service, while it does make sense to have it start at the Williamsburg Bridge bus plaza and would quicken trips on that route it does reduce the service available along the Williamsburg waterfront which is chronically undeserved by the bus network. It's mentioned that would be mitigated by the Brooklyn Bus redesign. The Brooklyn bus redesign should be shared in the meantime and the western routing of the Q54 service should not change until the Brooklyn redesign is implemented as well.
3/29/2022, 2:50 AM — Overall this is a much better plan than the previous version. I still am disappointed that I won't be able to get to Kaufman Astoria Theater and the Museum of the Moving Image on the Q66 (Northern Blvd West). In Jackson Heights too many bus stops are being removed - particularly on the Q33 and Q49 - these are operating on neighborhood streets where people are using these routes for neighborhood movements so wholesale removal of stops will cause problems - it may make more sense to re-balance bus stops by going to every 3 blocks even instead. On north/south streets removal of bus stops won't save much time and cause excessive walking distances due to passenger volumes and signal timings. Two of the stops eliminated on the Q49 will greatly reduce utility of the route and from observed passenger usage makes no sense (89 Street/90 Street at 34 Avenue and 74 Street/75 Street at 37 Avenue). Often times during the peak period I see leave-behinds on the Q72 (Junction Blvd) so I am a little bit shocked and disappointed that more frequent service is not proposed.
3/29/2022, 3:32 AM — Hello! The new plans as they pertain to my neighborhood (Jackson Heights) look like a great step in the right direction, especially the redesign of the Q49 route. Thanks!
3/29/2022, 4:40 AM — Do not reroute any of the QM2, QM20, or QM32 to the Long Island Expressway during the PM rush hour, it will just make the runtimes longer due to significant traffic, I'm sure the point of this redesign is also to save money by cutting down runs with low ridership.
3/29/2022, 5:24 AM — As a rider of the QM2 on the weekends, the wait time would be a lot longer than now and an inconvenience for weekend commuters. I also feel that sending express buses over the Queensboro Bridge still not as fast as sending vehicles through the Midtown Tunnel as well. There is always a lot of traffic and congestion on Borden Avenue while on the approach to the Long Island Expressway.
3/29/2022, 6:19 AM — we need add more bus routes.. to reach every corner of NYC... w early times.. cause subway couldn t reach anymore... sample from queens elmhurst to sheephead bay or connect island. etc...
and better pass by train station's... ...
it will raise business back to normal... public back to use MTA..
there is location couldn't reach by train only...
3/29/2022, 6:21 AM — Hi. Much better! Thank You so much for finding a way to get me and others on the Q65 a little further north up 162nd St to transfer to/from the Q12/13/28 at Sanford and Northern while still getting others to Main St. Also, thank you so very much for keeping the 164 St/Highland Av stop on the Q65 and Homelawn St/Highland Av stop on the Q31 in both directions. They were very much needed as there are many residents like myself who live in houses and apartment buildings along [REDACTED] the steep hill who benefit from those stops daily. Thank You for keeping 24/7 service and keeping both the Parsons Blvd (F) and Jamaica Center (E)(J)(Z) stations served on the Q65. Thank You for straightening the Q31 up Utopia Pkwy the full length and adding frequently and extended service hours on it as well. Only one issue, the Q65 should remain and terminate at the Jamaica LIRR station at Sutphin Bl/94 Av as it does now. Without it, commuters like myself wouldn't be able to get to/from the many lines serviced by LIRR at Jamaica Station as well as the AirTrain to JFK Airport as we do now. Thank You!
3/29/2022, 6:34 AM — I used to think the q30 to/from Little Neck was the most unreliable and infrequiently run bus (especially for the afternoon commute home). Little did I know things were about to get so much worse. Apparently I took for granted taking one bus to the F in Jamaica and getting on an express train that will take me directly to my office's stop. Under your proposed removal of the ONLY bus route that stops within one mile of my home, I now have to take a new route Q88, nearly twice as long distance on the road to Rego Park, where I will have to take a local train then change to the F, the train I need to get to my office. My usual 1 1/2 hour( which is ridiciulous to begin with) commute is undoubtably INCREASED in time. Not only will I spend longer on the bus itself (longer route also means more crowded bus!), I have to take two subway lines, transfering at Roosevelt Ave, one of the busiest stops. I cannot fathom how I would be able to survive this if I had to return to the office 5 days a week. I really hope this takes YEARS to implement so I have time to MOVE because I cannot rely on this new bus route. This change has 100% made my future commute worse, which is pretty incrdible you managed to do considering it currently clocks in at 1 1/2 hours on a GOOD day. The MTA is already one of the biggest sucks on my quality of life and this has just made things incredibly worse. Your redesign should focus on areas that are a subway desert and focus on improving those communites commutes. We have no other options than taking the bus. Focus on improving our lives, not people who don't need to take the bus when they have better and more reliable options.
3/29/2022, 6:40 AM — Hi. Thank you so very much for keeping the current Q43 routing the way it is from Jamaica LIRR Station to 268th St. Love the extension to LIJ Hospital too! Thank you also for adding a second route (new Q45) along w/ the Q43 as well on Hillside west of Merrick Blvd to the Jamaica LIRR Station. I also like the rush portion from 169 St to Springfield Blvd as the local can be serviced by the Q1. One problem is the elimination of some stops on Hillside west of 169th St (example: 163/164 Sts, 165/166 Sts). Please have the Q43 and new Q45 service those stops as the 163rd St eastbound and 164th St westbound stops are used by multiple people like myself as 164th St is a major street north of Hillside, and people also transfer from the Q43 to the Q65 at that stop instead of having to go to Parsons. The QM68 (former X68) should also serve the 163/164 St stops as well because as I said before, 164th is a major street and there is no (F) stop there that would duplicate service with the QM68. Thank You.
3/29/2022, 7:15 AM — Please, please either DO NOT end the QM3 or have another Express bus travel to/from Northern Boulevard in Flushing.
In this time of Covid, I am sure others besides me are not comfortable taking rush hour 7 trains.
We met and discussed this preCovid--I thought we made some headway convincing those in power that the QM3 is important to us.
As of now, there are NO QM3 midday buses or weekend buses. Why can't you continue the limited run (3 to Manhattan and 3 back home)?
Thank you----by the way, please let me know when the meeting/s will be and I will try to attend.
3/29/2022, 7:49 AM — This is a step in the right direction. Bus routes close to me is Q43 and Q46. Along with Q27 and Q1.
I believe reducing peak and off peak frequency is not the way to go. Maintaining a 6-8min frequency during peak and 10 min headways during off peak is crucial. According to the new plan off peak frequency will be maintained throughout the night and early morning hours. I don't know if I read that right. But that should be the way.
Proposed Q45 headways will not be sufficient. It's a direct route to LIRR and that should mean a minimum of 10 minute headways during peak and 15 min during off peak.
Proposed Q26 is excellent. Great headways throughout the week.
Are there any buses stopping at Queens Village LIRR?
I would also hope that priority corridors get Bus lane ( preferably center running bus lane) with enforcement and concrete protection along with bus shelters at all stops.
3/29/2022, 8:16 AM — I'm sad that the Q19 will no longer go from Astoria Blvd onto Northern Blvd and instead will dip down to Roosevelt and then continue to Main St. This will unfortunately change my commute. The Q19 is the only bus we have that goes from Astoria to Flushing directly and serves many people in East Elmhurst (a subway desert). The detour in the route will delay a lot of people's arrival times. Many, many people get off at the Northern Blvd + Main St stop, which will no longer exist.
I work at [REDACTED], on [REDACTED], and a number of students who live in [REDACTED] commute every day via the Q19 to [REDACTED]. Their commute is arduous enough as it is, and changing the route will make it even longer.
I hope you consider keeping the Q19 as it is!
3/29/2022, 8:20 AM — Q18 Bus Route - As many elderly and people with mobility issues ride the Q18, I feel that there should be a stop on both sides of 65th Place and Queens Blvd. Requiring someone especially the elderly and those with mobility issues to cross Queens Blvd to be able to board the bus could be dangerous. The only other option you provide is having them walk to 50th Avenue and 65th Place which isn’t a feasible option.
3/29/2022, 8:42 AM — Please consider adding an SBS bus service linking the Hunter's Point neighborhood of Long Island City to Midtown Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel. This rapidly growing neighborhood is served by one subway stop (Vernon/Jackson) on the #7 subway line, which has no elevator or escalator. It's inaccessible to those with mobility issues & difficult to navigate for parents with strollers.
Other more established neighborhoods, such as Jackson Heights, have had bus service into Manhattan for years. Long Island City desperately needs bus service.
Thank you.
3/29/2022, 8:59 AM — I like some of the proposals, however the Q78 should be combined with the Q61 to provide a subway connection to Flushing an return via Willets Point Blvd, Bell Blvd, Springfield Blvd to Springfield Gardens.
I am however opposed to combining the Q10 and Q64. I would rather see the Q10 combined with the Q72 to provide a JFK-LGA route.
3/29/2022, 9:07 AM — I get the idea of less bunching of buses which is a daily problem of many lines .I feel skipped stops is a mistake because people will be bunched up at the next available stop. Why not put more bus lanes on the roadways? Add traffic agent’s to give tickets for double parking that slow down the buses.
3/29/2022, 9:52 AM — This is pure stupidity. Nothing about this makes sense. These routes ha e worked this way since their inception why change it? Now because of some genius idea instead of taking one bus from the train to my home and maybe a 25 minute trip now will take upwards of an hour and I will have to transfer to two buses ? Does that make sense to you? Does that seem logical ? Does that seem more efficient ? What is wrong with you people. ? If it ain’t broke don’t fix it leave my bud alone. I already live in a transit desert where service sucks I’m referring specifically to the Q16 to Main Street. And also the QM 20 and QM2 Express buses you are gutting the MTA is a disgrace
3/29/2022, 10:14 AM — Please have either the Q25 or Q65 continue to serve Jamaica LIRR. Maybe have one or both take Hillside Av, then Sutphin Blvd, and Archer Ave maintain that connection.
3/29/2022, 10:18 AM — Hi,
As a Long Island City resident, I was disappointed to review the new Bus Redesign proposal. I am all for making the buses move faster, and a dedicated bus line is a great idea. But taking away both the Q69 and the Q66 will leave my neighborhood devoid of much of its bus service. Many senior citizens live in my building, and they rely on these two lines to connect them with the F, N, W and 7 Trains. I hope you reconsider this decision.
Thank you
3/29/2022, 10:29 AM — I would like to comment that speeding travel time is very important, as the report mentions. I would suggest that fare collection be made as fast as possible. Possible steps could include off-bus collection (like Select Service), and faster fareboxes that would allow a quick tap or coin deposit.
Also, buses should have traffic signal pre-emption. Bus stops should be near side so that passengers could board at the red light. At present, a bus stops for a red light, crosses the intersection, and stops again for passengers; this is wasteful.
3/29/2022, 10:44 AM — Hello! I really appreciate the changes proposed, especially the Q44 extension to Fordham Plaza. I feel there is a bit of a missed opportunity in having potential bus routes between Queens and the Bronx, particularly via the RFK bridges. I feel there could be a significant benefit in having an easier connection between, for example, the South Bronx and Astoria that didn't require going through Manhattan.
3/29/2022, 10:45 AM — I've been a Kew Gardens Hills resident all my life, I remember back in June 2010, when the Q74 along with many other bus routes were discontinued. After seeing the draft plan released in 2019, I was thrilled that they finally are bringing back the Q74 route, (QT86) with a new routing, that will probably serve more purpose than before. The buses in the AM and PM rushes are probably some of the most crowded in eastern Queens. After reading this new plan, I was hoping to see the Q74 come back, but as I go through it, there's nothing about it in the new draft. I'm appalled by it, especially since a lot of people in this area get on the current Q46 bus. I like the plan that was happening for Kew Gardens Hills, but would've wished for the return of a major part in most Kew Garden Hills residents commutes.
Thank you.
3/29/2022, 10:46 AM — I love many of the changes in the new draft plan. I support the retention of the Q53 to the Rockaways, and Q49 in Jackson Heights.
Additionally, the proposal to route the Q66 straight down Northern Blvd would likely encourage me to take the Q66 instead of walking to the 7 when traveling to LIC. Maybe more competitive option. This is an improvement over the previous plan. I hope these changes go through!
3/29/2022, 11:11 AM — Hi, I live in Whitestone between Francis Lewis Blvd and Utopia Pkwy, and am currently served by both branches of the current Q16 bus. I am happy to see that the new draft of the bus network redesign maintains service between this area and Flushing Main St, whereas the original draft proposed complete replacement with a north/south route to Jamaica which would not have reflected actual commuting patterns. Overall I see a lot of systemwide improvements between the original and current drafts and appreciate all of you actually taking into account the public's feedback from the first round. (As someone who works on public transportation routing myself I know this is no easy task!)
In the latest draft, the Q16 will be cut back to no longer serve my neighborhood and will be replaced by the Q61 and Q62 rush services. I think these proposed routes are quite interesting and have some merit to them, including the express segments closer to Flushing, however I am very concerned by the overall reduction in frequency from the current Q16 service especially on the weekends when the Q61 would not operate and the Q62 would operate only hourly on Sundays. For the residents of my neighborhood, service frequency is much more important than speed of service - if you can catch a bus to Flushing 4 times an hour, or only twice an hour but save three minutes each time, there is a reduction in accessibility and convenience for riders. As proposed right now, the efficiency gained from the improved routings are not returned to riders in the form of improved service as promised - instead we would be getting a disguised service cut.
Service frequency and efficiency are the main drivers of public transportation use. The current Q16 route has very solid ridership throughout day, all week long, and I fear the new changes will discourage riders from using public transportation in favor of private cars especially on the weekend when hourly bus service is a completely inadequate way to get home from the subway. Take a ride on the Q16 and you'll notice that ridership consists largely of the elderly, schoolkids, and other underserved populations that don't have access to private vehicles and depend on the Q16 as a lifeline.
When performing your final review of the bus network redesign, please reconsider the reduction of service to Whitestone and see if the current, full-length simplified Q16 can make the cut.
Sincere thanks for responding to feedback and for the impressive work that has gone into this so far!
3/29/2022, 11:23 AM — Please send me updates regarding the QM10 Lefrak city express line. I have been a rider for 30 plus years. It is crucial it remains running on 57th avenue /junction BLVD stop
3/29/2022, 11:39 AM — Also, please reinstate the QM2 downtown plan from the previous draft plan. Trying to get to 2 Broadway in one shot.
3/29/2022, 11:48 AM — I'm interested in the #104 Queens route bus.
When will the Q102 be replaced by the Q104.
3/29/2022, 12:05 PM — Please please do not take away the route on the Q10 that goes to 130th. These bus stops serve so many people in the community and you would be doing a disservice to this area by removing that route. You would essentially be turning it into a 2 fare route (for people who are already struggling to make ends meet) to get into work in many places by doing this. Please reconsider this change.
3/29/2022, 12:15 PM — Firstly, the new route proposals such as the buses replacing the Q29 does not make any sense regarding how another route would just take its place but extended what should have been done is extend the Q29 further not by discontinuing the route, the route itself is useful and has a lot of ridership.
3/29/2022, 12:53 PM — I have to sit down and read this proposal more throughly but my 1st impression is that the MTA did NOT listen to any of us from NE Queens!!! I was very vocal at the meeting that was held a few years ago on the 1st proposal & I have responded to all MTA surveys sent to me. This plan will bring about less reliable service, not better service!!!
Gov Hochul and Mayor Adams keep pushing for companies to reopen and want less of us to continue to regularly WFH. With all the violent crime in the city and on subways and with this poorly thought out bus design more and more people will move out of NYC!
The wait times between buses is increasing during weekday commutes!! How can we get to work on time?? Right now I get mta texts about weekday buses being cancelled on a regular basis! QM7 which is part of NE Queens making stops in Forest Hills too with the proposal! Who came up with that idea? We want better commutes and not worse!!!
Even Longer wait times for buses on weekends!!!
No more super express buses?!? Why don’t I see them?
All of this is unacceptable. The express buses are how we get in and out of the city for work, doctor appointments, theatre, etc…. We are in a transportation desert!
3/29/2022, 2:43 PM — Dear MTA!
I live in Hungary, I have been a bus driver for almost 20 years. I have received a diploma for accident-free traffic several times. I want to live in New York City. I would like to work as a bus driver at the [REDACTED]. Please help me with this matter where I can apply. Thanks for the help! Sincerely! [REDACTED]
3/29/2022, 2:48 PM — Dear Metropolitan Transportation Authority!
I live in Hungary, I have been a bus driver for almost 20 years. I have received a diploma for accident-free traffic several times. I want to live in New York City. I would like to work as a bus driver at the. Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Please help me with this matter where I can apply. Thanks for the help!
Sincerely! [REDACTED]
3/29/2022, 8:29 PM — I think it’s needed since the traffic is so bad often times I can beat the bus into Flushing by walking.
3/29/2022, 9:26 PM — Can the Q78 extend to the Bronx via Throgs Neck Bridge and terminate at Westchester Square?
Can the Q40 LTD extend to Flushing via Q65 and let Q65 service Beechurst like the prior Queens Bus Redesign?
Can the Q115 extend to Flushing with the Q25 so Kissena and Parsons has 4 minute headways during Off Peak Hours?
Can the Q20 extend with the Q60 to 40 Projects?
Can the Q24 and Q42 consolidate so that the Q24 doesn't duplicate the Q56?
Can the Q55 extend to USB Arena helping out the Q57, and the Q82 terminate at Queens Village LIRR (route like current Q36)?
Can we speed up the Q46 LTD and Q48 LTD by extending the Q8 via the Q75 and Q46/Q48 to 260th Street and Union Tpke?
Can the B54 from Brooklyn extend to Forest Hills?
Can the Q7 get 2 branches with the Green Acres via Rochdale Branch labeled Q6 and the Laurelton Branch (replacing the former Q5AS or Q5ALS along 225th Street) labeled Q7A? This means the Q85 is cut back to Springfield and 145th Road.
Can the Q28 LTD extend to Queens Center via Q58 restoring the Corona Ave LTD?
Can the Q75 extend with the Q88 to Little Neck?
We also need Bronx routes via RFK Bridge including Bx41 SBS to LaGuardia Airport, so that the IBX is connected.
Can we extend the B48 from Brooklyn to Northern Blvd and Broadway via the prior QT2 and QT75 proposed routes?
Can the Q49 extend to Woodside LIRR?
Can the Proposed Q68 merge into the Q33 as Williamsburg to East Elmhurst?
3/29/2022, 9:54 PM — I agree with the Q16 opinions, they should repurpose the buses from Q62 to other needed areas in NE Queens - just let Q16 continue serving Ft Totten up Utopia. Q62 seems oddly redundant...
Q19 is a strange line... I feel like it should be more limited service like instead of local. That cross town route connects two major neighborhoods.
Q44 going to Fordham is nice but that area is always congested with double parking and traffic - probably going to cause the whole service to suffer with delays. That area needs a busway or center running bus lanes. It is still an important artery for car traffic, unfortunately.
Q50 Co-op loopy seem so inefficient but I understand bus service should have priority for one seat rides for elderly and limited mobility folks. Thinking a circulator type route for the Co-op area seems like a better idea.
Having Q16, 61, 62, and 28 turning into Union St is always problematic - it needs some transit priority. The buses gets bogged down with traffic significantly and the police station there think they can park their cars anywhere and everywhere.
Having the Q31 straightened out as N/S service is nice.
Possibly unpopular opinion? Bus service should be free on weekends or at least Sunday. They should try a one month pilot and see if economic activity picks up in local businesses and downtowns.
3/29/2022, 10:29 PM — First of what will likely be many comments. Generally speaking - what's still missing from this plan is a really new way of thinking. Circulating smaller buses to deal with distances to central lines in residential areas would make a lot more sense than full size buses in many cases.
And, you cannot expect any reasonable comments from neighborhoods that have buses out of Brooklyn left out of this discussion. For instance, the B13 and B20 spend a fair amount of time in Queens - without knowing what's happening with them, any comments on buses in those parts of Queens are meaningless. Brooklyn and Queens MUST be done together.
3/29/2022, 10:40 PM — Please keep the Westbound HILLSIDE AV/243 ST Q43 bus stop. The next stop is across a Gas Station which is highly used by cars coming off the Cross Island Parkway and by having this stop it will prevent unnecessary danger to teenagers and senior citizens that live in the area.
3/29/2022, 10:43 PM — Second general comment. Although pitched as a ground up rethinking of the bus system, it appears that existing bus stops were either retained or eliminated. In some cases, maybe it makes sense to relocate one stop, while eliminating another. But, the rethinking didn't seem to go to that level. Would likely eliminate some of those excessively long walks for riders.
3/29/2022, 11:02 PM — I have looked at the new Draft plan. It is better than the previous plan but there are still some things that need to be addressed. The Q39 is now ending and starting at 69 Street and Grand Avenue with the Q18. There is barely enough of room in that area for the Q18 now in terms of parking and layover space for buses. A lot of school kids in the Ridgewood area take the Q39 to get to schools in the Sunnyside, Maspeth and Long Island City area plus there a number of people in that area that take the Q39 to get to LaGuardia Community College. The Q67 is now covering the Ridgewood area that the Q39 use to cover but the Q67 is still taking the same route to Queens Plaza without covering those schools and the college. People/students going to those schools and the college would now need to transfer at Laurel Hill Blvd to the Q39. Laurel Hill Blvd is not a good place for this amount of people just to transfer to one bus. Also, the Q67 is now going to be a "rush" route what stops will it skip exactly? It is not listed in the route description. The frequencies for the new Q67 do not look good for the rush hour. A lot of school kids and people take the Q39 now to get to the schools and the subway trains in the Long Island City area. With a 5 minute interval on the Q39 now in the morning the buses are still packed. Also, people in the 69 Street and Grand Avenue area do not really need a bus like the new Q39 since they can simply take the Q18 to get to the subway stations (and LIRR) in Woodside. Also, the Q39 is going to be combined with the Q103. This will probably not work since the ridership on Vernon Blvd (even though it has increased) is not enough for a route like the Q39 to cover this area. Keep in mind the traffic on Van Dam Street is a nightmare and the Q39 will always be very late covering Vernon Blvd. A route like the Q103 should still remain separate or possibly be combined with a route going to Williamsburg/Greenpoint Brooklyn. I noticed the Q69 is no longer covering Queens Plaza. There are still quite of bit of people in the Q69 area in Astoria that take this route to the Queens Plaza area. I noticed the B57 has been shortened in Brooklyn, however, it has been lengthen in Queens to cover 69 Street and end near the 74 Street terminal. The B57 is too long as it is. There is a lot of traffic on that route throughout Flushing Avenue and Downtown Brooklyn. There is limited room near the 74 Street terminal area to have the route terminal there. The Q52/Q53 SBS is not covering the LIRR terminal at Woodside anymore. This route(s) should continue covering this since there are a number of people in that area that rely on Q52/Q53 SBS. I'm concerned about the Q14. The Q14 is going to be plagued with delays due to traffic traveling up the old Q23 route in Corona and on top of that the traffic in the Queens Blvd area near 57 Street. The Q104 going to Roosevelt Island might be challenging since there is so much traffic on Broadway. The Q104 should have been left alone. For the new B53 and Q68 there is limited amount of room for layover and parking near the Queens terminal stop near 48 Street. The Q10 and the Q64 should not be combined. Those are two different routes with two different purposes. A busy Airport route should not be combined with a small but very busy route that connects to an important subway line, also the demographics differ from those two routes. Extending the new Q23 to 188 Street is going to be problematic because it will be a long route plus the traffic 108 Street is not going to keep the route on-time. The new Q73 looks good, that might work. The Q68 (the old Q101) should still go to Manhattan since there are still people in Astoria that prefer a bus over a train going into the city. The Q63 is questionable because there is a limited amount of room to terminate a route in the Broadway/Queens Blvd/Grand Ave area plus there is already a local train that goes to Queens Plaza and a rout
3/29/2022, 11:05 PM — Some poor choices on stops to be eliminated:
Q10: Remaining stops along a portion of Lefferts are Metropolitan Ave and 85th Avenue, which means a long block south of the current stop at 84th Avenue, which has a K-12 Yeshiva school and Atria retirement, a tall apartment building, 2 short blocks west at 117th Street. So they would have to walk double the distance to use the Q10.
Q56: Removing 2 consecutive stops at Woodhaven Blvd East AND 94th Street making one walk to 96th Street or
go west and cross Woodhaven Blvd, which is not very safe to do. 94th/95th Street is also where there are stairs to the el's Wodhaven Blvd station east entrance.
3/29/2022, 11:05 PM — Queens bus service is horrendous. It is slow and unreliable. The Q34 needs to run on weekends. It makes absolutely no sense that it only runs during the week. Weekend service also needs to be increased.
3/29/2022, 11:18 PM — In regards to the Q61 proposal westbound. Please don’t add bus stops so close together. Specifically the proposed WILLETS PT BL/17 AV & WILLETS PT BL/146 ST bus stations. These two are not necessary.
The Francis Lewis stop is effective enough and should be considered as the center point of this surrounding neighborhood.
In regards to 146 proposal. That’s barely a block apart. The proposal on Parsons is effective enough as well.
The point is that the Westbound rush should have a more ”rushed” approach. In order for the commuter to save time to connect to the 7 train.
3/29/2022, 11:26 PM — For the QM65 why not run it through Springfield Gardens to serve new customers.
3/30/2022, 12:03 AM — I think the plan is very good and could use some minor changes. The roadway under the M elevated tracks from Fresh Pond Rd to Myrtle/Wyckoff Avs should be made into a busway for the Q55, Q98, and Q58 to speed up travel times and these routes should de moved from the road to under the El. The Q105 should run to Manhattan over the Queensborough bridge and end at the same terminal as the Q60 for increased interborough service as to serve as a backup in case there are issues with the N/W trains. There should still be continuous service along Vernon Blvd. from the Hunters Point Ferry Terminal to the Astoria Ferry Terminal similar to the current Q103 to support the growing neighborhoods in this area. This would link all the ferry terminals along the Queens Waterfront.
3/30/2022, 12:15 AM — There is a fundamental problem with the plan - specifically the bus stop rebalancing plan. This fundamental issue is that you are classifying local neighborhood routes as limited routes therefore justifying the removal of bus stops. I would like to know the criteria that you used to classify Routes Q33 and Q49 as limited. I would also like to know specific criteria used to justify the removal of bus stops along Q33, Q49, and Q72 along with data behind the removal of bus stops. On all routes I am seeing the removal of bus stops at 34 Avenue, a street that has become a neighborhood amenity and are stops that I have observed to have a lot of usage, which makes no sense. There is not a lot of opportunity for travel time savings from these specific stops is small as some of them are near side stops and the bus is already stopping most of the time due to traffic signals. The philosophy seems to be to inconvenience the residents of 34 Avenue for very little benefit. Walking distances from 34 Avenue to Northern Boulevard or 35 Avenue are in the range of 600 to 700 feet and for many users of the 34 Avenue bus stop that will be in addition to the distance they are already walking to/from a bus stop.
3/30/2022, 12:22 AM — The lack of an option on 21st street in Astoria to 27th street Queens plaza South is very inconvenient. We would now have a B route to Brooklyn on 21st street and the Q69 continuing along 21st street. I don't see how it makes sense to have a Q105 along 31st street to Q Plaza S/27th street when the N and W lines run in that same direction. With the Q100 likely to stop once Rikers closes, we are left with no options to Q Plaza S from 21st street. We have new dedicated bus lanes and we should not be losing an option but rather adding one.
3/30/2022, 12:38 AM — We need a bus line that goes downtown other than the ones on 188th and union turnpike, the express times usually do not overlap and it usually means waiting for them and if the hours are after 9am, It is nearly impossible. The new proposed changes are great for skipping stops after 188 but only if a new lines can be started for a downtown bus on Union Turnpike from Northshore and also on Hillside. This will further ensure efficiency on the streets and wait times. Wifi on the express buses can also use an upgrade. Thank you for your time.
3/30/2022, 12:42 AM — If you look at a transit map, you see a gap in the area north of Northern, West of Steinway, South of Astoria Blvd. The only available means of public transport is the Q18. The Q18 also serves other "gap" areas such as Maspeth and connects with major transit hubs. Yet you still have it at "30 min or better" in off peak hours which start at 9AM????? and end at 7PM???? You ridership data is all wonky as so many 10-6 shift office workers, as well as bartenders, actors, nurses and doctors who need to go in at times outside of that ridiculous 1950s-era window end up taking an taking their cars. Who can wait 25 minutes when you are not even sure if the bus will arrive? If it is cold or windy? If you are just plain exhausted? What good are the express buses, ferries, limited bus options, etc. if we can't get to them? I dare you to try an experiment and extend the "rush" hours to 11 in the AM and 9in the PM on weekdays, market that info, hold the bus drivers to the actual schedules and see what happens. I bet you get ridership.
3/30/2022, 12:43 AM — The Q47 Route should not remove the bus stop at 31st avenue and 74th street for the Northbound route.
A lot of bus users west of the bus route rely on that stop.
3/30/2022, 1:06 AM — Stop consolidation is good and important. Currently, many stops are spaced more closely than they need to be, which slows down buses. Eliminating closely-spaced stops is good for bus speed.
3/30/2022, 1:33 AM — This would be a great opportunity to retire triple-digit designations from Queens local buses. The Q104 could become the Q94, and likewise:
Q105 -> Q95
Q109 -> Q99
Q111 -> Q91
Q114 -> Q92
Q115 -> Q90
Also, when will Manhattan have its bus network similarly re-evaluated?
3/30/2022, 1:45 AM — Original draft plan had QT65 running on 160th street from Whitestone to LIRR Broadway station. It is perfect for people in that area if we want to take LIRR on Broadway Station. The new draft plan totally changed this. People in the area between have difficulty to go to LIRR Broadway Station now. The new Q62 is overlapping with Q31 and Q76 on Francis Lewis Blvd. It will be better if Q62 can go on 160th or 163rd street then go down to LIRR Broadway Station.
3/30/2022, 2:08 AM — Hi, in previous draft, there was new express bus route from Bay Terrace to downtown mahattan. Even it still had room to discuss the schedule, but we love to have that route! However, I dont see it in the new draft! There is a lot people who live in this area are working in downtown! Please also consider to have express bus route from Bay Terrace to downtown mahattan!
Thank you!
3/30/2022, 2:40 AM — The proposed changes to the Q60 and Q46 are unacceptable and detract from quality of life, especially for seniors and workers. Sacrificing these stops would be detrimental to seniors who rely on the bus service to do their grocery shopping, On the Eastbound Q60: Removing the Ascan Avenue and Queens Boulevard stop is totally unacceptable as that is right outside Orchard fine Foods Supermarket where a lot of people grocery shop and they take the bus go get home. Discontinuing the 77th And Queens boulevard Stop services Forest Hills South apartment complex as well as other buildings. Seniors would have difficulty in negotiating the extra blocks to get to a bus stop from the supermarket with a cart full of groceries. This does not make any sense.
Q46: Eliminating the Eastbound Union TP/Queens Boulevard stop would cause a lot of problems for people who run out of the train at that end of Union Turnpke. They would then have to cross Union Tpke to catch the bus at 78th Avenue. Also there is a shelter at the Union Tpke stop. A lot of people take that bus and eliminating either of those stops is unacceptable.
Sacrificing and removing stops for the benefit of a speedier commute does not address the needs of the people who use it. Please keep these stops as is.
3/30/2022, 3:09 AM — Will you be providing print copies of the Queens Bus Redesign to each branch of the Queens Library system? Is the full route map available in print? Is there a full size map of the proposed system on line? Preferably an interactive version? The thumb nail map in the online "brochure" is hard to read. It is hard to see how the individual lines relate to each other without seeing the full map. While there is a lot of good information for each route you have to scroll through all 50+ of them to see how the over-all system works.
3/30/2022, 4:36 AM — Please make the Q67 and Q68 bus routes more direct. The new Q67 is going to take more of a detour than the existing Q39 in Ridgewood (same route). Currently Q39 buses take Eliot Av as a shortcut between Metropolitan Av and Fresh Pond Rd, but the new route would have buses travel an additional distance to the corner of Fresh Pond Rd and Metropolitan Av. To improve the existing Q39 route (proposed Q67 route) between 61 St and 58 St, I recommend having buses take Maspeth Av instead of Grand Av and Rust St. I would suggest having the southbound proposed Q68 take 46 St instead of 48 St in Sunnyside. Any street past 43 St is going to waste time for many riders since the entrance to the Kosciuszko Bridge is at 43 St. There's nothing you could really do for the northbound Q68 because of how the roads are laid out.
3/30/2022, 4:43 AM — I am in support of the Queens Bus Network Redesign overall, but have a comment regarding the elimination of the twice daily Q111 runs down Peninsula Blvd in Nassau County. These two daily runs provide connectivity to people who work just over the border in Nassau where no alternate means of public transportation is available. The only other options would be to walk back to LIRR and pay a much more expensive fare to travel to Jamaica and then connect to and pay a second fare to connect to other buses or the subway. The Bus Network Redesign no longer needs to be cost neutral and I hope the MTA can take a second look at the elimination of these extended runs of the Q111. The people who do use this bus are those who can least afford to have it eliminated.
3/30/2022, 5:11 AM — Q77: Should be extended to Laurelton LIRR station via current routing...
Q111/113/114: Q111 designation should remain for Guy R Brewer service instead of Q115. Q114 designation for the Rosedale service. Q113 designation should be retained for the Far Rockaway service...
3/30/2022, 5:21 AM — I wish for more bus service near east New York, specifically liberty avenue/city line. Like the old B12 routing the q8 or 6 can cover as it goes to new lord
3/30/2022, 5:22 AM — For the Q47 northbound, a stop at 74th street and 31 Ave should be considered because it has many people getting off and walking west as far as 69th street and north as far as 25th Ave. It would be unusual to have the bus stop at 76th street, just for people to walk back those blocks. Especially if the bus is going to turn, there should be a stop.
3/30/2022, 5:55 AM — The Q84 should not be having express stops after Springfield BLVD going to laurelton and from Laurelton to Springfield Blvd. The Cambria Heights neighborhood is full of seniors and older people. You expect people to walk to another stop if they have arthritis?
3/30/2022, 6:01 AM — There are some errors on the Queens Bus Network Redesign Report, final 3-28pd: 1.) All of the bus route diagrams/maps that are located within Southwest Queens (such as pages 62, 74, 79, 86, 90, 131, 145,150, 186, 237, 240, 243, 255, 328, 367 and possibly a few others) that show the Aqueduct Racetrack Subway Station incorrectly indicate this station with a white circle as this station is handicapped accessible so this subway station should be indicated with a grey shaded circle. 2.) All of the bus route diagrams/maps that are located within Southwest Queens (such as pages 62, 74, 79, 86, 90, 131, 145,150, 186, 237,240, 243, 328, 367 and possibly a few others) that show the Aqueduct- North Conduit Station also incorrectly indicate this station with a grey shaded circle as this station is not ADA handicapped accessible so this station should be indicated with a white circle. 3.) The Q55 diagram on page 251 of the Queens Bus Network Redesign Report is incorrect showing the name of Juniper Bl S instead of Myrtle Avenue and Jamaica Avenue along the route corridor. One more issue is on the Queens Network Bus Diagram (Document 79621). Along Hillside Avenue on this map between Springfield Blvd. and Little Neck Parkway indicates routes 45 & 46 instead of routes 43 and 45. Hopefully the next revision these corrections will be made and updated.
3/30/2022, 6:05 AM — Q16 route, will be completely cut off from Fort Totten and it's one of the few public pools in Queens. There are over 3k kids in ps21, jhs 185 and 6k in Flushing High that live along Q16 route that will not have a way to cool in hot summer. Or take two buses for what use to be short route.
3/30/2022, 6:28 AM — Keep the QM11 as you have redesigned it on the map, but try to increase eastbound service back to Queens.
3/30/2022, 6:29 AM — This is about the current Q65 and the Q27 taking over once this redesign goes in effect:
I am fine with a new route serving me because it doesn't matter to me, but what does is my bus stop being removed, COLLEGE PT BL/25 RD. Everytime I get off that stop, at least 5 people get off this stop.
I understand bus stop spacing and all that, but this is a popular stop. People depend on buses being convenient. Walking to 26 Av or 23 Av requires more walking, and a lot of elderlies live in the neighborhood, including my grandparents. Traffic conditions aren't a big problem here so there's no point in even faster speeds.
Please reconsider this decision.
3/30/2022, 6:33 AM — Most students at JHS 185 depend on the Q34 route. Yes, there's a Q20 and a Q61. But this means students who live in the Mitchell Gardens area have to walk to their homes, or transfer buses, and the fact that the 2:25pm trip is packed of students, with up to 30-40 kids.
Bring back the Q34, and have Q20 continue on Union St. Q61 could do good for fast service to Flushing though.
3/30/2022, 8:51 AM — Re: changing the Q67/route to Q39 in the Maspeth area
You are improving service by cutting 1600 stops? By making my trip to the nearest subway longer and rerouting to a busier congested station in LIC? (Instead of Hunters Point train station - now Court Square)
As taxpayers who live in a transportation desert, we asked for expanded, easier to use transportation - not to mention Express Buses. We are not getting that by creating routes that increase our travel time.
3/30/2022, 8:57 AM — Thank you for the vastly improved draft redesign proposal. The q14 & q80 lines are great. One issue though remains on the proposed q38 route along Juniper blvd south. There are only 2 stops proposed between a very large stretch of approximately 15 blocks. One stop is at Juniper blvd south and 69th lane. And the next proposed stop is at Juniper blvd south and 80th street. Since this is the only access point for many Middle Village residents who live below Juniper Blvd south, which is already causing somewhat of a hike to access the q38 route, it simply doesn't make sense not to have additional stops along the large length of Juniper Blvd south. I realize that on the residential side of the route, there may be limitations due to home owners' driveways, but there are definitely a few options midway, which would shorten the distance between the proposed 2 stops. On the Juniper Park side of Juniper blvd south, there is nothing hindering adding stops which can be easily done. Please consider the senior residents in that area who are already losing more convenient q38 access in comparison to its current route via Juniper valley road/ Furmanville. Adding additional stops along the newly proposed Juniper Blvd south leg would be much more feasible for the riders who rely on the q38.
3/30/2022, 9:25 AM — Really liked the removal of stops in the new draft plan. But strongly oppose the “Q26” to run via 73rd Avenue. I live by Horace Harding Expressway/Springfield Blvd in Oakland Gardens and commute to Flushing everyday. This draft removed all the service to Flushing in my neighbourhood. Although I really liked the idea of non stop direct service to Flushing, but I would suggest adding a sub-route to the Q26 via Horace Harding Expressway. Just like the current Q20A/B method. Other than this problem, I really liked this plan. Please do the best to stick to the idea of stops removal, nonstop direct route, and going onto new roads that never have bus service.
3/30/2022, 9:38 AM — I am extremely concerned by the cuts proposed to the QM1/5/6 express bus lines on Union Turnpike as part of the Queens Bus Network Redesign
Under the plan, express bus service on Union Turnpike between 188th Street and Main Street in both directions would be significantly cut, with service ending by 7 pm every night, and buses only running every 90 minutes off-peak and on weekends. As a frontline worker in a hospital, I take the express bus 5 days per week, and the buses are packed at all hours of the day and night. This service reduction, along with the proposed reductions in service on the Q46, would severely hurt the economic recovery and return to in-person work that Mayor Adams wants.
These cuts make even less sense with the plan for congestion pricing on the horizon, as this plan will require MORE options for public transportation, not fewer options! The E and F trains are already packed, so it is not realistic to expect so many passengers to use the subway in place of the express bus. Moreover, many people (especially women) tell me they feel unsafe taking the subway and prefer the safe environment of the express bus.
3/30/2022, 10:15 AM — The bus redesign is disproportionately eliminating transit options for people who reside in and near Rochdale Village which is home to thousands of New Yorkers. I urge you to reconsider and re-establish stops on Guy Brewer and 137th Avenue, Baisley Boulevard and Foch Boulevard. This plan is not functional nor will it allow thousands who utilize the bus lines to get to and from their destinations especially those who have no choice but to use the two fare zone transport options.
3/30/2022, 10:25 AM — Please keep the current Q39 the way it is, or please add a fork somewhere near Van Dam/Thompson. There are A LOT OF STUDENTS like me who rely on the Q39 that go to Ridgewood/Maspeth to/from their commutes. So if these plans get implemented, students will now have to walk all the way from Borden Ave to Thompson Ave, where there are A LOT of high school/college students. I urge you guys to please keep the current Q39, or add a fork to the new Q67 to Van Dam and Thompson, because many students from the surrounding schools will be benefited. Some of these schools include LaGuardia, Bard Early College, Middle College, Robert F. Wagner and more schools.
3/30/2022, 10:27 AM — I would like for the Q9 present route remain the same.
With your new proposal of the route it will be quite rough for commuters to walk 3 to 5 blocks to get the Q9 bus.
Eg. By MTA eliminating 115th avenue and Forch bus stops and for linden and 133st stop to remain is a real hassel.
That Linden stop is a dangerous stop for commuters.
The side walk is not even 6ft from the roadway.the stop lights there its a 4 way stop.
What will happen when traffic is heavy and busy on rush hours.
This needs to addressed.
3/30/2022, 10:40 AM — A bus stop is proposed to be removed on the Q38 northbound (Rego Park - Middle Village) direction. The bus stop proposed to be removed is at 63 Drive and Queens Blvd. This bus stop is by a subway station, the 63 Drive station of the M and R trains. As proposed people coming from Manhattan would have to walk to Booth Street, a distance of about 500 feet (about a tenth of a mile, about two minutes of walking at a three mile per hour pace) from the current bus stop,
In the southbound direction there is currently, and in the proposal, a bus stop at 63 Drive and Queens Blvd. from which people can get the M and R train at the 63 Drive station.
3/30/2022, 11:08 AM — This is very inconvenient for me as I don’t drive and depend heavily on public transport,I go to cosco ,LA fitness (Bay Harbor)regularly also the shopping area in five towns ,so with these arranged stops it’s very hard for me to get by .
3/30/2022, 11:09 AM — The redesign for the Q111, Q114, QM21 and QM63 does not take into consideration the needs of the residents in Rochdale Village, Jamaica, New York. You have eliminated MAJOR CONNECTING stops at Guy Brewer/137th Ave, Guy Brewer/Baisley Blvd, Guy Brewer/Foch, and Guy Brewer/Linden Blvd on the Q111 and Q114. These eliminated stops means that those traveling to Manhattan will not be able to connect to an express bus. Even the new Q115 does not stop at Guy Brewer/Linden. This means increased travel time and the creation of DOUBLE FARE ZONES. This is unacceptable for a low income neighborhood.
The QM21 is a lifeline for those working in midtown Manhattan and having it running every 45 minutes for the morning commute ridiculous. You have taken away stops that would have given us alternate connections and decreasing the service in the one express we actually need to get to work on time. You have also eliminated stops on 2nd Ave in Manhattan on the QM21 that are a lifeline for our essential workers who are employed at NYU Medical Center, Bellevue Hospitals and surrounding medical facilities which threat cancer patients among others. Again, creating double fare zones.
This is unacceptable and needs to be reevaluated.
3/30/2022, 11:50 AM — I completely disagree with the removal of service for major stops for the 111 147 Ave bus route. Specifically the removal of Baisley Blvd, Foch Blvd and any of the Rochdale stops (130,134,137). This bus route services the people of Rochdale and the surrounding neighborhoods and removing such stops makes it more difficult for commuters.
3/30/2022, 12:03 PM — I submit a request to extend the Q85 and Q86 route to include the Valley Stream LIRR bus stop. This will improve connectivity to LIRR and also serve the eastern part of the Green Acres mall - to the shops on Mill Road/Sidney Place and Roosevelt Avenue and Valley Stream LIRR.
This proposal extension will only add 1 mile east of the eastern end of the Green Acres Mall loop and will add new stops where there are more shopping and transit options along the route.
3/30/2022, 12:20 PM — I understand that the goal here is to speed up bus services but in not only my case, but my neighborhood’s, we’ll be losing service and being suffering on crowded buses more than usual. There are a lot of seniors and people with disabilities that rely on the Q85, Q111, and Q114 that have trouble simply getting to the current bus stops proposed for removal within the perimeter of Rochdale Village. With those stops removed, that practically leaves the neighborhood with no bus service at all, except for the QM21 and the newly proposed QM65, especially if you’re someone with limited mobility.
3/30/2022, 12:45 PM — Thank you very much for this updated plan, it’s a big improvement over the last bus network redesign. I really appreciate you listening thoroughly to public comments. I live in Astoria and use the M60 SBS frequently to access metro north to travel upstate and visit family in the Bronx and Westchester. My partner and I feel it’s a very important link between Astoria and northern Manhattan and the region north. Also, it’s unpleasant and environmental injustice to begin with that we have a major highway running through Astoria, the SBS line via the highway at least gives us some hyper local benefit of having this major work polluting auto infrastructure. Is the M60 being eliminated from the SBS network or is it just not shown because it’s an “M” bus? Could you please retain the M60 bus line? Also, it is possible to make a commitment in this plan the have the Queens bus network as 100% electric within the next 8 years to meet our state’s climate goals via the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act? This will also help our local air quality and reduce noise pollution. Thank you for considering this feedback.
3/30/2022, 1:13 PM — Please make a stop for us to transfer at Linden and Guy Brewer!!!!
3/30/2022, 1:22 PM — There should be a bus between Flushing and JFK Airport, as well as a bus between Jamaica and LaGuardia Airport.
The Q1 and Q9 should be extended to the Airtrain or one of the passenger terminals at the airport.
Love the Q4 extension into Elmont, the Q51 should go there as well.
The Q7 should go to Crescent Street subway station on the western end and Green Acres Mall or even a place in Valley Stream to connect with Nice Bus' n4 on the eastern end.
There should be a branch of the Q10 to Queens College on school days since the (E) and (F) express trains stop at Forest Hills for the college students.
Love the new Q12 and Q13, much more streamlined and linear.
Going back to what I said earlier, maybe this new Q17 could be extended to JFK via Farmers Boulevard?
Going back to what I said earlier, maybe this new Q20 could have a branch to Forest Hills via Jewel Avenue?
Love the new Q21.
Love the new Q22, missed opportunity to bring service back to Bayswater though.
Going back to what I said earlier, maybe the Q23 can be restructured into a LaGuardia Airport-Jamaica route somehow?
Love cutting the Q24 back to Broadway Junction.
I like the new Q25, but feel like it should at least go to that shopping center on 20th Avenue at the northern end, no?
Love the new Q27, wish the route was a little more linear on the northern end and swapped terminals with the Q17, but why fix what isn't broken you know?
The Q31 doesn't really do too well ridership-wise, so I'm pleasantly surprised by its improvements, hopefully they'll attract some ridership to it.
Disappointed by the lack of changes along Roosevelt Avenue. Missed opportunity to finally provide bus service on Roosevelt Avenue between 108th Street and 82nd Street. Also a missed opportunity to at least shift the Q32 to 83rd Street, or Q33 to 81st Street to provide some streamlining in the area.
Love the Q35 extension, missed opportunity to connect the Rockaways with the (B) and (Q) trains though.
Love the new Q37.
Love splitting the Q38, it should continue down Fresh Pond Road towards Ridgewood Terminal though, Fresh Pond Road and Metropolitan Avenue is kind of in the middle of nowhere.
Love the extension of the Q39, but not a big fan of the cuts it's going to get, especially when it's busier and more useful than the Q67 in every area both routes service, except for around Calvary Cemetery where the Q67 is more useful due to serving Amazon, UPS, etc.
The Q40 change down 143rd Street is good, missed opportunity to connect that route with the commercial Jamaica Center area though.
Love the extension and added service on the Q42.
Love the Q43 extension, I guess Nassau County/NICE Bus didn't like the other route to North Shore University Hopsital huh? lol
LOVE the Q44 extension to Fordham long overdue. I figured it would parallel the Bx9's routing, but I'll take it!
The Q45 should definitely have a branch to North Shore University Hospital.
Love the Q46/Q48 changes, great ideas!
The Q47 should continue down Fresh Pond Road towards Ridgewood Terminal, Fresh Pond Road and Metropolitan Avenue is kind of in the middle of nowhere.
I like that there's finally going to be a bus between The Bronx and LaGuardia Airport, the only problem is that it's the wrong one! It should have been the Bx41 getting the LaGuardia treatment first, that being said I still like the idea of extending it to LaGuardia, but I don't like the huge cut in service to Co-op City. It should instead follow a similar path as the BxM7 to Dreiser Loop or even the Dyre Avenue subway station.
Like I said before, that Q51 should most definitely go to Elmont with the Q4.
Love the Q52 extension to Jackson Heights.
Love the Q55 extension to Jamaica, long overdue.
Love the new Q57, this route is going to do some serious numbers ridership-wise.
Love the new Q58 with added service up 111th Street, excellent idea!
Love the Q59 changes, I thought that U-Turn at 63rd Drive was banned, but if it isn't anymore then awes
3/30/2022, 2:22 PM — On the Q43 extension to/from LIJ Hospital, why is there ONLY an EASTBOUND stop on North 7th Street and Hillside Ave, but no stop in the WESTBOUND direction? It makes no sense for people who get off at that stop to go to work or shop, how are they supposed to return? I live close to that intersection and currently use the NICE bus to get to businesses in Queens as well as make connections to other Queens bus routes, however, I would much prefer an MTA bus as they run 24/7, while the NICE buses do not. Since the Q43 terminates at Sutphin Blvd, it's very useful for people in northern areas of New Hyde Park to get to JFK airport. Also keep in mind that a stop there would extremely be useful for Queens residents because one of the largest supermarkets (Stop & Shop) and mini-mall is located just walking distance from that stop and there are no other options for Queens residents on Hillside Ave for several miles. Please seriously consider placement of a WESTBOUND stop at or near North 7th Street. I am sure it will be popular and well served.
3/30/2022, 4:20 PM — I hope the 137th Avenue and Guy R Brewer bus stop does NOT get eliminated. Rochdale Village is a large residential complex and the bus stop is needed for residents to get to their destination.
3/30/2022, 7:12 PM — Blah blah blah blah blah. Nothing ever gets better. I've stopped taking the bus and just park as close to the subway and walk. My kids too. You're never on time, your drivers will see someone running when they are early and keep going. You still bus bunch or worse you don't even show up. The subway has become a joke too. 2 hour commutes. Same old broken conversations on paper. We switched to the LIRR and we live in Queens bc we need our jobs. Even the LIRR is a hot mess since MTA took over. My kids are leaving NY as are many others, I get it. Go to Japan, see what they do. That's my answer. Because you guys couldn't get a bus system to run on time of your life depended on it. All we hear at this point is blah blah blah. 52 years and nothing changes but words on paper.
3/30/2022, 7:56 PM — This redesign is not supporting citizens living in Rochdale Village who need to commute to Manhattan. I need the old route back. Bus Redesign Q111, Q114, Q115 (new line). Q113 Eliminated.
Major stops eliminated: Guy Brewer & 137th Ave (connects to QM21), Baisley Blvd, Foch, Linden Blvd (connects to QM63).
3/30/2022, 7:59 PM — This new draft plan is not conducive to a lot of people, myself being one of them. You’re taking away main stops along guy r brewer that people use to catch these limited buses. You’re taking away most of the stops that are accessible for the people of Rochdale Community. Also this new plan will make people have to use double fare to now get where they are going on guy r brewer alone, let alone more money if they have to get on another bus or train afterwards. This new draft plan is not a good plan and I feel it should not happen
3/30/2022, 10:26 PM — This new bus route would be an awesome idea. I work in [REDACTED] and the drive is horrible. I would definitely utilize this new bus route. Please let's make it happen
3/30/2022, 10:28 PM — I'm living in Oakland Gardens and nearby the purposed Q27 bus terminal (230th St / 69th Av).
Below are my suggestion, 2 of 3 QM8 (To Glen Oak, Eastbound only) via Oakland Gardens, it has two advantages, first of all, QM8 can be serve Oakland Gardens residents, another advantage is SPRINGFIELD BL/HORACE HARDING EXP always traffic jam, if QM8 via 69 Av, it saves a lot of traffic time.
Below is the route suggestion:
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/69 AV Keep
Eastbound 69 AV/CLOVERDALE BL New
Eastbound 230 ST/69 AV New
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/67 AV Remove
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/64 AV Remove
Eastbound HORACE HARDING EXP/224 ST Remove
Eastbound HORACE HARDING EXP/231 ST Remove
Eastbound DOUGLASTON PKY/65 AV Keep
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/69 AV Keep
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/67 AV Remove
Eastbound SPRINGFIELD BL/64 AV Remove
Eastbound HORACE HARDING EXP/224 ST Remove
Eastbound 69 AV/CLOVERDALE BL New
Eastbound HORACE HARDING EXP/231 ST Keep
Eastbound DOUGLASTON PKY/65 AV Keep
3/30/2022, 10:34 PM — I really like the draft plan. It is connecting a lot of neighborhoods together. I am all for the reduced stops. I have seen a lot of complaints about the reduced spots for the elderly but I don't think the reduction will be so drastic. I have heard people say it would extend it by a quarter mile and that seems more than fine to me.
I understand people are complaining but so many more people rely on it to get to work and school so I am all for the reduced stops.
3/31/2022, 12:29 AM — My CAR commute Tuesday:
From East Elmhurst:
1/2 hour round trip to drive my son to the subway in Woodside.
One hour round trip to drive my girls to school in Astoria.
1 hour to pick up my girls from school in Astoria.
1/2 hour to pick up my son from Woodside
1 hour round trip to drive my girls to and from the Boys and Girls club in Astoria.
1 hour round trip to drive my son to basketball in Astoria.
That's 5 hours driving in one day because there is no public transportation from East Elmhurst to Astoria for teens. Home
1 hour round trip to drive my girls to and from the Boys and Girls club.
1 hour round trip to drive my son to basketball in Astoria.
That's 5 hours driving in one day because there is no public transportation from East Elmhurst to Astoria for teens.
We need a new bus route down 31st Ave from East Elmhurst to Astoria (from at least the 90s to 21st St).
Also, we need an express bus down Northern Blvd. from at least the 90s in Queens to Manhattan (over the Queensboro bridge). Please get rid of the bike lanes on Northern and replace with dedicated bus lanes.
The bike lanes are not being used and causing too much traffic and car congestion on Northern Blvd. An express bus and dedicated bus lanes would also reduce overcrowding on the 7. Do not have a bus end at the subway in Woodside. Make sure the bus lane and new bus route goes all the way to Manhattan! I won't use it if I have to transfer to the subway in Woodside. If the bus stops at Woodside, I'll continue to drive my son to the subway. But my son and I would use it if it goes to Manhattan. Make sure the bus goes to Manhattan! That's really important. Please.
3/31/2022, 12:44 AM — Strongly urge the MTA to establish an express bus route from southern Brooklyn (Brighton Beach, Coney Island, Sheepshead Bay) to JFK Airport. Either directly to the airport or at least to the Howard Beach IND/Airtrain stop. Currently, the only way to get to JFK from southern Brooklyn by public transportation is via the Atlantic Terminal LIRR to Jamaica to the Airtrain - a two hour trip at best.
3/31/2022, 12:45 AM — We have been petitioning for the Q77 bus in Springfield Gardens to extend the ridership to a few blocks to 147th Avenue to make connections to the Q111 and Q113 to have passengers make connections instead of going all the way to Jamaica Avenue to make connections to Q77 as well as Q5, Q85, N4. This has been a prolong proposal to our elected officials and it has been on the backburning for years. When will the residents of Springfield Gardens, Rosedale & Far Rockaway get into fruitition.
3/31/2022, 12:46 AM — I am requesting that you keep the Baisley Blvd and Guy R. Brewer Blvd/137ave bus stops.
3/31/2022, 1:44 AM — I was very happy to see that the Q49 has been put back in the plan, and that the frequency will get better?? (it's been pretty bad lately).
I'm not delighted about losing our own stop (78th) but am working on acceptance -- i.e., it is a tradeoff for making the buses run faster.
HOWEVER -- the stop at 37th Ave and 74th St. (northbound) is really important! Many people go shopping at the Indian grocery stores on their way home from the subway. They tend to have really heavy bags because of stocking up on staple items that are not sold in regular grocery stores. (i.e., rice in 10-20 lb bags)
So every bus has a few people with heavy groceries who get on the bus at 37th Ave. For the mobile (like me), a walk with the extra load is annoying but good exercise, but I do see quite a few elderly folks, parents with children, etc., for whom the extra walk would probably make it impossible.
3/31/2022, 1:53 AM — Thank you!!! This is great. Especially the Q23 changes, it will save time on my wife's commute and enable us to reach some other places we go for shopping more easily
An Express bus stop to downtown Manhattan at Kew Gardens subway station would be great, especially if those routes are using Queens blvd anyway
3/31/2022, 2:22 AM — I would like to know why the bus stops going west from Marathon Pky to Douglaston Pky where changed.....There are no stops between these two points except for a stop on the same block of the Douglaston Pky why is there two stops on the same block and nothing in suggestion would be to put back the stop at 245th Street....
3/31/2022, 3:22 AM — The QM22 bus needs to be restored. The QM22 had so much potential as a bus route but MTA never cared to add more service. Since it was discontinued in 2010, there has been more real estate development and gentrification of Astoria. Astoria is losing direct Midtown service with the loss of the Q101 and introduction of the new Q68, restoring the QM22 would be a great way to make up for that. Especially since the Q69 is supposed to provide non-stop express service to the subway, where many people transfer to overcrowded subways to Manhattan anyways. The QM22 would also provide system resiliency in the event of a disruption of N and W service as you would have people who will be willing try a relatively cheaper express bus rather than take a relatively more expensive Uber or Lyft. I would The new residents moving into Astoria don't generally like using local buses and this has already been established with the failure of the B91 and B92 during the L train shutdown in gentrified Williamsburg, but the new residents would consider taking the bus if it had amenities, peace and quiet, which is what the express bus has. That is why the QM22 being restored is important.
3/31/2022, 3:23 AM — Hi i don t see the qm3 express bus mentioned
3/31/2022, 3:31 AM — The QM22 bus needs to be restored. There will be no direct midtown service from Astoria since the Q101 to Manhattan will now be the Q68 to Brooklyn. Much of the ridership to Manhattan on the Q101 originates from north of the Grand Central Parkway. As much as MTA wants to establish better Queens-Brooklyn connections, many of the transplants moving into Astoria will not use local buses. This is very clear and has precedent with the low ridership of the B91, B91A, B92 established during the L train shutdown. However given many transplants willingness to use Uber/Lyft as an alternative to the subway, an express bus in Astoria would be appropriate as MTA would be smart to encourage customers to stay on MTA services by providing an upmarket alternative to the subway rather than lose them to Uber/Lyft. Since many of the midtown riders on the Q101 board north of the Grand Central Parkway, providing QM22 service along Ditmars Boulevard and 21st Street would be an appropriate alternate. To save resources on the new QM22, MTA could operate a single variant via Madison Avenue instead of separate 3rd and 6th Avenue services which was the case with the original QM22.
3/31/2022, 3:36 AM — Absolutely horrible redesign . The Q1 on Springfield Blvd eliminated is stupid many including myself ride that bus to the subway now I have to take two buses . The Q88 bus is heavily used why are you cutting the line . Leave them the way they are
3/31/2022, 3:39 AM — Bring back the QM22 bus. Demographics have significantly changed in Astoria since the discontinuation of this bus in 2010 and there are riders who would use an express bus as an upmarket alternative to the subway. Many people in Astoria use Uber/Lyft as an upmarket alternative to the subway, an express bus would help keep these people on MTA services. MTA already runs lower ridership express buses in neighborhoods like Forest Hills and Rego Park which are designed to draw people off of the overcrowded Queens Boulevard Line, since the Queens Boulevard Line, Flushing Line, Astoria Line and 60th Street Tunnels are at maximum subway capacity and ridership has dropped on the QM10/QM11/QM12/QM40/QM42, an express bus from Astoria/Jackson Heights that performs the same function as the QM10/QM11/QM12/QM40/QM42 is appropriate. Another thing is that there's an N/W subway extension to LaGuardia Airport that is being discussed, restoring the QM22 now would help provide resiliency in the event that there is need for greater subway capacity on the 60th Street tunnel and the Astoria line due to the subway extension to LaGuardia Airport. Other gentrifying neighborhoods like Inwood already have express bus service, now is the time to restore the QM22.
3/31/2022, 3:44 AM — Please bring back the QM22 bus. There is no longer any direct bus service to Midtown from Astoria because you're turning the Q101 into the Q68 to Brooklyn. Most Q101 riders to Midtown board north of the Grand Central Parkway. An express bus is appropriate for these people. Also there is new development in Astoria along 21st Street and you are already proposing an express Q69 to the subway where many people will be transferring to Manhattan anyway. There are more people coming back to work and uncomfortable using the subway in Astoria. These are all good reasons to bring back the QM22.
3/31/2022, 4:11 AM — Hi! After looking at this bus network redesign, I've got to say that I'm quite pleased. Increasing spacing on routes, and adding new SBS, limited, and rush services is bound to increase ridership, and replacing some routes will make certain one seat rides, subway transfers, and other accessibility concerns easier. Furthermore, increased headways and new interborough will be also likely induce more ridership demand in North Brooklyn and Queens.
However, to ensure that the MTA bus service remains accessible to everyone, I'd like to remind the MTA that increasing stop spacing should also come with increased paratransit options for the elderly and disabled. This way people who are both elderly and disabled and may not be able to walk to the new bus stops can continue to get around with ease.
Lastly, and this is more of a local issue, would it be possible to allow an easier B62 transfer to Court Square? I am aware that part of this plan is to reduce the amount of side tracking that routes currently do, but Court Square remains a crucial transfer point for the B62 to the Queens Boulevard Line for Williamsburg residents who live further away from the G train, and, bar an extension of the G back to Forest Hills which would allow riders to transfer to the QBL at 21 st, a connection to Court Sq should probably remain for the time being. This connection would also benefit new riders from the eastern part of Astoria who may want to transfer to the QBL, and limited stop spacing will increase operating speeds and headways more than enough to counter this slight detour.
Thank you for taking your time to read my comments, questions, and concerns. I wish you a fine day.
Student of Chemistry and Urban Studies at [REDACTED]; and long-time Brooklynite.
3/31/2022, 4:17 AM — hi
3/31/2022, 4:26 AM — One important issue with the proposed Q57 route is that the route doesn't serve the 179th Street Subway Station for former Q110 (rush hour) and former Q36 passengers along Jamaica Avenue from Floral Park, Bellerose, Queens Village and Hollis. Although the Q57 does serve the Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue Subway Station this station is about ten to twelve minutes further west of the 179th Street Subway Station which would increase a passenger's commute into Manhattan via the subway. In order to rectify this situation, I have the following suggested route revisions to the proposed Q57, the Q55 and Q56 routes. In the westbound direction the Q57 bus could make a right turn at 179th Place/Jamaica Avenue and travel toward Hillside Avenue stopping at the corner of 179th Place/Hillside Avenue where the former rush hour Q110 used to terminate at. After this point the westbound Q57 bus could make a left turn and travel non-stop to Merrick Blvd. making a left turn at Merrick Blvd. and traveling along Merrick Blvd. to Jamaica Avenue continue westbound on its normal route. One bus stop could be added along Merrick Blvd. near 90th Avenue close to the 165th Street Bus Terminal. In the eastbound direction the Q57 bus could make a left turn at 168th Street and travel toward Hillside Avenue with one stop added at 168th Street/89th Avenue and then the bus would continue along 168th Street and then make a right turn at Hillside Avenue and travel non-stop to the 179th Street subway Station. After stopping at the 179th Street Subway Station the westbound Q57 bus could then and then make a right turn at either 179th Street or at 180th Street and then travel toward Jamaica Avenue. At Jamaica Avenue the eastbound Q57 would then make a left turn and continue on its normal route toward Little Neck.In order to provide local bus service along Jamaica Avenue between 168th Street and 179th Street the Q55 and Q56 routes due to the suggested additional changes to the Q57 route the Q55 and Q56 routes could also be extended east along Jamaica Avenue to serve former Q57 points along Jamaica Avenue plus to also serve the 179th Street Subway Station. In the eastbound direction both the Q55 and Q56 buses would first be extended east to 178th Street/Jamaica Avenue making all local stops such as at 170th Street, 173rd Street, 175th Street (added back - School P.S./I.S. 268Ql). At Jamaica Avenue/178th Street both the Q55 and Q56buses would make a left turn (with a stop added along 178th Street near Jamaica Avenue) and then these two buses would continue along 178th Street to Hillside Avenue. The Q55 and Q56 routes could then layover either along the east side of 178th Street at the southeast corner of Hillside Avenue or the Q55 and/or the Q56 could make a right turn at Hillside Avenue and another right turn at 179th Street and layover along the west side of 179th Street or make another right turn at 180th Street and layover along the west side of 180th Street at the southwest corner of Hillside Avenue. This would depend upon the MTA and where NYCDOT could place additional bus stops at. for these two routes to terminate at. Returning back in the westbound direction the Q55 and Q56 could travel south along 179th Street or 180th Street back to Jamaica Avenue. At Jamaica Avenue the westbound Q55 and Q56 buses would then make a right turn and stop along Jamaica Avenue at 179th Street,175th Street (added School P.S./ I.S. 268Q), 173rd Street and then continue on their normal westbound route.
Another separate option in lieu of making changes to the Q57, Q56 and Q55 routes would be to provide a separate Rush route (Purple bus route) could operate along Jamaica Avenue from Little Neck Parkway or 257th Street to the 179th Street Subway Station but that would terminate at 165th Street Terminal similar to that of the Q2 route and Q82 routes. The Q9 route could also be revised and extended up to travel
3/31/2022, 4:29 AM — Has Braunstein taken a Bus in FH or Rego Park, Queens, namely Q60, Q23, Q38, QM11,10, 40? about a year ago some Bus Shelters removed. Heavy residential and shopping malls here, and Seniors unable to take Subways.
3/31/2022, 4:52 AM — The proposed new redesigned Q16 route is excellent - Good Job!! I can get to Downtown Flushing using only one bus. Great Job!
3/31/2022, 5:45 AM — The proposed Q10 route solves the problems created years ago when the Q74 route was eliminated.
3/31/2022, 5:48 AM — Here are comments / suggestions... from a senior
I'm happy to speak with someone if they want... this is a landline and my answering machine time to call is usually noon
1) Take seniors and people with disabilities seriously. FOR EXAMPLE: Even while wearing my reading glasses(which gives me 20-20 vision), and ENLARGING view to 500%... I still can't read the numbers on the routes on the proposed map. Too small too blurry...
2) The proposed bus STOPS are not shown... that would, in my case, make a huge difference. When can I expect to see the proposed stops?
2) Thank you for restoring the #38 route... I made as much noise as I could, when it was left out of the last proposal. Apparently someone (maybe my councilman) helped get the word to you... because the public meeting for feedback was a total waste of my time. When I left in disgust because NO ONE was taking feedback from anyone.. there were 3 other people who left with me. We were all... to put it politely... VERY unhappy. We all paid to get to the meeting (by bus!), we were all seniors who didn't love going out at night for this, and then (for me) having to walk home on dark deserted streets. That won't be a problem if its on zoom... but I am very wary and suspicious that when someone from the MTA says that they want my opinion, what they really want is for me to think the MTA wants my opinion... it's more pr than reality.
3) For routes that typically get most of their riders during rush hours, has the MTA considered using vans? Smaller vehicles = less gas.
4) When I read that the reason the MTA wants to make changes is to better serve the public... that's great. But when another huge reason is NOT mentioned... $$$$... I tend to question everything I am told. Being transparent means being honest.
5) PLEASE REMEMBER: Seniors, Disabled! Not everyone can run for a bus, or walk more than a couple of blocks. Or afford a cab.
5) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I know that I tend to get grumpy. I feel the way you feel when I am ignored. I APPRECIATE YOU too... it's not all doom & gloom... and I know that probably most people at the MTA are working their butts off and have been / continue to be, asked to do more than humanly reasonable. So thanks!
3/31/2022, 6:07 AM — Why have you left the B20 and the B13 out of your study? These are key routes that connect key arts of Brooklyn and Queens, like other Brooklyn routes discussed in this plan, yet they are left out. Please don't forget to include these routes in your consideration and don't just address them in a Brooklyn specific plan that forgets to consider their importance to Interborough Connectivity.
3/31/2022, 7:07 AM — Two comments:
1) the distance in the proposed first stop after leaving the 74 st Roosevelt terminal, the Q49 spans Roosevelt Ave, 37th Rd, 37th Ave before the draft proposed stop at 35th Ave 74 st. Those avenues are equivalent to 3 East-west blocks each. The span is equivalent to walking several football fields. I suggest that the Avenue stops be retained as is. I am a senior with mobility issues and the proposed distance is a major challenge. Many seniors by necessity use buses.
.I respectfully ask that the Avenue length be reconsidered and have 37 ave 74 street remain a stop eastbound. It presently has a shelter enclosure and bench. Thanks so much.
2) Eliminated Q29 bus will negatively impact Newtown HS students, hospital workers, shoppers both going to QC mall as well as shoppers coming into our Jackson Hts neighborhood supporting our small businesses. The 7 train 82 st stop connecting to the Q29 helps commuters heading to and from Elmhurst. The Q29 is utilized and important to the neighborhood. Listed on the chart of eliminated Q29 are Q14, 80 and Q38 routes which don’t service anywhere near the Q29 route.
3/31/2022, 7:48 AM — The 3/30/22 revised Queens bus design draft is much improved from the 2020 version. Thank you for listening to your customers. I appreciate all the hard work being done.
Several comments regarding the current draft:
1) Please take into account when assessing bus speed that allowable street speeds have been lowered.
2) Having back door entry will speed up boarding time. Even though omny isn’t up to speed now, we are planning for years to come so “build it and they will come.”
3) Garbage trucks, delivery and food trucks, double parked cars are the real time wasters. Install cameras on the bus dashboards that take a photo and automatically generate a traffic ticket. People will learn when it has a financial consequence. Just do it. As a matter of fact, start with the camera/ticket option now and measure the improvement. Same with rear entry. Can be done more quickly than waiting to finalize routing changes.
4) If stops are removed, be mindful of some things. Removing a stop running east-west is better than removing an Avenue block stop which represents at least the equivalent of three east /west sized blocks. Much further and a bigger challenge to seniors.
There needs to be sheltered stops with benches to accommodate the longer walks to the next bus stop.
Please retain the eastern direction stop of 37 ave 74 st on the Q49. The distance from the 74 st Roosevelt terminal until the first proposed stop at 35 ave 74 st is quite a distance. It spans across Roosevelt Ave , 37 Rd, 37 Ave til it reaches 35 ave 74 st. For a senior it is like walking several football fields. Seniors rely on buses as many of us cannot climb the subway stairs.
5) Northern Blvd needs an express bus that runs from Flushing into Manhattan. I don’t expect the MTA to take on another such redesign project for another hundred years so thinking of our current and future needs will serve us better now.
Lastly, can you provide an email address for Andy Byford? I know he is in London but it is important that I reach him. I didn’t believe him that our comments would be taken into consideration in redraft. I would like to apologize for yelling at him and thank him.
3/31/2022, 9:10 AM — I am an essential worker, who depended solely on the Qm21 to get me to work. You cannot eliminate the stop on 34th and 2nd Ave. this stop is what helps me to get to work to care for sick people. This is not ok. In affluent neighborhoods this would not happen, actually in affluent neighborhoods the bus stop is directly in front on the hospital. By removing this stop you are causing hundreds of healthcare heros who ride the bus to be delayed in their commute which affect the patients we care for every day and depend on us
3/31/2022, 9:13 AM — I do not agree with the plan to remover the stop at 34th and 2nd Ave. i am a health care worker and this will cause a huge inconvenience for me. To get to most hospitals in the city we need this stop. The Qm21 was my only dependable source of transport during the pandemic especially on very long days. Removing this stop wil cause a huge delay in my commute and. On a bigger note affect the patients I care for every day. Please do not remove this stop
3/31/2022, 9:39 AM — Proposal for bus stop location for the Q38 northbound and southbound directions at Juniper Blvd. South and 80 Street.
The Q38 southbound direction (Middle Village - Rego Park) bus stop sequence number 8 on the New Draft Plan Brochure, a new bus stop due to rerouting, shows it on the website to be located on the southeast corner of Juniper Blvd. South and 80 Street. I propose that it be moved to the southwest corner. This location is by PS 049 Dorothy Bonawit Kole school. Parents with their kids would be let off the bus at the school and not have to cross 80th Street. Also, with the new routing most people would be coming from the area on the side of the school and would not have to cross 80th Street to get to the bus stop.
In the northbound direction (Rego Park - Middle Village) the bus stop should be located on the northwest corner of Juniper Blvd. South and 80th Street (new bus stop sequence number 11 on the New Draft Plan Brochure). Because of the proposed rerouting of the Q38 most people live in the area on the west side of 80th Street and south of Juniper Blvd. South, thus they would not have to cross 80th Street. This proposed bus stop location is located directly across from PS 049 Dorothy Bonawit Kole school. With this location parents and their children would only have to cross one street, Juniper Blvd. South, to get to the school, whereas if the bus stop was located on the northeast corner of Juniper Blvd. South and 80th Street they would have to cross two streets: Juniper Blvd. South and 80th Street. Most people going to Juniper Valley Park go to large area of the park which is at the northwest corner of Juniper Blvd. South and 80th Street where I propose the bus stop be located.
3/31/2022, 10:06 AM — Taking away the 2nd Ave stop on the Qm21 after all these yrs would hurt so many. I’ve been taking it for 25 & 1/2 yrs. That stop is so beneficial to so many. Why take it away?
3/31/2022, 10:21 AM — Keep my Q29 Bus
Is my kids transportation
3/31/2022, 11:05 AM — You should swap the northern terminals for the Q33 and Q47, giving the Marine Air Terminal a 24/7 to the subway at Jackson Heights and making the Q33 a more linear route.
3/31/2022, 11:06 AM — I am in my 60’s, do not drive, and often have mobility issues. I cannot afford to take Uber or Lyft every time I need to go to the doctor or physical therapy or to a grocery store. Losing any bus lines (especially the Q29) would be devastating for me. I welcome the opportunity to speak to the individuals crafting the redesign. Feel free to contact me.
3/31/2022, 11:12 AM — I like the new Q80 route being the new Q29. I like that it goes up 80th Street (putting it physically closer to Maspeth), still reaches the M and R subways, and still reaches Queens Center Mall. It also distributes coverage more evenly than having it go up Dry Harbor Road.
What I would like to see with the Q80 is an extension at the southern end into Glendale, specifically Central Avenue westbound. Many people take the Q55 just to transfer to the Q29, so this would be beneficial. Also many students walk from 80/Cooper to IS 119.
I also like the Q14 routing, more than the QT83. Anecdotally, many people travel between Corona and Ridgewood, so I like that the Q14 goes through Corona Plaza, definitely a local hotspot. Glendale could also be helped out with an extension onto at least near Cypress Hills Street and Myrtle Ave, perhaps further east towards the 70s.
Only thing I dislike about the Q14 is that it avoids the Metropolitan Ave subway station. There's also a mall and a high school there.
3/31/2022, 11:25 AM — Good evening,
Please do not remove the Q29 bus line. This line is essential for students, parents and community members to transport to schools, shopping mall and homes. Thank you.
3/31/2022, 11:35 AM — This is ridiculous! Q29 is major route from Roosevelt to queens center mall . Seriously ? You are be that so low, cut the services from major queens section to save your money and given to all your shareholder? This line has been serving in queens more decades.
3/31/2022, 11:43 AM — Please keep Q29 stop on Hoffman Drive. My child goes to Ps .119. Q 29 is the bus he takes to 80st and then walk about 10 blocks to school. With the new bus plan Q80, we will either walk to Grand Ave or 57th Ave and 92 street(crossing the Blvd if death). It is such a long hike before he gets on the bus, then another long hike to walk to school. His usual commute is about 13 mins on the bus then 8 mins walk. With this updated route, and bus frequency of every 12 mins, he will need to be prepared for one hour commute. I can’t imagine walking and waiting for the bus during winter months.
Please keep Q29 bus
3/31/2022, 11:45 AM — Please keep Q29 bus that’s the only bus that goes to my son school at PS IS 119 Glendale that school is g$t school that probably 8 school buses from our area for kids schooled there. Almost all kids enrol in GAnd T and siblings gs with G n T go to that school my son be 7th grade next year and need to get to q29 bus only bus go there from Elmhurst thank upu
3/31/2022, 12:01 PM — For buses (and train riders) to make better connections, they need to utilize their info screens to provide transfer connection data like Bustime/Google does. That way riders can make informed decisions on transfers.
There are apps available but having real time data on those screens is more convenient.
3/31/2022, 12:08 PM — Free weekend bus service should be studied to see if it can improve local economic activity.
During the height of the pandemic when buses were free for a time, I took the bus to places I normally would not have other times and visited businesses that remained open. It was a new experience for me and I wish to see it again when ridership is back and businesses are all open. Perhaps free buses will increase foot traffic through local downtowns and bring more tax revenue to the city.
You could even swap free parking Sunday for free bus service.
I would love to see this as a test pilot for a month or two just to test the waters with fanfare.
3/31/2022, 12:25 PM — I am writing to express my concern regarding the redesign on the Queens bus routes. Since my location is in Elmhurst, I can't imagine what I would do if you eliminate Q29. I take that route almost to move to and from the 7 train. I use it to go to my daughter's after school activities. It has been very helpful and I think it would be very difficult for people in my neighborhood to find new routes to move around.
Please reconsider keeping our Q29 buses for the Elmhurst people.
3/31/2022, 12:26 PM — The area in Union St/Flushing between Northern Blvd and Roosevelt is a choke point for car traffic and buses. The 109th Precinct uses Union St as their parking lot and travel through there is exceedingly difficult when cars and buses are making their turns into 37th Ave. This area requires significant transit priority and scrutiny in the upcoming redesign.
I would propose no parking during AM and PM rush and working with 109th Precinct to park their vehicles elsewhere, like repurposing the parking structure nearby. Having bus lanes would be a major plus.
3/31/2022, 12:38 PM — Bus Q29 needs to remain!!! Lots of students, seniors, health workers and all rely on this line that has served the community for over 50 years!!! Madness to even consider eliminating it. Our community cannot afford to loose it.
3/31/2022, 12:55 PM — Please don’t cut the q29 bus line it’s my only way home to a father of 7 kids please I beg you.
3/31/2022, 12:56 PM — Please do not take the q29 bus away we have lived in the Hampton stop for many years ! That’s the only safe way to get home now a days because the train is not even safe ! Please don’t get rid of this bus Corina area and elmhurst really needs it
3/31/2022, 3:24 PM — Keep Q29 Bus Route. It’s essential for most of us as it is the closest transportation compared to the trains at night! It’s scary to walk from the train station and the buses help us get home safely!
3/31/2022, 4:01 PM — Please don’t eliminate the Q29! My family uses it all the time. Don’t cut up the Q29 route. PLEASE
3/31/2022, 4:22 PM — DOT eliminated 23 bus stops along the Q66 route along Northen Boulevard which affects seniors, the disabled and hundreds and hundreds of children from IS145. DOT has put our children’s lives in danger without any community input for the sake of pleasing politicians financial donors. DOT is destroying a neighborhood and nobody seems to care.
3/31/2022, 4:45 PM — There should be a bus route between Jackson Heights and The Bronx.
3/31/2022, 6:28 PM — Extend the Q1 up Jericho Turnpike to 257th Street.
There should be a bus connecting Floral Park LIRR with Little Neck Parkway.
3/31/2022, 6:42 PM — Apparently the MTA has nothing better to do than make it even harder for working and elderly people to get to their destinations. Stop messing around with the Q32 route and just add more buses!! Ticket and tow the people that park in the bus stops on Roosevelt ave and service would run faster. You removed bus stops on the Q66 route and the wait for a bus is the same......too long.
3/31/2022, 8:00 PM — Keep the Q29!!!!!! This is the only way many families has of getting to the mall and grocery stores that are near it.
3/31/2022, 10:30 PM — You need to correct your chart, you left out the Q21 replacing the Q29 in Elmhurst/Jackson Heights portion of it's old route. It lists 3 lines replacing the Q29 but none of them goes near Elmhurst/Jackson Heights.
On the Q53 SBS I think its a mistake to terminate it at Broadway/75th Street in Jackson Heights. That area already has a number of bus lines terminating there serving commuters. Adding two more lines will increase congestion/traffic not to mention you'll be inconveniencing all the people who use it from 61st Street. The Q53 has be terminating in Woodside for over 50 years. Now suddenly it's a problem? You're moving it out of Woodside because of the Q70 Airport bus. Your inconveniencing commuters for tourists and travelers. That's wrong.
3/31/2022, 11:41 PM — How is it possible you made things worse for people of Middle Village. NO service on Eliot Ave or 69 st. No service to the queens mall or LIRR or 80 st. without transfer to two or three buses. All you did was divert traffic from Eliot Ave to Juniper Park. Rethink the the Q38 service. Q18 and Q67/
3/31/2022, 11:45 PM — Moving the Q38 from Penelope Ave, Furmanville Ave, and Juniper Valley Road removes it from very many residents of Middle Village. Rerouting it to Juniper Bouldvard South (along the park) is bad enough; but when there are only two local bus stops at 80th Street (New Stop Sequence 11) and 69th Lane (New Stop Sequence 12) ; it removes bus service from a sizeable portion of our population. Residents should not be expected to walk such a great distance to the nearest stop.
Furthermore, removal of the Eliot Ave section in North Middle Village can be a significant loss. Frequency and transfer times to the New Q14 route may never make up the loss you are doing by severly limiting the Q38.
4/1/2022, 12:11 AM — Premier HealthCare & YAI Center for Specialty Therapy bus stop on northern and 211 st can not remove that stop because that place for disability medical cinc and therapy place . That stop for disability service. Please not remove that stop.please save that bus stop This is for q12/13 bus route
4/1/2022, 12:18 AM — PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE Q29 BUS LINE!!!
This line is essential to Elmhurst residents like myself who rely on it as transportation especially when I go to parts of Elmhurst (further away from the subway lines) and Jackson Heights especially in the evenings to visit family or patron local Queens restaurants. As a woman who is alarmed of high/rising crime rates such as sexual assault, I rely on this bus line to safely mobilize in my neighborhood. Traveling from 82nd and Roosevelt Ave for example takes about 45 mins - 1 hour to take the 7 train and then the R/M (which many times goes express to Forrest Hills because of construction causing me to then take the train back for the local stops ) to my stop (Woodhaven Blvd). By comparison the q29 is a 10 minute bus ride only a few blocks from my house. Please do not remove this essential line for Elmhurst/Rego Park residents. As the subway feels increasingly dangerous, I would not feel comfortable in leaving my house during the evenings.
4/1/2022, 12:22 AM — Thank you for restoring the Jackson Heights routes, particularly the Q49, the western portion of the Q66, and the Q53. I also do actually appreciate the stop consolidation on the Q49 and Q66, but want to emphasize that the frequency is really important. The Q49 has a ton of people going to East Elmhurst at rush hour so the increased frequency is great. Also love the extensions of the B57 and B62!
4/1/2022, 1:03 AM — In the Bayswater section of the Rockaway community (CB14) a population of 19,000 residents there is no Queens bus service. To remedy this hardship, I am requesting an extension of the Q22 bus line route to include and extend the route down Mott Ave beyond Beach Channel Drive.
Thank you very much.
4/1/2022, 1:09 AM — It is crucial to Elmhurst residents that the Q29 bus route stay. As elderly residents of Elmhurst who live along the route will need to walk longer distance to and from subway stations to reach places like Queens Center Mall and Jackson Hts and 82nd street . Elderly or handicapped persons would need to walk the elevated crest on Hampton St. to get to Corona Ave.
it is of utmost importance to keep this bus route !
4/1/2022, 1:26 AM — Keep the q29, people who can’t wake up the stairs on the subway will have no way to get to the mall from Jackson heights… it would be a different story if the train stations had elevators but this would cut off a lot of people in Elmhurst who rely on the q29. The first stop always has a huge line of people waiting , it’s a necessity to keep the q29 going!
4/1/2022, 1:49 AM — I am the director of a senior-serving program in Jackson Heights. The Q66 runs through the neighborhood we serve. We need to have the bus stops on 92nd street returned/replaced, in order for the hundreds of older adults living in the area to have access to bus service. The elimination of this east/west stop means that older adults not only have to walk additional blocks, but cross another very busy intersection (Junction) in order to wait for a bus.
Thank you!
4/1/2022, 2:14 AM — I take the QM11 (QMT102) from Forest Hills to Downtown. The inbound stop and leaving time is great!
But on the outbound it cut down a lot of services which is not good.
I see the bus is leaving at 4p, 5p, 5:30pm...but I think most of the people leave work at the same time the bus leaving the first stop.
If I need to catch the 5pm bus, I pretty much have to leave at 4:45p and I think the managers will not be happy.
So I think it makes more sense to change the outbound time to 4:10, 5:10, 5:40, so that people have about 10 min to walk to the bus stop.
Also the bus is not running on Trinity and Vesey, which mean those passengers will have to walk all the way to water street and I think it's a bit far.
Maybe the first stop on the outbound could start on Broadway and Thames, so that it could accommodate the passengers currently working near world trade center?
Thank you.
4/1/2022, 2:29 AM — Extend the Q9 to Lefferts Blvd. Airtrain Station.
4/1/2022, 2:29 AM — I have reviewed the entire Queens Bus Network Redesign, and I have a few comments. I am basing my opinion on my experience of living in Queens my entire life in several different neighborhoods.
1) First I will start with the good: I think the added routes between Queens and Brooklyn are a great start. They are a real necessity.
2) There are not enough non-express buses going to Manhattan. You are eliminating an entire route so there are only 2 left! And the Q32 isn't even 24 hours a day. The subways often shutdown for maintenance in the middle of the night so if we don't have buses, we have to drive (which we know the City doesn't want) and pay a ton on parking or we have to pay a ton on a cab. And most of the buses that go to Manhattan are express buses, which are a lot more money. We need more routes that go to Manhattan and they need to be 24 hours a day.
3) You should be expanding bus routes to go all the way to East River ferry lines in Astoria, Long Island City, and Brooklyn. This will give people another way to travel besides getting on the subway. For instance, you stop several routes (like the Q54) in Williamsburg, but you can bring those all the way down to one of the ferry stops in Brooklyn so people can hop on the ferry to Manhattan. You should be striving to connect more methods of transportation.
4) It is a bad idea to remove the bus stop on Metropolitan Avenue and the east side of Woodhaven Blvd on the Q54 line. People transfer from that stop to buses that go down Woodhaven Blvd to Queens Blvd. You may think it seems redundant because there is another bus stop on the west side of Woodhaven Blvd, but it is not. Woodhaven Blvd has 9 lanes of traffic! So people would have to get off the bus and then cross a very large, very dangerous street to transfer to their bus. I can imagine people running across the traffic when they see their bus coming in an attempt not to miss it and then getting hit by a car. For the same reason it would be a bad idea to remove the bus on the west side of Woodhaven since people often transfer to buses heading towards the Jamaica and Atlantic Avenue train stations on that side of the street.
5) It is also a bad idea to remove the bus stop at Metropolitan Avenue and Selfridge on the Q54 line. That bus is directly in front of the Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School, which is a 6-12 grade school. As you probably know, the City does not provide school buses for children in 7th grade and above, so almost all the children who go to school there rely on public transportation. It is wonderful that they can get off the bus and head directly into the school instead of having to walk several blocks. The next closest stop would be Metropolitan and Woodhaven Blvd., but that would require them to cross a very busy, dangerous street by the Trader Joe's parking lot. If you know the area, you know that is a dangerous crossing. In fact, there was just a you tube video circulating about how it is the most dangerous parking lot in New York City, and that danger stretches into the cross street with all the cars trying to get into the parking lot.
6) I understand that you are trying to make bus routes more efficient, but I think that your redesign is going to require many people to take several buses now instead of just one. They may even have to take 2 or 3 buses or 2 buses and the subway. For that reason, I think that riders should get unlimited transfers within a certain period of time (2 hours? ) It is unfair to ask riders to pay twice if they need to take 2 or 3 buses or 2 buses and a subway.
4/1/2022, 4:22 AM — The Q45 route is a great idea but weekend service is needed due to activity along Little Neck Parkway such as the Queens Farm Museum, however this might still not bring in enough ridership on the route. In order to improve ridership on the Q45 I believe a small route revision is needed on the western end of the route. Instead of the Q45 terminating at Sutphin Blvd./Archer Avenue on its western end the Q45 route should instead be extended at Sutphin Blvd./Jamaica Avenue further east to Jamaica Hospital via similar routing and stops as the proposed Q42 route. This additional route extension would provide faster access to and from Jamaica Hospital for passengers from many Northeastern Queens communities.
4/1/2022, 5:51 AM — Hi! I use the Q59 to commute to and from work a few times a week, and I propose that you keep its current routing at its eastern terminus (EB - left on Hor Harding, right on Junction, right on 62nd, right on Queens Blvd.) This current routing permits for a much easier turnaround with the left turn coming at a less busy, and better (for the Q59) signaled intersection. Also, many riders go to the last stop because it's a lot closer to Corona and the Rego Centre than the new proposed routing. This also provides better network coverage for Queens Blvd riders, and others on the Q60/Q59 corridor because more destinations are more readily accessed. The proposed change will not make service faster and may actually make it slower.
Personally, it leaves me a block from my destination whereas the new routing would leave me 4 longs blocks and 1 super crazy intersection to cross.
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my comment.
4/1/2022, 5:53 AM — Several suggestions that would be beneficial for commuters like me, who reside in Queens Village:
-A route that goes through Braddock Avenue, Spencer Avenue and the ENTIRETY of Bell Boulevard (Queens Village LIRR Station - Bay Terrace Via Bell Blvd)
-A route that connects Winchester Boulevard & Douglaston Parkway
-A route that serves the whole of Little Neck Parkway
-Extend one of the lines that run along Francis Lewis or Springfield to Green Acres. It would be MUCH easier to get there.
-Think about the routes you are making/changing more carefully. Consider how it would impact people from each neighborhood.
4/1/2022, 6:27 AM — The proposed Q38 route could be revised on its eastern end at 108th Street to instead travel along 108th Street to the Horace Harding Expressway then to College Point Blvd. The Q38 could then travel north along College Point Blvd. and merge with the Q16 route to Bayside. Since both these routes are listed as (Green) local routes a new combined route this shouldn't be that difficult. The new combined route could have a service frequency similar to that of the Q16 route which would be better than the proposed Q38 service frequency, but I believe by combining these two routes together would vastly increase ridership as it would connect many Northeastern Queens neighborhoods to both Rego Park and Middle Village reducing reliance on other routes such as the Q58 and Q98 which then may require additional transfers to access these points.
4/1/2022, 6:55 AM — Please keep the Q29 it is needed for many riders who connect from the 7 train to their homes. It also connects many students to get to schools.
4/1/2022, 7:11 AM — Q29 is a route used by students primarily & workers; can the MTA explain what will happen with all of the Q29 bus riders?
4/1/2022, 7:37 AM — Please do not eliminate the Q29, we already have a poor oublic transportation system in Queens.
4/1/2022, 8:08 AM — Hello MTA. I am a BMCC college student. I am concerned about the Q100 being discontinued from the new Queens Bus Network Redesign. The Q100 Limited service to Rikers Island is a great way to get to Rikers Island, but without any local stops (which will take a while longer to get to Rikers). In my opinion, you should leave the Q100 Limited, and instead keep the Q105 as an local service option to cover the Q102 service.
4/1/2022, 8:54 AM — I'm a resident in queens and I take the q29 daily to work. The q29 cuts through all the woodhaven traffic and gets me home sooner rather than any bus on Woodhaven. Taking it away will create a horrible traffic jam and leave 100s of customers without transportation through woodhaven/ middle village . If you don't live in the area you don't know what trouble you can cause when you take away a bus that is being taken consistently daily with thousands of commuters. It's hard as it is. Please don't take this line away!!
4/1/2022, 10:17 PM — Distance between bus stops on the Q38, both directions, on Juniper Blvd. South between 69th Lane and 80th Street, is about 3,177 feet. A bus stop mid-way between these two bus stops is warranted.
4/1/2022, 11:33 PM — Please don’t consider cutting out times or days on the QM2 or QM 32.I’m constantly going into the city either alone or groups of friends and I need these modes of transportation to get me there. I’m retired but am a regular theater and museum goer, I belong to an organization and I’m on the board ergo meetings always. Some of my doctors are in the city as well.
Since it’s a hassle to take the RR meaning several connections and I won’t use the subways now what are my choices?
Do I need to sit locked in my house or drive into the city and create further stress?
This would be a travesty!
4/1/2022, 11:57 PM — The bus 29 even is the route is not too long is important to us who lives in Elmhurst and Jackson heights I can’t take so many busses to get middle village so please think about it we really appreciate it
4/2/2022, 3:11 AM — Removing 40 percent of the bus stops from the Q49 is not the right way to address bus speeds on the route. All it will do is reduce access to the route. There is a major bottleneck on many times of day on this route that this plan does nothing to address - 74th Street between Roosevelt Avenue and 37 Avenue. The bus stops I use on either end of my trip are being removed. This will increase my total walking distance (total of each end of my trip) from 1,150 feet to 2,050, a net increase of 900 feet. And while I will be seeing 24 hour service I am not seeing any improvement to service frequency - nor will I see much travel time since buses don't actually stop at bus stops that no one is using at the time anyway. So I will see my trip time actually increase by 4 minutes.
4/2/2022, 4:50 AM — The new Q67 - instead of having it go down the narrow 61st Street in Maspeth, what about Fresh Pond to Flushing; left on Flushing; right on Rust Street to pick up the rest of the route? 61st Street for buses is tough, it's narrow, probably somewhat dangerous for the buses, as well as cars and pedestrians. I know it creates a long walk for those between Grand and the LIE in some portions of the area, but others can walk to Rust and 57th Drive; maybe adding a stop just past Maspeth Avenue as well. There is only one stop on Grand under the current draft.
4/2/2022, 4:54 AM — This draft is pretty much is good in my opinion. It provides more crosstown availability and cut down services where it essentially doesn't need buses. Ex. The Q102 being replace by Q104(service in Roosevelt Island) and Q105 (service in 31st street and Q100 service to Rikers). The B53 is providing more service along Broadway and also help with B46 and B47 service from Gates Ave to Marcy Ave and replace the Q24 along Broadway. But one thing I'm disappointed about is the Q101service taken out but in all honestly I'm up for as I can take to B60 to Williamsburg Bus Terminal and I can Transfer to the Q68 and go to Astoria more quickly and not having a 2 hour commute to get to Astoria.
4/2/2022, 5:02 AM — The revised B57 going to Jackson Heights (but no longer to Red Hook). Not sure I understand why the elimination of a big part of the Brooklyn leg. But, wouldn't a bus be better served traveling from 69th Street to 82nd Street using 37th Avenue instead of Roosevelt Avenue? Roosevelt is not an easy street to travel - single lane in each direction; lots of existing traffic. 37th Avenue much less busy, wider street. Anyone who needs the train can change at 69th/Roosevelt. If the issue is 74th Street train station, then maybe turning on 75th to get it off of Roosevelt?
4/2/2022, 5:33 AM — This is a comment about Q4 stop spacing.
I like that stops between Farmers and Francis Lewis are consolidated to 193, 197, and 201. This is better than the first proposal (195, 201). I'd like to suggest making stops more legible and easy to find by actually moving the stops in both directions to the same intersection, instead of having staggered stops as is the case today. For example, 192 St is proposed to be kept in the eastbound direction; move it to 193 St.
Please do not remove Newburg St as that is a connection to the LIRR.
Regarding stops between 179 St and Merrick, I'd like to suggest just two stops specifically at 177th Place/114th Road, and 175th Street, in both directions (to also remove staggered stop locations). At the former, there is an existing traffic light and a crosswalk, keeping it safe for passengers. That allows the latter to be a perfect location for a bus stop by balancing out the stop spacing to four blocks to the next stop in both directions, as well as maximizing reachability within this peculiar street grid (helpful not just for people going to Jamaica but going towards Cambria Heights as well).
4/2/2022, 6:23 AM — Keep the Q29 bus route
4/2/2022, 7:00 AM — I understand the logic for the new routes however, seniors who are capable, seniors who walk with a cane, people who get around in wheelchairs and rely on the buses to commute, people with children and carriages are not being considered.
NYC has made all the bike lanes and bike racks, these people don't need the buses.
People are riding their mopeds, scooters, etc.
Today, as an example in the morning a handicap person on a wheelchair on Steinway Street and 30 Avenue took the q101 bus and got off at the last stop in Manhattan. Tell me how will he commute with your new plan. How will he transfer to the q 32 or q 60 to Manhattan from Steinway Street.
Removing stops so the bus route can go faster. Seniors rely on the bus for example to go to the market, go to church. Can you picture the senior with a cane having to walk on a rainy day further for the bus stop.
I am a grandmother who babysits her grandchildren.
Two days a week I take the q 19 to the last stop and then take the q 12 to Douglaston Parkway and 243 Street and then return with the q12 to the last stop and transfer to the q 19 back to Astoria.
Three days a week I take the q19 to the last stop then take the q27 to Springfield Blvd and Jamaica Ave and transfer to the q 36 or N24 to Jericho turnpike and 246 Street. I return with the q36 or N24 to the q27 and finally the q 19 back to Astoria.
Weekends I take the q101 on Steinway Street and 23 Ave to the last stop in Manhattan.
Your website says your are going to eliminate the q101 to Manhattan because I can transfer to the q32 or q60. Are you kidding me. Your suggestion passengers can transfer from Steinway Street to the q32 or q60 bus.
Everyday I see high school students and college students just getting on the buses and not paying. It does not matter what bus line in Queens, they take advantage of the system.
Another issue I forgot to mention, was in the winter, a blind man with a cane was trying to find the bus stop, but the bus stop pole was filled with snow and who could not tap the pole to realize he was at the stop until I guided him.
My sons that I help babysit and rely on my commute don't want their mother on the subway system and I too don't want to take the subway.
Like I said in the beginning, I understand why you are doing the changes but the MTA is for all the people no matter age or capabilities.
Don't cut off our wings.
4/2/2022, 8:47 AM — The Q29 is a very convenient and essential bus route. Removing it from the MTA would be a hassle for many commuters.
4/2/2022, 9:37 AM — I like the idea. I find that the new proposals will make the system efficient. Even though spacing out the stops further out can lead to the buses idling at the stops longer, it will still make the buses faster.
4/2/2022, 10:29 AM — The elimination of the Q10 bus going directly into the JFK Terminal will very NEGATIVELY impact the airport workers who rely on this vital connection to get to work. The bus is full of workers at all hours of the day using Q10 to go into JFK, as they cannot afford a commute that involves Airtrain. If any of you actually rode on the Q10, you will see all the working class people that absolutely need this route. By removing the JFK Terminal stop you are making the very people who depend on the MTA bus system pay more while also segmenting their commute.
4/2/2022, 11:37 AM — The Q29 should NOT be eliminated, it is a bus that take you to the Queens Mall.
On 82nd Street by Roosevelt, I see long lines for the bus.
I PERSONALLY, have taken that bus many times.
What you MTA needs to do with MANY routes including the trains is be organized..
Some trains come just a few people, same is with some bus routes.
For example, you wait and wait for a bus and none come. Suddenly, two or three come at once from the same route.
Bottom line, some buses and trains needs to spread out a little to financially benefit MTA and passengers.
4/2/2022, 5:54 PM — Hi good day to you.
Here is my comments on the express bus changes for Queens.
I highly agree with the QM5, 8, & 35 Running Express to/from 188 Street & 64 Avenue. The QM8 should run from 530 AM to 930 AM Manhattan Bound and 230 PM to 730 PM Glen Oaks Bound. The QM35 should also run from 545 AM to 945 AM Manhattan Bound and 3 PM to 8 PM Glen Oaks Bound. QM5 should have a earlier trip at 440 AM to Manhattan.
I don't really agree with the Union Turnpike changes. The QM6 should serve stops west of 188 during times the QM1 is not running as the proposed ending time for the 1 is too early and will leave folks having to back track from 188 to get to the bypassed stops on Union as the service span will still be the same on the 5 and 6 but not the 1. Also look into adding a 7 AM trip from Manhattan to Lake Success as I had come across many people who work in the medical facilities around Lakeville Road and Marcus Avenue that want to use the express bus but don't because the first QM6 to Lake Success at 805 AM is too late for them.
The Queens Blvd stops for QM7 is also something I disagree with. The best idea was the first draft where there was a Queens Blvd wall street route that started in Briarwood at Queens Blvd and Main Street and that was much better. Ideally the QM7 should add a 520 AM and 950 AM inbound trip and a 745 PM outbound trip.
I do agree with having all wall street buses stop at 34th and 1st and it's a move I feel like that can be implemented even before the redesign starts.
I don't really see much of a need for a Southeast Queens to Wall Street bus when you got other areas like in Northeast Queens that is asking for Wall Street service.
I do feel like the QM3 should be kept in some kind of way even if it becomes the Northeast Queens- Wall Street bus.
I do feel like the QM21, QM63, and QM64 should no longer serve the stops on Queens Blvd as a way to give Southeast Queens riders a faster and more direct trip to Manhattan. The QM68 can service the stops on Queens Blvd at Main Street, 83rd/Hoover Avenues, and 78th Avenue even if the 21, 63, and 64 continue to serve Queens Blvd stops. The simplication for the QM63, 64, and 68 in Manhattan is a great move however maybe a possibility of creating a 3rd Avenue variant for the 63, 64, and 68 should be looked at in the future when things gets more better.
The Queens Blvd and 67 Avenue and 63rd Drive stops should be made by the QM4 instead of the QM18 and have QM18 run express after 71st Avenue. QM18 should run from 530 AM to 10 AM Manhattan Bound and 230 PM to 7 PM Ozone Park Bound.
Service on the QM4 at minimum should run weekdays to Manhattan from 530 AM to Noon and from Manhattan from 230 PM to Midnight.
Weekday QM15 service to Manhattan should start at 5 AM.
QM15 service on Saturday should continue to run until 11 PM and Sunday service should be added using the existing Saturday schedule.
QM16 and QM17 should run from 430 AM to 1030 AM Manhattan Bound and from 230 PM to 830 PM Rockaway Bound.
QM2 should have the former Midnight trip from Manhattan come back and have service to Manhattan start at 5 AM.
QM20 should run to Manhattan from 515 AM to Noon and from Manhattan from 230 PM to 1130 PM
I highly disagree with all off peak service becoming every 90 minutes it should just stay every hour as it is.
Thanks and have a great day!
4/2/2022, 9:12 PM — My suggestion here is for the Q61 to make an extra added stop at Union St/26th Avenue to make a direct transfer to the Q44 which is an Interborough Route so say if someone on Willets Point Blvd needed to go to the Bronx, they wouldn't have to walk from Willets Pt Blvd and Parsons to Union St and 26th Avenue. I understand that the Q61 is a peak "rush" route/subway feeder but it's the only route along Willets Pt Blvd to begin with so you're not exactly giving them alternatives. Other rush routes also make stops at direct transfer points so this would help improve the connectivity of the system. Thanks for hearing me out!
4/2/2022, 9:17 PM — The proposed Q63 route should be extended from Broadway/Queens Blvd. to terminate instead at 57th Avenue/92nd Street (where the Q80 terminates at) to provide Q63 passengers easy access to the Queens Center Mall. The proposed Q51 route should also be extended east and terminate at Elmont Road/Linden Blvd. for transfer with the N1 route providing transit access between Brooklyn, Queens and Nassau County.
4/2/2022, 11:34 PM — I read on the Facebook "Express Bus Advocacy Group" a few posts regarding the elimination of the QM3 express bus route as part of the Queens Bus Network Redesign Pan. For passengers that utilized the QM3 express route from eastern Northern Blvd. and Little Neck Parkway there may be a way for these passengers to have access to other nearby express routes which would be for the MTA to revise and extend the proposed Q12 Northern Blvd. bus from Little Neck Parkway to 260th Street/Union Turnpike, Glen Oaks via Little Neck Parkway and 260th Street to Union Turnpike. This would allow Q12 passengers to easily transfer to the QM5, QM8 and QM35 express routes at some joint bus stops along Little Neck Parkway or for these Q12 passengers to instead transfer to the QM6 and QM36 express routes at 260th Street/Union Turnpike. Additionally, under this plan Q12 passengers would also be able to transfer to the Q46 local route at 260th Street/Union Turnpike as well. Another additional option that would then become available would be to have the Q12 extended further east from 260th Street/Union Turnpike to the Long Island Jewish (LIJ) Hospital via Union Turnpike and Lakeville Road. Although this would then have three bus routes terminating at LIJ Hospital in which there might be some space limitations at that parking facility but then the Q46 route could then be revised to serve LIJ hospital from outside of the hospital along Lakeville Road. At this point consideration should be given to extend the Q46 route further north from Lakeville Road to the North Shore Towers via Lakeville Road and Marcus Avenue. Especially with new ninety-minute wait times on the QM6 express bus middays on weekdays and also all day long on weekends therefore the revised Q46 service would now be needed for the North Shore Towers residents.
4/3/2022, 4:47 AM — How about creating a NEW Q90 SBS from Kew Gardens to Yankee Stadium. It is to begin at Union Tpke and Queens Blvd, and travel Queens Blvd and Broadway to 31st Street, then North via 31st Street to Astoria Blvd, then via RFK Bridge to The Bronx (Bronx bound exit at East 138th Street near Port Morris, Queens Bound enter via St. Ann's Avenue) and then a route to Yankee Stadium via Hub - East 149th Street.
This NEW route is to accomplish the following:
1. Bring a LTD or SBS to the Q60 route
2. Create a Broadway Crosstown SBS line.
3. Links The Bronx with Jackson Heights Subway Station for the IBX and Queens Blvd LINE and connects with the Q52 and Q53 SBS.
4. Reduces travel time between Western Queens and The Bronx by up to 35 minutes.
4/3/2022, 4:47 AM — A special thanks goes out the MTA and NYCDOT for implementing changes that would improve Queens Borough and other Borough (in the future) Bus Network. As bus rider throughout my entire life since the 90s and uses various routes throughout all 5 borough. I want to share some of my thoughts on this proposed upcoming new redesign bus network for Queens. After reviewing each bus routes profile, MTA fufilled its commitment in provide better and efficient bus service. Over the years, I understood the current service performances wasn't just based from continues city population growth, its also reflect from numbers of passenger vehicles flow from major road arteries that connected with our city bridges and tunnels that serve transportation within NY NJ CT Tri-state. These traffics often contributed to delays on bus service. From passenger vehicle double parking to unloading trucks to uber or lift limo that drop off passenger causing buses at standstill. MTA may did their parts to improve bus service. NYCDOT should also considering in making significant improvement by either adding more traffic lanes or restrict passenger or commercial vehicle from lanes that are used by MTA buses.
As this new redesign bus network that not just only improve service quality for Queens, but also for 4 other boroughs in years to come. Only few suggestions to this all new future bus network are.
1. MTA bus operator follows accordin departure schedule.
2. Installed Fareboxes that except cash dollars allow returning riders or new riders to pay their fare appropriately, (especially those whom don't use card cards for omni or short amount from metro cards)
3. Hand copy of paper bus schedules should be replenished and made available in all bus for rider like myself uses it to navigate travel time and connecting to appropriate transfer points. These material are useful to tourists who uses the bus for first time and to riders whom just don't have patient scroll and search for their bus route timetable on the mobile device.
4/3/2022, 8:19 AM — You say the draft was driven by customer feedback. CB 14 in Queens told you in 2017 and 2019 they want to retain service on Newport Avenue, but you propose to eliminate it for a third time. Q24 service was eliminated in Brooklyn in 2010. They fought to bring it back only for you to propose removing it again.
Over 2100 have signed the petition against massive bus stop removal. Yet you co tune to propose eliminating one third of the bus stops. Why don't you read the comments from these 2100 people?
Are you really listening or just doing what you want? You should have proposed a new bus route from Rockaway to Sheepshead Bay Station via the Belt Parkway with a bus lane on the shoulder. There is real demand for it. There is zero demand for a direct bus route from East NY to Sunnyside. Yet that is what you proposed. I would live to see your data to support that route.
4/3/2022, 11:33 AM — 1. In the new bus proposal, I hope you are not planning to eliminate the Q53 stop by Elmhurst Avenue & Bdwy. We in the community urgently need this stop which didn't exist originally. Keep in mind, important for seniors/mobility limited (no other option as cannot access subway) plus, with your constant changes of the especially weekend R train (no service at least one way and no shuttle bus like you offer in "better" communities already well served by the subways and buses like LIC, etc.) we need te Q53 and, in fact, more service as it often then bypasses the Elmhurst stop unless someone needs to exit. I have no limited mobility and the loss of this stop would be very injurious plus you now also want to stop the only other bus here, the Q29. We are so very ill-served. And sorry, the #7 is not an alternative 1. stairs upstairs are impossible and 2. area now becoming dangerous, walking from either #7 to my home especially one the sun goes down. Please stop doing harm to us in this area. We are already ill-served in so many other ways as Covid showed.
4/3/2022, 3:18 PM — There should be a bus from JFK Airport up Brewer Blvd and one up Springfield Blvd. There should be a north-south route down Francis Lewis between College Point and Green Acres.
4/3/2022, 11:04 PM — It would be easier to keep as many bus route #'s as possible even if the route is changing. Don't assign new route #s where it's absolutely not needed.
4/4/2022, 1:54 AM — Hello, I am writing to point out a problem with your redesign. By moving the b32 south in Brooklyn, to Greenpoint avenue from Freeman Street, and by moving the b62 east to McGuinness, you will be eliminating the only mode of transportation available to residents of Greenpoint north of Greenpoint Avenue. I live at [REDACTED] (10-15 walk from the new b32 stop at Greenpoint, 10-15 to the new b62 stop at McGuinness) and use both buses to travel to Queens and to connect to the 7 or E train to Manhattan. This is unacceptable for people who rely on the buses for disability or safety reasons. You would be cutting off a corner of Greenpoint that is only increasing in population density with the construction of several 40-60 story towers. Please reconsider, or include a new route that connects our part of Greenpoint to the 7 & E trains, as well as the L train farther south. Thank you.
4/4/2022, 6:34 AM — Q10 - The redesign for this route will offer Queens College Students better and faster direct access to the campus via a one seat ride from the neighborhoods of Kew Gardens, Richmond HIll and South Ozone Park. In addition residents of the Pomonock Houses and the Electchester Co -op apartments will have direct access via a one seat bus ride to JFK airport. This will provide people who live in these areas with affordable access to possible new employment opportunities at JFK Airport. The community should be informed that the JFK Air Train at the Lefferts Blvd Station is free to use - no fare is required to ride. This new routing is a great idea provided that the frequent level of service now offered by the Q64 to the subway at Forest Hills station is maintained under this new route structure. It should be noted that this is a heavily used route that serves Multi Family Housing Units and the Queens College Campus so it is imperative that existing frequencies on the Q64 portion of the route be maintained.
4/4/2022, 6:48 AM — Q11 - The redesign of this route which eliminates direct service to Queens Blvd. by having the bus terminate at Rockaway Blvd. is not acceptable and will result in people who ride this route having to take two buses to reach their final destination. Having to take two buses to reach Queens Blvd. and the Queens Center Mall will actually lengthen the traveling time instead of shortening it. In addition there is no mention of the MTA providing a two bus transfer plus a transfer to the subway being allowed for a fare of $2.75. Moreover, the elimination of many of the stops on this route will require senior citizens to have to walk further to each stop and the ridership numbers will definitely decline further. The only acceptable alternative to this redesign proposal is to maintain the existing routing of this route to a final terminal at Queens Blvd. with a 30 minute headway. Any level of service less than this represents a drastic reduction of accessibility for residents who reside in Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach and will result in more use of cars by these individuals to reach their destinations.
4/4/2022, 6:58 AM — Thank you for keeping the original Q route bus numbers in the redraft plan recently released. The using of new QT route numbers in the first draft plan required the use of a conversion chart and created much added confusion when people tried to analyze what route changes had actually been proposed. The maps and graphics used also appear to be much clearer and should allow residents of Queens County to understand what will remain the same and what could possibly change in their local bus routes.
4/4/2022, 6:59 AM — I'm not ok with the redesign of the Q46 bus line being split into two and becoming a two separate bus lines that run strictly on rush hour and that the Q65 bus line will no longer serve Jamaica LIRR Station.
4/4/2022, 7:32 AM — Very good proposal on the new mta bus routes changes. Too many stops on the Q49. This new plan should make bus travel much faster to the 74th street hub. Thank you.
4/4/2022, 9:40 PM — I am advocating to keep and increase the level of service on the QM3 express bus line. I have diagnosed disability and cannot take the subway. Removing this line would remove the means that I can get to my employment location. This is ignoring the rights of your ridership and the needs of your clients. We are your clients and are paying for a service. I will be sharing this with my local legislators as well.
4/4/2022, 10:28 PM — Please bring back the Q30. Do not name it as the Q75 and discontinue Q16 and Q31 service please!!!
4/5/2022, 12:14 AM — Q13 - The dividing of this route into two parts - local and limited in order to provide a faster ride to the number 7 train at Main Street from Bell Blvd and Northern Blvd. is an excellent idea. The current local route of the Q13 can take as long as 45 minutes to an hour just to reach the Flushing Main Street Station. This new routing will greatly reduce the traveling time from Downtown Bayside to Flushing Main Street by at least 15 minutes and maybe even 20 minutes when traffic conditions are light. As a former resident of Bay Terrace in Bayside for over 10 years before moving to a different area of Queens, this is something that I always hoped would someday happen. Another associated benefit of this proposal will be a more reliable turn around time and service on the northern end of this route from the Bayside LIRR station to the Bay Terrace area. Many people from Bay Terrace commute to NYC on the LIRR and use the Q13 from Bay Terrace to get to the Bell Blvd. Bayside LIRR station as part of the Uni-Ticket program with the LIRR . Parking in this area is at a premium so the Q13 provides a shuttle service between these two points and a discounted fare program as part of the LIRR Uni Ticket program. However, there are sometimes large gaps in service on this portion of the route due to traffic delays in the Main Street area of Flushing. I remember that many times people gave up waiting for the Q13 to arrive and instead took their cars or at the time there was a commuter van service that began to offer rides to the station for a set amount. Hopefully, this idea will result in more reliable service over the Northern portion of this route and may even encourage more people to visit the Bay Terrace Mall which is a wonderful shopping center containing a wide array of stores.
4/5/2022, 12:37 AM — When will the Queens Bus redesign Remix interactive map be updated with runtimes so we can examine the bus headways more easily. Thank you.
4/5/2022, 1:00 AM — Q21 - The proposed new routing of this line on the southern end of the route in Howard Beach down 84th Street and along 164th Avenue is an improvement over the current confusing zig- zag route of this line through this area. Also, the extension of the route north to the number 7 train at 82nd street in Jackson Heights will offer commuters an additional subway transfer option. Furthermore, the addition of 24 hour service on this route is also to be applauded. The only potential drawbacks are the elimination of some of the stops in the Lindenwood area which may discourage senior citizens from walking the extra blocks to get to the new bus stop. The Lindenwood area of Howard Beach has many apartment buildings and a significant number of senior citizens who may not have an automobile. Everything should be done to make the riding of the bus convenient for this segment of the population so the elimination of any stops in this area should be reconsidered.
4/5/2022, 1:35 AM — Re the Q49 bus route redesign the northbound bus should still stop on the corner of 74th St and 37th Ave. This is very important because eliminating this stop will impact the businesses on that strip. People go shopping on that block and buy heavy things that they then bring home via bus. This will decrease the business' sales and encourage our neighbors to buy from national big box stores instead of buying local.
4/5/2022, 1:56 AM — Hello ibwould like to have limited service on every line, an express line that goes through every neighborhood and an average of a bus stop every 2 blocks.
4/5/2022, 3:39 AM — Hello...still no South Bronx to Astoria/LGA bus? How is that route still being ignored?
4/5/2022, 5:18 AM — There's an error on the system map along the Q51 route as it says 100 AV instead of 109 AV between 111th Street and Lefferts Blvd. Also within the Downtown, Jamaica area the Q115 route is incorrectly shown in the grey shaded box for Jamaica Av instead of Archer Av. Your office should also take a look at extending the Q17 route to the 179th Street Subway Station via non-stop along 188th Street and Midland Parkway which is a great speedy path to the 179th Street Subway Station subway from Union Turnpike. (This would eliminate passengers needing a three legged transfer to get to the Kew Gardens Subway Station via a transfer to the Q46 or Q48 or to the 179th Street Subway station via a transfer to the Q75 route.). After stopping at the 179th Street Subway Station your office could either extend the Q17 route to the 165th Street Terminal or have the Q17 route travel east non-stop along Hillside Avenue to possibly provide supplementary Rush service to some eastern segment of Jamaica Avenue and/or Springfield Blvd.
4/5/2022, 5:55 AM — Q73 feedback:
This is going to be extremely helpful for me to commute between Forest Hills and QCC, where I work, but I actually feel like this is a regression from the original QT87 proposal.
My biggest concern is the proposed routing along Austin Street. Austin Street is a disaster, traffic wise, and the Q23 that currently runs along there is often bunched up, and never reliable. Combine that with proposed headways of 12 min (peak) or 20 min (off-peak), and I can foresee major service gaps as multiple Q73s are bunched together in traffic on Austin Street.
Please just avoid Austin Street, and have the bus turn north on Yellowstone/Burns, but continue along Yellowstone until it gets to 108th/Jewel.
Also, I think the QT87's original routing further east to Little Neck, as part of the "Connecting the Neighborhoods" category would be helpful. I can't complain if the bus stops directly at QCC, and ends there, but I just think it would serve more people and generally be more useful if it continued east to Little Neck like the QT87 plan. It would avoid QCC directly in that case, and go along Horace Harding.
Thank you for your time.
4/5/2022, 7:08 AM — Q22 - I am opposed to the proposed rerouting of this bus route due to the fact that the western end of the route would be dropped entirely from Beach 116th Street - Beach 169th Street and would force riders to switch to the Q35 and pay another fare to ride the entire length of the Rockaway Peninsula. Is it too much to expect that at least one bus route without a transfer be provided to residents of this peninsula to ride from one end to the other? If there ever was a "transit desert" it is surely the Rockaway Peninsula. The residents of this area are entitled to at least one bus route that they can take from one end of the peninsula to the other. This shortsighted proposal ignores the steadily growing population in this area and the need especially in the summer months for more transportation options not less. The only hospital on the Rockaway Peninsula is St. John's Hospital in Far Rockaway and the Neponsit Health Center may be renovated sometime in the future for medical use. The Q22 would easily connect these two medical facilities with a one seat ride. Thirty minute headway service should be maintained on this route despite currently low ridership on the western end. The proposal to lengthen the route on the eastern end is a good one and may actually stimulate more ridership on this route on the western end in the future. Please reconsider this rerouting to keep the existing Q22 route in its entirety with the new proposed eastern extension.
4/5/2022, 7:23 AM — I have reviewed your latest plan, and will focus on one issue of major concern, which is that after all the meet ups, etc, back in late 2019/early 2020, you still wosh to eliminate the Q29, which is an abominable bizarre decision. The Q29 is a major line that serves people in Queens to attend shopping/restuarants, or connect with the #7 in Jackson Heights to get to work, to Newtown High School, and places of employment in Elmhurst, and of course, the Queens Center, and Queens Place Mall, then onward to Juniper Valley Park, St. Johns Cemetery, and the Atlas Park Mall. For many, the elderly, the disabled, etc, this is their only mode of transport, and severely changing this line would dreadfully impact their lives. For me, its hard to imagine., as well as the stats, since the bus does appear crowded and busy, and needs to remain to serve our community. Changing and waiting for two new bus lines that are proposed, would cause a loss in quality of life for people, extra stress, and time. PLease continue to review your plan, as is it really for the people, or just to create additional parking spaces?
4/5/2022, 7:33 AM — Q53 - SBS The new rerouting proposal is acceptable and represents a great improvement over the prior plan which dropped the Q53 SBS route entirely. This is a major cross boro route that is necessary to maintain in its entirety due to the fact that it offers relatively fast travel time from the Rockaway Peninsula and Howard Beach areas to the Queens Blvd. subway line, the Queens Mall and the number 7 train at Roosevelt Avenue. I am happy that the community's voices were heard and recognized that it was totally unacceptable to eliminate this route entirely in the prior draft plan. Also, it would have been a travesty to eliminate this route after the NYC DOT spent years designing bus lanes on Woodhave Blvd and the MTA created an SBS service to move riders faster along this major route. The Rockaway Peninsula needs access to the rest of the boro of Queens especially in the summer months when this route is heavily utilized. I am glad that the existing Q53 SBS Route is being maintained almost in its entirety in this new draft proposal.
4/5/2022, 7:41 AM — Without the Q29 many elementary and middle schoolers will be unable to get to school. This bus provides service to IS73, PS/IS 49, PS/IS 119, PS 13 and PS 89. This bus also provides service to Atlas Park, and 82nd street, two major hubs. Please consider keeping this route so that hundreds of children and seniors are not stranded.
4/5/2022, 7:50 AM — Q52 - SBS The route as proposed with an extension on the northern end represents an improvement in that the route currently ends at Queens Blvd at the Queens Mall and the extension to Roosevelt Avenue and the number 7 train adds more connections and options for riders on this route. I am glad that this route will continue to exist in its entirety and will have additional connection options on the northern end. Please consider perhaps extending this route eastward on the Rockaway Peninsula to St. John's Hospital which is the only medical facility that still exists in this area. However, the routing proposal in its current form is acceptable and utilizes the bus lanes on Woodhaven Blvd. and will provide access to the beaches during the summer months.
4/5/2022, 8:07 AM — I love my buses, I use most of the lines in Queens and Manhattan. Most of all in Queens - Q23, Q29, Q32, Q38, Q47, Q54, Q58, Q59, Q60, Q72. Please increase and/or enhance services, NOT decrease. I beg of you.
4/5/2022, 6:12 PM — The Q10 extension should not be implemented, as an everyday rider of the Q10, it is not a good idea to send it further north because of the risk of delays that can occur from Kew Gardens going south. The boarding times will increase and buses will bunch up and even be more late.
There's a lot of untapped potential as to what the Q64 could be, but merging with the Q10 is definitely not the right'll screw over both ridership bases.
With the Q25 solely serving Kissena as a limited with the Q17 running non-stop, those riders would want an alternative service along Kissena, the Q64 could compensate for that to/from Flushing, and it'll also directly serve Queens College students looking to go to Kew Gardens or Forest Hills instead of Jamaica. A route such as that would eliminate the backtracking a lot of people already have to do with the subway, and open up a lot more options for riders all around. Have it run from Flushing-Main Street to Kew Gardens-Union Turnpike via Kissena Blvd, Jewel Avenue, and then to Queens Blvd to the 80th Road stop where the local Q10s currently board.
A better idea could've been drawn up for the Q64, especially now for some unknown reason, Jewel Avenue will have two local routes under this first draft, but merging it with the Q10 is not the right idea. It will cause more problems than it would produce solutions.
4/5/2022, 9:27 PM — We do not want the Q103 bus to go away. Spoke with numerous neighbors who take the bus. This would be a HUGE mistake. Over 1,000 units are coming to market shortly in a two to three block radius with even double this coming in the next 2 years. The NW is already too crammed and too far for the waterfront community. This better not be a play to get the Brooklyn-Queens connector because we don’t want that. If anything the Q103 needs to stay and be expanded with more hours of operation.
4/5/2022, 10:07 PM — I really think passengers in Ridgewood are going to need a local component of the Q58 route as part of the Queens Bus Network Redesign Plan removed numerous local stops within Ridgewood when converting the Q58 route from a local route to a limited route. To restore this local service please take a look at revising the Q59 local route on its western end to travel to the Ridgewood Terminal instead of traveling to and from the Williamsburg Bridge Plaza. The Q59 routing in Ridgewood could be identical to Q58 routing but with most Q58 bus stops restored to provide increased local bus service to that community. As part of this plan the Q59 route could also be revised on its eastern end to serve the shopping areas in Elmhurst and Rego Park but via a revised routing which could be along Grand Avenue to/from Justice Avenue and then Justice Avenue into 56th Avenue(e/b) 57th Avenue(w/b) to/from Junction Blvd. The Q59 route could then travel along Junction Blvd. to/from the Horace Harding Expressway (HHE) and HHE to/from College Point Blvd. to/from Sanford Avenue/41st Road to/from Main Street in Downtown, Flushing. This would then provide full local component of the Q58 route except for Corona Avenue segment but I believe that is less needed. If this was done the frequency of the Q59 local route would then need to be increased, however the frequency of the Q58 limited route could be reduced so these two changes would be cost neutral. As part of this plan the Q18 local route would also need to be extended from 69th Street/Grand Avenue to the Williamsburg Bridge Plaza via Grand Avenue/Grand Street to replace the former Q59 bus service to the Williamsburg Bridge Plaza. Another related idea would then be to revise the path of the Q98 route to travel along Eliot Avenue instead of Grand Avenue to reduce some operations costs and further speed up that related crosstown route. If funding is available, the Q98 route should also be extended to Westchester Square or some other point in the Bronx.
4/6/2022, 2:36 AM — The q101 is necessary to continue to go to Manhattan as it does now.
Transfer to Q32 or Q60 makes no sense for seniors, handicap people or people with carriages.
4/6/2022, 4:07 AM — Still looking through the proposal, but I really like the changes for Whitestone. It was smart to drop the previous proposal to run a bus across 14th Ave due to congestion. I also love the new 31 and wish it existed when I was a student at Francis Lewis High School.
4/6/2022, 4:26 AM — These are my personal comments about the "Queens Bus Network Redesign":
Routes Q1 and Q6 should remain as separate routes. The Q1 would remain unchanged while the Q6 would terminate at Hillside Av covering the length of Sutphin Blvd. The Q40 would be re-routed to 165 Street Terminal.
Route Q4 despite its proposed extension should remain at Jamaica Depot. In addition, route Q83 should be based at Jamaica Depot.
New routes Q31 and Q75 should be based at Jamaica Depot.
Route Q10 should not be combined with the Q64. Instead the Q10 should continue along Queens Blvd making limited stops until Junction Blvd where the Q10 would be combined with Route Q72 to create a JFK-LGA route.
The proposed. Q78 Route does not have a subway connection. This route should be combined with proposed rush hour only Q61 which operates from Main St Subway via Willets Point Blvd to Fort Totten. Instead of going into Fort Totten, let the Q61 continue onto Bell Blvd absorbing the Q78 providing a Subway connection and redesignate the route as Q29.
Base the Q26 at Casey Stengel Depot despite the present Q27 at Queens Village Depot.
Redesignate Q80 as Q30.
If Q48 and Q50 are combined, base the Q50 at Laguardia Depot.
Base Q51 at Queens Village Depot.
Extend 52 SBS to Far Rockaway.
Extend Q53 SBS to either Riis Park or Roxbury.
Provide 7 day service on the proposed Q45 to provide weekend North-South service along Little Neck Pkwy
Extend Q76 to Parsons-Archer Subway to provide Hillside Av corridor service to Jamaica Center station.
Extend Q77 to Green Acres Mall to provide Hillside Av corridor service to the mall in addition to the Q85 and proposed Q86.
The proposed Q73 route should be changed. After leaving Queensbrough Community College, the Q73 would operate along Springfield Blvd, right onto 73 Av, right onto 164 St, left onto Jewel Av absorbing the present Q64 route the absorb the southern end of route Q23 to Crescent Apartments.
Here are some three digit route numbers that should be changed:
Q104 would become Q34
Q105 would become Q36
Q109 would become Q64
Q111 would become Q71
Q114 would become Q74
Q115 would become Q15
Thank you for letting me express my views!
Best Wishes
4/6/2022, 7:59 AM — I forgot to mention in recent suggestions that the Q82 route should be redesigned as Q79 to avoid confusion with the Q2 route at Belmont Park.
Please provide Hillside Avenue corridor passengers with access to Jamaica Center-Parsons Blvd station.
4/6/2022, 8:45 AM — The changes to the QM7 are a terrible idea. The bus does not run on schedule, and is extremely crowded. It will be impossible to add all of these additional stops without extreme overcrowding. You need more QM7 buses on the existing route, not less.
4/6/2022, 9:29 AM — This plan is not doing enough for the people of laurelton or rosedale. It is the same crap going to jamaica. I see there is a new q25 terminating at Springfield blvd, why not extending to 225 and running down 225 st to 147 ave. Also the q22 extension to 5 towns, why not extend that route via brookvile blvd, sunrise hwy to green acres mall...this connection would give residents away to mall and outta their cars. Now i live in laurelton 232 st and Francis Lewis. I have doctors appointments at long island jewish. How do i get there. Oh i would have to travel west to jamaica then transfer to your new q43 to go east...this is too time consuming and their is a new q26 which uyou have terminating as the q27 did in cambria heights . why not extend it down the whole extent of francis lewis blvd and 147 ave.
4/6/2022, 9:44 AM — Good evening,
Here are my comments regarding the Draft New Plan for the Queens bus redesign.
I like the Q4 extension to Elmont, which provides a connection to the n1 bus. I also like the Q5 extension down to the portion of Rosedale currently served only by the X63. It gives people the option of catching the LIRR at Rosedale (especially with the Atlantic Ticket and expanded CityTicket).
The Q7 extension to the (J) makes sense. The extension to Cedarhurst also makes sense, and provides additional connectivity to Far Rockaway. The only issue is that there should be at least one stop where an easy transfer is available between the Q7, Q22, and Q114, which there doesn't appear to be. (Perhaps it has to do with the naming. For the Q7, it is called Reyem Drive, but for the Q22 & Q114, it is called Costco. Hopefully they will all share the stop to enable easy transfers for Q7 riders seeking to reach Far Rockaway.
A Q8 extension to Livonia Avenue makes sense to connect those areas of Central Brooklyn with Jamaica. (I doubt the B6 & B15 will remain in their current forms after the Brooklyn redesign, but whatever bus connections are available after the redesign is implemented might be useful)
I definitely think the proposed QT47 via Lakewood Avenue & 130th Street was a better route than the New Draft Plan version of the Q9. The QT47 centralized within the neighborhood, and down a more suitable street (130th Street is wider than Lincoln Street, and the Van Wyck Expressway divides the neighborhood in that area). Especially considering that it's being extended down 130th Street on the southern end anyway. If the planners are worried about reliability of service along Liberty Avenue, they can just add some "Q57" short-turns between Jamaica & Lefferts Blvd and call it a day.
Likewise, I think the QT46 was a better route than the present-day Q40. The proposed Q40 is going to be bypassing all of the stops along Lakewood Avenue anyway (except for 142nd/143rd Street), and riders along Lakewood Avenue have the Q109 available. I think buses should run down 143rd Street to Linden Blvd, as proposed in the original plan.
I believe the Q10 should be combined with the Union Turnpike/Fresh Meadows portion of the proposed Q23 (So the resulting route would run from the AirTrain station to Fresh Meadows). Northbound buses can take 80th Road to cross Queens Blvd and then make an immediate right turn to Union Turnpike, and southbound buses can take Union Turnpike to Queens Blvd westbound to 77th Avenue to Queens Blvd eastbound to Kew Gardens Road.
The Q11 should still be tied in with Woodhaven Blvd. I think leaving it as a standalone shuttle (especially at those frequencies) will just have people staying on the (A) train all the way to Howard Beach, since the Q11 runs at an even lower frequency than the Rockaway branches of the (A) train. The Q21 should have three branches south of 157th Avenue (One to Howard Beach, one to Old Howard Beach, and one to Hamilton Beach). This would actually provide a quicker connection out of the neighborhood for anybody who transfers to the Q52/53 (Since the connection could be made at 157th Avenue instead of at Rockaway Blvd). The 1-2 buses intended to be used for the Q11 shuttle route could instead be incorporated into the Q21 route, increasing frequency for Woodhaven Blvd local riders, as well as those in Lindenwood. The slight downside is that riders in Howard Beach south of 157th Avenue would see a decrease in service, but that is a lower-ridership portion of the Q21 anyway.
I believe the Q12 should still run down Marathon Parkway as proposed with the QT17 in the original proposal. Little Neck Parkway and Glenwood Street can be covered by having the n20G serve those stops with open-door service. (Similar to the current n31/32/33 arrangement in Far Rockaway).
For the Q13, I think the QT51 routing (as a Crocheron/35th Avenue route) was fine. It just needed to run full-time.
The Q14 is an excellent idea, and wi
4/6/2022, 10:25 AM — Good evening,
I would like to offer a slight revision to my comment regarding the proposed Q109. While I am not necessarily opposed to the idea of having the Q109 continue to the Euclid Avenue (A)(C) station (though I do find it a bit redundant to the subway), I believe that that portion of Sutter Avenue should definitely be served by a rerouted/extended B14 when it comes time for the Brooklyn redesign plan. As such, I would hope that a Q109 extension to Euclid Avenue would not preclude a B14 extension heading eastward. The B14 extension would allow residents of Crown Heights, Brownsville, and East New York to access points along Woodhaven Blvd, as well as points in Southeast Queens along the Q7 and Q51. This is especially important because the B15 currently has no connection to the Woodhaven Blvd routes.
As a matter of fact, I believe the B14 could be further extended to the Lefferts Blvd AirTrain station via the Aqueduct Racino. This would allow Brooklyn residents to reach jobs at the Racino, and also maintain the connection from the Racino to the subway (thus allowing the Q37 to resume its former route bypassing the Racino). Furthermore, extending it to the Lefferts Blvd AirTrain station would provide a connection from Woodhaven Blvd to the airport property, which is currently not possible, since the B15 does not have a connection with the Woodhaven Blvd routes.
Also, while we are on the topic of the Q37, I believe it is better to have the route remaining along 135th Avenue and 114th Street, rather than along Lefferts Blvd. The Q10 already runs along Lefferts Blvd and provides connections to the same subway lines as the Q37, and the Q37 wouldn't cover any additional stops along Lefferts Blvd. Thus, it is better to have the Q37 maintaining coverage along 114th Street).
Finally, regarding the Q9, in addition to running on 130th Street all the way up to 109th Avenue, I believe that the route should be extended to Federal Circle to maintain access from that section of South Ozone Park to JFK Airport.
Yours truly,
4/6/2022, 11:00 AM — I would also like to suggest that if some more new bus routes are being created, use the Q41,
Q72 (if combined with Q10), Q61, Q78 (if combined with Q61 to form my proposed Q29 bus
4/6/2022, 12:04 PM — I'm disappointed to see that the Q53 was taken out of Woodside and away from the 61st Street stop. It was always a great way for friends from Manhattan or Astoria/LIC to meet up with me so that we could all travel to the beach together. I'm not sure why it's being moved but I would like to see the stops staying in Woodside!
4/6/2022, 12:46 PM — Removing the bus stop at 35th ave and 103rd street will create a hardship for people that have difficulty in walking. The proposed change will require your customer to walk an extra two blocks.
4/6/2022, 10:25 PM — Concerning the following: The Q114 line would mostly maintain its existing route under the proposed new plan, but it would no longer run from Mott Ave to Rockaway Turnpike. Proposed Q22 changes would replace that route segment.
This is going to be a hardship for the many disabled passengers including myself that travel from Seagirt Blvd to Rockaway Turnpike for doctor appointments etc. My own doctors are located along this route between Mott Ave and Rockaway Turnpike. I am a disabled rider and changing buses to get to doctor appointments during the cold weather months and the long wait times between buses will put unnecessary hardship to myself and fellow travelers. Unless you will be having the Q22 run along Seagirt Blvd and up to Beach 9th Street then on to Mott Ave this change will be detrimental to the elderly disabled passengers.
4/6/2022, 11:51 PM — Here is a suggestion regarding proposed Q45 route:
The Jamaica bound Q45 should terminate at Parsons-Archer providing Hillside Avenue corridor passengers access to th, t,e "E" and "J" trains. The Jamaica bound Q45 would operate via Little Neck Parkway, right onto Hillside Avenue, left onto Parsons Boulevard with last stop on Archer Avenue where the Q20A/B presently pick up. After the bus uses the teardrop to turn around., the Q45 will share a pick up stop with the Q31 or use the present Q25/Q34/Q65 pick up stop. On the return trip, Q45 buses will turn left on Parsons Boulevard,, right onto Hillside Avenue, left onto Little Neck Parkway to Little Neck LIRR Station. There should also be weekend service on the Q45 to improve North-South service in Eastern Queens.
4/7/2022, 5:04 AM — A bus stop is needed on the Q50 route at 14th Avenue/Whitestone Expressway for transfer with the Q31 bus. The proposed Q10 route extension from Kew Gardens to Electchester is a good start but what is needed is a bus connection between JFK Airport and Main Street - Roosevelt Avenue, Downtown, Flushing which is a major transit hub in Queens. The MTA could extend the Q10 route further north along 164th Street first from Jewel Avenue to the Horace Harding Expressway for transfer to the Q17 and Q88 routes. From that point the Q10 route could be further extended to Downtown, Flushing via the Horace Harding Expressway, Kissena Blvd. & Main Street to Roosevelt Avenue or via 164th Street, Booth Memorial Avenue, Kissena Blvd. & Main Street to Roosevelt Avenue.
4/7/2022, 7:46 AM — Combine Q22 with the Q35 to give Rockaway residents access to Kings Plaza, Flatbush Junction shopping and other Brooklyn bus routes.
One important subway suggestion: Extend the "R" train to 179 Street-Jamaica 24/7. Also replace "Z" train service with a new "K" train which would operate between Parsons-Archer and Ninth Avenue Brooklyn to provide all day Nassau Street service through Dekalb Avenue.
4/7/2022, 8:39 AM — Please do not remove the Q49 bus stops at 35th Ave & 78th street as well as the Northbound stop on 74th Street & 37th Ave. These are main stops for many elderly in the neighborhood who need to access the bus to get to the commercial stores on 74th Ave. Also the stop at 35th Ave & 78th leads to Travers Park which is the only park in the neighborhood.
4/7/2022, 9:22 AM — Q65 - The proposed changes to the Q65 routing are for the most part acceptable in that service is maintained on the 164th Street corridor in a North South direction. However, the rerouting of this bus off of the 45th Avenue corridor in Flushing should be reconsidered due to the fact that this route would no longer serve Flushing Hospital directly which is a major drawback. I agree that the bus should no longer travel on Bowne Street or 45th Avenue west of Flushing Hospital due to the fact that these streets are too narrow to accommodate two way car traffic let alone bus traffic in both directions. The rest of 45th Avenue between Flushing Hospital and 162nd Street is a wide enough roadway to accommodate bus traffic adequately as it has for many decades without any problems. At Flushing Hospital the Q65 should then be routed over Parsons Blvd. and Sanford Avenue to reach downtown Flushing. It is important that as many bus routes as possible serve our remaining medical centers for obvious reasons. Also, many of the residents along the 45th Avenue segment to be discontinued are immigrants who do not drive or own cars and rely on the bus for their primary means of transportation.
4/7/2022, 9:37 AM — Q37- Thank you for leaving this route largely unchanged. It is important to maintain service on the 111th Street corridor from North to South due to the fact that there are only a few major North to South arteries in SW Queens: Woodhaven Blvd., 111th Street, and Lefferts Blvd. This route may become more heavily utilized in the future due to the continued expansion of the Resorts World Casino. Additional service can be added to this route as necessary if needed.
4/7/2022, 9:43 AM — Good evening,
I have heard about possible plans to get rid of the Q25. I have been taking the Q25 for many years, and it is very often apart of the routes I take to get to places. Other bus routes are a bit further away from my home, and other people could feel the same way. I feel as though getting rid of the Q25 could make it more difficult for those of us who live closest to the Q25 bus route to go places, and the Q25 also stops right in front of Queens College, which is very helpful. Overall, I feel as though the Q25 is very helpful, and getting rid of it could make it more difficult for many of us who take the MTA on a daily basis.
4/7/2022, 10:08 AM — Q45 - Thank you for maintaining bus service along the Little Neck Parkway corridor from North to South. Little Neck Parkway represents the eastern most major corridor in Queens County and ends at the Little Neck LIRR station where parking is only available for a small number of cars. It is very important to maintain connections between LIRR stations and MTA bus routes and this route preserves this needed connection and offers riders an option to using their cars to get to the LIRR. In addition, this route preserves service to Glen Oaks Village which is a large highly populated Co Op development in NYC. There are also a number of new employers that have been established along this route from the Long Island Expressway to the Grand Central Parkway and this route gives employees at these facilities an option to take the bus to work. There is also a significant elderly population in this area who would utilize this route to go shopping or to get to medical appointments. The UNI Ticket option which combines a LIRR Ticket with a discounted weekly or monthly bus fare should be brought back to stimulate ridership. This UNI Ticket option was available years ago when this route was served by the Q79 but was discontinued when this route was dropped. For some reason it was not offered when the Q36 began service on this route but should be brought back to encourage ridership to the Little Neck LIRR station.
4/8/2022, 1:50 AM — I am a NYC employee who travels and PAYS for my bus ride from Rockaway into Brooklyn everyday to work. Changing the Q35 bus route for summer people is unfair to me as a tax paying, employee of this city. Please do not change the route!
4/8/2022, 3:06 AM — Please keep the Express Bus stop at 108th St and 62nd Drive. Your plan proposes running the QM12 and QM42 routes along 108th St to make up for the loss of the QM10 and QM40 routes. However, it also eliminates the stop at 108th St. and 6nd Drive, which means everyone who previously boarded at that stop must walk several extra minutes to the nearest stop. There is significant construction currently underway within a block of that stop. Between the time you developed this draft plan and the time it takes effect, three new high-rise apartment buildings will have been built within one block of this stop, which means there will be several thousand additional residents there who are potential riders boarding at 108th St. and 62nd Dr. That is not true of the other stops nearby. Removing the most convenient stop to that neighborhood just as the neighborhood itself is about to experience significant population growth is the wrong decision. Thank you for your consideration.
4/8/2022, 6:24 AM — Q60 - Thank you for keeping the Q60 route intact with service still being provided to the East Side of Manhattan from Queens. Queens Blvd. is a major East West corridor in Queens and it passes through many diverse neighborhoods. Many residents in these neighborhoods cannot use the subway due to disability or because they are elderly and cannot negotiate the steps to get down to the subway platform. Also, the bus makes many stops that are not adjacent to the subway station and also makes connections to other bus routes and offers riders an all bus routing to their destination. This route has also served to help subway riders when the QNS Blvd. service is delayed or not running at all. It offers a good alternative to those who choose not to ride the subway and I am glad that the service and route will be maintained in its entirety in this proposal.
4/8/2022, 7:04 AM — Q78 - This new bus route proposed in this redesigned effort needs to be entirely rethought in that in its proposed form it attempts to serve two disparate markets at the same time. It should be noted that the Springfield Blvd. corridor of Queens travels mostly through low density neighborhoods and also car rich areas where most people own at least one car per family. In addition, many QCC students travel by car to the campus due to the fact that free parking is readily available in the neighborhoods adjacent to the campus and many use their cars to travel to their part time jobs after attending classes at QCC. There is little to no demand for anyone to travel the entire route from Laurelton to Bay Terrace or vice versa. However, the southern portion of the route from QCC to Laurelton would be used by QCC students who do not have access to a car. The northern portion of this proposed route is already well served by the Q13 and the QCC campus is also easily accessible by the Q12 bus. If any service is provided on the northern portion of this route what is needed is a shuttle service between the Bayside LIRR Station and the Bay Terrace area in order to accomodate growing LIRR ridership trends and the lack of parking at the Bayside LIRR station. This route could be split into two separate services each beginning and ending at QCC but service along the whole corridor needs to be rethought due to a lack of customer demand and due to the fact that people will not wait for the bus in Bay Terrace and instead just use their cars to get to QCC or the LIRR Bayside station. Please rethink this route design before final implementation.
4/8/2022, 9:24 AM — Q70 - Thank you for maintaining this route as it currently exists. Regardless of other improvements to LGA access by mass transit that eventually may be made by the PA of NY, this route should remain as well to bring LIRR riders from the Woodside Station to LGA. It should be noted that whatever other routes either subway or bus may be added as a result of the new LGA initiatives, they will take many years to implement if they ever happen at all. In the meantime, this route already provides one fare access to LGA via a free transfer from the subway and may actually represent the best and most practicable route to LGA.
4/8/2022, 9:44 AM — Leave the Q47 route as it currently is. The changed route to the Q80 terribly inconveniences so many people. Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Avenue Station provides so many essential connections (local and express). The Q80 only going to Grand Ave-Newton provides limited subway options. Many workers depend on the express subway lines at Roosevelt Ave to get to work. Many McClancey students get on near Elliot Ave and 80th and would definitely have a difficult time to get to school without the current bus route. In addition, the local subway lines often do not run on the weekends so it would be difficult to get to and from where you need to go without having the bus from Roosevelt Ave. Simply eliminate stops that are nearby to each other (i.e. two blocks away from each other) and eliminate stops that few people get on and off. You can still connect to the Metropolitan Avenue subway lines while still leaving the Q47 current route as it currently is.
4/8/2022, 10:06 AM — I would like to suggest that the Q88 be redesigned Q41. Since the present Q41 is being discontinued, that number would be perfect for the route that traverses Horace Harding Expressway.
After all, Hillside Avenue has the Q43 and Union Turnpike has the Q46 and in the future the Q48.
4/9/2022, 1:47 AM — The Q44SBS route should be rerouted from the Cross Bronx Expressway over to the Bruckner Boulevard between Brush Avenue and Castle Hill Avenue in the Bronx to create a transfer between the Q44SBS route and the BX5 route at Bruckner Boulevard/Castle Hill Avenue. The Q44SBS route would have to travel along Castle Hill Avenue between the Bruckner Boulevard and the Cross Bronx Expressway to maintain most of its current route structure to and from Fordham Plaza. (In the future when the BX6SBS route is extended further east to Story Avenue/Pugsley Avenue possibly at that time the MTA could extend the BX6SBS a little further east to another point to create an additional transfer between the BX6SBS and the Q44SBS at Castle Hill Avenue/Bruckner Boulevard.).
The BX20 should also be extended from Parsons Blvd./14th Avenue to Westchester Square or some other point further in the Bronx instead of terminating in Whitestone, Queens. The route should also be extended to 165th Street, Jamaica for more transfer connections to other Queens routes if the route is also extended to new areas of The Bronx that are currently unserved by the Q44SBS route such as Westchester Square.
4/9/2022, 2:48 AM — For the purposes of this feedback, I am going to focus on speaking to the parts of the network that I use the most: the Q10, Q37, Q41 (parts of which will become the Q109), Q53, Q55, and Q60. I use the Q10 and Q41 on a daily basis though, so those are the bus lines I know the best.
I actually have no problems with the routes themselves, speaking for the ones that I use. In fact, I actually like what you've done to the Q10 and the new Q109 route. With the Q10, by extending that line onto Jewel Avenue, you have given my dad, who has knee problems, a one-seat ride to work at Queens College, which I really appreciate. And by making sure that the new Q109 doesn't go along narrow side streets (unlike the old Q41), you are keeping the buses from simultaneously unpredictable yet annoying delays, like the times the Q41 buses have gotten stuck behind Sanitation trucks on 127th Street for as much as 10-15 minutes.
There is one major concern I have, which is the number of stops you all are eliminating. I suspect the MTA wants to eliminate stops in an effort to make the buses faster, but the trade-off is that eliminating too many bus stops will result in longer walks to the stops for people with mobility limitations. I am able-bodied myself so I'm not the best person to commentate on how much these eliminations affect people with mobility limitations, but I urge you all to get lots of feedback on your plan from the disability community before eliminating as many stops as you all plan to eliminate.
4/9/2022, 2:34 PM — There should be a bus between Rockaway Park and Jamaica
4/9/2022, 2:38 PM — Extend the Q22 to Green Acres
4/9/2022, 11:42 PM — why did the union Cloverdale blvd and union tpke west bound and grand central union tpke eastbound Q46 bus stops remain ? How many people use those stops not many at all? I leave there and very few people use it. both should be removed.
QM5 needs a needs a transfer point there is only Qm1 for west of188 street what if they need a transfer point what if Qm1 is out of service then what subway with all the crime elder person should use that mode of transportation come on. we need a transfer point west of 188 street besides QM1.
4/10/2022, 1:34 AM — Do not muck up the Q32 and the Q60. I moved to 41st street in Sunnyside because I live a block and a half from these bus stops. I use them to get to Manhattan. I'm 75 and there are over 55 steps to get to the 7 train at 40th street and i will die if I have to climb them.
The Q104 runs like the N and R trains - never and rarely. Today April 10 I had to wait 50 minutes for that bus. How will this new plan improve Q104 service?
4/10/2022, 2:18 AM — QM-15, QM-16, QM-17 - Thank you for keeping the existing route structure for these three express routes largely intact and for maintaining QM-15 service on Saturdays. These express bus routes are needed to serve geographically isolated areas of the city (Rockaways and Howard Beach) that have a very long existing bus/subway commute time to Mid-Town Manhattan of well over an hour and in many cases one and a half hours to two hours of traveling time via the A train. The A train is the longest subway route in the system and is very unreliable. The A train follows a very circuitous and time consuming routing on its journey to Mid-Town Manhattan via Queens, Central Brooklyn and Downtown Manhattan. Delays are frequently encountered due to train congestion and the opening of the swing bridge over Jamaica Bay which often gets stuck in the open position. Another significant factor that affects subway service to the Rockaway Peninsula is the fact that many A trains only go to Lefferts Blvd. and a rider has to transfer at the Rockaway Blvd. station to a Far Rockaway bound A train. In addition many riders are forced to transfer a second time at the Broad Channel station to the Shuttle train to Rockaway Park. The express bus service from these areas offers for a premium fare direct one seat service to Mid-Town Manhattan in about an hour. This is why it is important to maintain this service as is because the end result will be more auto traffic on the roads due to the fact that people who live in these areas will use their cars to get to work rather than mass transit.
4/10/2022, 4:22 AM — Please Keep The Q25 And Q65 Stops On College Point Boulevard As My Husband And I Use These Routes All The Time. Please Have Them Go To Jamaica RailRoad Station. My Husband Works For [REDACTED]. We Both Travel On The LIRR Also To Go To Long Island. Please Note That I Have Level Two Autism Spectrum Disorder. We Both Have Learning Differences So Changes Can Be Challenging For The Both Of Us. I Hope That You Can Understand And Work On A Balance That Helps Everyone Here In College Point. Thank You From The Bottom Of Our Hearts.
4/10/2022, 6:23 AM — Hello MTA,
Regarding the proposed Q19 consider the following comments about the proposal below.
Retaining the following stops:
-150th Street and 7th Avenue (Westbound)
-150th Street and 8th Avenue (Eastbound)
These two stops are vital to those who live north of 7th avenue. The bus makes it's way north and makes the turn down 7th avenue. Removing these stops is a disservice to those who would be forced to get off at 10th avenue and walk north when the bus is going in the eastbound direction anyway. For those taking the bus into Flushing the walk to access the bus has increased greatly as well. The proposal creates a large gap between stops (i.e.)150th street and 10th avenue and the terminal stop at 151st street and 7th avenue. This would also cause people to walk up and down the hill of 7th avenue which lacks sidewalks for the majority of the block and creates unsafe walking conditions - especially in bad weather. The reduction of accessibility to this bus line for residents should be reconsidered.
-150th Street and 12th Avenue (Eastbound)
-150th Street and 11th Avenue (Westbound)
These stops are located near the heart of the Whitestone village. Again, this is a reduction in accessibility for the service to and from Flushing.
-150th Street and 23rd Avenue (Eastbound)
-150th Street and 22nd Avenue (Westbound)
Removing these two stops creates a large 4 block gap between stops between Willets Point Blvd and 20th Avenue. Also reducing the accessibility for the bus service.
In general this bus route makes no sense to go to Astoria from Flushing. This local route has existed to provide service from Whitestone - Flushing since the 1930's to provide access to the subway for Whitestone residents. The proposed changes are a disservice to the community. Removing multiple stops from ridership for the sake of extending the bus to another section of Queens diminishes the quality of local service. Connections to Astoria could easily be made in Flushing by transferring to another bus or subway - having one bus (the proposed Q19) go directly between the two neighborhoods is not necessary. Astoria has access to multiple busses and the subway (N,W and transfers at Queens Boro Plaza), Whitestone does not. Establishing a longer bus route reduces the convenience of people who wish to access the Main St hub, the subway and Manhattan from Whitestone.
Terminating the Q19 bus at 151st and 7th avenue is also a regression back to the old Q14 bus. The current Q15A bus provides access to Beechurst and the Northshore Farms Shopping center and the new proposal would be removing this extended access to residents. Consider this point in the design as well. One good change in the Q19 proposal is the proposed re-route on to Roosevelt Ave from 150th street. This is definitely an improvement as opposed to the current route from 41st avenue to Bowne street to Roosevelt Avenue. This change creates a more direct route to Flushing Main Street from 150th street.
Thank you for your time and please take these comments into careful consideration.
Respectfully submitted,
4/10/2022, 7:13 AM — If my suggestion to combine the Q10 with the Q72 is approved, the route should be extended to serve Marine Air Terminal at LGA.
Before you provide bus service on 73 Avenue West of 188 Street please have DOT install a traffic light at the intersection of 73 Avenue-182 Street. It is a dangerous intersection.
Please install a traffic light on 164 Street-72 Avenue.
These are some more suggestions.
You may be hearing from me soon!
4/10/2022, 8:24 PM — The new bus redesign still negatively impacts my household. Along with other issues, the primary impact is it eliminates the Q88. I use this bus to travel to work, going from Union Tpke. and Springfield Blvd. to Junction Blvd. The new plan requires me to take 2 buses, transferring a distance from home. Transferring closer to home entails 3 buses!
Additionally, I have an elderly mother and aunt who use the Q88 to go to Fresh Meadows for shopping. The new routes require more transferring. My mother takes the Q27 to shopping by Springfield Blvd. and the L.I.E. The new map requires a transfer for this under 2 mile trip.
MTA, the elderly won't do this. Rightfully, they won't wait for 2 buses for what had been a 5-minute single bus ride. They simply won't go where they had been able to, reducing their quality of life and negatively affecting local businesses.
I will most likely now start driving to work. Anyone riding the Q88 during a typical business AND school day, will find the bus absolutely packed during morning and afternoon rush hours, as I do daily. Counting ridership in the summer, and/or after a holiday, is not a realistic snapshot of use. My Q88 commute already takes just about an hour going home. Waiting for 2 packed buses now? No thanks.
We don't need routes eliminated. People choose neighborhoods and jobs with commuting in mind. Add more buses to existing routes, remove stops that are too close together, and add new routes that make new connections. Removing buses is not the answer.
4/10/2022, 8:47 PM — Don't muck with the Q53SBS. I can get to Rockaway via the Q32 (and don't muck with that route) and change for the Q63SBS. An excellent way for me to get to the beach from Sunnyside.
4/10/2022, 11:10 PM — Hello. The proposed changes to the Q60 and Q46 are unacceptable and detract from quality of life, especially for seniors and workers. On the Eastbound Q60: Removing the Ascan Avenue and Queens Boulevard stop is right in front of Orchard Fine Foods Supermarket where a lot of people grocery shop and they take the bus go get home. Discontinuing the 77th And Queens boulevard Stop services Forest Hills South apartment complex as well as other buildings. Seniors would have difficulty in negotiating the extra blocks to get to a bus stop from the supermarket with bags of groceries. This does not make any sense. I have actually spoken to people who were waiting for the Q60 on Queens Blvd and Ascan, outside the supermarket. I even spoke to an MTA employee whow uses a cane and regularly takes bus at this stop after church service right across the street. They were all totally unaware of the proposed removal of this stop and very concerned how this would affect them and that it would create a hardship for them. The purpose of the buses is for convenience not speed. Now with respect to the Q46: Eliminating the Eastbound Union TP/Queens Boulevard stop also does not make any sense. This is a major transfer point and having the 2 stops (one at 78th Avenue and Queens Boulevard) addresses the many transfer points (other buses as well as exiting the subway at either end). Eliminating this stop would mean people who have to cross 2 sections of a very busy Union Turnpike and imagine people running for the bus and getting hit by a car. As I said, buses are about convenience and removing this would negatively affect the people who depend on these stops. I hope that these 2 issues will be resolved satisfactorily. Most people have no idea these are possibilities. I hope that even though I am unable to attend the meetings, due to being out of town, my issues will be addressed. Thank you for your time.
Q46: Eliminating the Eastbound Union TP/Queens Boulevard stop would cause a lot of problems for people who run out of the train at that end of Union Turnpke. They would then have to cross Union Tpke to catch the bus at 78th Avenue. Also there is a shelter at the Union Tpke stop. A lot of people take that bus and eliminating either of those stops is unacceptable.
Sacrificing and removing stops for the benefit of a speedier commute does not address the needs of the people who use it. Please keep these stops as is.
4/10/2022, 11:57 PM — I take the QM42 to and from Manhattan. I understand that several current stops on Yellowstone Boulevard are going to be removed and stops on 108th Street will be added. 108th Street is a very well-travelled street with the Q63 running in both directions, double-parked cars, trucks and school buses. Yellowstone Boulevard is less congested and those stops should remain. If you want to improve travel time, you should consider making an express bus lane on the LIE from Manhattan to Queens.
4/11/2022, 12:19 AM — We would LOVE a bus from LIC/Hunters Point area through the Tunnel to Midtown! Especially with all of the weekend repair work on the 7, this would be an important bus route for me and my LIC neighbors. Thanks so much!
4/11/2022, 12:44 AM — Please consider adding a bus route connecting Long Island city to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel.
4/11/2022, 12:59 AM — I would love to see a bus connecting LIC with Manhattan via Midtown tunnel. This route has been needed a long time a go, but specially now with the new 4-6 high-rise buildings coming to the area plus the small ones.
Thanks for taking this in consideration.
4/11/2022, 1:13 AM — It would be great to have an LIC-midtown bus route, especially as 7 train often has service disruption during weekends and overnight. When the subway doesn't run on weekends, it takes significantly longer time to get into the city.
4/11/2022, 1:16 AM — a bus is needed as 7 trains often don't run on weekends
4/11/2022, 1:22 AM — We need a Long Island City to Midtown bus! Please make this happen. I have lived here for 23 years and when the 7 goes down there is no way to get there.
4/11/2022, 1:28 AM — For several reasons, I think it would be very helpful for a bus to go from Long Island City through the Midtown Tunnel. First, because of all the new construction, the #7 line is quite crowded during rush hours. Second, the #7 is often unavailable weekends because of repair; this has gone on for years. Third, for senior citizens or the disabled, subway steps can be daunting; a bus has fewer steps and a lift for wheelchairs, walkers, etc. if needed. Fourth, these days subways seem less safe than buses because of expanses that are deserted, even during daytime hours. Recently, there have been a number of subway crimes reported, but I haven't heard of a similar amount reported on buses. Fifth, the upgraded ferry system is nice but isn't near everyone, is more expensive than the subway, and doesn't have free transfer to a Manhattan bus near the ferry. For these five reasons, expanding Queens bus service to go through the Midtown Tunnel would be ideal. Thank you for addressing this!
4/11/2022, 1:46 AM — I am a member of the LIC community. Many of us would like for the MTA to create a new bus route connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel. Please consider this request. Thank you!
4/11/2022, 2:13 AM — Please consider adding a bus from Long Island City to Midtown Manhattan. As we all know, the LIC community has added several new high-rises in just the past few years with no additional mode of transportation. The trains are crowded and most days we have to wait for the 3rd or 4th or 5th train to just be able to squeeze in.
Thank you for your consideration.
4/11/2022, 3:06 AM — I work at [REDACTED] in Sunnyside. There is a proposed change to the bus plan to remove the bus stop at 39th Street which is around the corner from our Older Adult Center (senior center). Members rely on this stop to attend our center to prevent social isolation, get assistance with resources and benefits, and to receive a hot nutritious meal. Removing this stop would create a hardship for our older adults and create a barrier to receiving much-needed services. As the city has fully opened up, more older adults will be using the bus as their only mode of transportation. I would ask that the redesign not remove this stop.
4/11/2022, 3:10 AM — What do you plan to do about the fact that the LONGER one waits for a bus, MORE show up at the SAME TIME?
4/11/2022, 4:09 AM — I use the bus in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and queens regularly. A route between Long Island city and Manhattan thru the midtown tunnel is desperately needed. Especially when the 7 train is down.
4/11/2022, 4:29 AM — I think the Queens bus network could use a bus route connecting Long Island City to Manhattan via the Queens Midtown tunnel. The population in the area has grown a lot since the bus map was last redesigned, and the 7 train gets overcrowded often. It would be especially since the 7 train is down for servicing so often, it would be great to have a bus route going directly to Manhattan when the train is down.
4/11/2022, 8:54 AM — Hi. We would love a bus via the midtown tunnel to be in LIC and to Manhattan in less than 10 min!! Would be amazing!
4/11/2022, 9:16 AM — Please have an LIC to midtown via midtown tunnel route!
4/11/2022, 9:35 AM — To whom it may concern,
I’m writing it to express my opinion about adding a bus route from Long Island City Waterfront( Hunter’s Point,11109) to Midtown Manhattan via Queens Midtown Tunnel from Monday to Sunday. I believe all of the residents from the neighborhood would benefit from it as many of us need to commute between Long Island City to Manhattan frequently. Thank you for your consideration.
4/11/2022, 10:09 AM — The new bus line would be of great benefits to the LIC community, and I fully support this initiative.
4/11/2022, 10:37 AM — As one of many mothers in the LIC community, we need options for mothers with strollers beyond just a ferry. We need a bus to connect LIC to Manhattan through the Midtown tunnel. Mothers in the community with young children feel forgotten and isolated and unable to connect to Manhattan.
4/11/2022, 10:45 AM — I live in LIC near hunters point and the public transit options to get to Manhattan are very limited on the weekends when the 7 train is intermittently under construction. I’m a physician and work 7 days a week, so this leads me to have to take expensive car service to the hospital. It would greatly help to have a bus route from LIC to Manhattan via the midtown tunnel. Please consider this to meet an important need for Queens residents!
4/11/2022, 10:46 AM — I live in LIC and work at Bellevue Hospital- there are limited options for how to get to work and so I have had to take a car service many time. Please consider establishing a bus route from LIC to Manhattan through the midtown tunnel!
4/11/2022, 10:59 AM — Subway 7 train is now the only way we can commute to Manhattan. When 7 train is not available (under construction/maintenance) we will have to do shuttle/train /bus transfers. We really need a bus that can go directly pass the east river.
4/11/2022, 11:18 AM — This route would help me get to Manhattan when the #7 train isn't working
4/11/2022, 11:22 AM — Regarding the Q53 Route in Rockaway. Please consider the following route change. The Southbound Q53 from the Cross Bay Bridge should follow it's current stops until it reaches Rockaway Beach Blvd. and Beach 108th St. At that intersection it should turn right onto Beach 108th St. and then make a left on Beach Channel Drive to stop in front of the Rockaway Ferry (B108th St. and Beach Channel Drive). It should then continue on Beach Channel Drive and make a left onto Beach 116th St. Continue on Beach 116th St. with a new stop at the end of the block in front of the Flight 587 memorial (currently a no parking zone, so no parking is lost). The bus would then loop back up Beach 116th St to stop in front of the A/S Subway station (existing last stop). On the way back, a new stop on the corner of Beach 108th St. and Beach Channel Dr. should be added, which would allow for an easier connection from the Ferry to the Bus.
This creates better ferry to bus connections. It also eliminates a difficult turn on Rockaway Beach Blvd. to Beach 116th St. It also adds a stop close to the Beach for summer travelers.
4/11/2022, 11:33 AM — Regarding the Bus Stops on Noel Road/Cross Bay Blvd and West 17th Road and Cross Bay Blvd. These stops are the only stops in Broad Channel. Neither one of them benefits from a countdown clock/information kiosk. Nor do either of them have bus shelter. Please consider adding both an info kiosk (like the rest of the Q52/53 route) and at least one bus shelter, so there is a place to wait for the bus out of the rain.
4/11/2022, 11:40 AM — Please create a new bus route connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel. This would be so helpful when the 7 train is not operating!
4/11/2022, 1:10 PM — Would be amazing and much need a bus from lic to Manhattan.
4/11/2022, 8:06 PM — Please link long island city with manhattan via the midtown tunnel
4/11/2022, 8:54 PM — Any chance for a new bus line from Long Island City to Midtown East? The Midtown Tunnel is conveniently located next to the neighborhood, it seems like a missed opportunity, especially since the 7 train can be overcrowded during rush hour.
4/11/2022, 9:39 PM — It would be great to have an alternative way to reach Manhattan from LIC! We really need it.
4/12/2022, 1:25 AM — As a senior, that definitely rides the trains from LIC, given how often the 7 train has been down, one would wonder why you have not established a bus route through the mid-town tunnel, just to alleviate the shut-downs, but also to transport people so quickly and easily back and forth between LIC and Manhattan. Many individuals continue to be seriously concerned about the trains, with these shootings and other violent acts, it seems prudent and wise to set up a bus route to encourage folks back on the system in general. And the route could be geared to go back and forth from say the 6 train stop on 33rd or from there to Grand Central and back. Please, please seriously consider adding a bus route through the mid-town tunnel - I think it would surprise you how many people would take it immediately. Thank you!
4/12/2022, 2:18 AM — Q101 needs to continue to go into Manhattan as it does now.
You can't be serious about transferring to the Q32 or Q60 for seniors living in Astoria with wheelchairs or canes that need to go to Manhattan for doctor appointments.
The way things are now with the subways, the bus is what we seniors rely on for transportation and safety.
In general your redesign of the Queens buses does not consider the seniors.
I have been taking the Q101 for over 60 years as a child to now as a senior. I rely on the Q101 to Manhattan for my hospital appointments. Transferring to the Q32 or Q60 is not an option.
Don't shut us seniors out .
4/12/2022, 5:46 AM — While I appreciate the attempt to connect Queens to Brooklyn, I am dismayed to see that a Queens-to-Brookyln bus is slated to replace the Q101. The Q101 is a VITAL connector between Astoria and Manhattan; it is the only accessible option for Astoria residents with mobility issues, parents with children, and the elderly, and it is the only reliable 24/7 connection between Astoria and Manhattan when the subways are so often out of service. Any attempt to connect Astoria with Brooklyn must be via an ADDITIONAL bus line or by extending the route of a bus that already terminates in Queens (like the Q104), not by eliminating the most crucial bus artery that Astoria has with the city. I note the Q32 and Q60 buses have both been reinstated from the 2019 plan with their connections between Manhattan and Queens, because residents made it clear that they rely on DIRECT connection with the city. Astorians deserve the same; they should not lose that access and have to tackle the physically taxing, inaccessible, and time-consuming hassle of making connections around Queens Plaza when there is already a well-used bus line in place. Please retain the Q101 and its 24/7 service. It is a community necessity.
4/12/2022, 9:38 AM — Extend the Q48 to North Shore Towers via Union Turnpike, 260 Street and Grand Central Parkway. Provide 7 day service!
Please base Q50 at LaGuardia Depot if combined with the present Q48 route.
Extend Q72 route to serve Marine Air Terminal.
Take care for now!
4/12/2022, 7:41 PM — I as well as many others ride the QM10 and I see that it is being eliminated. This really upsets me as well as many other riders on this line. In lieu or recent subway events and shootings, many people do not want to ride the subway fearing for their own safety. I ask you to please consider reinstating this rout that is such an important mode of transportation to so many people. Thank you.
4/12/2022, 8:54 PM — merging the qm10 and qm40 buses is an optimal for my specific area in the neighborhood. when I miss those buses that are easily accessed from where I live I have to walk a significant distance to get to an Express bus that services the areas that I am intending to go to usually for doctor's appointments and by the time those buses get to the stop closest to me which is not that close all the time they are packed. it is bad enough that these particular lines that directly service my area often don't run regularly due to the shortage of drivers so if you're condensing this based on ridership how do you know how many people can ride these particular lines at the times that they are to be of service when those times are not running. it's not fair to us, as a compromise it should be considered to leave at least one of those lines running from 98th Street and 63rd Road. some of us with mobility issues that is the easiest option for us. focus on getting drivers to service these lines instead of omitting them for low ridership when we don't even have the full spectrum view of the service.
4/12/2022, 9:32 PM — Please don’t take away q47 and q38 from middle village. This will be very inconvenient for the whole neighborhood, the adults, the kids abs elderly.
Thank you so much.
4/12/2022, 9:35 PM — There should be a bus connecting courts square area to the LIC water front. Thanks.
4/13/2022, 8:03 AM — The old proposal of Changing Bus #39 and merging with 19 in going in the center of Astoria, was much more better than the new idea I saw at your website.
Also giving us #67 with the limitation of frequency in the busses, you are going to make us suffer going to Astoria.
A lot of people living in Ridgewood, are going every day in Astoria, that's why you need to unite bus #19 with # 19 NOT TO GIVE US A USELESS BAUS LINE THAT WORKS ONLY WEEK DAYS AND IS EVERY HALPH AN HOUR EACH. SHAME...
4/13/2022, 11:46 AM — The Q30 bus to Little Neck now goes directly to the express E/F train. The replacement bus Q88 for people in Douglaston and Little Neck only goes to Woodhaven Blvd., a local M/R train stop. To reach an E/F train, an extra transfer to another bus is needed. Even in the first draft, we were given two buses to the E/F trains. Instead of routing four buses to Queensborough Community College, which would cause excessive congestion, the Q73 should be routed through Douglaston Parkway and terminate at Nassau Blvd./Little Neck Pkwy. The Q73 would allow us to reach the E/F trains at Forest Hills-71st Ave. with just one ride. We commend the MTA for giving us the Q88, but it's really the Q73 that we need.
Also, please consider moving the bus stop at Springfield Blvd. in front of Starbucks for the Q88 to the west side of Springfield Blvd. in front of the Fukuoka Shabu Shabu restaurant. Trucks and cars are constantly double parked in front of Starbucks for drop-offs and food. Often times the Q30 to Little Neck cannot pull up to the curb to unload or board passengers. This has been a frustrating problem for many years, and it needs to be addressed.
4/14/2022, 12:38 AM — I am quite upset on the suggested changes to the QM20 route. Not all workers are commuting on rush hours due to changes in many companies to offset schedules for distancing and shared workspaces with alternating days. Buses are becoming fuller and with some buses not running, the buses are getting closer to capacity. Cutting runs during peak will create overcrowding on the buses that are running. There is no weekend QM20 runs as is, so discontinuing the QM2 which is the closest route that runs on weekends would be a disservice to those in NE Queens that need access to midtown on weekends. These suggested plans are a horrible idea
4/14/2022, 2:30 AM — Your proposal to limit Express Bus service to Northeast Queens is shortsighted and unfair. I take the QM20, QM2 and QM3 regularly, and my ride without express bus service would be DOUBLE the time. I can't believe that this is the MTA's proposal, given the recent danger on subways. The express buses run quickly and safely. Your agency should be incentivizing people to take the express buses, not cutting service while the city is simultaneously cutting parking spots and there are repeated physical attacks on subways.
Your agency is out of touch and irresponsible.
You should all be ashamed of this proposal and yourselves.
4/14/2022, 2:51 AM — Need a bus connecting LIC new development areas in Hunter point to midtown Manhattan via the midtown tunnel.
4/14/2022, 4:12 AM — I strongly support the idea of LIC - Midtown bus service
4/14/2022, 4:22 AM — Do not discontinue Q1 on Springfield Boulevard.
4/14/2022, 4:30 AM — Please create a bus route from long Island City to Midtown Manhattan through the Midtown tunnel. It will help alleviate congestion on the 7 train and provide an accessible travel alternative to the 7 train for patrons with disabilities.
4/14/2022, 4:30 AM — The QM11 redesign would negatively impact myself and other riders that live along the stops to be eliminated. The bus is full everyday, why do things need to be changed?
4/14/2022, 4:50 AM — The proposed Q69 route still makes it difficult for riders to transfer to the 7 and G trains at Court Square. It will be a long walk either above ground or through the E/M platform. As Court Square is one of only 2 stops in Queens for the G train it is important to make transferring easier for riders heading to Brooklyn. Maybe continuing the Q69 on 21st Street and allowing riders to transfer to the G at the 21st Street stop.
4/14/2022, 5:18 AM — The Q60 needs to be split in two. First, no one rides the bus from Jamaica to Manhattan. You had an opportunity to here to make 2 routes. The q60 from south Jamaica terminal to Woodhaven Blvd and then another route from Woodhaven blvd to South Jamaica. Taking away stops in the end will save 1-2 mins at most but buses will still be slow and stuck in unecessary traffic.
The Q65 picks up a lot of people from the LIRR terminal especially in the morning, now these people will have to transfer, I may see there is maybe a greater demand of people coming from the Eastern end of Queens so I want to see how this plays out. The bus being completely local will slow this bus dramatically. I know by map the distance doesn’t seem far but it’s a bit of a drive. None of which these planners know anything about. This bus needs a limited option. The amount of customers coming to and from the hospital warrant 5 or better rush hour service, 7 or better off peak service and 12 min evening service. 10 mins or better weekend service Saturday and Sunday. This is clear.
4/14/2022, 6:54 AM — We need a bus route that takes us directly into midtown or even downtown from LIC/Queensboro area. Once the 7 train is down, it is impossible to get into Manhattan. We need alternative routes to get into the city, and even into Brooklyn. So many parts of the city and so many neighborhoods are growing rapidly - we need a bus route that will connect different, growing parts of the city with LIC. Bus routes need to serve where the subways don't.
4/14/2022, 8:04 AM — We need a bus from LIC to midtown. Especially with the 7 being down so often, a 10 minute commute easily becomes an hour. A direct line to midtown would ease congestion and help passengers with mobility issues
4/14/2022, 8:37 AM — Yes please…
4/14/2022, 9:09 AM — Does the mta plan to eliminate the number of transfers allowed? Based on the changes here multiple buses and trains will be needed to maintain the same commute door to door. This is putting a cost burden on those already at the edge of the city due to affordability.
4/14/2022, 9:12 AM — Has this plan been integrated with the train regarding capacity and timing
There are already extensive delays due to overcrowding and these changes will make those delays work hurting the customers.
4/14/2022, 9:34 AM — As a resident of Laurelton who uses a cane to walk at least 3 long city blocks and often waits for than 10 minutes for a bus because no dispatcher or supervisor managers this route on a regular basis. The drivers are delayed and often two or three buses are following directly behind each other. And now you wait to increase the wait from 7 minutes to 15 minutes insane. Both the length and time between buses should be the same. Let's see this changed in midtown, wherein you have M20, M7 and M5 sharing the same route for about three miles, providing almost empty buses in the city waste fuel and personnel, and buses to service the outer boroughs that don't have access to trains because we reside in areas that require a bus to the train and returning the same. MTA continues to treat areas of color with less services than others. It is through we are paying more property taxes than others, while the receive services.
MTA you have the records look at them and change the disparity, now it 2022, when will this discrimination stop.
My vote is NO to your proposed changes. You are disenfranchise with the express bus services, where it's only available for a morning and evening rush hours. While all other areas outside of SouthEast Queens, receive service much more frequently.
4/14/2022, 10:27 AM — This proposal is quite absurd. People are not taking A train from Howard Beach therefore buses are already crowded. Great injustice to community.
4/14/2022, 10:38 AM — This is a terrible idea! Why should I be inconvenienced by discontinuing service on the QM15 on 102 and 157 streets. I don’t drive and work in the city 5 days a week. I really don’t like this idea! Really unfair to us in Howard Beach!
4/14/2022, 11:27 AM — I am a senior citizen with mobility issues from an injury. I would greatly appreciate bus service into Manhattan. When I lived in Battery Park City, I always rode the M20 bus and miss it. Thank you.
4/14/2022, 12:11 PM — College Point is already painfully underserved by public transportation and the new draft plan completely cuts the neighborhood off from rail service or any other form of public transit. This plan will force me to always drive or use a cab/ride sharing service.
4/14/2022, 12:57 PM — A bud via the midtown tunnel from hunters point would solve so many issues when you constantly shut the 7 train down
4/14/2022, 1:27 PM — I would like to support having a bus that goes from Hunters Point to midtown. The many new high rise developments in Hunters Point will surely put stress on the 7 train service which is very spotty as is. We need another transit option to midtown.
4/14/2022, 6:23 PM — Please give some serious thought about revising the proposed Q51 route path from traveling along the Belt Parkway to instead traveling along the North Conduit Avenue(w/b)/South Conduit Avenue (e/b), Linden Boulevard and Fountain Avenue between Cross Bay Boulevard and the Gateway Center Mall. The Linden Boulevard routing should be considered because it would vastly increase ridership because the route would serve the new (LA Fitness) Linden Center Shopping Mall located on the north side of Linden Boulevard at 79th Street and the Walgreens - Linden Star Shopping Center on the south side of Linden Boulevard at 79th Street as well as the many new large housing developments such as at 2858 Linden Boulevard and at Eldert Lane the Linden Plaza Apartments and the NYCDA, Pink Houses plus the Linden Boulevard Multiplex Cinemas at Eldert Lane. If this route revision is adopted bus stops along the Q51 route could be placed at 79th Street/Linden Boulevard and Eldert Lane/Linden Boulevard but Emerald Street/Linden Boulevard and Drew Street/Linden Boulevard would be optional. West of Eldert Lane in the westbound direction there would be no bus stops as the Q51 bus would need to be merging into the center and left lanes of Linden Boulevard to travel into the left turning lane at Fountain Avenue. After turning on to Fountain Avenue the Q51 bus would travel via current Q8 routing and stop at all current Q8 bus stops to the Gateway Center Mall Terminal along Gateway Drive including one additional eastbound stop along Linden Boulevard at 2518 Linden Boulevard (just east of Fountain Avenue) plus possibly an additional eastbound and westbound bus stop along Fountain Avenue near Vandalia Avenue due to additional new housing developments located there as well. Although this routing and stops might add about an additional ten minutes to the Q51 route it would increase overall ridership on the route then the now proposed Belt Parkway routing. The MTA shouldn't just be interested in speeding up the bus by having unnecessary excessive nonstop and non-revenue segments of an SBS/Crosstown route but needs to be more conscience in serving more passengers from more communities even if it's at the expense of a couple of minutes in running time.
4/14/2022, 8:09 PM — You are taking away my bus stop on 127 and 23rd Avenue. Not everyone takes the bus to flushing. I work on 76 and Parsons. Instead of an easy commute you now want me to walk to a bus stop blocks from my house and transfer to another bus. My commute will be longer. How does the benefit me or the elderly and school children of college point? This is absurd!!!! You need to do better. How do you think this works? DO BETTER. stop with this absurd plan
4/14/2022, 9:17 PM — Hello. I’m very concerned about the proposed Q101 redesign. The proposed Q105 and Q68 do not offer a proper alternative. I heavily rely on the Q101 for access to Manhattan. And do not see a solution for Queens/Manhattan service. Steinway should have a local and express bus service. With at least one of these lines servicing Manhattan from the Astoria Ditmars/Steinway/Astoria Heights areas.
Furthermore I disagree with the proposal to have a bus line run understand the subway line. When subway service is suspended and a shuttle bus offered, this route can take over 45 minutes from Astoria-Ditmars to Queensboro Plaza. The bus lanes should coordinate to allow subway transfer. Not to mimic the route of a subway line.
4/14/2022, 9:36 PM — I'd like to join Community Board 14 on 6/2/2022 because I live in Far Rockaway.
4/14/2022, 9:51 PM — Q22 needs to merge With Q35
4/14/2022, 9:52 PM — For the Q60, the proposal to remove the Qns blvd/86th Av stop, east & westbound. That stop is directly in front of the only supermarket along that end of the route, and many seniors and bus riders shop and then use that stop. The next stop, Qns blvd/87th Av is in front of a car wash, gets very low usage, and the cars pulling out of the car wash makes that stop less safe to walk to. A better choice would be to remove that stop and keep Qns blvd/86th Av.
4/14/2022, 10:07 PM — A bus through the Midtown Tunnel will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators.
With the construction of thousands of new housing units in LIC, bus service is needed to alleviate overcrowding on the #7 line.
Bus service would also serve as a transit alternative during the #7 train’s frequent shutdowns.
LIC’s bus routes were established when the area was mostly industrial. Existing bus routes no longer serve its residential population. Other residential neighborhoods have had bus service to Manhattan for years - for example the Q32 from Jackson Heights & the Q60 from Jamaica.
4/14/2022, 10:25 PM — A bus to Midtown from LIC would be amazing to have. The 7 train often has delays and/or shutdowns. Having to take a cab gets expensive and isn't fair if so many other boroughs have buses.
4/14/2022, 10:35 PM — I understand that this is still a work in progress. However, I do have some concerns that I wanted to bring to your attention.
I live on the border of Whitestone and Bayside and I rely on the QM20 express bus to and from Midtown Manhattan.
I've been working remotely for the past 2 years, but I expect to return to my office in the city very soon. My company (and I'm sure many others) are offering a much more flexible work schedule. In fact, I expect that I'll travel more during the day than during the traditional "rush hours" time frames.
Unfortunately, the initial redesign plan eliminates all daytime service on the QM20. That's an extreme cut in service for this line. I'm writing to ask for you to support the retention of weekday DAYTIME service on the QM20. We need availability every 30 minutes like we have now. In this new "normal" that we're heading towards, express bus service needs to continue to be available all day.
Thank you for your consideration.
4/15/2022, 12:08 AM — As a life long resident of Hunter Point Long Island City I have seen the many changes to this community. When the rest of the world discovered our small town in the early ninety’s and began building these large residential buildings, one of the many things brought to the attention of the community council, developers and NYC politicians representing us is that transportation would not be sufficient to support these large buildings. Here we are in 2022 and transportation is still a big problem, the 7 train at Vernon and Jackson is over crowded on a good day…forget about when there are problems along the line and we have to take other lines which are 5 blocks away. Those lines then become very congested also. At times I have had to wait for 3 or 4 trains before I could even get on.
I have also noticed that buses coming from Greenpoint Brooklyn are crowded with people that get off in LIC and take the number 7 at Vernon and Jackson, so we are being inundated with commuters from Brooklyn.
MTA should definitely consider busses going into Manhattan from Hunters Point LIC.
Thank you
4/15/2022, 12:44 AM — Hi - there should be a bus route from the LIC waterfront that connects to midtown Manhattan. There is a growing waterfront population (including several buildings coming online now/within the next year) and there is limited immediately nearby transportation. I am often pushed to the ferry and I would much rather support the MTA instead.
4/15/2022, 12:50 AM — please add a bus from Long Island City waterfront at Hunters Point South (say Vernon and 50th) to Manhattan via midtown tunnel (connect to M34 bus at 1st avenue)... this will be extremely valuable, will reduce strain on #7 line and serve the disabled who can't use subway at Vernon-Jackson
4/15/2022, 12:53 AM — As a partially disabled senior, I would very much appreciate a bus route to Manhattan via the tunnel. Access would be less physically challenging and I would have the assurance of having access to Manhattan when the 7 train isn’t running or is overcrowded, especially in that both problems with the 7 train occur frequently. Thank you. K. Gallo
4/15/2022, 12:59 AM — I looked at the proposed plan for Q46, there are some stops I agree that should be removed, however making the gap longer between Queens blvd and Main Street by eliminated all stops in between is not helping anyone who lives in between, you are telling people to walk 15-20 minutes if they live in between those stops. Also Union Turnpike and 150 Street is a major stop between Union Turnpike/Main St and Union Turnpike/Parson. I agree in removing Union Turnpike/147 Street.
Also I saw your new proposed Q48, the files shows the same exact stops and the new proposed Q46?? What's the point of adding this bus line to the route if it's not running the local stops that were removed on the original Q46?
4/15/2022, 1:24 AM — Hunters Point in LIC really needs a bus into into Manhattan. It would be crowded day and night. We also need more Q 103 bus service on Vernon Blvd also..
4/15/2022, 1:39 AM — Why a LIC-Midtown Bus is Needed:
- A bus through the Midtown Tunnel will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators.
- With the construction of thousands of new housing units in LIC, bus service is needed to alleviate overcrowding on the #7 line.
- Bus service would also serve as a transit alternative during the #7 train’s frequent shutdowns.
- LIC’s bus routes were established when the area was mostly industrial. Existing bus routes no longer serve its residential population. Other residential neighborhoods have had bus service to Manhattan for years - for example the Q32 from Jackson Heights & the Q60 from Jamaica.
4/15/2022, 3:02 AM — 923
4/15/2022, 3:04 AM — Q22 should be extended to green acres mall via brookville blvd and s conduit ave into sunrise highway. It gives the residents of far rockaway access to the shopping area also giving the residents of rosedale and laurelton access to the beaches as well, the ferry
4/15/2022, 3:21 AM — Queens is the most multicultural borough in NYC. So very many languages are spoken. If you genuinely want feedback from real bus riders, the MTA's multilingual brochures should be mailed out to all Queens homes. As a Civic Organization on Social Media. we can help somewhat but there are so very many people who will have no clue about this and will only find out about it when it happens and it is just not right. The onus should be on the MTA to share this information.
4/15/2022, 4:02 AM — With the elimination of bus stops on the Q32 route, you are not taking into consideration that mostly elderly people take this bus because there are no elevators from 61st Street to Queensborough Plaza leading to the number 7 train. This is an EXTREMELY crowded route with only 3 places to sit at each stop. Removal of any stops between 61st Street and Queensborough Plaza would severely impact elderly riders. There would also be the added expense of removing the bus stop shelters. Removing stops would slow down the crowds attempting to board the buses at each stop and create a more dangerous situation for elderly riders attempting to board.
4/15/2022, 4:35 AM — Please please give us another bus to Manhattan! I have lived in LIC for over 30 years and witnessed the huge influx of residents moving into my neighborhood. We need an alternate transit route into midtown desperately. This is a no brainer!
4/15/2022, 6:01 AM — Hi ,
Yes we do need a bus and though i am temporarily mobility challenged and have been a lifelong resident of queens and also a 20 year resident of lic/hunterspoint. The express bus will cut down commute ease congestion on the 7 and the 7 doesn’t always work and is actually extremely overcrowded during morning rush. Pre pandemic cannot even get on and multiple full trains pass. Also this bus needs to be wheelchair friendly. After being immobile i have noticed how not accessible the subway is.
4/15/2022, 7:19 AM — In reference to the QM15, QM24, QM34 andQM25 express buses, please note these are very important lines and the schedule should not be shortened of longer times between pick-ups. These buses are used by many people and especially older people because they use these buses to go to Doctor Appointments and Hospitals on the East Side has 1st and 34th and Midtown and also uptown hospitals. Taking away any service or longer intervals between buses is not right and not good for the people. Older people don’t want to ride the trains underground. They want the express buses.
4/15/2022, 7:58 AM — A bus running from LIC to Midtown would be hugely beneficial for so many LIC residents. Please consider helping us out!
4/15/2022, 8:34 AM — As Look Bus Need to be transfer to the ADA Train station and some bus reoute need to go to Gateway Mall to Train station
4/15/2022, 9:34 AM — Please design a bus route between Manhattan and LIC to alleviate the pressure on the #7 line. Let it have a stop by the Socrates Sculpture Park which is so difficult to get to.
4/15/2022, 9:54 AM — Are you crazy? The frequency in midday is bad enough and you want to make it longer? Maybe the ridership is low because people have been telecommuting and construction projects are slow due to covid. Congestion pricing is coming and you want to decrease mass transportation. You need to add earlier starts like 5:30. Get with the program, people want to get to work early and leave early. The buses are safer than the subways!!! Do you have any common sense?
4/15/2022, 10:43 AM — Why would you change the Q21 Route and leave out stops on 161 Ave and 157 Ave? People need to get from Crossbay to Lindenwood and some of us cannot walk from 157 & Crossbay to 157 & 84 Street. Also, what happened to the Q41? Why is Howard Beach constantly overlooked and punished?
4/15/2022, 11:00 AM — Many school kids take this bus. Given how dangerous everything is why would you are them walk further????
4/15/2022, 12:16 PM — There should be a bus from Long Island City direct to midtown Manhattan and back. The 7 train has too many closures and interruptions to service and there are not enough alternatives to travel to midtown Manhattan.
4/15/2022, 12:37 PM — You list all the connections made by this bus then have it staying at 30 or better after "peak" which ends at 9am and 7pm? Either extend "peak" or make it 20 or better. The rest of the time. Who will wait 30 min for a bus if they need to catch a ferry or a train? Or if they then need to wait for another bus on Steinway?
4/15/2022, 12:48 PM — LOVE this!
4/15/2022, 2:57 PM — Absolutely!!! We need a bus option to midtown!!
Trains are overcrowded and when out of service this causes huge disruptions!!
Please, please, please, give Lic a bus route to midtown!!
4/15/2022, 7:22 PM — I feel that the Q54 line needs to have a local and a limited bus. In the mornings we wait for the bus (metropolitan and park lane) when the bus comes it doesn’t stop, as the bus is already full, and one has to wait for the next bus, and the next bus. The children get to school late, and the adults get to work late. It is really frustrating for all.
The same goes for the Q60 line. The Q60 is a heavily used line with a long route. The Q60 line would really benefit from having local and limited service.
The key is to improve what is already existing.
Thank you.
4/15/2022, 9:43 PM — I'm a big fan of the new plan. The first one was terrible. Living in Western astoria, the focus on service along 21st street is very good. Most importantly, having busses (39, 69, b62) go straight down past Queens plaza to 44th drive & 21st to connect wroth subways there in both directions is a game changer. It's great for all the new development happening in vernon waterfront and improves the existing Q103. The previous plan eliminated the 103 which would be a disaster given the density happening along vernon waterfront.
The reduction and spacing out of stops is a no brainer. Please stick to your guns on that. Times must decrease to get real increased ridership and more stop spacing is mandatory.
Lastly, reliable departure time at origin is essential. That is my biggest frustration today and reason that I cannot fully rely on busses as part of my daily commute. Bus location tracking is turned off before a bus begins its route. This is a terrible practice! It should be on so that people along the route know it is actually there and will depart on time. Then, of course, busses need to actually depart their origin on time when they are sitting there. Not 2 or 4 mins after the scheduled time. Incentive drivers to begin routes exactly on time and delight your riders.
4/15/2022, 10:16 PM — We need more transportation to the city because there are hundreds more residents moving into the neighborhood with no change in train service.
4/16/2022, 12:10 AM — Please add a bus between LIC and Manhattan !!!!
4/16/2022, 12:18 AM — Please create a bus route from LIC to Midtown Manhattan. My husband is disabled and the stairs down and up to the 7 train are so difficult we often have to take a cab or Uber. ????????
4/16/2022, 12:22 AM — I’m a 21 year old girl who would prefer to take a bus rather than the subway to Midtown Manhattan.
4/16/2022, 1:27 AM — LIC needs bus service to Manhattan! Too much construction on the 7 train, shutting it down often without shuttle bus service replacement?
4/16/2022, 4:23 AM — Please keep in mind as you eliminate services that public buses are the life force of most Queens residents.
It’s is unclear how the many complicated Byzantine changes to the Queens bus routes could possibly enhance transit travel.
4/16/2022, 5:08 AM — For the q25 and 65, why is service removed from Jamaica LIRR station? That station needs a bus to be there. Maybe keep the Q34 as the bus to that station.
4/16/2022, 5:13 AM — Also, Flushing Main Street only connects to one LIRR Line, while Jamaica connects to the rest. Therefore, a bus that provides direct access to this station is needed.
4/16/2022, 5:19 AM — LIC is growing at record speed and the Vernon Jackson station is last stop on the 7 line in Queens before Manhattan. During rush hour, the train is packed. Bus routes (even an express bus during rush hour ) from LIC to various points in Manhattan would help with reducing the riders on the 7.
4/16/2022, 7:35 AM — Please consider adding a bus line that connects LIC (including waterfront) with Manhattan, for example through the midtown tunnel AND the Queensboro bridge. In general the LIC waterfront neighbourhood is badly connected to anything east or west by bus. With insecurity in the subway system and trains that don't run half the time it would be good to have options.
4/16/2022, 9:02 AM — The bus route would be great addition to the neighborhood and is urgently needed in the quickly expanding neighborhood. It will help with overcrowded subways and especially when the subway is down for repair or other situations. The only other way right now is to pay for an Uber at a surge fare or walk 15 minutes to the next subway line.
4/16/2022, 10:46 AM — Please do not alter the QM20 in any way. We already rely on 1 bus during the weekend. It would isolate Whitestone further than it is already.
4/16/2022, 10:07 PM — We desperately need bus route from Long Island City (around vernon station area and beyond) to midtown manhattan. With recent crime rising in the subways, the residents in the community needs alternative routes to get to midtown. Many residents here work in midtown so it is critical that this happens. Thank you!
4/16/2022, 10:34 PM — We would like to have a route which could connect between queens center and flushing
4/16/2022, 11:02 PM — I was disappointed to learn that the QM3 service is going to be discontinued. At a time people are starting to head back to the office and crime and violence has increased on the subways, I take the QM3 express bus. This commuting option was one of the reasons I moved to North Flushing. With its removal we're left with nothing that will get us into midtown that would get us there safely, within a reasonable amount of time and reasonable cost. Please do not leave us without an express bus option.
4/16/2022, 11:11 PM — Please get a bus from court square LIC to midtown and uptown Manhattan!
4/16/2022, 11:47 PM — Q50 - I like the fact that this route will serve the Bronx directly and will replace the existing slow moving Q48 route which makes many local stops between Main Street and LGA. This new proposed routing will offer Bronx residents a way to get to LGA without having to change buses at Main Street which is currently the case. In addition, there are convenient connections to the number 6 and 7 trains as well. Faster service between Main Street and LGA will also be an added benefit due to the elimination of local stops in Corona and East Elmhurst.
4/16/2022, 11:58 PM — Q51 - This newly proposed route seems to have resulted as an exercise in just drawing lines on a map. It basically goes from nowhere to nowhere and will have few to no riders on this route. The Gateway Mall in Brooklyn was designed as an auto dependent suburban shopping mall and would never have been built without a direct access route from the Belt Parkway. The Q8 bus currently serves this mall from Jamaica and Ozone Park Queens. It is absolutely absurd to think anyone will spend hours on this bus from Cambria Heights to the Gateway Mall when the car trip between these two places can be made in minutes. Cambria Heights is a low density single family home neighborhood in which most people have access to a car and will never use this bus. Most people from this neighborhood shop at other malls in Long Island due to the fact that Cambria Heights sits on the border with Nassau County. The few riders that need to make this trip from Queens already use the Q8 bus. I strongly recommend that this idea be scrapped entirely in favor of the Q8 bus continuing to serve this route.
4/17/2022, 12:19 AM — There's an error on the Q11 list of stops in the southbound direction for both Pattern A (page 92) & Pattern B (page 93). The southbound stop you have listed Centreville St/149 Av is still part of the revised route path of the newly formed route, therefore it cannot be "removed due to new routing". The stop should be moved on the list to between the Hawtree St/Pitkin Av stop and the Eckford Av/Raleigh St stop. It could then be corrected to state "Removed to improve speed and reliability".
4/17/2022, 12:30 AM — Q46 and Q48 - I support the idea of having the existing Q46 service that currently serves Glen Oaks now being called the Q48. This will eliminate customer confusion that currently exists on this route as to the eastern terminus of each bus. Also, the idea to have both of these routes operate as limited service west of 188th Street is a good idea in that it will reduce overall travelling time between Glen Oaks and LIJ Hospital and the Kew Gardens Subway Station. The reduction in traveling time between these two points may actually help to build ridership by people leaving their cars at home to ride the bus. It is also very important that the Q46 continue to serve LIJ Hospital and this route proposal maintains this existing service.
4/17/2022, 12:43 AM — Q43 - This is a great idea to extend the final existing eastern terminus of this route to LIJ Hospital. The Q43 currently ends at the city line on Hillside Avenue because that is where Nassau County begins. It is a great idea to extend this route into Nassau County slightly and provide a meaningful ending at LIJ Hospital. This new Q43 routing will provide more service and rider options to Queens residents to LIJ Hospital which is a major destination point for patients and visitors. Riders will now be able to ride directly to downtown Jamaica from LIJ which represents an improvement over the existing Q46 service only to Kew Gardens.
4/17/2022, 1:05 AM — To ease overcrowding on 7 trains, direct buses into midtown manhattan and to brooklyn would be helpful.
4/17/2022, 1:23 AM — Hello, I’m writing to express my interest for a bus route from Long Island City to Midtown NY. The Long Island city neighborhood has grown exponentially and the 7 train alone can no longer support all the commuters So a bus would be extremely helpful. Thank you.
4/17/2022, 2:07 AM — Q65 proposed plan: new plan will disinclude Flushing Hospital Medical Center of which, I, a resident doctor, will not be able to use the Q65 to commute to work.
Many hospital staff, nurses, doctors, take the public transportation system to get to work. Please reconsider the exclusion of stops that would allow this important stop for the 1000+ employees and visitors of Flushing Hospital located on Parson Blvd / 147 St.
Thank you.
4/17/2022, 2:22 AM — Please combine routes Q10 and Q72 into a single route to provide a combined JFK-LGA connection. This would be a split depot operation.
Also combine routes Q61 and Q78 into a single route because the Q78 has no subway connection and that could be the new Q41 since that number was eliminated. I originally suggested that that combo be the new Q29 but I like the number 41 instead.
The proposed new Q45 should terminate at Parsons-Archer. Going Westbound on Hillside Avenue the Q45 would turn left on Parsons Boulevard then make a right turn on Archer Avenue and dropp off where the Q20A/B drop off. On the return trip, the Q45 will make a pick up where the Q25/Q34 and Q65 presently pick up after turning around at the "teardrop" then turn left on Parsons Boulevard, right on Hillside Avenue, then regular Q45 route to Little Neck. The Q45 should operate 7 days a week to provide improved "North-South" servce on Little Neck Parkway.
Hope you like these suggestions.
4/17/2022, 5:35 AM — Hello,
Long Island city, specifically Hunters point, needs a bus that connects into the city and connects across town to popular uptown/downtown bus stops. The 7 train is frequently shut down and there is no efficient alternative into the city.
4/17/2022, 6:39 AM — I am writing to ask for a bus route from Long Island city to midtown. Thanks
4/17/2022, 7:02 AM — Hello, I sent in feedback earlier and I wanted to amend my comments. If I am correct, I see now that there is a bus that covers a similar route as the Q27 (it is a new line running along Springfield Blvd.). This means that from Union Turnpike and Springfield Blvd. it is still possible to go to the Harding Expwy shopping area via one bus.
The colors of the routes overlap in places on the map and I did not see this route. I mentioned the loss of the Q27 in my previous feedback. I am pleased to see now that this new route was factored into the plan and I wanted to acknowledge this positive addition. In Oakland Gardens, we need routes to get to local shopping that do not require a transfer and this helps since the Q27 was cut here. Thank you.
4/17/2022, 9:24 AM — Extend the Q1 to Floral Park LIRR please
4/17/2022, 9:44 AM — The proposed elimination of the QM10 and the rerouting of the QM11 would greatly impact me and my family. We're on the north side of the LIE, near LeFrak City (99th St and 60th Ave) and the current QM10 and QM11 service smoothly and quickly works for me (to midtown) and my spouse (to downtown). By removing these services, our commute times would increase by 10-25% and be significantly less pleasant and more dangerous in poor weather. We would have to regularly cross the busy Horace Harding Expressway and the loud LIE.
Removing LeFrak City from these loops in particular will greatly impact not just us, but our entire community, as this express bus service is a very smooth and well-used link into Manhattan which we would surely miss. I appreciate and agree that there is some simplification that the network could use, and there are good ideas in the plan, but this is not one of them.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
4/17/2022, 9:50 AM — Please do not eliminate any of the bus lines or the express buses to/ from midtown- if anything you should be adding express bus routes to/from lower manhattan and midtown now that more people are returning to work.
4/17/2022, 10:55 AM — Good evening,
I'd like to add an additional comment regarding the QM5/8/35. Since the entrance/exit point to/from the Long Island Expressway is actually at 169th Street instead of 188th Street, you can add a stop at Utopia Parkway, which would offer a connection to the Q31, and expand the coverage footprint of the QM5/8/35. If you wanted to take a step further, you could have those routes enter/exit the Long Island Expressway at Main Street, with additional stops added at 164th Street, and Kissena Blvd. Access to this area is relatively difficult by local bus/subway (You have to either take the Q88 to a local subway stop, or take the Q17 to Flushing, but the <7> express only runs during rush hour).
You can even extend the pickup segment to College Point Blvd, or add stops at some of the streets with pedestrian overpasses, but that might slow down those routes too much, considering they're coming all the way from Glen Oaks. But I think adding a few stops and entering/exiting I-495 at Main Street would be a good compromise, and somewhat provide an alternative for former X51 riders in South Flushing (the X51 was eliminated as part of the 2010 service reductions).
Off-peak, it might actually make sense to have the QM5 take the Horace Harding Expressway as far down as Queens Blvd. It would provide off-peak express bus service to LeFrak City and Rego Park, and also provide a ridership base that would allow the route to continue operating every 60 minutes instead of 90 minutes. The QM6 can also operate every 60 minutes (and serve stops west of 188th Street), thus eliminating the need to operate the QM1 off-peak. That would also provide somewhat of an alternative to QM4 riders during off-peak periods (they would be able to take a local bus to either the QM5 or QM6, depending on their exact destination).
4/17/2022, 11:33 AM — this proposal is way better than the first one. however, the following proposal should be added or modifed.
1.the Q40 southbound to 135 av should be via 142 st instead of remington,109 av and 143 st due to the wide sharp left turn from lakewood av into 143 st. and the northbound to hillside ave should be via 142 pl, 119 rd , 143 st, 111 av then back to 142 st here is a map from google (,-73.8200542,14z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s1__Iazdt4ajlqU7yQOJuqfplD-Pei47I3?hl=en)
2. there should be a Northern Bl SBS since there will be no QM3 here is the map (,-73.8889062,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s1n3skql5XGSRNXVfrE9nhcAPLs14?hl=en)
3.Jamaica Avenue SBS since there is busway in jamaica avenue (,-73.8522697,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s10zIEJfs6ZFqdUXClhsAVrMmM5l0?hl=en)
4 Q49 via 34 av instead of 89,90, and astoria blvd (
5. !69 st/ utopia pky thru route (
6. linden blvd SBS route is fine but no aquaduct
7.q64 should not merged with the Q10 but instead should be extended to Queensboro via 73 ave, springfield blvd (
8. liberty ave thru route (sbs or limited) (
9.myrtle ave thru route (limited or sbs) (,-73.9401602,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s1D6C3CgMgdjyVnmeIjkDV4ecRvpw?hl=en)
10.franics lewis blvd route thru (limited or sbs) (,-73.8406405,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s1z2v2tj8r9jg0R2-hv4McEJoag4g?hl=en)
11. Springfield/ bell blvds (limited) (,-73.8138494,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!6m1!1s1WL2oR_G_f2qyA4H8oUKJWhs-CIs?hl=en)
other than that its good
4/17/2022, 2:13 PM — Please consider a West Bronx - Western Queens Bus Route via the RFK Triborough Bridge. There are many people who travel by transit to The Bronx or Queens via the Triborough Bridge using the M60-SBS, but this adds additional time since you would have to go through Manhattan and transfer. A direct route of a Bx-Qn route would benefit travelers for those who want to connect with places such as LGA, The Hub and Astoria. While you have plans to extend the Q44-SBS to Fordham Plaza which would go into the North-West Bronx and extension of the Q50-LTD to LGA combined with the soon to be old Q48, it still doesn't aid those in the south-western portion of The Bronx needing Western Queens access. There was a study years ago you propose to make that happen apart of improving access to LGA, and it never become a reality. The redesigns are here, and you did not include such proposal in The Bronx Bus Redesign, and now not even in the Queens Bus Redesign and this may never become a reality. Lets make this happen, for a better commute and connectivity for The Bronx and Queens. Thank You!
4/17/2022, 7:31 PM — As a lidenwood resident I wished to have seen the q41 still be a thing as it let people that live here get access to the air train,LIRR at jamaica and the E,J,Z, and buses that go to Nassau county but now according to the new plan I would need to THREE or more bus transfers and looking at the frequency of the q21 having it 60 min or more during peak is crazy , though I like the idea of the q21 going to the 7 train I wished that it would of served more lidenwood ( like for example heading west on 155th Ave not turing on 84th but instead 81st then on 156th which would of allowed to to head south with out making three 90 turns and just two and it would bring the bus to more potential customers = more money)
4/17/2022, 7:46 PM — Please do not eliminate the Ascan and Queens Blvd stop on the QM11. It's convenient for the residents if Forest Hills trying to get downtown.
4/17/2022, 7:53 PM — I do not understand the need to eliminate the QM11 bustop on Horace Harding expressway and Westside Ave. This would put a tremendous inconvenience to the residents and the physical/mental residents surrounding that bustop as well as congest the busted after on 99th Street and 60th Ave. I ask that you reconsider the dismissal of this bustop.
4/17/2022, 8:03 PM — I depend on the QM11 on a daily basis during the workweek. Please reconsider eliminating the 67th Avenue stop. Perhaps you can take away a few of the bus times but this stop is necessary as the ones nearest are a 15 minute walk away.
4/17/2022, 8:10 PM — I don't have the ability to walk very far so the 57th Ave/99th Street stop is extremely important for me to be able to get to and from work. I am one of the few employees on my job that go in 5 days a week. Eliminating this stop could and would be devastating to my commute. I ask that the MTA seriously reconsider eliminating this stop.
4/17/2022, 8:15 PM — Please do not eliminate the Xenia and Horace Harding Expressway stop. I use this stop 2x’s a day 5 days a week. Having to walk to a near by stop at my age is becoming difficult especially with bad weather. Thank you for taking the time to hear my concern. Thank you.
4/17/2022, 8:18 PM — A bus route from LIC to midtown is much needed. The 7 train is not accessible to all, shuts down frequently, and is always overcrowded due to the increase in population in the last 10 years.
4/17/2022, 8:18 PM — Due to the rapid rising covid cases, unvaccinated individuals that have to be seated near each other in the trained, and crimes occurring in thr Subway; the express bus is the only way I am able to get to work.
4/17/2022, 8:38 PM — Don’t close the stop ? you are messing up my time my precious time !
4/17/2022, 8:42 PM — I tried taking the subways since post -COVID-19 return to work , but it is unsafe and unsanitary. I exclusively use the Express Bus now after an incident that I still have anxiety about during my last subway ride last month. Additionally, 67th Avenue is not an accessible subway stop and I was recently diagnosed with a knee injury that impacts my ability to use the stairs. For the people who live near this stop, it is our only viable option for our work commute. I know that This bus is my only option to get to work now and because the published schedule has not been updated since 2020 and doesn’t reflect the actual departure times, and because buses are frequently pulled off the route without warning, tge MTA has artificially made it unreliable to suit an agenda. Mayor Adams will not permit City employees to continue working remotely so if you eliminate this stop, you will eliminate my ability for me and many other people to get to work. Rather than eliminating the stop, fix the schedule and make service reliable. Ridership will automatically increase if you do. After the incident in Brooklyn last week, the busses are much more crowded. Please don’t exacerbate the Great Retirement by creating yet another obstacle to getting to work.
4/17/2022, 8:43 PM — The QM11 must stay in place. As a lifelong queens resident I have been able to get safely to work downtown from my neighborhood. Many riders find this as a great alternative to taking the train which has more stops underground. Taking this essential line away from forest hills would defeat the selling point that this neighborhood is a major commuter hub. KEEP THE QM11
4/17/2022, 9:22 PM — The 70th Avenue/Queens Boulevard QM11 is INTEGRAL to this neighborhood and downtown commuters. I moved to this neighborhood to have access to this bus.
Also, as a commuter with physical issues, this bus is the difference between trains and the railroad that over burden my extremities.
The QM11 at this stop is VITAL to my daily work life and health.
4/17/2022, 9:28 PM — STOP the redesign in my neighborhood!!!
Qm40, QM11 & QM10
4/17/2022, 10:00 PM — I have been riding the QM11 for a 4 years now from 99th St./60th Ave. These changes are extremely in considerate of people with physical activity issues, and I see that an entire ridership has been removed. How can the MTA just remove every stop from Horceharding Expressway to Woodhaven Blvd. Westbound. What happens to us, we need to get to work just like NYU staff. This draft plan needs to include all not just one group. Blacks and Asian population are dismissed again with this plan. I traveled through the pandemic on the QM11 from April 2020 to present and I was very thankful that the express bus was an option for me . Why I am I forgotten about now?
4/17/2022, 10:44 PM — This new draft plan for the Queens Bus Redesign is a bad idea. The reasons why this is a horrific idea is because of what you are planning to do with a bus I ride to and from work and to nightlife activities. Why are you going to replace the Q12 with the Q65 which is only going to run up to 162nd and Sanford Ave. I hope you realize that you are going to be taking away crucial essential service to Flushing Hospital on 45th Ave in Flushing. You have Nurses and Doctors who work overnight, morning, afternoon and evening shifts who rely on that bus to get them to their destination.
Also Why are you going to put the Q12 on Northern Blvd when Northern has two good reliable buses in the Q13 and Q28. Why are you planning on making the Q12 a Limited Bus and why are you planning on making the Q13 a Rush Bus. Two very bad ideas. Flushing has a good reliable bus service and I don't see the need for a redesign in this area. This redesign takes away crucial bus service to many including me who go to work. I strongly urge you to reconsider this in a major way.
4/17/2022, 11:07 PM — Hi
I think the new section of Q76 along 20th Ave. might not be possible because 20th Ave is quite narrow and if a truck or a big vehicle park or breakdown on the street the bus might not be able to pass.
4/17/2022, 11:12 PM — I would like a vote on NOT getting rid of the gateway terminal stop entirely because It would be very inconvenient to people who can’t afford a car to get to the mall. A lot of people that I know rely on the q8 and don’t want to have to travel out of their way to come even a tiny bit closer to the mall, just for it to be cut off the route. Please take this into Major consideration.
4/17/2022, 11:44 PM — This is absolutely disgraceful that you would cut service to Queens. I am a qm15 rider and they need MORE service not less. People are not all back to work yet. Why would you even make any changes until people are back ? Always disrespected in Southern Queens ! It takes 2 hours to get to work now !
4/17/2022, 11:59 PM — I would like to receive information
4/18/2022, 1:51 AM — Please let the Q101 continue to go directly to Manhattan. Although it is great a new bus to Brooklyn from Astoria is planned, it is important to also maintain a direct link into Astoria from Manhattan. For older or disabled people( like me), the direct line to Manhattan, where many hospitals & Dr's offices are, is critical. Even though the new draft plan explains that you can take the bus in Astoria to Queens Plaza, say, & then change for a Manhattan- bound bus, the problem is that once you get to Manhattan-even with the Q101 as it is now- you ALREADY have to transfer to get to most locations. Eliminating the Q101 terminating in Manhattan would mean taking THREE buses to get around. With canes, walkers, or wheelchairs, it's just too much. Last summer, with a lack of cabs & AccessARide vehicles available in Manhattan,, the Q101 saved the day! I hope there is a way to maintain it, without sacrificing other helpful new options. Hundreds of new apartments are to be built near the Q101 line; having a bus line to Manhattan will be more important than ever. Thank you.
4/18/2022, 2:32 AM — Please do NOT remove the stop at Queen Boulevard and 67th avenue in either direction! As a senior citizen with arthritic knees and feet, the subway is an agonizing thought, and I cannot afford taxis for all of my errands. Add to that the crime wave in the subways, and a little old lady is a serious target. LEAVE THIESE STOPS IN USE111
4/18/2022, 2:48 AM — I rely on QM11 stop on 63rd Drive as I need to travel to World Trade Center. Why is this stop being removed? Not correct as I’m sure I’m not the only patron who uses this stop. Which will be the next stop, if this falls on deaf ears?
Thank you
4/18/2022, 2:57 AM — The B53 needs to be cut 1/2 way point at the Williamsburg bridge bus hub. The traffic congestion at the bridge during rush hours morning and evening are going to affect the lines going to Broadway Junction. Maybe B53A for the Queens side and B53B for the Brooklyn side.
4/18/2022, 3:23 AM — Please do not eliminate any of the bus stops around 62nd dr and 108th Street. These are heavily residential areas with coops and lots of commuters including the Q23 stops and Expresses busses QM11 and QM10.
4/18/2022, 4:17 AM — Please add a data layer to the Remix map where two proposed routes can be viewed at the same time in order to locate transfer points more easily. Thank you.
4/18/2022, 4:24 AM — Please let the QM63, QM64 and QM68 operate along along Sixth Avenue.
Madison Avenue should be used for inbound Express bus routes from Brooklyn and outbound Express bus routes to The Bronx
4/18/2022, 5:47 AM — I live in Astoria & work in Manhattan. I chose to live where I do in Astoria because the Q101 is right near my apartment & the bus is routed directly to Manhattan. I'm upset that the new plan is to bypass Manhattan and connect to Brooklyn, where I would need to transfer lines. I am an essential hospital employee. People who live in this area of Queens don't need or want this bus to connect to Brooklyn. We need the route to continue directly to and from Manhattan.
4/18/2022, 7:10 AM — Don’t touch QM11
4/18/2022, 7:47 AM — I am new to the area. I work at [REDACTED] in Manhattan and the QM 11 bus is the route I take to and from work. The bus and train will b take me waynove an hour to get to and from work. I have a Multiple Sclerosis and has suffered from 2 pulmonary embolism. This route is much easier and safer for me. The step in the Train stations is a bit too much and the trains are truly not that safe. The shooting the recently occurred on the train happened on a train I would have taken to work. I do not feel safe getting on the train.
4/18/2022, 8:55 AM — Here is a suggestion regarding destination signs: Eliminate neighborhood signs and give complete location of ending point for example: the new Q57 destination signs would say "Q57 Hillside Av-Little Neck Pkwy"and in the opposite direction the sign would say "Q57 Rockaway Blvd-Liberty Av station". Please look into this suggestion
4/18/2022, 9:25 AM — 1 We need bus meet a Train station that is ADA
2 we need bus run during day includ weekend summer time
3 need bus 21st Queensbridge to Queen plaza
4/18/2022, 10:07 AM — Dear MTA, please provide a bus route from Long Island City into Midtown Manhattan. A bus through the Midtown Tunnel will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators. Bus service would also serve as a transit alternative during the #7 train’s frequent shutdowns. Adding a bus route will undoubtedly improve the quality of life of Queens residents. Thank you.
4/18/2022, 11:14 AM — Do not change the Q101 bus from Astoria into Manhattan. Elderly people and handicapped rely on that bus to get into Manhattan for doctors appointments. My patents live near Steinway street abs we do not have an elevator at the station. The bus is their only means into Manhattan. Transferring to another bus would extend there time even more and make traveling difficult. We do not need a bus that going into Williamsburg. We need a direct bus into Manhattan from Astoria.
4/18/2022, 2:59 PM — A bus going through midtown tunnel across 34th street to the west side would be very convenient. Now with what is going on in the train system and the mental health issues many are afraid of taking the train. Hunters point south is growing at a rapid pace, we need more options of transportation to alleviate the crowds.
4/18/2022, 7:37 PM — I would rather see one of the bus times cut before the Ascan stop is eliminated.
4/18/2022, 7:40 PM — Please do not eliminate the QM11 stop on Ascan Ave
4/18/2022, 7:55 PM — Please do not eliminate the bus stop for QM11 on 102 Street and 63 rd. It would be a huge inconvenience as I live right by the stop .
4/18/2022, 9:00 PM — The proposed Q104 eliminates convenient connections at Queens Plaza for subway and bus routes.
The Q102 is used by many elderly and disabled. Making passengers change buses for other routes to get to Queens Plaza is discomforting to those who use the buses most.
Broadway is a bottleneck and always congested. Not a good choice for rapid transit. Major construction projects and temporary restaurant structures make this a one lane route in each direction.
Do not eliminated direct service to Queens Plaza from Vernon Blvd and Roosevelt Island.
4/18/2022, 9:18 PM — Good morning ladies and gentleman:
I ride the QM11 bus in both the morning and evening for my commute to and from home in Forest Hills and my job in lower Manhattan. It has been brought to my attention that the MTA is planning to eliminate the stop at Queens Boulevard and 72nd Drive, which is my pick-up stop in the morning and my drop-off stop in the evening. This would create a terrible inconvenience to all of us who use this stop. As more and more people are returning to in-office work, ridership on the QM11 will steadily increase, as will the number of people who use the stop that is located at Queens Boulevard and 72nd Drive. So, eliminating this stop and looping it onto the QM7 route, which provides service to a section of Queens where the bus is the only form of public transportation to and from Manhattan would lead to severe and potentially dangerous crowding.
Thank you for your time and attention.
4/18/2022, 10:59 PM — When considering rerouting bus routes, there should be a route that goes through the Midtown tunnel in and out of the city to Long Island City. With all the over abundance of development the trains and ferries are overburdened and 5his would provide more. Access to Manhattan from LIC without driving in and adding to,the traffic situation which has become unbearable. Now hat the 59 th street Upper Level Bridge is under massive construction travel to and from NYC has become even more difficult. It would seem that infrastructure would be considered and implemented before more development of an area is greenlighted. We are completely overburdened here in Long Island City and these questions have consistently been asked of those who are okaying this building and “ gentrification of a formerly industrial area.
4/18/2022, 11:12 PM — As senior citizens without the Q23 we’d have to walk up to Austin, cross Queens Bl to get the Q23. That would be quite difficult. We need it to get to and from train station and Forest Hills doctors. It’s just too far without bus service.
4/19/2022, 4:10 AM — A notice was place at the 57thAve and 97th Street in Lefrak City this stop will be eliminated. PLEASE DO NOT STOP SERVICE at this location. I depend on this bus service daily to and from work. Due to all the crime on subway I do not feel safe.
Thank You
A MTA rider
4/19/2022, 4:20 AM — Many years ago, I took the X51 to and from work. It was discontinued. I switched to the QM3 even though it's a 20 minute walk from my home to the closest stop. Now it's being discontinued. How is that an improvement for me?
In addition, the stop where I once caught the X51 and the Q12 was eliminated. I don't understand why eliminating bus stops is even being considered. What about people with mobility issues? What about the elderly? Is it a good idea to force those people to travel further just to get to or from a bus stop? Evidently, the MTA isn't concerned with passenger safety or convenience. If I take the Q12 home late at night, I have to walk further to get home and I've been told the old stop is "unsafe" although other buses (including school buses) still stop there.
4/19/2022, 4:37 AM — Q27 - The proposed new routing of the Q27 is a good idea in that it will provide faster and more reliable service to QCC and also offer new bus service to the eastern part of Oakland Gardens which currently has no bus service at all. The rerouting of this line onto Parsons Blvd. and off of Holly Avenue and Kissena Blvd. is a plus due to the fact that Holly Avenue is too narrow to adequately accommodate bus service. In addition this route will now directly serve Flushing Hospital Center as well. Many students who attend QCC do not have cars and rely on the Q27 bus to bring them from the number 7 train to the campus and then on the return trip to jobs at retail stores in other parts of Queens. The addition of the College Point service to this route will allow QCC students from this neighborhood to have a one seat ride to the campus for the first time.
4/19/2022, 4:39 AM — Like many NYC residents, I use QM express busses to commute to work. I use QM7 mostly but also QM8 and QM11. Today I reviewed proposed changes and I am concerned. Increasing waiting time for QM11 - EB from 18 to 23 min and WB from 26 to 37 min is terrible. After working all day, people would have to stay longer at the bus stops waiting for the bus to come and then have a hard time finding a seat when the bus finally arrives due to overcrowding. Then the route changes, also concerning. You shouldn't eliminate large sections from the route altogether. This will make it impossible for many to get on the express bus without taking a local bus back in the opposite/undesired-sideways direction, making commute tedious and stressful. The whole point of taking the express bus is to pay extra so that stress can be eliminated as much as possible and shorten the commute. Removing sections of the route will definitely do the opposite. I also saw that there was a proposition to add bus stops for QM7 on Queens Boulevard and in Midtown. Again, this will make an already long commute longer for many of us. Please don't significantly change the routes and don't make busses less frequent. With subway system being unsafe and overcrowded many NYC residents rely on express bus service to get to work and back home.
4/19/2022, 5:00 AM — Q88 - The new route proposal for the Q88 is a great idea that will eliminate the current confusing route that this bus follows after 188th Street where it currently leaves the LIE service road and goes to the 73rd Avenue corridor and then to Springfield Blvd. The new routing will allow direct one seat service from the Queens Mall to all of the important destinations on the LIE corridor: Queens College; Francis Lewis HS; Fresh Meadows Shopping District; St. Francis Prep HS; QCC; Cardozo HS; Douglaston Plaza Shopping Center and the Little Neck Shopping Center and other employers located on Little Neck Parkway. It will also serve numerous other elementary and junior high schools along its route as well as a few private and parochial schools. Many students at QCC have jobs at the Queens Center Mall and this rerouting will allow them to go directly to the mall without having to change buses. With each change of a bus that is required there is less of a chance that someone will take the bus in the first place. The Queens Center Mall and the surrounding area are constantly expanding their shopping and entertainment facilities and this route will provide a one seat ride from eastern Queens directly to the mall.
4/19/2022, 5:12 AM — I ride the q32 from Penn Station to 38th street. This bus starts and ends in queens. The redesign ends this bus at 42nd Street. Will there be a Manhattan bus to Penn Station that runs along 5th avenue?
4/19/2022, 5:14 AM — Keep the QM11 stop on Queens Blvd and 72nd Drive
4/19/2022, 5:15 AM — Q109 - This new bus route appears to provide a satisfactory level of service to a crosstown route across many different neighborhoods of Queens that are previously served by the Q7 and the Q41. The current route of the Q41 is perhaps one of the most confusing and poorly laid out routes in Queens in that it zig zags down numerous narrow streets and never travels consistently on any one avenue for any long period of time. This new routing provides a more consistent and logical path for the rider to follow and remember and the two proposed terminals at either end make more sense than the current terminal of the Q7 in the Cargo area of JFK and the Q41 in Howard Beach. In fact I have personally observed practically no one using the Q7 in the Cargo area of JFK and very few riders ever travel on the Q41 from one end to the other. This new route proposal represents a good combination of the existing terminals of the Q7 - Euclid Avenue and the Q41 - Jamaica.
4/19/2022, 5:27 AM — A bus route that services the area of LIC near the water would be helpful to alleviate some of the overcrowding on the 7. Although overall subway ridership is down, the 7 still becomes very crowded at rush hour if there is even a small delay, and since ferry schedules are not as frequent as busses or trains, using the ferry to commute is not a viable alternative.
4/19/2022, 5:41 AM — Q28 - The new route proposal for this bus represents an improvement over the existing slow ride from 162nd Street to Main Street - Flushing subway station. The route still maintains its existing structure and offers a faster ride to the eastern destinations from the number 7 train station. A faster ride will prevent the loss of more riders on this route and perhaps even attract a few new riders back to the bus. It is important that the eastern terminus of this route be maintained at the Bay Terrace Mall due to the fact that this represents a major shopping and entertainment center as well as many medical facilities and doctors offices are located around the perimeter of the mall. If the bus comes more frequently and reliably on the eastern end of the route more people will consider taking the bus to one of the many intermediate destinations along the route.
4/19/2022, 6:42 AM — The new Eastbound bus is scheduled for Fresh Pond Rd/Linden Street. The westbound service should be scheduled for Fresh Pond Rd/Grove Street. However, it is scheduled for Gates Avenue. There is NO bus stop at Gates Avenue. It makes sense to KEEP THE BUS at Fresh Pond Road/GROVE STREET. Please review this request and update your Proposal for the Westbound service to Fresh Pond Rd/Grove Street. Thank you.
4/19/2022, 6:47 AM — I am almost 73 years of age and have lived in New York City and taken the subways/public transportation all my life. I now live in Forest Hills, and regularly visit my 4 year old grandson who lives in Long Island City at [REDACTED]. My favorite way to get there is to take the F train to Roosevelt Island, and then take the NYC Ferry to Long Island City. Unfortunately, this isn't very efficient. These days I prefer to take the Q60 bus to Queens Plaza, get a bus, and then walk. IF you extend the Q69 and have it stop at 21st and 44th Drive, I can take the E train the Court Square and get the Q69 there. BUT I will not be able to get the Q69 at Queens Plaza, so I will not be able to take the Q60 bus, because it does not go to Court Street. Queens Plaza/Queensboro Plaza is a major transfer point. Please make sure it is included as a stop in your bus redesign. Thank you.
4/19/2022, 9:58 AM — Please do not eliminate. the QM 15 cohancy Street stop. If you remove the 102nd St. stop Cohancy street is the only stop in old Howard Beach. There is also very limited times that are there so getting rid of it all together would really hurt Howard Beach residents
4/19/2022, 2:49 PM — When the
terminal at 74th was being renovated the Q33 travelled along Broadway instead of the traffic nightmare that is Roosevelt Ave., resulting a much quicker trip. It also offered better access to Elmhurst, particularly the Hospital, and wasn't doubling the Q32 route. I was disappointed when it reverted to the regular route after the renovation.
The Q29 is often too crowded and adding more busses to that line would be a relief.
Similarly the Q66 would be better served with additional busses but all too often there are two, and sometimes even 4 busses grouped in two minutes and not another for twenty or more.
4/19/2022, 3:01 PM — For the Q32 two busses a an hour on Sundays is not enough!
Even the five an hour proposed during peak seems under what would be necessary.
Are we still trying to put people in a position to choose public transportation over driving? If so, please make it more pleasant and easy to do so.
4/19/2022, 8:10 PM — I have been thinking about a bus running down 65th street in Brooklyn from Costco to the Kings Highway B and Q subway station, as well as a bus running along Ocean Parkway. Another thought is to run the B4 bus straight down Stillwell Avenue into the stillwell terminal.
4/19/2022, 9:11 PM — Eliminating an entire area (QM40 & QM10) but keeping 2 buses with the same route (QM12 & QM42) makes absolutely no sense. Why not keep one of each so that an entire neighborhood can have access to the bus without walking a mile? Keep either the QM10 or QM40 & keep either the QM12 or QM42 as is if you’re going to make changes that don’t serve anyone better in Queens. This draft makes buses inaccessible.
4/19/2022, 9:32 PM — I am outraged at the planned bus cuts for the QM15 bus. Everyone is just starting to come back to work and you cut service ? We have been needing more buses since before the pandemic ! And the new buses I might add are horrible ! Is this social distancing ? The inside seat is so tiny that people don't fit. We can't get down the steps out of the bus because you narrowed the entrance. There is no air and the drivers claim they can't control the air flow or wherever to lower the temperature. BRING BACK THE OLD BUSES! and we need more buses in the morning hours between 730 and 8 am
4/19/2022, 10:23 PM — Please do NOT discontinue the Q103 route. It is a much needed lifeline for people who are not close to the routes that run along 21st Street. The Q103 buses are always filled to capacity at peak hours, and all of these people would be forced to use the Q100 and Q69 buses which would result in more overcrowding. With large new residential buildings recently opened or preparing to open, there will be the need for MORE service along the Vernon Blvd corridor, not less. PLEASE KEEP THE Q103!
4/19/2022, 10:32 PM — Please do NOT eliminate the Q103 route. It provides much-needed service for working people who are not close to the routes that run along 21st Street and this would be very unfair. The Q103 buses are always very full at peak hours, and all of these people would be shifted to the Q100 and Q69 buses which would result in even more overcrowding. There are many large new residential buildings that recently opened or are preparing to open, so there will be the need for MORE service along the Vernon Blvd corridor, not the elimination of it. PLEASE KEEP THE Q103!
4/19/2022, 10:45 PM — Currently I am taking Q47 at 80st St/Eliot, transfer to 7 subway train at 69/Roosevelt in the morning. with the draft plan provided, I am not able to figure out the new route for me, can you please provide more info about how to get to 7 subway train in the morning with same/better time duration from this draft?
Thanks in advance!
4/19/2022, 10:48 PM — Obviously MTA has not been paying attention to the increase QM4 Express Bus ridership especially on the weekends. I need the QM4 on the weekends. Why not combine QM1 and the QM4? The subways are scary and violent so obviously people are looking for an alternative and every Saturday morning on the 8:10 and the 9:10 buses into the city the last stop Forest Hills (Queens Blvd.)has at least 6 passengers. The Forest Hills passengers can take the subway, but because of the violence on the subway no one wants to ride it anymore. Without the QM4 on the weekends I am forced to move out of the city.
4/19/2022, 11:32 PM — The proposed changes to the current X63 are HERRENDOUS!! None of you ride the express bus?? By changing the route so that the bus heads downtown to 23rd St. first, you have now added 30-50 minutes to most of the ridership's commute time. Even if the bus is full to capacity going into the city, most of the ridership gets off the bus on 3rd Avenue or before Madison. By altering the express bus route, you leave those of us who work on the Eastside and depend on this mode of transportation, no alternatives. I take the express bus (have for over 20 years) and I pay so much money for the safety, comfort, and convenience of travel. I do not want to take a train when I get off of the express bus. I don't want to take a train AT ALL! This plan is HORRIBLE and in no way does it mitigate traffic. All it does, is make our morning commute a nightmare! I completely and wholeheartedly oppose this plan!
4/20/2022, 12:06 AM — Please tell me the proposed schedule for the QM4
It's very important to me that there are late hours leaving the city.
The passed few weeks I've been taking the 11:50pm bus home.
Taking the subway and a local Q64 will not be an option for me.
Thank you
4/20/2022, 12:14 AM — Come out and face the public like all the other great people that work for the MTA
4/20/2022, 1:00 AM — Please add Queens Boulevard stops on the QM1 and QM31 between Woodhaven Boulevard and Union Turnpike.
Please add Union Turnpike stops on the QM6 and QM36 between Main Street and 188 Street.
Please have the Q17 Rush run between Flushing and Jamaica.
Please have the Q52 Crosstown/SBS run between Jackson Heights and Far Rockaway.
4/20/2022, 2:14 AM — Q46/Q48: far too many bus stops have been removed and takes service away from those who cannot walk such long distances (asking anyone with mobility issues to walk over half a mile is onerous). Even a visual look of the route shows how some sections are far less served than others - why?? E.g., no stops between Utopia Pkwy and 164th street is unacceptable. Also, during rush hours, many stops get so crowded that passengers have to wait for up to 3 buses to board. Taking stops away makes this worse. Additionally, reducing frequency is a big mistake.
4/20/2022, 4:33 AM — I am fed up with the MTA's continued refusal to listen to their customers. Regardless of leadership, your responses to any complaint are canned lip service and not an actual consideration of solving the problems brought to their attention. You also, either negligently or deliberately, do not deliver accurate data on the status of individual bus and subway lines; "no problems" are often listed when there are clear delays. The ongoing bus redesign project is a perfect example of this. At the beginning of the pandemic due to public outcry against bus stop removal under the plan they were then championing, you said they would not remove any stops. They lied. You removed a number of stops on the Q66 line and rather than improving service this has resulted in buses bunching together. The amount of time saved for any individual bus on the route is meaningless if customers are left behind waiting for 20 minutes because 3 buses that should be well spaced apart have just passed the stop you had to walk an extra 4 blocks to get to after the removal of your stop. This is aside from the fact that eliminating stops directly affects the elderly and disabled, and in some cases children where safety is an issue.
The current bus redesign continues to ignore community feedback. Cutting bus stops is a non-starter and should only be considered in extreme cases, such as where two stops around a corner overlap. The ideas of Limited, SBS, and Express buses are good, but only if they are in addition to existing routes and stops and not as replacements to them.
The Queens communities do not support cutting bus stops. Full stop. We've already told you this. We reject any proposal that does this.
4/20/2022, 4:49 AM — I love this stop and everyone I know uses it everyday do not eliminate it.
4/20/2022, 5:55 AM — You have completely REMOVED express bus service to and from Saint Albans. I rely on the QM21 early mornings and late evenings to get to where I need to go. It is a safe clean ride for me and others. Why have you eliminated my entire community the options of taking express buses. Also the Q83 , Q3, and Q4 bus stops are too far apart. It's safer to get off the bus close to where you need to go instead of walking the streets to get to where you need to go. You have a high percentage of seniors who can't walk long distances to get to the bus, get off then walk a longer distance home. What are you thinking about? Get off the computers and think of people instead of numbers please.
4/20/2022, 6:02 AM — Hi I like the idea about the Q50 Limited bus route but I don't really like the idea that it will terminate at Pelham Bay Park midday instead of Co-op City because I am already losing the Bx29 service to Co-op City and I only travel midday so that means I will have less Bus routes that I could take to get to Earhart Lane and other parts of Co-op City. Otherwise i think that the extension of the Q44 Sbs to Fordham Plaza is a good Idea and the Q50's extension is a good idea. Thank you for listening to my comment.
4/20/2022, 6:23 AM — Your bus changes on the whole are impressive but they seem to expect the residents of Rockaway to have to take at least two to get anywhere. If visiting Howard Beach it is now necessary to take the Q53 and or the Q52 then change for the Q21 to get to the back of Howard beach. Also, taking either the Q53 or Q52 and wanting to get the #7 express or the LIRR from 61st St would require a transfer at the 74th street station. Also the 61st Street stop had an escalator/elevator for anyone with physical limitations.
The distance from stop to stop has increase which also is problematic for anyone that has physical limitation, carrying heave items home from work/school, The old stops especially by the apartment buildings were convenient for the various entrances to the buildings.
I am hoping that there will be a designated area for the buses that are not in use to wait. Now the buses are parking in very inconvenient location. They park on th corner of Beach 105h street on the west bound side making a left hand turn very difficult since there is an extended yellow striped area for walkers to stand when crossing the street which causes drivers to make a extra wide turn while avoiding the bus parked on the same corner. The other area buses are parked are on 116th street near the corner of Newport avenue . The buses park in the left hand turn lane for Newport avenue. Forcing driver who are making the left hand turn to be in the right hand lane blocking traffic, The other day I counted three buses on 116th street at the same time
4/20/2022, 8:31 AM — It appears to me that, in formulating these new plans, very limited consideration was given to the needs of people with handicaps, the elderly, et al.
Relative to the Q66, Northern Blvd., I reviewed the stops and found that, for the most part, the distance between stops is approximately 4-5 blocks. Unfortunately, knowing the length of some of these blocks personally, it is apparent that not much thought was given to the length of each block. To top this off, it appears that there is no stop between 70th to 60th Streets at all. Additionally, the next stop after 60th Street is Broadway which is approx. 9 blocks.
Relative to the Q49, 35th Avenue, again the distancing between stops is not giving any credence to the lives of people with handicaps, the elderly et al. This city has made it increasingly difficult to retain one's car. Between parking lanes that have been eliminated to put rental bicycles in place, lanes that have been removed to provide bike lanes, removal of car parking to allow for trucks only, etc. many people who had cars have given them up and must now rely on public transportation. These people are now left with no choice but to use public transportation, however, if they have issues walking, these new routes are making it very difficult. On the Q49 route, removal of the stop on 75th Street & 37th Avenue, leaves very long blocks (between 32nd & 37th Aves. or Roosevelt Ave. back to 37th Ave.) for a person who shops the many stores on 37th Avenue.
I do not understand the plans that are being forged for these bus routes but I do feel that not enough thought is being given to the people who actually need the lines for their very existence.
4/20/2022, 12:25 PM — It appears that the Q30 is going to be eliminated and only the Q31 will run from Jamaica to Fresh Meadows.
The wait for the Q31 and the Q30 has always been quite long, particularly off hours so extending the Q31
will result in even longer waiting for that bus - this plan is not an improvement, unless the plan is to run these
buses much more frequently.
4/20/2022, 12:35 PM — This is a terrible plan in that because the QM1 runs infrequently we rely on the Q5 and Q6 particularly at Utopia Parkway and onward - service will be much less frequent More people would utilize the Q1,5 and 6 more often in the buses ran more frequently during the day but after 12 noon going west it is really difficult to predict if the buses
will make all the stops.
As a rider of these buses - I will probably rely more on the LIRR particularly with these changes.
It may save money but it decreases services I think this is a terrible plan
4/20/2022, 12:42 PM — I submitted comments on the change in the QM5 and QM6 schedules which eliminate stops after 188th Street and forces people to rely on the QM1 which is very infrequent and not much improved under the new plan.
As it is the buses are pretty infrequent when it is not rush hour - particularly using to go into Manhattan -
it is really a terrible plan As it is on weekends, very often the QM5 is late or does not show up so I cannot imagine
what this new plan will be like.
I think this plan will result in my less frequently using the bus and more often using the LIRR which is generally on time and efficent.
If the goal in NYC is to reduce dependency on cars to Manhattan,this plan does not support this as the part of Queens
needs more not less service.
4/20/2022, 12:44 PM — This plan makes more sense the proposals for the QM 1, 5 and 6 As written it appears to improve service
not make it more difficult for riders.
4/20/2022, 1:22 PM — This plan might be very helpful - although it may not run as frequently, particularly on weekends
4/20/2022, 1:42 PM — Q53-SBS service to Woodside would be discontinued due to congestion and difficulty with buses laying over in that area.
Q53-SBS service to Woodside is the alternative route when there are Subway delays, service changes for track construction and emergency shutdown.
This Queens Bus Network Redesign is designing real hassle and stress for the everyday Commuters and Riders.
4/20/2022, 1:50 PM — 90 minutes between buses on weekends is a really long time. Many elderly people rely on this bus
Also, it looks like many of the local and express busses all cross 188th Street and Union - fine for me - but isn't
that creating a local traffic potential nightmare. - couldn't some of these buses stop on Union and Utopia?
or somewhere in between
I am making a lot of comments because I think this plan really needs to be thought through. There are some improvements that are welcome w added routes but i think less stops and longer routes are going to be painful!
4/20/2022, 2:44 PM — This plan is detrimental to our community (particularly the most vulnerable members of our community, including small children, the elderly and disabled) for the reasons outlined below.
On the bus lines I use most frequently, q18 and q102 from 30th avenue to 12th street, "balancing" bus stops means there's almost .4 miles between the stop on 8th street and Astoria Blvd and the next stop (21st street and 30th avenue). This makes the bus all but unusable for my elderly mother and father. Moreover, the bus stops on 12th street and 14th street are being cut 1) because doing so is claimed to speed up bus service by 20 seconds per stop and 2) because they are claimed to be "underutilized." I'm sure you can understand why these explanations cannot both be true - eliminating a "rarely used" bus stop cannot possibly speed bus service because the bus rarely stops there anyway. Thus eliminating the stop will not speed up the bus line, it will merely eliminate access for small children (there's an elementary school right across the stop on 14th street), the disabled and elderly.
Furthermore, by eliminating route q102, service on this corridor will be cut in half.
Moreover, elimination of the q103 further limits access (Does it really need to be explained that a substitute route over a quarter mile away is laughable?) And q103 is right by the ferry too!
Once again, it appears the MTA has not listened to riders, who prioritize overall shorter TRIP time (Does MTA understand that walking to the bus is part of a rider's trip? Because it seems like maybe MTA forgot in its zeal to eliminate over 1000 bus stops) and bus frequency, not improbable claims of trivially shorter travel time on routes that will no longer be accessible. In sum, should this utterly irresponsible redesign go into effect, the MTA will have succeeded in making public transit worse in every meaningful way for me, my family and my neighbors. MTA will make travel by car more attractive and likely. Please, please do not do this.
4/20/2022, 8:01 PM — Please do not eliminate this as Bus stop for the QM11. I will not take the subway and this is my only alternative to getting to work.
4/20/2022, 8:09 PM — This is a travesty of epic proportions! Not only will you make it harder for most of us residents that use the Q102 but difficult for folks that come to visit patients at Coler Hospital! I am opposed to this new redesign!
4/20/2022, 8:50 PM — QM20 / QM2 > the latest redesign did not take into account comments provided two years ago. No QM20 service during non-peak hours will leave riders stranded. Additionally, the QM2 redesign does not provide for current coverage along the QM20 line during weekend hours. You are removing service for North Flushing riders on both express bus and local routes. On Q20 routes, there will be NO service along portions of Union St, and Q44 with limited stops underserves the community. There are many elderly residents unable to walk to bus stopsfurther away. I am dismayed at the proposed changes that has no regard for its residents in the community.
4/20/2022, 9:48 PM — It is not completely clear to me, but is the QM3 line being abolished? If so you are alienating a large part of Queens. A route through Little Neck, Bayside, and Flushing is necessary for a lot of us trekking into midtown daily.
4/20/2022, 9:54 PM — A bus route from LIC to Manhattan is much needed to help with the overcrowded 7 train and frequent train disruptions. I would support this route.
4/20/2022, 10:14 PM — I love the new bus route. It will enable me, Being disabled and in a Wheelchair, to Shop at Costco Whenever I Want to and to Also Visit the Many Stores on Broadway. I thank you for the new route and I hope it really comes to fruition. It will be a real plus for the disabled community and our many seniors here on Roosevelt Island. It is very well appreciated by all of us.
4/20/2022, 10:31 PM — As a 40-year Roosevelt Island resident, and as a senior citizen, the proposed route changes from Q102 to Q104 that eliminate a direct route to Queens Plaza are simply ridiculous.
Direct access to & from Queens Plaza by Roosevelt Islanders, especially when the Tram is not running or there are serious interruptions to F Train service just further complicate any commute for a wide range of adults of all ages, any many children who commute to schools.
The current Q102 route to Queens Plaza guarantees residents and workers on RI direct access to several other Important bus routes to Manhattan as well as parts of Queens & Brooklyn. The current route also permits connections to several subway lines to parts of Queens, Brooklyn & Manhattan, including the disability-accessible by elevator QP station.
This is a bad idea, and despite some occasionally low ridership data, will hurt folks who live &/or work on RI very much.
Please reconsider a route for us that takes us to Queens Plaza.
4/20/2022, 11:24 PM — Hello. The draft plan for the Queens Bus Redesign makes my commute longer and more dangerous by breaking my one-seat ride into two-seats and requiring the change in an underdeveloped area. I am a Q39 rider from Ridgewood (67th and Forest Ave) to LaGuardia Community College (Thomson Ave & Skillman). I do not approve the proposed change to service Ridgewood with the Q67. The Q67 will take riders to Queens Plaza, which is still a 10-15 minute walk to LaGuardia Community College. This seems to prioritize the needs of business over the needs of community college students, staff, and faculty. I would like to see my one-seat ride from the heart of Ridgewood to LaGuardia Community College maintained.
4/21/2022, 12:23 AM — I would like to suggest that the six three digit route designations should be changed:
Q104 would become Q34
Q105 would become Q36
Q109 would become Q64
Q111 would become Q71
Q114 would become Q74
Q115 would become Q15
Also, a change should be made to the proposed Q73 route: when traveling Westbound on 73 Avenue, turn right onto 164 Street, turn left onto Jewel Avenue and absorb the Q64 route. The Q10 should be combined with the Q72 route to provide a JFK-LGA connection.
Those are my suggestions for now!
4/21/2022, 7:34 AM — I joined the public workshop on 4/18 for CD1. I want to re-emphasize that the Q18 bus stop at 54th Ave/32nd St really stresses at least 3 house owners by the corner. The biggest problem is garbage throwing by the riders, including masks, napkins, soda cans, whole bag of food trash when they are handout and waiting for the bus. Our household received garbage tickets from sanitation 2 times so far this year and our neighbors right by the bus stop received another 2 tickets due to the garbage throwing from the riders. They throw garbage before we woke up. We appealed to ticket with video recordings but the judges said regardless of the source. We are very frustrating and angry at the same time. We also saw people putting food and drink on our fence and accidentally dropped their soda into our front yard and they just left the sugary mess. Some riders sit on the stairs in front of our entryway/back of our garage doors, then eat and throw garbage. We can't and there is no use to confront with them. I wonder why there is no facility such as waiting shelter/chairs, trash can (with cleaning schedule) nor street cleaning for public bus lane and communication of the sanitation people that at least they understand the rapid accumulation of garbage were from riders of the bus. I really hope that the bus stop can be removed from 54th Ave/32nd St sine there are already two stops one street away on 54th Ave/Northern Blvd and 54th Ave/31st St with some bus stop facilities and I see street cleaning sign. Thank you for reading this long comment. I really appreciate.
4/21/2022, 12:42 PM — Like the proposed route plan for Q43. Thanks
4/21/2022, 7:24 PM — The Q49 redesigned route will make it harder for my family to access public transportation; we usually catch the bus at the 92nd St./32nd Ave stop which is only a half a block from us when we walk through the alley. Specifically this is helpful for my mother in law who lives with us as she has a mobility issue; the Q49 helps her easily access the Jackson Heights/Roosevelt Ave stop and from there she is able to make it to her doctor and physical therapy appointments. Removing this will double the amount of walking she needs to do and I worry about her health. Furthermore, the stop is always packed. It is not reasonable walking distance to move a stop that has been there for years; I fail to see how changing the route will lead to better speed and reliability.
4/21/2022, 10:59 PM —
Why don't you respond to these comments other than an auto response? We deserve answers to our questions and to actually have a discussion, not just you telling us why your plans are so great which they aren't.
This will be my second comment without a response.
4/22/2022, 1:01 AM — Why are you not considering the thousand comments from riders who do not want you to eliminate one third of the bus stops?
4/22/2022, 1:12 AM — Never received e mail confirmation for this comment. So I am sending it again.
4/22/2022, 4:41 AM — As LIC continues to grow at break neck speed there are many more people in need of going back and forth to Manhattan. A bus route from LIC into Manhattan through the Midtown Tunnel is greatly needed now and into the future.
4/22/2022, 10:40 PM — A bus route from near the Midtown Tunnel in Long Island City to Manhattan is absolutely necessary. LIC Residents are constantly inconvenienced by the #7 subway service outages. PLEASE add a bus stop on one/some of the many bus routes from Queens to Manhattan. Thank you.
4/23/2022, 3:11 AM — I currently take the east river ferry from Hunters Point/LIC whenever I need to get to the east side. Regrettably, take the 7 subway all the other times. As a senior, the subway is difficult to manage. Bus service thru the Midtown Tunnel would be a life saver. A route from Hunters Point/LIC going crosstown on 34 or 36/37 street would be most convenient.
4/23/2022, 4:43 AM — I know I would benefit if an MTA bus would go directly from LIC into Manhattan through the midtown tunnel. I have mobility issues and am also concerned about the present crime in the subways.
4/23/2022, 6:21 AM — I live in College Point.
I notice that Q20A will not be servicing within the Town in College Point, and norounte is planned for running across within College point.
People lives in College just go across town on Q20A to Target and Shop Rite Mall on 20th Ave to get there essentials and groceries and head home.
Q20A also connect people to essential Postal Service in College Point.
How to people in town get access to essential establishment with Q20A discontinued and no replacement route is planned? Please address this issue immediately thanks
4/23/2022, 6:35 AM — Please bring back the Q30. A lot of customers including myself need this route.
4/23/2022, 6:36 AM — Please bring back the Q30. A lot of customers including myself need this route.
4/23/2022, 9:56 AM — Hi, I have various comments regarding on bus routes operating through the Middle Village & Maspeth areas. Although there are some proposals that are fine and are actual positive, some of the proposed routes and service levels in the area are quite frankly unacceptable. Please read this carefully because I am going to list a lot of information and suggestions which would helpful and/or fairly easy to change.
QM15 - The MTA is planning to cut service on this route to every 90 minutes on weekday evenings and weekends. This is against MTA guidelines, and those buses actually carry riders, as I have used those buses for years. People are not going to bother waiting for a bus every 90 minutes, it's already long enough with a bus every 60 minutes?
If anything, there should be more bus service on this route. I suggest for the MTA to look into the following service improvements, some of which can be implemented at no cost:
1. NO 90 MINUTE FREQUENCIES AT ALL!!!!!! What are you people thinking?!?!?
2. Add Sunday service, every 60 minutes, at the same hours as the existing Saturday service
3. Extend Saturday service 3 hours into the night, with the last bus depart Midtown at 10:40 PM (last bus into Midtown departs Lindenwood at 9 PM).
4. Add a 7:45 PM weekday trip from Midtown
5. Extend off-peak buses to Howard Beach, Broad Channel and the Rockaways on trips from Lindenwood which come from or go back to its depot (which is located in the Rockaways), as well as trips before or after a driver's designated lunch break. This could be done in a cost-neutral fashion, provide QM16 & QM17 riders with off-peak service, and grow ridership even more on the QM15.
Q80 - This route partially replaces the Q29 and Q47 along 80th Street, but does not operate to Jackson Heights like both routes do. This is a detriment for those who go to Jackson Heights for the (7) , (E) , and (F) trains, who work and shop in the area, and those who go to Elmhurst Hospital or other medical clinics. The bus leaves people at Grand Avenue - Newtown station, which is not an ADA station, and does not provide direct access to the other subway and bus lines like the Jackson Heights - Roosevelt Avenue station does. For the elderly, this makes the trip especially difficult. There is no need for another bus to the (M) and (R) trains when every bus going east-west in this proposal does that already (Q14, Q38, Q58, Q59, Q98). The (R) train is also very unreliable, especially on weekends, where 20-30 minute waits (or even more) are not uncommon. Existing Q47 bus service is more frequent during the week, and had its service increased on Saturdays a few years ago, because of that. We take the bus to/from Jackson Heights for the subway connections and for more frequent service.
My suggestion is to run this Jackson Heights - Roosevelt Avenue instead of Elmhurst (Queens Center Mall), operating via Broadway north of Queens Boulevard. This would preserve direct access to Jackson Heights, reduce transfers, and also directly serve Elmhurst Hospital, which neither existing Q47 or Q29 route currently does, making it easier for users to get to and from medical visits. It would also bring elderly and disabled riders to an ADA accessible station, and provide Middle Village and Glendale residents with access to the same subway lines we all depend on. Another suggestion which I could get behind is to merge the Q80 with the proposed Q63 route in the draft proposal, which would also achieve the same result.
Q47 - The MTA is modifying the Q47 so that it operates and stays along 69th Street, providing no service along Calamus Avenue where the existing Q47 currently operates. This creates a coverage gap, since the street grid is broken in the area, and it would affect many people who use the buses in this area. The existing Q47 gets a considerable chunk of riders on Calamus Avenue.
I urge the MTA to reconsider this, and make the segmen
4/23/2022, 9:37 PM — A bus route through the tunnel is long overdue! The crowding and irregularity of the 7 train make an an alternate route imperative.
4/23/2022, 11:13 PM — the new q105 is a bus route to nowhere. The n already services 31st and now the bus will go nowhere but queens plaza. why? dutch kills is left with no bus service.
extend the bus to hunters point or better into manhattan.
also please keep the Q53 leaving from woodside.
4/24/2022, 12:55 AM — I am not pleased with what I see. From what I see I will have to pay 2 fares just to get to Rego Park, that makes no sense. I also need to get to the 58 Bus to get to Brooklyn to work, that will take 3 buses, I am not at all pleased. To get to the train it will take 3 buses. This is ridiculous. What are you people thinking, whose idiotic idea is this. Then you wonder why you loose ridership.
4/24/2022, 4:31 AM — Hi: I still do not like your queens bus network redesign this is because it is complicated to people. For example, I would like to see you get rid of the Q73 route in forest hills queens and replace it with the current Q23 route, this is because a lot of people demand on it on the weekdays like to school and commuting. Also Q73 planned route in Forest Hills can be replaced with the Q23 route to union turnpike then to flushing or fresh meadows. I am used to this current one and going to be a bit hard to adapt to the new one. Also that Q23 has serviced the forest hills area to for many years.
4/24/2022, 5:06 AM — Please don’t eliminate the express bus to downtown Manhattan I cannot take the Subways as it causes anxiety from recent attacks. I need the QM11 to remain in place.
4/24/2022, 6:27 PM — Addressing the areas of South Jamaica. There is service running north and south. The Q6, Q7, Q111, Q112, Q113 but again no one seems to realize that there needs service traveling from east/west and west/east in the southeast section.
There needs to be a way to connect from any of the above busses without having to travel north to the Jamaica Center and then travel south again. Basically going completely out of the way and wasting time just to catch any of the southbound buses Q5, Q85, Q4, Q42, Q3.
The only option people have now; young, old, elderly, disabled (day, night, rain, heat or snow) is to walk from Rockaway Blvd or Sutphin Blvd through Baisley Pond Park to catch the bus going south to Rosedale or Far Rockaway or Green Acres. Residents can't even get to Rochdale Mall. They either have to that the Q6 or Q40 north to Sutphin Blvd, walk across Archer Ave to the Bus Terminal to catch the Q111, Q113, Q114 that run down Guy R Brewer Blvd and then street shopping so it in reverse.
Having 2 lines running across southeastern Queens would alleviate all that unnecessary travel time and reduce some of the crowding by people who just want to go shopping locally. These lines can continue to run into other areas of southeastern Queens connecting to other routes, so it's not just a 15 minute shuttle.
4/24/2022, 11:34 PM — I do not believe that the Q22 bus stop at Gateway and 19th street should be eliminated because it is the where patients enter St. Johns Hospital. The Plainview stop can be eliminated to save on time because if you remove the gateway stop it could mean life or death for someone.
4/25/2022, 1:50 AM — To Whom it may concern,
I am writing you today to protest the new Queens Bus Redesign Draft plan proposed by the MTA. As a resident of Whitestone, Northeast Queens, we would be even more isolated than we re now, especially on the weekend.
We already have no QM20 on the weekend and only rely on the Q15-Q15A, which is not frequent on the weekend.
People are going back to work and we need more buses, especially the Express Buses, not less.
Thank you for taking my concerns into consideration.
Best Regards,
4/25/2022, 3:17 AM — To whom it may concern:
I looked over the proposed new bus routes. I’m a little concerned that my route it being rerouted and removed! My stop is Union Turnpike and 153rd street. I usually take the QM5 and or QM6 at 6:00 am or 6:10 am. Sometimes I take the QM5 even earlier.
I am a hospital employee and I start my shift at 7 am and these are the only buses I can take in-order to get work on time!! I see that the QM5 will no longer run on Union Turnpike, and the QM6 will no longer stop on Union Turnpike between 188 street and Main Street both ways.
I understand I have an option to take the QM1, but the earliest one that stops by me is at 6:22am and that will get me to work at 7:20am the earliest, which does not work out for me.
The buses that I currently take in the morning are full, where almost every seat is taken. Instead of removing stops on Union Turnpike, the MTA should add more QM1 service. Especially earlier runs for people who start work early!
This is unacceptable to the people who depend on these buses to get to work ON-TIME.
Thank you,
4/25/2022, 5:24 AM — To whom it may concern:
I looked over the proposed new bus routes. I’m very UPSET that my route it being rerouted and removed! My stop is Union Turnpike and Chevy Chase. I usually take the first QM5 and or QM6, depending on my work schedule.
I am a hospital employee and I start my shift at 6:30-7am and these are the only buses I can take in-order to get work on time!! I see that the QM5 will no longer run on Union Turnpike, and the QM6 will no longer stop on Union Turnpike between 188 street and Main Street both ways.
I DO NOT have the option to take the QM1, since it does NOT run at the appropriate time that I need!!
The buses that I currently take in the morning are full, where almost every seat is taken. Instead of removing stops on Union Turnpike, the MTA should add more, and earlier QM1 service. Especially earlier runs for people who start work early!
This is unacceptable to the people who depend on these buses to get to work ON-TIME.
Thank you,
4/25/2022, 8:44 AM — Here are some modified suggestions regarding the "Queens Bus Network Redesign:
The Q1 and Q6 should remain as separate routes. The present Q1 would remain unchanged even with the elimination of the Queens Village branch. The Q6 should terminate at Sutphin Blvd-Hillside Avenue and the Q40 should be rerouted to 165 St.Terminal.
The Q10 should remain as a separate route.
The present Q64 would be part of a modified Q73 route. Forest Hills bound, operate along Sprifielf Blvd, right onto 73 Av, rionto 164 St, left onto Jewel Av absorbing the present Q64 route then turning right onto Queens Blvd center strip the left onto Yellowstone Blvd then absorb the Suthern end of the Q23 to Crest Apartments. There is no demand for bus service on 73 Avenue Bern 164 St and Main St.
Base the Q83 at Jamaica Depot.
Extend Q52 to Far Rockaway.
Extend Q53 to Riis Park or Roxbury.
Combine Q61 and Q78 onto a single route because the Q78 has no subway connection. Make this combined route the new Q41.
Redesigned the following three digit routes into two digit routes:
Q104 would become Q34.
Q105 would become Q36.
Q109 would become Q64
Q111 would become Q71.
Q114 would become Q74
Q115 would become Q15.
4/25/2022, 2:44 PM — No late night service on Q75 means you'd have to walk from Jamaica-179 subway station, which is far and potentially unsafe. This also eliminates the possibility of the generally safer, more crowded, late-night option of taking the 7 train to Flushing-Main St and transferring to the Q17 because now the Q17 terminates at Union Turnpike (And during the day, that would become a two fare route if you have to go from 7 to Q17 to Q75). This will also have the effect of cutting off the Chinese community in Hollis/Jamaica Estates from the Chinatown in Flushing by shortening the Q17 line.
4/25/2022, 8:05 PM — With the rise in crimes throughout nyc subways living in bayside I rely on the QM3 express bus to get me to and from work. Please do not cut that line!
4/25/2022, 8:41 PM — I have been riding the Q66 to work for several years. It's a one and a half block walk through Travers Park in Jackson Heights to Northern, and less than a half a block to my school when I get off the bus. I am 65 years old who walks with a slight limp from a hip reconstruction operation several years ago.
Your redesign on the Queens buses will force me to either change buses at Northern Boulevard and Broadway, or go to the Jackson Heights/Roosevelt avenue via the Q49 in order to get the bus that will bring me to the school I work in. The Q49 is even less reliable than the Q66, plus the bus stops on that line that you plan to eliminate mean a 3 block walk to the nearest stop. Not the best thing for a senior citizen with a disability.
Additionally, I worry that this will put me in a two fare zone, because nothing has been said about allowing transfers between the Q66 and the planned Q63. This is a terrible plan that completely disregards the senior citizens and disabled people of Queens.
4/25/2022, 10:24 PM — The Q41 is the only way to get from Howard Beach and linden wood to Jamaica station. I depend on that bus especially since there is very limited service in Howard Beach off of Cross Bay. Please consider keeping this line, there are so many buses all over queens and this is one of the very few in this area!
4/25/2022, 11:57 PM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
4/26/2022, 12:19 AM — No late night service on Q75 means you'd have to walk from Jamaica-179 subway station, which is far and potentially unsafe. This also eliminates the possibility of the generally safer, more crowded, late-night option of taking the 7 train to Flushing-Main St and transferring to the Q17 because now the Q17 terminates at Union Turnpike (And during the day, that would become a two fare route if you have to go from 7 to Q17 to Q75). This will also have the effect of cutting off the Chinese community in Hollis/Jamaica Estates from the Chinatown in Flushing by shortening the Q17 line. This plan you say is simpler, but not safer. Safety is very important especially with the added violence in our city.
4/26/2022, 12:25 AM — I would like to also add that this new plan will make it especially difficult for the elderly, disabled, and school kids that rely on this bus line. Seems shortsighted and not inclusive for all people that use this bus line.
4/26/2022, 12:44 AM — While I don't live in NYC, I do visit multiple times per year and often ride buses in Queens. As an "outsider" I can tell you the only agency that can improve bus service is the NYPD, and NOT the MTA. As long as cars and delivery vehicles are allowed to double park, park in bus stops, park in "no standing" areas near corners which buses need to turn, etc. the MTA cannot run a reliable service. I have been on many buses where "bunching" was the direct result of the abject lack of parking enforcement in residential and commercial neighborhoods. I'm sure you're already aware of this, but I thought I would share my observations, nonetheless. Thanks.
4/26/2022, 1:28 AM — I am really impressed by the changes in the network for my neighborhood (East Elmhurst/Jackson heights). The reduction in stops on the Q33 should help make the trip time to the subway much faster and I am happy that the connection with the Jackson Hts-Roosevelt Av Station is being retained because of the connections with other bus routes and the accessible station.
4/26/2022, 1:29 AM — I take the Q25 on 127th and 23rd to go to Parsons and 76th to work. I leave my house at 5:41 for a 5:42 bus. It is always crowded even that early in the morning. You are proposing to take that bus stop away which would mean I would have to walk blocks to another bus and then transfer in Flushing to get to work. How does this benefit us? How will the elderly or school children benefit with this when the bus stops are being taken away? This is absurd that you would stop my one bus commute, take away my bus stop and make it ridiculous to get to work. I have a few disabilities that this will affect. Please listen to College Point when we tell you this is not in our best interest. Keep our busses the way they are. It's a hardship for a lot of people. Have you even polled us to see if this would work? No but you expect us to be okay with this. We are not okay with this. We are outraged as a community
4/26/2022, 3:49 AM — A notice was place at my bus stop at 97th street and 57th ave. in Lefrak City, to eliminate this stop. I rely on the QM11 on a daily basis to and from work. Due to crime in our subway systems I do not feel safe. PLEASE DO NOT ELIMINATE THIS STOP.
Thank you
MTA rider
4/26/2022, 4:08 AM — With all of the buildings going up in Flushing along College Point Blvd, it would make sense to have a bus that travels along that Blvd. Main Street is so congested that you could take one of those buses and reroute them to travel along College Point Blvd. Maybe the Q25 or Q65. It will give people who live in those buildings a mass transit option and it will good for business as well that develops on College Point Blvd, such as the Tangram movie theater. You could take the Q25, have it go from Kissena to College Point Blvd, maybe along Franklin and Blossome Aves, and have it travel along the Blvd from Flushing to College Point. It winds up there anyway. And you keep the Q65 on Main Street (or Q25).
4/26/2022, 5:49 AM — This is in regard to the Q39. I noticed that you are eliminating the stops going to Maspeth at Thompson and 30th Place and in reverse you are eliminating the stop at Thompson and Skillman Avenues. These stops are directly by La Guardia Community College and are both heavily used. It may seem like you are saving time but you are making longer walks for students and faculty with walking difficulties. I urge you to keep both those stops for La Guardia Community College.
4/26/2022, 6:16 AM — I grew up in Jackson Heights/East Elmhurst. I have lived on 85th Street and 30th Avenue for more than 25 years. I regularly use the Q33 bus. I need to use the Q33 bus to get to the subway, especially when it is raining or snowing. So, I appreciate the MTA keeping the Q33 and hopefully making it a faster service while still connecting to the 82nd Street subway stop and the Roosevelt Avenue - Jackson Heights terminal.
I read over the Queens Bus Network Redesign. I saw which stops would be removed to improve speed & reliability; with the proposed stop changes, I believe the Q33 route will be better and faster (which it really needs to be). I get change is hard and that change scares people - I myself initially had a knee-jerk reaction. But after reading the draft, I feel like this will help the Q33. -[REDACTED]
4/26/2022, 6:30 AM — Q49, Q66, Q72, Q33: You are proud that buses are accessible to disabled. But by extending the distance between stops, especially between avenues, skipping an avenue, you are making it more difficult for the elderly, disabled, and not so elderly to get to the bus. In some cases, you're skipping four street blocks instead of two.
Q33: Service into LGA was discontinued after instituting the Q70. But we in the neighborhood are not adequately served to LGA.
Q49: a huge walk from the terminal to 76 St and 35 Ave.
Q72: This is the only bus from Junction to 74 St serving the neighborhood with local service to main terminal and terminals C and D at LGA. Weekend service of only every 30 to 60 min is inadequate. How can one make a flight reliably. The express buses, which don't serve the neighborhood, run much more frequently. As a matter of fact, I waited at LGA at around 5 pm on a Monday for 30 min.
4/26/2022, 9:13 AM — The disastrous decision was made several years ago to change the direction of 75th St and route buses down 75th to the Roosevelt Ave subway station. This made the intersection of 37th Ave and 75th St now a 3-light intersection, rather than a 2-light intersection, each direction having less time to move traffic through. Because of the SEVERAL grocery stores within a 2-block radius of that intersection (with their delivery trucks double parking), and Roosevelt Ave being an express stop, there is a HUGE amount of pedestrian traffic moving through that intersection, further slowing the flow of traffic. The result is busses CONSTANTLY getting backed-up on 75th St, and cars getting backed up in both directions on 37th Ave, both due to double-parked cars blocking them or simply backed-up from the all too short light at the intersection. I implore you to ask the bus drivers on the Q47 and Q49 routes--they will corroborate this.
Right now there are no plans to address this -- both the Q47 and Q49 are routed down 75th St through that intersection. And again, the biggest problem is it now being a 3-light intersection rather than a 2-light intersection, coupled with pedestrian foot traffic. (1 light for east/west traffic on 37th Ave, 1 light for southbound 75th St, and 1 light for northbound 75th St.) Why cannot buses be routed instead down a street with a 2-light intersection, or better yet, down Broadway, which is is a much wider street where double-parking does not stop the flow of traffic?
I sincerely hope you can address this difficult and potentially dangerous situation.
4/26/2022, 9:17 AM — Thank you sharing the information.
Though I like the extension of the Q49 and Q 66 lines which I regularly take. I have a few concerns.
Q49 route has many passengers. Please consider a select Q49 like the Q70 with select stops. Also due to elderly population consider distance of stops on the Q49 and Q66.
From 94 Street to 108 there is no bus between Astoria Boulevard and Ditmars Boulevard. This is not just 94 to 108, there are various streets like buell, butler, curtis, ericsson, humphrey, gilmore, mcintosh streets, 25 avenue, 24 avenue, 27 avenue, 29 avenue embedded. There are children who go to school, parents who go to work, elderly who go to appointments - what will be their mode of transportation?
People living in East Elmhurst have no direct route to LaGuardia Airport. A great number of people living in Corona and East Elmhurst work at the airport and often take the Q 48. There is no replacement. We cannot go into flushing to take the Q50 to the airport
4/26/2022, 11:52 AM — The Q17 redesign is stated to provide faster service to the subway but actually does the opposite. Removing access to the 179 St F train station would increase travel times for many as they would now need to transfer to the Q75. Please reconsider as this change would make a lengthy journey even more cumbersome. A direct route from Flushing to the 179 St F train station is imperative to providing subway access for the citizens of Queens. An alternative suggestion could be to use the proposed Q25 redesign and have a Limited option that stops at 179 St instead of Jamaica Center.
4/26/2022, 12:16 PM — Ever since the direction of traffic was changed and the Q49 and the Q47 were routed on 75th st the block has gotten exceedingly dangerous. Drivers still forget and try to drive the wrong way. The traffic back up has resulted in busses letting off angry passengers in the middle of the block who yell profanities while all of the trapped cars honk incessantly. Please route the busses down a different street that can better accommodate these bus routes.
4/26/2022, 7:14 PM — Please increase service on the Q49 bus at peak times on week day mornings. This is especially starting with buses terminating at 74 -Roosevelt at 6AM -7AM
4/26/2022, 9:30 PM — hello i take the Q101 Steinway bus now > everything i do is on east side whether downtown or uptown . I always transfer to 1st 2nd or 3rd ave buses. from what i can see i will have to pay a take the Steinway bus to Queens Plaza then switch to the Q32 then take my uptown or downtown bus. That means 3 buses and paying two fares . I am a senior and on the bus is my only mode of transport i use. This is very concerning. There is only 1 bus showing now that goes over the Ed Koch Bridge now.
Thanks for listening but i think this is now viable particularly having to pay two fares.
4/27/2022, 1:25 AM — I disagree with some of the “improvements” being made to the q10. I believe that the q10 should run the way it has been because it is one of the only buses that runs through that area. There is a school PS124 where students are able to take the q10 after school. Due due to the close proximity of this bus, both teachers and a majiority of students are relying on this bus to continue the way it has been for years. Having both the airport and school to take into account I believed that this new change will not be for the best.
4/27/2022, 2:32 AM — I am appalled at the fact that you removed some or most of the bus stops on the Northern Boulevard Bus, the Q#66. There was nothing wrong with it the way it was for years and years and years. For the sake of saving time, how much did it actually save you, so that you put hundreds of regular riders to be inconvenienced.
4/27/2022, 5:03 AM — We will see the buses are horrible in foch work in rockkaway the 111 113 114 the worst
4/27/2022, 5:46 AM — I live in Jackson Hts and there is a problem with the intersection of 37 Av and 75 St. It got screwed up when they changed the direction of 75 St, so that intersection is now a shit show. Buses and cars get backed up on 75 St and 37th Ave. It is especially bad at evening rush hour. Honking goes on all night. Cars have to wait to turn for people crossing, so that makes it worse. People double parking makes it worse. It is just WAY too busy of an intersection to have buses coming though there. PLEASE CHANGE THAT!!! It is a nightmare for people who live here!
4/27/2022, 9:50 AM — As I have submitted recently a proposal to change the six three digit route designations:
Q104 would become Q34
Q105 would become Q36,
Q109 would become Q64
Q111 would become Q71
Q114 would become Q74
Q115 would become Q15
I also would like to suggest that the proposed Q80 route should be redesigned Q30.
Please keep the Q1 and Q6 asate separate routes. Please combine the Q10 and Q72 onto a single route to provide access between JFK and LGA airports. As far as the Q64 is concerned, the proposed Q73 should operate along 73 Avenue, right onto 164 Street, left onto Jewel Avenue absorbing the present Q64 route and then absorbing the Southern half of the Q23 route.
The proposed Q78 route has no subway connection. The proposed rush hour only Q61 should operate full time and combine the route with the Q78 to provide a connection with the #7 train. This weroute would operate along Union Street and Willets Point Boulevard bypassing Fort Totten then absorbing the Q78 route.
This new route could be designated as the new Q41.
4/27/2022, 11:07 AM — Many aspects of the Queens Bus Network Redesign are positive!
Stop consolidation is essential to improve trip time and reliability. I appreciate that the MTA is moving us away from legacy streetcar stop spacing towards more modern spacing that properly balances walk time and total trip time. I ask that the MTA not fall prey to loss aversion, and instead stick with their current planned stop spacing of about one-quarter mile.
While many planned routes have good peak frequency, the MTA should greatly increase off-peak and weekend frequencies to at least 10 minutes—and preferably #6MinuteService—on all lines. This is important because off-peak and weekend ridership has recovered from pandemic lows better than weekday peak ridership, and because people deserve mobility at all times of the day. Wait time is a large part of total trip time on many bus routes; greater bus frequency will finally unlock bus-bus transfers across the borough.
Working closely with NYC DOT will be essential for the success of this plan. Bus speeds have slowed dramatically over the last few decades as car ownership has soared. It will take an expansive network of dedicated bus lanes to reverse this trend. NYC Transit should encourage NYC DOT to take advantage of the wide arterials in Queens and build center-running bus lanes for as many routes as possible. New enter-running lanes on Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco recently sped up trips by 35%, which is more than any side-running or offset bus lane. All new bus lanes should be 24/7 for maximal equity benefits, since lower-income residents are more likely to take bus trips outside traditional rush hours.
Please consider my suggestions to help make this good plan truly transformational.
4/27/2022, 11:46 AM — Good evening,
I believe that there is an opportunity to provide better interborough service between The Bronx and western Queens in a corridor not covered by the proposed Q44 & Q50. I believe that there is potential ridership between Jackson Heights and "The Hub" in The Bronx, traveling along the I-278 corridor This (general) corridor was part of the original TriBoro RX plan (which would use the NYAR/CSX freight line from Sunset Park to the South Bronx), which was truncated to the "Interborough Express" between Sunset Park & Jackson Heights. I believe that the northern portion of the corridor still has enough latent demand to fill up a bus route.
The route should start at the Victor Moore Bus Terminal at Broadway & Roosevelt Avenue (or some nearby area if there is insufficient space at the terminal), and then proceed along Broadway to enter I-278 heading towards The Bronx. It should then take Exit 44 to Astoria Blvd, making stops at Steinway Street & 31st Street, before continuing onto the RFK Bridge, taking I-87 to Exit 2, and then continuing up Willis Avenue, 138th Street, and Third Avenue, to terminate at 149th Street. For the return trip, buses should essentially do the same route in reverse, taking Third Avenue to 138th Street to St. Ann's Avenue, entering the RFK Bridge, and then making stops along Astoria Blvd at 31st Street & Steinway Street, before getting back onto I-278 and heading back to Broadway & Roosevelt Avenue.
As you know, the Q70 has been an extremely successful route, traveling up the east leg of I-278 towards LaGuardia Airport, and I believe you would see similar success in a route taking the west leg of I-278 heading towards The Bronx. As mentioned, it would tap into the latent demand between Jackson Heights and the South Bronx until such a time (possibly generations from now, though hopefully much sooner) when passenger rail can be built in this corridor.
Yours truly,
4/27/2022, 1:57 PM — The bus should stop on Northern Boulevard at 56 Street, 58 Street, 62 Street, 64 Street, 66 Street, 110 Street, 112 Street, 116 Street, 118 Street, 120 Street, 122 Street and 124 Street instead of the proposed new stops, which is ridiculous especially for the elderly, which is why they take the bus in the first place..
4/27/2022, 8:04 PM — I just read of the cuts you are making including the QM3 bus service as well as cuts on QM2 and QM20. I really wish you would reconsider, this has been such a great mode of transportation for me and makes it so much easier to get to school.
4/27/2022, 8:08 PM — The NEW Queens Bus Redesign Draft Plan does not include the QM3 Bus. What are the other options or the closest express bus? Thank you for your time.
4/27/2022, 9:40 PM — Cutting Services on the QM2 and QM20 is not acceptable for Northern Queens. Our taxes have only gone up and our services have dimished since the MTA has taken over the private busses in 2005. I have been a long standing commuter and this downhill cycle of unreliability and cuts is not acceptable for a working person. Northeast Queens is not a retirement community. People have to go to work every day and it should not take 2 hours each way when its 11 miles from NYC.
4/27/2022, 10:30 PM — I depend on the QM2 to get into Manhattan. Otherwise I am basically in a transportation desert. Using the local Q15 or Q15A bus to get to the 7 subway at Main Street takes far too long.
You are proposing to reduce the frequency of service, including on the weekends, which means that when a bus simply doesn't show up at all, which happens far too often—it happened to me just LAST WEEK—people will have to wait TWICE AS LONG as they do now the next one. On the weekends, that means waiting for AN HOUR AND A HALF. That is RIDICULOUS. And for the NYC transit system, it is UNACCEPTABLE.
The buses are starting to fill up again. On the buses that I took into Manhattan just last Saturday, nearly EVERY SEAT was filled.
Please reconsider.
4/27/2022, 10:53 PM — I was at one of the open house Zoom meetings - the one for comments was that one of the reasons for getting rid of variations, particularly local and limited stop versions of the route is because of nomenclature confusion - passengers having to look at headsigns to figure out if it is the correct bus to take. I have two responses to that. First, this same issue exists on the subway and is not seen as a problem (the 7 local and diamond express). Second, instead of getting rid of the limited stop variations and mutating local services into services that poorly access communities - do what you do on Staten Island - have a different route number for the local and limited such as along Victory Blvd S62 local and S92 limited stop.
4/27/2022, 10:54 PM — I would like to voice my support for a LIC to midtown bus connection.
4/27/2022, 10:55 PM — Please establish a bus route connecting LIC with Manhattan via midtown tunnel.
4/27/2022, 11:20 PM — Your draft with the shortened Q17 line is VERY shortsighted. You are basically making it extremely difficult for the elderly, disabled and the children who needs to take the Q17 to school on the route that you are eliminating. You are ENDANGERING their lives and creating a 2 fair zone. You are basically isolating all the residents along 188th Street between Union Turnpike and Hillside who depends on these stops to transfer to the trains and who needs stops to go grocery shopping, school, work, etc.... You must not eliminate and limit the Q17 stops!
4/28/2022, 12:39 AM — LIC needs a direct bus to midtown.
There is often work on the 7 train and random issue with trains between Manhattan and Queens via the 7 line.
With the increase in residents would help overcrowding on the train.
4/28/2022, 2:01 AM — Long Island City needs a bus to Midtown Manhattan.
4/28/2022, 3:59 AM — An alternative transportation option from LIC to Manhattan would be extremely beneficial / essential to the neighborhood. The area has seen a drastic increase in residents, and another commuting option into Manhattan besides the heavy (and mainly) sole reliance on the 7 train would be helpful (especially given that there has been neverending construction shutdowns that impact weekend / late night commuting), and the fact that the Midtown Tunnel is right in the vicinity.
4/28/2022, 4:13 AM — We need a bus from LIC to midtown via the midtown tunnel.
4/28/2022, 4:13 AM — Please provide bus services from LIC to midtown
4/28/2022, 4:28 AM — You need to do better outreach to the community. I suggest mailing a flyer with a simple URL and a QR code to every household in Queens referring residents to this website. It should be in multiple languages including English, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Greek, and Russian, among others.
4/28/2022, 5:20 AM — Please do not cut service on the QM35, QM5 and QM8. It is hard as it is waiting for buses that are canceled (like this morning) or that come infrequently. In fact, we need more buses. It takes me almost 2 hours to get home to Queens! A half hour in between buses on 3rd Avenue is very burdensome especially when one is canceled. And cutting buses in the morning will cost me because if I'm late like this morning i am docked pay. We need more buses and more buses that run more frequently.
4/28/2022, 7:17 AM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
4/28/2022, 8:34 AM — Q58 please stop at New york hall of science
111 st 49ave or 47ave so passenger get on or off as well park as well
4/28/2022, 9:16 AM — Hey MTA! i would like to let you guys know that the Q73, replacing the Q23 south of Queens Blvd is having the stop "Metropolitan Avenue & Selfridge Street" Removed in the new plan, which is used daily my students at Queens Metropolitan High School. if we could keep that stop there maybe only during school hours it would be very handy, as the nearest stops are now 2 blocks away.
4/28/2022, 10:49 AM — I am opposed to the removal of the Queens Boulevard/63 Drive bus stop on the Q60 route in both directions. That intersection serves the community as a transit hub (the train station is located there, as well as the Q38, QM11, and QM18) and a business hub (shopping, dining, etc.). I'm also opposed to the relocation of the Q72 southern terminal from Junction Boulevard to Woodhaven Boulevard. Queens Center Mall is already served by numerous bus lines, and it adds an unnecessary hardship to those who live/work in the area and use that route to navigate their way around.
4/28/2022, 11:58 AM — We desperately need a bus and/or shuttle option from LIC (Vernon Blvd area) to Manhattan.
4/28/2022, 12:05 PM — We need a bus from LIC to Manhattan through the midtown tunnel
4/28/2022, 2:09 PM — This is regarding the X64 Express Bus and the supposed draft plan to re-route morning buses away from running along Third Avenue. Your claim of “hearing us” and our concerns are pure LIES. Now you’re starting this BULLS**T again and causing further distress for commuters. It will be an INCONVENIENCE to have to get off and transfer to yet another bus to reach our work place. Most express bus commuters already dealt with having to “transfer” between buses and/or trains (both in my case) to reach their jobs before utilizing the express for a less stressful commute. Why don’t use put another bus on the route you “propose”. The X64 Express bus riders would appreciate leaving our current route AS IS. Thank you.
4/28/2022, 7:36 PM — It will be very inconvenient for you to remove the stop of Q9 on 115th Avenue and Lincoln st.
That means i will have to walk 5 blocks more.
4/28/2022, 8:30 PM — Hi!
I’ve been taking the QM3 for over 10 years and I didn’t see it on the new redesigned plan. Please help us with this route- IT CANNOT BE CUT! If anything, it should be expanded with more buses as more and more people have been taking this line into the city and back home.
4/28/2022, 9:54 PM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
4/28/2022, 11:10 PM — Good Morning,
After attending the zoom meeting of last night (4/28/22), I was left dismayed. Having taken the QM10 and QM11 for over 30 years as a resident of Lefrak City feel as if we have been dumped on again in which I must take the train home due to the timing of the Express Bus schedule. How is it that by the time this plan goes into place I will be a senior citizen working harder and not wiser in order to transport into the city for work. Am I to be penalized by having to walk almost 3-4 blocks in order to reach the new bus designation? With the world as it is, I do not wish to ride on the subways nightly, however, after returning back to the office despite the pandemic, I have no choice. Every evening I'm very aware of the homeless people, panhandlers and individuals with mental problems which causes anxiety. With additional stress, our local Q38 is changing into two different routes. How is that helping individuals in the neighborhood? I have a daughter with a cognitive disability and this will cause much discomfort.
4/28/2022, 11:31 PM — Are you really considering removing all the Q39 stops in Ridgewood? How is this possible? This is our neighborhood lifeline. My son uses it to get to middle school. My neighbors use it to get to church. My niece uses it to get to LAGCC. I use it to come home from work. Sunnyside and LIC families use it to get to PS 290Q. What about the kids who attend Robert Wagner middle school or Aviation HS. I'm all for updating the archaic system but please do not take this away completely!!!
4/28/2022, 11:59 PM — This is an absolutely absurd plan. The Q39 route is a MAJOR artery for the Ridgewood community. Taking it out of Ridgewood will be a burden on so many, myself included, as I ride from Long Island City every day. The current inconsistent wait for a bus is bad enough as it is, and now you expect us to wait for TWO buses coupled with the increased traffic issue since COVID, especially at that Grand Avenue intersection where the expressway is?! Getting home and/or picking up our children ON TIME will now be more taxing, and likely impossible, with all of the transportation issues, traffic and random on-going construction. Not to mention the danger of having the younger children riding alone having to switch in a high-traffic area! Nothing good can come of changing it to your proposed plan. How about you make positive changes like splitting the route - an express version strait to LIC and a student version for the MANY schools along the route - that would assist with the over crowding, not further inconvenience your riders. I am highly disappointed and quite angry with the lack of understanding of how important this bus route in Ridgewood is. Please reconsider your proposal.
4/29/2022, 12:00 AM — Please do not remove the bus stop on Queens Blvd at 39th St. This stop has high usage by the older adult population that attend the Older Adult Center, or are seeking services from Sunnyside Community Services at 43-31 39th St, 11104
4/29/2022, 12:28 AM — Long Island City really needs a bus line connection to midtown Manhattan through the Midtown tunnel. It has been very complicated to get to midtown from LIC for years, mostly due to lack of elevator service at the 7 train subway stop in LIC. For mother’s with young children, carrying strollers up and down the subway stairs is very hard and also unsafe. A direct bus line through the tunnel would bring more convenient, safer and more accessible way to commute to Manhattan. Thank you!
4/29/2022, 2:23 AM — The proposed elimination of Q39 stops in Ridgewood will be very damaging, restricting access between Ridgewood and Sunnyside/LIC. Many students use the line to access LaGuardia Community College, Aviation HS, Wagner Middle School (LIC) and my own daughter used the line to reach PS 290Q. This change will further disconnect Sunnyside from the rest of school District 24, making the existing disconnection even worse. Please do not eliminate these stops.
4/29/2022, 3:38 AM — submitting comment on behalf of Ms Helen Hirst who does not have computer access.
She wants to keep the q38 as she and her senior friends use it to get to other areas of the district. She has used the same bus for over 40 years. She and her neighbors rely on it, as she can no longer drive. She says the new design is not senior citizen friendly as it requires much more walking to a bus stop. She does not believe she would be able to walk to the new q38 bus stop, as it is too far.
4/29/2022, 3:58 AM — submitting on behalf of Phyllis who does not have a computer.
keep the q39. She has problems with her legs so she needs to use the bus. The new redesign puts her bus stop longer distance to her home. She also has to walk further when she reach her destination. The new redesign is not taking into consideration people seniors and riders with disabilities.
4/29/2022, 6:14 AM — Add/extend bus service from Long Island City into Manhattan via midtown tunnel please
4/29/2022, 8:20 AM — I'm concerned about the elimination of the Sutphin Boulevard/94th Avenue stop as that is the stop nearest the LIRR and the JFK Airtrain, two major Queens transportation hubs.
4/29/2022, 8:22 AM — I'm concerned about the elimination of the Sutphin Boulevard/94th Avenue stop on both the Q25 and Q65 routes as that is the stop nearest the LIRR and the JFK Airtrain, two major Queens transportation hubs.
4/29/2022, 8:54 AM — Please consider running a bus from along Island City to midtown, as it’s needed with the 7 train becoming more and more congested.
Thank you for your consideration!
4/29/2022, 9:21 AM — LIC desperately needs a bus to midtown. My husband works in hospitality and is constantly stranded after midnight at Grand Central because the 7 train is ALWAYS closed for repairs. $30 cabs every night from midtown to LIC is not sustainable for anyone that works after midnight in NYC. Hospitality workers and healthcare workers that work night shifts cannot afford this! Thank you.
4/29/2022, 9:42 AM — Man, today was ridiculous on 75th Street in Jackson Heights. 4 busses sitting in the ONE BLOCK between 37th/35th, plus 8 cars. Why? Because the light is too short, there's too many people crossing the street, and that intersection is a joke. Nothing in your proposal is gonna fix that.
75th St needs to be changed back to one-way northbound, and buses need to go down a different street. I know you did it to streamline buses, but you actually made it worse. You gotta change it!
4/29/2022, 10:40 AM — It will be very helpful to have a bus that goes from LIC to Midtown via the Queens Tunnel. It's such a fast route and great alternative to subways, especially for those with mobility challenges and parents with strollers. It can be a great alternative to the 7 as it is becoming overcrowded with the increasing size of the population in LIC.
4/29/2022, 12:32 PM — We need a bus from LIC to Midtown!
4/29/2022, 12:39 PM — I live in Court Square, Long Island City. We need a direct bus between midtown Manhattan and LIC. Currently the only choice, Q32, is very slow and through the jammed Queensborough Bridge.
4/29/2022, 12:40 PM — It is essential to have a bus to midtown because 7 trains occasionally stop at LIC during the weekends and we need alternative ways to go to Manhattan
4/29/2022, 1:26 PM — There’s been a lot of delays as some Q37 routes travel via the Resorts World Casino. The Q37b bypasses the Resorts World Casino which means that branch of the route should be providing better on time performance better that the other branch. The other branch called the Q37 route should be renamed Q37A and run limited stop plus terminate at the Resorts World Casino which would speed up service on those buses not having to travel further south 135th Avenue/130th Street in South Ozone Park.
I would also recommend that the Q109 route be rerouted to serve the Resorts World Casino since the route would be running nonstop between Centreville Street/109 Avenue and 111 Street/109 Avenue. Instead in the e/b direction the Q109 route should remain on Rockaway Boulevard (passing 109th Avenue) then loop inside the casino via Aqueduct Road and then travel to 109th Avenue via 108 Street back toward 109th Avenue make a right turn and head toward Jamaica. In the w/b direction the Q109 could make a left turn at 109th Street travel south toward Rockaway Boulevard and then enter the re-enter the casino via Aqueduct Road. Departing the Resorts World Casino, the w/b Q109 could just travel along Aqueduct Road back to Rockaway Boulevard make a left and head back toward Cross Bay Blvd etc. Since Resorts World Casino doesn’t have the Shuttle bus anymore to and from Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica the Q109 route would be a great alternative to provide bus service to and from Downtown, Jamaica to the Resorts World Casino.
The MTA should add an additional stop to the proposed Q51 route at 109th Street/Rockaway Boulevard in both directions so that this route could serve the Resorts World Casino.
4/29/2022, 11:04 PM — I would like to mention that the proposed Q109 route would be serving three stations of the same "A" IND subway line. The first station served is the Rockaway Boulevard Subway Station which is scheduled for future ADA handicapped accessibility. It should be noted that most passengers needing access to the "A" Subway line from the proposed Q109 route (as well as the current Q7 route) would be passengers east of Cross Bay Boulevard. West of Cross Bay Boulevard along Sutter Avenue and Pitkin Avenue where the proposed Q109 route would be traveling is in walking distance to a few other "A" Subway Line stations along Liberty Avenue such as the Rockaway Boulevard Station, the 88 Street Station, the 80 Street Station and also along Pitkin Avenue at the Grant Avenue Station thereby very few Q109 passenger would be utilizing the Q109 route to connect to the "A" Subway Line at the Euclid Avenue Subway Station especially after ADA handicapped accessibility is added to the Rockaway Boulevard Subway Station scheduled in the very near future. With that being said I'm not sure how much ridership is drawn to and from South Queens to the proposed western end of the Q109 route being located at the Euclid Avenue Subway Station. On the western end of the Q109 route I believe bus service is more needed to the USPS Brooklyn General Mail Facility (GMF) located at Stanley Avenue/Postal Facility Road for Postal employees that reside in Queens but work at that facility plus this location plus this would also major transfer point to other Brooklyn routes for Q109 riders. The only issue is if the bus should be extended from the Euclid Avenue Subway Station or possibly the Q109 routing be changed at Grant Avenue/Pitkin Avenue to access the USPS Brooklyn GMF via Drew Street and/or Eldert Lane to Stanley Avenue & Postal Facility Road. Also another connection is needed for western Ozone Park passengers to access the Linden Center Mall at 79th Street/Linden Boulevard and don't know if another route (such as the Q57 being further extended) would be needed that could travel either from Grant Avenue/Pitkin Avenue or could operate in a similar path to the Q109 between Cross Bay Blvd. and 84th Street but continue along Sutter Avenue (instead of Pitkin Avenue) over the North & South Conduit avenues and then travel along the South Conduit Avenue into the side road of the South Conduit Avenue directly to the Linden Center Mall or instead travel along Drew Street then a left turn into the center lane of Linden Boulevard and traveling to the 79th Street left turning lane to access the Linden Center Mall with that routing where the bus could then make a wide U turn at 79th Street to the westbound service road of Linden Boulevard. Under either routing option the bus could then terminate between 79th Street and 78th Street (a/k/a Sapphire Street) where there is some space in front of the BM5/B15 bus stop for an additional bus stop to be placed at for this purpose. When this bus departs the bus could then return back via Linden Boulevard to Drew Street to Blake Avenue then Forbell Street to Sutter Avenue or Eldert Lane to Sutter Avenue. The bus could then make a right turn at Sutter Avenue and continue over the North & South Conduit avenues on its way back toward Cross Bay Boulevard.
4/30/2022, 1:33 AM — Base routes Q31, Q75 and. Q83 at Jamaica Depot.
Base routes Q51 and Q57 at Queens Village Depot
Base the Q73 at Queens Village Depot
Base the Q50 at Laguardia Depot
Make College Point an all "QM" routes Depot
Including QM15, 16, 17, 18, 21 63 64 65 and 68.
4/30/2022, 1:37 AM — Dear sir please keep bus stops for the q22 as is especially best that stop is the hospital getting ti and frim hospital is very hard especially for disabled people. And regular people need access to care as well the clinic is at this stop. Please keep 73rs st as well om on a wheel chair and this stop is right by my building the next stop I would not vevae to board the bus as its in grass area on addition please keep all stops from 117st to Jacob ris Park. We have no transportation as it wellease dont change ant stops going to mott Ave b20.
Please don't change the q53vnorvtge q52 stops more than half the time Subway is not working and no wheel chair access to the train for disabled. Also please consider putting back the 122st rockaway beach blvd stop as that is directly in front of social security office. Your taking away stops that have access to care
4/30/2022, 1:37 AM — I work in the restaurant industry. We get off after midnight and the 7 train is never running. We need reliable public transit to LIC! I can’t take a $30 Uber every night.
4/30/2022, 2:32 AM — Customer is Reporting that she was given the wrong Information for a hearing Date about the Queens Redesign buses. Customer given a phone # 929-436-2866 then press star and then dail 6256615911 then hit pound before the schedule meeting. From a MTA Employee the meeting was a dial in and no one answer the phone. Customer don't have no information. Customer want MTA to have a meeting with Citizen Senior at Catherine Sheridan Senior Citizen at 83rd st, jackson heights ny 11372 Customer want to speak to someone she has no Internet, no computers or smart phone. customer is upset, Customer would like to voice her opinion.
4/30/2022, 4:27 AM — Concerning the Q-18 bus route, you should keep the Laurel Blvd bus stop in both directions since it is a transfer point to the east bound Q60 bus. It is difficult for senior citizens and others for that matter to cross Queens Blvd at 65th place. The boulevard is 14 lanes wide at this point and a lot of cars and trucks are turning from 65th place because of the entrance to the Brooklyn Queens Expressway in both directions at this intersection. Appreciate anything that can be done to keep the Laurel Blvd bus stop.
4/30/2022, 6:58 AM — On March 31, 2022 I read a post on Facebook Queens Bus Redesign - Discussion Group regarding someone complaining about the loss of bus service along the Q29 bus route. I also remember being at a Queens Community Board #5 Transporation Committee meeting many years ago where someone there mentioned that they need a bus to LaGuardia Airport from Ridgewood. The revised Q47 route partially does this but this route only serves Terminal A in La Guardia Airport plus only serves Middle Village and not all of Ridgewood. Possibly you should consider having the Q72 route extended from the Queens Center Mall area to operate along Woodhaven Boulevard to Eliot Avenue and Eliot Avenue to the Fresh Pond Road Station instead of the Q14 route traveling to the Fresh Pond Road Station. This would provide Ridgewood passengers direct access to Terminals B & C in LaGuardia Airport which neither the Q14 or Q47 routes now provide. The Q14 route could then be revised to serve Dry Harbor Road up to Furmanville Avenue and then your office could determine if the Q14 route should go any further from that point. Another point is that both of the Q14 & Q72 routes have similar time frequencies, operate at similar time spans of the day and are both considered local routes under your design plan.
4/30/2022, 7:53 AM — I would say that they should be a bus route that goes from the West Bronx to Northern Queens via Triboro Bridge. It can alleviate the overcrowding of the M60 bus.
4/30/2022, 7:57 AM — Please make the line assessible for LIC below Queensborough plaza and midtown
4/30/2022, 2:42 PM — Bus connecting lic (waterfront) and midtown/Central Park would be much needed addition to our LIC
5/1/2022, 1:04 AM — Needs a bus from LIC to midtown!
5/1/2022, 7:24 AM — Here are some more depot basing suggestions:
Routes Q25, Q65 and Q66 should be based at Casey Stengel depot.
Routes Q32 and Q50 should be based at Laguardia depot.
Routes Q31, Q75 and Q76 should be based at Jamaica depot.
That's all for now!
5/1/2022, 8:43 AM — Please do not discontinue the Q39 stops in Ridgewood! This bus is a lifeline for kids in our Ridgewood/Glendale community to get to/from school in LIC/Sunnyside, Queens. As it is, it takes out kids over 60 mins to get home from VanDam/Hunter Point Blvd to the last stop in Ridgewood on the Q39, and having to transfer and take 2 buses/subways would exacerbate the travel time! We need access to better schools, which for many of us means sending our kids to the LIC neighborhood. This change could mean 2+ hours each way for commute to school, which takes 20-30 mins driving via car. Subway travel includes 40 mins of walking and nearly 1.5 hrs of travel each way, so the Q39 is a lifeline. Bus inefficiency stems from issues with excessive traffic throughout the area the Q39 travels, which just keeps worsening. Keeping bus lanes clear would help with efficiency, as buses often have to cut back into traffic to go around illegally parked cars during peak hours. Also, excessive traffic through industrial areas without designated bus lanes, slows buses down. In addition, the Q39 helps to keep Forest Ave a thriving business community, as it's the only bus line traveling down that corridor, linking different areas of Ridgewood and Glendale that other bus lines miss. Please don't punish our neighborhood by eliminating the Q39 from our neighborhood, but look for other solutions!
5/1/2022, 9:42 AM — LIC resident need a bus line to midtown
5/1/2022, 11:12 AM — Q86, new bus route to replace the Q5 to Green Acres from Jamaica .Eastbound- Merrick Bl/243 St add new stop Need to keep the old stop , Merrick Bl /241 st. Much more convenience to us Seniors, who attend the SNAP Senior Center at the Cross Island business building , also it is a building where many people have doctor appointments. If the stop changes to 243 street, which passes the senior center , we now have to walk back a long block and half. PLEASE KEEP OLD STOP 241 STREET.
Sunrise Hwy/Sunrise Cinema , since the Sunrise Cinema no longer exists, Hoping this new stop is closer to the Green Acres Commons, We need a bus stop closer to the new shopping area .
5/1/2022, 10:12 PM — Make Baisley Park depot another"QM" depot.
Base routes QM15, QM16, QM17, QM18, QM21, QM63, QM64, QM65 & QM68.
Base routes Q32 and Q50 at Laguardia depot.
Base routes Q109, Q111 and Q115 at JFK Depot and Base Q52, Q53 and Q114 at Far Rockaway depot.
Base routes Q25, Q65 and Q66 at Casey Stengel depot.
Base routes Q31, Q75, Q76 and Q83 at Jamaica Depot.
5/2/2022, 1:24 AM — These comments are about the Q60 bus.
*To eliminate the Q60 bus by Rite Aid on 63rd Drive & Queens Blvd makes no sense since it connects to the subway on the same block.
*To eliminate the Q60 bus on 67th Ave & Queens Blvd makes no sense since it connects to the subway on the same block.
5/2/2022, 1:39 AM — Good Morning,
I am a lifelong Queens resident. Myself and my family rely heavily on the public transportation system and more specifically the buses. I have to voice my concerns about the MTA proposal for rerouting of buses.
This proposed change greatly negatively impacts the many students and consumers who rely on the Q47.
The proposed rerouting of the Q47 will gravely impact the commutability of my neighborhood, for the working people, for the Substantial number of high school students it services, and for our community’s economic maintenance.
The proposed plan from the MTA, particularly the Q47 bus, does not make any sense. It is neither more efficient, or direct, in fact it shows the opposite on the proposed plan. The proposed MTA plan offers an alternative of multiple buses and transfers. I do not see how that is more efficient or direct. It is increasing the transit time significantly.
The Q11 proposed route is also shocking as it is cutting out a major portion of the area it has served for at least 30 years.
Residents are adjusting to post pandemic routines. Students are finally returning to a way of normalcy. I do not see the benefit of further adding to the commute time, reducing accessibility of mass transit to a community, and negatively impacting the jobs and revenue to a community.
I am asking for the guidance of this MTA office, and the support his constituents need to sustain in these already trying times.
I have signed up for the forum in May 4 designated for CB5.
Please feel free to reach out to me in this email or [REDACTED]
I thank you and your office for your time and attention in this pressing matter.
Best regards,
5/2/2022, 1:51 AM — I am a Glendale resident and parent of a child who attends [REDACTED]. With the new bus routes there is a huge disruption in the Q47 that allows the Glendale children to take the bus on 80th and Cooper to school and get dropped off at Atlas park everyday. If this bus no longer takes this route then our Glendale children will struggle to get to and from school. This always affects the Middle Village children who pick this bus up on 80th by Juniper and by Walgreens.
Something needs to be done for these children. This is not fair for them to have to struggle to find a way to and from school everyday. What can we do???
5/2/2022, 2:04 AM — Good Morning,
I am a lifelong Queens resident. I have to voice my concerns about the MTA proposal for rerouting of buses.
The proposed rerouting of the Q47 will gravely impact the commutability of my neighborhood, for the working people, for the substantial number of high school students it services, and for our community’s economic maintenance.
The proposed plan from the MTA, particularly the Q47 bus, does not make any sense. It is neither more efficient, or direct, in fact it shows the opposite on the proposed plan. The proposed MTA plan offers an alternative of multiple buses and transfers. I do not see how that is more efficient or direct. It is increasing the transit time significantly.
The Q11 proposed route is also shocking as it is cutting out a major portion of the area it has served for at least 30 years.
Residents are adjusting to post pandemic routines. Students are finally returning to a way of normalcy. I do not see the benefit of further adding to the commute time, reducing accessibility of mass transit to a community, and negatively impacting the jobs and revenue to a community.
Please feel free to reach out to me in this email or [REDACTED]
I thank you and your office for your time and attention in this pressing matter.
Best regards,
5/2/2022, 4:45 AM — Thank you in advance for your time. It seems that 75th Street (between 35th and 37th Avenues) presently has a large allocation of the bus traffic in the immediate area. For example (going south) we have the Q47 & Q49 plus various buses that are out of service. Going away from the commercial section of 74th street for several blocks I don't see any other street (eg 76/77/78 etc.) that has 2 active buses going down their street constantly throughout the day (and night).
Like everyone, we should accept our "fair share" but right now we seem to have more than other streets. The new plan should reflect this.
Thank you in advance for your time.
5/2/2022, 4:56 AM — Please re-route the Q47 and Q49 buses away from 75th Street in Jackson Heights. The road is too narrow and cars double-park frequently. This means that the bus is stuck and can't move. This then means there's unending honking of cars throughout the day. 75th Street is not built for huge MTA buses. It can barely handle small cars.
5/2/2022, 5:05 AM — Please do not discontinue the QM3 bus service. I rely on this bus everyday to get to work in midtown especially because other modes of transportation are not as safe anymore due to an increased rate of crimes. There are many people in my neighborhood who take this bus with me as well as an increase in number of passengers more recently due to these concerns. So please do not discontinue the QM3 express bus service because it is the safest and most reliable way for us to get to midtown.
5/2/2022, 7:42 AM — The proposal to eliminate the Q88 from running on 73rd Ave & rerouting it to Horace Harding Blvd is a terrible idea. The Q73 & Q26 are a poor replacement & will not be going to the Queens Mall & this change will be a major burden especially on senior citizens & the disabled. The proposals to lengthen the frequency of the QM5 & QM6 on Weekdays & Weekends at Peak hours & Midday are also very misguided. 90 minutes is much too long for intervals between buses. Please reconsider these awful proposals as the most important feature of the Queens Bus Routes is not the speed that they run or how straight the route is but how it accommodates the customers.
5/2/2022, 8:41 AM — The new version of the Queens Bus Redesign is a BIG improvement. My bus, Q1, has been restored which is critically important for me and my neighbors. The new stop spacing is doable for me now; I'm not sure how I'll feel 5 years from now--I'm 72. It's great that frequency will be increased. I like that the new Q1 has a route that continues further west into Queens.
The stop that will now be closest to me (one block further away) is on the Cross Island highway overpass. I have some concern that the location will be colder and windier in cold months and hotter, with no shade, in hot months. I think that it would be difficult to place a bus shelter there IF there is ever budget for shelters system-wise which there should be.
I look forward to attending a meeting later this month.
5/2/2022, 9:30 AM — The Q60 bus should be a select service bus. It is a long route
5/2/2022, 10:11 PM — In your report it appears that the Q21 route has an increase in frequency however, when looking at the current Q11 service of every ten minutes during the Peak frequency (which now operates to Elmhurst) it's actually a cut in overall service. Based upon this it might make sense to add another branch of the Q21 local line along Woodhaven Boulevard. This branch should come from another new service from Brooklyn which would bring in more local ridership to the Woodhaven Boulevard corridor. One option is to have this other local branch to travel between 82nd Street - Jackson Heights and the North Conduit Avenue/Cross Bay Boulevard but then this branch could follow the current route path of BM5 route to Pennsylvania Avenue/Seaview Avenue or this branch could just travel to the USPS Brooklyn GMF located near Stanley Avenue & Postal Facility Road. This additional branch could provide the necessary increase in local bus service along the Woodhaven Boulevard local line.
Another issue is that I don't see the point of not extending the Q60 bus to Columbus Circle to transfer with more Manhattan bus routes especially with the service cuts to so many express bus routes. With regard to the Q60 serving South Jamaica some passengers that don't take subways into Manhattan and prefer bus may like to transfer to this route (with the proposed cuts to the express bus routes) so the Q60 route should serve instead Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue instead. To replace bus service to 157th Street/109th Avenue Jamaica the Q23 route should be extended to this point instead of traveling to Fresh Meadows. The Q10 should then serve Union Turnpike to 188th Street in Fresh Meadows instead of serving Jewel Avenue. The Q64 Jewel Avenue route should be reestablished and then extended on its eastern end to 164th Street/Horace Harding Expressway and on its western end to The Shops at Atlas Park Mall via Yellowstone Boulevard and Cooper Avenue. These changes should also help eliminate many of the concerns I read on Facebook Queens Bus Redesign Discussion Group.
There also seems to be a lot of people very upset about the reduction in express bus services especially in the Off-Peak hours and on weekends with up to ninety-minute waits on many express bus routes. What might be needed here is a (combined) express bus during the off-peak periods that would possibly operate during these periods serving express bus passengers from several branches rather than just from one branch or maybe some more Interborough SBS/Crosstown routes which I'll give examples of each. For example, during off peak periods a special express bus route could be established that could operate limited stop along Queens Boulevard between Kew Gardens and Elmhurst and then travel into Manhattan via the LIE and serve Sixth Avenue and exit via the 59th Street Bridge and Queens Boulevard back to Kew Gardens. Passengers from routes such as QM24, QM12, QM4, QM5, QM1, QM6, QM15, QM16, QM17 & QM18 (all Sixth Avenue routes for Central & Southwestern Queens) would be required to transfer to other routes at the limited stops along Queens Boulevard to access most local Queens areas covered by their express route. It may not cover every single area with two buses, but some minor changes could be made to those connecting local routes so that passengers during off-peak using these types of Crosstown routes would only require one transfer to arrive at an express bus point such as for example the Q10 (former Q64) extended to the Horace Harding Expressway/164th Street. Another possible option is a new Crosstown SBS bus (with a local fare) along Queens Boulevard to compliment the Q60 route. This SBS/Crosstown route could operate limited stop between Downtown, Jamaica and Manhattan bus with limited stops along major transfer points along Queens Boulevard but also travel to Columbus Circle in Manhattan so that it would provide enough transfer connectivity in Manhattan as well. Additionally, the transfer po
5/2/2022, 10:16 PM — I am working in NYU cancer center and I am taking QM 12 on Yellowstone and 64. my work shift is 7:30- 3:30 and iam taking the first bus at 6:50 AM . I know a lot of cancer patients coming for chemotherapy from Rego Park and forest hills area and most of them is elderly and disable patients who is not be able to use the subway and their stears to clime up and down. To use the express buss was so easy to all of us , to workers and to patients and the one that running earlier morning . Before you do any changes , please think about sick and disable people who using this busses to take a treatment and surgery.
5/2/2022, 11:19 PM — I am very upset about the proposed changes to the QM11. What is proposed is not rerouting, it’s a new route all together. Removing the stops near LeFrak makes means the bus is no longer accessible to its residents and others in the area. The replacement stops are 10-15 walk away across a literal highway. I suffer from severe anxiety and the Express Bus is the way I am able to commute to work, if you take away my bus I don’t know if I can keep my job. Similarly at my stop are several people with mobility issues, saying just walk 15 minutes away or take the subway instead is not an appropriate substitute for the Express Bus. I don’t know if you need every stop near LeFrak, but to take them all away is a mistake.
5/3/2022, 12:43 AM — While there are many good steps to speed up buses in the plan, there are some major issues in western-central Queens where one seat rides are now looking to be broken into multi-bus trips to get to major destinations. Examples are:
The current Q47 that runs a very useful north south route from Glendale to East Elmhurst, connecting students to a variety of High Schools, will be a noticed loss.
The current Q39 being replaced by the Q67 for a trip from Ridgewood to LIC misses a major connection to Laguardia College/Laguardia High School and will turn a one seat ride into a commute requiring a trip slowing transfer.
5/3/2022, 12:57 AM — I am glad to see the untampered route of the Q38 going from 108 St through Middle Village, so students can get to their high schools (either Forest Hills H.S. & Christ the King HS.). Only on searching at what should the normal intersecting bus routes:
Where is the bus that goes from Queens Center Mall that goes down Dry Harbor/ 80th St towards Atlas mall into Glendale? That route seems to be totally eliminated.
5/3/2022, 2:18 AM — Bravo! You listened to our comments and revised the plan to address convenience and public safety. Thank you for not touching the Q49 and love the Q66 ends in LIC by the water. While I understand removing stops is an inconvenience to some, I strongly believe the faster ride that will result off-sets the negatives. Buses are the lifeline for Queens and we need increased bus service -- would love to see fares based on zones as many of us use the bus to get to local stores (weekends) and during the week to Manhattan. Should not cost the same.
5/3/2022, 4:27 AM — Dear Sir or Madam,
While I applaud many of the changes you have made to the Queens Bus Redesign, I wish to point out a few things:
I sincerely object to the change removing Q53 SBS service from Woodside. The removal of service deprives Woodside residents of a one-seat bus option to Elmhurst, which is home to two major shopping centers, a variety of local businesses (markets and restaurants along Broadway, for example), and places of worship. This is also a useful link for those coming from the LIRR who wish to access the malls or the Woodhaven area. The other alternative would be to take the IRT 7 train to Roosevelt Avenue and switch to the IND trains. This is not simple for those who use assisted mobility devices or trying to do shopping. The surface option would be for one to take the Q32 and switch to the Q63 or the combined Q52/53. Forcing a bus transfer at Jackson Heights would only add to travel time. What is needed is more service, not less. Lower ridership in the Woodside segment is in part due to the traffic conditions along Roosevelt Avenue, which should be addressed and ameliorated, and should not be an excuse to remove service entirely. In a time where the goals are to reduce congestion and auto emissions, there should be more buses.
On that note, terminating both the Q52/53 in around Jackson Heights may in fact exacerbate traffic conditions in the area, as the area is already a terminus for several bus lines. It would be more sensible to through run at least one of the bus routes, particularly to Woodside and terminate around 48th Street to give riders access to routes servicing Manhattan and Brooklyn to form a more cohesive network. (This can be accomplished by turning one of the routes onto 48th Street and then on 43rd Avenue going EB to Roosevelt Avenue, giving connections to the B53, 68, and 104.)
I would also recommend extending some local bus lines into Lower Manhattan for additional connections. This should be warranted if the premise is to provide more options for riders and to lure them away from private automobile vehicle use. For example, the Q59 or 68 could be extended across the Williamsburg Bridge, accomplishing the goal of providing ADA options to travellers with limited mobility, but create a valuable alternative to the subway especially on weekends. Similarly, you should seriously look into extending one of the bus routes that end in Astoria into Bronx, which would save riders considerable time and avoiding a roundabout route on either the M60 or the N to the IRT East Side lines.
5/3/2022, 4:59 AM — Hi there, I am frequent user of the Q23 and I was happy to see that my route will now be covered by Q73 ( Burns/Yellowstone - 71st / Qns Blvd). Also, as I reviewed westbound service I noticed that Metropolitan/Woodhaven stop is only available for the east bound service. I often connect to SBS Q53 at Metropolitan and Woodhaven, and with this new plan that would now be terribly inconvenient. I believe this stop should be added for both east and westbound service, especially for folks needing to head to the rockaways in the summer from Forest Hills via public bus. Thanks for sharing these draft plans. I hope this change can be made given the many connection points at Metropolitan/Woodhaven.
5/3/2022, 5:06 AM — What is going to happen to Q34, i didn't see it on the plan.
Thank you
5/3/2022, 5:18 AM — Please leave my QM3 bus alone, we only have 3 buses and you are planning to discontinue service, as well as reduce service on QM20, QM2 and QM32. In spite of your studies, ridership has increased because many riders are avoiding taking the subway into Manhattan. Years ago you eliminated the QM50, what are you thinking, we are not entitled to express bus service?
I think it should be mandatory for all of MTA employees to use public transportation, maybe so you would be more considerate once you have to experience the inconveniences. Instead of wasting money in rezoning studies, please use that money to give the stations proper maintenance, it would be money well spent.
5/3/2022, 5:19 AM — Hi,
I just wanted to tell you that I, as a lot of my colleagues take the bus stop at the 39 Place and Queens Blvd. I have seen Seniors from the Senior Center that take the bus there as well, and it would be terrible if you take that stop out of our way. Some of us, take a long time to get to the bus stop, and taking it out would mean that we have to walk to the other stop that it is up on the hill, about 2 or 3 blocks away.
Please do not take our stops in Queens away because we need them.
5/3/2022, 5:38 AM — Where is the Express Bus from Whitestone to LOWER MANHATTAN that was promised ?????
5/3/2022, 5:50 AM — It seems to be that there are enough houses going through Western Maspeth (which is more industrial) than eastern Maspeth. Regarding the Q67 route, People living near Maurice Park or Ridgewood Gardens (a huge apartment complex) will have a fairly difficult time getting to LIC now, the Q39 and Q47 bus are quite far. Also there is no easy way to get from Maspeth to Middle Village that doesn't require at least 15min of walking. The Old Q67 bus route that went Maurice Ave and then up 53rd Drive and the 69th St into Middle Village would much better serve as a direct link between 2 communities (Maspeth and Middle Village) which have such a big distance to any subway. Please put the Q67 bus route back on the northern side of the LIE as it has been, and then taking 69th St south towards Metropolitan Ave
5/3/2022, 7:44 AM — To eliminate the local stop non lefferts Boulevard like the one near Austin Street will be a big hardship for lot of elderly riders who use the bus to get the subway. They are not able to walk uphill to the station. This would be very bad for a lot of residents in this neighborhood
5/3/2022, 10:08 AM — On the Q18 and Q102 line, the 30ave/29st station should not be removed. That station has 3 schools and a lot of students use this station
5/3/2022, 11:19 AM — We Need an SBS bus New Rochelle LGA to JFK or at least Jamaica to connect the airports and region. It Takes 90+ minutes to Midtown GCT/42nd street now and 3 hours to CT on public transit. so many times I just drive to the airport since rideshare is over $150 from NYC to CT. An SBS bus from would be great New Rochelle to over the Whitestone bridge going to LGA & continuing to Jamaica/JFK. This suggestion would connect the region on one bus line. Currently I am forced to make several transfers from JFK to get to Connecticut AirTran e train to 7 train to metro north and is very costly. LGA is a bit easier to Harlem 125 with 60SBS bus. I feel a regional bus to new Rochelle connecting to the new Haven line would cut down on 1’000s of Uber,Lyft & taxis that have to utilize the Whitestone bridge which I do and in order to cut travel Time down. It also doesn’t help having all the out of area Uber/Lyft divers go offline which are allowed to go to the airports but cannot pick up creating 1’000s more of unessary cars on the road having to come from ct over the Whitestone bridge every day. the CT/Westchester county Uber Lyft drivers have to come back empty because they cannot pick up and are forced to drive back empty causing twice as many rideshare cars on the road which is completely unnecessary.
5/3/2022, 12:33 PM — Please extend the peak hours schedule until 9pm. The schools give us metro cards good until 8:30 pm because a lot of us travel far for school and then have afterschool activities. The q18 connects to a lot of neighnofhoods and subways as you show, so going down to every 30 minutes by 7 is a drag. There is goimg to be a large new school on Northern by 54th and there are new apartment buildings going up on 31st ave and 28th ave. People would ride a bus that ran more often.
5/3/2022, 1:56 PM — I bought my apartment because of the public transport, the bus stop ( 34th avenue 90th street)is in front of the apartment to go to the train station and also the return stop is just a street away at 34th avenue 89th street . I got difficulty to walk too long and if you remove the 34th avenue stop for Q49 is not helping me at all , especially have to walk long way from Northern Blvd at late night is not safe and very big inconvenience to me.
Please do reconsider if you can.
Thank you so much
5/3/2022, 5:44 PM — Q3 bus can work as a express for main stops
5/3/2022, 7:42 PM — Hello, Im a senior Citizen Could you Please Mail me this map you posted, I, not very computer savy, Nor do I own a printer to print it out .... If you can I would be very happy .... Thank You If it costs more tha a dollar Please Dont send for I live ss check to ss check ... so I have to watch where each dollar runs off to, God Bless You all
5/3/2022, 8:59 PM — Under this new plan residents of fresh meadows will lose their access to the F train which was previously serviced by the Q17!
How will we reach the train station now?
5/3/2022, 9:26 PM — There's been a lot of issues in South Ozone Park including delays on the Q37 route due to its cumbersome loop routing within the Resorts Casino plus the loss in the Queens Bus Network Redesign of the Rockaway Boulevard Branch of the Q10 route in which a replacement bus service is absolutely needed. The Q37 should be revised to no longer serve the Resorts World Casino and the Q37 should be spilt into two branches strictly serving South Ozone Park and not the Resorts World Casino. One Branch of the Q37 would operate along the proposed route serving both Rockway Boulevard & 135 Avenue in South Ozone Park but would no longer be serving the casino anymore and a second branch could operate straight along Rockway Boulevard from 111 Street to 130 Street or131 Street/Lincoln Street or even up to the Van Wyck Expressway or 142 Street to provide replacement bus service for the former Q10 Rockway Boulevard Branch passengers needing access to the "A" subway line or other subway and bus lines north of that point. Regarding the casino it would be a lot easier for the Q109 route to loop in and out of the casino via 109th Street (westbound direction) and 108th Street (eastbound direction) plus slightly revise the Q109 path to operate on to Rockway Boulevard between Cross Bay Boulevard and Aqueduct Road (near 108 Street). Under this plan the eastbound Q109 would be accessing the casino by traveling along Rockway Boulevard directly to Aqueduct Road and once departing the casino could then travel north along 108th Street and make a right turn at 109 Avenue to continue on its normal route to Jamaica. The westbound Q109 could travel to the casino by making a left turn at 109th Street /109th Avenue and travel to Rockway Boulevard making a right turn and travel directly into the left turning lane into the casino and departing the casino the westbound Q109 would just make a left turn at Rockway Boulevard and travel along Rockway Boulevard toward Cross Bay Boulevard. For additional bus service to the Casino Resorts World should operate a free shuttle bus service between the Lefferts Boulevard AIRTRAIN Station and the Resorts World Casino via Aqueduct Road. This would provide connections to three major bus lines Q10, B15 and Q3 routes plus also now provide free bus service to the casino for airport and airline passengers as well.
5/3/2022, 9:43 PM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
5/3/2022, 10:58 PM — The stops for the express buses on Fresh Pond Road on the QM24, QM34 & QM25 do not need to be eliminated. There is already enough distance between stops.
On the Q55 the elimination of the Centre & Seneca stops leaves too much distance between Cornelia stop and Forest Ave stop. I suggest just eliminating the Centre ave stop.
The eliminations of routes and rerouting of others will actually leave people waiting to transfer instead of a direct route. Most people in Queens are using the buses to get from one place to another within the boro which is not a train station to Manhattan.
5/4/2022, 12:08 AM — I understand that the scheduled times are not under review, but I have a comment about the description of the current service hours for the Q37 which is listed as starting at 5AM. The first bus leaving Kew Gardens-Union Turnpike in the morning is at approximately 5:50 AM. I would not consider that to be “5 AM.” Ultimately, I would hope that at least one more bus time is added to make that description more accurate. Thank you.
5/4/2022, 12:20 AM — I want to also make a comment on the logos of "MTA Bus Company". Instead of saying "MTA Bus" on the bottom it should say "Queens Division" for College Point, Baisley Park, Far Rockaway, JFK & Laguardia Depots.
Spring Creek Depot should belong to the "Brooklyn Division" and Eastchester and Yonkers Depots should belong to the "Bronx Division".
Please look into reprinting the logos.
Please reroute the proposed Q73 to Jewel Avenue West of 164 Street and absorb the Q64 route then after dropping off passengers by the 71 Avenue subway, make a right turn into the Queens Boulevard center strip and then turn left onto Yellowstone Boulevard to absorb the Southern half of the existing Q23 route ro Crescent Apartments.
Please redesignate the Q82 as Q79 to avoid confusion with the Q2 at Belmont Park. Also ,redesignate Q80 as the new Q30
Also three digit routes should be:
Q104 to Q34
Q105 to Q36
Q109 to Q64
Q111 to Q71
Q114 to Q74
Q115 to Q15
5/4/2022, 12:44 AM — The #65 bus is needed on this side of town we are 8-10 blocks away from the college point Blvd. There has been construction going on here for the last 3 years making it difficult for the bus to come down 14 th. Road and 14 th. Ave. . People have to walk up 8 blocks with cranes and other heavy equipment on the sidewalks. There are also many seniors on this side of town me included. Please don’t remove the #65 route. Very concerned.
5/4/2022, 1:00 AM — Q60 between Union Tpk and 71st Avenue: TOO MANY STOPS ARE BEING REMOVED!! There are numerous doctor's offices on this stretch of Queens Blvd (not to mention Our Lady Queen of Martyrs RC), and seniors/disabled rely on the Q60 to get to them. The proposal removes 43% of Eastbound stops, and 38% of Westbound stops on this stretch of Queens Blvd. Some of the proposed stops for removal are back-to-back, resulting in a walk of close to a mile between remaining stops. This is WAY too much for seniors or people with disabilities. And all this for, according to your own info, NO improvement between existing and proposed frequency.
The City has already forced residents to increase their reliance on bus service with their sub-optimal implementation of bike lanes. People are taking the bus more and driving less because they can no longer park near vital services. Please don't compound this mistake by reducing bus service, too!
5/4/2022, 3:06 AM — Keeping routes along Liberty Ave needs to be revised; since the ridership on those stops are low or no one takes the bus at those stops.
Also, creating droop off location will create a lot on congestion. How about creating pick up on 34th instead.
5/4/2022, 3:22 AM — Please add my name to those who are requesting an LIC Midtown Bus route.
This route would fulfill an important role extending critical transit options for older and disabled residents.
5/4/2022, 4:22 AM — The 65 bus is my commute to work for many years, changing this bus will be a inconvenience and a disaster to all of us in the area
5/4/2022, 5:57 AM — it is hard to get much of a clear picture when the area which is my eye's focus to in this city ideal is 3 separate meeting.
The bus travel which means the most to me is the "Rego Park", "Middle Village", "Elmhurst" area.
How come that is the very corner of the world that is not part of any day's topic? A bus that takes no person anywhere will impede travel.
So far, only the Q38 seemed to be still as useful. I am glad to it is, as well as the new bus line that will be the other half of what was formerly the Q38 line. Finding more has been more complicated then it should be.
5/4/2022, 7:10 AM — Hi, to whom it may concern,
Hope everything is doing well with you.
Please keep Q29 bus and its schedule, this is a very important bus route for my daily basis because I live in Middle Village and work in Glendale. The cancellation of Q29 would cause countless troubles to me, and I would need to spend more hours on commute every day. It would be greatly appreciate that if Q29 bus can be kept. Thank you for your time reading me massage.
Warmest regards
5/4/2022, 10:42 AM — To straighten the Q58 route (and the new Q98 route) in Ridgewood have southbound buses on Fresh Pond Rd turn right onto Woodbine St instead of Putnam Av. Once Woodbine St reaches St Nicolas Av, the buses can turn right onto St Nicolas Av and left on Palmetto St. Once they reach Myrtle Av, the buses can turn left and terminate on the corner of Myrtle Av and Wyckoff Av, where there is an entrance to the Myrtle-Wyckoff Av subway station. Eastbound buses can start their trips from there and turn left onto Madison Av. They could continue along Madison Av to Fresh Pond Rd, where they would join the existing route. There is no need for the buses to follow the path of the M train exactly. This new alignment would shift the buses over two short blocks, bringing them farther from where I currently live. However, with the shorter route, I'm sure the buses will run more reliably and faster.
5/4/2022, 11:27 AM — Our Cooperative, Residents, Immediate neighbors will be negatively affected by proposed cutting of Express Bus Service Stop at 108th St/62nd Drive. With addition of three new buildings, scheduled to open in 2022 the potential to increase ridership at this location exponentially increases.
Thank you for the consideration.
5/4/2022, 9:01 PM — Please do not change the route for the q 101. I use this bus to commute to Manhattan every week . I have used this bus for commuting to work for over 20 years . The subway into Manhattan does not work well for me because of knee arthritis .
Thank you for your time .
5/4/2022, 9:51 PM — The Q24 should still terminate at Archer Av-Merrick Blvd via Jamaics Av, right onto Merrick Blvd, left onto Archer Av then left onto 168 St
5/4/2022, 10:28 PM — Changing the first stop on the QM42 (and QM12) to be on Yellowstone and Juno is a not well thought out idea. There is no easy access to that area for people to get to the bus stop except by walking. You cannot take the Q54 or Q23 or any local bus to the stop. It would make much more sense for it to either start on Woodhaven and Metropolitan or even better would be 71st Avenue and Metropolitan and go down metropolitan to Woodhaven up to Yellowstone. I take the 7:20am QM42 everyday at 71st avenue and Metropolitan, and I am disabled. I cannot easily walk to where the new stop would be, and there are too many stairs for me to take the subway, not to mention all the violence and germs. There are also 8 other people I know between my stop and Juno that would be cut out of the route. Several people either take the Q23 or the Q54 and get off to take the express bus at the current first stop. Changing the first stop cuts about 3 minutes off the route while causing immense difficulty for myself and several other people including a woman with cancer and an elderly woman who intends to work til the day she dies. It also makes very little sense as the bus will still have to travel down metropolitan to get to the location of the new first stop, so it would just be going right past paying customers and not stopping for any logically thought out reason. I hope you would be able to give it some more thought and at least add the first stop at Metropolitan and 71st, then down to Metropolitan and Woodhaven, followed by the turn on to Yellowstone. It's a much more cohesive route and does the loyal passengers justice.
5/4/2022, 10:37 PM — This new plan eliminates a lot of the stops that locals and especially the elderly rely on. It makes them walk farther and have to transfer more than once in some cases. Please dont implemement this new plan.
5/4/2022, 11:30 PM — Hi, I live in rego park and forest hills area for over 21 years, but there is never a direct bus line going from this area to flushing. I believe with the growing population of Asian community in Queens, there should be a few bus lines set up or rerouted between these two areas.
The benefits will be tremendous:
1. it will decrease the traffic congestion in these two areas especially Flushing where the main street just banned all the private cars
2. beneficial to the environment, where more people will start to take buses going to flushing instead of driving their own cars
3. increase the revenue to the MTA
4. convenient to the elderly who doesn't drive
please consider this route to create a direct connection between two populous areas and this will be beneficial to all parties and the environment.
5/4/2022, 11:46 PM — I reside in the Rockaways in which it is very difficult to Travel off and on the Island by way of Public Transportation. I would like to see Express buses running all day Monday thru Friday and also on the weekends. The limited time frames for Express Bus service in the Rockaways is an inconvenience. Other areas of Queens have Express Bus Service running all day Monday - Friday and weekends as well. Why are we so short changed, and unremembered. The Q52 Limited Bus doesn't come frequently enough and the Busses are always crowded. When it was first implemented the Bus left from Beach 67th street Station as a first stop. Once it expanded as far back as Beach 59th Street ridership increased, but not the Bus Service. The Q22 has way to many people with Disabilities whom are in Wheelchairs, are bringing Large size Shopping Karts, and Strollers on a already crowded Bus. This situation is an accident waiting to happen. During Hurricane Sandy the MTA provided us with unclean Buses that dated back from the 50's. We were in a horrible situation and the Bus Service provided wasn't enough. Bottom line the Rockaways has far to long been neglected.
5/5/2022, 1:08 AM — re: the MTA’s Proposed Removal of Q23’s 68th Ave bus stop on 108th St ‘to improve speed & reliability’.
In the Spring or Fall, the extra 3-block walk to the 67th or 69th Ave bus stops would not be a hardship, due to the mild weather.
However, carrying packages in the hot, humid months of the Summer or the cold, snowy days of the Winter, might make the extra walking an undue burden, especially for senior citizens.
I strongly urge you to eliminate this bus stop removal from your proposed re-design of the Queens Bus Network.
5/5/2022, 4:36 AM — Please do not eliminate stops along queens blvd for the Q60. These are essential for many people in the neighborhood who rely on the local bus. Please keep the route as is (ie. Don't remove queens blvd/ascan ave stop).
5/5/2022, 6:35 AM — 1. It would be nice if there were a bus that ran between the 71 Ave station in Forest Hills to somewhere near Yellowstone Blvd and Alderton Street or Woodhaven Blvd. The proposed Q73 won't be too helpful. Like the current Q23, it seems to end on Union Tpke, where riders would have to get off and wait for the next bus before returning to Metropolitan Ave. There are many Rego Park residents who prefer to take express trains at 71 Ave instead of local trains at Woodhaven Blvd. We live about a mile from the 71 Ave station, which should be a short bus ride, but it's a longish walk. Some of us end up catching cabs from the station if it's late. Commuters who catch the LIRR at the Forest Hills station would also appreciate a bus that takes them from Rego Park to Forest Hills.
2. It seems like the Q53 Express bus will no longer connect with the LIRR stop in Woodside, which seems like a shame.
3. Can the restaurant shacks that were put on Austin Street, Forest Hills be take down now? They severely block traffic and slow down buses.
5/5/2022, 7:04 AM — Qns blvd and Queens Plaza E has a dangerous bus stop when heading into Manhattan. It is for the Q32 and Q 60. Alot of oeolle transfer for the E train there. There are about 3 feet to stand between the bridge traffic and the bike lane, which has a ton of users, many of them motorized. (Are motorized bikes allowed?)I feel so unsafe standing there, but if I move back away from the stop, i cannot see if the bus is coming. Something should be reconfigured.
5/5/2022, 7:45 AM — We really could use a bus that takes us from Forest Hills to Flushing, thank you for your consideration!
5/5/2022, 12:06 PM — Please reconsider Q27 end/begin stop at Union Turnpike or Hillside Ave instead of 69th Ave for easier transfer point. Thank you.
5/5/2022, 3:22 PM — The proposed route changes for the Q60 and the Q72 eliminate connections to the 63rd Drive station in Rego Park. Many elderly people in Rego Park use the Q60 to travel from 63rd Drive to the Queens Center Mall. They will no longer be able to do by bus.
The Q72 also serves as a means for many elderly people to travel to government offices in Lefark City. This access is being removed from them. In addition, the route provides easy access for residents of Rego Park to the airport. Under your proposal people would have to transfer to a subway and take it one stop to a nonADA compliant station to complete the trip or cross a major thoroughfare to take a second bus, the Q60, to a stop that is several blocks away from 63rd Drive, or take a cab. Many people also use the bus to go to the Rego Center Mall which is no longer on the bus’ route.
Your proposal is making public transit less accessible to people rather than more accessible.
5/5/2022, 7:32 PM — Please don not remove Q88 for my job and Q30 for my daughter’s school please please
Thank you so much
5/5/2022, 9:41 PM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
5/5/2022, 10:58 PM — I think the redesigning of the buses here in college point are ridiculous.
How are we supposed to get around?
And now your taking my only way to get to the supermarket away
I live om the q65 route .
I'm asking you to reconsider
5/5/2022, 11:00 PM — Removing the local bus stops on 72nd Drive west and Ascan Avenue east will make public transportation for seniors less accessible. It does not make it easy for a person with a walker or cane to lose bus stops. The 72nd Drive bus stop is a covered stop. The subway stop on 75th is inaccessible. You are taking away transportation from seniors in a large senior community.
5/5/2022, 11:31 PM — I frequently take the Q10 to go into the city. I sometimes wait up to 10-20 minutes for a bus to head towards Kew Gardens during off-peak hours. I don't agree with the removal of bus stops which makes it hard for those who can't walk far and combining the Q64 & Q10. I am worried having the bus go to onto Queens Blvd to go to Pomonok will make me wait longer to get home as Kew Gardens always has long lines for the bus. Please keep our bus line as it is and listen to us customers!
5/5/2022, 11:39 PM — MTA said they would make the Jamaica Avenue a priority corridor to reduce traffic. I think you should have the Q55 go down Hillside Avenue to make it's last stop 179 street to connect with the F line instead of the proposed route. The bus has a long way to go back to Brooklyn and this bus and the Q54 needs to have a schedule that compliment each other. Having the bus go further into Jamaica will add to longer wait times.
5/6/2022, 12:06 AM — I’m hoping to change your minds on the redesigning of the buses in college point .
This is my only way to the dr and shopping.
I relied on the buses .
5/6/2022, 12:44 AM — Concerning the q73 redesign. On it's western route the bus should turn on Nansen St instead of Loubet st. This would give the many passengers who live on the south side of Metropolitan Ave a much shorter walk to their residences. Thanks for the consideration of the change.
5/6/2022, 5:30 AM — This draft is a significant improvement on the first, and I am generally happy with it. While my connection to the Steinway Street shopping district (via the Q101) will unfortunately be removed, the newly extended Q50 will provide actually reliable service to Flushing, and the Q69 will finally reach the parts of Long Island City I enjoy going to. I am a bit confused by the unusual stop spacing proposed on this map, especially for the Q19 and Q69, but hopefully stops can be evened-out long-term so that riders aren't concentrated at one stop or another. I also hope that the MTA addresses the problem of "disappearing buses," or scheduled bus runs that do not happen for no reason at all. This has long been an issue in Astoria, and especially on the Q69 and M60, even during off-peak hours.
5/6/2022, 5:45 AM — Extend Q77 to Green Acres Mall. The Hillside Avenue corridor deserves direct access to the mall. We have direct access to Roosevelt Field so why can't we have access to Green Acres?
Please keep the Q10 between JFK Airport and Union Turnpike station.
Reroute the Q73: when operating Westbound along 73 Avenue, turn right onto 164 Street, left onto Jewel Avenue absorbing the Q64.
Please keep the Q1 and Q6 as separate routes. The Q1 should remain unchanged and the Q6 should operate from Sutphin--Hillside station to JFK Cargo Plaza. The Q40 should be rerouted to 165 St.Terminal.
New routes Q45 Q51, Q57 and Q73 should be based at Queens Village Depot.
Q17, Q26, Q27, should be based at Casey Stengel Depot. Also base the Q66 at Casey Stengel Depot.
5/6/2022, 8:03 AM — The new redesign of the Q23 does a grave disservice to Forest Hills residents. Many students and older residents take the Q23 from Forest Hills (south of Queens blvd) to Halsey Middle School, to the Commonpoint Y, to doctor's offices, to the hospital north of Queens Blvd. According to this redesign, residents this area now have to take 2 separate buses, with two separate schedules, just to go 2 miles to school/doctor/Y? Ridiculous. Please amend this. This is so ill-considered and unpopular among residents it will receive nothing but pushback.
5/6/2022, 8:25 AM — As someone who was raised in College Point and whose whole family lives in College Point, I think it is extremely important to not make totally confusing and unnecessary changes to a bus system that needs improvement. I do not believe that the bus service will improve by changing the numbers of 25 and 65 to 17 and 27, respectively. It is only confusing for those of us who have lived here for more than twenty years. It would not be hyperbolic to say that those numbers are iconic, they are numbers that are part of our history and that of NYC.
5/6/2022, 11:27 PM — What about the rest of us frop Union Turnpike to Jamaica through 188th Street and Hillside avenue ?
5/7/2022, 12:08 AM — The new Q48 should be extended to North Shore Towers via Union Turnpike, left onto 260 Street, right onto Little Neck Parkway, right onto Grand Central Parkway to North Shore Towers.
This will provide North Shore Towers and Glen Oaks Village residents.24/7 service.
5/7/2022, 12:10 AM — The changes you suggest would be very advantageous to me, as it would allow me a single bus almost door-to-door ride from my home to my job in College Point. Instead of taking the Q16 to the Q20, I could take the Q31 from bayside straight to College Point. The extended hours would be very helpful when taking the Jamaica Air Train. We prefer to take the Q31 to Sutphin Blvd in Jamaica to catch the air train to JFK. But the Q31 currently doesn't run in the early and late hours. Extending the hours would save us a lot of money in cab fare.
I like the plan for the Q31.
Thank you.
5/7/2022, 4:52 AM — As part of the Queens Bus Network Redesign Plan in Downtown, Jamaica a passenger still won't be able to transfer between the Q4, Q5, Q83, Q84, Q85, Q86 (Southeastern Queens) routes and the Q2, Q3, Q76, Q77, Q82 routes as the second set of routes come from the east and terminate at the 165th Street Terminal before connecting with the other routes, however it should be noted that the Q77 and Q3 already transfer to those other routes as those two routes also come from Southeastern Queens as well leaving just the Q82, Q2 and Q76 routes to actually be mostly concerned about. To correct this some thought should be given to extending the Q82 route to Lefferts Blvd./Liberty Avenue via Parsons Blvd., Archer Avenue, Sutphin Blvd., Atlantic Avenue, 121st Street(w/b) or Lefferts Blvd.(w/b)/Lefferts Blvd.(e/b). Only four additional stops would be needed to provide super limited Q82 service which would provide speedy bus service between the Lefferts Blvd. "A" Line Station and Downtown, Jamaica as well as between the Lefferts Blvd. "A line Station and the UBS arena. Additional bus stops would only be needed at Parsons Blvd./Hillside Avenue, Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue, Sutphin Blvd./Archer Avenue and Liberty Avenue/Lefferts Blvd. Depending upon available terminal space at Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue the Q2, Q76 route and possibly even the Q77 routes should terminate at Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue rather than 165th Street Terminal.
With all of the open space then available at 165th Street Terminal (if some or all of the above route changes are implemented) other bus routes coming from the west such as the Q24, Q109, Q54, and Q44SBS routes including possibly the Q20 & Q60 routes as well (See other suggested changes later) could all instead terminate at 165th Street Terminal. The Q109 would just travel east from Hillside Avenue/Parsons Blvd. to Merrick Blvd. and making a right turn to access the 165th Street Terminal. The Q109 could also provide (via a three-legged transfer) access between the Q111, Q114 & Q115 routes and the NICE routes N6, N6X, N22, N24 or the routes from the west such as the Q8, Q9, Q24, Q54, Q44SBS, Q20 & Q60 if some of those routes are also modified. Please note most bus routes coming from the west (such as the Q24, Q109, Q54, Q44SBS, Q20 & Q60 routes) need accessibility to 165th Street Terminal in order for those routes to transfer with the NICE buses N6, N6X, N22, N24 routes, however please note NYCT routes coming from the east usually could transfer to and from Nice buses along various points along Hillside Avenue (N1, N6, N6X,N22 N24 routes) or at 165th Street Terminal or at various points along Merrick Blvd. or at Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue (N4, N4X) routes. Please also note passengers coming from routes from the south along Merrick Blvd. could use the Q25 route to transfer near Jamaica Avenue/165th Street(s/b) 165th Street/Archer Avenue(n/b) to NICE buses at the 165th Street Terminal. Also the Q55 &Q56 routes (which also come from the west) may still be able to transfer with the NICE bus routes (N6,N6X,N22 N24) at 179th Street/Hillside Avenue if those two routes are also extended further east to that point via Jamaica Avenue, 179th Place(e/b) or 178th Street (e/b) to Hillside Avenue as suggested in a previous e-mail (concerning compatible changes to the Q57 route) so these two routes may not be needed to terminate at 165th Street Terminal even though they are coming from the west.
As mentioned briefly earlier consideration should also be given to revise the path of the Q60 route to operate further east along Jamaica Avenue to 165th Street Terminal for more transfer accessibility to this Manhattan route for those that cannot take subways to Manhattan plus in Manhattan the Q60 route should be extended to 59th Street Columbus Circle as well for increased transfer accessibility. To provide bus service to 157th Street/109th Avenue South Jamaica the Q31 route and/or the Q43 routes should be extended f
5/7/2022, 7:20 AM — Thank you for considering and revising several of the original 2020 proposals. That said, we want to use our cars less often but, instead of providing better service, there is still inadequate transportation for our area in NE Queens. It shouldn’t only be about local bus routes & connections to subways. Express buses are the best means of transportation for many, especially seniors & handicapped. We go to Manhattan to work, see shows, attend concerts, have lunch/dinner, tour museums, to medical appointments, and even to sightsee. We want to enjoy our city, but this proposal for some Express buses makes us feel not welcome in our own city. We can come to terms with certain revisions, but there are several that would make it that much more difficult for too many of us. For example,
~ Without a dedicated Express bus lane on the LIE, travel time could become untenable. Provisions are needed for dedicated lanes in both directions, at the very least during peak morning & evening hours.
~ QM2. Weekday mid-day service intervals proposed at 60 minute instead of 30 is unacceptable. It is already stressful waiting for off-peak express buses. You never know when there will be a no-show - and this happens OFTEN. With this proposal, if one bus doesn’t show, your wait is 2 hours. Weekend service intervals every 90 minutes instead of 60 IS ENTIRELY UNACCEPTABLE. I have lived in other cities in the US and abroad, and none have longer than 60-minute waits for any means of public transportation. This is NYC – capital of the world!
~ QM20. Mid-day service on Weekdays and all Weekend service eliminated. What are the options? How many times have we relied on the QM20 when the QM2 was missing, and vice versa?
Many of these proposals are based on supposed low ridership - but when was that calculated? I've only experienced that during the pandemic. After 2 years of Covid we're trying to get back to some type of normalcy, but some of these proposals will keep us home or in our cars.
The subject continues to be upsetting. I hope our feedback will be used to reconsider some of the current draft proposals.
Thank you.
5/7/2022, 7:37 AM — DON'T CHAMGE ROUTES!!!
5/7/2022, 8:15 AM — As a bus operator home college point I could more happy,I been pray that a long time;but those changes are very good for a bus operator point of views .This is the first time that NYCT is doing something that making so happy; specially Qm5 ,Qm6 and Qm1
5/7/2022, 10:19 AM — Please do not change the q64 bus route/line.
Too many people already utilize this route in the morning. Picking up people along the proposed route would not allow those of us who live near 141st street to even get on the bus in the morning. The buses would be arriving here packed to capacity. Let alone people near park drive east.
Please consider the amount of people who get on the bus from Main Street to park drive east in the morning.
5/7/2022, 2:52 PM — Pls keep the stops on the Q64. Many people work at the Joint Industry Board which is at the Parsons Blvd stop and many live along the current route.
5/7/2022, 8:20 PM — Please don't eliminate all of the Q23 stops from Metropolitan Ave in Forest Hills to Queens Blvd. You're making it hard for Senior Citizens to get around.
5/8/2022, 2:31 AM — When the MTA announced its intention to route buses down our block several years ago, the community comment meeting was packed with people complaining that it would adversely affect everything from congestion, to noise, to air pollution. Our worst fears were soon realized and still persist. From 7 to 9 or later in the morning and 4 to 7 or later in the evening, the block is bumper-to-bumper with buses and cars. There are frequently 5 or 6 buses in a row, many in poor states of repair, with noisy brakes and electric starters and a lot of exhaust. Both the current and proposed plan show 2 bus lines on our street (75th St. bet. 35th and 37th): the Q47 and Q49. But "out of service" or deadhead buses are also routed here and often comprise a significant amount of the traffic.
The larger problem is the traffic on 37th Ave. and connecting streets with their many markets and double-parking delivery trucks and cars. For years there's been talk of a traffic plan that was going to make 37th a one-way street, to help with the congestion, but this was never enacted. As it exists now, traffic rules are not enforced, and are probably unenforceable, despite the number of ticketing agents deployed. Delivery trucks, including 18 wheel tractor-trailers, regularly block one lane of 37th to make their deliveries.
The intersection of 37th and 75th, in spite of the addition of an additional traffic light and multiple adjustments, is still a quagmire during rush hours. One of the main problems for our block, where the traffic is constantly clogged during these periods, with angry drivers and incessant honking, is that there is a bus stop on the corner of 75th, just across 37th (as buses head south). Many times during the day, including morning and evening rush hours, trucks and cars park in the bus stop, forcing the buses to stop in the middle of the street, which halts southbound traffic completely. When this happens it's not unusual for no more than 2 or 3 vehicles to be able to cross the intersection on each light. I've talked with traffic enforcement agents about this, who say there is nothing more they can do than ticket the offending vehicles, usually delivery trucks, which they admit has no effect on the problem. The cost of traffic tickets has long been part of the cost of doing business in NYC, and the city has apparently decided that actually enforcing critical parking rules with readily available tow trucks, which is the only thing, in my opinion, that will change behavior, is not politically viable.
In the meantime everyone suffers, and our block, which used to be quite lovely and livable, has been turned into traffic hell for large parts of the day. Last year the city installed a new type of No Parking zone in front of our building (at 3535 75th St.) and elsewhere, meant to alleviate traffic congestion by providing a space for the ever increasing delivery services and car services. This is an excellent idea and has been very helpful, but it's very poorly enforced. I regularly file 311 complaints about the cars that park here for hours or days, especially handicap permits, which are not allowed in such zones. More often than not, traffic agents are misinformed about handicap permits and refuse to ticket such vehicles until I contact their superiors. Between lack of enforcement and the ignorance or unwillingness to enforce the rules, it feels like a losing battle.
As long as an overall, more intelligent plan for this neighborhood (with additional one-way corridors, etc.) is not enacted, traffic regulations must be better enforced, with even more agents. Other streets, namely 76th St. between 35th and 37th, should share the burden of bus lines, and no residential street should have more than 1.
5/8/2022, 5:20 AM — I am very dissatisfied that the Q23 will no longer travel to Union Typk. near the Crescent Apts. nor will it travel to Woodhaven Blvd/Metropolitan Avenues. For years I have relied on this bus route for shopping and to get to Forest Park. This will now necessitate transferring to an additional bus. I will be forced to consider buying a car-- adding to traffic congestion and air pollution. This is not acceptable!!
5/8/2022, 5:25 AM — I have relied on the Q88 to travel to Cunningham and Alley Pond Parks. Unfortunately, this proposed route change will necessitate taking two buses to get to those destinations.
I am against the proposed change to this bus route. Traveling by car (which would mean buying one first), would only add to traffic congestion and air pollution- that would be an unsatisfactory solution.
5/8/2022, 7:36 AM — To whom it may concern
I have been living and using the Queens bus lines since I was 15 years old. I looked over the proposed Queens Bus lines, and there is a lot of feedback I would like to give in regards to some of the particular lines that directly affect me and other commuters. I am unable to make any of the zoom meetings with the community boards, so I am leaving my feedback here.
General Bus Plan Concern
The Overall concern that I have noticed about most of the new proposed lines have wait times of 8 minutes or more. Realistically, that translates to a 10-20 minute extra wait time meaning that most bus passengers will have to leave even earlier in order to make it to work in time, or will be late to appointments or child care pickup because the bus was delayed. That is unacceptable considering the makeup of the Queens population using buses exceeds ridership in the other boroughs because we do not have subway transit that spreads out throughout the borough. All I see with the new bus plans is that the stops will be filled with more riders, which will delay the busses being on time, and delay commuters to their destinations.
Proposed Q10 Concern.
I am concerned about the removal of the Jewel Avenue and 136th Street bus stop, but keeping Jewel Avenue and 138th street stop. The design doesn't make sense. Typically, there is more pedestrian traffic at Jewel Avenue and 136th street compared to Jewel/138th street. More passengers wait at 136th Street for the bus than at 138th, AND most importantly, there is a traffic light and crosswalk at Jewel Ave and 136th street where there is not a crosswalk at Jewel and 138th Street. By removing the Jewel and 136th street bus stop, you are forcing pedestrians to cross Jewel Avenue in the middle of rush hour traffic to the Southbound side in the morning, and to cross from the northbound side of the avenue in the evening, leaving a dangerous situation for bus passengers trying to catch and exit the buses and drivers using Jewel Ave in both directions.
Proposed Q73 Concern.
I am concerned about the route in general. The bus travelling on 73rd avenue in both directions, turning onto Jewel Avenue from Main street as well as turning onto Austin Street will cause endless traffic that will make it impossible for pedestrians and drivers alike to maneuver around central Queens. I happened to have witnessed an out of service Q64vbus make the turn from Main Street onto Jewel Avenue during a practice run at 1:30 pm. When the bus stopped, there were at least 4-5 cars trapped in the intersection southbound, eastbound and westbound. The cars couldn't move until the bus cleared the Jewel Avenue Main Street bus stop, and this was during off peak hours. During rush hour, the backlog of traffic will double or triple.
5/8/2022, 8:37 AM — I am very upset to see that the Q50 bus is planned to be discontinued on weekends. I have depended on that bus for over 50 years and now that bus is vital for me to visit my elderly parents. I take that bus every sunday midafternoon with a lot of other people Even if would go midweek, the Q50 is not running during the middle of the day. This is the only bus going into Co-op City. To eliminate this bus is a real deservice to those of us that depend on this bus. Alternate buses are not practical , as they would take me more than 2 hours to travel . I already transfer buses to get to Co-p City frm my address in Queens. Please save this bus for those of us that are not commuters for work, but deend on this bus for visiting our families and other reasons.
5/8/2022, 9:01 AM — I wrote in the past about QM8, QM7 and QM5 buses. Here are my additional comments.
It feels like we are starting from scratch. All of the heads of the MTA I spoke to directly at the meetings precovid have now left the agency— including Andy Byford?, Patrick Foye and Mark Holmes. I told them my concerns in email and in person.
These virtual meetings I am told are not as effective for getting our concerns across! And not well publicized either!! Many seniors who I spoke to didn’t understand the implications of these proposals or realize that they will be changing bus routes and frequency.
?Glen Oaks and Fresh Meadows bus routes have always gone hand in hand to have more options for NE commuters. The new plan will make that all go away because transfer points are being eliminated and stops removed!! Will make it really difficult for Express bus commuters! And weirdly combining forest hills (which is congested to begin with) with Glen Oaks!
The increased times between buses is outrageous. Currently we get notifications about less buses running on a daily basis. And the notification system tells us at last minute or sometimes we don’t even get notifications! How can anyone reliably get to work and appointments? And the city wants private businesses to bring back their staff to NYC offices?!?!
I was recently told by the mta customer service via twitter to use the subway and transfer to a midtown QM5 bus when a QM8 didn’t show at night! The subways are unsafe right now.
There will no longer be the Chevy Chase transfer point under this plan. So for example, in AM I should be able to take the QM5 (Glen oaks) and transfer to QM7 (fresh meadows) or take QM7 and transfer to QM5 in PM. With this plan this would be impossible and an unacceptable to all commuters. The MTA says this is due to redundancy. But if a bus doesn’t show up we need options between Fresh meadows & Glen oaks to still get to where we need to on time!!
1000 % Awful- right now there are super express QM8 buses in the evening. I do not see anywhere on the proposal where these three super popular buses are listed!! They were always packed every night and commuters would get in line early to get these buses! So if this is not part of the plan our evening commutes would INCREASE! We would have to go through the congested downtown loop!
This is another bus that eliminates union turnpike stops & Chevy chase transfer point.
This is a long commute already and the proposal INCREASES times between buses!
And adds an NYU stop!
All the QM5 union turnpike stops are being eliminated. For rerouting!
Like I said above: The increased times between buses is outrageous!! Currently we get notifications about less buses running on a daily basis. How can anyone reliably get to work and appointments?
And unbelievably the Sat and Sun service of the QM5 will be increased from 60 min frequency to 90min!!! Imagine if a bus doesn’t show?!?!
On QM7 the frequency is increasing from 11 minutes to 26! Again unacceptable!
Why are they taking away ability to transfer between the Fresh Mesdows to Glen oaks line but adding 6 stops in Forest Hills which is congested and in an entirely different area of Queens which has much, much more access to transportation ( local & express buses, subways and LIRR) !? And then adding a Stop at NYU too?
5/8/2022, 8:48 PM — Hi,
I am a senior citizen who lives on [REDACTED] in one of the many apartment buildings behind the Queens courthouse. I do not want to see the Q46 stop removed at 135th Street. I use this stop very frequently to go to my part time job east on Union Turnpike past Utopia to supplement my Social Security to pay for the high cost of Medicare and just to try to make ends meet. For me, and I’m sure others in the area, this would cause a major inconvenience.
If I’m understanding the proposal correctly, this stop, the one before it, and the one after it would be eliminated leaving the only place to get the Q46 is at Queens Blvd. and 78th and Union Tpke. just east of Main Street; that’s a far walk. Why is it that the people who need these stops the most are being forgotten and inconvenienced? Also, by removing the westbound stops at Union Tpke. at 185th, 183rd, and 179th (I use this stop often and which is conveniently located by many stores and restaurants) you are creating so much overcrowding. It’s frustrating enough as an older person to have to try to maintain balance while standing and to do it on a packed bus. As it is, you frequently state that you run as many buses/trains as possible with “the staff you have” and there’s overcrowding now. What will happen to the overcrowding when you cut stops? As a matter of fact, just recently, I got on the westbound bus at 179th around 6:00 PM after waiting quite a while during rush hour and it was extremely crowded, no seats. We went a few stops when a wheelchair person wanted to get on. The driver asked if they would wait for the next bus which was empty but they would not. This would have been okay except for the fact that this man was unfortunately maybe homeless, had many dirty bags, and smelled absolutely disgusting, putting everyone at risk for maybe COVID, bed bugs, or who knows what else and the driver wouldn’t let us out the back door while he helped the wheelchair person because he said the empty bus already passed.
I implore you, please leave these stops alone. The Q46 is the only option to navigate Union Turnpike from Queens Blvd. to LIJ hospital (from which I just recently took the bus back from the emergency room there). I really don’t understand why the route is being split with a Q48 – let’s make it even more inconvenient by taking away stops and, I think, having people switch buses to get to, essentially, the same place as now and to add something we don’t really need….!?
Thank you for your consideration.
5/8/2022, 9:17 PM — Please don’t remove q47 from Middle Village. This will affect many young students, elderly and adult that needs to got to work.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
5/8/2022, 11:41 PM — Today I took the QM10 at 630 and it was full. We are also going to get a giant complex with thousands of people moving in right on 108 Street and 62nd Dr. the building is complete and people are set to move in with in the next two months. People are going back to work in the office every day at least 20 people are on the bus and the Qm 12 is full as well why are we deleting the QM10? Please do not get rid of the QM10. I am a nyc teacher and do not drive.
5/9/2022, 5:01 AM — Hi sir / madam I’m concerning about bus stop infront of our business which peoples blocking our entrance throwing garage also some peoples were very violence ! Pls help
5/9/2022, 5:40 AM — Please leave stops at Springfield Blvd and 75th Ave, and 73rd Ave and 220th St, I don't see any buses stop there.
5/9/2022, 7:04 AM — There is a correction needed on page 41 and 42 of the Queens Bus Network Redesign Plan the Report regarding the Proposed Local Route Frequency & Plan Changes (weekdays only*) listing. Bus route Q62 and its information was not listed. Also, on the Queens Bus Network Redesign Plan System Map there is an error on a street name which now lists Union Street instead of Ulmer Street. This error is located where the Q17 operates within the College Point neighborhood.
5/9/2022, 8:24 AM — Why are there no posters about the Queens Bus Redesign on buses in my community. Those lines are QM21, Q111, Q113, Q114, Q85. Our community needs to know about the changes coming their way and how it will affect them. You are neglecting a mostly minority community. Our communities need to be involved in the conversations that will affect their commute and livelihoods.
5/9/2022, 8:51 AM — We need sheltered Bus Stops along Sixth Ave. With the new proposal it seems buses are going to take longer to come especially weekends and it will be very helpful to have a bench to sit down and wait for the bus, especially at night. Thank you!
5/9/2022, 11:12 AM — The buses MTA should be more patience with the people because the people needs time to go down from the bus every body needs time to go down or to board and take a sit, for me I am feeling that I am going to fall, every time I that I board the bus is same for me, and I see happen also women and men. Please do something about to get aware the driver they have people on board no chickens.
Specially Q49 line they full the bus even if we still have COVID in the country
Thank you so much for this space to share our very worries.
5/9/2022, 7:24 PM — Eliminating the QM10 would send many of us no choice but to take the QM18 which will make that bus severely crowded as it would be the only bus from 6ave mid town that would go to Rego Park Queens Blvd at 63rd drive.
5/9/2022, 8:58 PM — It looks like the QM10 Express Bus Line will be discontinued? How will the working people of Lefrak City and the surrounding area get to Mid-town? The express bus is a good commute for people who are too scared to ride the trains now with all of the crime happening! How far will we have to walk to find an express bus. Please do not eliminate the the QM10 Express Bus it is a much needed line!!
5/9/2022, 9:03 PM — Is very important to keep Q29,is a convenience transportation for our Community, is time to raise our voice and tell MTA,must be consult with our Community before changes that can affect ,specially the places that can have acces by bus only,
5/9/2022, 10:20 PM — Hoping to keep same stops! Without much
Qm2 is my bus, wish l use frequently within the week, as well on weekends!
5/9/2022, 10:55 PM — hello
i take the QM10 every day, please do not get rid of it, when i take the QM12, there are no seats, so the 12 is not an option for me. Please keep the QM10. also, so many new buildings have gone up on 108 street, they will also take the QM10.
5/10/2022, 12:57 AM — The proposed redesign of the Q31 bus cuts out an entire community in Bayside and as far as I can see there are no buses that will serve that area. I take the Q31 to and from the Bayside LIRR Station on Bell Blvd to get to work. I also use it to get to Bell Blvd to access the stores between 35th Avenue and Northern Blvd. (Neptune Diner, Doctors office, Citibank, Artistique Hair Salon, The French Workshop, CVS etc.) It is too far to walk, especially with packages.
I gave up trying to drive and park anywhere near Bell Blvd. There is no reliable parking anywhere especially when you are trying to catch a train. The last time I tried (10 years ago) I had to park so far away from the station, I was almost back home. And what about all the kids going to Bayside High School or to Raymond O'connor Park?
There are a lot more people in their 60's and 70's having to keep on working to pay bills. This change will make it impossible for them to get around. In the redesign it says that the discontinued segment will be served by the Q 27, 78, 13 and 28. No it won't. There are no buses that travel west of Bell Blvd or east of Utopia Pkwy. I would have to take the Q13 all the way to Bay Terrace and then the Q28 back around to where I live (even that stop is being removed.) which would take me the better part of an hour, rather than taking the Q31 for ten minutes. And not to mention a lot more walking and stairs.
Traveling in the other direction, the Q31 takes you to other stores like Marino's on Utopia Pkwy, St. Mary's Cemetery, Union Tpke to transfer to the Q46 to the Kew Gardens Court (jury duty) or to Sutphin Blvd for the Queens County Courts or going east to LIJ Hospital. There is no parking anywhere around the courts, so you would really be out in the cold. Also it's the only way to get to the LIRR in Jamaica to travel east without having to go all the way west to Woodside and come back east again. That makes no sense.
There would be no other way to get there without walking all the way to Utopia Parkway to the new route for the Q31 (at least 10 - 12 blocks) or again, taking several buses and waiting for transfers. Taking the Q31 out of an entire area leave us in the lurch and makes it so much more difficult. Please rethink this move and keep some kind of service in that area. Please...
5/10/2022, 2:05 AM — I would suggest that that the MTA Queens 69 bus be extended to pass Vaughn College (86-01 23rd Avenue, East Elmhurst). The suggested route below would assist students who use mass transit to access the campus.
The q69 extends to and from long Island city and ends at 82 street and Astoria Blvd.
My suggestion is that the eastbound Q69 route from LIC along Ditmars Blvd. turn left onto 23rd Avenue and pass the FEDEX, King's Inn Family Center, Korean Church, Budget car rental and Vaughn College and then turn right on 94th Street permitting easy transfer to the Q72 which goes to Corona and Queen's Blvd .
At Astoria Blvd. the q69 route would then turn right onto Astoria Blvd, passing the Buccaneer, Walgreens, McDonald's and 7-11 returning to continue its current route on Astoria Blvd.
Modifying the 82 street transfer from the Q69 to the M60 to the King's Inn would be eased thereby assisting the disabled. None of the other existing transfers would be lost. Another advantage of the modification would permit a transfer between the Q69 and the F train at 21st street, thereby letting students from Manhattan and Brooklyn avoid Jackson Heights.
I believe our neighbors listed above would support the route modification.
5/10/2022, 3:28 AM — My understanding is that the Q10 will replace the Q64 route. According to the Q10 redesign plans it seems that the 136th street and Jewel Avenue stop on the Q64 will be removed, both northbound and southbound. Please do not remove the current Southbound Q64 stop at 136th street and Jewel Avenue. I understand that there is a stop on Jewel Avenue and Park Drive East (which is still on the same block of Jewel Avenue), but that is a steep hill and we have a lot of elderly people and people with kids/strollers that would make it difficult to get to. From what I have witnessed in the past 7 years living here, there are many more people getting on the bus at the 136th and Jewel stop over the Park Drive East stop. Also, please do not remove the Northbound stop at 136th street and Jewel Avenue. Similarly, elderly people will find it very difficult to get up that steep hill from Park Drive East to get to 136th street. I know that 138th is not that far, but there is no crosswalk and no lights at 138th and Jewel. The cars do not stop for people to cross the road to the west side of Jewel Avenue. I know many people that live closer to the 138th street and Jewel Avenue northbound stop, that get off at 136th street because it is impossible to safely cross the street to get to the west side of Jewel avenue, since there is no crosswalk for pedestrians and no lights at the 138th street and Jewel stop.
5/10/2022, 3:55 AM — Please don’t remove the stop on jewel ave and 136th street more than a 100 people will be affected by these. Kids who go to school and old people in our community who ride the bus every day .and residents who work at the city taking the express bus. This will be so hard for us
Hope you will consider my request
Thank you
5/10/2022, 4:01 AM — The proposed northbound Q68 will have lots of problems when leaving the stop at Queens-Midtown Exp at 48 St. The bus is supposed to turn left after this stop, meaning it will have to cross paths with right turning and through vehicles. To avoid this dangerous driving maneuver, this stop should be moved to the far side along 48 St, just passed this intersection. Alternatively, the stop at the T-intersection of 48 St and 47 St could be utilized. The proposed Q67 is also supposed to use this stop. While routing the bus this way is not a big problem, in order to improve speed and reliability, the eastbound Q67 should instead stay on 54 Av.
5/10/2022, 6:49 AM — Along the eastbound Q67 route a bus stop is being eliminated along Borden Av at Greenpoint Av. However, the next stop after this is over half a mile away. The corresponding stop in the westbound direction will be at Borden Av and 39 Pl (since the one at 38 St will be removed). Going in the opposite direction, the stop at Greenpoint Av will be closest to 39 Pl. You could instead remove the westbound stop on the Q12 route at Northern Blvd and 227 St. It is in the middle of a swamp and is placed in a two-way bike path. This stop should be removed to improve speed, reliability, and safety. I'm sure this stop is not popular since there is only one building nearby.
5/10/2022, 7:16 AM — As a board member of the College Point Civic and Taxpayers Association, I have heard many complaints about the Queens Bus Redesign. It is the opinion of many that the Q65, Q25, and Q20A routes shouldn't be modified. I live near the Q65 route and I am fortunate enough to not have my stop removed. But people who live near the 123 Street and 25th Road stops shouldn't be removed. With the increasing crime in this city, an increase of average stop spacing shouldn't be prioritized over the safety of riders walking longer distances to bus stops. Another point is that many people that use the Q65 from College Point go to Jamaica. The Q27 in the Bus Redesign shouldn't go to Oakland Gardens as it will make those people have to transfer in Main Street, further congesting those stops.
5/10/2022, 7:37 AM — It is extremely inconsiderate to eliminate express bus services on 63rd Road. It may save time for bus drivers, however, this proposed change will be an inconvenience to several commuters on 63rd Road.
5/10/2022, 8:10 AM — Dear team,
Reg: Q44 Northbound
Why Northbound MAIN ST/KISSENA BL Stop is being removed while this is the most used stop for offloading northbound commuters transferring to 7 Subway line. It will add delay to their commute by adding 3 additional unnecessary Red lights.
Northbound MAIN ST/KISSENA BL Remove Removed to improve speed & reliability
5/10/2022, 9:03 AM — The Q73 is a good idea, but it should not run on Main Street or Jewel Avenue. It should take Vleigh Place to the subway at Queens Boulevard.
In Forest hills, it should not run on Austin Street. It should take Queens Boulevard, then turn south on Yellowstone Boulevard.
5/10/2022, 11:29 AM — Strongly recommend Extending the rout to the Bronx High School of Science and added express line between 6:30to 8:30 and in the afternoon between 2:30 to 6:30 during the school days.
5/10/2022, 12:59 PM — I paid three years of private school bus from Whitestone to Bronx high school of science. I chose private school bus, because the transit time, the safety and on time. I rather cut down unnecessary expenses for the private bus fees. Then my son didn’t needed take the bus to Main Street, then transfer to trains to school; didn’t needed walk in darkness to bus stop to make sure arrived school on time.Thanks to pandemic, we saved one year of bus fares. I strongly recommend extending the route of Q44SB to Bronx High School of Science. We have hundreds Queens students are taking private school buses each day that needs this route. Also please consider running express services from 6 to 8am and 2:30 to 6:30pm for our students. Appreciated for your attentions
5/10/2022, 7:48 PM — Please do not remove the QM10 bus line. Our community needs it. We rely on this bus to get to work everyday.
5/10/2022, 7:48 PM — I am a NYC nurse and use the qm10 to get to my hospital for work everyday. I am happy to see the MTA trying to redesign a better plan for queens, however, please keep the QM10 bus route as is- this bus is vital for me arriving to work on time and others riders as well.
5/10/2022, 9:37 PM — I take QM40 at 98pl and 63rd to work. I drop off my son at school at 8am, and walk over in time to catch the 8.15am bus, so I can be in the office by 9. If you remove the stop, it's much longer walk to the new stop. I won't be able to take the bus. I cant afford car service. Pls don't change the route. I am a cancer patient, and my immune is low. I don't want to take the subway and expose myself to health hazard in the midst of covid.
5/10/2022, 10:28 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/10/2022, 10:34 PM — Strongly recommend extending the route to the Bronx high school of science and add the express line between 6:30-8:30 in the morning and 2:30-6:30 in the afternoon.
5/10/2022, 10:59 PM — Proposed Q10 Concern.
I am concerned about the removal of the Jewel Avenue and 136th Street bus stop, but keeping Jewel Avenue and 138th street stop. The design doesn't make sense. Typically, there is more pedestrian traffic at Jewel Avenue and 136th street compared to Jewel/138th street. More passengers wait at 136th Street for the bus than at 138th, AND most importantly, there is a traffic light and crosswalk at Jewel Ave and 136th street where there is not a crosswalk at Jewel and 138th Street. By removing the Jewel and 136th street bus stop, you are forcing pedestrians to cross Jewel Avenue in the middle of rush hour traffic to the Southbound side in the morning, and to cross from the northbound side of the avenue in the evening, leaving a dangerous situation for bus passengers trying to catch and exit the buses and drivers using Jewel Ave in both directions.
5/10/2022, 11:08 PM — The Q32 needs to continue to begin and end its route on 32nd Street, across from Penn Station. There are a lot of commuters who use this bus to get to and from work. I have mobility issues, which are not enough to require Access-A-Ride, but make it difficult to walk more than 1/4 mile. The Q32 is perfect now, but the current redesign plan has the Q32 begin and end on 42nd Street, which is useless for people coming from Penn Station. There is currently no bus stop on 34th Street and Madison Avenue, which means that if people have to change to an uptown bus, they must walk from the bus stop at 34th Street and 5th Avenue or 34th and Park Avenue to catch a bus on Madison Avenue. If a rider is in a wheelchair or has mobility issues, that is impossible. Please rethink the plan for the Q32.
5/10/2022, 11:36 PM — QM17 bus stop redesign - having the bus stop at 54th street is not serving the community in that area. All the other bus stops along beach channel drive is in proximity to the train station. The train station is on 59th street so to get to the bus everyone who lives in the homes and apartments by the beach 57th - 62nd have to walk back or even have someone drop them off to catch the bus. Before 51st there's no homes in the area so everyone have to walk back to Housing which is were the bus stop is to catch the bus. We need the stop accessible to the greater community.
5/11/2022, 12:30 AM — QM17 and QM16 should have Saturday service added, many people would like to travel to Manhattan on the weekend without traveling to Howard Beach to catch the QM15. The bus depot is in Far Rockaway and it is ridiculous that we don't have express bus service on the weekends. Also after the last stop in Cross Bay we should go straight express. The people in Howard Beach have the QM15 that runs more often than the QM16 & QM17. Give the people of Rockaway true Express Bus Service.
5/11/2022, 12:38 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 2:46 AM — The removal of the Q13 Northern bvld/ Corporal Kennedy stop would affect kids getting to and from MS 158. It would be very inconvenient. I hope the bus stop remains for the kids safety.
5/11/2022, 4:53 AM — Good afternoon, there are many people who are upset with the changes specifically in Middle Village. Many people are requesting that the Q67 remain a direct line from Middle village to Long Island City. A lot of the smaller stops are being removed and it is a major inconvenience to take two buses to LIC. Please reconsider this line.
5/11/2022, 6:22 AM — Hello this proposed bus re-design leaves people living in Bayswater with very little option and it’s very unfair to them. Driving to Beach 9th or Seagirt and Crest Road is not an option unless you have a car or a guaranteed space to park a vehicle to catch the QM17 bus. Why would you remove the stop at Mott Ave? As it is, it take 20-25 mins to walk to Mott Ave then you’e proposal is that we get a bus to the nearest QM17 stop? That adds another 15 min to our commute plus 1.5 hours to the city. This makes no sense and I vehemently oppose this redesign. Why not take off stops at 163rd and 159th Streets in Howard Beach. They already have access to the QM17. How are they serving the Rockaway Peninsula by removing one of the MOST important stops on Mott Ave? is the redesign aim to make life difficult for us? How are you expecting people to walk for 20 mins to wait for 15 mins for a local bus to ride 1.5 hours to Manhattan and call is an upgrade? Please do not remove Mott Ave. That is Avery important location. Take out Beach 9th and all the stops already proposed BUT KEEP MOTT AVE!
Thank you
5/11/2022, 9:06 AM — My major concern is improved service on the QM2. We need an earlier start time 5:30 am. Construction workers start extremely early. They can use a break from driving. We need to add service on off peak not cut. Congestion pricing is coming, people need more public transportation and to be able to flex their time without taking 2 hours to get home. What happened to the proposal to get an express bus to go to downtown Manhattan. Taking a bus and train is a ridiculously long ride from NE Queens. The only express bus downtown is in Fresh Meadows. We need a downtown bus in College Pt, Whitestone, Bayside area.
5/11/2022, 9:08 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Right now hundreds of Bronx Science student families in Queens have to pay $4000/yr to private school bus company, which is almost many new immigrants family 10% of income, otherwise the kids need to commute 3 hours or more to the Bronx for school. This is really a kind of punishment on our new hardworking immigrants family or diligent students.
5/11/2022, 9:44 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:45 AM — We really appreciated if Q44 can be extended it’s route to Bronx Science School.
It is much safe and effective if students can have direct bus from Queens to Bronx
5/11/2022, 9:46 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:47 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:51 AM — We need Q44 to bronx science high school! Because my son study in that school!
5/11/2022, 9:52 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:52 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:52 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:54 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:55 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:56 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:59 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:01 AM — I think Q44 extension is very good idea. It is convenient for the students in Queens and Bronx to go to Bronx High school of Science.
5/11/2022, 10:03 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:07 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School. Right now hundreds of Bronx Science student families in Queens have to pay $4000/yr to private school bus company, which is almost many new immigrants families 10% of income, otherwise the kids need to commute 3 hours or more to the School.
5/11/2022, 10:10 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:11 AM — I would like to have the Q44 bus have a stop near or in front of the Bronx High School of Science
5/11/2022, 10:16 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:16 AM — To whom it may concern,
Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
Thank you for your concern !
5/11/2022, 10:22 AM — pls extend the Q44 route to the Bronx High school of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00am to 8:30am and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 to 6:30 PM, Rightnow hundreds of Bronx Science student families in Queens have to pay $4000/yr to private school bus company, wich is almost many new immigrants family 10% of income, otherwise the kids need to commute 3 hours or more to the Bronx for school. This is really a kind of punishment on our new hardworking immigrants family or diligent students.
5/11/2022, 10:24 AM — Strongly recommend to extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute more than 3 hours (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:25 AM — Please add stop at bronx science high school for bus q44
5/11/2022, 10:35 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:46 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:47 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:48 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to the Bronx high school of science on school day.
5/11/2022, 11:02 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to the Bronx High School of Science on school days. It will be so helpful for my family moving to and fro the Bronx area.
5/11/2022, 11:05 AM — ????(???? @Cecilia-26B-Q):Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:12 AM — We like Q44 bus stop by Bronx science hight school
5/11/2022, 11:13 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:17 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:26 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:37 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:41 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:47 AM — Please add a bus stop at Bronx High School of Science.
5/11/2022, 11:48 AM — ????(???? @Cecilia-26B-Q):Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:52 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:59 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Scienceand on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 12:00 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 12:03 PM — Please leave/keep the Southbound, Q3 Route, Farmers Blvd/Henderson Ave. It helps many people coming from work to walk towards home inside or Henderson Ave. please consider this request
5/11/2022, 12:03 PM — I hope the bus can be extended to Bronx High School of Science and Technology so that children can go to school in the morning without having to get up so early to take the subway and transfer to the bus. I hope this decision can be approved
5/11/2022, 12:29 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 12:42 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting studentsfrom private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 7:16 PM — Please extend the line to the Bronx Science
5/11/2022, 7:30 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:01 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to the Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00am to 8:30am and Queens-bound express service from 2:30pm to 6:30pm. Right now hundreds of Bronx Science student families in Queens have to pay $4000/yr to private school bus company which is almost many new immigrants family’s 10% of income. Otherwise the kids need to commute 3 hours or more to the Bronx for school. This is really a kind of punishment on our new hardworking immigrants family or diligent students.
5/11/2022, 9:19 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:20 PM — Dear Sir or Madam, Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 9:36 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:11 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 10:28 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:08 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/11/2022, 11:30 PM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and High School of American Studies at Lehman College and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for schools. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford. This is a significant lack of service between these 2 boroughs.
5/12/2022, 12:53 AM — Please extend the Q44 bus line to bronx science high school.
5/12/2022, 1:10 AM — RE THE QM15 -- I see you want to change the time between buses during Peak times from 9 minutes to 13 minutes. As it is, the buses were crowded BEFORE THE PANDEMIC and we were requesting MORE BUSES. Now that everyone will be going back to work, this is going to cause an INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF OVERCROWDING!! That is a LOT OF TIME to wait for the next bus during rush hour !! PLEASE LEAVE IT AT 9 MINUTES.
5/12/2022, 1:33 AM — ??????queens ? Brooklyn ???bus
5/12/2022, 2:00 AM — I'm curious if anyone on your planning commission actually DROVE your new 'time saving' redesign of the Q16 Utopia that is now proposed to go straight up Utopia Pkwy and turn onto Crocheron Ave?
If anyone had actually taken the time to do this you would have seen that Utopia is so narrow between Chrocheron and 33rd Ave there it's sometimes impossible for 2 cars to pass each other so how will a bus fit? Or what happens when the returning bus is also there? It can take several lights for a car to get through the intersection of Utopia/Chrocheron if a CAR wants to make a left turn. Not to mention a BUS trying to make a turn onto Chrocheron- another narrow street...all to get to the madness known as Northern Blvd. And let's not forget that area is undergoing a years long sewer upgrade, causing cars to be detoured.
Or how about the fact that your new wait time is 10 minutes LONGER? Exactly how is this supposed to make life easier in an area that is already a transit desert?
I hope you will address my concerns. You have my email so I'm looking forward to your timely response.
5/12/2022, 2:25 AM — I am concerned and upset about the removal of off-peak express bus service in my area, Jewel Ave & Main Street, as well as other areas. There has been increased crime on the subways, people are packed close together (a covid concern), and the city is trying encourage people to take public transportation into the city vs. drive to reduce congestion. By removing the option of the off-peak express bus to/from the city, it will increase the use of cars/taxis driving in to the city. I know a number of people, including elderly, those with difficulty walking/stairs, parents with kids, those concerned about covid, those scared of the subway crime, who take the express bus to doctors appointments, business appointments, shopping, etc. Removing the off-peak hours will do a great disservice to our community.
5/12/2022, 2:33 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/12/2022, 2:37 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/12/2022, 2:37 AM — Our communities have been in a transportation dessert for many years. Any redesign to meet our travel more easy and not long of a commute. Our residents in Springfield Gardens have put a proposal for the Q77 to be extended to 147th Ave for commuter from Far Rockaway, Rosedale to make easy transfers instead of traveling to Jamaica to transfer to the Q77 (for another 20 minutes).
5/12/2022, 2:39 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford.
5/12/2022, 2:45 AM — Please extend the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford. thanks .
5/12/2022, 4:16 AM — Bus route on 20 ave between parsons blvd and 154 street has no space for bus stops, very narrow, safety concerns
5/12/2022, 4:46 AM — I would be grateful if you can consider extending the Q44 route to The Bronx High School of Science and on school days add Bronx-bound express service from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and Queens-bound express service from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This change will greatly relieve the hardship of many school children residing in Queens who have to commute 3 hours or more (round trip) to the Bronx for school. It will also increase ridership by attracting students from private school bus services that unfortunately many families cannot afford. Thank you !
5/12/2022, 5:35 AM — I strongly object to the removal of the bus stop on Union Turnpike and 226th street for the Q46 and the proposed Q48. Prior to the pandemic that stop was (and proportionately still is) heavily used. If you would look at pictures instead of a map, you would see by the housing configuration that the majority of residents who use the bus service live congregated around the 22th street stop. On the south side of Union Turnpike there is literally no Apartment buildings east of the 226th street bus stop. The stop is in front of the entrance to the final building on that side of the street. Rather than walk east and stand on a dark unsafe service road of the GCP (which is the next stop) everyone will walk west to Springfield Blvd and add to the congestion of the North/South--East/West passenger exchange. Instead of occasionally having to stop for the red light--your bus may have to stop for two in order to get everyone on because you have added to the density of the stop. I could go on but I hope you get the point.
5/12/2022, 6:20 AM — Please send the MTA bus redesign for northern queens
5/12/2022, 7:02 AM — Is there plans for west side access from queens, (Forest Hills) specifically around 57th street and 11th avenue in Manhattan, thank you
5/12/2022, 7:06 AM — PLEASE do NOT get rid of off-peak express bus hours! Tonight my uncle, a man in his early 70s, was coming home from work on the subway. He was minding his own business. Someone came up to him with a baseball bat and smashed him in the face. He is on his way to the hospital right now. Many, including myself, no longer feel safe in the NYC subways. We need an alternative public transportation option into/out of the city throughout the day. The express bus is that option. I take the express bus along Jewel Avenue (QM4/QM44).
5/12/2022, 8:23 AM — Here are some more suggestions, they may be repetitive but here they are:
If the Q50 absorbs the Q48, please base the new Q50 at LaGuardia Depot.
Keep the Q1 and Q6 as two separate routes. The Q6 should operate to Hillside-Sutphin Station and the Q40 should be rerouted to 165 St. Terminal.
Combine the proposed Q61 with the proposed Q78. The Q78 proposal has no subway connection.
The Q10 and Q64 should remain as two separate routes, the Q64 should be absorbed by a modified Q73. Forest Hills bound, the Q73 would operate along 73 Avenue, right onto 164 Street, left onto Jewel Avenue absorbing the present Q64 route to 71 Avenue Station. The Q73 would be based at Queens Village Depot.
The Q10 should be combined with the Q72 to create a JFK-LGA route.
Base the Q31, Q75 and Q83 at Jamaica Depot.
Base the new Q17 and Q66 at Casey Stengel Depot.
Base the Q32 at LaGuardia Depot.
Extend Q77 to Green Acres Mall.
Redesigned the six three digit route designations:
Q104 to become Q34
Q105 to become Q36
Q109 to become Q64
Q111 to become Q71
Q114 to become Q74
Q115 to become Q15
Extend Q52 SBS to Far Rockaway
Extend Q53 SBS to Riis Park
If the Q61 and Q78 are combined, make that route the new Q41.
That's It!
5/12/2022, 8:50 AM — What would be useful is a stop at Cloverdale Boulevard and Kenilworth Avenue or close to that, the northeast corner of the Queensborough Community College campus, and a way to get to that from the Long Island Railroad Bayside stop. The Q27 stop is on the opposite side of the campus, away from most of the academic buildings.
5/12/2022, 9:44 AM — The Q23 stops on 43rd Ave & 104,
101 St & Roosevelt Ave shouldn’t be removed. The #7 train stop at 103rd has a huge ridership that get off and connect to the 23 towards E Elmhurst & Forest Hills.
Specifically you are forcing ppl to walk a long distance to 108St to catch the bus towards FH.
In addition you are creating a bus desert in an unsafe area of Corona. The stops along 104 St are crucial, there is a school a block away. Parents rely on these stops.
Also there a places of worship whose parishioners use the bus particularly seniors and families with children.
Walking from National St to 108 St is a long stretch again in an unsafe area.
I urge you to please keep those stops.
Also the Q58 - if you remove the stop at Corona Ave & 102 creates a long stretch from the previous stop on National
There’s a park , school and shopping area.
This area is undeserved already , brown communities should not have to suffer.
5/12/2022, 12:01 PM — Please extend q44 line to Bronx scienxe
5/12/2022, 12:14 PM — Eastern Queens which includes Bayside is beyond the subway services. Also, a good part of the population is made up of seniors. Thus, bus service is essential for getting around Queens and NYC including frequent local buses. Express buses are necessary for Eastern Queens as well to connect with Manhattan. More express service to the Bronx, Brooklyn could be accomplished by establishing a hub for express buses. Now express buses in Queens do not make local stops that would enable transfers to Bronx-bound buses, for instance.
5/12/2022, 10:01 PM — Please keep local bus service on the ENTIRE length of Jewel Avenue instead of moving parts of it to 73rd avenue in Kew Gardens Hills. The proposed plan will make it more difficult for the Pomonoc community, a low income community, from accessing the subway.
5/13/2022, 1:58 AM — Please consider keeping the Queens Boulevard/44th street stop on the Q60 line. This stop is used by many riders and is in the middle of a residential area. Removing the stop would mean current users would need to walk at the very minimum four additional blocks, a barrier for many disabled or mobility limited people that live in the area.
5/13/2022, 2:24 AM — The proposed q66 route deliberately avoids public housing on 21st street that serves a significant elderly population dependent upon buses . It’s not only inconvenient for me ; it’s racist and discriminatory . Shame on mta for even considering this!!
5/13/2022, 2:29 AM — System works great leave well enough alone!!!!
NY City Transportation is the best in the worls!!!
5/13/2022, 2:59 AM — Extend q77 to green acres
5/13/2022, 4:06 AM — The following feedback concerns routes that come into Queens Community District 6
In general the headways are considerable
The northbound route table is a bit confusing it has the Queens B/59 Ave stop removed and then not removed
There is a Woodhaven/Hoffman stop Soutbound and a Hoffman/Woodhaven stop Northbound - is there a reason for the different names - appears to be the same stop.
There is too much space between the 69 Ave & 67 Ave stops - about 8 blocks
The removal of the 108/62 stop could be problematic
Northbound - the headway between Queens B/63 Avenue & 63 Drive/Booth are too large
Confused - the Queens B/78 Ave stop - is it on the eastbound side - i would presume so.
Eastbound - The stop removal at 72 Dr/Park Lane South is problematic and will put evening passengers at risk as they must travel further to board
Westbound - Removal of stops like Metro/Forest P Dr, Metro/72 create rather large headways.
Eastbound - Is Queens B/62 Drive a stop or not - grid is not clear
Westbound - Removal of the Horace Harding could make access to those on the other side of LIE a challenge
Westbound - Headway between Queens B/75 Ave and Queens B/108 is too much.
Wish it did not have to be on Austin
As the QM7 local is replacing the QM11 local leg one stop that does not appear replicated is the Queens B/78 - this needs rectified
Nice to have service added to Yellowstone
After reviewing all the other express bus routes I am concerned about congestion on Yellowstone which is already a mess. I am also concerned about buses Idling on Yellow/Juno at the start of the route.
As 63rd Ave stop is eliminated, do we know which Midtown Express Bus will cover that?
The headways between 66/71st and 108/67 are too big
Removal of the Metro/Union loop based on ridership could be a problem. When were those ridership numbers considered. Were they pre-pandemic or post? If pre- we are seeing more people on buses now bc of the fear of the subway. If Post- many businesses still have not resumed any type of return either full in person or hybrid. Are there projections they might have considered.
5/13/2022, 6:52 AM — we strongly oppose the 73 ave bus line in hillcrest queens .the ave is already congested. bus lines on union trpk ,utopia pkwy, and 164 st are quite sufficient.all the neighbors are in agreement about will reduce our quality of life and is quite unnecessary we must reconsider this part of the proposal.all the existing bus lines are comfortably accessible in our neighborhood.....please reconsider this part of the proposal
5/13/2022, 7:07 AM — I am strongly against this idea of continuing
The bus line on 73rd ave. It’s very unsafe having a bus line here. There are many kids on these safe streets, and putting a bus line down these streets will put many of these childrens lives in danger, whether it’s the constant traffic or the many random people walking the streets. Please don’t allow this to happen.
5/14/2022, 2:06 AM — I take this bus home from school and it needs to keep connecting to the Q27 so I can get home. Thank you
5/14/2022, 7:04 AM — I've heard that that current Q1 passengers along Springfield Boulevard in Queens Village still want a one seat ride to the 179th Street Subway in Jamaica without transferring to other bus lines. Additionally, I believe the MTA should consider eliminating the Q78 route so that some of those resources could be shifted to the Q26 route so that the Q26 route could then be extended further south from Francis Lewis Boulevard/120th Avenue to Farmers Boulevard/Rockaway Boulevard thus increasing the frequency of bus service along Springfield Boulevard south of 120th Avenue as the Q26 has better frequencies than the Q78 route plus direct transfer connection to the IRT #7 subway Line for more passengers from Southeastern Queens. Also, with the additional resources of eliminating the Q78 route the MTA should also revise the Q75 route to instead operate from Fort Totten in Bayside to Sutphin Boulevard/Archer Avenue, Jamaica via Bell Boulevard to 48th Avenue, 216th Street, Luke Place, 56th Avenue, and then Springfield Boulevard between Queensborough Community College and Jamaica Avenue. At Jamaica Avenue the Q75 would travel between Springfield Boulevard and 188th Street(w/b)/187th Place(e/b) the Q75 would travel to Hillside Avenue and then on its proposed route to Sutphin Boulevard/Archer Avenue Jamaica. The Q75 route should also operate (express) limited stops between the Horace Harding Expressway and Hillside Avenue thus stopping along Springfield Boulevard only at the Horace Harding Expressway, 73rd Avenue, Union Turnpike and Hillside Avenue as the Q27 route would be serving interim stops between the Horace Harding Expressway and 73rd Avenue and the Q26 route would serve interim stops between 73rd Avenue and Hillside Avenue. Along Springfield Boulevard between Hillside Avenue and Jamaica Avenue the Q75 would then make more interim local stops which would serve former Q1 Springfield Boulevard passengers by then providing a one seat ride to the 179th Street Subway Station in Jamaica. At Springfield Boulevard/Jamaica Avenue the Q75 would also operate (express) limited stops only stopping at 212th Street, Francis Lewis Boulevard and 188th Street(w/b)/187th Place(e/b) and then travel to Hillside Avenue and then continue its normal proposed route to Sutphin Boulevard/Archer Avenue. Under this plan the Q75 route would also provide a one seat ride to Jamaica for Bayside passengers as the Q31 route once did. I also checked the bus stops along Springfield Boulevard on both the Q26 and Q75 routes where they now parallel each other and found that all stops were identical in the southbound direction but in the northbound direction there were two more stops at 107th Avenue and 94th Avenue that were removed from the Q26 route but for some reason were added to the Q78 route perhaps this was an error as there are only 52 stops proposed in the northbound direction and 55 stops proposed in the Southbound direction on the Q78 so perhaps there is still one more stop on that route in the Southbound direction that might have been also added by error. There was also a minor difference in stops at one nearby location as the Q26 stops at 119th Avenue and the Q78 at 120th Avenue.
5/14/2022, 7:12 AM — On one of the past virtual meetings some were complaining about splitting the Q23 over to Fresh Meadows and wanted the route to serve the Forest View Crescent Co-op/Stop & Shop at Union Turnpike and one person mentioned how difficult it is to access the Forest Hills Subway Station from the Alderton Street and Yellowstone Blvd. area as well and that there's already an express bus there and why can't a local bus operate along Yellowstone Blvd. as well. If it is determined that the Q23 will no longer travel to Fresh Meadows and instead travel toward the Forest View Crescent Co-op/Stop & Shop at Union Turnpike to terminate at or some other similar remedy. If this is the situation, I hope the MTA would then consider revising/extending the Q10 route to serve Union Turnpike between Kew Gardens and 188th Street in Fresh Meadows but instead of having the Q10 terminate at 188th Street/64th Avenue as the Q23 route was proposed to do please consider having the Q10 route travel further north to the Horace Harding Expressway and then further east to Queensborough Community College to terminate at instead. This would provide Northeastern Queens passengers easier access to JFK Airport as well as access to the Kew Gardens Subway Station of the "E" & "F" subway lines or to the Lefferts Boulevard Station of the "A" subway line. This would also provide Southwestern Queens passengers faster access to St. John's University, St. Francis Prep High School, Queensborough Community College plus transfers to and from many other routes Northeastern Queens routes.
5/14/2022, 1:41 PM — As a Kew Gardens Hills resident, I can only say that some of this would be a disaster for our community.
1. There are times of the day and year that we do not have enough parking in our shopping district as it is. Taking away more to put in a dedicated bus lane (which was already determined to be unnecessary in the immediate local area), would destroy our local businesses which are already hurting do to decreased pedestrian traffic coupled with 2 years of covid protocols.
2. Having a bus turn off of Jewel Ave on to Main Street and then go up 73rd Ave, takes it off of Jewel where it is already heavily used, and adds too much traffic to 73rd Ave. Best would be to leave what works alone, or at least turn the bus at 150th Street rather than Main Street, which would keep it away from 2 residential blocks that include 3 synagogues and a preschool.
5/14/2022, 10:30 PM — Put a bus route between Hunter’s Point South in LIC and Midtown Manhattan using the Midtown Tunnel.
5/14/2022, 10:30 PM — Bus route from hunters point LIC to midtown Manhattan
5/15/2022, 2:59 AM — If the Q27 terminated at 230 St-69 Av, NYCDOT should install traffic lights at Springfield Blvd-69 Av and at 69 An-Cloverdale Blvd.
Please extend the Q77 to Green Acres Mall. The Hillside Avenue corridor deserves access.
Make Roosevelt Avenue between Prince Street and Main Street the new Starting Point for the new Q12 Northern Blvd East route.
Please keep the Q24s Jamaica Terminal on 168 Street not 89 Avenue-Parsons Blvd. The Broadway Junction bound Q24 should operate along Jamaica Av, left on Sutphin Blvd, right on 94 An which becomes Atlantic Avenue after crossing Van Wyck Expwy then regular route to Broadway Junction. On the return trip along Atlantic Avenue continue on 94 Av, left on Sutphin Blvd, right on Jamaica Av, right on Herrick Blvd, left on Archer Avenue then left to end of route on 168 St.
Please redesigned Q82 as Q79 to avoid confusion with the Q2 at Belmont Park.
5/15/2022, 4:21 AM — Please extend Q77 to green acres mall for our community of Hollis and Queens Village.
5/15/2022, 4:34 AM — Hi,
Given the opportunity, why not adding a new/extended route between Forest Hills and Flushing (near Main street)?
At the moment the quickest way between the two points is to take the R/M/E/F subway line between Forest Hills and Jackson Heights, followed by the (usually local) 7 train.
5/15/2022, 9:40 AM — I live on 73rd Avenue. During evening rush hour starting at 3 pm when school let's out, LIE & Grand Central Parkway are at a stand still, all the traffic backs up on 73rd Ave from Main Street thru past 187th Street. What are you all thinking?????
5/15/2022, 10:40 AM — 1-real estate values on our homes are sure to go down with all of the ensuing issues a bus route will cause
2-parking would either be curtailed or eliminated to accommodate bus stops in front of peoples homes in this residential area
3-passengers waiting for buses tend to liter at bus stops
4- evening and night buses will cause additional and excessive noise that all ready exists from passenger cars and emergency vehicles (not to mention airplane noise from LaGuardia) only to become magnified by adding the buses
Very much oppose this!!!.
5/16/2022, 12:55 AM — I live in the highest paying tax neighborhood in Queens and we had one bus line that provides transportation for all of our high school children to the several high schools located along the route and now you want to take that bus route away from us? The Q76 queens line needs to remain as is to service all of the highschool and middle schools on its current Francis Lewis route (holy cross high school, WJPS, St. Francis Prep, TMlA, Bayside highschool, and many others). By removing all of the stops in whitestone for our kids to pick up the bus in the morning and then not traveling down francis Lewis blvd, you are inconveniencing multiple neighborhood children (Malba, whitestone, north flushing, bayside etc) and they reside in the neighborhoods that have the highest property taxes so who are you making this change for?? Why do those of us that pay the most taxes in this city now have to make our kids reroute for school and take two buses that are not in their neighborhood to get to the schools we pay for?? The Q76 queens new route does not fit the needs of the neighborhood it is in and needs to remain as is. Go and disorganize another neighborhoods bus route, one that doesn’t pay in average $15k or more in taxes. We don’t have a subway system near us, the Q76 queens line is our kids life line for high school and it’s not fair that person in the MtA that hasn’t bothered to ask those of us in the neighborhood that rely on that bus for approval of a new route. Everyone in Malba, whitestone, flushing and bayside would all agree we do not need or want any changes to that line!!
5/16/2022, 9:48 AM — I just attended one of the virtual meetings for my district's bus routes redesign and appreciated my voice and concerns being heard. I'm looking forward to adding my comments to the Remix map and sharing this resource with friends and neighbors. My one concern is what outreach is being done to make this map resource more known and accessible to the public. I only learned about this through attending the meeting, but I was one of only two attendees for my district. What is MTAs plan for making the Remix map more known to the general public or bus riders in general? More signage, posters in public spaces, materials in community centers/places of gathering, communicating with Community Boards, etc? I appreciate hearing your feedback. Thank you!
5/16/2022, 10:54 AM — I am writing to you about one of the proposed new bus routes under MTA's Queens Bus Network Redesign. The bus route is from Forest Hills to Queensborough Community College and the bus would go down 73rd Avenue, as well as Jewel Avenue. The bus would be Q73.
I am strongly opposed to this bus route for a number of reasons. First, there already is a bus that goes along Jewel Avenue (Q64) and with this proposed bus route there will be 2 buses going along Jewel Avenue (Q64 and Q73). Jewel Avenue already has a lot of traffic and adding an additional bus would make the traffic along Jewel Avenue nearly impossible. Also, 73rd Avenue also has traffic congestion and adding buses along 73rd Avenue would only add more traffic congestion on 73rd Avenue. Another reason why I am opposed to this route is that the bus stops would take up valuable parking spots. I live in Hillcrest and I am close to 73rd Avenue and I already sometimes find it difficult to find a parking spot and adding bus stops would only make it more difficult. Also, the bus would add noise polution to the neighborhood. It would be very difficult at night and early in the morning when people are sleeping, especially the people that live right on 73rd Avenue and very close to 73rd Avenue. Not only will it disturb people when they are sleeping but it would change the character of the neighborhood. Hillcrest is a very quiet residential neighborhood. Most people, including myself, live here because of that reason. Finally, this bus route is really not necessary. There are many buses that either go right to Queensborough Community College or very close to it (Q75, Q78, Q88) and there is a bus that already goes to Forest Hills (Q64). Also, there are many buses that you can take that connect to those buses. As you see, this bus route will cause a myriad of problems and it really is not really needed. Please do not put this bus route into place. Thank you.
5/16/2022, 11:20 AM — The 168th St stop on Union Tpke in Queens is a very important, vital, busy stop for the q46 and all the qm express lines. 164th St to Utopia Pkwy is too far for most of the residents. Please do not take away or reduce the 168th St stop when redesigning the routes
5/16/2022, 12:38 PM — Why are you cutting out our whole neighborhood from local and express busses. All the new changes cut of every bus. The closest express bus will not be .7 miles from our home. (The old qm10) yet you only moved the bus 1 block for the people in Forest hills. And thre closest local bus is now .5 miles from our home. You have cut off the busses that take our children to their zoned schools. The only local bus that serves our area was the q38 and that will no longer turn into our area it will now go left?
You have removed all bus that stopped on
99th street and 60th Ave , 99 st and 58 Ave. The bus will no long go this way at all. Also you have removed the q58 from picking up 108 and Horace harding expy. The kids will have to walk .5 miles to 108st and corna Ave to get a bus to school. But your re routing the bus to 111 Street? That street has Flushing meadow park on one side of the street and private houses on the other. It does not service 1/2 as many people. Also they just reduced the road from 2 lanes to 1 line by Flushing meadow so how are you going to put a bus on that street. There are bike lanes and kids running to and from the park.
5/17/2022, 1:54 AM — Express bus from LIC to midtown, please!
5/17/2022, 3:05 AM — A bus from LIC to midtown would be so convenient. It would also relieve subway congestion.
5/17/2022, 7:11 AM — On the Q39 newly proposed route were a large segment will be discontinued and served by Q67. I strongly disagree with the proposed plan. A lot of students live in Ridgewood that go to High Schools in Long Island City. Parents like the fact their child does not need to switch buses. Also many people live in Ridgewood and work in the Sunnyside; Long Island City area.
I was one of those students that went to Aviation High School and for a time period I worked in Long Island City by Queens Plaza. It nice to only have to get on one bus and not switch to another one.
I hope this proposed change does not happen.
5/17/2022, 11:04 AM — I am writing to you about one of the proposed new bus routes under MTA's Queens Bus Network Redesign. The bus route is from Forest Hills to Queensborough Community College and the bus would go down 73rd Avenue, as well as Jewel Avenue. The bus would be Q73.
I am strongly opposed to this bus route for a number of reasons. First, there already is a bus that goes along Jewel Avenue (Q64) and with this proposed bus route there will be 2 buses going along Jewel Avenue (Q64 and Q73). Jewel Avenue already has a lot of traffic and adding an additional bus would make the traffic along Jewel Avenue nearly impossible. Also, 73rd Avenue also has traffic congestion and adding buses along 73rd Avenue would only add more traffic congestion on 73rd Avenue. Another reason why I am opposed to this route is that the bus stops would take up valuable parking spots. I live in Hillcrest and I am close to 73rd Avenue and I already sometimes find it difficult to find a parking spot and adding bus stops would only make it more difficult. Also, the bus would add noise polution to the neighborhood. It would be very difficult at night and early in the morning when people are sleeping, especially the people that live right on 73rd Avenue and very close to 73rd Avenue. Not only will it disturb people when they are sleeping but it would change the character of the neighborhood. Hillcrest is a very quiet residential neigborhood. Most people, including myself, live here because of that reason. Another reason why I oppose this bus route is litter. When there are bus stops and people, the amount of litter increases. Hillcrest as well other neigborhoods, along 73rd Avenue, would have more litter. Finally, this bus route is really not necessary. There are many buses that either go right to Queensborough Community College or very close to it (Q75, Q78, Q88) and there is a bus that already goes to Forest Hills (Q64). Also, there are many buses that you can take that connect to those buses.
I hope that you see, as I do, that this proposed bus route is not a sound idea for a number of reasons. Thank you.
5/17/2022, 10:36 PM — I don’t see the need for a bus route on 73 Ave. 73 Ave runs through a residential area, no malls, shopping centers The area is well served by buses on 188th St, utopia parkway, 164th street.
What 73 Ave needs is more traffic lights to stop people speeding
5/17/2022, 10:41 PM — No to buses on 73 Ave, what makes you think that a bus is needed. It is a residential area. No businesses attracting people outside the neighborhood. Don’t think too many people would use it. Area served by 164 st, utopia parkway, union turnpike and 188 st
5/17/2022, 11:07 PM — The proposed bus route Q73 will be going through the middle of quite, tree lined, residential neighborhoods, full of children, baby carriages and elderly residents with walkers. There have already been several traffic lights added to this route which have increased congestion and dangerous maneuvering by drivers to avoid the lights. adding the noise, foot traffic, and loss of residential parking spaces the route will bring will be detrimental to the community.
Please reconsider this route.
5/18/2022, 1:08 AM — Please keep the 168th Street &Union Tpke stop for ALL buses. Please do NOT create a bus line along 73rd Avenue between 164th Street & Utopia Parkway. The streets and homes in this area are not set up to accommodate buses or the people who would wait for them. If you need a bus along 73rd Ave, please have the bus turn off 73rd Avenue before 164th St (or even Parsons Blvd) and go onto a wider more commercial street like Union Tpke until Utopia Parkway.
5/18/2022, 4:48 AM — This proposal to have the Q10 merge with the q64 is foolish.
The Q10 should remain where it is OR cross Union Tpke and merge with the Q46 at main street.
The route is long enough as is and it takes the buses long enough to get from terminal to terminal as is.
What would be better is have the Q10 continue past KG road, turning onto Union Tpke then terminating at main street where it would then turn around again and come through briarwood back to Queens Blvd and then down lefferts to JFK.
That would make a lot more sense overall
5/18/2022, 4:51 AM — The Q19 and Q15A merger is spectacular. Thank you for this, only one bus to go to work is a lifesaver!
5/18/2022, 5:21 AM — Extend the Q14 to Metropolitan Ave/Middle Village because so many individuals transfer from the Q38 to the M train service and vice versa.
5/18/2022, 8:10 AM — Re: the proposed Q60 eastbound route: Please do not eliminate the Queens Blvd. / 77th Ave. and Queens Blvd. / 83rd Ave. Commuters like myself get off at these stops. Plus Queens Blvd. / 80 Rd. The 77th Ave. stop is close to stores & a bank. The 83rd Ave. stop, which is near the District Attorney’s office, has a lot of people who live in apartments around the corner towards Kew Gardens Rd.
5/18/2022, 9:45 AM — I'm an earlier testimony I suggted that College Point and Baisley Park depots become "QM" depots. I would like to suggest that the QM68 be based at College Point. Anything South of Hillside Avenue be based at Baisley Park.
I am still requesting that the six three digit routes be changed to two digit routes:
Q104 would be Q34
Q105 would be Q36
Q109 would be Q64
Q111 would be Q71
Q114 would be Q74
Q115 would be Q15
If you combine the proposed Q61 with the Q78 make that the new Q41.
Redesignate the proposed Q80 as the new Q30.
Redesigned the proposed Q82 as Q79 to avoid confusion with the existing Q2 at Belmont Park
That's All For Now!
5/18/2022, 10:05 AM — Q73 should continue down Yellowstone to Kessell to avoid Burns Street and 69th Ave. this is a difficult intersection with three roads converging and a driveway, leading to difficulty for pedestrian crossing. Also buses speed down 69th Ave which is a residential street. Keeping busses along the wider Yellowstone Blvd which is only two avenues away is a short walk and safer for pedestrians and the community.
5/18/2022, 10:36 AM — Removing so many stops from each bus line is going to increase the number of pedestrian accidents as riders are being forced to walk further and further and to rush through busy intersections to get to the nearest stop. Since there is less service overall and missing just one bus would be a big problem for getting to work on time, riders will also feel obliged to run to catch the bus, perhaps even through traffic. The decrease in the frequency of the buses is also a problem during this ongoing pandemic because it means that if another covid surge occurs and multiple bus drivers become sick, there will be huge delays in the system and a complete lack of service for hours, which also endangers livelihoods and lives. These changes are also incredibly burdensome for the disabled and elderly, perhaps even to a discriminatory extent. There should be no decrease in the frequencies of these buses, service should be extended and expanded rather than cut down and reduced, especially now that the MTA has billions of dollars of funding from the government. There is no other city in the entire country where the lives of the inhabitants depend so much on public transportation, and making sure public transportation is easy, cheap, and accessible is also now more important than ever in the face of extreme climate change.
I can also say from personal experience that removing the NORTHERN BL/196 ST stop from the Q12 and Q13 lines is unwise and very dangerous because there are a lot of schoolchildren who depend on that stop. Forcing them to cross at the next nearest stops NORTHERN BL/194 ST, where there is no crosswalk or at NORTHERN BL/FRANCIS LEWIS BL or NORTHERN BL/UTOPIA PY, which are both huge busy intersections with multiple lanes and turning lanes, would put these children in a great deal of danger and will almost certainly cause an increase in the number of accidents along Northern Blvd, which is already one of the most dangerous roads in New York City. You cannot in good conscience remove this stop from both of these routes, or else you will be putting all of these children at risk.
5/18/2022, 10:47 AM — Please be advised that there is a mistake on the new oropsed bus route map.
On Hillside Ave. route in the Eastern part of Queens it shows Q46 instead of Q43.
Q46 runs on Union Turnpike.
Q43 runs on Hillside Ave.
5/18/2022, 12:27 PM — I take the Q39 bus on 60th street and Saint Felix every single day to work. With no other options without more transfers making my commute even longer. Removing the stop will hurt local businesses at a time when there's a explosion of possbly thousands of new residents moving into the area. Overcrowding any other public transportation alternatives.
This bus is also a life line to many elderly in the area as well as students.
Environmentally more people with cars will be out on the road considering this is a hard ro reach area. More cars at a time when congestion is a problem getting grin one side of Queen's to another.
5/18/2022, 2:07 PM — It would be really appreciated if the QM17 would provide services on the weekends especially from Far Rockaway to Manhattan.
5/19/2022, 12:13 AM — Please do not remove the Q8 Bus Stop for Pitkin Avenue - Logan Street. Logan St and Sutter Av isn’t barely used the stoped I mentioned is used by many students in the morning and in the evening. This stop should remain. Please and thank you.
5/19/2022, 1:16 AM — Why can’t you run some down Springfield Blvd . Many depend on this bus to go to the subway at 179 . Makes no sense . Very unhappy as many are here that you want to discontinue the Q1 Queens Village route
5/19/2022, 1:17 AM — Your killing the Queens Village end how stupid a heavily used route
5/19/2022, 1:24 AM — Why do you guys discontinue heavily used routes makes no sense . Keep the 27 the way it is . College point extension would be nice .
5/19/2022, 1:58 AM — Please, don’t remove the both of my stops of Q83 at liberty avenue at 177street and liberty avenue 180street. Keep one. Thank you
5/19/2022, 2:02 AM — It is stated that if a current bus line is not listed, then it may have been renamed and that the route may still be in the system. Well, I can't find anything for the existing Q41, the most heavily used line in Howard Beach. Is that route then gone? It would appear so. I really don't get this city and the geniuses that make these decisions. The city wants less people in cars, but are taking away their bus-lines away. Genious....not.
5/19/2022, 2:11 AM — The proposed Q73 bus raises several significant concerns:
Jewel Avenue and Main Street are already extremely congested. The 64 crawls especially during the morning rush, between Main and Queens Blvd. Another bus will create bottleneck traffic along Jewel and 73rd Avenues, one-lane streets that already have major traffic congestion.
Limited line of sight from cross streets - a car went into mine several years ago on 73 Avenue due to blocked sight from large cars parked near the intersection; busses will only make this dangerous road even worse
Litter and safety due to increased volume of people coming in and out of the neighborhood
Impossible parking, on top of the already existing parking issues; we don't have a driveway and find that parking is a challenge. A bus will make this worse.
Thank you for taking these issues into consideration.
5/19/2022, 3:16 AM — I want to see the Q77 extended to Green Acres Mall.
5/19/2022, 3:51 AM — The historic Ridgewood Reservoir is a 50-acre natural oasis that serves diverse communities on the border of Brooklyn and Queens. Despite its beauty, ecological importance, and open access, the Ridgewood Reservoir, which is proximate to some of the poorest areas in New York City, is impossible to reach by public transportation. I am calling on the MTA and New York City to provide direct bus access for New Yorkers looking to reach our greenspace and enjoy its benefits.
The Ridgewood Reservoir, one of the very few greenspaces in this part of the Brooklyn / Queens border, is ill-served by current public transportation options. The closest subway station is the J train at Norwood Avenue, a mile away. The closest bus stop is the Q56 at Jamaica and Shepherd Avenues, a half-mile downhill from the Reservoir. This greenspace currently best serves as a cultural and ecological treasure for New Yorkers who can drive to it. For neighborhood residents and visitors, this is a travesty. Quality greenspace should be available to all, most especially when the surrounding areas are underserved and their residents are primarily people of color.
With more transportation options, this reservoir will be accessible to all New Yorkers to enjoy its many health benefits. This includes a multi-use path for walking, biking and running, scenic birds and flowers, quiet respite from the city, and more! The MTA should be in the business of helping people take public transportation rather than excluding them from neighborhood parkland based on its car-oriented location.
5/19/2022, 3:59 AM — My current stop on Groton & Yellowstone on the QM42 would be eliminated. I have health issues and can't walk to another stop. This would be severely inconvenient for me as I have no other options on how to commute to and from work.
5/19/2022, 4:07 AM — Good afternoon, More B77 is needed. Always have to wait 20 minutes for a bus to come. You should have the same service like the B17. Need improvement on this. Thank you.
5/19/2022, 4:08 AM — Bus drivers must be more accomadative to passengers whenever they see passengers running to meet the stop some of them are unreasonable and just drive away we are all human beings and it's expected we would behave in that manner put the shoes on some of the drivers foot and I'm certain they too will complain about courtesy thanks
5/19/2022, 5:12 AM — One should reconsider removing the eastbound Q54 bus stop on Metropolitan Ave and Grandview Ave. There is currently a bus shelter at this location. There are no bus shelters at any of the other nearby bus stops.
It would be a waste of money having to removing the bus shelter. This bus stop is also a nice location to get off the Q54 and catch the B38 which has a stop on Grandview Ave right by Metropolitan Ave.
5/19/2022, 5:44 AM — On the q33 removing a couple stops on roosevelt ave is fine and along 23rd ave also will make the route quicker but i dont think the removal of stops along 83rd and 82nd st is a good idea since those streets are all long.
5/19/2022, 5:47 AM — I am not satisfied with the removal of service along my bus route (currently qm40). I don’t have the accessibility to walk far to catch an express bus and eliminating this line and neighboring ones does not help me. Please reconsider this bus redesign carefully and thoughtfully.
5/19/2022, 6:00 AM — The q18 redesign is good. Taking away the loop on jay ave,50th ave and 53ave will make the route better
5/19/2022, 6:33 AM — Removing the two stops on the Q60 between Continental and 75th Avenue will be an enormous hardship for the large senior wheelchair/walker dependent population in the area. If you survey the population you will see how many dependent people take this bus to Mount Sinai and NYU Langone Hospital Center.
5/19/2022, 6:36 AM — I was thinking about the removed stops on the Q60. Can't they run local and selected service intermittently so people who can't walk the six or seven blocks to the next bus stop have an option?
5/19/2022, 7:13 AM — When will the Redesign go into effect?
Which bus line will replace Q27 and Q77
In Cambria Heights and Springfield Gardens?
Thank you
5/19/2022, 10:05 AM — Where's the Q41 , did it run off the map
5/19/2022, 11:34 AM — This will be the closest stop where I can get an express bus into Manhattan. I will have to walk an additional 6 blocks to get here or take the new Q14 bus in morning rush hour. Will you be providing more buses on the QM12 line? Even if I do get on the bus I might have to stand. Not good. I have 2 types of arthritis in both knees and walk with a cane. This change will add an additional 30-45 minutes to my commute. This does not help me at all.
5/19/2022, 11:35 AM — The elimination of the QM3 would be very detrimental to those who use it. In the past couple of weeks, ridership on this bus route has increased. One of the reasons being a public distrust in the current measure of safety on the subways. The other being that for those who use this bus line, it is the safest and most direct route to midtown Manhattan.
The proposed Q12 as an alternative would not be feasible, as we would still have to rely on the subways, which the public at the moment, do not consider safe AT ALL.
5/19/2022, 11:47 AM — The new plan for the Q69 is great, skipping stops down 21st street between northern Astoria and the F train. I applaud this idea.
However, the new 101 routing causes a transit desert at 21st Avenue and 21st Street, where the Q100 would stop. The marine terrace apartments and associated veterans housing would be left far away from any bus access. The 101 should run down 21st and not 31st to address this.
5/19/2022, 8:02 PM — Don't you DARE cancel the QM10 route! My neighbors, some of whom are handicapped, and I need this bus to get to work every day!!!
5/20/2022, 12:24 AM — How can visually impaired people like me get info on bus route changes?
5/20/2022, 3:56 AM — I have two important comments on the current bus redesign for Queens.
First, there is a proposal for the Q73. This route would send buses directly through a residential neighborhood on 73rd Avenue. There are busses that travel close enough, and therefore it does not warrant to have a bus route. It would add unwelcome congestion and noise to a quiet residential and suburban neighborhood. It would also make already tight parking in the neighborhood more difficult.
Second, the redesign removes QM buses stops on Union Turnpike west of 188 (QM5, QM6, QM35, QM36), as well as reduces the frequency of buses for the remaining lines servicing on Union Turnpike west of 188 (QM1 and QM31). This would result is a SIGNIFICANT drop in available buses for riders on Union Turnpike west of 188. If the other routes (QM5, QM6, QM35, QM36) are to bypass these stops, the frequency of the remaining buses (QM1 and QM31) should be increased threefold, rather than being reduced.
Thank you,
5/20/2022, 4:03 AM — Q73: Having a bus that goes through a quiet, residential neighborhood on 73rd Avenue is a terrible mistake and would lower the quality of life for the residents. The bus route is not needed as there are suitable alternatives. It would increase congestion and noise pollution to a residential neighborhood. Houses are along the route very close to the street, and it would be disturbing to all those who live there.
QM1, QM5, QM6, QM31, QM35, and QM36: Riders using the buses stops on Union Turnpike west of 188 will be greatly harmed by the current proposal. Four of the six routes will be removed from this stretch. In addition, the two remaining buses will have reduced frequency. Even if the number of buses for the remaining buses remain the same, the buses would be too infrequent to be practical to rely on it for cummutting.
Please do not implement the proposed changes to these routes.
Thank you,
5/20/2022, 6:46 AM — I represent DO & CO New York Catering, Inc., a employer with approx. eight hundred employees at a commercial kitchen 149-32 132nd Street, Jamaica, NY 11430.
The majority of our employees uses bus line Q10 to commute to and from work. Based on the draft proposal, Q10 would be rerouted so as to create at least 3000ft of walking distance between their workplace and the bus stop (more depending on where exactly the new bus stop is placed). The Q9 line, which is touted as a replacement, would put them at almost the same distance, and also put them on the other side of the I-678 freeway, incentivizing unsafe crossings of the freeway.
On behalf of our workforce, I thus respectfully submit that the Q10 stop near 149-32 132nd Street should remain in its existing location.
5/20/2022, 7:23 AM — On the new Q57, if the ending point is Little Neck Pkwy-Hillside Av, where will buses turn around?
Please keep the Q1 and Q6 as separate routes. The Q1 will operate between Bellerose and 165 St. Terminal. The Q6 will operate between JFK Cargo Plaza and Hillside-Sutphin station.
Reroute the Q73 after 73 Av-164 St turn right onto 164 St, left onto Jewel Av right onto Queens Blvd center strip, left onto Yellowstone Blvd absorbing the Southern end of the Q23.
Combine Q61 with Q78 to provide a subway connection.
Combine the Q10 with the Q72 to provide a JFK-LGA connection
Replace the six three digit route designations by the following:
Q104 would be Q34
Q105 would be Q36
Q109 would be Q64
Q111 would be Q71
Q114 would be Q74
Q115 would be Q15
You will be hearing more from me soon!
5/20/2022, 11:23 AM — Why are you removing so many routes from 109th Ave/Merrick where there are 4 high-volume routes now being reduced to just 1? It may seem on paper that the intersection was over-served- but it was not. Commuters from Long Island & southern Queens will drive to 109/Merrick- park their cars and take the bus to the subway- because of available & free parking- frequent bus service. A 1/2 mile between stops (104 ave to Linden) is too long considering Allen Senior Center is on 107th. Is there a route connecting Merrick Blvd to 169th St F train? Folks south of Hillside are only being steered to Archer/Parsons. Prior to 1990 when Jam. Center opened Merrick busses went all the way to Hillside Ave. What happened to the plan to bring Q42 route up to Horace Harding- it should also be extended to ST Albans LIRR/ Veteran's Hospital -just add 1 stop to the existing plan terminating at Sayers/180th. Why separate between south queens and north of Hillside Ave? The Q60 should be extended to Merrick/109th instead of terminating at Sutphin/109th- doing this may mitigate route loss for this intersection and is also adding only 1 stop.
5/20/2022, 1:46 PM — Re:Q47 route. The proposed elimination of the stop at 72nd St 31st Ave (and southbound thereafter) is a terrible inconvenience to those residents who live west of 72nd Street. You propose they walk 3 more blocks to 75th St. This was brought up at hearings and yet is still being proposed. There is no other close bus in this part of Jackson Heights. Very unfair. Please do not do this.
5/20/2022, 10:14 PM — Please modify the Queens bound Q101 bus, that goes down Steinway to & from Manhattan. The bus s/make its 1st stop, @ The same place the Q66/Q69 stop, just before the turn up QBP, so passengers can make their connection. Q66, Q69, & Q101 should all stop before the turn, raster then making the connection, @ 29th Street, which is under heavy construction.
5/20/2022, 11:43 PM — Please fix the bus routes going down 75th street in Jackson Heights. There is so much congestion.
5/21/2022, 4:54 AM — Removing all stops on the Q5 and q85 lines between merrick and baisley and merrick and linden Blvd is a stretch. I’m not even a senior citizen and I’m quite concerned because that’s more than 6 long blocks. And if you’re unfamiliar with Merrick Blvd in Queens NY those blocks are extremely long. I understand the needs for improvement but that’s way too much. I think 2 or 3 stops in between would be more reasonable. Thanks for giving us Queens residents the opportunity to be heard.
5/21/2022, 11:15 PM — Hi,
We should not remove the existing line. On juniper valley road.
5/22/2022, 1:40 AM — Hi - Re: Q17 Rush plan. I am concerned that the end point in Fresh Meadows would have the bus travel on a small residential street. Please consider re-routing that to run on (1) 73rd Ave to 193rd Street to Union Turnpike and then back on 188 Street OR (2) Union Turnpike to 193rd Street to Avon Road and then back on 188 Street. Option 2 (Avon Road) would also have the advantage of offering Q17 service to students who attend PS/IS178 without them having to take the new Q75 and then transfer to the Q17.
5/22/2022, 1:50 AM — Hello - I have a comment on the proposed new Q17 line. The current end point in Fresh Meadows will have the bus run on 81st Ave, which is a small residential street that is not suitable for buses. I propose a slight change. Re-route the Q17 so that it runs on Union Turnpike, take a right on 193rd Street, right on Avon Road, and then back right on 188 Street. These streets are larger and can better accommodate a bus. In addition, re-routing the line to run on Avon Road would allow students attending PS/IS178 to take the Q17 directly home north, rather than having to take the Q75 and then transfer. Thank you for your consideration.
5/22/2022, 2:12 AM — Hello - I have a comment on the proposed Q17 line. The new terminal point of the Q17 (188 Street/Union Turnpike) means that the Q17 will be traveling on 81st Avenue. This is a small residential street and not good to have a bus travel on it. I suggest you re-route the bus so that it travels on Union Turnpike, take a right on 193rd Street, right on AVON ROAD, and then right on 188 Street. 193rd Street and Avon Road are both bigger roads. Also, by going down to Avon Road and 188 Street, students who attend PS/IS178 who currently take the Q17 home can continue to keep their regular commutes. They wouldn't have to transfer from the Q75 to the Q17. Thank you for your consideration.
5/22/2022, 4:48 AM — Please give us a bus line from Long Island city to Manhattan.
5/22/2022, 9:28 AM — first off, full disclosure (as will be clear later on), i am an mta employee (dept of subways). my comments here are as an objective passenger regarding a few of the routes i normally take from flushing but sometimes with a different perspective mixed in, some of which online (cd7 breakup room 3, 630pm session) would not have been the proper forum. that said, i would appreciate if you (operations planning) read my comments until the end (despite my scathing criticism of the q20 right off the bat).
q20: in the redesign, this route has been made essentially obsolete. from main/39th through main/63rd inclusive (the highest ridership volume segment of the route), the amount of stops were reduced to 7. in that same span, the q44 sbs/crosstown makes 6. what is the point of having a 'local' if the spacing of stops is the same as the select bus? unless you want specifics, i will not go into detail as i am sure that you already have to read 1000+ comments about stops being removed on 'local' service throughout queens, especially when you now have a faster service rush/crosstown (which is a big positive for many in the redesign) for those who need to get to the subway quicker. that said, count me amongst the masses that is frustrated (despite me not losing a stop) with the logic that says you can not have both rush/crosstown and local for those who desire it (do not want to spend a few more minutes walking to their stop to save a few minutes on the bus or are not as able). i can not imagine closing local subway stops to make the trip 'faster' and using 'peer systems' to justify it. i digress. the second part of the q20 reduction to uselessness is the short lining it to briarwood. that is a dead end. almost nobody transfers to the subway there. on weekdays, during rush hours and middays, only the f train stops there (not the e). the majority of the passengers riding southbound are either going to the lirr, airtrain, e/j/z trains, or transferring to another bus in jamaica. as was suggested by someone in breakup room 3, at least let it go to the lirr/airtrain jamaica station and find a place to turn it around there if you want to reduce the amount of bus lines on jamaica and archer avenues. it can be an obscure new terminal if not at lirr/airtrain itself. back to the q20, on the other end of the route, there will be no direct bus service from the 7 train to the college point center mall for workers/shoppers. that one was just a bonus gripe to complete the whole route. i understand sacrifices have to be made whenever there is change but the flushing (stop reductions) and the non jamaica (short lining to briarwood) are huge issues that could reduce q20 ridership significantly to the point where it could be eliminated and replaced in the future by a few more q44 intervals (unless that is the plan). thank you for indulging my vent on my home line. moving on.
q44: extending it in the bronx to connect with metro north (erroneously referred to as lirr in the proposed q44 route summary and in the breakup rooms by the moderators) is a big positive. ironically, despite saying in the route summary that there are no q44 stops removed, there are stops removed at 2 different lirr connections. in jamaica, it seems as if the southbound archer/sutphin (jamaica lirr) stop is removed but it is hard to tell as it is not listed as a current stop (which it is). of a more surprising note is the northbound main/kissena stop being removed. as was stated by someone in breakup room 3, that is the heaviest offload point on the entire route as passengers get off there to transfer to the 7 train, lirr, and other buses. it is understood that the next stop main/38th is only 4 blocks away but it is also 4 traffic lights away and then a walk back of 2 blocks for the 7 train which adds a significant amount of time for the majority. the q44 mostly empties out at main/kissena and reloads at main/38 with those going north, transferring from the 7 train or buses. as an aside,
5/22/2022, 11:04 AM — I am thrilled at the Queens Bus Network Redesign. Especially the Q43 extension eastward to LIJ hospital. I am also happy with the fact that there will be new stops (in both directions) located at or near the intersection of Hillside Avenue and Lakeville Road. I have 1 suggestion. The current redesign places an eastward stop for the Q43 at the intersection of Hillside Avenue and North 7th Street. In my opinion this exact spot is a problem for bus drivers. First of all, right after this proposed stop, the driver will need to make it to the left most lane of Hillside Avenue in order to turn left onto Lakeville Road; this is very difficult to do because it's a very short distance from the currently proposed spot to the left lane and it can be a stressful maneuver, especially during heavy traffic periods. There is also a very busy gas station located on Hillside Ave and North 7th Street and cars are constantly pulling into and out of it, again adding stress for the bus driver. I suggest the MTA consider placement of the new bus stop 1 block west (at the intersection of Hillside Ave and North 6th Street.) There is only one business (Mavis Tire) that traverses the block on the south side of Hillside Avenue between N 5th and N 6th Streets, and it closes at 6PM (while the gas station operates 24/7.) In addition, a stop at N 6th provides much more room for the bus driver to go from the right most lane of the bus stop to the left most lane where they need to be to turn left onto Lakeville Road. I would like to add that about 15 years ago, when the MTA used to operate the Long Island Bus (which is now operated by NICE), there was a stop at Hillside Ave and North 6th Street. I believe this was done for the same reasons I have mentioned here (that it made it easier for the bus driver to traverse the intersection.) I hope my suggestion provides some insight and can help in finalizing the bus stop.
5/22/2022, 9:32 PM — LIC needs a bus to midtown via the Midtown tunnel.
Also, buses between Vernon Blv and Greenpoint should run more frequently.
5/23/2022, 3:26 AM — Eastbound BEACH 19 ST/SEAGIRT BL Remove Removed due to new routing
Eastbound BEACH 19 ST/GATEWAY BL Remove Removed due to new routing
Eastbound CORNAGA AV/BEACH 20 ST Remove Removed due to new routing
Eastbound BEACH 21 ST TERMINAL/BEACH 21 ST Remove Removed due to new routing
Westbound BEACH 21 ST/MOTT AV Remove Removed due to new routing
Westbound BEACH 20 ST/CORNAGA AV Remove Removed due to new routing
Westbound BEACH 20 ST/BROOKHAVEN AV Remove Removed due to new routing
I have written once before and did not realize how many stops are being removed. Why are you taking out all of these stop but keeping stops on Crossbay when you have the QM16 driving along the same route?
It is not fair to the people in Rockaway and especially to those who rely on the bus in the areas you're planning to remove. I am sure those responsible for the design have never really gotten on the bus or live in the area. The option of an A train is not an option unless you want to get mugged, harrassed by homeless and drunk people at that station. The Q22 is absolutely horrible as well to get on in order to connect to a QM17 10-15 mins away. Who is this redesign benefitting really? The MTA or the people riding the bus? You're not saving those of us coming from the bay or surrounding areas and along all those stops above that you're removing.
Please reconsider. Mott Avenue and possibly Seagirt and 19th should stay in place.
Thank you.
5/23/2022, 3:39 AM — I’m very upset by this redesign that affects the QM4 and the other express buses (QM5/6). I don’t have a car and I work in Midtown East 7 days a week, at 2 different jobs. I go into the city during peak M-F but I return off peak. And I work on weekends. How am I supposed to get in and out of Manhattan with no off-peak express buses? I cannot use the subway because I have panic attacks and the upsurge in violence and other things make me unable to use the subway. This isn’t right. The community - old and young - use the express buses to get into/out of the city on weekends and off peak to also see movies, theater, shopping and so forth. As well as work. This will affect the economy of the Manhattan as well as affect our lives. If there is reduced ridership it’s because most employers in Manhattan still have not opened their offices for in-person. The public should not be deprived of service because of this. And what about old people who depend on the express buses? What will happen to them?
5/23/2022, 4:23 AM — Good Afternoon,
Though I do not live in Queens at the moment, I used to live in Queens and I am always in Sunnyside. My particular comment is about the Q 50 service between the Bronx and Queens. In the Bronx redesign, which would in this case coincide with the Queens redesign, the Q50 service ends in Co-Op City after peak hours (6am-9am and 4pm-7pm). Personally, this doesn't inconvenience me because by the time I am able to leave Co-Op City it is outside of those peak hours, but even outside of myself, one thing I don't think that was taken into consideration was the Mall at Bay Plaza. It is the only major mall in the Bronx with direct access to Flushing, Queens. This mall closes at 9 PM, and with peak hours ending at 7 PM, it highly inconveniences our friends who live in Queens by adding additional travel time and bus fare. This will end up putting more money into the pockets of Uber and Lyft ultimately and discourage anyone in Queens from a job opportunity at the Mall at Bay Plaza.
My proposal would be to extend service to at least 10pm everyday for evening hours. That way folks who live in queens and just want to shop don't have to cut their time short, those who work here don't have an added inconvience, and it is a lot safer for our young women and teens who frequent these areas. And though I spoke specifically to the Mall at Bay Plaza, this also applies to the Mall in Flushing as well.
Thank you for your time, I would absolutely love to hear a response and have my feedback considered. As a young woman and frequent rider, I would like to confidently take my tax-payed public transit, not Uber and Lyft all the time.
5/23/2022, 4:46 AM — Even if I am not a resident of Queens, I really do like the express bus plan! All buses will use the Long Island Expressway in both directions instead of some routes using Queens or Northern Boulevards. However, some off-peak and weekend Queens express routes will be discontinued. Like the QM4 bus route, people would have to take the Q10, not Q64 to transfer to the Subway. I think that's a bit of a hassle to do. Plus, with the QM20, I would like to at least see service every 60 mins instead of no service at all during non-peak hours and weekends. People wanting to get to the city during off-peak hours would be in for a long, long walk in the Whitestone area of Queens. But, I think that this plan would be very useful and faster for people to get to Manhattan from Queens and vice versa.
5/23/2022, 5:38 AM — This redesign for the Q60 bus makes no sense. Leave the heavily used bus route on the heavily used Queens Boulevard. Unless your aim is to cut ridership by making access to the bus extremely inconvenient. Many consumers use the Q60 bus to shop at all the stores on Queens Boulevard. I suspect people like living along 108th Street because its quiet. Not much traffic there. Why bring more?
5/23/2022, 6:11 AM — I would like to voice my opposition to the proposed Q73 bus. There are many reasons for my opposition to this new route:
1. The new bus is unnecessary as the neighborhood is already served by other routes on Union Tpke., Horace Harding Expressway, and the Q64 on Jewel Avenue.
2. The new route will have a negative impact on the quality of life due to additional traffic and air and noise pollution. 73 Avenue between 164 St. and 188 St. primarily has single family homes that front on 73 Ave. (As opposed to the homes east of 188 St.). These homes, and their owners, did not purchase their homes to live along a crowded and noisy public transportation route.
3. The new route adds significant security concerns for these home owners.
4. The new route will have a negative impact on the value of these properties. These homeowners have invested a significant amount of money in their homes and they will inevitably see these investments decrease in value through no fault of their own.
In summary, the negative impact of adding the new Q73 route far outweigh and possible benefits. Therefore I implore you to reconsider and cancel plans for adding this new route in favor of expanding service on other existing routes.
5/23/2022, 10:31 AM — As a senior I have been filled with anxiety ever since the q10 bus stop making the stop at 150th ave and now leaves us 7 long blocks on 134 st. Which is next to homeless men shelter and hotels that attract problem ppl..My niece gets home at 10pm from her job and she has encountered masturbators and she is full of fear as the 7 blocks are deserted and not she walks alone filled with fear..I don't know why mta didn't think about the seniors who live by 130st and decided to do this terrible change...we do not want to become a victim please let's be proactive and put 150/130st. As a stop again..god forbid anything happens to the young ladies who have to walk by the drunk men hanging by the hotels..
Please be proactive vs reactive..
Let's not wait for something disastrous to happen to then make a change..
As a senior I walk slow and those 7 longggg deserted blocks can take me 25 min just to get home..
Please hear our cries...
5/23/2022, 12:59 PM — The Bay Terrace needs transportation for education, cultural and health needs and its quality of life. Our community is growing with new development.
THE NEW PLAN REDUCES or ELIMINATES BUS SERVICES WE NOW HAVE in Bay Terrace. We pay for this service though our taxes and high fares--$14 + for a round trip to downtown Manhattan with LIRR + off peak /peak/senior pricing ? x 5 days a week?
The new plan makes traveling a hardship on the Bay Terrace community. We rely on MTA bus service - no train or alternate services.
Advice: to save MTA money eliminate Q32 Jackson Heights bus line frequency - often underutilized and runs every 10-15 minutes day and night. New plan retains all this schedule.
Express Bus QM2—reduces weekend service to run every 1 ½ hours instead of every 1 hour. Unacceptable- leave at 6AM(no scheduled service) for a 9AM appointment ?
Reduces QM2 weekday off peak service drastically and peak service (peak- 6AM-9AM 4PM-7PM rush hour). Reduces 3 per hour to 2 per hour off peak Eastbound. Often off peak is often crowded and necessary to the community.
Reduces West Bound:QM2 Off Peak to 1 per hour (60minutes) 9AM-4PM – 7PM-10PM or later. Now 3 per hour @20 minutes or every 30 minutes to 5 PM- then 1 per hour )
2.New plan: Q 13 Pick up Eastbound is on Main Street not 39th Ave. but runs on Sanford Ave. then merges with Northern Blvd. at Utopia Blvd. (dangerous to stand on Main St.) Second stop- concern: it will be full before #7 subway passengers board it? Q28 Main Street stop now is an alternate route for overcrowding and stop should be near the Q13 at Main Street.
Dropoff needs to be retained on Q13 stop between 23 Ave. and 24Ave. – plan removes it.
5.New Plan: Q28 removes stops (express)east and west along lower Flushing union St. and Northern needed and Northern Blvd.
6. New Plan Q12 goes up/down Northern Blvd. only. Bayside passengers would have to cross dangerous intersection of Northern Blvd. and Bell Blvd. to board Q13 bus to go north on Bell. Pick up is second stop on Main St. and 39th Ave. –plan doesn’t indicate the exact place for the stop.
7.Baysiders wait too long for unreliable service- late, busses pulled from the route before our very eyes and we wait an extra hour, ½
Hour etc. for service.
Immediate Bus replacement needed for out of service buses. We’re left stranded with no information often for an hour in the cold or heat at night.
Change of route/service change notice now pasted on a pole and windblown.
We need electronic signage on poles with emergency and out of service notices.
Also noticed new routes seem to be posted on poles already. no time tables available why? is this a done deal?
5/23/2022, 11:56 PM — To whom it may concern:
I am writing regarding a new proposed Bus route "Q73". I moved to the fresh meadows location a couple of years ago, I moved here because it is a quiet and peaceful neighborhood which was close to both bus routes and subway systems. I got the feel of the city with suburb type of living. The q46 which is exactly three blocks from my house, takes me both towards the subway (E/F) train as well as towards Springfield Blvd. I can also take it to Parsons blvd, and transfer to go to Queens College if need be. Adding this new line Q73, in my opinion would be over kill, there is no reason to ruin a quiet neighborhood which already has public transportation at their front door step with more public transportation. I drive to get my groceries, I use 73rd avenue as a means of getting to most close supermarkets, It is convenient and not congested, adding a bus route on it would only cause more traffic, more potential accidents, add to more pollution and more so add to potential crime as well as taking away from the charm of the suburb privacy feel of this neighborhood. I could understand if there weren't a good portion of bus routes in the neighborhood, but this area is literally surrounded by bus routes which take can take us in all directions desired: Q46, Q30, Q31, Q65, Q88, Q17 to list a few, all of these are within a three block walking distance in the surrounding area and they all lead to one another giving you access to each no matter your desired direction. Please take this into consideration and invest the funds into something more useful and needed (functional working subway cameras, possible ways of keeping the subways more clean and less hazardous); I know it sounds easier said than done, just a few suggestions I thought of. Hope you are all well, and thank you for your time and consideration.
5/24/2022, 2:45 AM — I strongly object to the proposed plan to run a Q73 bus line through a quiet, residential neighborhood. We already have several buses in the area - including the Q64 on Jewel Avenue and Q46 on Union Turnpike, none of which go through residential areas, but are primarily confined to business districts. 73rd Avenue is a one lane road that has many traffic lights which will result in many stops and starts creating additional traffic congestion, noise, and pollution. Valuable parking spots will be eliminated, the grass on the strips near the streets will be paved over, and all our lawns will be destroyed. In addition, people waiting for buses will litter our streets and sidewalks. We have lived in our house, which is along 73rd Avenue, for almost 40 years. One of our bedrooms lies along 73rd Avenue, while the other two are very close. All three bedrooms will be effected by the noise and will make life unbearable. We did not buy a house along a bus route and should not be forced to live in one now. Please abandon this proposed route. Please consider the welfare of the families living along 73rd Avenue, a quiet, beautiful, residential area.
5/24/2022, 3:39 AM — I have been taking the Qm3 for many years, and ridership has increased tremendously since the pandemic. There is no other express bus option north of the expressway to serve the communities from bayside east. There are the qm5 and 6, both south of the expressway, and the 2 and 20 in the flushing/bayside area. Ours is the only route serving the neighborhoods from bayside east, including Douglaston, Little Neck and Great Neck. As it is, it is already limited service, with only three buses in each direction during rush hour on weekdays. Please reconsider removal of this route, as there is no alternative for us.
5/24/2022, 4:56 AM — Honestly, I don’t believe that changing the bus routes is going to lessen the time that it takes to get from the edge of the city to Manhattan or Brooklyn. Traffic is only getting worse, and as anyone that lives out here know, Queens is a car borough. Our best bet for making nyc more connected, less polluted and lessening traffic is with the extensions of the subways to the edge of the borough or creating routes from each neighborhood that link to the LIRR fast and giving a discounted rate for those that live in the city. We deserve it.
5/24/2022, 8:40 AM — I am very concerned about the plan to split off the Wall Street area bus QM8 to Northern Blvd leaving QM7 as the only Wall Street bus going along Union Turnpike. Plus you are planning to add QM11 stops to the QM7. First the ridership is not equal. This plan has too many buses for the Northern Blvd route and not enough servicing Union Turnpike. In addition the addition of the QM11 stops along Queens Blvd will make the ride home so painfully long. I take either the 7 or 8 home in the evening and by 188th Street, there are few "Glen Oaks" people left. Meanwhile, that route gets the last bus, not the Union Turnpike bus (QM7) Only a portion of the Wall Street buses should be routed to Northern and you should add more QM7s and make it the last bus.
5/24/2022, 8:55 AM — Bus stop at Grandview Ave and Metropolitan Ave - Q54 going East bound has a bus shelter.
All bus stops that have a shelter or seating should be kept.
You should redesign bus stops according to what is at the stop for passengers.
5/24/2022, 9:47 AM — Hello - I have a comment on the new QM7 and QM8 bus routes. The new QM7 route severely disadvantages current bus riders west of 188 Street. Frequency of service will decrease with the elimination of the QM8 option. Commute times will increase due to the addition of six new stops on Queens Boulevard. The current commute time is already very long. For example, today is Tuesday, a relatively light traffic day of the week and it took 1 hour 15 minutes to travel eastbound from Park Row/Ann Street to Union Tpke/Chevy Chase Street. So the QM7 proposal has the net effect of decreasing service and increasing commute times. Please consider keeping the existing QM7 and QM8 bus routes. To address concerns about long commute times of QM8 riders that live further out east in Queens, you can add a few super express QM8 routes that has the current one-stop pick-up in Manhattan and then start the drop-off at 188 Street/64 Ave. Thank you.
5/24/2022, 11:54 AM — Please consider keeping the q41 or at least a route that continues to serve Jamaica. With the elimination of that route, all 3 buses in Howard beach would only end up by queens center mall. We don’t need 3 buses that go to the same place!!! A direct route to a major central hub has been amazing for this area!
5/24/2022, 12:00 PM — Based upon comments under Queens Bus Redesign - Discussion Group on Facebook plus some comments I heard at the past virtual meetings of Queens Community boards # 9 &10 I think the proposed Q109 route should be revised to serve Lindenwood and along 84th Street in central Howard Beach from Cross Bay Boulevard/Liberty Avenue instead of the Q109 serving Sutter Avenue and Pitkin Avenue in Ozone Park which should then be transferred as an extension to the Q57 route. Under this plan the Q109 would provide a greater frequency of bus service between the Lindenwood/Howard Beach area and the Rockaway Boulevard Subway Station than the proposed Q21 route plus it would also provide direct bus service to Downtown, Jamaica as the Q41 route once provided so many passengers wouldn't complain. Regarding the revised Q57 route could then further be extended to the USPS Brooklyn GMF at Postal Facility Road to transfer with more Brooklyn routes plus provide access for Postal employees from Queens that work at that Brooklyn facility. This could be done by either extending the Q57 route from Euclid Avenue/Pitkin Avenue or revising the route path of the Q57 route from Grant Avenue/Pitkin Avenue. By also having the Q109 serve Lindenwood and along 84th Street in Central Howard beach would also provide more resources to restore Q11 bus service between Elmhurst and/or Jackson Heights and Old Howard Beach/Hamilton beach by eliminating or reducing the need for the Q21 route to service the Lindenwood and Central Howard beach area.
5/24/2022, 11:42 PM — Yes,please!
5/24/2022, 11:42 PM — Such a bus service would be a game changer for our family!
5/24/2022, 11:44 PM — We are such a large community of residents in LIC and Hunters Point, most of us with childrens, we need an accesible way of transport to Midtown. Please provide a bus or elevators in the metro station of Vernon Boulevard.
5/24/2022, 11:44 PM — Please connect LIC to Manhattan with a direct bus that is handicap accessible. The neighborhood should have that connection.
5/24/2022, 11:44 PM — Hi - I would like to petition for a bus service from Long Island City to midtown manhattan. Thanks.
5/24/2022, 11:46 PM — I live in LIC on Center Blvd.
Having a bus in LIC (I suppose on Vernon or Jackson ave near the 7 or G trains) to connect to Manhattan would be very much appreciated.
Right now the only direct bus I know of to get into Manhattan is by Queensboro Plaza which is very far from Center Blvd.
The bus would be crucial especially when the Manhattan bound 7 train is out of service (which happens a few times every few months). When this happens, the only option is to take E from Court Square which also is a little far. Furthermore, there are often many delays on E during these times, causing an exorbitant amount of waiting for a commute that should be very quick.
5/24/2022, 11:46 PM — A bus would be helpful for all community members, especially those with children who have difficulty with the train because of strollers and shut downs on the weekend.
5/24/2022, 11:47 PM — A bus service from LIC to Manhattan would be a great asset for the LIC community and would relax the overcrowded subways from LIC.
5/24/2022, 11:50 PM — Please add a LIC Midtown buss connector. I have mobility issues and would really appreciate an alternative to the subway, which is too dangerous to ride anyway. The increase in residents in LIC is creating crowding at the Vernon 7 stop
5/24/2022, 11:50 PM — In support of LIC bus to midtown
5/24/2022, 11:52 PM — Please add a bus connecting LIC to Manhattan via the midtown tunnel!
5/24/2022, 11:54 PM — Would love to have a connection to midtown Manhattan.this would be very convenient
5/24/2022, 11:55 PM — Accessibility to 7 train is limited to LIC residents
The trains are crowded and not safe during the nights.
There is limited weekend train service making a significant impact on city accessibility.
5/24/2022, 11:55 PM — Hello, I am writing in support of an LIC - Midtown bus connection for Long Island City. Thank you!
5/24/2022, 11:57 PM — Having a bus route from LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown tunnel is a great and necessary addition to transit in this area. There is currently no bus route that works for me (in Hunter's point next to the East River) to get to Manhattan, and it would be awesome if there were. Thanks! -Ashley
5/24/2022, 11:57 PM — A bus option from LIC to Manhattan would give me an incredible option to commute into the city! I've been wanting this ever since I moved here!
5/24/2022, 11:57 PM — Hi,
A bus to support the LIC community into Manhattan via QMT is needed. It will be important for my abilities, needs, and continued presence in NY.
5/24/2022, 11:58 PM — A bus route from LIC to midtown would greatly help with going into Manhattan and commuting. Hope you will make this a consideration, Thanks!
5/24/2022, 11:58 PM — I wholly support a bus route to NYC. The 7 train often doesn’t run and a taxi costs $25 just to cross into NYC which is too expensive for many of us families.
5/24/2022, 11:58 PM — i judge a bus route connecting long island city to manhattan via the midtown tunnel would be of tremendous value to my community.
5/24/2022, 11:58 PM — This would be fabulous. A relatively easy answer for a big problem. I recently declined a job because it was a difficult commute. Will encourage more riders and ability to work in expanded locations
5/24/2022, 11:59 PM — Add bus
Add buses
Add bicycle lanes
Limit cars in the 5 boroughs
5/24/2022, 11:59 PM — Hi MTA,
As a member of LIC community, I am submitting this comment to urge you please consider extending your current planned bus route. An LIC-Midtown bus connection could be accomplished by extending existing bus routes through the Midtown Tunnel. For example, the initial draft plan calls for extending the Q66 & Q69 routes to end at the Hunters Point waterfront, for connections to the ferries & LIRR. A more sensible approach would be to stop at the Hunters Point waterfront, then continue through the Midtown Tunnel to Manhattan.
5/24/2022, 11:59 PM — Please extend the bus line to stop at the Hunters Point Waterfront !
5/25/2022, 12:00 AM — The LIC and especially the waterfront area has hugely developed in the last decade. More and more buildings are opened and the only way / option for Manhattan is the 7th train. The distance to the subway becomes very difficult to handle especially during the cold seasons when we actually have to drag the children in the cold wind. A bus service that will serve the waterfront would be highly appreciated. Thank you
5/25/2022, 12:02 AM — Having a bus from LIC to Manhattan via the midtown tunnel would be extremely helpful. Oftentimes, the 7 line is under maintenance and there are no other subway lines within a 15 minute walk from me. This makes it very inconvenient to get to Manhattan. A bus would definitely fix this issue.
5/25/2022, 12:02 AM — Hello, I live in LIC and commute to midtown Manhattan. It is very inconvenient for me to commute through bus because there's bo direct bus route from midtown Manhattan to LIC. Considering it's proximity, I hope we can have one either thru cross-midtown tunnel line or extension of current bus route to Boden avenue.
5/25/2022, 12:02 AM — I would like to request that a LIC-Midtown bus connection is considered and included in the Queens bus network redesign, it would immensely benefit all Long Island City residents, including myself and my family.
5/25/2022, 12:03 AM — A bus from LIC to midtown would be great, making stops along Jackson and Vernon!
5/25/2022, 12:03 AM — LIC needs a bus to midtown Manhattan via the midtown tunnel asap.
5/25/2022, 12:04 AM — I always thought it was ludicrous not to have a bus here. There are seniors that live in LIC that do not take the subway. Please put this program through.
5/25/2022, 12:08 AM — It would be great to have a bus that goes closer to the water - nearer to Center Blvd, 5th street, etc. Even Vernon to midtown Manhattan would be helpful.
5/25/2022, 12:08 AM — Thank you so much for this great, very much-needed travel option...for many of us who live in the LIC but work in Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 12:09 AM — The Long Island City neighborhood needs an LIC-Midtown bus connection. The growth of the neighborhood over the last few years has been an amazing revitalization of the area, but it is currently underserved by public transportation. There is large number of affluent white collar workers in LIC and an LIC-Manhattan bus connection would be a great investment by the MTA and would strengthen the NYC economy.
5/25/2022, 12:11 AM — A bus route connecting LIC to Midtown through the Midtown Tunnel would be very valuable, especially for commuters who live in the rapidly expanding LIC neighborhood. Something that passes through and serves both the Center Blvd and Jackson Ave population centers would be ideal.
5/25/2022, 12:17 AM — As a senior a bus is needed to give us access to midtown. Trains are dangerous & ppl with disability need a better way of transportation for our area.
5/25/2022, 12:18 AM — Please strongly consider bus service from LIC to Manhattan. Also an increase of any service of transportation into Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 12:21 AM — I am a health care worker and a bus route from LIC to midtown, particularly outside of ferry hours, would be a godsend for me and my family. Please create this and save thousands of LIC residents time and money wasted on excessively long commutes
5/25/2022, 12:22 AM — Hi! An LIC bus in queens would greatly alleviate the overcrowded 7 train situation, especially if we have a bus from Long Island City via the midtown the midtown tunnel that would directly make drop offs in midtown. This community will only have growth in the next few months and years with the construction of new buildings and there are limited trains that run into LIC particularly on the Hunters Point side of LIC which solely relies on 7 train access into Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 12:23 AM — Please connect LIC to midtown by bus!
5/25/2022, 12:26 AM — Please revise the plan so that the bus extension continues into Manhattan via the tunnel, allowing physically disabled passengers to go into Manhattan without switching modes of transport to the ferry.
5/25/2022, 12:28 AM — We need a bus to midtown Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 12:29 AM — I’m a fairly new resident in LIC originally from Manhattan and would love bus service into Manhattan. Curious if this is a possibility for convenience in this rapidly growing community. Thank you, Mary Ann
5/25/2022, 12:31 AM — I require ADA accessible transportation from Hunters Point to Manhattan. A bus service through midtown tunnel would be a perfect solution. Please consider this for the population that needs and ADA accessible solution.
5/25/2022, 12:36 AM — Having an LIC bus would be life changing. It’s very difficult getting to places in midtown especially when the 7 train is down, and walking to central LIC where the NQR lines are takes 30 minutes to walk to from my apartment. Having this alternative route would definitely be much more convenient and I would use it more than I use the 7 train.
5/25/2022, 12:37 AM — Please add a bus route from Long Island city to midtown. Thanks.
5/25/2022, 12:38 AM — Hi, this is a brilliant idea. Rush hour in the morning is hard taking the train to Manhattan as it’s always full now. Also, as a victim of a lot of Asian hate, this will make us feel safer from attacks. Thank you for this initiative.
5/25/2022, 12:41 AM — A bus service via midtown tunnel would be extremely valuable giving additional transit options.
5/25/2022, 12:44 AM — We need community shuttle bus to pick up residents from surrounding neighborhoods and send us to closest the subway stations. Many residents in LIC need walk more than 10-15 mins to get to subway station, which is very inconvenient, especially for elders and commuters. Some residents management company, such as TF cornerstone, is offering similar services, but it only limits to their residents. They operates in very limited time and cannot provide professional bus service. This type of community shuttle bus is very popular in other metropolitan cities, such as Seoul and Shanghai. This kind bus can also send riders to different subway stations when one line is shut down. Here is more formal definition of this type of bus: The community bus is a small bus line that connects subway stations or long distance bus transit stations, residential areas, apartment complexes, etc., and connects other modes of transportation.
5/25/2022, 12:45 AM — This is 100% needed. Thank you
5/25/2022, 12:45 AM — This plan is making things much worse. How can you possibly justify cutting the express bus service? There are no subways in Fresh Meadows, I along with thousands of other residents rely on the express bus to get to work in Manhattan. Not only are you removing my bus stop on the QM4 and QM44, you are increasing the time between busses during peak hours and eliminating off peak and weekend service. So now if I work late I have to take the 7 and the Q65 which has 9 more stops added to the route before my stop or the E and the Q10 which has 17 stops before it gets to the subway station meaning it will be PACKED by the time it comes and it will drop me 1/2 mile away from home. Please explain how this redesign helps me? This plan is going to negatively impact a large working population in Electchester that rely on the bus network to commute to Manhattan. Please leave the express busses and the Q64 route the way that they are, nobody in this community asked for this.
5/25/2022, 12:46 AM — Absolutely need this bus service
5/25/2022, 12:50 AM — Please provide bus service from midtown to LIC. The 7 is frequently shutdown and overcrowded. The bus would provide an important means of transportation to connect Queens and LIC working families.
5/25/2022, 12:51 AM — As a member of the Hispanic community and representing my household, I urge you to open a bus service connecting LIC to Manhattan as our jobs, schools and loved ones are in the island. Thank you for serving your tax-payers!
5/25/2022, 12:51 AM — the MTA’s initial draft plan calls for extending the Q66 & Q69 routes to end at the Hunters Point waterfront, for connections to the ferries & LIRR. A more sensible approach would be to stop at the Hunters Point waterfront, then continue through the Midtown Tunnel to Manhattan. As an older person, it has been challenging to deal with the long walk from the waterfront to the 7 and then more so, the stairs to the 7 train. A bus would be the perfect solution and should easily connect across town. Currently I am limited to the ferry and the rush hour only schedule of the M34. Rush hour is a terrible time to travel to doctors appointments as an older person. Thanks for your attention to my request.
5/25/2022, 12:52 AM — A bus from Long Island city to Manahttan would be extremely warranted and helpful. There is consistent shutdowns on the 7 line and an alternate regular option would is necessary. Thank you for your time.
5/25/2022, 12:54 AM — a bus serving Hunterspoint and LIC, esp the waterfront would be amazing. There are weekends that it is hard to get to Manhattan due to 7 train service being shut down which is inconvenient. Having a bus that would pick up near the 7 train entrances on Vernon and dropping off at Grand Central or other local sites would be ideal and very helpful to local residents.
5/25/2022, 12:58 AM — A direct bus route from LIC to manhattan would be amazing for LIC residents and those looking for alternative transportation between manhattan and queens. Unexpected work or delays often make the subways unreliable and a bus route would fill a much needed role when the train isn't an option.
5/25/2022, 1:00 AM — A bus route from LIC to Manhattan would be beneficial to my work commute and leisurely activities. It would be a great alternative when the trains or ferries are out of service
5/25/2022, 1:00 AM — Dear Team,
It would be essential to hav a bus service to Manhatten from LIC as currently there is only 7 line subway to Hudson yards with no possibility to travel with kids to Central Park (in particular with a stroller) or for medical or work purposes in Manhatten.
thank you for considering
5/25/2022, 1:01 AM — We need more ways to get to manhattan from the lic waterfront. When the 7 is shut down for maintenance, it really creates issues for commuters. Especially elderly or disabled riders.
5/25/2022, 1:14 AM — Requesting bus to/from LIC - Manhattan. Need something in addition to 7 train in case it isn’t working. 7 train isn’t very accessible (no elevators at many stations) and overcrowding.
5/25/2022, 1:15 AM — A bus through the Midtown Tunnel will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges who need to get to the center of Manhattan, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators.
5/25/2022, 1:15 AM — Please create this bus route from LIC to Manhattan via the midtown tunnel! It would be a huge gift not only to adults, but also to students heading to middle and high schools! Thank you!
5/25/2022, 1:16 AM — We would love a bus going through the midtown tunnel. Travel between Manhattan and queens when the 7 is down becomes almost impossible. Would be a great alternative to subway travel
5/25/2022, 1:18 AM — A bus line from LIC to midtown would be incredibly important and helpful for those who commute to midtown. Right now, our only options is to us E, 7, or ferry. The 7 train only travels cross town, the ferry will only bring you to 34th street. The E while does bring you to midtown and across town is almost a mile from Hunters Point and very inconvenient to get to.
5/25/2022, 1:27 AM — Dear MTA,
Please consider in adding a bus to connect LIC residents to Midtown. This will support many individuals and families who struggle to get to Manhattan via train for various reasons. Uber/Lyft has also been exponentially more costly over the last few months. A LIC bus will certainly serve the community. Thank you for your attention to this important matter!
5/25/2022, 1:27 AM — We Long Island City, Hunter’s Point residents would love a bus into Manhattan!
5/25/2022, 1:34 AM — We need new bus line in LIC to serve the new residential neighborhoods and to alleviate reliance on the 7 train.
5/25/2022, 1:40 AM — A Bus from LIC to Manhattan is absolutely critical. In the case of track maintenance or stalls in one or two lines, we have quite literally no other mode of transportation. This is a transportation epidemic for queens.
5/25/2022, 1:49 AM — A bus line would provide a great alternative to the overcrowded 7 train as the neighborhood continues to grow
5/25/2022, 1:50 AM — LIC-Midtown Bus is Needed
5/25/2022, 1:53 AM — Would love alternate public transportation access into Manhattan. Please extend down to center Blvd.
5/25/2022, 2:00 AM — YESSS PLEASE WE NEED MORE TRANSPORTATION IN LIC!!! the walk in the winter is brutal and there are so many residents here that need to commute
5/25/2022, 2:03 AM — As a resident of Long Island City, I encourage the MTA to open a direct and ADA-accessible bus line from Long Island City to Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 2:14 AM — A bus from LIC to midtown would be a tremendous asset to the community, especially given the frequency at which weekend service is suspended for parts of the line.
5/25/2022, 2:19 AM — A bus would be sweet. I'm disabled and Court Square s a wee bit too far.
5/25/2022, 2:37 AM — I’d like an LIC-midtown connection
5/25/2022, 2:38 AM — Long Island City is experiencing incredible growth. Initially along the waterfront on Center Blvd and now on streets up on Vernon -Jackson. over 80% of us who reside in LIC work in Manhattan. In addition to the Ferry and Subway system, we need to have an express bus route that can access the city via the midtown tunnel.
If the MTA is seeking feedback for a final draft of the Queens Bus Network Redesign. please add a bus, an ADA-accessible bus that can get us into to the center of Manhattan.
5/25/2022, 2:46 AM — Please provide a bus that takes us directly into midtown as an alternative to the train. There is only one 7 train line for most of Long Island City residents and it is always overly crowded.
5/25/2022, 3:07 AM — This bus link would be incredibly helpful for Queens residents.
5/25/2022, 3:09 AM — Bus service connecting LIC to manhattan via midtown tunnel would be very helpful
5/25/2022, 3:10 AM — We need this bus!!! Lic to midtown please
5/25/2022, 3:30 AM — Long Island city has exploded as a desirable place to live. Weekend subway service is unreliable and frankly dangerous.
Please start bus routes to manhattan.
5/25/2022, 3:44 AM — Please! We need a bus! And earlier ferry times!
5/25/2022, 3:46 AM — In the queens bus redesign it says that you are retiring the QM3, will a new route/bus be taking its place for people in Auburndale, Bayside and Little Neck? It does not say in the redesign what people should take once the bus stops running. Please let me know
5/25/2022, 4:01 AM — As a resident who is quadriplegic and uses a power wheelchair, the subway is not an option for me. An accessible public bus and accessible bus stops would be a most welcome addition to my life for work and pleasure, not to mention more flexibility and ease in accessing different parts of Manhattan, especially during inclement weather or when the ferry stops running. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you like more insight to the needs of passengers with disabilities.
5/25/2022, 4:04 AM — It would help with commuting to have an easy way to travel to work especially when the ferry is closed pretty early and only comes every hour or so, and the bus makes me feel safer than the subway which is also a long walk (15 mins for me) and often under construction
5/25/2022, 4:08 AM — As a LIC resident I would like to see bus from Long Island City and Hunters Point areas that goes into midtown. This would help alleviate the over-crowed situation on the 7 train and on the ferrys. Thank you for considering.
5/25/2022, 4:11 AM — A bus connecting Hunters Point to Midtown Manhattan would be incredibly helpful for the LIC community. While there are other transportation options like the 7 train or the ferry, both have drawbacks. The 7 train is the only subway line servicing the Hunters Point area and can get extremely crowded by the time it reaches the Hunters Point stop. Further, any delays or closures leave commuters with little options. The ferry is great but it doesn’t run often enough and has more limited capacity, not to mention that the Manhattan stop by 34th St is no where near a transportation hub where commuters can easily connect to other destinations. Another transportation option into Midtown Manhattan would be highly valuable in my view so I am in full support of creating or extending a bus line that connects Hunters Point to Midtown Manhattan. Thank you!
5/25/2022, 4:37 AM — Our community in LIC would greatly benefit from a LIC-Midtown bus. The population has exploded here yet we only have one subway line to much of LIC. Please consider the addition of an express bus.
5/25/2022, 4:42 AM — I think that the LIC Bus is critical for ensuring that people with disabilities have ADA accessible transit and can easily travel to Manhattan. Just this morning I was travelling to Greenpoint and the only options on Google maps were CITI bike and walking across Pulaski bridge, neither of which would be accessible options-- obviously that specific trip wouldn't be addressed by a bus to Manhattan, but it just highlighted for me the critical importance of having multiple transit options, especially with the increase in subway violence. Thank you!
5/25/2022, 4:45 AM — As senior citizens living in long Island city, my husband and I would benefit from an additional way to get into Manhattan. We currently take either the 7 or the ferry, but would be unable to take the subway if we develop mobility issues- an unfortunate likelihood at our age. We strongly urge the MTA to implement a bus connection.
5/25/2022, 4:46 AM — I support the plans to have ADA-enabled buses from LIC to Midtown Manhattan. This would help greatly especially in the event of 7 train shut downs. Thank you
5/25/2022, 4:57 AM — An LIC-Midtown Bus is Needed as it will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges who need to get to the center of Manhattan, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators. With the construction of thousands of new housing units in LIC, bus service is needed to alleviate overcrowding on the #7 line. Bus service would also serve as a transit alternative during the #7 train’s frequent shutdowns. LIC’s bus routes were established when the area was mostly industrial, and existing bus routes no longer serve its residential population, whereas other residential neighborhoods have had bus service to Manhattan for years
5/25/2022, 5:29 AM — Please, a lot of old people is living in LIC too and they need help with the public transport. A bus to Midtown is very necessary for us. Thank you
5/25/2022, 5:43 AM — Hello! Long Island City is in great need of a bus that connect us to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel.
The bus would provide LIC residents with direct, ADA-accessible transit to the center of Manhattan. This is very much needed! Thank you!
5/25/2022, 6:57 AM — The 7 frequently does maintenance on the weekends. I live in Hunters Point South and there’s no good transportation option when the 7 is out.
5/25/2022, 7:08 AM — I am a new resident of Long Island City, having been selected in New York City's affordable housing lottery, "Housing Connect". I am also a disabled resident. Unfortunately, the nearest subway station, Jackson-Vernon, is not accessible to me. A bus from this area into Manhattan would be a real help for someone like me and would make all the wonderful cultural amenities of Manhattan possible. Please think of people like me when you are making your plans for the Queens Bus Network Redesign. I have seen and met several other residents who were selected for apartments in the "disabled" category of other buildings in Hunter's Point. So there is definitely a need here.
Thank you.
5/25/2022, 7:28 AM — Greetings! A bus line linking Long Island city to manhattan (over queensboro bridge or midtown tunnel) would be so appreciated - especially with the lack of elevators/escalators on the 7 line.
5/25/2022, 8:51 AM — I m disable
please this is a must!
5/25/2022, 9:16 AM — Please make this a reality. The inaccessibility of the 7 train for disabled or elderly passengers is a problem that needs to be fixed with this bus route.
5/25/2022, 10:04 AM — LIC-Midtown bus connection will provide essential transportation for my family as I have a baby and my wife and I find it very difficult to travel by train with the baby stroller
5/25/2022, 10:50 AM — Yes please create a bus line to Midtown from Long Island city… It is important to have easy access for those who are physically challenged. While I am not, I have many visitors who cannot climb up and down through the subway when visiting. This would make it safe and convenient
5/25/2022, 11:16 AM — We urgently need the support of the MTA to provide us with LIC Bus service to Manhattan. We are far from the 7 train and also there is no lift accessibility. Frequent closures on weekends and nights. Please support us! Grateful heart.
5/25/2022, 11:34 AM — A bus between LIC and Manhattan, particularly with hours outside the usual ferry hours, would be a huge help. I work at NYU Langone Health and this would be a game changer for me - particularly with the recent concerns with the subway system safety.
5/25/2022, 12:18 PM — Hello MTA team, I would like to request that the Queens bus route redesign offer a bus link between Long Island City and Midtown Manhattan via the Queens-Midtown tunnel. It would alleviate congestion on the 7, and offer accessible transportation to destinations across the East-West stretch of Midtown. Thank you.
5/25/2022, 12:18 PM — I oppose this plain as I would not want a bus stop next to my house on 73rd ave, where my children live and play. We have purchased the house to have a suburban quite life. We have plenty of busses running on Union Turnpike and Utopia Pkwy, just few blocks away from 73 Ave.
5/25/2022, 12:41 PM — When is this going to be implemented? 2032?
5/25/2022, 12:46 PM — It would be a great to have a bus service connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel.
5/25/2022, 12:50 PM — I kindly ask you to provide LIC residents with direct, ADA-accessible transit to the center of Manhattan. Subway trains connecting LIC to Manhattan are usually packed, especially during rush hours. A bus service connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel is a long overdue.
5/25/2022, 8:46 PM — we need a bus to go through the midtown tunnel, at least when the 7 is down.
5/25/2022, 10:41 PM — Given the recent happenings on the subway especially the two attack on women in lic stations this would be a great alternative which is cost efficient for riders and more environmentally friendly than Ubers…
5/25/2022, 10:52 PM — Hello,
As a resident of Long Island City who works in Manhattan, I fully encourage the development of a bus line that allows LIC residents a direct route to Manhattan. During the past year there have been countless weekends and late nights when the 7 train access to the city has been halted because of construction or some other disruption. If you live in Hunters Point, this is the only simple access point into the city as the E train is quite a distance walk away and the free transportation between stops is often unreliable. A bus option into the city would allow another solution during these times of construction. Thank you for your time.
5/25/2022, 10:52 PM — Hello, as a LIC resident, I would love to have bus going from LIC to midtown through the midtown tunnel. And to see more electric buses in general.
Thank you,
5/25/2022, 10:53 PM — LIC is a growing community, and this additional bus line is very much needed.
5/25/2022, 11:48 PM — It is in the best interests of the people of Long Island City to establish a bus route that connects Long Island City to Midtown Manhattan via the Queens Midtown Tunnel. The current bus lines were created when the area was largely industrial, and with so many housing units having been built over the past 20 years, it is imperative to provide essential transit options that meet the needs of these New Yorkers. With the ferry leaving residents off at 1st Avenue, and the nearest 7 train being a half mile away, and with minimal elevators and working escalators, it makes it very difficult for those that are mobility challenged to get into Manhattan. Many times, they must order taxis and ride sharing services which becomes a significant financial toll on these residents. Better mobility challenged transit options at affordable prices is what Long Island City needs to continue thriving.
5/26/2022, 12:47 AM — A bus through the Midtown Tunnel will provide essential transportation for residents with mobility challenges who need to get to the center of Manhattan, as most #7 train stations lack elevators or escalators.
With the construction of thousands of new housing units in LIC, bus service is needed to alleviate overcrowding on the #7 line.
Bus service would also serve as a transit alternative during the #7 train’s frequent shutdowns.
LIC’s bus routes were established when the area was mostly industrial. Existing bus routes no longer serve its residential population. Other residential neighborhoods have had bus service to Manhattan for years - for example the Q32 from Jackson Heights & the Q60 from Jamaica.
5/26/2022, 3:11 AM — We need that bus! I don’t feel safe taking my new born on the train and the ferry can only get me so far. I think that bud would be a great idea.
5/26/2022, 3:52 AM — I'd like to address in particular the proposed changes to the Q60, especially as it runs through Rego Park and Forest Hills.
I have over 54 years of living in Rego Park/Forest Hills. I can no longer take the subway as I cannot maneuver steps safely with a walker or rollator. The same grandmas I used to make fun of back in 1971 with my friends, who were older and feeble, I have joined in my abilities. On a limited income I can no longer grab a taxi with ease to go places in the area if Access a Ride is not an option. Stops are going to be removed on the Q60 which is going to affect our neighbors.
The average NYC block is 200 ft. For me, on a good day, I can walk about 3 blocks without the need to rest. On a bad day which are
becoming more and more, 50-100ft is the standard where I need to take a break. For me, to exit my building to walk to Queens Blvd
on 64rd, my basement is approx 400 ft to the corner of 98 St. Then about 175 ft to 65th Ave, then another 50 ft to the Q60 bus stop
on 65th Ave and QB at the LeFrak tower where the Langone medical center is located at the flagpole. That is the equivalent of 4 blocks
to walk to get the bus which means on a good day, I am tired and achy when I finally reach the bus stop.
This bus stop is important as it is a stop for people coming from the school public school on Yellowstone and 65 Ave to the
opposite side of Queens Blvd on the South Side. Also, the patients who use the medical center daily including staff. This stop according to
the bus plan is remaining which is fortunate if you are going westbound towards Manhattan. Coming from Manhattan, the 65th Road is being
kept. This is good for me, but for others, important stops are being removed from main shopping districts in this community.
Let me show you. Looking at the proposed Q60 stops coming from Manhattan, note that the stop for the main shopping district here in Rego Park is 63rd Dr. This stop here is at the center of the subway platform right next to Pizza Hut, and across from the Rego Shopping Center (Ikea, Marshalls, Old Navy, etc.). This is the main stop for the neighborhood which is the safest bus stop in this community even at 11pm. It is safe because Rite Aid is open late as is Pizza Hut. Also, the subway stop has people coming to and fro many hours of the evening into late night. Lastly, due to the number of cars making turns on 63rd, over there and the 24 hour Mobil station across the street, the area has a good number of people present most hours of the late night.
Removing the 63rd Dr subway stop dramatically increases the distance between stops.
The distance from 65rd to 63Ave is 1920 ft which is the equivalent of approx 10 blocks.. Whereas to 63 Dr, it is 1153 Ft, this walk makes this distance quite horrid for people. It also makes it harder for people who are getting off the bus to go to the subway. This stop literally serves the shoppers in the area who use Marshals, Ikea and the stores associated with it. They also serve the people who directly shop on both sides of 63rd Road and 63rd Dr on each side of the Blvd. Removing this stop is just plain wrong.
Another example is the distance from 71st Continental to 75th Ave is over a half mile. Removing the two stops in between is shameful.
Think of the population who mainly uses buses, people who might be going short distances or people who cannot or choose not to take the
train. This precedence of removing pickup spots will be a burden on the community. Please look at the distances for walking along the hills
of Queens Blvd, this is shameful what is going to be done.
Thank you
5/26/2022, 4:23 AM — Re: Q38 local bus.
As an initial issue, the "Northbound" / "Southbound" designations on the list of bus stops is backwards. E.g. proceeding from 62nd/108th to Metropolitan is a generally southwards movement, yet this list of stops is identified as "Northbound"
Secondly, have any of the planners ridden this bus? I ask not to be facetious, but because I think it is essential to do this before making such significant changes, and one particular set of stop deletions strongly suggests this has not happened. Namely, the deletion of the 63rd Dr stop in the "Northbound" (actually southbound) direction makes absolutely no sense. This stop provides a transfer between the R & M subway trains and sits squarely in the middle of the area's busiest shopping district. Within a block of that stop there are 2 groceries, 2 greengrocers, more than a dozen restaurants. And it sits across Queens Blvd from the Rego Park Mall, which includes a new urban-style IKEA, which was placed in that location specifically due to the very good transit connections found at the intersection of 63rd Dr/Rd & Queens Blvd. Likewise, the deletion of the 63rd Rd stop in the "Southbound" (actually northbound) direction provides another transfer point with the subway and is located across the street from the Rego Park Mall.
Re: Q60 local bus.
It is good to see that the Q60's connection to Manhattan will be maintained. However, again, some of the stop deletions simply do not make sense. And again, it is the deletion of the 63rd Drive stops that is most bewildering. For the reasons detailed above, these stops are essential due to the subway connection and the high number of shops and restaurants located in close proximity to these intersections. Also, the removal of the Elliot/Queens Blvd stop should be reconsidered as this is next to the area's local post office
Moreover, DOT has identified much of the stretch of Queens Blvd in Rego Park and Forest Hills - from 63rd Avenue to 73rd Road as Senior Pedestrian Focus Areas due to the fairly high percentage of Senior Citizens living in this area. Increasing distances between stops in this area would dramatically, and negatively, impact Seniors and others with mobility issues in this area, and I urge reconsideration of the deletion of any stops in these Focus Areas.
Thank you.
5/26/2022, 4:46 AM — Hi, I live in Rochdale Village, and have been living in Rochdale since it was built in 1964. It is devastating that some bus routes will be taken away from Rochdale and other propose changes will be an inconvenience. Rochdale Village is a large community being like its own city. Seniors depend on the buses, but at the same token, bus response time must be stepped up. I understand it goes by ridership. It may not be too busy during the day, but there are periods in the day that Rochdale residents depend on bus service. Even at Rush Hour, the Q85 can take long to come, in fact 2 hours. We need improvements to bus service and that is the response time, but not delete certain bus routes altogether. We only have express bus service at rush hour. Other communities have it around the whole day. Why didn't Rochdale get that service? I know it is ridership. People depend on the LIRR because it is faster going into the City and Brooklyn. If you walk people to come and take the bus, there are things that MTA must do in providing the service. If ridership is the problem, look no further than how the bus service is being given to the community. When the Jews were living in Rochdale, we got service, but now since Rochdale has changed Minorities Ethnics. Now the MTA wants to pull bus service away from Rochdale without cause other than saying ridership.
5/26/2022, 4:48 AM — We need bus service connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel since we have all our medical doctors & hospital are in midtown Manhattan.
5/26/2022, 10:02 AM — We don't need a bus line on 73rd Avenue. We have bus lines on Utopia Parkway, 164th Street and on Union Turnpike, within minutes from everyone in Hillcrest and Fresh Meadows. If anyone feels more is needed, make the existing lines more frequent. There is no major artery involved, 73rd Avenue does not lead to any public transportation centers, train stations etc. and therefore very few people would ride such a bus.
Traffic on 73rd Avenue is becoming too busy already, changing the character of the neighborhood, causing too much noise and air pollution, not to mention parking which is already difficult on many blocks. If bus stops are carved out of the existing space, it will be even more difficult, especially in snow. The speed of traffic is also getting very slow and is certain to become slower if buses block the way and stop at every few blocks.
In addition, a bus line would certainly reduce the value of the houses along its route, further compromising the atmosphere of the neighborhood. As for the city, less valuable houses will mean lower property taxes collected, so this bus line would reduce the income of city government also.
Please spare us this new burden.
5/26/2022, 10:47 AM — I moved to Queens from Brooklyn in December 2021 and a noteable difference here is a lack of efficient public transportation options. While there is a plethora of express bus lines in my area, the schedules are limited and inconvenient. For example, I can take a bus (QM10/12) into the city in the morning, but have to rush to Midtown in order to catch the last bus home because they don't run past 7p. I also see that there's a plan to absorb the QM10 into the QM12 but don't see any major improvement in frequency of service and no plans to expand the schedule. The buses will be overcrowded. The Brooklyn express buses ran frequently, late into the night and on weekends. Queens' public transportation options are atrocious. I love 20 minutes from Brooklyn but have to take a subway for 1 hour through Manhattan to get to Brooklyn. None of this makes sense.
5/26/2022, 11:17 AM — Having the option to take a bus into midtown from LIC would be useful to many residents. There are often delays or no service due to track work on weekends on the 7 train, which is the only close subway into Manhattan from LIC. Having the option to take a bus instead would be ideal. Further, with rising crime on the subways, it would be beneficial to have another option for riders to use where they may feel safer. Thank you.
5/26/2022, 6:48 PM — The q23 redesign is good but i think it should continue to service the 103rd st 7 train station on roosevelt ave since there is no train stop on 108th st. The rest of the route is fine
5/26/2022, 6:54 PM — The q39 redesign should be extended to the m train station at metropolitan ave which is now serviced by q67
5/26/2022, 7:01 PM — The q67 redesign is good the only thing would be to take away the right turn from fresh pond rd to metropolitan going toward ridgewood as that intersection is very complicated with short space and instead make the right turn from fresh pond rd to elliot then right turn onto metropolitan as the q39 does actively as those streets are more spacious and less complicated.
5/26/2022, 9:04 PM — You are suppressing my stop 63rd / Queens Blvd. I walk already 15 minutes every morning to catch that bus and now you are pushing the stop to 63rd and 108 which is four (4) stops farther approximately ten (10) more minutes walk. Based on your new route redesign, there is no point for me to rely on the express bus anymore, I will not walk 25 minutes and pay $62 for that bus.
5/26/2022, 10:49 PM — Hi, I would like to propose a service change/availability for customers who are coming from Q4, Q5, Q84, Q85 from Merrick Blvd and wanting to go directly to the LIRR Jamaica station. Currently, all four of these buses end around the Jamaica center terminal and a connection directly to the LIRR station would be a great addition! Another issue this could alleviate is for customers coming in after 109th/Merrick Blvd stop. Many times, due to buses being packed and over capacity, buses skip the subsequent stops to Jamaica station and customers get frustrated.
5/27/2022, 3:13 AM — This would be an amazing resource to have! Please, I would use it all the time.
5/27/2022, 8:11 AM — We need the xtra rout to the city
5/27/2022, 8:33 AM — As a resident of LIC, I find that a bus route linking LIC to Manhattan via the midtown tunnel would be a very valuable addition to the public transit options in LIC.
5/27/2022, 9:30 AM — On behalf of my family and my Linden Hill community including Mitchell Gardens #3, #2 and #1 as well as Linden Hill I wish to voice our displeasure with the redesign of the Queens Bus Network. It will provide a major inconvenience to our community with regard to access to Manhattan and elsewhere during the week and on the weekends. For example the QM2 bus will no longer stop on weekends in our neighborhood which is 26 avenue and Union street and all stops south of it. This will affect more than 10,000 residents in our area who rely on these services for work as well as transport to the city for shows, dining and appointments. This will constitute a great economic loss to our community as well as to the City as a whole. In addition, the plan to change the discontinuation of routes associated with the QM20 bus which will be removing stops and service during the off peak periods will also greatly inconvenience our community and the City as well. Furthermore, we do not understand the necessity of replacing the Q16 bus with the new Q61 bus. While the Q61 bus will travel south and north on Union Street it will not pick up passengers on Union Street. It will bypass the bus stops previously used by the Q16 bus. Please consider the hardship you are creating for our neighbors and friends. Thank you.
5/27/2022, 10:59 AM — 7 train blows. Do something please. This bus will be a major help. Thank you.
5/27/2022, 3:30 PM — This route should run all day: weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 5:30 am to 1 am with a frequency at all times of 15 minutes or less.
5/27/2022, 3:37 PM — The frequency at ALL times: weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays should be 15 minutes or less. Your proposed frequencies of 45 and 60 minutes or less on Saturdays and Sundays is absurd.
5/27/2022, 11:48 PM — Q1 - proposed peak/off-peak weekday frequency is good. But weekends need to be atleast at 10 min frequency
Q43 - should maintain existing peak/off-peak weeekday frequency. Weekends should be atleast 10 min. Stop spacing is excellent
Q45 - peak/off peak frequency should be atleast 15 minutes on weekdays and 15 on weekends. Beucase people would take it to the LIRR LIttle neck station
On top of increasing frequency peak/off peak, I would like to see some improvements to customer experience while waiting for the bus.
1. Bus shelters/seats at all stops with bus arrival time on screen.
2. Improvements to nearby intersection such as bulb out, curb extensions, tactile tiles at the bus stop connecting to the intersections and audible helper for people who are visually impaired ( also Braille at the bus stop signs)
3. Subway stations should have bus arrival times show on screen towards the exits. Guideway tactile tiles pointing in the direction of the bus(east/west) after exiting the station entrance.
5/28/2022, 4:43 AM — The bad thing i see is that the redesign will be by passing LaGuardia community college, a couple of highschools and a tech school all on thompson ave where major ridership of students attend coming from ridgewood. I believe the existing q39 route is a route thats able to cover areas where there are no trains. I believe its a route that doesn't need adjusting. The only adjustment would be duration once the college opens up fully after pandemic
5/28/2022, 4:49 AM — The q47 route redesign looks very efficient and it will save time and still make all connections
5/28/2022, 4:57 AM — The q49 redesign is perfect as it will extend to the end of astoria blvd and 110st. The new right turn on 31st ave instead of 32nd ave should not be added as 32nd ave and 92nd st is a wider street. Other than that it is a good redesign
5/28/2022, 5:02 AM — The q53 redesign is good to terminate at 74th st and roosevelt ave since that is the main hub. It would lose the transfer at 61st to the long island railroad but the 7train is still right there to take 2 stops to the long island railroad
5/28/2022, 5:10 AM — The q69 redesign is will take away the transfer for the E,M,R train but if they take the 7train at vernon jackson ave it will be a few stops from queens plaza to transfer and pick up those trains
5/28/2022, 5:16 AM — The q72 redesign is good and adding the queens center mall stop is efficient. Most riders on the current q72 usually walk to the mall from junction blvd and 57th ave so in this case it would make it more efficient
5/28/2022, 5:17 AM — I commute from LIC to Manhattan and would love to be able to take a bus that ran through the midtown tunnel to Manhattan.
5/28/2022, 5:20 AM — The q38 redesign looks very efficient since it takes away the loops on the route to make it better.
5/28/2022, 5:23 AM — The q104 redesign is good since the extension to roosevelt island would give roosevelt island customers and extra option to get around
5/28/2022, 5:34 AM — The q105 redesign is good it makes the route nice and straight.
5/28/2022, 6:47 AM — Dear MTA redesign team,
Please consider following adjustments to the proposed project:
QM20 express bus. It should not be eliminated off peak hours, at least on weekends. Nobody takes QM2 bus on the non-populated Whitestone Express Way, west bound - in contrary there are many of us on the residential area on other side of the Expwy.
Q61 bus. Given the proposed, it does not make stops on Union Street, can you consider changing its route along of Parsons Boulevard rather than of the extremely busy Union Street. It will make it really speedy.
Q20 bus. Eliminating Q20a to/from College Point deprives our community of a convenient way of reaching the College Point shopping mall.
Thank you.
5/28/2022, 8:03 AM — Hello,
I am submitting some comments regarding some express bus service in this redesign, particularly in Northeast (NE) Queens. I made some of these comments in the previous zoom meetings, but I figured it would be easier to have some depictions and some additional commentary regarding some of my suggestions.
First off, there are some decent proposals (the QM5's new route is an improvement over the old one, for example). There are others which I believe could use some tweaking in areas where there are missed opportunities to increase ridership easily for little to no cost.
Let me also preface, that under no circumstances should express bus routes operate any less frequent than every 60 minutes. The proposed 90 minute headways are unacceptable. It is not convenient to time nor is it easy to remember, especially given the long wait times. This will hurt ridership, and instead of cutting service, the MTA should look at relatively cheap ways to make route adjustments which would increase ridership.
Here are my suggestions for express buses in NE Queens:
----------QM1 & QM6----------
I do not have a problem with either of these two routes during peak hours. However, I do not find the QM1 necessary during off peak hours, nor do I find having the QM6 skipping everything west of 188th Street during off-peak hours necessary. The QM1 previously operated during off-peak hours and service was cut because of low ridership. What should be done, is to have the proposed QM6 make all proposed QM1 stops along Union Turnpike during off-peak hours. Service should operate no less than every 60 minutes, and perhaps it should operate every 30 minutes during certain periods of the day. There should be no 90 minute headways.
The QM1 should also start/end at 188th Street & 73rd Avenue instead of 64th Avenue, because the QM5 covers 188th Street north of 73rd Avenue, and I would also have the QM4 serve the Fresh Meadows apartment complex instead of the QM1 (see my QM4 comments for more information). Additionally, if the QM1 is the only express bus stopping on Union Turnpike west of 188th Street, it should operate no less frequent than every 10 minutes in the AM, not every 23 minutes. It would have to pick-up riders who get on the existing QM5 and QM6 as well, which operate much more frequent than the existing QM1 (the existing QM5 alone operates every 7-10 minutes). Same thing in the PM, it should operate no less frequent than every 12 minutes. The headways being proposed could potentially lead to overcrowding.
The resources used for the proposed off-peak QM1 service would go towards operating the suggest QM4 off-peak service instead (see below)
----------QM4 (Map Depicting Suggestions Included)----------
I understand that this route does not carry very heavy during off-peak hours, although I think that there are ways to counteract that without having to eliminate service. There is a missed opportunity to have QM4 buses make stops along Queens Boulevard, where ridership potential exists. Subway service is very bad on weekends along the Queens Boulevard Line, especially at the local stops with just the (R) train. It is very unreliable (trains often take 15 or 20+ minutes to arrive, regardless of what its headways actually are), and the slow service turns people off. An express bus option would be gladly welcomed. QM4 buses can make stops at 67th Avenue & 63rd Drive along Queens Boulevard, and at Woodhaven Boulevard & Hoffman Drive (the corresponding pick-up can be at Queens Boulevard & Woodhaven Boulevard or Woodhaven Boulevard & Booth Street). This is something that could technically be done today. Please strongly consider this suggestion.
The other change suggested, is on the eastern end. QM4 buses should serve the Fresh Meadows apartment complex, which is a high-density development, which is far away from the subway or the LIRR. The proposed QM5 would serve it, but the QM4 would help provide similar service levels on weekdays, and more s
5/28/2022, 11:45 PM — Q17 - This redesign proposal contains a new much needed express segment between Queens College and the number 7 train station at Flushing Main Street. It will still serve the Fresh Meadows 188th Street shopping area as well. The express service between Queens College and downtown Flushing is a much needed improvement over the slow local service now provided by the existing Q17 and the Q25/34 bus routes. This express segment may actually encourage more students attending Queens College to take the bus rather than a car to get to the campus. In any case it provides another convenient option for riders to get quickly to Queens College and the Fresh Meadows shopping district.
5/29/2022, 12:08 AM — Q7- I like the idea that the Q7 will now serve the Rockaway Blvd. Corridor instead of the confusing and winding route that it now travels. It will provide a new connection to the J Train on the western end as well as offer bus service on the western end of Rockaway Blvd. where no bus service now exists. On the eastern end it will provide service to the five towns area instead of ending in the JFK Cargo area in the middle of nowhere. As a daily traveler by car through the JFK cargo area I can attest to the fact that I have never seen anyone use this bus in the cargo area let alone that I myself have no idea where this route actually ends now. I also like the idea that this route will provide service to the US Post Office - Building Number 250 on North Boundary Road in JFK Airport. However, the proposal seems to call for this bus route to rejoin Rockaway Blvd. after serving the post office stop. You should be aware that there is currently no existing road that goes through that area to rejoin Rockaway Blvd. without the bus having to turn around somewhere at the end of N. Boundary Road. It would be great if a new road was built to connect these two roads but your proposal should be coordinated with the NYC Department of Transportation to examine the feasibility of your proposed routing. Otherwise, your new routing would have to terminate where the existing Q6 now ends and turns around to return to Jamaica. Anytime a bus needs to turn around adds many minutes to the traveling time and creates additional confusion as to the routing for the rider.
5/29/2022, 4:27 AM — Please do not remove the Hollis ave/ 190th st stop or the Hollis ave/ 205th and 204th st stops
5/29/2022, 6:30 AM — Hi I think having a bus directly from Queens to Midtown via tunnel is really going to help people going back to work especially considering the crime rate happening in the subway system.
5/29/2022, 7:39 AM — Please consider adding a LIC-Midtown bus route to allow additional options to get to Manhattan when the 7 train is not running.
5/29/2022, 7:12 PM — Someone mentioned at one of the Queens Bus Network Redesign virtual workshops a suggestion to revise and extend the Q51 on its eastern end to travel north along Springfield Boulevard to Jamaica Avenue and terminate at the Queens Village LIRR Station which is a great idea, but I believe the Q51 route could even travel further north to terminate at Union Turnpike/Springfield Boulevard to provide important transfers to the Q43, Q45, N22, N22X, Q46 and Q48 routes. This would provide even more transfer connections for many queens and Brooklyn passengers to be able to easily access more areas of Queens and Long Island.
5/29/2022, 8:47 PM — Please take a look at extending the Q82 route to Elmont Road as it would still serve the UBS arena from the outside plus connect with the N1 & N6 routes. On the western end the Q82 could also be extended further west from 168th Street/Merrick Boulevard via limited stops along Hillside Avenue, Parsons Blvd., Jamaica Avenue, Queens Boulevard & Broadway to 74th Street - Jackson Heights thus providing more access to the UBS Arena from Central Queens while providing a layer of limited stop service along Queens Boulevard. Access the Belmont Park from Southeastern Queens bus routes could be done by extending the Q2 route from 168th Street/Merrick Boulevard to Parsons Boulevard/Archer Avenue to terminate to easily transfer to the Q4, Q5, Q83, Q84, Q85, Q86 and nearby Q111, Q115 and Q114 bus routes.
5/29/2022, 9:36 PM — Hi,
I strongly disagree with the proposed changes to both the qm12 and42 in Forest Hills with both eliminating the stops near me. The proposed now stop is a very long walk away. I take the bus at 6.30am. Please assign a closer starting point along Metroplitan Ave. I am concerned about crime in the subway. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE ROUTES THIS DRASTICALLY.
5/29/2022, 10:24 PM — Please take a look at revising the Q57 route to serve the 179th Street Subway Station via 179th Place(w/b) 180th Street (e/b) then the route could make limited stops at Parsons Blvd./Hillside Avenue, Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue or Jamaica Avenue, Sutphin Blvd./Archer Avenue. Please also take a look at having the Q57 route extended on its western end to travel along the proposed path of Q109 route from Cross Bay Boulevard/Rockaway Boulevard to travel along Sutter Avenue and/or Pitkin Avenue to the Ozone Park - City Line area to the USPS Brooklyn GMF. The Q109 route could get rerouted to serve Lindenwood and Howard Beach to increase bus service to that area and replace the former Q41 bus service that most residents there are complaining about. Please note that most passengers along the current western end of the Q7 route (along Sutter Avenue and Pitkin Avenue in the City Line/Ozone Park) are not using the bus to connect to the Euclid Avenue Subway Station because these passengers are in walking distance of the "A" subway line along Liberty Avenue at the Rockaway Boulevard, 88th Street - Boyd Avenue, 80th Street-Hudson Street subway stations and at the Grant Avenue Subway station at Pitkin Avenue/Grant Avenue.
5/29/2022, 10:57 PM — Proposed Q19 bus stop removal at 27th av/8th street. Toward Astoria 27th av/2nd street. This stop SE corner is at top of the hill. Please reinstate, it will facilitate disabled persons going east on 27th ave. This corner good for q102, q18, q103 besides q19 to stop. There is very little traffic to warrant its elimination.
5/30/2022, 12:44 AM — The Q104 bus route may not be a high ridership route, but many students and local residents (including a fair amount of senior citizen riders) find that it conveniently serves key destinations in the Astoria, Long Island City, Sunnyside and Woodside area that are not easily accessible without multiple transfers on other bus and subway routes. There is a reason why the former Steinway Transit & Queens Surface Corporation retained this route and that the MTA faced pushbacks when this route was planned for elimination in the previously proposed Bus Network Redesign.
I have to question why the MTA is insistent on removing so many stops for this route. It is my judgment that removal of the stops on this route will not speed up service as the MTA claims it will and will most likely make this bus route more inaccessible for its riders (the loss of boarding/alighting opportunities at locations other than at major intersections). I believe that it is very likely any potential gains in the reduction of running time will be due to loss of ridership in certain neighborhoods attributable directly to the proposed changes.
I would like to take this time to register my objections to two specific proposed bus stop removals:
(1) On the proposed Q104 bus route, the removal of the 48 ST/NORTHERN BL on the Eastbound direction is an ABSOLUTELY STUPID idea.
This stop directly services two shopping centers that flanks 48th Street. A substantial number of passengers currently board and alight at that stop on virtually every bus run during business hours in the daytime. The two adjacent bus stops are located too far away or positioned very inconveniently from the majority of the stores of the shopping centers.
The MTA will face major backlash from businesses and politicians if this stop is not retained.
(2) On the proposed Q104 bus route, I am against the removal of the BROADWAY/46 ST stop on the Westbound direction.
After a recent route adjustment where the W/B Q104 was rerouted away from Newtown Road, it is now the closest bus stop to the Manhattan-bound entrance of the 46th Street (M/R) subway station.
This stop is the main reason why I would even consider riding the Q104 on my daily morning commute.
Due to the weird street grid of the neighborhood, the Manhattan-bound entrances of the 46th Street (M/R) subway station are spaced farther apart from the adjacent BROADWAY/48 ST bus stop than might be expected otherwise.
5/30/2022, 12:57 AM — Please take a look at extending the Q57 route on its eastern end from Little Neck Parkway/Hillside Avenue to Little Neck Parkway/260th Street Glen Oaks so that it would then make sense to then also extend the Q48 Glen Oaks bus further north to LIRR Little Neck Station via Little Neck Parkway north of 260th Street. These two changes would eliminate the need to operate the Q45 bus route along Little Neck Parkway as the Q48 bus route would provide access to the IND Kew Gardens Subway Station for Little Neck Parkway passengers north of 260th Street. If these two above changes were implemented, then the Q45 route could be rerouted to instead serve Winchester Boulevard and Douglaston Parkway into 235th Street and terminate at the Douglaston LIRR Station. Also, on the western end of the Q45 route could also be extended to terminate at Jamaica Hospital so that employees and hospital visitors from northeastern Queens would have direct bus service to Jamaica Hospital as well.
5/30/2022, 1:17 AM — The Q1 route could also be extended further east from the 243rd Street/Cross Island Parkway to 257th Street/Jamaica Avenue/Jericho Turnpike so that Braddock Avenue passengers wouldn't need to walk all the way from 243rd Street/Cross island Parkway/Braddock Avenue to Jericho Turnpike/Commonwealth Boulevard to transfer to an eastbound N24 bus. At least at 257th Street/Jericho Turnpike the N24 bus stops are closer walking distance with the eastbound N24 stop at Garfield Avenue which is located across from 257th Street and the westbound N24 bus stop which is located along Jericho Turnpike at Keene Avenue a/k/a 257th Street for transfers back between the westbound N24 route and the westbound Q1 route.
5/30/2022, 4:11 AM — Extend Q77 to green aches
5/30/2022, 10:42 PM — It is my hope that the bus network redesign will include a direct bus stop at the Ridgewood Reservoir, a green space that I live quite close to geographically but that is strangely inacessible via public transit (and not well served by safe bike paths, either!). While I have the ability to walk the half mile from the Jamaica Ave/Shepherd Ave stop on the Q56, that is not true of other New Yorkers who may be disabled or have young children, and who have just as much right to enjoy the reservoir. The chance to take the bus directly to the reservoir would open up that existing green space to a greater proportion of its neighbors, and that seems like an obvious good. Please consider the creation of a direct stop at Ridgewood Reservoir!
5/30/2022, 11:53 PM — LaGuardia Airport needs faster bus service. I recommend splitting the M60 into two routes: one that handles local Queens stops and one that travels non-stop from the RFK bridge to the airport. Also a direct bus from the Forest Hills LIRR/subway stations with limited stops to LGA would better service central Queens.
5/30/2022, 11:54 PM — The Ridgewood Reservoir has become one of MOST favorite spots in the City, but man is it hard to get to! I strongly recommend adding a nearby bus stop. It'll help thousands of New Yorkers, especially Queens and Brooklyn residents (but Manhattan too!) enjoy this amazing resource.
5/31/2022, 12:19 AM — The westbound Q32 and Q60 bus routes are hobbled by the extreme time delay in driving around the Dutch Kills Green plaza section of Queensboro Plaza. The westbound Q32+Q60 busses need a bus stop directly off of the single-occupant-vehicle-packed Queensboro Bridge lower Roadway.
I would like to meet up at this location and take a ride on the Q32 with the design team who came up with this portion of the bus route. Was the design team aware of how wasteful this circuitous re-routing of the bus around the Dutch Kills Green is? Does the design team know how it feels as a bus rider to watch cars efficiently approach the Queensboro bridge while you are moving at a snails pace in a bus as it snakes around the Dutch Kills Green which requires two sharp turns, an S shaped curve and 6 traffic lights at intervals sometimes as little as 200 feet apart?
Just ask the driver how they feel about the number of turns and complex maneuverings that are required here.
Ask the passengers if they notice how wasteful it is to have this giant bus full of riders finally getting ready to go over the bridge then to suddenly take a sharp right onto Qns Plaza East, drive about 200 feet to a traffic light stop, then begin another 200' journey to take a very sharp left across stop and go Northern Boulevard traffic onto a less than 75 foot wide Qns Plaza North. Then the bus is finally out of traffic but has a tight S-shaped skinny street curve to maneuver through before it hits its first bus stop since it took this gargantuan nightmare of a turn onto Qns Plaza East.
Of course the Q32+Q60 bus isn't done yet because it has 3 more stop lights to go through on this inefficient skinny street that feels like it was never intended to have a bus on it before it takes yet another sharp right turn onto Queensboro Bridge where the westbound Q32 and Q60 busses have no dedicated bus lane and have to slow down and deal with fast and furious single occupant vehicle drivers.
Why does NYC even bother trying to make Queens busses more efficient if the city can't see that this is a bad design for the busses?
A very obvious solution is at the north side / westbound intersection of 28th street and the Queensboro bridge lower roadway. This set of crosswalks and bike paths and planting areas should be opened up / recofigured to include a bus pullover detail. The bikes and pedestrians could easily be shifted toward Queens plaza north. .Right now cars and bikes are comfortably traveling here. Now it's time to give the busses a more direct route.
The westbound Q32+Q60 busses do not need to do a giant loop around the Dutch Kills Green.
The westbound Q32+Q60 busses need a bus stop directly off of the single-occupant-vehicle-packed Queensboro Bridge lower Roadway.
5/31/2022, 12:51 AM — Please add a direct bus stop at Ridgewood Reservoir. It needs to be made accessible by public transportation
5/31/2022, 1:00 AM — The MTA's proposed bus redesign would affect the Q33 which stops in front of Vaughn College located between 86th and 90th Streets on 23rd Avenue.
The design proposes picking up/dropping off at 83rd Street & Roosevelt instead of at the bus terminal at 74th & Roosevelt. This would make a tremendous impact on students and faculty when transferring to take the bus. The bus redesign would alleviate traffic on Roosevelt Avenue but would inconvenience commuters.
This means that when students, faculty and staff who take the E/F train to 74th & Roosevelt instead of just going upstairs to take the Q33, they would have to walk 9 blocks to get the bus or take an additional train (#7 one stop to 82nd Street). The commute would be even longer to get to Vaughn and the proposed bus stop means a very congested bus stop for pedestrians.
Is there anything that can be done to make sure the Vaughn community has the same access to the Q33 and not have it become more arduous?
5/31/2022, 1:20 AM — In redesigning the Queen's bus map please add a stop at the Ridgewood Reservoir. It's a public park that people would like to get to on public transportation.
5/31/2022, 3:33 AM — On Q2 westbound route, please keep HOLLIS AV/207 ST and remove HOLLIS AV/211 ST instead. The stop at 207th st. is quite busy and frequently used
5/31/2022, 5:11 AM — Please create a direct bus stop at the Ridgewood Reservoir.
Referrer: NYC H2O's and Transportation Alternatives's Petition for: A Bus Stop at Ridgewood Reservoir
5/31/2022, 5:31 AM — Ridgewood Reservoir needs a bus stop, the current closest stops are too far.
5/31/2022, 5:43 AM — Your combining of the Q11 and Q21 routes and extending it to meet the 7 subway is genius. Excellent idea. So is establishing the Q73. It would make getting to QCC so much easier. Makes good sense. Now, we need a dedicated bus stop near the Ridgewood Reservoir. It is a wonderful green space that has limited use because of lack of easy public transit. Please provide reliable public transit so that all New Yorkers can enjoy the great outdoors easily. Thank you.
5/31/2022, 5:48 AM — The Springfield/Rosedale Community Action Association, Inc., the civic association serving the Brookville Community (identified on your map as Springfield Gardens), requests the following:
1. That the express bus route QM63 start in Queens at 225th Street and 147th Avenue and then go to 258th and 149th Avenue. While the plan purports to add more express bus service in Springfield Gardens, it doesn't take into account that more than half of Springfield Gardens is below Conduit Ave/Belt Parkway. It has been our understanding that the "runoff" of the QM63 runs through Brookville. Why not have an official stop there to accommodate those living below the Conduit. Right now, there is no express bus service from that part of Springfield Gardens.
2. Add a shuttle bus between 147th Avenue and 225th Street to the Laurelton LIRR Station. There used to be one there years ago, but was removed. Those who connect with the LIRR from that part of Springfield Gardens and Brookville, have a very long walk to the railroad.
3. Consider adding some more crosstown bus routes connecting neighborhoods in Queens. Not everyone is going to a subway or railroad hub. Those who want to travel within the borough have to spend an inordinate amount of time traveling from one community to another if they must travel by bus.
5/31/2022, 6:23 AM — This bus would a great alternative to the unreliable 7 train, as well as provide a safer environment since there appear to be more and more subway incidents every day.
5/31/2022, 6:24 AM — This bus would be a safe alternative to the subway. I am a young female and taking the subway lately is very scary and I’m always on edge with all the recent incidents. This bus would be a great way to commute into the city.
5/31/2022, 8:37 AM — I would like to note my objection to the formation of the proposed Q73 bus that would go down 73rd Avenue. There are several reasons for this, including but not limited to the following:
1. 73rd Ave has only one lane and already has traffic congestion issues. Adding a bus on 73rd Ave would make the traffic even worse.
2. Also, bus stops along 73rd Ave will take up valuable parking spots in neighborhoods where it is already difficult to find parking.
3. I live on 73rd Ave and am very concerned about the noise pollution. The buses, along with the passengers who will be waiting at the bus stops, will create a ton of new noise pollution in areas that are quiet residential neighborhoods.
4. The proposed bus route would go through the quiet residential neighborhood of Fresh Meadows where I live and would disturb the character of the neighborhood.
5. I live right on 73rd Ave and if there is a bus stop placed in front of my house, I could have random people waiting for the bus in front of my house at all hours of the day, night and early morning.
6. The increase in traffic will also increase the litter and pollution to the area.
7. The increase in bus routes will increase carbon emissions when climate change is already a major issue.
8. Finally, this bus route is completely unnecessary. There are already plenty of bus routes that either go right to Queens Community College or very close to it (Q75, Q78, Q88) and there is a bus that already goes to Forest Hills (Q64). Also, there are many buses that you can take that connect to those buses.
I respectfully ask that the proposal be reconsidered and that the proposed Q73 bus route not be implemented.
Thank you
5/31/2022, 9:10 AM — Please reconsider reducing the frequency of the QM6 bus. Having to wait 90 minutes is too long especially if a bus gets pulled out of service or never comes. Please revisit to keep the buses more frequent at 60 mins or less. This is a problem especially during the cold and wintery months. If the frequency is 90 minutes I would be more likely to take the LIRR or drive in instead.
5/31/2022, 9:21 AM — Regarding the QM6, please do not decrease the frequency. If buses don't come and/or get cancelled, having to wait 90 minutes is completely unacceptable . Some people are handicapped & unable to wait the 90 minutes for a bus that may or may not come. Having to wait 90 minutes is extremely difficult, especially during the cold & rainy months!
If the frequency is decreased, I would rather drive or take the LIRR. Please reconsider this proposed plan!!
5/31/2022, 11:27 AM — Please do not remove the current section of the Q102 bus route that connects Roosevelt Island to Queens Plaza. The newly routed Q104 that is proposed to replace the Q102 will not stop at Queens Plaza. The bus connection between Roosevelt Island and Queens Plaza is vital for Roosevelt Island residents and people who work on Roosevelt Island.
5/31/2022, 9:38 PM — These comments are issued regarding the MTAs proposed QM64 (previously known as X64) Express Bus route change. I am extremely disappointed with this proposal. Over the past ten years, the service on this route has been subjected to unprecedented changes not experienced by any of the other express bus lines in Queens.
These changes have included, but not been limited to radical alterations in pick-up and drop-off times, reductions in the number of buses servicing the route, and poor maintenance and cleanliness of the buses. Additionally, the X64 has always been the last of the routes to obtain new buses. In many cases, the route received hand me down buses discarded by the other routes, as they had moved on to the new buses. Now, to have this debilitating proposal thrust upon us is an indiscretion that my fellow riders and I cannot acquiesce to without challenge.
The express bus routes were created to alleviate the burden of commuters forced to endure a long normal service bus ride just to arrive at the subway station even before the subsequent long train ride into Manhattan. Additionally, it also provided commuters with the added benefit of greatly reduced commute times, while also allowing for only one mode of transportation. This had been successfully achieved for many years for the residents of Cambria Heights, Queens, and its surrounding neighborhoods. The proposed re-routing of the X64 would thrust our communities back into a state of longer and more overcrowded commutes. I am born and raised in Southeast Queens, and still reside there. This community is composed of hard working blue collar and middle class residents, who deserve much better representation from the MTA. The change in route would cause the following devastating effects:
Re-routing the bus to travel west on 34th Street once arriving in Manhattan, would disenfranchise countless riders travelling as you know from 37th Street to 57th Street and Third Avenue; 57th Street and Third Avenue to 57th Street and Fifth Avenue; and Fifth Avenue down and over to 23rd Street and First Avenue. The proposed cutting of this pocket of service defeats the entire purpose of the Express Bus in the first place. Riders would be forced to disembark at the first stop on 34th Street, and then fend for themselves to travel on to their respective parts of the city. Any riders under the current route requiring service along 34th Street easily disembark at 37th Street and Third Avenue, walk three short blocks over to 34th Street, and then transfer to a local service crosstown bus. The proposed route change would essentially terminate service at 34th Street, and service only a handful of riders requiring service on 34th Street. Again, there is a local bus currently providing this service along 34th Street.
Commuters would be subjected to the added burden of increased travel time. In an effort to arrive at our destinations in a timely manner, we would be forced to leave our homes much earlier each morning. The implications of this would be less sleep, breakfast on the run, and for those parents with small children, drastic changes in their ability to get their children to school safely and timely, in their haste to arrive at their places of employment on time. This is a severe attack on our quality of life. For a city that prides itself on increasing and maintaining a high quality of life for its residents, this planned re-routing would achieve the exact opposite effect.
Commuters would be forced to search for alternate travel routes. This could mean the added cost of taking the Long Island Railroad, thereby placing an unexpected financial burden on residents. Additionally, many commuters could be forced to take the regular bus into Jamaica, and then the subway on to Manhattan. Again, commute times are increased, presenting some of the added inconveniences and quality of life attacks previously mentioned. Lastly, commuters could resort to driving to other parts of town
5/31/2022, 10:11 PM — Dear Madam/Sir,
I think there are enough buses' lines in this area, such as Q30/Q31, Q46, Q65, and Express buses, so there is no need to add more bus lines in 73rd Ave and in Jewel
Ave, Thank you very much for the considerations!
6/1/2022, 12:09 AM — New Q86 to Green Acres, please do not eliminated 241 Street bus stop , My grandma needs this stop to go to the Snap Senior Center at Cross Island PLAZA, 233 Too far away , take away 233 st
6/1/2022, 12:25 AM — new Q86 bus route , please add back 241 street bus stop , for Seniors using Snap Senior Center and patients using all the doctor offices in the Cross Island Plaza across the street
6/1/2022, 12:31 AM — Q86 TO GREEN ACRES, I am 88 yrs old , can not drive anymore, use the bus to go the the senior center in the Cross Island Plaza which is just across the street from the 241 ST BUS STOP , why are you moving the stop to 233 st , now I HAVE TO WALK BACK , 2 LONG BLOCKS
6/1/2022, 1:22 AM — Add a bus stop at the ridgewood resevior at highland park.
6/1/2022, 2:29 AM — it would be so helpful to have a bus stop and route that went through long island city / hunters point to midtown manhattan. right now the 7 is the only means nearby for public transportation, and it is a 12 minute walk from the apt buildings near the water. thank you in advance!
6/1/2022, 3:46 AM — I wait. For a long time in last stop Felix ave. When the bus is park at 61 street in Felix corner. We are all students (children. And teens)and working people. We wait in the rain hot cold weather for the bus to come. My question is why don’t let the bus stop at the 60 LA and St Felix and let the full and the passengers wait inside the bus. We have very hot temperatures an very cold winters our shoes are soak and wet please be reasonable all are citizens we all pay the exactly fare of 2.75 please.
6/1/2022, 5:32 AM — It is my understanding that you want to change the Q35 and Q22 bus line routes, to "improve services". In my view, the suggested changes are not improvements at all, but, instead, are detrimental to the communities of the Rockaways, and those who come into the Rockaways for work, or school.
Let me start with the Q35. This route comes from the Flatbush "Junction", comes off of Rockaway Beach Boulevard to Beach 147th Street, where it turns onto Newport Avenue. In the summertime, the Q35 also provides service to Riis Park Division, Gateway National Recreation Area.
I'm partially handicapped, and trying to get my Access-A-Ride clearance. In the interim, I'd have to cross Newport Avenue, walk the 200 block to the Boulevard.
On a historical note, when the traffic circle at the southern base of the Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge was in the process of being replaced by the current overpasses, the TBTA was totally surprised when the question was asked, "What about the bus stop?" Their answer was "Uh, what bus stop?". The Q35 bus had to do some serious maneuvering at the traffic light at what then was the entrance to Fort Tilden, including backing up with all the passengers aboard, before they created the still unsatisfsctory bus stop under the overpasses enroute to Beach 116th Street from the Junction. Someone in the design stage had totally forgotten that Q35 riders lived in the Roxbury, Rockaway Point, and Breezy Point communities, west of the bridge!
Then, there's the Q22. Passengers going eastbound change from the Q35 to the Q22 to go towards Far Rockaway, at the bus stop in front of the Neponsit Home For Adults, a bit west of Beach 149th Street, or walk the length of the 200 Block of Beach 116th Street to the Q22 stop.
Another historical note: Without prior notice, the stop between Beach 116th and 117th Street for the eastbound Q22 was removed, leaving stunned passengers at the now former stop, wondering why the bus was bypassing them, then run to the new stop at Beach 115th Street, to try for the bus.
I can understand the westbound Q22 alternating buses that go through to the terminus stop at Beach 168th Street, and going to a new stop set up by the Ferry, on Beach Channel Drive at Beach 108th Street, and terminating on Beach 116th Street just South of Newport Avenue. If I were riding westbound, I'd just have to keep watch to make sure I was getting the right bus.
But what about the passengers going eastbound? I'll specify those going towards The Beach Channel Educational Complex by Beach 100th Street, or to the Far Rockaway Educational Complex at Bay 25th Street? The students living up at Breezy Point, Rockaway Point, and Roxbury? It's a 2 mile walk for many of them now, to get to the Q22 terminus stop at Beach 168th Street. So now, instead of a one seat bus ride from Beach 168th Street to school on the Q22, they now would get on the Q35, using the inadequate bus stop under the bridge overpass, then have to change to the Q22 for the remainder of the ride by Beach 116th Street.
On a slight tangent, the Q22 going to the ferry has created a problem already. It's terminus, since implementation, took away at least 6 parking spots on Beach 116th Street, from Newport Avenue south to the FDNY Firehouse. That is in front of several businesses I no longer can access, as I can no longer find a parking spot where I used to legally be able to park.
Another historical note. Years ago the Q21 used to run from by the Boardwalk on Beach 116th Street to Cross Bay/Woodhaven Boulevards at Rockaway and Liberty Avenues, as a local, while the Q53 ran much the same route, and beyond, as an Express line. Nowadays the Q21 runs from Howard Beach to somewhere north of there. No local service in Broad Channel now, at all.
Yet another historical note. There was, at some time, a Q21A bus that covered much of the more than a mile from the transportation hub at Mott Avenue and Beach 20th Street/Central Avenue, to about Bay 30th Street and
6/1/2022, 5:50 AM — Please take a look at revising the Q43 route to travel along Parsons Blvd. between Hillside Avenue and Jamaica or Archer Avenue to stop at either Parsons Blvd./Jamaica Avenue or Parsons Blvd./Archer Avenue before terminating at Sutphin Blvd/Archer Avenue which would then provide additional transfers with the Q4, Q5, Q83, Q84, Q85 and Q86 bus routes. To provide replacement bus service to Hillside Avenue between Sutphin Boulevard and Parsons Boulevard plus provide some more transfer connectivity the Q40 route could be extended west along Hillside Avenue from Sutphin Boulevard to Parsons Boulevard and then south along Parsons Boulevard to Archer Avenue to terminate. Some thought should also be given to extend the Q46 route on its western end from Kew Gardens to 71st Avenue - Forest Hills via limited stops along Queen Blvd., then 108th Street to Yellowstone Blvd and then Yellowstone Blvd. to Woodhaven Boulevard and Woodhaven Boulevard to Metropolitan Avenue to terminate along Metropolitan Avenue(w/b) between Woodhaven Boulevard and Cooper Avenue for transfer to the Q52 and Q53 to the Rockaways. The returning eastbound Q46 route could then make a right turn at Cooper Avenue and travel north along Cooper Avenue making a left turn on to Woodhaven Boulevard and then a right turn on to Yellowstone Boulevard to proceed back to Queens Boulevard making a right turn and then continue east toward Kew Gardens. Additionally, the MTA could also look into extending the Q53 route further west in the Rockaways to Jacob Riis Park and terminating at Beach 169th Street and extending the Q52 route further east to Beach 20th Street/Seagirt Boulevard to terminate. All of the above changes along with having some of the Q43 buses as well as some of the Q46 buses also being extended on their eastern end from Lakeville Road to Great Neck via N25 routing would then provide access to LIJ Hospital, Lake Success and Great Neck from virtually any point in Queens via two buses.
6/1/2022, 8:05 AM — I would like to designate the six 3 digit route designations:
Route Q104 would become route Q36
Route Q105 would become route Q15
Route Q109 would become route Q64
Route Q111 would become route Q71
Route Q114 would become route Q74
As far as route Q115 is concerned, after leaving Jamaica Center Station, turn right onto Parsons Blvd from Archer Avenue, continue on Parsons Blvd, left onto Hillside Avenue, right onto Queens Blvd and combine with Q20 to eliminate layover by Parsons-Hillside.
6/1/2022, 9:12 AM — I have difficulty understanding why the QM10 is being “retired”; ridership has increased since NYC reopened and people started returning to work. More and more people ride the express bus to avoid trains.
You want to remove a bus that runs through a predominately black and brown community with direct access to midtown Manhattan. Make it make sense, MTA
6/1/2022, 11:02 AM — For me, the biggest issue with the redesign is the lack of connections to the Jamaica LIRR station. Under the proposed plan, the Q34 would be eliminated and neither the Q25 nor Q65 would stop at the station. To get to the LIRR, I'd have to take the Q25 to Jamaica Center, then either walk or take the subway one station over to Sutphin-Archer-JFK (which really doesn't make sense). The walk is doable for me, but would be hard on someone with mobility issues, not to mention there are people further north on the Q25 line who are much further from the station. The only alternative would be the Q43, but I'd have to walk down to Hillside/Parsons and the bus terminates before the LIRR station, meaning I'd spend most of the trip walking and there would little point to taking the bus.
The result of these changes is be that I'll be less likely to take the bus at all, and much more likely to ride a car, which seems like something the MTA shouldn't be incentivizing. I myself don't drive, so I'd be dependent on for-hire vehicles or friends to connect me to the LIRR station.
I understand the desire to reduce bus congestion near Jamaica LIRR and provide better service options to people in South Jamaica, but the service changes would remove all options for people in our area to get to the LIRR by bus. Additionally, Jamaica LIRR is a major transfer point, the station is being renovated to add new tracks, and transit-oriented development is going up in the area. Factoring all of that in, it doesn't make any sense to cut bus service there. Surely there is a way to achieve the goals of the redesign without such drastic cuts.
6/1/2022, 12:06 PM — New Bus Q86 to Green ACRES. I do not drive anymore and walk with a cane , I GET OFF AT 241 ST, to go to the Senior Center at the Cross Island Plaza
Please do not remove 241 ST STOP
6/1/2022, 7:57 PM — On the Queens Bus Network Redesign virtual workshop for Queens Community Board #13 on May 31, 2022, someone mentioned an issue with the loss of a one seat ride to the 179th Street Subway Station Jamaica for Springfield Boulevard passengers currently served by one of the Q1 branches of the Q1 route. To address this issue the MTA could consider revising and extending the Q9 route to no longer turn around and terminate at 165th Street Terminal but instead to travel to Hillside Avenue and provide Rush Style bus service along Hillside Avenue to Springfield Boulevard and then the route would serve local stops along Springfield Boulevard up to Jamaica Avenue or at some other point further south along Springfield Boulevard up to Linden Boulevard.
6/2/2022, 2:43 AM — I am totally in shock at whoever came up with this plan that there is no bus in the maspeth area where it is mainly elderly people and young families with young kids who depend on this service to get their kids to school.Also it looks like you are accommodating the ups workers who many use this service and have no other way to get there.Now we have the park frank principle that is used by many teams and school for training has any thought how these young kids are going to get here or would you rather they be abducted by the expressway.Also I'm a health worker and sometimes my shift finishes at 11pm I would have to walk for a good 15 min at probably 12 at night by myself to get to my house which already at this moment in time it's long enough the 3 minute walk with all that is going on in our neighborhoods. I seriously hope this is reviewed as I speak for all the people in this neighborhood that travel daily it is a very bad plan .We need either the 18 to stay or the 67 you can't do both not acceptable.
6/2/2022, 2:59 AM — I’m writing in opposition to the newly proposed bus route changes that will adversely affect my community. Under the current proposal, both Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach Q-11 routes would be shortened, terminating at Rockaway Blvd and Liberty Ave, eliminating the current one-seat ride to Queens Center Mall. A greater issue is the proposed route would not connect to Cross Bay Blvd. until Rockaway Blvd this will adversely affect students attending JHS/HS 202. Students depend on both Q-11 buses, which currently stop at Pitkin Ave, to get to school but they will now add almost two miles and approximately 25 minutes to their bus ride by making them transfer at Rockaway Blvd to a south bound Q-21, Q-52 or Q-53.
To make matters worse, both the proposed Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach Q-11 peak hour frequencies would be decreased, and the route would no longer run 24 hours. Many in our community work in the service industry at Queens Center Mall as well as the shops and restaurants on Woodhaven Blvd. They rely on bus service to get to work, and their work schedules often has them working into the early morning hours. The elimination of overnight service will severely impact these residents, both young and old, by leaving a transportation desert for several hours during the overnight.
The New Hamilton Beach Civic Association strongly urges the MTA to look at a workable compromise. This would be to combine both Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach Q-11 service into one route. The Q-11 could serve both communities by means of a loop, thereby doubling bus service for both communities while adding about 6 minutes to the ride. The inbound Q-11, following its proposed route, would turn left onto 160 Ave. and then turn right onto 102 Street following the current Hamilton Beach route. Passengers could then be discharged at the current bus stops along 104 Street. Upon leaving Hamilton Beach the bus would make a left onto 160 Ave and follow the current Howard Beach Q-11 route to 165 Ave and 96 Street.
When the Q-11 leaves 165 Ave. & 96 Street on its outgoing route, it would follow its normal route to 160 Ave. and 102 Street. It would then make a right onto 102 Street and travel along the current Q- 11 route. It would then pick up passengers at the existing bus stops along the west side of 104th Street, proceed to the turn-around at 165 Ave. and follow the current Q-11 route. As the current rest break at 104th Street & Hamilton Beach Park will not be needed, the dangerous bus stops along the east side of 104 Street, where riders must stand in the roadway to wait for the bus, could be eliminated.
I hope that the MTA will work towards the best bus service for all riders and neighborhoods and will consider our recommendations.
Roger Gendron, President
6/2/2022, 3:37 AM — I’m writing regarding the Queens Bus Network Redesign Draft Plan. It is my understanding that the thought behind the redesign of the Queens bus routes is to make using the buses easier and faster. In my community of Howard Beach in order to access Crossbay Blvd, one of our two main commercial districts, a bus rider would have to take the Q-11 to Pitkin Ave in Ozone Park, cross to the southbound side of Crossbay Blvd and them access a southbound Q-52/Q-53 back to Howard Beach. The other main commercial district is located at the Lindenwood Shopping Center which is bordered between 83rd Street to the west, 84th Street to the east, 153 Ave to the south and 151 Ave to the north. The Lindenwood Shopping Center and Crossbay Blvd are home to a wide variety of services such as doctors, dentists, pharmacies, supermarkets, banking, restaurants, and so much more but currently
the only way to gain access to most of these services is to drive.
My suggestion would be to create a Crosstown Howard Beach route. The route could start in Old Howard Beach at 102 Street and 159 Ave, a short walk from the MTA Howard Beach Airtrain/ A train station. The bus would turn left onto 157 Avenue stopping at 99 Street. It would then proceed west across Crossbay Blvd into New Howard Beach stopping at 92 Street following the current Q-41 route into Lindenwood. The route would change slightly as the Crosstown route would continue straight on 84th Street then turning east onto 151 Avenue and travelling back to 84th Street where it would then retrace the route back to Old Howard Beach along 157 Ave. Turning right onto 101 street, stopping at the existing Q-11 stops as it proceeds to 160 Ave. Turning east onto 160 Ave and north onto 102 Street thus completing the route. It would the It would be approximately 4 miles long and would make all of the business areas accessible to those who cannot or do not want to drive. It would be yet another way to get more vehicles off the streets.
In addition to the Crosstown Howard Beach route, there is another recommendation regarding the Express Bus. Currently, while each having a different starting point, Howard Beach is service by three Express Buses (QM-15, QM-16 & QM-17) however all three routes terminate in Mid-town Manhattan. We would like to suggest that the QM-15 be rerouted to terminate in Downtown Manhattan. Both the QM-16 & QM-17 originate on the Rockaway Peninsula where commuters have the option of taking the Rockaway Ferry or the A train to lower Manhattan however in Howard Beach there is no such option with the A train serving as the only choice. With the current crime rate in the subway system a safer and more comfortable rider experience would be the Express Bus.
I hope that the MTA will work towards the best bus service for all riders and neighborhoods and will
consider our recommendations.
Roger Gendron, President
6/2/2022, 7:56 AM — Like I have done elsewhere, I would like to object to the idea of putting a bus line to 73rd Avenue where I live. First, there is no need for it, there is plenty of bus within 2-3 blocks everywhere. Second, it will slow traffic even more, the stops will take away already very scarce parking space. Third, it will cause air pollution, noise, and lots of garbage around the bus stops. Fourth, it will change the character of the neighborhood, instead of the relatively quiet residential atmosphere it will be much busier with lots of strangers coming through who don't live here. Finally, it will reduce the value of our homes as nobody wants to buy a house that is next to a bus stop.
I know I am speaking in the spirit that many of my neighbors agree on; even if not everyone writes a note. Please reject this idea!
6/2/2022, 8:39 AM — As a Senior Citizen, I use buses quite frequently to get to my doctor appointments. One of the buses I use is the Q41 which takes me into Jamaica where I switch to the Q65. I have lived in Ozone Park for more than 20 years and used the Q41 5 days a week to go to work in Jamaica. The Q41 has NEVER been reliable. So my questions are 1) Will the Q41 continue going from Howard Beach to the Jamaica Terminal? 2) Will there ever be an improvement of Q41 service - running more frequently during morning hours? If the Q41 will no longer go to Jamaica, what would my options be?
6/2/2022, 9:44 AM — I want to reiterate that there is no low ridership on the Q22 the issue is that there are many people riding the bus and not paying the fare. I take the Q22 at 5:30am weekdays and is packed. The same is true for the Q35. Please reevaluate the data.
The Q53/52 need to come more frequently, since so many people take these two buses.
Thanks you for having this information session.
6/2/2022, 10:04 AM — I'm extremely disappointed that the MTA has decided to overhaul the QM12 (and QM42) bus routes and completely remove the first bus stop that runs along Metropolitan Avenue, in the very southerly section of Forest Hills. As an NYC school teacher, I rely on the QM12 to get to work every morning, and I'm flabbergasted to find that I will have no direct options anymore.
Meanwhile, there are stops being maintained or added to QM12 + QM42 that are in locations very close to subway lines. Why are people who aren't within a few blocks of a subway system or alternate express bus options being deserted? Shouldn't express buses be prioritized for those areas where transit isn't immediately close by?
Additionally, don't the buses have to run along Metropolitan Avenue anyway, on their way to the newly proposed first stop on Yellowstone Blvd? Buses will likely be waiting on Metroplitan anyway to start their routes.
Revising the plan so that the first stop on the QM12 (+QM42) routes remains on Metroplitan Avenue (near 71st Avenue) would be a logical, considerate decision. I beg you to consider how an undue hardship could be rectified by simply maintaining the current routes' first stop.
6/2/2022, 10:20 AM — I am a bus operator out of Jamaica Depot. Many people riding the lines handled by this depot will be greatly affected by longer wait times and less service to their stops. For instance, normally riders at Merrick Blvd and 118 Ave could take a local 5, 84, or 85 to go to Jamaica Center but in this plan they will have to wait for a local Q25 bus coming from College Point to make it to Springfield Blvd and come back around. If anything between College Point and Jamaica should delay the bus from getting to Springfield, several buses doing “rush” service trips toward Jamaica Center will pass them by. Waiting for the local bus while watching possible near empty “rush” buses pass them will cause frustration for the rider and conflict for the operator when a bus finally does arrive.
The Q3 route which my family often uses needs Limited service which would reduce the ride time for many from JFK to Jamaica terminal.
MTA needs to sit down with a committee of people who actually live and work and drive buses in Queens to design a more effective plan to serve the communities of Queens instead of outsiders who know nothing about the unique issues of Queens public transportation.
This plan as it is addresses a few of the problems with Queens bus transportation but still needs work.
As an operator, I am also concerned about this affects my livelihood. I have worked in Jamaica depot for over 20+ years and may now have my ability to choose a route/schedule that works best for me severely limited or eliminated.
6/2/2022, 11:01 AM — Taking away the QM15 stops in Old Howard Beach means I would have to walk every morning to Cross Bay Blvd in the dark as I take the first express bus at 5:57 AM - as crime is going up this places all residents of Old Howard Beach without express bus service in the morning and the evenings.
6/2/2022, 11:38 AM — My husband and I are TOTALLY against having a bus on 73rd Avenue. Parking with be an issue ,Traffic will be an issue. There are plenty of alternate ways on buses that already exist to get from forest hill to Queens Community College. There is no need for a bus to go down 73rd Avenue. The noise pollution and well and air pollution will be an issue. We live right off of 73rd Avenue and the buses will keep us up at night. This is a suburban area and the reason we live here is because it is a quiet suburban neighborhood. People will move out of the neighborhood if there is a bus coming down 73rd Avenue
6/2/2022, 8:17 PM — Needs to have more frequent bus service on the q11 going into Hamilton Beach.
6/2/2022, 8:55 PM — Good morning, if someone with more knowledge about the Q47 bus route changes can reach out to me I would appreciate it greatly. I understand a new Q80 will take over part of the route that will be removed. I don’t understand the time frame or when this will take place. The Q47 takes my daughter right to her high school and I’m wondering if this will effect her. I’m a single parent and just bought a house in this area, after many years of saving. Part of the reason I picked here was because the bus wasn’t far and took her right to school, also I take care of my parents and it’s not far from them. As a single parent her safety is the most important so you understand my concern. Please give me a call back.
Thank you
6/3/2022, 12:33 AM — Here is an alternate plan regarding route Q115:
Instead of combining with route Q20, redesignate Q115 as Q34 and extend to Queens College via regular Q115 route, left onto Archer Avenue, right onto Parsons Blvd, left onto Kissena Blvd, left onto Horace Harding Expressway and terminate at Main Stret.
Return via left onto Main Street, left onto Horace Harding Expressway right onto Kissena Blvd serving Queens College and eliminating the need to terminate in Jamaica.
Don't forget to redesigned the other 5 three digit routes:
Q104 to become Q36
Q105 to become Q15
Q109 to become Q64
Q111 to become Q71
Q114 to become Q74
Please look into these suggestions.
6/3/2022, 4:56 AM — Please be more transparent with the transit unions and well the riding well public. Please provide more 24hrs bus service.
6/3/2022, 5:05 AM — Hello, I am a fellow commuter from my home to the city and I have concerns over the 2 bus routes that are convenient to me, which are the Q46 and the Q43. I have appreciated the fact that they are now being turned into a Rush type bus service between subway desert neighborhoods to subway stations.
- Stops between Little Neck Parkway to Commonwealth Boulevard.
On the Q46, normally I would have to jaywalk on 250th street just to get to the Union Tpk./251st St. bus stop to catch the Q46. I'm quite appalled regarding concerns for safety when travelling to the bus stop and also appalled that we are no longer able to wait at the 251st St. bus stop since it's removed, which can also leave concerns for those whose homes or places are convenient to that stop. I suggest that you put a bus stop at 249th. Street so that it can be easy for me and other residents to safely reach to the bus stop and catch the Q46.
The same goes for the Q43 bus, although it's more convenient due to the traffic lights and safe pedestrian crossing (which is known to be a hassle for residents to shop at Patel Bros & the recently opened Farmers Market grovery store at 249th Street). I'm quite appalled that the Little Neck Parkway bus stop on the Q43 has been removed. I would like to see that stop being added, along with the removal of 251st street & 248th street and the addition of the 249th Street bus stop on the Q43 for easier access and hoping to cut down travel times for this bus route.
- Little Neck Parkway corridor route (Q45)
Although this might not be my concern, I've noticed that the Q36 will no longer have that bus route, considering that there has been low ridership between Little Neck LIRR station to Floral Park (Jericho Tpke or Hillside Ave.). Perhaps a service between Floral Park to Flushing via Little Neck Parkway could be useful, or not (I'm not sure who would be on board with this), or maybe extend the Q88 to either Little Neck LIRR station or Floral Park via Little Neck Parkway (since I noticed that the Q88 is no longer going via 188th street, 73rd ave or Springfield and terminating at Queens Village LIRR station).
-Concerns for Q1's extension to JFK
The Q6's bus service discontinuation due to minimalism is perfectly fine for me, but although it may not be my concern due to Q3 bus convenience and AirTrain convenience at Jamaica station, perhaps an extension towards JFK Airport or Lefferts Blvd station (or whatever terminals are open after the JFK Redevelopment) would be much appreciated as well!
6/3/2022, 6:05 AM — I take the X68 bus from Queens to Manhattan. After sitting through the virtual workshop for my area (District 13), I am very concerned about the changes you want to make. Right now, we have morning uptown and downtown buses. The downtown buses are generally filled to about 1/3 capacity. The uptown buses are filled to at least 3/4 capacity. The vast majority of riders taking the uptown buses get off the bus at 42nd Street and Third Avenue, with at least 1/2 then walking up Third Avenue or down to Second Avenue after disembarking. Your proposal will add at least 20 - 30 minutes to the commute of those us who work in midtown and uptown. There is absolutely no reason for those of us getting off the bus at 42nd and Third, or 55th and Madison, to have to go all the way to 23rd Street first. Traffic along Second Avenue and Madison Avenue can be an absolute nightmare during the best of times, forget about during inclement weather. Right now, I take the 6:35am bus in order to get to my office in time to start work at 8:00am. If this proposal goes through, I will have to take the 6:05am bus in order to get to work on time. This will in no way shorten my commuting time, which the MTA claims it is trying to do. I do not understand the reason for making this change. I cannot think of a single rider who would benefit from this change were it to go through. Please keep both the uptown and downtown buses as they are. I am more than happy to talk to anyone at the MTA regarding my concerns. Thank you.
6/3/2022, 6:38 AM — Hi, I strongly suggest that the Q18 bus should go through 51st Street between Broadway Blvd and 31st Ave rather than through 54th st. 54th St. is a narrow one way street that there is always no space and the bus or cars honks the car parallel parked there. The bus honks for passing the street but it actually creates a lot of noise to the neighborhoods especially during early morning before 8am and evening after 10pm. I don't understand why Q18 not going to 51st St since it's very wide two-way street and also with another bus stop Q66 there with shops and more stories buildings. They did cleaning there but no on 54th st. I strongly advocate to more the path to 51st Street between Broadway Blvd and 31st Ave.
6/3/2022, 7:57 AM — Q12 - The plans for this route redesign are okay but please consider some of the following ideas for the eastern terminus of this route. For far too long most bus routes in Queens have ended on their eastern end at the Queens/Nassau border simply because this is where the City of NY ends. Most of these bus endings are less than ideal and offer no connectivity with other routes or the LIRR. One idea for this route would be for the Q12 to travel south down Little Neck Parkway and end at the LIE (Horace Harding Blvd). This would offer residents of eastern Queens access to the many stores at this location and connections to other bus routes in Queens. Another idea would be for this bus route to turn north on Little Neck Parkway and end at the Long Island Railroad Station in Little Neck. This would offer connectivity to the LIRR which will soon offer service to Grand Central Terminal as well as to Penn Station. Another idea would be to extend this route eastward along Northern Blvd to North Shore University Hospital. Many residents of eastern Queens use North Shore University Hospital and the surrounding medical facilities and would use this route if available in lieu of expensive cab rides. The NICE service currently available is inadequate and too infrequent to provide a much needed alternative for Queens residents. In the former iteration of the Queens Bus Redesign there was a proposal to extend a bus route from Queens to North Shore University Hospital but the idea had been abandoned. This eastern extension would be a good alternative to the prior proposal.
6/3/2022, 8:26 AM — Q35 - The eastern extension of this route to include 'Scholars Academy' and the Rockaway Ferry Terminal is a great idea which will help to attract additional riders to the ferry and also to the Q35. The Q35 will still provide a connection to the A Train at Beach 116th Street and the students who attend the Scholars Academy will be able to use this bus to get directly to the school. These modest changes will provide more connectivity and accessibility at the same time to residents of the Rockaway Peninsula. Many people are now using the Rockaway Ferry to commute to downtown Manhattan in addition to tourists and beach goers in the summer months who are riding in the off hours and on weekends. This route redesign proposal will provide an additional alternative for these riders.
6/3/2022, 11:35 PM — Please add a bus route connecting LIC to Manhattan via the Midtown Tunnel.
6/4/2022, 12:36 AM — We need LIC bus service
6/4/2022, 1:40 AM — I would like to make a suggestion of the proposed Q17, specifically of its northbound route in College Point. Instead of having it traveling on 130th Street and 20th Ave, I think it will help a lot for the northbound buses to travel on 25th Ave and 127th Street. I suggest this because there is a steep hill on the westward trek of 23rd Ave, where residents will find it difficult to walk after dropping off from the northbound buses. If the northbound buses travel on the alternative route, residents dropping off will not have to walk too much on the 23rd Ave hill. I think the routing is also feasible, as 25th Ave is a very wide street and a portion of 127th street is northbound only. The southbound proposed Q17 route can be left as is, especially since residents walking towards the southbound buses on 130th Street walk down the 23rd Ave hill instead of up.
Additionally, I would also like to mention about the naming of the bus routes. I think it would be great if the route numbers in College Point would retain the original Q25 and Q65 labels, instead of the new Q17 and Q27 labels. It would be confusing for residents to see these new labels, especially all of a sudden. Additionally, I believe the MTA needs to increase the broadcasting of the plans. A lot of my friends are unaware of the changes, and I fear a lot of residents will be taken by surprise when the changes are implemented.
6/4/2022, 3:17 AM — This will make my trip a double fare. I am currently a one fare zone. Why should we pay double for the same trip? Please leave the Q30 bus alone. Also, please keep the QM5 bus as it is. I am over 60 years old and I do not drive. You should just add more busses and more frequent service on the Q30 QM5. Thank you.
6/4/2022, 6:59 AM — I foresee a lot of problems.
1- Additional traffic congestion
2-Taking up valuable parking spots
3- Noise pollution
4- Random people waiting at bus stop in front through out day and night. This feels very unsafe.
5-Bus route litter
6/4/2022, 8:06 AM — Hello,
This is for the new bus route Q73.
I foresee a lot of problems.
1- Additional traffic congestion
2-Taking up valuable parking spots
3- Additional noise pollution at night and early in the morning, when you are sleeping.
4- Random people waiting at bus stop in front of houses through out day and night. This will feel very unsafe.
5- Increase of bus route litter.
Overall, this would change the character of the neighborhood. This area of Fresh Meadows is a quiet residential neighborhood and we would like it to stay that way.
6/4/2022, 4:36 PM — 1. Removing the QM10 & QM40 buses would force several disabled individuals to walk 3/4 of a mile to Junction Ave. to board the QM12.
2. During rush-hour the disabled will not be able to board the new Q14 to reach Junction, since the Q14 will be packed like sardines (as the Q38 is now) with people going to the subway
3. The QM12 is already fairly crowded. Combining these riders with those of the QM10 & QM40 will result in some riders standing throughout their trip.
6/5/2022, 12:43 AM — Hi,
As a resident who commutes daily to manhattan, I rely on using the Q25 on 119th street and 9th ave. Please do not remove the Q25 line.
6/5/2022, 12:44 AM — Hello ,
Please Do not take Q25 because I take the bus every day
6/5/2022, 11:04 PM — The Q115 should be redesignated Q34 and operate via Brewer Blvd, left on Archer Av, right on Parsons Blvd, left on Kissena Blvd and terminate at Main St-Roosevelt Av.
This will provide access along Brewer Blvd to Queens College and Downtown Flushing
6/6/2022, 12:41 AM — I am writing this because nobody in my community wouldn’t complain I don’t know why but I live in the Bronx river projects and for years even when I was a kid the q44 would stop on harrod avenue next to my building. Then with this SBS that stop was taken away and limited stops were added in the Bronx. I get it faster service but the problem removing that stop I and others who work in queens live next to the highway and it’s exits. I notice the wait for cars to pass by so I can cross the exit walking to the stop. Then be on the lookout for non responsible drivers not crashing and hitting pedestrians walking to the bus stop. I am asking please bring back this bus stop because it was very convenient and easy for me and others to take the 44 into queens without going to Manhattan
6/6/2022, 8:03 AM — Have Q73 operate on 73 Av between Springfield Blvd and 164 St then turn right on 164 St and left on Jewel Av to absorb the Q64 route. This is better than the proposed Q10/Q64 combination.
The Q10 should be combined with the Q72 to provide a JFK-LGA route. This would be a split depot operation.
The Q82 should be redesignated as Q79 to avoid confusion with the Q2 at Belmont Park.
The Q115 should be redesignated Q34 and operate via Brewer Blvd, left on Archer Av, right on Parsons Blvd cutting onto Kissena Blvd and terminate at Main St-Roosevelt Av.
I am so happy that there are no "A", "B" or any letter suffix route designations. As I mentioned earlier the Q115 should be redesignated as Q34 here is a big suggestion concerning the other three digit routes:
Q104 should become Q36
Q105 should become Q15
Q109 should become Q64
Q111 should become Q71
Q114 should become Q74
Q61 and Q78 should be combined because the proposed Q78 has no subway connection. This new route could be the new Q41.
Although this might be repetitive, please look into these suggestions
6/6/2022, 8:26 AM — Please don't remove the QM5, QM35 bus stop at 197 Street and 73rd Ave. There are enough riders boarding at this stop in the morning to get to work in the morning. Also cutting down the number of scheduled buses to every 20 minutes is not great as sometimes the buses arrive early and leave early or arrive late and riders have to wait 20 minutes for the next bus and will be late for work (probably because they missed the earlier bus that left early). Have the bus drivers stick to their schedules. And if there is a delay, please update notification to Google Maps quicker. Lastly, stagger the QM5 and the QM35 better so they don't arrive at the same time. Thanks.
6/6/2022, 9:42 AM — Re: Proposed new QM7 route - The proposed new QM7 route, with the addition of stops on Queens Boulevard, will make an already long trip much longer. As it is, going eastbound towards Queens, the QM7 has consistently arrived at least 15 minutes or more after the time shown on the MTA schedule between the hours of 3 - 7 pm. Adding stops on Queens Boulevard will make the route even longer given current traffic on Queens Boulevard. This does not improve service for Union Turnpike riders west of 188 Street, who will also feel the impact of a decrease in express bus service due to the re-routing of the QM8. Please do not add the new Queens Boulevard stops. The bus ride is well over an hour as it is already from the last stop in Manhattan to the first stop in Queens both eastbound and westbound. Instead, **please maintain the current level of service by keeping the existing QM7 and QM8 routes**. To address the long routes for some QM8 riders, you may want to explore adding more Super Express QM8 rides--for example, going eastbound, one pick-up in Manhattan and drop-offs starting on 188 Streets; going westbound, a few pick-up points and then to the LIE on 188 Street. Thank you.
6/6/2022, 7:57 PM — MTA is proposing to remove all uptown buses for the X68 bus in the morning. This is a very bad idea because I currently used the uptown buses and they are already crowded now trying to eliminate will cause severe overcrowding for the down buses. These uptown buses are needed as it may be the only means of transport for some riders. This will add more than 30 minutes to each riders commute. This should be reconsidered and if possible at more uptown buses.
6/6/2022, 7:59 PM — In lieu of the recent subway climate, many people are turning away from that of steel wheels to those of rubber. The New York City bus system, which is well loved and mostly reliable to those who have frequented it for years is not under appreciated. Which is why the strong ridership of my morning uptown bus route beg to ask the question, what in God’s name is this redesign plan and who is benefiting, because it certainly won’t be us. Despite the city’s use case for a decline in ridership and proposal to make a morning commute more efficient will like many flashy urban revamps prove to only hurt those who don’t see a problem with the current route.
6/6/2022, 8:54 PM — I am in favor of the redesigned Q18 route. I like how the route is straightened out on the southern end to remain on 65th Place between Queens Blvd. and Maspeth. Zigzagging on those side streets is a time-waster. I also like how the stops are spread out further to increase travel times, even though my own stop will be eliminated. The current design feels ridiculous stopping on every other block. Please implement ASAP.
6/6/2022, 9:00 PM — I am in favor of the redesigned Q47 route. I like how it is straightened out on the southern end to go straight on 69th Street and not zig-zag on side streets. I also like how stops are spaced further apart to speed up travel times. I also love how the southern terminus goes to the M train on Metropolitan Avenue. Now I have more options to travel between Queens and Brooklyn or Queens and Manhattan! Implement this plan!
6/6/2022, 10:32 PM — Please save the Q41. Howard Beach needs it! Taking it away would leave us crippled. It would cause extra bus trips and extra fares. It would prevent some students from getting to high school, prevent people from getting to the Queens Court houses, from getting to doctors appointment, I’m getting to Jamaica Hospital, the Long Island Rail Rd., the E train, etc. Please do not take it away. Howard Beach is so frequently ignored and it feels discriminatory.
6/6/2022, 10:41 PM — There are a lot of people who rely on the Q27, Q88, and Q1 in Queens Village. By eliminating the Q27 and Q88 stops and forcing people to make transfers, how is that making public transportation better? It's already difficult without having to add a transfer. These stops shouldn't be removed.
6/6/2022, 10:43 PM — The redesign is going to inconvenience many young kids going to school and adults going to work. It’s already rough waiting for the bus because early in morning because many bus drivers don’t stop even though the bus is fully packed. Please reconsider this. College Point is already a neglected neighborhood. We can’t afford for these stops to not exist.
6/6/2022, 11:00 PM — Hi
I see that you are replacing the Q39 with Q67
Because a lot of people here in Ridgewood are going to Astoria it should be better to connect the Q18 with today's Q39 , so we can go directly to Astoria
6/6/2022, 11:03 PM — I have been taking the X68 for almost 20 years. I am sincerely asking that Queens Bus Network Redesign STRONGLY be reconsidered. As ridership has increased due to violence on the subway and covid fears, causing more drivers to drive in, the commute going into Manhattan has become almost unbearable. As someone who does not have the option to work remotely, I must go into work extremely early to account for more traffic. Potentially adding 20 or more minutes to my already long commute, would simply be a nightmare. My commute home is 2 to 2 1/2 hours long EVERY evening. I cannot be possibly subjected to a longer commute into Manhattan or returning home. I respectfully and humbly ask that the redesign be reconsidered. Thank you.
6/6/2022, 11:43 PM — This is leaving the residents of Lindenwood stranded. In addition, this route will eliminate the connection to the LIRR and Nassau County buses that the Q41 now provides! This is awful!
6/7/2022, 12:27 AM — Please don’t change the Q39 design. Many riders use this route in order to access the subway and LaGuardia College.
The new design will leave them in the middle of no where.
6/7/2022, 4:41 AM — PLEASE DO NOT get rid of the Q41 bus! So many of us in Howard Beach and Lindenwood use this bus to get to work and school. Eliminating the route would be devastating to our communities!!
6/7/2022, 7:09 AM — Please keep the Q46 stops on Union Turnpike at 170 St (eastbound) and 171st (westbound) which service St. John's University. The stops at Union Turnpike and 164th streets are closer to the stadiums but far from the main body of classroom and administrative buildings.
Thank you for considering this request.
6/7/2022, 8:16 AM — Here are some more personal comments:
Q12 and Q66 buses should start out on Roosevelt Avenue between Prince and Main Sts.
If Fresh Meadows bound Q17 buses terminate at 188 St-Union Tpke, let the bus turn left from 188 St onto Union Tpke and make its final drop off in front of "Romeo's Pizza". Buses would then go along Union Tpke, right onto 193 St, right onto 81 Av, right onto 188 St and pick up at the present Flushing bound Q17 stop.
Keep Q1 and Q6 as separate routes.
Redesigned Q82 as Q79 to avoid confusion with the existing Q2 route at Belmont Park.
How will Q57 buses be able to orturn around at Little Neck Pkwy-Hillside Av ?
If the Q73 becomes reality, please have DOT install a traffic light at 73 Av-182 St.
That's All Dr now!
6/7/2022, 9:44 AM — Please consider keeping the QM68 (X68) Stop at Queens Boulevard and Main Street. Please keep at least one of the Express Busses (X68, X63 or X64) going uptown on Third Avenue in Manhattan. With all the Express Buses going up Madison Avenue instead, you are adding travel time for all commuters who work on the East Side (1st and 2nd Avenues) in Midtown (East 40th to 57th Streets). PLEASE!!!!!!
6/7/2022, 1:28 PM — The proposed Q1 line seems good on paper, but my concern is for he Q6 portion especially by the subway which is always crowded, adding the Q1 load will make it even more crowded. Also, why remove the 115 Ave stop on the Q6 (1) line. I find it highly inconvenient to have to walk to (from) Linden Blvd especially when coming home. The 116 Ave stop isn't a preferred stop.
6/7/2022, 11:32 PM — Here is another important bus suggestion:
Extend the Q20 past Briarwood-Van Wyck station via left on Queens Blvd, left on Hillside Av, right on Parsons Blvd and absorb the Q111 route. This will eliminate another Jamaica layover. The only route to have layover in the Parsons-Hillside area would be the Q114 route.
If the Q1 and Q6 remain as separate routes, the Q6 would be the only route to layover in the Sutphin Hillside area. I am still suggesting that the Q40 be rerouted to 165th Street Terminal.
The Q20 would operate between Beechhurst and Rosedale.
6/8/2022, 3:22 AM — For the Q77, keep all the stops on Francis Lewis Blvd, between 115th Ave to Hollis, for the students and elderly riders going shopping at the local shopping plaza at Francis Lewis and Hollis. All the stops for the Q84 before and after Merrick Blvd should remain, you have many students and elderly passengers on this portion of the route. Keep all the stops before and after Merrick on the Q4 route. Keep all the stops between Springfield Blvd/119 ave to Hillside Ave, for the students.
6/8/2022, 4:16 AM — I am writing regarding the Queens Bus Network Redesign Draft Plan. It is my understanding that the thought behind the redesign of the Queens bus routes is to make using the buses easier and faster. In my community of Howard Beach, in order to access Crossbay Blvd., on of our two main commercial districts, a bus rider would have to take the Q-11 to Pitkin Ave in Ozone Park, cross to the southbound side of Crossbay Blvd and then access a southbound Q-52/Q-53 back to Howard Beach. The other main commercial district is located at the Lindenwood Shopping Center which is bordered between 83rd Street to the west, 84th Street to the east, 153 Ave to the south and 151 Ave to the north. The Lindenwood Shopping Center and Crossbay Blvd are home to a wide variety of services such as doctors, dentists, pharmacies, supermarkets, banking, restaurants and so much more but currently the only way to gain access to most of these services it to drive.
My suggestion would be to create a Crosstown Howard Beach route. The route could start in Old Howard Beach at 102 Street and 152 Avenue, a short walk from the MTA Howard Beach Airtrain/A train station. the bus would turn left onto 157 Avenue stopping at 99 Street,. It would then proceed west across Crossbay Blvd into New Howard Beach stopping at 92 Street following the current Q-41 route into Lindenwood. The route would change slightly as the crosstown route would continue straight on 84th Street and then turning east onto 151 Avenue and traveling back to 84th Street where it would then retrace the route back to Old Howard Beach along 15 Ave. Turning right onto 101 street, stopping at the existing Q-11 stops as it proceeds to 160 Ave. Turning east onto 160 Ave and north onto 102 street, thus completing the route. It would be approximately 4 miles long and make all of the business areas accessible to those who cannot or do not want to drive. It would be yet another way to get more vehicles off the streets. In addition to the Crosstown Howard Beach route, there is another recommendation regarding the Express Bus. Currently while each having a different starting point, Howard Beach is serviced by three Express Buses (QM-15, QM-16 and QM-17) however, all three routes terminate in Mid-town Manhattan. We would like to suggest that the QM-15 be rerouted to terminate in Downtown Manhattan. Both the QM-16 and QM-17 originate on the Rockaway Peninsula where commuters have th eoption of taking the Rockaway Ferry or the A train to lower Manhattan however in Howard Beach, there is no such option with the A Train serving as the only choice. With the current crime rate in the subway system a safer and more comfortable rider experience would be the Express Bus.
6/8/2022, 4:24 AM — I'm writing in opposition to the newly proposed bus route changes that will adversely affect my community. Under the current proposal, both Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach Q-11 routes would be shortened, terminating at Rockaway Blvd. and Liberty Ave., eliminating the current one-sea ride to Queens Center Mall. A great issue to the proposed route would not connect to Crossbay Blvd., until Rockaway Blvd. This will adversely affect students attending JHS/HS 202. Students depend on both Q-11 buses, which currently stop at Pitkin Ave, to get to school but they will not add almost two miles and approximately 25 minutes to their bus ride by making them transfer to Rockaway Blvd. to a south bound Q-21, Q-52 or Q-53.
To make matters worse, both the proposed Hamilton Beach and Howard beach Q-11 peak hour frequencies would be decreased and the route would no longer run 24 hours. Many in our community work in the service industry at Queens Center Mall as well as the shops and restaurants on Woodhaven Blvd. They rely on bus service to get to work and their work schedules often has them working into the early morning hours. The elimination of overnight service will severely impact these residents, both your and old, by leaving a transportation desert for several hours during the overnight.
I ask that the MTA look at a workable compromise. This would be to combine both Hamilton Beach and Howard Beach Q-11 service into one route. The Q-11 could serve both communities by means of a loop, thereby doubling bus service for both communities whil adding about 6 minutes to the rite. Thank you.
6/8/2022, 6:28 AM — B53 bus to go to the Gateway Mall
It would be more accessible for people to go to the mall
6/8/2022, 6:39 AM — The Q8 bus should still go to the Gateway Mall after that Go to New Lots Avenue and Livonia and back Gateway mall and towards Queens
The service should be 24 hours
6/8/2022, 7:02 AM — Q51-SBS should I go to East New York
New Lots ave By 3 train and go back to the Gateway Mall after the go back to Queens
6/8/2022, 7:26 AM — Q109 bus should go crowns Heights Eastern Parkway Utica Avenue Brooklyn
By the 3 and 4 train
And Q109 should leave Euclid Avenue and go to the Gateway Mall after that go to Brookdale Hospital and then Eastern Parkway Utica Avenue Crowns Heights in both. directions
Should be 24-hour
6/8/2022, 8:13 AM — I am a healthcare worker needed to access immediate need to both Bellevue and nyu, switching the bus stop is going to cause a huge disruption in my commute and affecting how fast I can get to my patients. Please reconsider this bus design as it will be more hurtful that helpful
6/8/2022, 1:01 PM — From comments made at the last Queens Bus Network Redesign workshop on June 2, 2022, some riders expressed frustration regarding the MTA's proposal shifting the Q35 route from Newport Avenue to Rockaway Beach Boulevard. To make the Q35 route a more cost-effective route just leave the route on Newport Avenue in the Rockaway Peninsula but on the Brooklyn end of the route it might make sense to extend the Q35 route further north via limited stops along Flatbush Avenue up to either Atlantic Avenue/Flatbush Avenue - Barclays Center or up to Grand Army Plaza. This would basically combine the Q35 route with a large segment of the B41 Limited route thus eliminating overlapping segments of both routes between Avenue U and Avenue H/Glenwood Road. If the Q35 would incorporate a large segment to the B41 limited stop service as part of the Queens & Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign projects the MTA would need only to provide local bus service for Flatbush Avenue under the B41 route banner for the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign Plan. Additionally, what also would then need to be addressed in the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign as well is the operation of a few free shuttle bus routes that could connect various parts of Williamsburg, Dumbo, Downtown Brooklyn & Prospect Heights together so that some bus routes could be curtailed at various points such as at the Barclays Center or at Grand Army Plaza including the B41 local route. For example, the southern segment of the present B67/B69 route could just operate between Cortelyou Road and the Barclays Center. A new circular free shuttle bus operating in both directions along Vanderbilt Avenue, (Grand Army Plaza loop Plaza Street East one way Plaza Street West opposite way), Flatbush Avenue, Livingston Street, Smith Street, Jay Street, Sands Street, Gold Street, York Street, Navy Street, Flushing Avenue, back to Vanderbilt Avenue etc. Another free shuttle bus could operate between Jay Street - Metro Tech and Williamsburg Bridge Plaza via B67 routing and then along Division Havemeyer Street to Broadway which would address the lost segment of the B67 route. The B25 route could be cut back to Cadman Plaza while another free Shuttle bus operate between Jay Street to Water Street/Main Street Dumbo area as well. All of these free shuttle bus routes would be connecting a host of neighborhoods together thus sparking economic development in Brooklyn plus it would also reduce congestion in central Downtown, Brooklyn by reducing the amount of bus routes serving that central area.
6/8/2022, 1:09 PM — From comments made at the last Queens Bus Network Redesign workshop on June 2, 2022, the Rockaway community wants the Q22 route to be extended back to Beach 169th Street on its western end and cut back on its eastern end to Far Rockaway- Mott Avenue at Beach 20th Street but then extended east in a new routing to terminate at the LIRR Far Rockaway Station via Redfern Avenue returning back via Nameoke Avenue to Central Avenue to Mott Avenue. Regarding bus service to the former area of the Q113 route and Q114 route in the eastern Rockaway - Five Towns area plus the former Q22A route service to Bayswater a new route or a new free shuttle route called the Q22A or Q114A should be established which would travel from Dunbar Street - Mott Avenue Bayswater to the Rockaway Turnpike- Five Towns Shopping Center via Mott Avenue, Central Avenue, Doughty Boulevard, Mott Avenue(Nassau County), and Rockaway Turnpike to serve the former Q22A route and former Q113 and Q114 areas lost under the present redesign proposal. Please note Doughty Boulevard should be used in this new routing 9rather than the Nassau Expressway) in order for this new route to serve the Inwood LIRR Station plus to provide another transfer location between this route and the Q114 route at Bayview Avenue/Doughty Boulevard. Make sure the Q114 stop is maintained at Doughty Boulevard in the Northbound Direction as only shown being added in the southbound direction and says due to new routing which is also incorrect as this is a existing stop on the Q114 already (which shows someone on your staff was confused possibly because the Q114 Limited stops are not indicated in that area on the current Queens Bus Map like indicated for the Q113 route). Free additional transfers to and from the Q22 and Q114 routes should be provided at various locations such as at Beach Channel Drive/Mott Avenue, Doughty Boulevard/Bayview Avenue (Q114 only) & at the Five Towns Shopping Center/Meyer Avenue (Q114 only). Your office needs to then review the stops being kept removed etc. on the Q114 and Q22 routes as well. With the Q22 being shortened on its eastern end no point in removing so many stops to improve reliability. As part of the Brooklyn Bus Redesign Project your office may want to consider extending the Q22 route from Beach 169th Street to either the Sheepshead Bay Subway Station or merging the Q22 route with the B2 route. Your office should also consider extending the QM17 express route to Dunbar Street/Mott Avenue in Bayswater as well. The reclamation of bus service for the Bayswater community would help increase ridership on this new shuttle connecting route as well as increase ridership on the QM17 express route as well.
6/8/2022, 11:08 PM — Hello,
In regards to the QM68 new bus route, this propsal does is not beneficial for the people that work in the midtown/uptown area.
It seems this will add on additional time to our commute, at least 20 minutes. There is already such high traffic in Manattan and heading downtown first and then back to midtown would take even longer.
These routes have been working well for us for many years. I don't see how this will help us but make our commute even worse. I hope you would reconsider this change.
Thank you,
6/9/2022, 12:16 AM — Hello,
I strongly oppose the elimination of the QM10 express bus that services Rego Park, a part of Corona and Elmhurst. Commuters who live near Horace Harding Expwy/Westside Ave and Lefrak City will be forced to walk about one-half mile or take a local bus to connect to an express bus. Many people who ride the QM10 have disabilities and use a cane. Eliminating the QM10 will create a hardship and a commuting problem for many people. Forcing people to ride the QM12 will only exacerbate an already crowded bus line.
In closing, the MTA should be creating additional transportation alternatives in an effort to get people back into the office in Manhattan.
Thank you,
6/9/2022, 3:44 AM — Please don’t remove the metropolitan and 71st stop - consolidating along Yellowstone is fine but this is an important stop for anyone not lucky enough to be close to Yellowstone
6/9/2022, 4:41 AM — QM4- People are upset that the Bus will stop running on the weekends and that despite stops being removed, the proposed peak frequency is worse, going from 23 mins to 26 mins. Weekend service must stay and first trip times must not get worse.
Q65- many people who have called our office are upset with the changes to the Q65 and the fact that it will no longer go to the College Point area when it serves a very important purpose of connecting College point to the train system.
Q31- Many people in the neighborhood are very upset that the Q31 will no longer stop at Bayside Highschool meaning that kids who get off at where the q28 is intended to run will have to get on a already packed q28 or walk through the entire neighborhood just to get to school when before they would just get off at the front door steps of the school.
Q25- people are rather upset about the number of buses going to College point are being reduced or being implemented in way that require two or more bus transfers.
Q20- major issue with everyone that we speak with is the access to the shopping center
Thanks Marco Cruz - staff member for Daniel Rosenthal AD27
6/9/2022, 10:23 AM — Q73:
This is one of the projects that MTA & NYC considered to implement after long overdue. In the past the City gave up on two big Queens’ projects like Olympic Stadium and Amazon Warehouse. Now crime and homelessness have gone up. Unemployment is high. I believe the elected politicians & Officials may regret missing those projects, thus short of tax money to control crimes and & solve homelessness. MTA cannot be a loser but has to be a cash cow for the City by finding innovative projects with buses, as any expansion with Subways is not easy. Buses burn less gas, take extremely small space on the road and don't clog roads, and take no parking space on the street. It is good to see MTA in an expansion mood after two years of shirking because of Covid. The City's property tax is favorable to residents and Businesses. But people are leaving to other areas, seeking better greenery. One can explain this phenomenon only by pointing their fingers at poor Infrastructure and high crime. Time for us to be progressive and be positive attitude citizens so all of us can enjoy life in The City.
6/9/2022, 2:11 PM — Long Island City, and all of Queens need a bus through the Midtown Tunnel. Access to the East 30s by a method other than the ferry which drops one at the river could alleviate overcrowding on the non-accessible 7 train.
6/9/2022, 10:36 PM — I am a Rochdale Village, Inc. resident. Currently, I take the Q111, Q114, and Q113. I get on the bus at 137th Avenue and Guy R Brewer Blvd. to transfer at the Jamaica station. It will be an inconvenience to remove the bus stops at 137th Ave., 134th Ave., Baisley Blvd., etc. Rochdale Village is a large complex with 20 buildings. Why would the MTA remove those stops along that route when people must have those stops to get to their destination. Eliminating the Q113 and replacing it with the Q115 will lead to a longer wait time for the bus because the Q111 and Q114 will bypass my stop at 137th Ave. I must have the unlimited express bus to get to my destination faster. If the bus stops in Rochdale Village, Inc. is not broken then do not change those bus stops thinking you are fixing it; it will only be an inconvenience and lead to added frustrations. So please do not fix what is not broken and keep those aforementioned bus stops and not remove them. (Concerned Customer Passenger) Ms. Dolphin?
6/10/2022, 5:42 AM — What happened to the Q15/15A in this new redesign? Even though I’m retired, I regularly use this bus line to get to Main Street/Flushing and to do grocery shopping (153-01 10th Avenue/North Shore Farms & CVS; 153-01 Cross Island Parkway (Key Food) plus to my laundromat at 150th St/14th Avenue). I no longer own a car and the Q15/15A was perfect & convenient for my needs.
6/11/2022, 12:37 AM — Hi!
I am very concerned about the Queens bus route changes. I take the Q18 and Q67 buses in my area of Maspeth. I take the Q18 bus to the #7 express train in Woodside and the Q67 train to Long Island City for all other trains (the E, M, 7). I bought my apartment in Maspeth because of the proximity of these two buses. I understand the Q18 bus would be re-routed far away from where I currently get it on 53rd Avenue and 65th Place AND the Q67 would be eliminated from my area. I do not have a car and the buses are my lifeline to work, shopping and other errands. Do you know how many people in this area use the buses to go about their business? Do you know how many people in the co-op apartments use these buses?
Please do not change these buses.They are essential, crucial transportation routes in Maspeth and have been for a long time.
6/11/2022, 5:15 AM — In short , I do believe that adding this route to our neighborhood would be a great thing. Unfortunately there is some information in the neighborhood that is being circulated due to shortsightedness that I hope will not derail this effort to help alleviate what has been a transportation desert.
There has been information circulating in our neighborhood that is just misinformed - one of the neighbors wrote an opinion letter saying that the bus route would negatively effect housing prices, would increase pollution, would increase crime etc etc etc. All things which can easily be debunked with some research.
Unfortunately a lot of the aged population, like my mother who has lived in the neighborhood for the last 50 years do not have the ability to search the internet. I am hoping that the MTA can send out mailers to the local residents to combat this misinformation . People like my mother are more likely to see this information and believe it.
I do hope that this becomes a reality for our neighborhood. I can see commutes for some being cut and also being made much more pleasant with everyone not having to cram into the Q46 bus in the morning.
6/12/2022, 11:33 AM — As a resident of Long Island City and someone whose job is in Midtown Manhattan, this would be huge for our community. Thank you for your consideration to ease the lives of New Yorkers!
6/12/2022, 7:32 PM — There are only 1,2 express bus from forest Hills/ Kew Gardens going to downtown Manhattan. The bus is always packed too even at 6 am. If there are more stop added to QM 7(along Queens Blvd), will every passenger able to can get onto the bus. Meanwhile, I can always see the QM4 or QM44 have only a few passengers or even zero. Maybe we can extend the stop of QM4/QM44 to downtown or convert one of these to downtown loop?
6/13/2022, 1:56 AM — Regarding the proposed Q78, I think it would be better to extend the southern terminus to JFK and provide direct service to the terminals rather than having it end at Rockaway Turnpike. It would provide a better connection to the airport for everybody in Eastern Queens.
6/13/2022, 7:17 PM — Re-routing is only benefiting MTA not commuters. Whole communities were built with public transportation access and homebuyers attracted to move to these areas, now your cost benefitting approach is hurting strap-holders.
This move is disrespectful and discriminating.
6/13/2022, 9:50 PM — It feels like there are less rush hour buses. I take the bus instead of walking 15 minutes to the Parson station. Although there are three bus options, Q34, Q25 and Q25 limited, I find myself walking because it is faster than waiting for the bus. Thankfully, my walk is not too long and I don’t not have mobility needs. Regardless, there should be more buses during rush hour and the rush hour could be extended.
I get off work around 6pm from Manhattan so I commute to the Parsons to by around 6:45-7pm and there is rarely a bus.
If I could attach photos, I’d show my bus delay this morning. Thank you for considering these comments.
6/13/2022, 11:04 PM — On June 1, 2022 I submitted this part of comment below as cataloged as part of the :[220601-000903] response number to my submission in which I will now provide another option to this part of the previous suggestion copy and pasted below: "Some thought should also be given to extend the Q46 route on its western end from Kew Gardens to 71st Avenue - Forest Hills via limited stops along Queen Boulevard., then 108th Street to Yellowstone Boulevard and then Yellowstone Boulevard to Woodhaven Boulevard and Woodhaven Boulevard to Metropolitan Avenue to terminate along Metropolitan Avenue(w/b) between Woodhaven Boulevard and Cooper Avenue for transfer to the Q52 and Q53 to the Rockaways. The returning eastbound Q46 route could then make a right turn at Cooper Avenue and travel north along Cooper Avenue making a left turn on to Woodhaven Boulevard and then a right turn on to Yellowstone Boulevard to proceed back to Queens Boulevard making a right turn and then continue east toward Kew Gardens. Additionally, the MTA could also look into extending the Q53 route further west in the Rockaways to Jacob Riis Park and terminating at Beach 169th Street and extending the Q52 route further east to Beach 20th Street/Seagirt Boulevard to terminate. All of the above changes along with having some of the Q43 buses as well as some of the Q46 buses also being extended on their eastern end from Lakeville Road to Great Neck via N25 routing would then provide access to LIJ Hospital, Lake Success and Great Neck from virtually any point in Queens via two buses." Another second option to the previous submission number #[220601-000903] made on June 1, 2022 would be to have the Q46 extended only up to the 71st Avenue Forest Hills Subway Station along Queens Boulevard near 71st Avenue and returning back eastbound via Jewel Avenue and 108th Street back to Queens Boulevard(e/b) which is a great turnaround location then the current method of a wide U turn at 77th Avenue/Queens Boulevard in Kew Gardens. Also under this second option the Q52 route would also be revised to no longer serve points along Woodhaven Boulevard north of Yellowstone Boulevard but be rerouted to the Forest Hills Subway Station via Yellowstone Boulevard. At that point if warranted the Q52 could also be combined with the Q64 route and travel up to the Horace Harding Expressway at 164th Street and then extended to some point further east to Queensborough Community College via the Horace Harding Expressway or further north to Downtown, Flushing via 164th Street, 46th Avenue, Parsons Boulevard & Sanford Avenue. Additionally, under this second option the MTA should also look into extending the Q53 route further west in the Rockaways to Jacob Riis Park and terminating at Beach 169th Street and extending the Q52 route further east to Beach 20th Street/Seagirt Boulevard to terminate. One new issue under this second option is that passengers should be able to switch between the Q52 and Q53 routes without having an additional fare being deducted from their MetroCard or under OMNY so that Q53 riders would have one fare access to transfer to other routes at Forest Hills and Q52 riders would have access to transfer to other routes at Elmhurst and Jackson Heights. In summary, by having the Q52 &Q53 routes serve two different markets on the northern end of the route would provide access to more communities for most passengers boarding along the Cross Bay Boulevard/Woodhaven Boulevard sections of the route although it would cut off direct bus service to Elmhurst and Jackson Heights from the eastern Q52 Rockaway Peninsula areas plus not have direct service to Forest Hills for passengers from the western Q53 Rockaway Peninsula area unless each route was also to be further divided into two branches or instead converted into four separate routes rather than two routes.
6/14/2022, 1:33 AM — Here are some better suggestions:
First, please keep the Q1 and Q6 as separate routes. The Q6 should start at Hillside-Sutphin Station and travel its new route to JFK Cargo Plaza.
The Q115 proposal should be changed, instead of going to Flushing, let the Q115 make a right onto Hillside Av then after 165 St combine itself with the Q76 which is still underutilized during the non-rush hours. The new Q76 would operate between College Point and Springfield Gardens.
Next, the Q20 should be extended past Briarwood-Van Wyck station by turning left on Queens Blvd, left on Hillside Av then right on Parsons Blvd and absorb the Q111 route. The new Q20 would operate between Beechhurst and Rosedale.
The only route to layover at Hillside-Parsons would be the Q114.
Don't forget to redesignate the three digit routes:
Q104 would become Q36
Q105 would become Q15
Q109 would become Q64
Q111 absorbed onto Q20
Q114 would become Q74
Q115 absorbed onto Q76
6/14/2022, 5:18 AM — I rely on several buses to get me to and from work in the Bronx (Q5, Q84, and the Q3) for the past eight years. As a 2nd generation home owner living in a desirable two fare zone, I have experienced many years of frustrations with the existing Q5 bus service particularly when I have waited to catch this bus after 7:30 pm weekday evenings coming home from work. Many times, I did not have access to a car. Nor did I have someone to come pick me up at the train station. At this time in the evening I would wait up to 40 minutes or more for the Q5 to arrive. Finally, I resorted to deliberately taking the F train to the 179th Street station to catch the Q3 bus home. I would had to walk from Farmers and Merrick several blocks before arriving to my destination. I do not understand why daily the Q5 does not run as frequent as other buses in other neighborhoods particularly after 4PM.
I have observed this even when trying to catch the Q5 leaving Queens beginning at the corner of Selover Road and Merrick Boulevard at 4:00pm in the afternoon in route to an important meeting held in Manhattan. Recently, a bus driver had the nerve to inform me that I should not be upset because an operating bus passed me just 1 minute prior to his arrival. You see these Q5 buses were literally back to back. This driver was reacting to the expression of disappointment and disgust on my face. This driver expected me to be grateful I finally got on the bus. My question is: Why would two buses arrive so close together finally when five empty Q5 buses (with no passengers) rolled past as I stood in shock and disbelief at MTA's poor scheduling. This has been going on for years as far back as I can recall. I attend my graduate school’s alumni meetings in the city once a month and as I plan, I anticipate a one hour and 1/2 journey is guaranteed going to take me up to a span of 2 1/2 hours. If the plan is to eliminate stops to any of these bus routes it will certainly impact the quality of life for not just me but all of my community members. As a tax payer I have suffered from such neglect when it comes to the way MTA manages the bus routes and service to my neighborhood. Enough is enough! The MTA has to do better! There are many in my neighborhood who rely of these buses to get to work, school, church, the stores and other vital businesses who employ individuals who rely on the bus to get to work. The elimination of bus stops will surely inconvenience many. I would not doubt this redesign will impact this community's economy in the long term. Perhaps MTA is not aware of this? There has to be some other way to do this redesign plan.
6/14/2022, 7:15 AM — Here is a comment regarding the keeping of Q1 and Q6 as two separate routes: With the Q1 Queens Village branch being discontinued, the Q6 can operate the length of Sutphin Blvd, turn right onto Hillside Av, turn right on to Merrick Blvd onto the present Q1 Queens Village slot at 165 St. Terminal. This will eliminate the need for layover at Sutphin-Hillside.
I also suggested that Q40 terminate at 165 St. Terminal.
I also suggested that the Q40 terminate at 165 St. Terminal.
6/14/2022, 7:23 AM — First the q104 should only do the top/bottom part of the island and another route should to the other to avoid looping around the entire island trust me it’s slow limit is 15mph one bus can do one end and another bus can do the other. Then the 104 after serving the island should travel down bway to queens blvd then to 63 rd drive then follow current q38 until 108st. Or stop it at the malls at rego
Q18 should be rerouted after woodside 61 to travel thru woodside to 69st, then take 69st til end at middle village for a transfer to M train terming at metro mall
6/14/2022, 8:23 AM — 2years ago before Covid I attended one of these workshops with your new design it just is the same horrible update as last time taking the bus service away from the area I live in Maspeth 53 ave stop. Please tell me how this will be faster commute to the city for me
Or my neighbors ….we have to walk approx 30 mins in the morning to a bus stop & walking home that route in the evening is not safe. Why does the service have to cleaned out in our area so unfair. So many kids get that bus to school down to LIC . MTA should not be promoting this as a faster service for who I may ask??? Please advice when your planning to roll out this awful new service. I thought NYC wanted less cars on the road it’s a joke . Please give me some positive feedback on this issue?
6/14/2022, 8:23 AM — 2years ago before Covid I attended one of these workshops with your new design it just is the same horrible update as last time taking the bus service away from the area I live in Maspeth 53 ave stop. Please tell me how this will be faster commute to the city for me
Or my neighbors ….we have to walk approx 30 mins in the morning to a bus stop & walking home that route in the evening is not safe. Why does the service have to cleaned out in our area so unfair. So many kids get that bus to school down to LIC . MTA should not be promoting this as a faster service for who I may ask??? Please advice when your planning to roll out this awful new service. I thought NYC wanted less cars on the road it’s a joke . Please give me some positive feedback on this issue?
6/14/2022, 11:32 PM — For the most part, I do not have any qualms about the Queens Bus Redesign, especially Express Buses QM2, QM20 and QM32. However, for the QM20 westbound morning route, I would usually get on at 17th Avenue and Willets Point Boulevard as there is a bus shelter with benches to sit on which is advantageous to me as a person with chronic back issues. With the redesign plan for the QM20, the 17th Ave and Willets Point Blvd stop is eliminated and I would need to go to 19th Avenue and Willets Point Blvd. And there is no bus shelter with benches. Would the MTA please install at least benches as this stop. Thank you for your time and consideration.
6/15/2022, 4:43 AM — Your agency might want to take a look at adding a RUSH or CROSSTOWN/SBS bus route between the Green Acres Shopping Center and some major transfer point in Brooklyn. The route structure could parallel the Q85 route between the Green Acres Shopping Center and Springfield Boulevard/North & South Conduit avenues but this new route would then continue on the North Conduit Avenue(w/b)/South Conduit Avenue(e/b) to/from Rockaway Boulevard and then travel west to Cross Bay Boulevard/Rockaway Boulevard. Along Rockaway Boulevard the bus should only make limited stops to Cross Bay Boulevard/Rockaway Boulevard. At Cross Bay Boulevard the bus could then travel south to 149th Avenue(westbound)/North Conduit Avenue & South Conduit Avenue(eastbound) to/from Linden Boulevard or to/from Sutter Avenue in Brooklyn. As part of the Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign Project your agency would then determine where this route should travel in Brooklyn if it is implemented.
6/15/2022, 5:05 AM — Marilyn is an elderly 83 year old bus rider who uses the Q18 and q47. She appreciates that the bus stops are close by her house. She feels seniors needs were not considered when the plans are drawn, as the stops are far from designation points. She's asking that the changes not be so drastic.
6/15/2022, 6:23 AM — LOCAL BUS PRIORITIES
Q11 - The MTA proposes to shorten the Q11 Howard Beach/Woodhaven Boulevard bus route by ending its services at Woodhaven and Rockaway Boulevards and Liberty Avenue, stating that services beyond this point are redundant (p. 89). From a customers perspective, the Q11s services are vitally needed beyond this point to enable us to reach Aqueduct Raceway, a mass vaccination site throughout the pandemic, and the JFK AirTrain-Howard Beach station, the gateway to JFK International Airport.
Q29 - The MTA plans to completely eliminate the vital cross-town route of the Q29, which runs on Dry Harbor Road and 80th Street connecting Glendale/Middle Village to Jackson Heights at the 82nd
Street Subway Station on the 7 line, and along the bus route, access to and from important institutions and resources: Elmhurst Hospital, Newton High School, Cathedral Preparatory Seminary, the Queens Center Mall, Resurrection Ascension Academy and Church, Madison York Assisted Living Facility, Dry Harbor Nursing Home, Juniper Valley Park, St. Margarets Academy and Church, St. John Cemetery, and the Atlas Mall.
In place of the Q29 bus route, the MTA proposes that bus riders mix and match four different bus routes, including a new one, the Q80, to get to their destinations (p. 50, p. 130, p. 300). The new Q80 is a 3.4 mile spur that allows Glendale/Middle Village bus riders to travel to and from the M and R local subway stop at Grand Avenue and Queens Boulevard (p. 300). The MTA plan does not explain why adding a bus service to the M and R train requires eliminating the Q 29 bus service to and from the 7 line in Jackson Heights. Customers seek a both/and solution retention of the existing Q29 bus route and the additional bus services the MTA has proposed for the Grand Avenue and Queens Boulevard local subway stop.
Q47 - The MTA carves out a core part of the Q47 cross-town bus route that runs through Maspeth and connects Glendale/Middle Village bus riders with Woodside, the Roosevelt Avenue Bus and Subway Hub in Jackson Heights, Monsignor Clancy Memorial High School, Lexington School for the Deaf, and LaGuardia Airport in East Elmhurst. Customers agree with the MTA that service along a very short part of the Q47 bus route a total of three bus stops on Calamus Avenue in Maspeth --- should be discontinued (p. 220). However, this problem can be remedied by removing the three bus stops from the Q47 route and allowing the bus to proceed on Grand Avenue, the main business thoroughfare in Maspeth. At the intersection of 69 Street and Grand Avenue, the Q47 can turn right onto 69 Street and proceed on its original route. The Q47 bus route also includes one left turn at the corner of 80 Street and Grand Avenue. However, there is no oncoming traffic at that corner and there is no basis for the MTA to bring an end to cross-town service Q47 based on its adoption of the UPS left turn policy.
Glendale/Middle Village bus riders have relied on the Q47 bus route for decades. Many of us bought homes in the area and decided where to send our children to school based on proximity to the Q47 bus route. It is our only cross-town connection to priority destinations in Maspeth, Woodside, Jackson Heights and East Elmhurst. Again we ask why must additional bus services proposed at one end of our community come at the expense of deleting a long established direct cross-town connections? Again, customers ask for a both/and solution -- retention of the existing Q47 bus route and the additional bus services the MTA has proposed for the Middle Village local subway stop on Metropolitan Avenue. .
On the eve of implementation of congestion pricing and a hoped for post-pandemic recovery, expanding the infrastructure for express bus services is paramount. The 2022 Draft Plan does the opposite. It projects the loss of two express bus lines in our community: the QM 10/40 and the BM 5 (p. 47). Moreover,
6/15/2022, 6:23 AM — adding copy of letter to Chairman on same issues/concerns -- for public record; no additional response required
6/15/2022, 6:44 AM — Please do not end the QM10 bus route. Many riders that live in the Lefrak City area use it to commute to and from work. The ridership has only increased and it is a vitally important transportation vehicle for of us who do not want to ride the subway trains. Please do not end the QM10 bus route.
6/15/2022, 9:21 AM — Can you create a better connection between the Q50, SBS Q44, and Bx5? Adding a Bx5 bus stop near the Home Depot on Bruckner Blvd close to the SBS Q44 stop would make for a more direct transfer.
6/16/2022, 8:04 AM — Here are some more comments:
Routes Q17, Q26 and Q27 should be based at Casey Stengel Depot.
Routes Q32 and Q50 should be based at LaGuardia Depot.
Route Q83 should be based at Jamaica Depot.
Route Q51 should be based at Queens Village depot.
Route Q52 AND should be extended to Far Rockaway
Route Q53 AND should be extended to Jacob Ri is Ok
Combine Q10 with Q72
6/16/2022, 7:19 PM — I want to discuss about q77 proposal. It looks as if it is to terminate at around merrick blvd. Why not the southbound make a left turn on 130 ave and run along 130 ave to hook creek and right turn on hook creek blvd and right turn on merrick blvd terminating on merrick...return trip continue on merrick right turn on brookville blvd left turn on 130 ave the right turn on Springfield blvd and regular...this can be a great thing because service is very limited in this area and it will make it feel a little more connected
6/16/2022, 7:19 PM — I want to discuss about q77 proposal. It looks as if it is to terminate at around merrick blvd. Why not the southbound make a left turn on 130 ave and run along 130 ave to hook creek and right turn on hook creek blvd and right turn on merrick blvd terminating on merrick...return trip continue on merrick right turn on brookville blvd left turn on 130 ave the right turn on Springfield blvd and regular...this can be a great thing because service is very limited in this area and it will make it feel a little more connected
6/17/2022, 1:02 AM — Please leave the Q53 terminal in Woodside. I love taking a one ride to the beach during the summer. Even if only some buses start there it would make such a difference than having to take another bus or subway to get to Jackson Heights to get this bus.
6/18/2022, 2:33 AM — Please don’t change the q101 form Steinway street manhattan. It’s would be a burden to the seniors and disability who can’t use the Steinway street subway station due to it is not a ADA accessible station it would be a burden to them by handing to pay twice just to transfer to m15 bus because they only would get one transfer to q60 or q32 bus witch ever get their first . Why not just add it theQ68 bus to increase service to Astoria .
6/18/2022, 11:34 PM — Don't understand running the Q105 on 31st street with nearly the same stops as the N/W subway line. Why would you take an express option away on 21st street that doesn't turn up to Queens plaza South. 31st street under the train for another bus does not seem logical. I was born and raised in Astoria and this is disheartening for those of us who live closer to 21st street and now have to walk up to 31st to get to Queens plaza without connecting. Awful choice. Also, eliminating the M60 bus? not sure if this is the case but again another awful choice for those of us that go into certain parts of Manhattan
6/19/2022, 11:46 PM — We use Q25 bus for local transportation. The new plan use Q17 to replace Q25 between College Point and Flushing main street. It removes many local stops in the name of improve efficiency. It does not concern if one want to get those location especially for senior citizen. It is a plan design reach subway station and totally forget about local transportation issues. I think this is the design issue from somebody never took the bus before. Please correct this problem.
6/20/2022, 9:03 AM — Base routes Q32 and Q50 at LaGuardia Depot.
Modify Q73 by operating along 73 Avenue between Springfield Boulevard and 164 Street, then go onto Jewel Avenue and absorb route Q64.
Combine Q10 and Q72 to a JFK-LGA route.
Route Q76 Jamaica bound should continue along Hillside Avenue then turn left on Parsons Boulevard and absorb the Q115 route.
Combine Q20 with Q111.
Redesignate Q82 as Q79 to avoid confusion with the existing Q2 at Belmont Park.
Redesigned the three digit routes:
Q104 to become Q36
Q105 to become Q15
Q109 to become Q64
Q111 combine with Q20
Q114 to become Q74
Q115 combine with Q76
That's All For Now!
6/20/2022, 11:34 AM — I think that for the most part, the second draft is better for us residents in Queens Village than the first one and it addressed some of the issues brought up from the first time. My concerns, along with my neighbors, now involve the existing Q1, Q27, and Q88 routes along Springfield Blvd. More specifically:
1) With this proposed removal of the Q1 along Springfield Blvd, this would creates a two-fare zone for those unable to make a lengthy walk to nearby bus lines and need to get to the subway station. This is rather unfair as we are already far from the city and there are no subways in eastern Queens past Jamaica so should be addressed.
2) The proposed frequencies along the Q73 line are rather weak and would not adequately serve school-day demands that the current Q27 does. This can be alleviated by rerouting the Q26 as in the first draft on the QT31 where it took the Horace Harding Expwy between Hollis Court Blvd and Springfield Blvd, instead of using 73rd Av.
3) The existing Q88 route allows eastern Queens riders along 73rd Av in Fresh Meadows, Windsor Oaks, Oakland Gardens and those along Springfield Blvd in Queens Village to get to western Queens areas like Elmhurst and Corona with just one bus. This is important for us to get to the shopping centers at Queens Center Mall and 188th St, the numerous schools along the expressway, and the many homecare workers seeking Corona and Elmhurst for their patients. Some of us use the Q88 first to connect with other buses as well. The line was also growing in ridership prior to the pandemic. With the proposed change in the second draft, there would be an additional transfer to be made for all riders and some of us would be charged again since we would be taking three buses in the plan instead of two buses. We would like to see the Q88 route left alone and improved upon with additional service as it starts too late (8am, 9am) on weekends.
6/20/2022, 8:07 PM — Elderly and handicapped people take the Q38 to Metropolitan Ave Station because it is ground level. If you change the bus routes so that they have to take the Q14 to Fresh Pond Road, how will they get around?
It's hard enough traveling around via above-ground public transportation during the winter and these changes will make everything more difficult.
6/21/2022, 2:49 AM — What BUS ROUTE will serve LINDENWOOD - Q41 ROUTE/Q21ROUTE?
6/21/2022, 3:58 AM — Regarding the service changes on 20th Avenue in college point. I don’t mind only the Q76 will operate but I wish you could extend the time of service to midnight. Partially thru flushing. 10pm is too early for those who rely on shopping for groceries at shop rite and BJ’s wholesale. Please consider some type of arrangement to extend bus service to midnight.
6/21/2022, 7:42 AM — Your plan is a horror show! Service to this area of Queens is unreliable and sporadic at best but your plan intends to reduce this service even further...and your public meetings are a sham at best. The public really has no say in the matter (although the MTA will argue otherwise) but for my money, your plan SUCKS! For once, just do the right thing for the customer...
6/21/2022, 6:59 PM — Hi when is the new draft planning starting in live in fich workrockaway 113-114 horrible buses
6/21/2022, 8:11 PM — I reviewed the bus redesign routes for both regular and express and found too much changes all at once. Feeling that whoever designed the changes did not know anything about the neighborhood and the traffic patterns and the congestion of those routes. Such extensive changes did not consider the confusion will cause to the rider of all ages. Once again, I see the agency lack of knowledge abt the community is making the decisions. Should definitely have extensive reviews and visits the routes (not drive by) on multiple times of days and ask the ACTUAL riders before claiming any knowledge and how the new route will benefits the riders.
6/22/2022, 4:12 AM — I am opposed to the proposal for a redesigned Queens bus system. The current proposal would limit my options in commuting between my home, on the border of East Elmhurst and Astoria, and my job in Manhattan. At this time, I have access to three bus routes, including one Limited bus option that is much swifter than the average bus. With this new plan I will only have access to two bus routes, neither of them a quick travel option. I will lose access to the bus route that operates on Steinway Street, which is a major thoroughfare in my area and the location of my doctor's office and preferred pharmacy. This redesign is more concerned with connecting Queens to other boroughs, but in my experience I find that buses that go across boroughs are often slower and have longer wait times than buses that remain more local. If I want to cross boroughs, I can take the subway; what is important to me is the access to subway stations and local areas of significance.
6/22/2022, 7:48 AM — Please extend the proposed Q48 route past 260 Street-Little Neck Parkway to North Shore Towers and operate 7 days a week.
Combine Q61 and Q78 to provide a subway connection at Main Street.
Please combine Q76 and Q115.